#admiral hollace kilbride
typingtess · 7 months
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“You wanted to see me, Admiral,” Sam said as he knocked on the door.
“Come in, sit down.”
Sam sat in the guest chair. “If this is about Callen and Rountree, they’re set up in San Diego, Fatima is working with the office in Camp Pendleton with Agent Flynn. He’s worked with us in the past.”
“If Callen and Rountree can’t handle a pair of Marines selling soon to be disabled grenades to a group of white separatists, then we’re all in trouble.”
“Rountree’s crash course in being a Marine went well. He should fit right in.”
“Well, I have an assignment for you,” the Admiral said, passing a file folder to Sam.
“Jane Tennant,” Sam said, looking at the file.
“She’s been through a bit of a rough patch. And I think you can help her through it but…”
“Agent Tennant was beaten and tortured.”
“I know, you sent me to Venezuela to help find her.”
“And that assignment is what you do best – rescuing a colleague. You’ve been doing that for Callen since Hetty paired you two up.”
“We make a good team.”
“This assignment is more making sure she’s ready to return.”
“I’m sure she’ll requalify and their version of Nate will keep an eye on her.”
“Their version of Nate won’t be in the field with her. Won’t have someone like Callen making sure she’s in the right state of mind.”
“And you’d like me to be there.”
“The men who held Tennant threatened her family as they tortured her. She’s got a son who is going to Annapolis and a younger daughter.”
“Sounds familiar.”
“I understand if you don’t want to go to Pearl. I can send Nate if this is too close.”
“It’s not too close. I figured out how to live through my situation, Jane needs to do the same.”
“Washington wants an outsider to take a look at Tennant. Honestly, she’s too respected and too well liked by her office. If they need to sit Agent Tennant down for a while, they may not want to do that to her.”
“And you think I’m the man for that job.”
“I think you are, Nate thinks you are, Leon Vance thinks you are.”
“When do I fly out?”
“Tomorrow, 0600 from Edwards. You stay as long as they need you.”
“You getting rid of me, sir?” Sam asked with a chuckle.
“No, I’m getting you ready to get rid of me.”
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orionares · 2 years
BTHB: Make an Example of Them
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BTHB: Make an Example of Them
NCIS: Los Angeles
A/N: This takes place during episodes 12x07 "Overdue" through 12x09 "A Fait Accompli."
December 2020- Brunswick, Georgia
“Oh, you have got to be kidding me.” 
Ex- NCIS Supervisory Special Agent and FLETC Trainer Benjamin Lowe pulls off his glasses in disbelief at the cadet file that sits at the top of the pile on his desk. He briefly rubs his eyes as he sits at the mahogany desk in his study, hoping that the name of the cadet and more importantly, that the operations manager and office of origin listed is either a mistake or his imagination. 
Applicant Office: NCIS- Southwest: Office of Special Projects, Los Angeles
Operations Manager: Admiral Hollace Kilbride/ Henrietta Lange: 
Applicant Name: Deeks, Martin Atticus 
What in the absolute hell? One of Hetty’s little pet projects got into FLETC? 
Lowe leans back in the chair and pulls the file into his lap. Henrietta Lange is a name he hasn’t heard a lot since retiring from NCIS and opting to teach at FLETC. He’s found it to be a gift, not having to deal with the woman who’d damn near got him killed in 1998 during an investigation in Djibouti and interrupted four of his investigations during the last fourteen years with her little team back in Los Angeles. 
And that  little pet project- the motor mouth had rambled incessantly during every bloody  investigation. When Lowe opens the file and sees the blue eyes, the cocky smirk and the messy blonde hair of Marty Deeks, he remembers his eye twitching during the last investigation while thinking- someone needs to chop off your damn hair.
Lowe’s eyes flicker over to the man’s age and he’s immediately tempted to break open the twenty-six year old scotch sitting in his bookshelf at the obvious gap between the cut off age and Deeks’ age.
“What kind of strings did that little psychopath pull to get you in?” Lowe mutters as he scans the recommendations from LAPD and various members of the Navy, Marines and even Interpol. “Blackmail? Money? Because my God- I’m not wasting time on-”
Reason for termination- Liaison position cut; budget cuts at LAPD
A small smile grows on Lowe’s face at the line at the bottom of the first page. “You sound like a desperate man in need of a job, Detective.” 
He flips the page and scans the first two paragraphs of the interview that had taken place a week prior. Nothing stands out at him- nothing screams out at him to give him answers to the question he needs. 
How did you get into FLETC- no, how did Henrietta get you in?
Lowe glances over to the remaining pages in the file and decides to shut the case and exhale. He replays the last time he’d crossed paths with Henrietta and her merry band of agents. 
“You screwed me, Lange. This is my-”
“Walk it off, Lowe. This investigation is mine."
He huffs in frustration again and makes his decision- Alright, Marty Deeks. You are going to be the shining example of what a FLETC and more importantly, a federal agent shouldn't ever look like. 
Lowe glances back over to the scotch and sighs, thinking- And I’m going to make sure everyone knows that everything and everyone Hetty touches is poison.
Federal Law Enforcement Training Center, Glynco- Brunswick, Georgia- January 2021
"So you're doing Advanced Interviewing? Cool, cool, cool- look, Deeks- there's something you need to know."
Fatima's warning, coming in the form of a nervous, rambling phone call, brings just fabulous news. 
Marty Deeks winces as he gingerly walks behind a group of cadets walking to classroom 226. He inhales and exhales every few steps as he fights off the pain from his sprained ribs and shoulder strain from an overzealous cadet during sparring. 
And now, Deeks thinks as he pauses in front of the classroom, I'm about to be taught by someone who hates me and Hetty. Great.
Deeks pushes the classroom door open and finds the room to have four rows of three desks each, all facing a broad shouldered older man writing something on the board. Deeks slides into the closest available seat in the back row. 
“Sit down,” Lowe grumbles. He continues to write out the full class name- Advanced Interviewing for Law Enforcement Investigators- on the board as he continues, “I only have you lot for five days and there is a hell of a lot to cover.”
And hopefully you don’t spend half of that picking on me, Deeks thinks. He quickly glances over to the other cadets, recognizing the arrogant ex- soldier mirroring Sam in his early days, the ex- FBI agent going through retraining and two cadets that could be twins scattered around in random desks throughout the room.
“So, let’s begin,” Lowe states. He steps towards the first row of desks and he begins to scan the group of students. “You all already have the basics for interviewing victims, witnesses and suspects but now we’re going to refine it with more techniques, more opportunities to practice those techniques and-”
Lowe stops just as his eyes fall on Deeks. The ex-detective looks down to his desk and waits for the impending comment. 
Briefly, after a few seconds pass, he has hope that Lowe will be professional. 
But of course, Lowe doesn’t. 
“But before we start,” Lowe says with a grin. He walks around the furthest corner desk and towards Deeks. “We have a unique case as a cadet here. A police detective who got in over the age limit."
Goddamn it, Deeks thinks. He sneaks a glance over to another cadet- Jameson or Johnson if he can remember correctly- who eyes him suspiciously. Lowe stops in front of Deeks’ desk and smiles down at him as if looking at a child. “Ladies and gentleman, I’ve worked with this man and he thinks everything is a goddamn joke.”
“Knew something was off,” the ex-soldier mutters under his breath. 
Deeks shakes his head and looks back up to Lowe. “It was a pleasure each time,” he replies through gritted teeth. 
“There’s that sense of humor,” Lowe counters and turns on his feet. “So let’s start this class with you all learning on what not to do when interviewing. Learn from someone who shouldn’t be here, by any means.” 
“And how is that…..sir?” 
Lowe pulls out a chair from an empty desk and turns it towards the class. “By answering a few questions. Sharing your own experience as a ‘liason’. Let’s go.”
This can’t be a thing, can it?  Deeks wonders as he rises to his feet and starts walking up to Lowe, feeling every pair of eyes on him. It’s a stark reminder- a flashback- of his sixth grade teacher who had paraded him up to the front of the class to try to catch him for not paying attention.
He had been paying attention and easily vindicated.
Or the time a Lieutenant Compton had paraded him in front of officers on his first day in the undercover unit as an example of ‘lawyer turned cop wannabe’. 
“Take a seat, superstar,” Lowe orders. He leans against his desk with crossed arms as Deeks sits in the chair. He opts to look straight ahead instead of on the crowd or Lowe.
He wants me to look uncomfortable. He wants to feed off of the power. 
“I’ve crossed paths with you four times, Detective-” Lowe states, “and every single time, you've seen to take things as a goddamn joke. Every time . And that proves that you've skated through this job without a scratch."
He’s underestimating me. Just like so many others have. Deeks shifts in his seat but keeps his eyes glued on the door. "I disagree…sir."
"Really now?" Lowe challenges. He kneels on Deeks' left side and scoffs, "What's the worst thing you've seen on the job?"
Deeks can’t tell what shocks him more- the unprofessionalism or the questions in itself. Even in the sessions with Nate and the NCIS psychologist Kilbride had required the team to go to a few months after his arrival, no’s ever asked that question. 
So Deeks opts for the only thing he can think of. “No.”
"Excuse me?"
“I’m not- I can’t answer that,” Deeks replies, “Your question is leading. Law enforcement officers are usually asked questions like that in therapy or intimate moments. My instinct with a question like that is to recall cases that were traumatic to me physically and or emotionally. So-"
"You got here on special treatment, " Lowe sneers. "What could possibly qualify-”
"You haven’t- Fine." Deeks leans forward and cups his hands together. "You need a cognitive restatement when doing a cognitive interview- think back to such and such and tell me what you hear, see, feel. I have to pick a case first."
In the corner of his eye, he can see a few of the cadets exchange looks. "Do you want something from the years of me going undercover in the LAPD, knowing that no one cared if I lived or died? I could recall the time where after being beaten for hours, my Lieutenant threw me an ice pack and threw me on another case right after? I did that for years- it'd take me a minute to pinpoint one."
Lowe holds out a hand to stop him but the ex- detective continues, as if on autopilot. He's numb as he continues to recall every traumatic moment that comes to mind. “I could do the times I’ve gone overseas to places like Syria and Iraq and put my life on the line to protect this country?" 
Behind him,  Lowe mutters, "You didn't- You never-"
Deeks feels himself shaking with anger but can’t bring himself to move. Instead, he takes a breath and says as calmly as possible, “I could recall the injuries myself and my team have experienced- the helicopter that nearly killed my wife and took her leg, the TBI I had from a rocket blowing us up in Mexico?”
Deeks drops his shoulders and finally looks back to Lowe. “Or do you want to hear the time when someone took me, tied  me down and drilled in my mouth! Because if you want a memory to start the conversation, I could focus on the sound of the drill or the feel of blood drying on my mouth and my neck from sitting in a room for hours after!” 
“Jesus,” a cadet in the front mutters under his breath. It pulls Deeks back into reality and he lets out a shaky breath. “Most importantly, in cognitive interviewing, you do not overwhelm the person you are interviewing as it will cloud the rapport and their recall. So am I done?”
After a few moments of silence, Deeks looks up to see Lowe staring him down blankly. He’s pale and unnerved as he takes a few steps back from Deeks and rubs his chin. 
“Fine. All of you can go. That’s it for the day.” Lowe mutters. He waves off and turns his away and Deeks doesn’t take another second before calmly rising from his chair and walking back towards the door. He’s the first one out of the room and takes an immediate beeline towards the closest empty classroom. 
Shutting the door behind him, Deeks puts his hands on his knees and mutters, “What the hell was that?”
He slides down to the ground and feels  his body continue to shake. What the hell just happened? What did I just do?
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ejzah · 2 years
For tonight’s episode, “A Farewell To Arms”.
Deeks: Is it just me, or does Kilbride seem a little off? Like kind of extra cranky, but also weirdly energized.
Rountree: Oh yeah, that might have something to do with his ex-wife calling him. Apparently she’s in town.
Deeks, sitting forward: What? And no one thought to tell me?
Kensi: Ok, babe, calm down.
Deeks: No, this is huge! I mean, how often do we get the chance to learn something about the reticent Hollace Kilbride? We have the opportunity to find out so many things.
Kensi, putting a hand on his arm: Are you sure that’s a good idea?
Sam: Deeks, why would the admiral tell us anything about his personal life? Especially this topic.
Deeks: Because we care?
Fatima: Ooh, here he comes! Try to act like we weren’t talking about him.
Callen: Oh, this is going to be fun.
Kensi: Babe, do not say anything inappropriate.
Deeks, holding his hands out: Contrary to popular belief, I can control myself.
Kilbride, striding: Good morning, one and all.
Deeks, grinning: Morning, admiral.
Callen, instigating: Aren’t you in a little later than usual? Sir. *Deeks nods in appreciation while Sam rolls his eyes and Kensi crosses her arms uncomfortably*
Kilbride, signing: Yes, I am Mr. Callen. As you may or may not have heard-glances towards Rountree-my ex-wife has come for a visit.
Deeks, pressing his lips together while looking vaguely interested: That’s nice.
Kilbride, darkly: It’s damn annoying.
Deeks: Yeah, family can be difficult. Well, you’ve met my mother.
Kilbride: Your mother is a delight compared to my conniving, busybody of an ex. Do you know what’s she doing in my house right now?
Sam: I don’t think we need to know that.
Callen: The question is, do we want to?
Kilbride, who has started pacing: She is currently at my house, making a Bundt cake.
Deeks, whispering: Oh my god, this is so much better than I could ever imagine.
Kensi, jabs him lightly with her elbow: Shh!
Kilbride, continuing: And, she expects me to eat dinner with her. As though I have all the time in the world. She’s always been like this. Always taking over, even when I don’t want her too. Planning little intimate dinners.
Kensi, despite herself: I have so many questions.
Deeks: So, will we be meeting the ex-Mrs. Kilbride?
Kilbride, coming back to himself: Absolutely not! I can only imagine the field day you people would have at my expense. Now, let’s solve this one quickly because apparently I have a dinner to get to.
*He walks from the room*
Deeks, leaning towards Kensi: Is it just me, or does he seem a little excited?
Sam: Deeks, why do you say these things?
Kensi: I think he controlled himself admirably.
Deeks: Thank you. Now, how can we finagle things so we can meet her?
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ncisladaily · 2 years
This Episode Is the Conclusion to the Three-Hour Special “NCISverse” Crossover Event with “NCIS” and “NCIS: Hawai’i”
“A Long Time Coming” – Agents Rountree and Fatima are ambushed while searching for Kilbride, who has been MIA, and they learn that every member of the team has a hefty bounty on their head. The NCIS team must save Agent Rountree and find Kilbride while every cartel, hitman, gang and psychopath hunts them down, on the CBS Original series NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Monday, Jan. 2 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+.* NCIS stars Gary Cole, Wilmer Valderrama and NCIS: HAWAI’I stars Vanessa Lachey and Yasmine Al-Bustami guest star in the episode, which is the conclusion to the three-episode crossover event with NCIS and NCIS: HAWAI’I.
Chris O’Donnell
(Special Agent G. Callen)
(Special Agent Sam Hanna)
Linda Hunt
(Operations Manager Henrietta “Hetty” Lange)
Daniela Ruah
(Special Agent Kensi Blye)
Eric Christian Olsen
(NCIS Investigator Marty Deeks)
Medalion Rahimi
(Special Agent Fatima Namazi)
Caleb Castille
(Special Agent Devin Rountree)
Gerald McRaney
(Retired Admiral Hollace Kilbride)
Gary Cole
(NCIS Special Agent Alden Parker)
Wilmer Valderrama
(NCIS Special Agent Nicholas “Nick” Torres)
Vanessa Lachey
(NCIS Special Agent Jane Tennant)
Yasmine Al-Bustami
(NCIS Agent Lucy Tara)
Kavi Ramachandran Ladnier
(NCIS Reserve Agent Shyla Dahr)
Lesley Boone
(Nina Barnes)
Maya Stojan
Jose Pablo Cantillo
Stephen Mendel
(Morgan Miller)
(Jimmy McCann)
WRITTEN BY: R. Scott Gemmill
DIRECTED BY: Dennis Smith
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vinishbuzz · 2 years
"Exciting News for NCIS: Los Angeles Fans! Beloved Characters Set to Return in Season 14 #NCISLA #MariluHenner #GeraldMcRaney #TVNews #CrimeDrama"
“Exciting News for NCIS: Los Angeles Fans! Beloved Characters Set to Return in Season 14 #NCISLA #MariluHenner #GeraldMcRaney #TVNews #CrimeDrama” NCIS: Los Angeles fans can look forward to the return of two familiar faces in Season 14. Marilu Henner and Gerald McRaney are set to reprise their roles as Kilbride’s ex-wife and retired Admiral Hollace Kilbride, respectively. Henner’s character,…
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z025 · 2 years
It’s a family affair for Retired Admiral Hollace Kilbride (Gerald McRaney) in the remaining episodes of NCIS: Los Angeles. TV Insider has learned exclusively that Christopher Gorham has been cast as...
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theighthhorcrux · 5 years
This week’s episode was SO GOOD. Kilbride’s lines are always perfect, the guest stars were hilarious, and the propped-up-dead-guy bit gave us throwbacks to NCIS ‘Jeopardy’. And I’m so glad Neric got some scenes together- they were adorable as always.
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louka-por-series · 6 years
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10x02 Superhuman
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leotanaka · 3 years
sam hanna: *exists*
admiral kilbride: 
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densifangirl1 · 3 years
Repost: @dg251170 PROMO VIDEO for #ncisla season 12 episode 18 „A Tale of Two Igors” on May 23 (season finale) Deeks is kidnapped by an associate of Kirkin’s (Ravil Isyanov) in need of his help and NCIS investigates the shooting of a militarized dolphin equipped with a Russian microchip. Also, Beale makes Nell an interesting offer and Hetty returns, on the 12th season finale of NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, May 23 (9:00-10:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network. GUEST CAST: Gerald McRaney (Retired Navy Admiral Hollace Kilbride) Sandi Todorovic (Igor Kuznetsov) Sisa Grey (Dr. Jennifer Tuala) Denys Toliarenko (Taras) Luke Sholl (Henry) Michael Klesic (Igor Lebedev) Ravil Isyanov (Anatoli Kirkin) WRITTEN BY: Kyle Harimoto and R. Scott Gemmill DIRECTED BY: John P. Kousakis https://www.instagram.com/p/CO9d6nYDscC/?igshid=3lih17xhd1ji
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typingtess · 3 months
NCIS: Los Angeles Season 14 Rewatch:   “A Farewell to Arms”
The basics:  A tech guy creating chips for the Navy is badly injured in a hotel attack.
Written by:  Chad Mazero co-wrote "Internal Affairs", "Revenge Deferred" and "Where Everybody Knows Your Name", "The Noble Maidens" and "Pandora’s Box".  Wrote "Tidings We Bring", "Can I Get a Witness", "All Is Bright", "Diamond in the Rough", "High Society", "Murder of Crows", "Overdue", "Sorry for Your Loss" and "Flesh & Blood".
Directed by:   John P. Kousakis directed "Imposters", "Sacrifice", "San Voir" part one, "The Fifth Man", "Parley", "Inelegant Heart", "Chernoff, K.", "Active Measures", "The Long Goodbye", "Talion", "Glasnost", "Unleashed", "Party Crashers", "This Is What We Do" (episode 200), "Goodbye Vietnam", "Ninguna Salida", "The Guardian", "High Society", "A Tale of Two Igors", "Under the Influence", "Genesis", "Come Together", all of the Afghanistan scenes from "Iron Curtain Rising" to "Zero Days" in season five and all of Kensi’s injury/recovery storyline scenes from "The Queen’s Gambit" to "Sirens" in season eight. 
Guest stars of note:  Lesley Boone was back from “Best Seller” as Nina Barnes.  Marilu Henner as Elizabeth Kilbride, Valerie Azlynn as Colleen/Paulina Kaminska, Michael Bow as Sean Baker, Nick Hargrove as Clyde Greene and JT Neal as Bartender.
Our heroes:  Track down chips on their way to foreign enemies.
What important things did we learn about: Callen:  Plans to leave his Leatherman to Sam. Sam:    Has a guy who can make the Leatherman leaving an item in Callen’s will. Kensi:  Wants a 9PM curfew for Rosa. Deeks:  Thinks about therapy after a creepy doll encounter. Fatima:   Notices something different about the Admiral. Rountree:   See Fatima. Kilbride:  Hanging with the ex.
What not so important things did we learn about:
Callen:  Not impressed with the bartender’s screenplay plans. Sam:    Does the big chase on foot. Kensi:  Third Eye Blind fan. Deeks:  Missed curfew by two-days. Fatima:   In the mood to go clubbing. Rountree:  Worried about massive rains in Los Angeles. Kilbride:   Plays Wordle.
Where in the world is Henrietta Lange?  No idea.
Who's down with OTP:   Kensi and Deeks are in full parent mode.  Kilbride and the ex have a warmer relationship than one might think.
Who's down with BrOTP:  Sam has yet another guy for Callen. 
Fashion review:   Callen wore a dark blue, button down shirt.  Long sleeve black tee for Sam.  Kensi wore a white sweater with buttons.  A pale red sweatshirt for Deeks (not quite pink but not quite red either).  Fatima’s leather jacket looks soft like butter and it is over a concrete grey turtleneck.  A dark pink jacket over a red sweater for Rountree.  The Admiral is three piece suiting with a pale blue dress shirt and blue tie.
Music:   “These Boots Were Made for Walking” by Nancy Sinatra opens the episode.  There is a song at the end that I could not track down and the credits didn’t show up in the closed caption (which rarely happens).
Any notable cut scene:  Not today.
Quote:  Elizabeth:  “We were still in the hospital, and I was still in pain.  I couldn't sleep.   So you told me that you wouldn't either.  Even though you had just gotten back from... wherever they had sent you.” Kilbride:  “Cambodia.  We were in and out in 36 hours.” Elizabeth:  “Yeah, you were exhausted.  So there you were, holding Alex, and...fighting like hell to stay awake for me.  Then you fell asleep.  Now, I may have been young and..but I was smart enough to know that there are very few certain things in this world.  And seeing the two of you like that...I said, "Damn it, one thing is sure.  That man will always be there for his boy."  You let me down, Hollace.  But more importantly, you let Alex down too.”
The Nina Barnes rugelach conversation was a delight.
Anything else:  A woman walks into a hotel’s rooftop bar dragging a small, carry-on suitcase behind her.  With a bit of a southern accent, she asks the bartender for something quick and fancy, like a gin and tonic, hold the tonic.  She and the bartender share a laugh.  As he goes to make the drink, the woman speaks to another patron sitting at the bar.  She remembers seeing the bartender on one of the CBS soap operas.  Her fellow patron isn’t a soap fan.  He’s busy with his phone.  She introduces herself as Colleen from Virginia.  He’s Sean.  She’d love to stay with him but she’s flying home to Virginia in two-hours.  Sean is worried that she’ll miss her flight, traffic it LAX is a disaster.  She’s flying out of Long Beach.  That’s not much better.  If she leaves right away, she might make it, according to Sean.  Colleen quickly makes her way to the door.
As she walks through the hotel’s mezzanine level, Sean catches up with Colleen.  She took his suitcase by mistake. She apologizes and Sean seems good with it.  Except she’s not apologizing for taking the bag.  She swings the suitcase at his head.  The two fight – Sean has no problem hitting her and Colleen has no issue kicking Sean off the mezzanine and to the floor of the hotel lobby.
Sam drives in with Callen.  The two are talking about a text Callen sent Sam.  If anything ever happens to Callen, he wants Sam to have his Leatherman tool.  Sam wants Callen to talk to an estate lawyer – Sam knows a guy.  Callen tells same he doesn’t need an estate lawyer, he doesn’t really own anything.  Sam disagrees.  If Callen is getting married, he needs to have his affairs in order.  The Leatherman is going to Deeks now.
Deeks is telling Kensi a story about cows and missing curfew by two-days.  Kensi didn’t really have a curfew because she was homeless but before her father died, she stayed out late to see Third-Eye Blind.  While she made it home in time, she stole backstage passes.  Realizing that teenagers do things they shouldn’t, Rosa is looking at a 9PM curfew.
In the office, Rountree is worried about catastrophic rains, an ARKStorm, that are headed to Los Angeles.  Fatima, not so much when she hears it is between five months and 50-years.  She hopes they can solve their case before the rains come. 
In Ops, Sean Baker, the fellow from the bar, is on the big screen.  Currently in critical condition, Baker has been living in the York Park Hotel.  Callen asks why is NCIS interested.  Baker is the co-founder of Almaya Technautics, an LA-based company working with the Navy.  If they are LA based, why would Baker be living in a hotel Rountree asks.  Fatima isn’t sure but the address on his driver’s license is no longer current. 
According to the Navy, Almaya Technautics was creating autonomous rescue agents for the battlefield.  Basically robots.  If the robots were trained to find members of the US military on the ground, they could also be programmed to hunt and kill the military members by a bad actor. 
Cameras were off in the mezzanine and lobby areas – no way to know how Baker wound up on the lobby floor but witnesses saw him with a blonde woman.  Security cameras on the hotel rooftop has a clear photo of Colleen.  Facial recognition has not matched her with anyone in the system.  Kilbride wants to find Colleen and see if she’s made off with any of Baker’s technology.  Callen and Sam are on their way to hotel.  Kensi and Deeks are interviewing an exec from Baker’s company to see if there were any threats prior to the morning’s attack.
When Callen and Sam leave, Rountree asks about Kilbride, who isn’t in the office.  Fatima says all the information she got about the case was from him via an encrypted message.  Rountree worries if he is in trouble.
In his house, Kilbride is straightening his tie when he hears a door open.  A woman – Elizabeth - wearing what looks to be his bathrobe is walking into the kitchen with some daisies.  Kilbride is surprised she’s still there.  He also remembers that she hates daisies.  Elizabeth is touched he remembered she hated daisies.  Maybe if he remembered their wedding anniversary, they wouldn’t have divorced 30-years ago.  She’s kidding, they got divorced because of his temper.
Kilbride has had enough of memory lane – he’s going to the office.  Elizabeth was about to make them breakfast but he had nothing but expired Vienna sausage in the fridge.  Kilbride recommends a diner down the street.  Whispering, Elizabeth said they had fun the night before.  “Last night was something,” Kilbride replies. 
The Admiral really wants to know why Elizabeth is there.  She said she told him last night – she was in town for conference, thought they could get drinks and catch up.  “Well, I didn’t expect us to catch up so much.”  Saying he was able to read her face since she was 25-years old, Kilbride wants to know what Elizabeth really wants.  She wants to take a shower.  He tells her where the towels are and asks her to lock the door when she leaves.
Callen and Sam check around the hotel – which is a pricy place.  Employees told Sam that Colleen left through a back stairwell.  LAPD said she had Baker’s suitcase.  Cameras saw her in the alley but lost her once she hit the streets.  Fatima is checking for nearby security cams.  Sam sees the blood on the mezzanine floor.  Callen uses the blood stains to recreate the fight.  With the distance between the blood spots, Callen and Sam realize they are dealing with a professional.
In the boat shed, Kensi and Deeks are meeting with Clyde Green, Baker’s partner.  He immediately asks about Baker, who is out of surgery and things are looking better.  Greene thinks Baker’s mother is going to blame him for the fall.  “She blames me for everything bad that happens to him.”  They’ve known each other since they were kids and they got into the trouble that kids get into.  Deeks brings up his conversation with Kensi – cows and Third Eye Blind.  Greene is unfamiliar with Third Eye Blind, offending Kensi.
Back to Baker, he and Greene had the idea for the company in their dorm room in college but they built up their resumes with other jobs so they could get the company off the ground.  About a year ago, everything changed with the explosion of interest in AI.  Asked why Baker was staying in a hotel, Greene tells them Baker stays in hotels all the time.  Moves every few weeks, likes to shake things up.  Does the same thing with his hobbies – finds consistency smothering.  Deeks agrees, again offending Kensi.  Back to Baker, Kensi asks if Greene knew anyone interested in hurting Baker.  He does not.  Greene wants to go back to the office – things are chaotic after what happened that morning.  When Greene leaves, Kensi says she and Deeks aren’t the only ones who are best friends and working together.  Deeks agrees but the only thing he started in his dorm room was a fire with a hot plate.  Kensi asks what’s a hot plate.
In Ops, Fatima asks an arriving Kilbride if he is okay.  “Well, considering that I have been forced to live out my so-called golden years in this overly triggered insecurity blanket of a town, the answer is no, Agent Namazi.”  Fatima is almost laughing but knows that’s the wrong move.  She mentions she was worried when he wasn’t in that morning.  He wants a sitrep.  Fatima looks at the Admiral and asks if there is something different about him that day.  The Admiral doesn’t think he should have to beg for a sitrep.
Fatima has been in touch with the Office of Naval Research.  All work done by Baker and his company is being reviewed and any systems installed are being prepared for possible cyberattacks.  Rountree walks in talking about access to Baker’s bank accounts without knowing the Admiral was there.  Looking at Kilbride, Rountree asks if there is something different about him that morning.  “I got highlights,” Kilbride snarks before asking Rountree to proceed.
Baker has been paying a downtown art gallery for a studio over the last three months.  Without a home and without a longstanding hobby, why would he be paying an art gallery over the last few  months?  Saying they need a warrant, the Admiral wants Kensi and Deeks to check out the gallery.  As he leaves Ops, Fatima and Rountree are looking at him.  When he turns around to face them, they quickly turn away.
At the rooftop bar, LAPD is all over the place.  Callen talks to the bartender, who wonders if they got any hits on the fingerprints yet.  He used the word “hit”.  Callen thinks he is the one who should be asking questions, not the bartender.  The bartender starts on the perps who left without paying.  Callen asks him not to use the term “perps”.  The bartender is also working on a screenplay.  He’s been researching crime for his story.  Callen claims he isn’t a big reader.
Sam arrives with Baker’s briefcase.  The laptop is still inside.  Recapping the events of the day, the bartender confirms the woman from the security footage sat down with “our John Doe.”  Sam makes it clear, it is not “our” John Doe.  Or even a John Doe.  Callen shows the bartender a photo of Sean Baker, who not only confirms he was the guy at the bar, he also tells Callen and Sam that Baker was upset when he noticed his bag was gone.  Callen and Sam discuss that Colleen likely target Baker.  “And we all know how that worked out,” the bartender says shaking his head.  After a glare from Callen and Sam, the bartender is back behind the bar.
Callen wonders what was in the suitcase that was so important to Baker.  On Baker’s briefcase, Sam finds an Apple tracker.  There is likely a similar tracker in Baker’s suitcase.
Walking into the art gallery, Kensi and Deeks are in a studio Baker was using.  Looking around the studio, Kensi finds a box of dolls.  Cutting open one of the dolls, she finds a microchip – AT4756.  AT, like Almaya Technautics.  Kensi starts checking other dolls – they all have microchips.  Baker may have been selling them. 
With all the dolls cut open, Kensi feels really bad.  Fatima, on comms, thinks they are living a reboot of “Child’s Play”.  Unlike most computer chips, the microchips can be repurposed for all kinds of technology – they could work in drones, missiles or dishwashers.  US manufacturers of chips are not allowed to sell them internationally – why give a possible enemy such high end technology.  Baker could have been providing these to foreign militaries for big money.  Fatima is going to call Clyde Greene to see if any other chips are missing.
Callen and Sam call Rountree.  Rountree got a warrant to go into the iCloud and track Baker’s suitcase.  In the meantime, Baker’s personal devices are clean.  That makes sense to Callen – a career in tech means Baker knows what not to put on a personal device.  The suitcase is currently in a parking lot downtown.  Callen and Sam are on their way. 
As Rountree ends the call, the Admiral passes by on the office’s second floor.  He’s explaining to Elizabeth that he’s busy at work with a national security matter.  She’s making them dinner and dessert.  She’s brought in groceries including leafy green vegetables.  She’s worried about his heart.  “There’s a first time for everything,” Kilbride notes.  Elizabeth tells him she misses their fights.  They bring up best fight in the Tropicana in Atlantic City where she stabbed him with a crab knife.  They made up twice in the elevator.
Ending his call with Elizabeth, the Admiral is approached by Fatima.  “Walk and talk, Agent Namazi.”  The two go down the main part of the office.  Nobody on any flight leaving Los Angeles – any LA airport – matches Collen’s description.  The Navy also confirmed that the chips in the dolls were manufactured by Almaya Technautics.  Clyde Greene isn’t at the office so they can’t confirm if any other chips are missing.  The Admiral wants a sitrep when she has something new to tell him, not a rehash of what she doesn’t know.  Fatima sighs as the Admiral walks away.  Offering some comfort, Rountree tells her the ARKStorm could wash them all away and the Admiral wouldn’t remember their conversation.  It doesn’t help Fatima.
Rountree thinks if Baker was selling the chips, he would have to have buyers.  There’s one person in the selling weapons to bad guys business they could talk to.  And she has pastries.
Callen asks Sam about what he’s getting if Sam “heads out to that big math competition in the sky.”  Sam’s turn to be offended.  He’s not dying first – Sam tells Callen that Callen thinks the sixth food group is “fast”.  Callen is worried that Sam keeps things bottled up – that will catch up to him.  Callen and Sam see Clyde Greene pulling a suitcase from a car’s trunk.   Sam yells “federal agents” and Greene talks off with Sam behind him.  It isn’t much of a chase.
While Fatima looks at the parking lot’s security cameras, Sam tells Callen the suitcase is empty.  Greene explains this is all a misunderstanding.  Callen and Sam were not the federal agents he spoke to that morning.  Callen asks if Greene thought there were only two federal agents in the entire city of Los Angeles.  “Budget cuts are no joke.” 
Callen and Sam have a theory – Greene found out that Baker had a side business.  Afraid of being cut out, Greene hired a killer to take out Baker.  Greene could cash in on all of Baker’s side deals and on the success of Almaya Technautics.  Greene said he didn’t hire anyone to kill anyone.  Their deal with the Navy barred Almaya Technautics from selling their chips to anyone.  With the worldwide shortage of the chips, they did a few side deals on the dark web.  Baker got greedy – he was going to sell 200.  That’s what was in the suitcase – the buyer was going to be in the bar.  Callen explains that Baker was set up.  They knew he’d be in the bar with the suitcase.  Enemies of the US could now have the chips – Greene could be charged with treason.
Nina Barnes is selling a customer on her new cupcakes – horseradish in the mix – when Kensi and Deeks arrive.  She thinks Kensi and Deeks are there to thank her for the rugelach she sent for Hanukkah.  They’re not but they were grateful for the rugelach.  Kensi shows Nina a photo of Colleen – does Nina know her.  Nina does not.  Deeks explains that Colleen may be involved with stolen microchips.  Nina doesn’t deal in microchips but they are changing the world of arms dealing.  While she’s not in the microchips business, Nina knows someone who is.
Back in the office, Callen and Sam are approached by Fatima.  She has parking lot footage including Colleen leaving her vehicle for an SUV.  She’s going to an airport in Van Nuys.  Callen wants Fatima to stop any air traffic in or out of the airport.
Rosetta Stone grad Nina Barnes is speaking in Italian to a contact on the phone, impressing both Kensi and Deeks.  Kensi is also enjoying a cupcake.  Phil Collins comes up in the phone call.  Seems the Italian gunrunner confused a German gunrunner for Phil Collins.  Anyway, Nina has a name – Paulina Kaminska, who was going by Colleen.  Kaminska and a partner broker deals across Europe.  She left the game a few years ago but she’s obviously back.  Maybe the money being offered for microchips pulled her back in.  Nina says Kaminska is really good at her job – she’s never been caught, that’s why she not in any database.
In Ops, Fatima and Rountree have a background for Kaminska.  She’s a Polish national who has contacts all over the world.  If she’s out of the US, she’s in the wind.  And the microchips are up for sale to the highest bidder.  Van Nuys airport is closed to incoming and outgoing traffic.  Kaminska’s vehicle was dumped off by the airport at an abandoned night club. 
Callen and Sam are at the airport, Kensi and Deeks are 10-minutes out.  Callen and Sam see Kaminska move the chips but a vehicle pulls up to where she’s making the deal.  Two more men come to the sale.  Callen takes photos of the men and send them to Ops.  Kilbride orders Rountree to join Callen and Sam in the Van Nuys airport.  Fatima searches for the men.  Callen realizes Kaminska wasn’t going to the airport, she was going to the abandoned night club.
Kensi and Deeks arrive as Kaminska and her buyers enter the night clubs.  Anton Kusev is one of the men in the photos.  He’s a former Russian intelligence officer who has become a Russian arms broker – one of the most wanted men in the world.  Kilbride makes it clear, the sale can’t go through.  Sam has a plan.
Kaminska is showing the chips to her Russian buyers when Deeks knocks on the back door.  When one of Kusev’s men answer the door, Deeks knocks him out and enters the building.  Deeks gets into a little hand to hand combat with another one of Kusev’s men, this guy grabs a knife from the club’s kitchen.  Deeks knocks away the knife and Kusev’s man falls to the ground, making a loud noise.  Kaminska, Kusev and one of his guards run.  Sam and Rountree tackle Kusev and his men.  Callen stops Kaminska before she can drive away.
The team are meeting around the briefcase with the chips and talking about food.  Deeks says he’s feeling good about going out as long as he’s home by 9PM for Rosa’s curfew.  If she has a curfew, so does he.  Sam laughs at curfew.  Deeks says they just stopped a Russian arms dealer – if he can’t maintain a curfew, what’s going on.  And what’s going on is Deeks noticing that the microchips are different than the ones he and Kensi found in the studio.  The microchips are all blank – no AT branding for Baker’s company.  Callen looks over to an in-custody Kaminska.  They are fakes.  Callen tells Deeks and Rountree to go home.  They are going to handle Kaminska.
Hoping she’d get a nap in before Callen and Sam figured it out, Kaminska tells Callen and Sam she destroyed the chips.  She gives them an address to find the destroyed chips.  She explains that her home is near the border.  Now there are thousands of refugees crossing into Poland.  Knowing what she did for years, she saw what arms dealing did to real people.  “Karma’s a bitch.” 
Knowing that the Russians were going to get Baker’s microchips, she stole them.  They were going to Russia, China or Iran – things were not going to end well.  “What’s one last job?” she asked.  Callen and Sam asked why she would sell the fake chips.  Well, a girl has to eat. 
Rountree returns to the office.  The REACT team found all 200 of the real microchips, according to Fatima.  Fatima has club plans – a new retro place downtown.  If they big storms are going to take them away, might as well have some fun.
Entering his home, Kilbride finds Elizabeth, jazz playing in the background and dinner was wrapped up in aluminum foil.  She didn’t want to get the food cold.  Sharing some wine, Elizabeth asks about the happiest day of the marriage.  Kilbride jokes it was the day her mother moved away.  “That woman loved you,” Elizabeth tells him.  Elizabeth says it was the night after their son Alexander was born.  He was just back from Cambodia and while he was exhausted, he held their son until he couldn’t fight sleep anymore.  Seeing her then husband with their son, she was sure he’d always be there for “his boy.”
Feeling he let both her and Alex down, Elizabeth wanted to be sure if Kilbride changed.  He claims that their son made choices, and made them as an adult.  Kilbride tried to help “many times” but Alex wanted no part of his father.  Elizabeth explains Alex is clean now but she’s worried it might change.  She’s tired of worrying alone. 
Sticking with his treatment program, Alex is going regularly.  Elizabeth goes regularly as well to family therapy.  She wants Kilbride there too.  “Promise me you’ll thinks about it.”  That earns a “fine” from Kilbride.  She starts to reheat the food – crab legs.  He’s switching from wine to scotch.  “I think I’ll make it a double.”
What head canon can be formed from here:    It will come up again later in the season but the exploration of Kilbride’s personal life should have started a season earlier.  I know the prior season was about getting Callen engaged and making Kensi and Deeks parents but a man who put everything into his career at the expense of his family, a man struggling that his choices hurt his family, especially played by Gerald McRaney really would have worked on a longer runway than the final few episodes of the season.
Marilu Henner was a great choice as Kilbride’s ex.  Terrific actress who can do comedy and drama, age appropriate too.  One thing – Elizabeth divorced Kilbride for his temper but she stabbed him with a crab knife?
The case of the week was rather generic outside of the Ukrainian connection for Paulina.  I don’t think Paulina spends a day in jail after her arraignment.  Her connections are far too valuable, especially since she’s retired.
I was half expecting Sam to tell Callen it was his Leatherman tool that Callen borrowed years ago.  That was a silly missed opportunity.
Kensi disappeared when they got to the bar in Van Nuys.  We were told Kensi and Deeks were 10-minute behind Callen and Sam, Kensi said they were on their way and outside of speaking once to Deeks as he went into the bar on the earwigs, Kensi was MIA for the last 10-minutes of the episode.
Episode number:   This is episode 13 of season 14, the 315th episode overall.
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orionares · 2 years
BTHB: Missing and Presumed Dead
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BTHB: Missing and Presumed Dead
NCIS: Los Angeles
Palmyra, Syria 
"I've been looking for you. "
Henrietta Lange lowers the small cream colored tea cup from her lips and sets it on the table. The voice comes from a man standing in a white shemagh, red tee shirt and white linen pants that sits across from her at the cafe table. She knows almost immediately that the visitor isn't a local but in fact- an American asset.
No one- well, little to no one- knows where I am. 
"I am not a person that should be easy to find, Mr. Isaac," Hetty counters. CIA agent Rowan Isaac chuckles and grabs the battered white menu resting against the wall. 
He remains quiet as he reads over the back of the menu before finally replying in a low voice, " It's Jessup, here. We need to talk somewhere privately. "
She smirks. "You should have thought about privacy before interrupting my afternoon tea."
"You are a hard woman to find," Jessup says. He closes the menu and leans back in his chair. "I'm actually here to deliver some bad news. About your kids."
Hetty inhales slowly and exhales as she lets the news settle in her. The only person who'd referred to the team back in Los Angeles as 'the kids' since her departure was Admiral Hollace Kilbride. 
Jessup's eyes flicker over to a man standing crossed armed in front of the counter. He lowers his voice and explains, "The…..children were engaged in a job where….a fire destroyed a building they had just entered.  They are missing."
Hetty maintains her composure, deep down grasping onto it for security. She's also angry at herself at allowing herself to be complacent. 
No news isn't always good news- she thinks angrily to herself. 
"And with them missing," Jessup leans forward towards Hetty, "for three days now, they've been…presumed to be dead. Now mind you, this is only the oldest four but….you needed to be updated."
Updated and now involved. Hetty pushes the saucer away from her and clasps her hands together on the table top. She states in flat voice, "Then I have some transportation to take care of."
Ninety minutes after departing in a loaned Bombardier Global 500, Hetty makes a video call to Kilbride. 
It's two in the morning in Los Angeles; however, the OPS center is brightly lit when Kilbride appears at his desk on the screen. He sighs slowly when he sees her and he sits up further in his seat. 
"I'm on my way back," Hetty states and her comment earns a snort from Kilbride.
"I sent Rowan Isaac to you with the full intention of retrieving you for that particular reason," Kilbride replies with an unwanted level of snark. 
She ignores the comment and narrows her eyes at him. "Are we going to spend twelve hours arguing, Hollace, or can you tell me what the hell happened?"
Empathy flashes as Kilbride's shoulders drop. He's exhausted, beyond exhausted and just as worried as she's beginning to be. 
"Rowan said they were presumed dead?" Hetty asks. Saying the words - presumed dead- feels suffocating; she can feel a tightness in her chest. "Tell me everything- please."
Kilbride opens his mouth to respond but the sound of a door off screen opening draws his attention. He leans his head off the camera- or at at least tries to- and says something that leaves her puzzled.
"No, you don't have to go to school today….are you hungry? I can have anyone here grab you some food….my treat and that's a special Hollace deal…just give me a second."
Kilbride leans back into view, his expression much softer than she's seen in him. Before she can ask any questions, he sidelines her.
Bloody sidelines her.
"I'll send you the basic reports and have someone who will drive you straight here," Kilbride states. "And they will make sure you come straight here. You've been gone for a while, Henrietta, and I will not have you running wild while I try to keep things afloat with three quarters of my team missing."
Hetty sits back in the chair as the screen suddenly goes dark. Yes, she's had things to take care of in Syria- messes to be dealt with of her own.
But she is a woman who does not like being left alone with unanswered questions. It's kept her alive, knowing every possible play available and knowing her opponents. 
But sitting on a flight hours from Los Angeles with dozens of questions running rampant in her mind? Especially when one of the answers to the question could be- yes, Callen, Sam, Kensi and Deeks are all dead.
Hetty reaches forward and slowly closes the laptop screen shut. One of the questions that had popped up in her mind during the conversation comes to the forefront.
You aren't the overly touch type, Hollace. Who were you talking to?
OPS is quiet when she arrives.
With the only bag she's traveled with in Syria slung over her shoulder, Hetty enters the bullpen and takes a moment to note the changes since her last visit nearly a year ago. 
New additions to the tech workspace…a few touch ups on furniture….the bullpen divider is a different sha-
"I'm allowed to be here," Hetty hears softly from the couch that borders Callen and Deeks' desk. Hetty clasps her hands together and looks over to see a teenage girl sitting on the couch under a crochet blanket and surrounded by a tablet, wrappers and a familiar light blue sweater. 
"I have no doubt you are," Hetty replies as she walks between the set of desks towards the teenager. She nods at the visitor sticker on the teenager's jumper. "I can see your sticker. Have people given you trouble?"
The girl sits up a little straighter and her eyes flicker up to Kilbride's office. Hetty glances up to see the Admiral pacing in front of his desk with arms crossed behind his back. "Some people were but Hollace told them to stop."
"Considering you are the daughter of two federal agents," Hetty says with a smile," You have every right to be here, considering the circumstances. "
"You know who I am? How?"
Hetty nods over to Deeks' light blue sweater. "Mr. Deeks' sweater. I also remember when a family rescued by Ms. Blye and Mr. Hanna gave them both those blankets. What's your name?"
"Rosa Reyes." The teenager relaxes slightly against the back of the couch. "Are you an agent, too?"
"No, my dear-" Hetty pauses and contemplates her answer. Without knowing how much Kensi and Deeks have told Rosa or how much of their work is shared, she opts for a more neutral answer. "My name is Hetty Lange and I've known both of your parents for more than a decade. They, like Mr. Hanna and Mr. Callen, are some of the most courageous, graceful people I've ever met." 
Rosa's head bobs as tears begin to form in her eyes. She opens her mouth and lets out a sob. "Are they really dead?"
Hetty glances up to the glass office where Kilbride now stands at one of the windows, peering back. Although he's too far to get a clear view of his expression, she's well aware of what he's likely thinking.
You've missed a lot. Here's an example of what you've missed- Hetty imagines him saying. Behind her, Rosa tucks her head against her chest and starts to softly cry. 
I damn well know that, Hollace, Hetty thinks with a soft huff. She turns back to Rosa and feels a vibration in her pocket. Pulling out the phone, Hetty finds a message from Kilbride. 
Have an update for you. We may have found them.
Hetty lets out a slow, soft sigh at the message. She's been in protective mode for over a day now since leaving Syria. Her instincts have her needing to march up the stairs, get what she can and dare Kilbride to stop her from finding the remainder of her team. 
But a new rising part of her needs to stay and comfort the teenager desperate for news on her parents. It's a funny feeling to her to finally meet essentially the fourth child of her agents that she'd die for. 
Another buzz from her phone brings another message- Or you can stay with Rosa. Deeks' mother is stranded out of town due to a storm. She needs someone.
Hetty lowers the phone and walks over to settle onto the couch next to Rosa. She sends a quick glance up to Kilbride before placing a comforting hand on Rosa's shoulder. The descion made, Hetty smiles before saying, 
"May I tell you the story about the first time I met your parents?"
Six hours after beginning her story, Hetty leans against Callen's desk, sipping from a glass from Macallan Fine Single malt liquor. A celebratory glass, she supposes, after the news that had arrived an hour ago.
All four agents were alive, hungry and exhausted with minor injuries.
She takes another sip of her scotch as footsteps approach her side. Kilbride holds his own glass out to clink hers.
"How long has she been asleep?" Kilbride asks, nodding at the sleeping Rosa.
"After speaking with Ms. Blye and Mr. Deeks, she fell asleep almost immediately," Hetty replies. She clicks her glass against his and takes another sip. "Miss Reyes was exhausted."
"How'd it feel to be on the sidelines?" Kilbride asks. There's no malice in the question or his tone, only true curiosity. 
"I wouldn't call it being on the sidelines." Hetty nods slowly. "You were right to say things are different, Hollace. No matter how….different this was, helping Miss Reyes was where I needed to be."
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romancemedia · 6 years
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NCIS: LA - S10E1: To Live and Die in Mexico Sneak Peak Pictures
Gravely injured and unable to communicate with the team in the U.S., Callen, Sam and Kensi, with an unconscious Deeks in tow, search for a safe way home as a cartel boss places a “dead or alive” bounty on their heads. Also, Mosely and retired Navy Admiral Hollace Kilbride beseech their contacts in Mexico and D.C. for assistance with their missing colleagues.
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ncisladaily · 2 years
“The Body Stitchers” – The NCIS team join forces with the FBI when a group of grisly murderers known as “The Body Stitchers” returns after evading capture by NCIS years ago. Also, Sam’s dad makes a new friend in Arkady, on the CBS Original series NCIS: LOS ANGELES, Sunday, Oct. 23 (10:00-11:00 PM, ET/PT) on the CBS Television Network, and available to stream live and on demand on Paramount+*.
Chris O’Donnell
(Special Agent G. Callen)
(Special Agent Sam Hanna)
Linda Hunt
(Operations Manager Henrietta “Hetty” Lange)
Daniela Ruah
(Special Agent Kensi Blye)
Eric Christian Olsen
(NCIS Investigator Marty Deeks)
Medalion Rahimi
(Special Agent Fatima Namazi)
Caleb Castille
(Special Agent Devin Rountree)
Gerald McRaney
(Retired Admiral Hollace Kilbride)
Alicia Coppola
(FBI Senior Special Agent Lisa Rand)
JD Cullum
(FBI Forensic Psychologist Mark Collins)
Derrick A. King
(Michael Jeffries)
Richard Gant
(Raymond Hanna)
Rob Nagle
(Albert “Al” Barrington/Plague Doctor)
Tobias Jelinek
(Bobby Griffin/Wolf)
Matt Kelly
Teya Patt
Adrian Elizondo
Antony Del Rio
(Justin Tucker/Clown)
(Cindy Ferguson/Faceless Mask)
(Philip Guerrero)
(Alexander Hughes)
WRITTEN BY: Adam G. Key & Frank Military
DIRECTED BY: Suzanne Saltz
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z025 · 2 years
Actress Marilu Henner is joining the NCIS universe as an upcoming guest star on NCIS: Los Angeles. Henner will play Elizabeth, ex-wife of the rough-around-the-edges retired Navy Admiral Hollace Kilb...
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theighthhorcrux · 3 years
I was literally about to make a post about hoping Kilbride would become part of the main cast, and I just found out he is! This is so exciting
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