#admin tiramisu
musette22 · 2 years
Just a quick note to say that I hope everyone is having a wonderful and/or peaceful Christmas Eve or Hanukkah, or just a great Saturday night 💖🥰
I have some messages sitting in my inbox that I really want to reply to, and I know I haven't checked in with a few of you lately, and I don't wike it. I miss you guys and I feel like I'm being a bad friend, I'm sorry 😩
I've just been hella busy lately (what even is life rn), and today is no different, and neither will tomorrow or the day after tomorrow be tbh. I will reply/catch up with folks as soon as I can (although I'm sure most of you will be busy and/or absent over Christmas too!) and in the meantime, I truly hope everyone is keeping warm and cozy and hydrated! 🥰 Love you all so much, my lovelies 💞🎄✨🕎
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fazcinatingblog · 21 days
My actual conversation: so my Nana picked Collingwood when she was a kid, I'm not sure why, I mean Sophia picked Collingwood because she was born in Collingwood and I think grew up that way and then she stayed with Collingwood her whole life even though her brother always switched teams---- wait oh no why am I talking about Sophia's life, this is meant to be about my Nana and
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dutaachocomint · 1 year
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BERNUTRISI!, WA 0813-5812-3335, Jual chocolate mint tiramisu
Cokelat dan mint sekilas memang terdengar seperti paduan yang kurang lazim. Tapi percaya deh, kedua rasa ini membuat satu rasa baru yang manis, lezat, dan menyegarkan. Buktinya, cokelat mint sudah banyak digunakan sebagai berbagai produk. Contohnya, kopi, permen, minuman cokelat,
Bisa langsung hubungi nomor admin yaa 0813-5812-3335
Nb: komposisi komplit
Bisa langsung hubungi no admin nya yaa…
📲 0813-5812-3335 https://wa.me/6281358123335
Link pembelian : https://shp.ee/hhmgcek
Dan bisa langsung ke lokasi kami di : Jl. Phospat no 31, Pandean 2 , Purwantoro, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia https://g.page/griya-mint-malang?gm
Terimakasih dan happy shooping…
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grendels-mother · 2 years
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made it to winter break in one piece time 2 eat tiramisu in the bath with my cat (real)
wore my pjs to school, played dixit with my nerd kids all day long, + dared admin to say somethin when they stopped by with ~teacher christmas coffee~ (they expect us to teach actual lessons the day before break lmfao)
also i have cropped all faces out of this pic but i need 2 show u the flag my first block pulled out to salute when the pledge came over the intercom this morning:
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daumint · 1 year
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BERNUTRISI!, WA 0813-5812-3335, Jual chocolate mint tiramisu
Untuk menemani hari kamu, mending kamu coba minuman yang satu ini yuk.cocok banget untuk diminum pas cuaca panas atau dingin.Selain rasanya enak minuman ini juga menyehatkan bagi tubuh,sebelum kehabisan yuk buruan order
Bisa langsung hubungi nomor admin yaa 0813-5812-3335
Nb: komposisi komplit
Bisa langsung hubungi no admin nya yaa…
📲 0813-5812-3335 https://wa.me/6281358123335
Link pembelian : https://shp.ee/hhmgcek
Dan bisa langsung ke lokasi kami di : Jl. Phospat no 31, Pandean 2 , Purwantoro, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia https://g.page/griya-mint-malang?gm
Terimakasih dan happy shooping…
Teh #tea #tehherbal #tehhijau #tehindonesia #tehdiet #greentea #teatime #herbal #tealovers
Bisa langsung hubungi nomor admin yaa 0813-5812-3335
Nb: komposisi komplit
Bisa langsung hubungi no admin nya yaa…
📲 0813-5812-3335 https://wa.me/6281358123335
Link pembelian : https://shp.ee/hhmgcek
Dan bisa langsung ke lokasi kami di : Jl. Phospat no 31, Pandean 2 , Purwantoro, Blimbing, Malang, Jawa Timur, Indonesia https://g.page/griya-mint-malang?gm
Terimakasih dan happy shooping…
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aquakrp · 1 year
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the accepted muses have 48 hours to add the following accounts : admin and activity check. message us if you have any requests or issues.
ㅡ (g)i-dle’s yeh shuhua    ╱  tiramisu
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schrostormchild · 2 years
Random Things About Schro, Part 1
(Admin here. Decided to put together a quick little list of Schro Facts for those who are new to Schro's backstory)
Schro is not human. That she knows for sure. She has enough human and half-human friends to tell that she's not quite like them, even if her body seems human.
And in that vein, Schro doesn't understand human pronouns, especially when you start comparing languages.
If you really had to label Schro, they would be genderfluid gray-asexual (she/they pronouns).
Schro is an amnesiac. She doesn't know who (or what) she was before waking up in the Void, but every now and then, she sees flashes of what seem to be memories in her dreams.
One of those dreams involved the words "storm child." She's since taken it on as a surname whenever required. It's not her real name, but she knows it refers to her...somehow.
Her hair is...weird. Sometimes it seems like normal human hair, sometimes it's a cloud of mist (especially when they're back in the Void).
Schro developed a sweet tooth after their human friends introduced them to the concept of dessert. She likes fluffy and creamy desserts best (like tiramisu).
The very first "void portal" Schro made landed her in a cardboard box somewhere in the human world. The portal closed right behind her, and had taken so much of her strength that she could barely remain corporeal. As a disguise, they took on the first non-threatening form they could muster the strength for: a black and white kitten. She was later discovered by a witch with a red hat, who would become one of her first (and dearest) human friends.
The Witch is the one who named Schro. It took some explaining, once Schro was able to ask what it meant, but it certainly makes for a good conversation starter.
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Hayo siapa nih yang belum tahu caranya buat minuman kekinian yang bakalan bikin customer nagih ke jualan kalian
Aku punya tipsnya nih agar jualan kalian banyak yang beli
1.    Banyakin varian rasa di juaan kalian
2.    Bikin racikan sendiri yang pada umumnya disukai semua orang mulai dari kecil, dewasa, sampai tua
 Nah disini kita banyak banget menyediakan varian rasayang sangat menarik loh kalian yang kepo apa aja sih varianya bisa simak dibawah ini ya
1.    Thai tea
2.    Lemon tea
3.    Lychee tea
4.    Strawberry tea
5.    Milk tea
6.    Green tea latte
7.    Premium cheese tea
8.    Mango
9.    Melon
10. Lychee
11. Avocado
12. Strawberry
13. Banana
14. Cappuccino
15. Chococino
16. Mochaccino
17. Ginger coffe
18. Coffe caramel
19. Avocado coffe
20. Kopi gula aren
21. Dark chocolate
22. Chocolate oreo
23. Royal chocolate
24. Chocolate hazelnut
25. Chocolate malt (milo)
26. Taro
27. Vanilla
28. Tiramisu
29. Redvelvet
30. Susu gula aren
31. Salted caramel
32. Bubble gum
Nah gimana banyak banget kan varianya, jadi cocok banget nih buat menu menarik di jualan kalian, bisa juga langsung di mix ya kak, pastinya juga kalian akan dapat untung yang sangat banyak banget kak, harga ramah dikantong tetapi untuk kualitas rasa dijamin tidaklah murah
Yuk langsung aja yang mau order/Taya lebih lanjut bisa hubungi:
Wa admin: 0822-7788-3518
Lokasi: Jl. Kalimantan,No. 56,GKB,Manyar,Gresik
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intcrlude · 7 years
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mt + dark blue + birthday 
↳ second birthday board for @rinrynren! 
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musubiki · 5 years
Pokemon AUs are.... good AUs... 😭💖👌
they are so good!!!!! 😭 i deadass might make a whole au with everyone i love pkmn aus so much 😭😭💕💕
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shinwon · 7 years
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↳ 171122 ✧ Yeoone
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strawberry--bride · 2 years
Muse talking about the mun
🍪 Does the mun like sweets? 
Yes! She has a huge sweet tooth! Some of her favorite sweet treats are ice cream, tiramisu, custard tarts topped with fruit and éclairs.
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🍓 What is something you and the mun disagree on? 
Hmー Even though both Admin-san and I love fresh strawberries, she doesn't like anything strawberry-flavored like strawberry pocky or strawberry ice cream. She says it tastes yucky and artificial, but I have to disagree. All strawberries snacks are delicious in my book!
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herzlak · 3 years
Team Münster headcanons #1
Mirko hat ne Spotify playlist für wirklich jeden Anlass
Thiel hat in seiner Jugend einmal geraucht, fands aber so ekelhaft, dass ers gelassen hat
Niemand will Alberich jemals wütend erleben... wirklich niemand
Die Kaffeemaschine im Institut hat schon seit 'nem Jahr den Geist aufgegeben und seitdem versucht Boerne jedes Mal auf lächerlichste Weise das Ding wieder zum Laufen zu kriegen
Mirko lebt mega gesund mit Salat und so
Bei Vaddern und Klemm läuft was... Keiner weiß so genau, was... Aber irgendwas Richtung Freundschaft Plus
Die Klemm ist neuerdings auch öfter mal mega relaxed und riecht so komisch nach Kräutern
Thiel rennt mindestens einmal pro Woche in aller Demut zu Boerne, um irgendwas zum kochen zu schnorren
Mirko und Thiel sind Grillprofis, die habens einfach drauf!
Wenn Boerne und Alberich langweilig ist, machen sie irgendwelche seltsam-süßen Selfies zusammen
Es gibt auch ein Selfie von Thiel, Mirko und der Klemm irgendwo
Boerne hat ne Chef Tasse, aber die klaut Alberich immer
Und er lässt sie
Boerne hat einen von Alberichs Haargummis in seiner Kitteltasche, warum auch immer
Thiel und Alberich sind beide die Typen von Menschen, die Mirko und Boerne irgendwelche random Fotos zeigen
Bei Alberichs sinds so Fotos von der Nachbarskatze, die immer bei ihr einbricht, oder von einem Zeitungsartikel, den sie Boerne noch zeigen wollte
Thiel mehr so Richtung irgendwas, was er auch Facebook gesehen hat - BBQ bis Memes, alles dabei
Ja, Thiel hat definitiv Facebook, ich hab das doch gesehen auf seinem Display
Die haben auch eine WhatsApp Gruppe, aber da sind nur die Ladies und Mirko Admin und irgendwie schreibt kaum jemand was rein
Nur mal so random Fotos von Boerne, der besoffen unterm Tisch liegt zweimal im Jahr
Mirko kocht besser als Boerne, sorry not sorry
Alberich trinkt Tee im Winter
Zur Weihnachtszeit haut Vaddern Zimt in seine... ähm Kräutermischung
Boerne kann ums Verrecken nicht backen
Mirko ist immer am schnellsten von allen besoffen
Nadeshda hatte definitiv Tinder
In der Mittagspause hat sie mit Thiel immer durchgewischt und die beiden hatten einen Mordsspaß dran die bescheuerten Profile anzuschauen
Mirko hat den besten Musikgeschmack von allen
Übrigens ist Mirko ein Frustesser, meistens Schokolade oder Chips
Alberichs Hintergrundbild ist immer noch Wotan und das wird sich auch nicht mehr ändern
Ihr Profilbild ist ein Foto von ihr und Boerne
Mirko hat übertrieben viele Zimmerpflanzen
Thiels Kaktus ist leider verreckt
Nadeshdas Tom Kha Gai Suppen Obsession ist nicht mehr normal
Mit thailändischem und chinesischem Essen hat sies generell, die Nadeshda, je schärfer desto besser
Mirko, Thiel, Alberich und Boerne sind richtig Tiramisu süchtig - am besten noch Erdbeertiramisu
Man sollte Mirko und Alberich niemals mit einer Flasche Rum alleine lassen, die stürzen sonst noch die Regierung
Boerne hat per Briefwahl FDP gewählt, tut mir leid, Freunde
Vaddern geht nicht wählen, der geht nur mit seiner selbstgegründeten Partei protestieren
Mirko wählt Grün
Alberich und Boerne werfen sich immer noch gegenseitig mit Plastikhandschuhen ab, aus der Phase wachsen die nie raus
Thiel hat nie auch nur einen Kugelschreiber in seinem Leben selbst gekauft - alles Werbegeschenke oder welche aus dem Präsidium
Boerne hat ne Stelle an Thomsens Institut angeboten gekriegt, aber abgelehnt
Gesagt hat er das keinem, Alberich und Thiel wissens aber trotzdem
Thiel und Boerne haben sich mal selber ihr eigenes Weihnachtslied zusammengedichtet
Boerne wurde lebenslänglich aus der Kantine verbannt
Vaddern wird nie in Rente gehen, der stirbt mit nem Joint im Mundwinkel in seinem Taxi
Thiel gönnt sich am Weihnachtsmarkt immer diese XXL Bratwurst
Boerne und Alberich haben jegliche Grenzen was das Trinken aus des jeweils anderen Kaffeetasse angeht, hinter sich gelassen
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choisgirls · 7 years
Tiramusu tastes /great/ I 10/10 recommend it 👌
/i need me some tiramisu now/ ~Admin 404
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(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Matchup ♥
Hi!! First of all I’d like to congratulate you guys on your 1000+ followers!! It’s a massive milestone and I’m so happy and proud of you guys for it!! Admittedly I’ve only just found your blog but after hours of scrolling through it I can honestly say that I truly admire the work you put into every one of your requests and fics!! You guys deserve this a lot xx
I’d like to request a match-up for Haikyuu (all male characters) if you guys don’t mind!! Also hopefully the description isn’t too long!! :’)
I’m a 20-year-old Leo girl who’s studying Biomedical Engineering and Arts (with an English major!!) in Sydney. I used to be a guitarist in a high school band and am in general more of an independent individual than a leader/follower.
Physically I’m short with a generally small frame, and have naturally curly hair (though I’ve straightened the top half now!!) dyed a dark rose-pink/brownish color with loose eyebrow-length side bangs on either side curling outwards!! I tend to have softer features and my eyes are on the smaller side HAHHAHAH. My wardrobe basically consists of black, white, brown and beige with lots of jeans, boots and belts and almost no dresses ahahahah. (tbh my icon is me so yall can reference that but I usually have my hair let down ahahahh)
I’m a shy person but some of my friends say I exude a quiet confidence HAHAHHAH. Other ways my friends/family have described me include: smart, kind, awkward, cute, determined, hardworking, creative and being a happy virus. I generally do well in my studies and am particularly good in Physics and English! I do have my flaws tho, I can be too playful at times to the point where it accidentally gets someone hurt, I’m usually running late, I have terrible mood swings and I can be selfish or a little too competitive at times (especially towards my younger siblings unfortunately). Also I’m basically the most indecisive person ever!!
I love writing but I have a problem with not knowing when to stop and hence tend to go beyond word limits. I write well in both creative and academic writing though! I also love spending time with my dogs, napping/playing with them etc. I tend to work out quite a lot and I particularly love cycling! I love being up early and generally don’t mind waking up early but I like my mornings quiet and calm as I enjoy my breakfast hahahhah! But I also tend to stay up till very late at night so I truly am lacking a lot of sleep. I tend to spend a lot of time in my room and I like it that way but I love fun social events like parties and weddings (I’m not sure why??). I love cartoons/animated films a lot idk why but they give me a sense of relief from all my stress and they just make me feel good after watching them?? I also love creating random customized stuff like designing a birthday cake for my brother or creating a specialty dish for Mother’s Day- things like that. Things I don’t like include: loud noises, inconsiderate people, snails, being looked down upon, judgemental and close-minded people, presentations in front of large crowds and chocolate (sorry!!).
Some aesthetics of mine include: the colors of fall, comfy knitted sweaters, the smell of freshly brewed coffee and freshly baked bread, apple-scented objects, the fresh air on the top of a hill at the end of a hike, the wind in your face as you cycle down a hill, receiving or giving a customized gift, glass/transparency, deep ideas, hugging a dog (most furry animals), being in the middle of a bustling city, the sound of rain in the middle of the night, the serenity at dawn, wrapped up in your blanket watching your favorite tv show at night, getting work done at a cafe, the satisfaction having completed all your responsibilities, the way cereal and biscuits melt in your mouth after being soaked in milk for some time, hugs, doves being the symbol of peace and freedom, nyc apartments and theme parks.
My favorite food include pumpkins, Marie biscuits, cereal, artisan bread, almond milk, eggs with runny yolks, tomatoes, brocolli, mushrooms, bibimbap, sashimi salads, deli sandwiches, bruschetta, prawn dumplings, tiramisu, tangerines and flat rice noodle soups. My favorite books include Looking For Alaska by John Green and the Fire and Flood series by Victoria Scott. My favorite movies are Pitch Perfect (1&2 were good but 3 was kinda disappointing), The Devil Wears Prada, Wreck-It-Ralph, Inception, Enchanted, Kiki’s Delivery Service, the new Jumanji movies and Little Women. My favorite artists are One Direction and the kpop group Pentagon, which are basically the only two fandoms I’m apart of (if you don’t consider the 1D boys having 5 separate fandoms) and fandom life is a big part of who I am hahhahah. Oh! The Marvel fandom too as I absolutely adore Tony Stark and hence RDJ hahahah! My favorite TV Show is Friends (cliche I know) but also some animated series ahahhahh.
Have an amazing day!! xx
Hello @ehlipses​ and thank you so much! I am so so so happy you like our work, it means a lot to us! And I sincerely hope you enjoy the boy I paired you up with!
>Admin 𝕋
𝐼 𝓈𝒽𝒾𝓅 𝓎𝑜𝓊 𝓌𝒾𝓉𝒽...
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Okay so, I feel as though Semi would be perfect for you! Admittedly when I saw that you played guitar in high school, I immediately knew that Semi would be very attracted to that, thinking he and you could definitely bond with music, and playing instruments. It would such a cute sight to behold! But on another not, he will be incredibly impressed that you are studying engineering, along with and English major! I see Semi as one who will be attracted to someone who is smart and independent, someone who can take care of themselves, and is more of a leader than a follower, yet would rather be an individual and not deal with labels. And you fit the bill to a T!
For appearance, I feel as though Semi would absolutely love you rhair! Like it won’t show in his face, but he would stare at it and just think that he wants to touch, to run his fingers through it, like all the time. It would become some sort of relaxation thing for him, especially before games to play with your hair! It would so freaking cute! And along with the style and the color of it? Yeah this boy would just love it; it would make him want to dye his own hair to make it cool like yours! Semi would love this soft look you have going on, and don’t think bad about your small eyes; Semi will think that just adds to your unique features, makes you different from the rest of the people he has met and known. It is what makes you, you and he will love it very much! And has for your style, he would be very appreciative of it, only because it is so cohesive! I feel as though Semi is a great sense of style and could see someone who also has a good sense of style and really appreciate it, and if you were the one with it? Well, that would just further his infatuation with you!
Semi will love how the things you love mostly line up with his! He loves writing music and he loves that you write as well, in the other sense! Semi would have this idea of where he writes a piece of music, and then he will ask you to write a story based around the music he produced! It would be such a cute thing between the two of you! Semi also likes to workout and would love to exercise with you, and have you show him how to cycle properly! He thinks it would be a great way to get closer to you, and just see how much cuter you could get to him! He will understand the feel of waking up early for some quiet time, though I see Semi as more of a person that would sleep in, he would enjoy your routine while he sleeps lolol. Your ambivert attitude would really intrigue Semi, how you can just spend endless hours in your room to going to social events and not have your energy drained would amaze him, seeing as I think Semi would tend to stay away from big crowds. He would be drawn to that brightness you have! Semi will like how crafty you are with your hands, going from baking a cake for your mom, to creating cuisines for special events. He will think those are great characteristics for someone, and would be glad to it is you that has it! 
Semi also doesn’t like inconsiderate people, or judgemental and close minded people, so if you don’t like them and he doesn’t like them, it would be something you two can definitely bond on! I don’t see Semi being afraid of snails, but I see him thinking that it is extremely cute that you are afraid of them! He might tease you with one so be careful!
As for your aesthetics, I feel as though Semi will like all of them! Not necessarily because he likes all of them, but because all of them would remind him of you. From comfy knitted sweaters to the New York vibes, he would these things, feel these things, taste these things, and will automatically think about you. He won’t be able get you out of his head! And he would be okay with that, because that’s what he wants, to know you, think about you, love you, and be with you. Along with all the food you like to the fandoms you are in, he would be very supportive in what you like, in what you are interested in because all he is interested in is to see you happy with whatever you love, with whatever makes you interested in life, what makes you happy. And he would help in anyway he can, to make you just as happy!
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catalinaroleplay · 5 years
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The opulence of the ballroom is staggering as you slowly make your way through emerald curtains. Gold drips and glitters from every surface, save the gleaming marble floors. Rich fabrics–brocades, silks, velvets–hung from the walls as well as the guests. To an observer, you are no more than a part of a moving mass in a sea of beautiful bodies. The mood of the individuals around you indistinguishable in unseen currents beneath the dark surface of their intricate masks. Conversations swirl in a cacophony of sounds. Laughter and lively chatter freely mingling in the air along with the harmonious melodies of the cover band. Beneath dry ice smoke spirals in an array of reds, purples, and greens.
You’re unable to spot the dance floor due to the sheer amount of Catalina Islanders dancing to upbeat music. 
One would assume there was hardly room for any more yet you manage to find some as you approach the gathering of both familiar and unfamiliar faces. You laugh, the sound barely heard over the noise, as one of them playfully spins you into the arms of another. It wasn’t long until more people begin to join you. Like kids left unsupervised on a playground all the patrons around you are free and inhibited. Amongst these people one finds themselves given complete permission to feel elation, to feel the sort of bond that is usually denied in the coldness found in bigger towns and more infamous cities. In this room, no one is a stranger and everyone’s invited to experience joy as one to celebrate the island they all called home. 
In Character Information:
Date: Saturday ─ January 25th, 2020. 
Time: All attendees must arrive by 8PM and are allowed to leave the Ball at 2AM. 
Location: Catalina Casino Founder’s Ballroom which is located on the 2nd floor of the venue.
Invites: All invitee’s received a gold, emerald green sealed invitation on Saturday, January 18th, in their mailbox, welcoming them to an exclusive celebration for Catalina’s Founders Day Masquerade Ball. Upon your arrival, you must bring your invitation to get access to the festivities behind the emerald green curtained doors. You will be expected to leave your cell phone at the front door, which will be returned back to you upon your departure. The hosts of the Founders Ball would like to keep their future plans for the town a secret, allowing these to select invitees a preview beforehand. 
Theme: Founders Day Masquerade Ball ─ Colors scheme will be Red, Green, Gold, and Purple. 
Dress Code: Creative Black Tie. Ladies must wear Floor-length evening gowns. Men must wear a tuxedo. The color scheme is Red, Green, Gold, and Purple. A MASK is required and apart of the theme. Please incorporate these colors into your outfits for the evening. 
Live Performance: Versatile Latin cover band, Caribbean Dynamics Band (Dinámicos Del Caribe), will be providing entertainment for the evening. Song suggestions are recommended and highly encouraged. So bring an extra pair of dancing shoes if you’re worried about your feet hurting!
Dance Performance: Early arrivals will be treated with a performance by Latin Dance Pro Entertainment, a highly sought after group of dancers from Los Angeles personally booked by founding family members Santiago Cabrillo & Bianca Viscainos, who will be performing the Flamenco and the Bachata for guests shortly before dinner is served.
Dinner: A traditional Spanish cuisine of ─ Gazpacho, Gambas al ajillo, Croquetas Tortilla Española, Jamón, Paella, and Albondigas will appear on every table precisely on 9:00PM. All of these food items are brought to you exclusively by Bistro at Atwater, one of the Founder’s Family beloved and trusted restaurants. If any food options are off-limits due to allergies, being vegan or vegetarian, please give hosts a heads up to prepare an exclusive dish for you. We want everyone to enjoy themselves.
Desserts: Do you have a sweet tooth? Luckily, we have that taken care of you. You can expect Flan, Churros, Tres Leches Cake, Crema Catalana (Spanish Crème brulée), Tarta de Manzana Casera (Apple Tart), Goxua (Spanish Tiramisu), Bunuelos de Viento (Fritters), and Mantecados (anise-scented drop cookies).
Drinks: Courtesy of Le Rouge in Ventura, the staff of bartenders will be at your beckoning call and with an exclusive, personalized menu of drinks will be showcased on the bar and every table. Bartenders can make ALCOHOLIC and NON-ALCOHOLIC options of these drinks. Please specify to your serving staff on their roundabouts to your table. 
Activities: Due to the lack of cell phones for this event, if you would like your pictures to be taken, photographers and photo-booths ─ three in total ─ will be scattered around the ballroom so you, your partner, or your friends can snap pictures together for memory sake! Let’s be real, you don’t want to forget anything that happens tonight.
Out of Character Information:
The time is finally here….. our first event for Catalina. It’s been a long time coming but we finally made it happen. The group has been open for over a month and a few days, give or take, we thank everyone for being kind and patiently waiting for us to the ball rolling. It had been a chaotic couple of weeks in the beginning, but things are starting to look bright as we all indulge in this group journey together. More will be coming your way, and that’s a definite promise. You can take my words, Admin Steph, to heart if I ever break my promise. Calling myself out in writing this OOC portion.. you bet! While I want to keep this message short and straight to the point, there’s a lot of detail provided in this event for all of you to read over. So I remind you all to read carefully, send us any messages if you have any concerns and worries ─  because we are here to assist you all! 
Have fun with this event! I love events because it gives me the ability to get out of my comfort zone, in a different element, and interact with other muses on the dashboard that we haven’t before. I will say... carefully watch out for more information coming forward with the event because we are going over the top with Catalina’s first event to hit it off with a BOOM. Enough of the rambling, let’s get on with the other important information as well. Please take the time to read thoroughly through the information provided below: 
Beginning Date: Saturday, January 25th ─ 12PM CST / 1PM EST / 6PM GMT. 
Ending Date: Saturday, February 1st ─ 5PM CST / 6PM EST / 11PM GMT.
Event Threads: Sunday, February 2nd ─ 5PM / 6PM EST / 11PM GMT. Have all event threads completed by this date and time.
Previous Threads: We kindly ask all non-event related threads to be wrapped up or put on hold for the event, just so everyone can focus on their event threads with no other worries. If you have previous threads that you’d like to continue after the event, please draft them before the start of the event so you don’t lose them!
Acceptances: No acceptances will be held during this event. We’ll be bypassing January 27th (Monday) and January 31st (Friday). It gives us, the admins, to enjoy the event with our members. While we’ll still be checking the main and updating the application count and answering any questions coming in, our activity may be fleeting. 
Starters: All starters must be tagged #catalina: starter and #catalina: founders day ball. Please remember, once there becomes a certain amount of event starters in the tag, you must respond to THREE STARTERS before posting your own. Group rules’ still apply during events.
Tags: Any edit, such as your character’s outfit of choice for the event can be tagged #catalina: founders day ball and #catalina: media! All edits will be reblogged on @catalinamedia. 
Lastly but most importantly: Remember to have fun! Allow yourself to have fun, reach out to other members, and allow organic connections to take over.
Once you read over everything, hit that heart to spread the love!
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