#admiral vaixx
mithrasisgay · 5 years
The Rise of the Dread Fleet - Chapter 1: Liberation
Sorry for the long wait! I’ve had some IRL issues that sapped all my life force, so I wasn’t really in the condition to write - regardless, on we go, Yoho.
Featuring @nouru-vi‘s Captain Sebba! <3 I hope I did her justice.
 Laughing Gull Island lies ahead, its fortifications looming threateningly on the horizon, along with several ships already sieging the fort, golden shimmers from their hulls.
Vaixx climbs up onto the railings, holding on to a rope.
“Listen up!” his voice bellows over the deck, and the crew turns their attention to him. “The Lionguard are running a major assault on Laughing Gull. Under normal circumstances, we would reinforce their defenses, but nothing about this is normal. Rowan Gaets is dead, and with him dies our control of this ship!” He pauses, looking down at the pirates on deck, leaderless and without direction. Their journey to Lion’s Arch had been put on hold by a large fleet of Lionguard moving south, forcing them to hide. As soon as Vaixx had figured out where they were heading, he’d made a decision. No more hiding. He raises his voice again.
 “We are free, my brothers and sisters, and free we will remain! Today, we break Taidha Covington’s yoke and set sail for new horizons! Man the cannons! Light up the sky! Slay the tyrant, once and for all!” Cheers erupt from the crew, as they rush to battle stations and Cariyen at the wheel starts bringing the ship in. Raxxi raises a white flag over their Jolly Roger, signaling the Lionguard not to attack them as the Rascal approaches their fleet. Vaixx jumps off his vantage point and rushes to the front of the ship, and balances up the prow. He’s close enough to make out the happenings on the Lionguard flagship, as it struggles under Taidha’s counterfire. An Asura appears to be leading them, clad in Lionguard Captain’s attire, shouting orders over the roaring battle. Her turquoise hair is whipped by the wind, moving like the arms of a terrible sea creature as she maneuvers about the deck.
 “Lionguard!” Vaixx cries out, drawing the Captain’s attention. “You’re wasting your time! There is another way in!” She grits her teeth and gestures to him, beckoning him on board. After a moment’s hesitation, Vaixx orders Cariyen to approach further, until he can comfortably jump off the prow, onto the Lionguard vessel.
He lands on the deck and has to orient himself for a second before he spots the Captain waiting for him.
“Keep the damage coming!” she calls out to her crew, then grabs Vaixx crudely by the arm and chaperones him into what he assumes are her Captain’s Quarters.
The noise dulls behind the closed door and she turns to him.
 “Pirate.” she spits the word like it’s profanity. “You have information, then spill it. I have no time for intrigue.”
“Neither do I. I want Taidha gone, just like you.” Vaixx says, keeping his head held high. “There is an underwater passage on the north side of the island, leading directly into the heart of the fort, as a last-ditch escape opportunity. Taidha kept this a secret, and comforts herself in the knowledge that only her Captains know about it.”
“That implies you are one of those Captains?” “Incorrect.” Vaixx crosses his arms. “I was First Mate to one, who recently died. Taidha would take control of my ship if she learned of it, and hunt me to the end of the world, should I betray her. Thus, she must die.”
The Lionguard bares her teeth. “You expect me to just let you go after this is over, don’t you? So you can take over her fleet?”
 Vaixx grimaces. “I have no interest in anything related to this woman anymore.” he assures her. “You can continue dulling your claws on her defenses, losing lives and resources with every second, or you can let me aid you. Your choice.”
 Seconds later, the door to the chamber flies open and the Lionguard steps out, Vaixx following close behind. “Keep the bombardment up! Buy me as much time as you can!” she orders her crew, then pulls a rebreather from her coat. “You lead the way, pirate.”
Vaixx nods and signals to his crew, then dons his own rebreather and jumps overboard.
 The water muffles all sound from the battle, and no marine life has stuck around long enough to become a casualty in this fight. It’s almost peaceful. The peace is disturbed by the Lionguard hitting the water next to him, and a group of combatants from the Rascal approaching them, led by Raxxi.
Vaixx takes the lead.
 It’s a long, silent swim around the isle. Vaixx forces himself to remain calm as he guides the group to a small, concealed hatch in the ocean floor. He jams his sword under the heavy trapdoor and levers it open. A cloud of dust spills into the water around them when the door falls open. The Lionguard gives him a long glare before she descends into the tunnel the hatch had revealed. Vaixx follows her.
Taidha Covington’s fortress is strong and the Lionguard assault barely puts her in distress. She has no need to use this emergency escape route yet. Thus, the passage is empty, unguarded, allowing Vaixx’ team to slip inside the fortifications unnoticed.
The tunnel opens up into a small room after rising above water level and the infiltrators can step onto dry ground again. The Lionguard is the first to take off her rebreather. “Very well. Now what?” she asks and Vaixx steps up to her side. “Now we brace for the battle. Taidha is likely surveying the struggle outside from a vantage point. She should be relatively easy to spot once we’re out in the open. “She will also be surrounded by her allies.” The Lionguard remarks sourly, probably regretting going alone. Vaixx can’t blame her. She’s all alone, in an enemy stronghold, surrounded by pirates. “I can make a diversion.” Raxxi pipes up snapping her fingers and letting lightning crackle between them. “All we need is some bad weather.” “Right. You can the others, distract Taidha’s flunkies. My new Lionguard friend and I will finish the job.” Vaixx decides and a displeased noise draws his attention back to said Lionguard.
“I am Captain Sebba.” She introduces herself, then stabs her index claw into Vaixx’ chest. “And I am not your friend, Pirate.” “Pleased to make your acquaintance.” Vaixx responds, his tone equally sharp. “Are you gonna argue about terminology with me or do we want to make the kill?”
 Ten minutes later, the final stage of the assault is announced by a crack of thunder over Laughing Gull Island. A raging storm, conjured out of clear skies descends upon the small landmass, vicious winds swirling and straight up lifting pirates off the ground, hurling them in the air, then dropping them. Lightning strikes come down, hitting people and setting fires, all way too calculated to be natural.
Vaixx has left Raxxi at the exit of the building they had been concocting their plan in, guarded by his men as she sits cross-legged on the ground, fists clenched, eyes closed, in deep focus over the hell she’s unleashing upon Taidha’s men.
Captain Sebba, who has revealed herself to be a Mesmer, is holding Vaixx’ hand to keep an invisibility spell up on both of them as he leads her toward one of the larger structures, passing through the chaos that has ensues over Raxxi’s magical storm. Yet again, Vaixx is thankful for his small size, as it makes evading people a lot easier for him. “The spell will fail as soon as we attack.” Sebba’s disembodied voice informs him as the slip into a half-open set of doors and ascend a staircase made of crude driftwood. “She’ll be alone. All we need to do is kill her.” Vaixx responds and stops dead in his tracks. “Do you hear that?”
Heavy footfalls from up ahead, but neither of the two Asura have to guess for long. Taidha Covington herself is barreling down the stairs, cutlass in one hand, flintlock in the other, and expression of raw anger on her face. Vaixx feels a sting of fear as Sebba pulls him to the side, to avoid colliding with Taidha.
“She’s leaving the building!” she hisses and the thin veil of invisibility falls off them both.
Taidha freezes, then whips around, pointing her gun at them. For a second disbelief dominates her features. “Vaixx?” she asks, a mixture of surprise and anger in her voice. “You are behind this?” “Not at all, Admiral.” Vaixx replies sarcastically and mimes a salute. “I just pitched in to help.”
He waits for neither a response, nor Sebba’s contribution. In a flash, he’s upon Taidha and thrusts his cutlass forward. Clashing metal rings in his ears as she parries, forcing his sword arm aside and points her own weapon at his throat. “You little shit.” She growls. “Rowan’ll have your fucking head for this.” “Rowan’s indisposed.” Vaixx responds and avoids backward, just to dive underneath her sword and flank her. “Mutineer!” Taidha curses, just as Vaixx gets her by the shin, severing a tendon. She cries out and a gunshot shakes the building.
Vaixx stumbles back, having yelped in pain. He only barely managed to dodge, causing the bullet to glance his shoulder. His sword drops to the ground as the strength leaves his arm and warm blood soaks his coat sleeve. “Fuckin’…” he snarls and throws his offhand dagger at her, pinning her left arm to the ground and causing her to drop her gun. A breeze of air hits him as Sebba rushes past him, in a daring leap, landing with her knees on Taidha’s stomach and bringing her rapier down upon her.
The scream is cut short by another loud crack of thunder from the outside.
When Sebba steps back, Taidha Covington is dead on the ground, a profusely bleeding stab wound on her chest. The rapier had pierced her heart. For a moment, Sebba looks like a rabid animal, murder in her eyes and blood staining her pretty face and fancy coat, a harsh contrast to her regular demeanor. She turns around, bends down to Vaixx and drags him to his feet.
“Nice throw.” She compliments him, her breathing still shallow as she helps him steady himself. “Will you be fine?” “Nothing a serving of strong liquor can’t cure.” Vaixx groans, trying not to wince as Sebba moves him. “Thanks.” “Don’t thank me.” Is her response to that, but Vaixx does sense a hint of respect for him in her voice. “So, you gonna arrest me now?” he asks, as casual as he can. “Oh, I absolutely should!” Sebba says, as she helps him toward the door. “But we had an agreement. And I never go back on my word.”
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nouru-vi · 8 years
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GW2 Fashion Week 3/X: Captain Aerna, Level 80, Tempest
Captain Aerna is among the more morally motivated pirate captains in Admiral Vaixx’s fleet. She’s ex-Consortium and their sworn enemy, a frighteningly powerful tempest, and a boisterous, scrappy, but clever, and all-around quite dangerous individual.
Skins: Feathered Mantle Trickster's Vest Primitive Handwraps Trickster's Leggings Country Boots
Dyes: Midnight Blue, Peanut Butter, Black Cherry, Midnight Ice, Shadow Blue, Blood
Weapons: Lionguard Dagger, Poyaqui's Noggin
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
Prologue: Mutiny Part II
Thank you all a million times for all the support You’ve sent my way! I’m all misty eyed when I read your comments! I’m so glad you enjoy my stuff, and fear not, there is SO MUCH MORE to come. This is the end of the Prologue for now. But after that, the fun really begins!
The first thing Asha feels is the unmerciful cold of the waters. She hits the surface like concrete and immediately after her head goes under, the panic sets in. 
There had been a strange calm in her until now, a resignation to her fate, but now that the fight for her life has begun, the protective layer of indifference is gone.
The water seeps into her clothes and drags her down; she struggles against her bonds, trashing about, eyes held tightly closed.
Sharpness hits her skin, pain as it's broken by... something. Sharks, Asha thinks. Krait. Unknwon horrors of the depths. Her lungs burn, her body screams for air and Asha cannot hold her breath any longer. Salty seawater fills her lungs and the world goes dark, a mercy after the raw fear of drowning.
When Asha comes to, she feels the sun on her skin, the taste of salt still lingers on her tongue, proof that she did not dream this terror. Not daring to let hope take her again, Asha slowly opens her eyes.
She sees a beach. Waves coming and going on the damp sands, sunlight glittering on the water's surface. Her bonds are undone, but the more conscious she becomes, the more pain Asha feels. Her wrists and ankles are open, raw from struggling against her bonds with no regard to her skin's integrity, adrenaline having clouded her sense of pain for that moment. Furtherly, there are gashes on her arms and legs, burning from the saltwater. Asha sits up, head spinning, nausea in her stomach.
She scans the immediate area for something, anything, an explanation to how she got her, and why she isn't one of the many unfortunate corpses at the bottom of the ocean.
The coast is rocky, aside from the few patches of sand. Large boulders adorn the beach, grey and bleak. Asha feels like she is dreaming, her surroundings feel unreal and too quiet for her standards. She's not used to this kind of peace, not after the harrowing ordeal of serving on the Rascal.
Then, from the corner of her eye, movement. Asha whips around, limps toward one of the big boulders in her vicinity. “Who's there?” she calls out, her voice raw and raspy from swallowing saltwater. In response, the stranger she'd spotted peeks their head over the rock, halfway, just to see wet, pale pink hair and featureless eyes. No pupil, no iris, just a white shadow where they should be, looking at Asha with a mixture of fear and curiosity. “Wait – Don't leave.” Asha pleads as she makes her way toward the stranger. “Please.”
A pair horrible, clawed hands appears left and right of the face, and the creature pulls itself upward, into view from behind its hiding spot. At first glance, it looks like a nude woman, pale as the moon, but then Asha sees the gills on her sides and her neck, the webbed hands and the scales on her waistline. She lifts herself up onto the boulder with impressive strength, revealing the mighty, scaled fishtail in place of her legs, the same salmon color as her hair, which clings to her back. Asha stares at her, frozen in place. She's heard stories of the melodious voices calling sailors to their doom, the beautiful women that feed on the blood and bones of those who hear them sing on the open sea.
“Siren.” she gasps and loses her footing collapsing back onto the ground. The siren bats her eyes and nods, then brushes her hand ober her tail. A change occurs with her, her tailfin shrinks, her scales fade into skin, and the entire tail splits, reforming into human legs right before Asha's eyes. A few minutes later, only a few scale pattern remain of the tail and the siren stands on wobbly knees before her. Once the transformation is complete, she kneels down at Asha's side and gives her a sheepish smile, as if asking if she is more comfortable with her now.
“Did... did you save me?” Asha dares to ask, as she has no other explanation for how she survived her execution and the siren nods. “I, um... thank you? But why? Aren't you supposed to eat sailors or something?”
The siren hurriedly shakes her head and takes Asha's left hand, her cold fingers tap the rash from the rope. She holds her own wrist next to hers, and a faint shimmer on her skin, an irregularity in her smoothness has Asha's eyes go wide. “You were cast overboard too? Is that how you became like this?” she asks and the siren nods once more, letting go of Asha's hand.
“Thank you.” Asha repeats, clueless about how to proceed from here. She's wounded, alone with a mermaid on some shore or island without any way to find her way home, let alone back to the Rascal.
Her gaze meets her saviour's again.
“I'm Asha.” she introduces herself. “Do you have a name?” The Siren opens her mouth, revealing a set of sharp, sharklike teeth, then closes it again, draws breath and produces as rasping, hissing sound from her throat, before managing to form a word.
Vaixx stares into the spot Asha Gaets had submerged at, looking at the air bubbles rising as the girl drowns. His fists are clenched tightly, and he turns away.
“Set a course to Laughing Gull.” he orders, immediately assuming his duties as the new Captain, now that Rowan is no more.
“Hey.” He feels someone grip him by the shoulder as he makes his way into the Captain's Quarters, to clean up the body. “This isn't your fault.” He hums in response, brushes the hand off. “Vaixx.” His friend, Raxxi, moves into his way. “She killed the Cap'n. If you hadn't done this, the crew woulda torn her apart.” “I killed a kid.” he counters and pushes her out of his way.
Knowing not to push the topic, Raxxi follows him, clasping her hands behind her back. “What now? Taidha will not be happy about losing one of her best Captains.” she asks instead. “Taidha can suck my dick for all I care.” Vaixx responds sharply and closes the door behind them, cutting off the sounds of the crew celebrating the death of a little girl. He feels sick, and looks upon the corpse of Rowan Gaets.
His daughter's attack came out of nowhere. Rowan's eyes are wide open, his lips parted, as if in silent protest. Nobody would have expected the girl to snap, least of all her father.
“I followed Rowan's orders, not hers.” Vaixx adds and tears off his headband, to run his fingers through his hair.
“Sorry to burst yer bubble, mate, but those were her orders, passed through to the next instance.” Raxxi counters. “Look, I know you don't like her, but she's got an entire fuckin' fleet. We only have this sorry little boat.”
Vaixx pauses. “What if that wasn't the case?” “Wha?” “What if we had a fleet, Raxxi? We wouldn't have to follow her anymore, would we? We could just leave!”
Raxxi snorts humorlessly. “Yeah, what if we had five million gold? We could retire! Newsflash pal, we have neither that, nor a fleet. Taidha will appoint one of her goons as the new Cap'n as soon as she learns of this mess.” she says and Vaixx shushes her hurriedly.
“Yes, but she doesn't know yet, does she?” he urges. “I hate this situation as much as everybody else, but this might be a chance to leave Covington fleet for good! Your brother.” “My brother?”
“He's got the means to help us build a fleet, doesn't he? He's got the money to buy the ships we need, and the connections to populate them. We have to do this. We will not get another opportunity.”
“Vaixx, my boy. There is one weakness in your masterplan.” “What?” “You just set course to Laughing Gull.”
“Fuck!” The door bursts open again and Vaixx stomps out from the Captain's Quarters, followed by Raxxi as he makes his way up to the wheel. “Change of plans! Avoid Laughing Gull, Sanctum Harbor, on the double!” he calls to the Sylvari up there, who looks onto him with hollow eyes. There's a sting in his gut when he remembers her. She was close to the girl.
Regardless, she follows his order, spinning the wheel. Vaixx estimates, she will leave the crew as soon as they reach Lion's Arch but for now, he cannot worry about that.
He has work to do.
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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My boy Vaixx got a little wardrobe update
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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lil outtake from my banners - vaixx like “hold up mate, theres a mosquito”
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mithrasisgay · 7 years
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So, the fleet gained two hats and lost two limbs.
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mithrasisgay · 7 years
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Cropped some action shots from Vaixx’s level 80 shooting. I do like these.
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mithrasisgay · 7 years
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“What, you mean you wanted that seat?”
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mithrasisgay · 7 years
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Look at those beady blue eyes
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mithrasisgay · 7 years
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The battle lies ahead Our coming they do dread We raise the black flag And ready our attack
Feels like an eternity, and actually was an eternity, but Admiral Vaixx is finally 80! King of the free pirates, Admiral of the Dread Fleet, and Captain of the Queen, Vaixx is rather feared on the High Seas, rightfully so, but behind his rough exterior lies a genuinely kind, and even vulnerable soul.
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mithrasisgay · 4 years
The Rise of the Dread Fleet Pt. 5 - Rage
I’m participating in Camp NaNo this month!
@tyrias-library Also tagging my readers: @skrittilicious, @omnivoroustree thank you guys for supporting me <3
The room is quiet when Vaixx enters. Heads turn to face him as he strides to the opposite end of the space and takes his seat. He's assembled his new fleet in one of the high-end taverns Quincy owns, and reserved for him. The scent of alcohol and seawater hangs in the air and Vaixx lets his gaze sweep the room. Sylvari. Charr. Norn. Humans. All much bigger, stronger than him, yet he keeps his head held high, steps onto the bar and crosses his arms.
“I have promised you great success, greater than you could ever hope to achieve on your own.” he opens, his voice dominating the silent room. “Today, I make good on my words.” He pauses, to observe the glint in his audience's eyes, then smiles, baring his teeth at them.
“I have received word on an Inquest supply fleet's course, from Rata Sum to their outposts near Mount Maelstrom.” he continues. “We can expect heavy resistance from them, but you all know the kind of cargo they carry.”
“Slaves.” answers the Sylvari closest to him. “They carry test subjects. Do you imply we become traffickers?” “No.” Vaixx hurries to counter. “We will liberate any live cargo they may have. I'm talking about their machinery, and fuel for machinery at their outposts. Expensive, powerful items to barter away, or perhaps... utilize.” “I don't want no magic garbage.” the Norn next to the Sylvari says. “I want... I dunno. Guns.” “Oh, they will have guns, Captain Frostbite.” Vaixx assures her. “Magical guns, even. You'll get your fill, that I can promise.”
Raxxi rolls her eyes. “Look, mates. We can speculate the yield to death if you want to, but the point is: Inquest rich. Us poor. Let's get to the specifics.” “Thanks, Raxxi.” Vaixx says. “I want you all ready to sail by sunrise next morning. They will have three cargo ships, with two smaller escort vessels each. The cargo vessels do not have any weaponry, if we disable the escorts, they will be defenseless.” “And then it's just a matter of squishing a few, tiny little bugs.” growls Captain Frostbite. “Leave that to us, Admiral.” “Excellent. Get some rest and prepare your crews. Until we take out the escorts, this will no be easy.”
Raya has been circling the stolen ship ever since it embarked from Lion's Arch, scouting ahead and warning Asha of dangers on her way. In doing so, she had been moving quite far from her, utilizing all of her speed underwater. This isn't anything special for Raya, nor is it in need of thanks or praise. Although only two members of this crew know of her existence, they are her new swarm. And Swarmmates look out for one another.
A disturbance in the tides draws Raya's attention. She loops in on herself to check if Asha's ship had caught up with her, but her keel is far out of sight. Focusing, Raya pinpoints the source ahead of her and dives down, further into the depths to conceal herself as she approaches.
While the waters of the ocean may become black at a certain depth for land-dwelling creatures, Raya's eyes pierce this darkness effortlessly, allowing her to lurk like a predator on those that dare leave dry land and enter her domain.
Ships. Seven of them, and large ones at that. Raya has spent enough time preying on sailors to gauge the level of danger they pose to her. They're moving fast, riding the waves with the wind in their favor, clearly with a destination in mind and Raya listens for their voices, muffled by the water, carefully rising back up, following the slowest of them.
“...Little shit got a point, you know?” she heard a masculine voice speak. “They might be tiny, but they got all sorts of tricks up their sleeves. We really shouldn't take this lightly, Captain Frostbite.” Another voice joins in, feminine, but no less rough. “I hate to admit that Vaixx's right, but he is.” the woman says. “Fine. Double lookout shifts. I wanna know what they got before we reach 'em.”
Vaixx. Raya's fingers curl into claws. She remembers that name. He is the murderer, the villain that attempted to murder Asha. The scum that threw a helpless little girl into the unforgiving, ice-cold depths on the sea. The look of panic on the girl's face flashes before Raya's eyes, and the scars on her wrists burn with a familiar phantom pain, of coarse rope biting into her skin that isn't there anymore.
The burn in her lungs. The rage she felt when the waters swallowed her up, powerful enough to create the creature she is now. Raya knows, at her core, she is just that – a vengeful spirit. But now, it is no longer herself she is avenging, oh no. Her rage has a brand new target.
Her tail whips, propelling her upward further, until her face breaks the surface. She slams her claws into the side of the ship and lets it drag her along, her glare trained upward.
The female Captain has moved away, and Raya heard her issuing order from afar, only the man that had spoken to her before remains, glancing into the distance with a woeful expression on his face. He's large and hairy, his braided beard reaching down to his navel, over his exposed chest, winding markings adorning his body. Raya has seen his kind before. Bigger and stronger than humans, but that does not deter her.
She opens her mouth and produces that dreadful melody in her throat, a wordless hum, only audible to her target, caressing his very soul and drawing his attention to her. His gaze flickers from the horizon to the waters down below. Pupils widen when he sees Raya, this frail, delicate girl clinging to his ship, her skin as white as porcelain, making her look just as fragile. He lifts one hand from the railing, not once breaking eye contact with her, mouth hanging open, entranced by her spell, as Raya reaches upward, toward him.
He cannot reach her hand that she offers to him so invitingly, so he leans in further and further, struggling to close the distance, but Raya makes no efforts to meet him halfway, instead, her song reaches its crescendo, as the Norn inches closer, getting on his toes, forgetting balance, safety, logic. Everything he sees is that pleading hand, reaching for his.
Without halting her deadly song, Raya finally jolts upward to meet the Norn's hand, her claws digging into his palm, but the pain does not phase him, as his blood drips down on that pretty face, painting crimson on her porcelain skin. Then, Raya lets herself fall, pulling the man down into the depths with her.
Once submerged, her song stops, and the Norn comes to, eyes now wide in panic as he realizes the situation he's in, flails and kicks at her, pulling uselessly against her grip, but now he's in Raya's domain.
Raya moves her grip to his shoulders and pushes him further down, making sure the flaming hatred in her eyes in the last thing he sees, before she lunges at him and buries her teeth in his throat.
Blood spills from the wound and Raya's jaw locks on her prey, the pair is clouded in red, descending deeper into the darkness. As he drowns and bleeds out in Raya's arms, the Norn's desperate attempts to free himself die down, his life force flowing into the Siren's being.
As his last heartbeat sounds, Raya lets go and watches his body sink until even she can't see him anymore.
He will be lucky if his corpse washes ashore, as Raya knows that the Sea does not release those her depth has claimed.
A life taken, Raya's rage as simmered down to a small flame, just enough to keep her warm. She decides to follow the fleet.
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
The Rise of the Dread Fleet Pt. 4 - Stalwart
@tyrias-library @skrittilicious @omnivoroustree <3
On Ao3
Night has fallen over the city, but silence never comes in Lion’s Arch. Asha and her little group are lurking in an alley near the less frequented corners of Sanctum Harbor, the noise of a nearby tavern with an open door hiding their own sounds easily.
Before them, in the waters, lies a large three-master, a Lionguard ship named the Stalwart, currently out of commission due to the installation of new cannons, but the workers have already gone home to their families, leaving the Stalwart entirely alone.
Liamu, Snezz’ friend, is sitting cross-legged on the ground, eyes closed tightly, one tooth digging into her lower lip. Around her, the group is silent, letting her concentrate and watching anxiously for her verdict. The necromancer acts as a scout here, having summoned a swarm of locusts that swarm over the ship, examining every nook and cranny for hidden guards or traps. She has been motionless for a good twenty minutes, before her eyes snap open abruptly. “It’s clear.” She reports. “I could not find anything.” Asha, who had been crouching at Liamu’s side, now rises back to her feet. “Good. Summon your guys. They might get alerted of our intrusion once we board, and I wanna be ready to run as quickly as possible.” She orders and Liamu gets up as well, while the rest of the group readies themselves for a potential fight. Cariyen looks upon the young girl with unconcealable pride.
Liamu steps away from the group, to make room for her little horde, and draws a deep breath. Then, green, necrotic magic gathers around her claws as she rises her hands over her head, muttering under her breath as the green energy coalesces into solid form before her, growing limbs and digits, writhing under Liamu’s spell, until seven vaguely humanoid, headless minions stand before their master. She lowers her hands and gazes upon her work, then nods her head in satisfaction. “They can sail. I designed them for us.”
Each creature is about two heads taller than Cariyen, has long arms, reaching down to its knee joint, or rather, the first joint below the hip, because there is another knee between the first and the ankle. Their feet resemble Charr paws, with spurs on the heel, and each hand has four fingers, adorned with boney claws, not unlike an Asura. No one speaks for a few seconds, looking at the creatures with a mixture of respect and disgust, but Asha grins from ear to ear.
“That is so FUCKING cool.” She praises. “Exactly what we needed!” The corners of Liamu’s mouth twitch, as if she was trying to smile, but was unsure how. “Okay. Your minions need to rush ahead of us and ready the sails. Cariyen, you’re behind them, get on the wheel. Snezz and Auri, you chop off the lines and raise the anchor. Liamu, you’re with me. I’ll guard you.”
“What did you just call me?” the Charr growls. “Auri. Short for Aurelia. Your name. Cute, isn’t it?” Asha shrugs at her, then claps her hands. “Right, chop chop, you guys! We got a ship to commandeer!”
The group gets moving, each filling their role. Cariyen runs with the minions and finds them to have a strange type of grace to their movements, as opposed to the horrid shamble she expected of them. Glancing over her shoulder, she sees Liamu moving slowly, holding Asha’s hand like a blind person, as the necromancer focuses on directing her minions.
Cariyen and the minions climb on board easily, two of them break away to lower a gangplank down, so the others can board more easily. The minions work without pausing to catch their breath, and within a few minutes, the sails are risen and ready to sail.
“Hey! What are you doing?”
The voice from the harbor has Cariyen’s blood running cold, but when she hurriedly glances down past the Stalwart’s railing, she doesn’t see Liamu and Asha anywhere.
“Borrowing your ship!” Asha calls back, from the starboard side. “Indefinetly!” The anchor is risen and Cariyen grabs the wheel to maneuver the large ship out of the harbor. There’s a group of Lionguard aiming bows and rifles at them, but before thez can shoot, a purple distortion fills the sky around the ship, bullets and arrows bouncing off it uselessly. Aurelia has thrust her hand into the sky, casting a reflective dome around the ship, giving them time to flee. Snezz cheers her on, but Cariyen catches Asha looking over the railings, looking for Raya in the waters.
 Life is good for Vaixx. He’s sitting in the Captain’s Quarters of his brand new ship, which he named the Queen, sipping rum and pondering his next move. He’s assembled a number of free pirate crews around himself, and with no threat from Taidha, he can build up his new empire quite comfortably. Raxxi has left his side to lead her own crew, having risen to Captainhood under his banner.
Admiral. The title sounds beautiful next to Vaixx’ name.
He groans and stretches, then leans back in his chair. What could possibly sully this triumph of his now? As if responding to his question, there is a knock at the door. “Admiral? There is a lady wishing to speak to you. Shall I let her in?” Neci, his new First Mate, asks, muffled from the other side of the door. Vaixx grins. Clearly, this particular lady was here to congratulate him on his success. “Absolutely.” He responds.
The door opens and in walks the most beautiful woman Vaixx knows. She has ashen black hair, tied up in a ponytail, obsidian black eyes, and teeth as sharp as razors. Tall she is, taller than him by at least an inch, and dressed in fine silks. She steps in, a serious expression on her gorgeous face, and takes a seat on the other side of the table.
“Linni, my dear.” Vaixx greets her. “I welcome you to my humble new abode. What may I aid you with?” Linni pulls a grimace, and clears her throat before speaking. “Thank you.” She says. “I’m breaking up with you.”
Vaixx’s glass of rum shatters on the ground as he stares at her in disbelief. “What?” he finally manages to force out. “But why?”
Linni sighs and closes her eyes for a moment. “You are a wonderful man, Vaixx.” She assures him, although her words feel hollow. “But you are driving me insane. You feel fake. You constantly try to prove yourself to me. You do something and look at me as if you were asking if that was good and manly of you. You’re insecure, and you project that insecurity onto me. I am thirty-seven years old, Vaixx. You’re older than me. You should not be relying on my verdict as a basis for your self worth.”
With every word she speaks, Vaixx’ composure peels away. She’s right, he thinks. Alchemy, she’s right. “But-…” he protests, his voice climbing a few octaves, the corners of his eyes burning. “But I gave you everything, I-…” “Exactly!” Linni leans forward. “You give me everything! You keep wanting to buy my affection materially! And you’re so… damn pleased with yourself whenever you take me out to a fancy restaurant, you don’t look at me! You look at everyone else, to make sure they see how you’re spoiling your girlfriend. It’s never genuine!” She pauses to draw a shuddering breath. Clearly, she’d been keeping this in for a while.
“I don’t know why you’re like this, Vaixx. I care for you, I do. Deeply!” she continues. “And I know that whatever you’re doing here is not healthy for you. You never learned how to be in a proper relationship and everything you do is performative. I can’t deal with it anymore!”
Vaixx doesn’t respond. He just stares at her in stunned silence, processing her words and what they mean for him. “But… I love you.” He stammers. “Vaixx-…” Linni cuts herself off and shakes her head. “Listen. This isn’t the only reason I came to see you. I’m here mainly as a representative of the Order.” “What.” Vaixx whispers, feeling hollow. “Whispers has watched you kill Taidha and build this fleet. We know that you have big plans, and we want to ally with you, for the future. You’re a good man, and I know you have a sense of justice. I was given a new post as  a sleeper agent in the Inquest. The Order plans a large-scale campaign against them.” “Inquest.” Vaixx parrots. “We could use a naval force disrupting their supply lines. You have the means, and as this fleet’s leader, you have a responsibility. For once in your life, take it.”
Vaixx nods, slowly. “I’ll help.” He promises. “Linni, please, if you could reconsider-…” “No. I have been brooding over this decision for months. I am not taking anything back. This is better for me, and for you.” She gets up and turns to leave. “I wish you the best, Vaixx.”
The door falls shut and the noise rings in Vaixx’ head. He opens his desk drawer and pulls out a bottle of rum, uncorks it, and raises it to his lips.
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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And another Group shot, now with extra Ketchup Splatters,, this is it’s the (spoiler) Dread Fleet of my Pirate Saga!
From the Left:
Captain Ahona and First Mate Hadriana of the Fair Maiden, Captain Juniper Blackwell and First Mate Lucia Emberlight of the Falcon, Admiral Vaixx, Captain Raxxi of the Marquise, and Captain Sonya Forstbite and First Mate Lunabel Frostbite of the Baroness.
They’re hiring, guys. Check out their linkedin and submit your resume today. No prior seafaring experience required.
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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Name: Neci Age: 24 Gender and Orientation: feminine nonbinary / bisexual Race: Asura Affiliation: Dread Fleet Pirates Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Relationship Status: Single / Mono  Bio: This. This is a rat. An utter rodent.  Neci is part of the Admiral’s inner circle, and usually acts as a scout for immobile targets, such as port towns. She’s an expert when it comes to stealth reconnaissance, but also knows her way around in a fight, preferring to outmaveuver her foe instead of just overpowering them, true Asura-fashion. Despite her lack of depth perception, due to losing an eye during a prison break a couple of years ago, Neci is still very good at her job. and enjoys Vaixx’s ultimate trust. She’s mostly in it for the money, and... the partying. Nobody parties quite like a pirate.
Theme: Jaxson Gamble - Taste for Gold
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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Name: Sonya Frostbite Age: 29 Gender and Orientation: cis woman / lesbian Race: Norn Affiliation: Dread Fleet Pirates Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Relationship Status: Single / Mono   Bio: Sonya is the second oldest of four sisters. She left Hoelbrak in her early twenties, and met Admiral Vaixx, who was at the time, still recruiting for his fleet. The plucky Asura impressed her with sheer combat prowess (Yes. He kicked her ass.), and Sonya elected to become a pirate, bought a ship and went a-piratin’.  Eventually, she realized that she trusts nobody enough to make First Mate, so she simply took her younger, and much more reasonable sister Lunabel from Hoelbrak. There. Ready-made trusted person. Today, Sonya is clearly the muscle of the fleet, and feared across the Sea of Sorrows.
Theme: Alestorm - Terror on the High Seas
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mithrasisgay · 6 years
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Character Lineup 1/5: Asura
I’ll be posting these race by race, since i put more detail into them now. Alas, in order
1: Head Arcanist Zowi (Pact Bigwig), Operative Varekk (Whispers Assassin), Little Sheasa (Baby Whispers Initiate), Captain Raxxi (Filthy Pirate with a short fuse), Rajjai (bastard child of @slayergt‘s Delaine), Krewe Chief Nija (Rajjai’s mother), Head Technician Mimi (explosive Pact Airship pilot, Zowi’s wife), Creator Liamu (smelly necromancer, pirate), Sentinel Khiz (aka Sgt. Smooch, former Peacemaker turned pirate)
2. Quincy Vermillion (crime boss, Raxxi’s twin bro), Riaff (acrophobic Airship pirate), Mhido (former Inquest agent turned pirate), Neci (pirate scout/assassin), Yoccin (Sheasa’s parent, pirate), Arianas Sylvanheart (sylvari-raised asura), Captain Vaixx (admiral of pirate fleet), Infiltrator Linni (Lightbringer, infiltrating the Inquest, Vaixx’s ex), Dekji (Rajjai’s elder half-sister), Chyrru (heavily physically impaired pirate, Sheasa’s other parent, Yoccin’s best friend)
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