#admin Hin's wip
thelaughingstag · 3 years
In honor of 50+ followers I shall humbly introduce my own wip despite all of my braincells telling me, as a barkeep, I should let others have the spotlight (but we haven't had a ton of submissions so if you want a doodle, go on and submit!) Link for celebration event post
Similar to @talesfromaurea I am recounting the story of a 5 year Dungeons and Dragons campaign. Called the Sagas of Stawold, the campaign starts with small fetch quests and soon grows into apocalyptic threats, fights with Gods, and travel throughout the multiverse.
The main reason I wanted to tell the story is because my lovely little Sadie "Blaze" McRimmik is pretty much the center of it all. She's a halfing bard of lore who plays the dulcimer and also dances with fire. Fire becomes an integral part of her character and represents her volatile, spicy personality.
One of the most special things about Sadie is that she was one of the original cast of characters and is the only character who stayed throughout the campaign. All other players either left or switched characters at least once. But Sadie was even too stubborn to die. Following the official conclusion of the tabletop game, I still continued message RP with my DM so up until October 2020 the story was continuing. We are on an extended hiatus currently but I'm making up for it by telling my story here on Tumblr! I'll link a few posts that I think are good at the bottom. I hadn't actually written a story for fun in years so the posts start off not great but get progressively better. Seeing the progression over just a month is really cool for me.
I'm not really good at summarizing such a long story sooo... here is my doodle description of Miss Sadie!
She is technically only 3'1" tall but she's a curvy 50 pounds. In this setting, halflings have the proportions of normal people just miniature. Sadie also does not have big feet and she wears shoes (she's a lightfoot halfling, the stout halflings have large feet). Over all, her appearance is bright and her smile can light up a room. She is almost always finding something to laugh at, her round face and beautiful brown round eyes so expressive. She has a cute little nose that turns up just slightly and lovely full lips. Despite being very cute, she is also beautiful and elegant, just not the "typical" elegant people think (like high cheekbones or thin faces not that there's anything wrong with those I just used this to make me proud of my round face!). Her hair is very bushy and curly kind of like the description of Hermione's. It comes down to about mid back. All in all she is quite the middle-aged beauty and she knows it!
This is Sadie being a child and basically outlines the party dynamics relatively well (post 11)
Here's a link to how Sadie died the first time. There's some graphic descriptions of burns (post 21)
Here's some interesting character interactions post Sadie's death (post 24)
Honestly I think this is my favorite post I have written where they are trying to get Sadie resurrected (post 26)
This is some K'lai'a'la fluff and girl time (post 29)
This is close second for my favorite post (post 30). I did a lot in this post and I'm very proud of it. Especially compared to post 1.
WIP Intro/Navigation post
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thelaughingstag · 3 years
50 Follower Celebration Event
Hey everyone!  To celebrate The Laughing Stag getting 50 followers, I thought it would be fun to hold a little event to get to know the people here and hopefully find more writeblrs to connect with.  And as an added bonus and because I’m a beginner artist who needs practice, I’m offering to doodle an OC of your choice!  To participate:
Follow The Laughing Stag.  If you're reading this, you probably already are :)
Send in a submission to The Laughing Stag.  Introduce yourself, plug your WIP, include links to your work!  If you’d like to be entered to receive a doodle, please also include a physical description of the character (words, picrews, whatever you have!) and a little bit on their personality.  Use read mores for this if you want to.
Interact with other people’s submissions, find new people to follow, and have fun!
Here’s an example of the kind of doodle I can offer.  Depending on volume, I can’t promise to get to everyone’s requests and it may take a bit of time but I will do my best.  Doodles will be sent via a reblog of your submission post.  The event is also open to our lovely bartender, of course.
Happy 50 followers!
Slight Admin Hin Edit (because Hin does not truly know how submission works or how obvious it is who submitted this): @talesfromaurea is the wonderfully generous and talented artist offering the doodles! I will just be fielding the submissions and interacting as much as possible <3
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thelaughingstag · 3 years
Hello lovely talented writers and creators!
Just a little note from Admin Hin: I will never ever ever ignore anyone on purpose. I'm still getting used to this (unnecessarily complicated and disorganized) website. Slowly I'm getting the hang of it but please, if you don't see your wip and you tagged me please feel free to ask. Just remember I do have a queue so give it a few days but you're welcome to ask. I'm a human and I miss stuff! But please keep tagging me! I am now your best friend not freaking joking rave to me about your wips! Lets talk about it! Get a little tipsy and go off to your friendly neighborhood barkeep!
P.S. I'm going to try to run the queue dry for a little because I'm having issues getting it to post between the hours of 7pm and 7am EST. I can't freaking get it to post between those times and that's leaving out so many people gah! But I'll schedule posts if I have to! Anything for you, my cute little writeblrs!
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