#asha gaets
mithrasisgay · 5 years
Prologue: Mutiny (I)
The first of two Prologues for my big ass Pirate Saga project. Warning for Violence against children, abuse and wh*rephobia (by a character, not the story itself)
Asha Gaets is fifteen years old when she murders her father. A childhood of anguish, physical and emotional, unloaded in a single bullet, her rage, her pain, exploding in a single act of violence that should shape a new era of piracy in the Sea of Sorrows. Now, standing before her father’s body, the blood splatter on the wall opposite of her, she wonders how it could ever have come to this.
Asha is five years old when she first sets foot on the Rascal, her father’s ship in Taidha Covington’s fleet. Her mother is an impoverished sex worker in Lion’s Arch with neither time not resources to care for her. With a heavy heart, she’d given her little daughter to Rowan Gaets, the man that fathered the girl. Wealth and an entire ship’s worth of people to protect the child from whatever dangers might claw at her, Asha’s mother thought it to be a wiser idea to have Rowan raise her. She holds the tiny form of her little girl in her arms as the salty breeze of the Sanctum Harbor whips around them. “It’s okay.” She says. “You can come visit me whenever your papa comes to the city.” Asha buries her face in her mother’s hair and sobs, then she lets go of her. She’s a big girl now. Big girls don’t cry.
Asha is six years old when she sees her first dead body. It’s so simple, so unnecessary. A dispute over plunder, erupting in screams and flying fists. The Captain, her father, stands by and watches as the two men beat the life out of each other. One of them is on the ground, the other straddles him, beating down on his face until he is unrecognizable. There is a struggle to fight back, but his movements get slower and slower, until eventually, they cease entirely. Rowan has his hand on Asha’s shoulder as she looks on with wide eyes. “This is what happens when you steal from your crew.” He tells her.
 Asha is seven years old when she is given her first weapon. After two years of being a deckhand, crawling in small spaces to plug leaks or clean, Rowan elects that his daughter has proven herself enough to move up in the Rascal’s hierarchy. He hands her a flintlock, shows her how to load and fire, shows her how to maintain the weapon, shows her where to aim for maximum effect. At night, she sits alone, staring at the gun in her hands. I’m not ready, she thinks. I don’t want this.
 Asha is ten years old when she first kills a man. A dispute over territory, prize or simply for dispute’s sake. The Rascal as hooks attached to her starboard side, angry men flood onto deck. Chaos is all around her as cutlasses clash and weapons fire. The Rascal blows a hole into the hull of the enemy, a point-blank cannon shot that shakes both ships. “Asha! The hooks!” yells Cariyen, a Sylvari woman and takes her by the hand. “If she sinks, she will drag us down with her!”
The two run, scramble past combatants, Cariyen’s magic shielding Asha from stray bullets as they go, and reach the railings. They rip a hook off the wood and let it crash into the waves. The enemy vessel is filling with water, now sits much too low in the sea. There’s no time! Asha nudges Cariyen and points at the furthest hook, before heading off to the other one still attached. She reckons that Cariyen is stronger than her and would need less time to tear it off the ship. Her hands clasp the metal and pull it upward, Asha puts her entire weight into it, but she is just a little girl, a child. She struggles, focuses, and does not notice the impending danger behind her until it’s too late. A large hand grabs her by the hair, slams her face first on the railing, then tosses her to the ground like a ragdoll. Her head spins and she can feel warm blood pouring from her nostrils. When her vision clears, she sees the man, about to attack her again. A fist lands hard in her stomach, she retches, tasting bile on her tongue. “Ca-…” she tries to scream, but the man has her by the throat and cuts her cry off, pressing his fingers into her airways. Asha chokes, whines, but her fingers are at her belt, scrambling for her weapon; she pushes it into the man’s ribs and pulls the trigger-…
When Asha comes to, she’s pressed to the ground by a dead body, drenched in its blood. She sees Cariyen, about to lift the dead man off of her, and an apologetic expression on her face.
 Asha is fifteen when she is taken prisoner by the enemy. Three days, she spends in brigg, no sunlight, no food, just grimy water that makes her vomit. She’s weak, fevering high with glassy eyes and shaking hands when her father’s men finally take the vessel. They find her and take her home. For two weeks, Asha rests, slowly regaining her strength. Not once does her father visit her sickbed. Only Cariyen comes to see to her, wipes the sweat-drenched hair from her forehead as Asha combats the infection she’s contracted in that cell. In these moments, Asha loves her. Asha loves her for her cool touch, easing the hot pain, the gentle words, the comfort. Asha loves her for the water and food she brings, for the cold wraps around her shins and the promise that the worst is behind her.
 “Asha,” Cariyen says, days after her recovery. “Your father is asking for you.” She climbs down the mast she had been in the process of ascending and straightens her vest. Then, she makes her way to the Captain’s quarters.
It smells like wood polish and alcohol, when she enters. Her father is behind his desk, leaning back in his chair. “Sit.” He commands, pointing at the pair of open seats across from him. She walks into the room, and takes a seat, waiting for her father to speak again. “I’m disappointed in you.” He opens and Asha feels her heart sink. She wanted an apology for leaving her in enemy custody, maybe concern for her wellbeing, not disappointment. As if this was her fault! “Why?” she presses forth, forcing her tone to remain neutral. “You didn’t fight back.” Rowan explains. “You submitted to the enemy when you were captured and rotted in the brigg. Had I not decided to come free you, you would still be there. No agency, no defiance. Pathetic.” “How do you know what I did during my captivity?” Asha asks, now allowing the sharpness to take her voice. “I had hoped I’d taught you better.” Rowan continues, ignoring her question entirely. “You need to learn what it means to serve on this vessel. Don’t think for a second I’d take it easy with you just because I fathered you. ‘Captain’s Daughter’ means nothing here. You fight, or you die.” Asha feels red-hot anger in her veins and clenches her fists. “Did you do this to me?” she asks. “Did you let this happen on purpose? To… what? Toughen me up? Show me what it’s like?”
Rowan reaches over the table to refill his glass of whiskey, then takes a sip from it. “You needed to learn what it means when you show weakness. When you are negligent in your combat, you get captured.” “You let me be captured! If you want to teach me what it means to be part of a crew, why do you make sure no one helps me when I need it? Cariyen is the only one who-…” “Cariyen.” Rowan interrupts her. “Is soft. Weak. The only reason I keep her around is because she has magic. She’s not someone you should aspire to be like.” “Cariyen is the only good person on this entire damn tub!” Asha is screaming now. “I’m just a kid! Why did you make my mother give me up if you don’t wanna raise a kid?”
“Your mother is a whore.” Rowan scoffs. “My mother” Asha roars at him, not caring if the crew hears her. “loved me!” Her pulse pounds in her ears and tears of anger stream down her face. She’s standing up now, screaming down at her father, who is sitting there, in his posh little cabin, sipping whiskey and feeling proud of himself and his parenting. He blinks up at her.
“Are you finished?” he asks her nonchalantly. “I have no time for your teenage tantrums.”
Asha’s cry of rage rings out before the gunshot does. Her father slumps in his chair, his glass shatters on the ground. There’s silence, a moment of shock in regards to her own action, but no regret. No grief. No shame.
The door bursts open and Cariyen is the first to enter the room.
“By the Tree.” She whispers. “What have you done?”
Then, the crew bursts in, led by the asuran First Mate, who stares at his Captain’s body and the gun in Asha’s hand. “What have you done?!” he echoes Cariyen, but with much more anger. The crew lunges at her, wrestle her to the ground and disarm her. Asha feels the burn of ropes being tied around her wrists, then they drag her out, to deck. Cariyen stands helpless, staring at her in horror, as they force her forward.
Asha is only fifteen years old when she walks the plank as a mutineer.
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
Prologue: Mutiny Part II
Thank you all a million times for all the support You’ve sent my way! I’m all misty eyed when I read your comments! I’m so glad you enjoy my stuff, and fear not, there is SO MUCH MORE to come. This is the end of the Prologue for now. But after that, the fun really begins!
The first thing Asha feels is the unmerciful cold of the waters. She hits the surface like concrete and immediately after her head goes under, the panic sets in. 
There had been a strange calm in her until now, a resignation to her fate, but now that the fight for her life has begun, the protective layer of indifference is gone.
The water seeps into her clothes and drags her down; she struggles against her bonds, trashing about, eyes held tightly closed.
Sharpness hits her skin, pain as it's broken by... something. Sharks, Asha thinks. Krait. Unknwon horrors of the depths. Her lungs burn, her body screams for air and Asha cannot hold her breath any longer. Salty seawater fills her lungs and the world goes dark, a mercy after the raw fear of drowning.
When Asha comes to, she feels the sun on her skin, the taste of salt still lingers on her tongue, proof that she did not dream this terror. Not daring to let hope take her again, Asha slowly opens her eyes.
She sees a beach. Waves coming and going on the damp sands, sunlight glittering on the water's surface. Her bonds are undone, but the more conscious she becomes, the more pain Asha feels. Her wrists and ankles are open, raw from struggling against her bonds with no regard to her skin's integrity, adrenaline having clouded her sense of pain for that moment. Furtherly, there are gashes on her arms and legs, burning from the saltwater. Asha sits up, head spinning, nausea in her stomach.
She scans the immediate area for something, anything, an explanation to how she got her, and why she isn't one of the many unfortunate corpses at the bottom of the ocean.
The coast is rocky, aside from the few patches of sand. Large boulders adorn the beach, grey and bleak. Asha feels like she is dreaming, her surroundings feel unreal and too quiet for her standards. She's not used to this kind of peace, not after the harrowing ordeal of serving on the Rascal.
Then, from the corner of her eye, movement. Asha whips around, limps toward one of the big boulders in her vicinity. “Who's there?” she calls out, her voice raw and raspy from swallowing saltwater. In response, the stranger she'd spotted peeks their head over the rock, halfway, just to see wet, pale pink hair and featureless eyes. No pupil, no iris, just a white shadow where they should be, looking at Asha with a mixture of fear and curiosity. “Wait – Don't leave.” Asha pleads as she makes her way toward the stranger. “Please.”
A pair horrible, clawed hands appears left and right of the face, and the creature pulls itself upward, into view from behind its hiding spot. At first glance, it looks like a nude woman, pale as the moon, but then Asha sees the gills on her sides and her neck, the webbed hands and the scales on her waistline. She lifts herself up onto the boulder with impressive strength, revealing the mighty, scaled fishtail in place of her legs, the same salmon color as her hair, which clings to her back. Asha stares at her, frozen in place. She's heard stories of the melodious voices calling sailors to their doom, the beautiful women that feed on the blood and bones of those who hear them sing on the open sea.
“Siren.” she gasps and loses her footing collapsing back onto the ground. The siren bats her eyes and nods, then brushes her hand ober her tail. A change occurs with her, her tailfin shrinks, her scales fade into skin, and the entire tail splits, reforming into human legs right before Asha's eyes. A few minutes later, only a few scale pattern remain of the tail and the siren stands on wobbly knees before her. Once the transformation is complete, she kneels down at Asha's side and gives her a sheepish smile, as if asking if she is more comfortable with her now.
“Did... did you save me?” Asha dares to ask, as she has no other explanation for how she survived her execution and the siren nods. “I, um... thank you? But why? Aren't you supposed to eat sailors or something?”
The siren hurriedly shakes her head and takes Asha's left hand, her cold fingers tap the rash from the rope. She holds her own wrist next to hers, and a faint shimmer on her skin, an irregularity in her smoothness has Asha's eyes go wide. “You were cast overboard too? Is that how you became like this?” she asks and the siren nods once more, letting go of Asha's hand.
“Thank you.” Asha repeats, clueless about how to proceed from here. She's wounded, alone with a mermaid on some shore or island without any way to find her way home, let alone back to the Rascal.
Her gaze meets her saviour's again.
“I'm Asha.” she introduces herself. “Do you have a name?” The Siren opens her mouth, revealing a set of sharp, sharklike teeth, then closes it again, draws breath and produces as rasping, hissing sound from her throat, before managing to form a word.
Vaixx stares into the spot Asha Gaets had submerged at, looking at the air bubbles rising as the girl drowns. His fists are clenched tightly, and he turns away.
“Set a course to Laughing Gull.” he orders, immediately assuming his duties as the new Captain, now that Rowan is no more.
“Hey.” He feels someone grip him by the shoulder as he makes his way into the Captain's Quarters, to clean up the body. “This isn't your fault.” He hums in response, brushes the hand off. “Vaixx.” His friend, Raxxi, moves into his way. “She killed the Cap'n. If you hadn't done this, the crew woulda torn her apart.” “I killed a kid.” he counters and pushes her out of his way.
Knowing not to push the topic, Raxxi follows him, clasping her hands behind her back. “What now? Taidha will not be happy about losing one of her best Captains.” she asks instead. “Taidha can suck my dick for all I care.” Vaixx responds sharply and closes the door behind them, cutting off the sounds of the crew celebrating the death of a little girl. He feels sick, and looks upon the corpse of Rowan Gaets.
His daughter's attack came out of nowhere. Rowan's eyes are wide open, his lips parted, as if in silent protest. Nobody would have expected the girl to snap, least of all her father.
“I followed Rowan's orders, not hers.” Vaixx adds and tears off his headband, to run his fingers through his hair.
“Sorry to burst yer bubble, mate, but those were her orders, passed through to the next instance.” Raxxi counters. “Look, I know you don't like her, but she's got an entire fuckin' fleet. We only have this sorry little boat.”
Vaixx pauses. “What if that wasn't the case?” “Wha?” “What if we had a fleet, Raxxi? We wouldn't have to follow her anymore, would we? We could just leave!”
Raxxi snorts humorlessly. “Yeah, what if we had five million gold? We could retire! Newsflash pal, we have neither that, nor a fleet. Taidha will appoint one of her goons as the new Cap'n as soon as she learns of this mess.” she says and Vaixx shushes her hurriedly.
“Yes, but she doesn't know yet, does she?” he urges. “I hate this situation as much as everybody else, but this might be a chance to leave Covington fleet for good! Your brother.” “My brother?”
“He's got the means to help us build a fleet, doesn't he? He's got the money to buy the ships we need, and the connections to populate them. We have to do this. We will not get another opportunity.”
“Vaixx, my boy. There is one weakness in your masterplan.” “What?” “You just set course to Laughing Gull.”
“Fuck!” The door bursts open again and Vaixx stomps out from the Captain's Quarters, followed by Raxxi as he makes his way up to the wheel. “Change of plans! Avoid Laughing Gull, Sanctum Harbor, on the double!” he calls to the Sylvari up there, who looks onto him with hollow eyes. There's a sting in his gut when he remembers her. She was close to the girl.
Regardless, she follows his order, spinning the wheel. Vaixx estimates, she will leave the crew as soon as they reach Lion's Arch but for now, he cannot worry about that.
He has work to do.
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mithrasisgay · 7 years
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Asha’s hair grew, and i made two new Sylvari, Kianna & Ysaille
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mithrasisgay · 8 years
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Realized I didn’t really have shots of Asha without her goggles, except for the /crossarms one, where she looks extremely displeased.
So, I took these.
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
@tyrias-library Hope it’s okay to tag you, even though this doesn’t fullfill a prompt!
On AO3
SUMMARY: The pirates of the Chimaera are well aware what eerie lights on the Open Sea mean - Krait. Their prisoners using these lights to wave down ships, begging for help. Every sailor worth their salt knows to avoid these dreaded towers, for their own good.
The fog lies heavy on the surface of the Unending Ocean, making navigation fort he Chimaera nigh impossible. The ship glides slowly through the waves, as distant thunder cracks, lighting up the impenetrable blanket of mist.
“Lights! Lights on the Horizon!” calls Cariyen, the ship’s only Sylvari from the Crow’s Nest, then swings over the small platform’s railings and descends the mast. “Starboard side, Captain.” She elaborates, when she is down on the main deck.
Captain Asha Gaets, flanked by her loyal First Mate Snezz, is already peering through her spyglass, brows furrowed as she strains to make out anything. “I see ‘em. Very faint. Think they’re moving a little.” She says, lowering the spyglass from her eye and looking down to her asuran companion. “Mh, bad idea, Captain.” Snezz remarks. “We’re too far out to be encountering anything friendly.” “I know.” Asha responds. “Krait.” “Those lights mean that they have prisoners, trying to wave down ships.” Snezz speaks up a little, as the crew gathers around. “We’d do best to avoid them, unless we want to join them in their cages.”
“Prisoners?” a sharp voice enter the conversation, as Farris Nightrunner, a young Charr, squeezes her way through the small crowd. “Boss, we gotta help them. Who knows what the greasy snakes are doing to them!” “That’s a terrible-…” Snezz begins, but is cut off quickly by Farris’ growl. “Coward! If we leave them, their blood’s on our hands. Your hands!” she snarls at the small Asura, who does not even flinch. “These waters are their domain, Farris.” He calmly argues. “If we engage, we will all suffer their fate. There’s courage, and there’s recklessness.” “Are you calling me a fool, you sniveling runt? You might run from a challenge, but we-…” Farris stops mid-sentence, interrupted by the Captain firing a gunshot into the skies.
“Good thing that decision isn’t up to you two.” Asha says, stowing her flintlock on her belt again. Snezz looks up to her with hope in his eyes, but she only graces him with a crooked grin. “Farris, you’re right. We’re going in.” “Captain-…” “No. Zip it up, Snezz.” Asha raises her hand for emphasis. “I’m not leaving these people.” A brief beat of silence occurs, in which Snezz leans back against the mast and huffs in exasperation, wondering how Asha Gaets even stayed alive before she met him, but elects not to further defy his Captain. Not out of respect, but because he knows her well enough to understand when she won’t budge on a decision.
“Cariyen, Liamu, Farris and Auri.” Asha calls again. “I want you with me on a rowboat. Snezz, you have command of the ship. Bring us in, but stay out of visual range.” “Aye.” Snezz says, and makes his way to the wheel. One of their deckhands is already pushing in a crate for him to stand on, while another two begin lowering the rowboat. Asha steps forward, her striketeam in tow. Her eyes narrow as she gazes at the lights.
There’s a tense silence among the rowboat’s passengers, as it approaches the Krait Deeps. Asha sits in front, staring on ahead, while the two Charr, Farris and her mother Auri are busy rowing behind her. Cariyen, the Sylvari is behind them, carrying a magical light in her hands to illuminate their immediate vicinity. At the back end of the boat sits Liamu, the tiny asuran necromancer, currently in the process of summoning a selection of horrors to aid in the fight to come.
“Cariyen.” Asha says, and the Sylvari snuffs out her light. She looks up, now much closer to the lights she’d spotted and feels oddly nostalgic, reminded of the glowing pods in the Pale Tree’s boughs she used to look upon from below. But that is where the similarities end. The closer the rowboat gets to the Deeps, the more the area’s eeriness is replaced by horror. Pained cries pierce the silence, the sound of whips and hateful voices taunting. Farris’ upper lip pulls back in a snarl.
“Get ready.” Asha order in a hushed whisper and draws her rifle. A splashing sound briefly draws her attention, but it’s just Liamu’s minions jumping overboard and swimming ahead. The group holds their breath and listens. Minutes go by, and Asha’s gaze rests on Liamu’s face.
The little woman has her eyes closed, and an expression of deep concentration on her features. “Twenty, maybe more.” She reports. “There will be many under the surface. I am drawing their attention to my minions.” “Cause some chaos.” Asha orders. “Once they’re busy with your little friends, we jump into the fray.” Liamu nods, digging a tooth into her lower lip, as she coordinates several individual undead at once.
An angry hiss sounds, then a battle cry and a cacophony of combat noises breaks loose. Asha stands up in the boat. “Auri, element of surprise.” The Mesmer nods and hands her oar to Farris. The air distorts around the boat as she raises her hands, channeling her magic, cloaking the group in a veil of invisibility. “Let’s give ‘em hell.” Asha growls and steps off the boat, just as it comes to a stop on the Deeps’ surface gangplanks.
The rest of the team follows her, Cariyen leaving last and pulling the boat onto the wooden planks. They stick close together, watching Liamu’s minions maiming and being maimed by their serpent enemies. Asha assumes a crouching position and levels her rifle on the largest Krait she can see, aiming directly for his head. When her shot rings out, her invisibility falls off her in a flash of purple magic. A barrage of bright blue arrows arches over her head and comes down on the Krait with the fury of a god. The group swarms out from behind their Captain. Cariyen seeks high ground, while raining her magical arrows down on the enemy. A cloud of toxic locusts ascends the tower, gathering around the heads of a group of Krait that were about to come to their brethren’s aid. Shrill cries fill the air, broken up and distorted by time itself warping and twisting from Aurelia Sharpwit’s shield. Clockhands made of ethereal light spin in reverse, rewinding the Krait into their previous positions, opening them up to attack. That attack being a jet of fire from the mouth of Farris’ flamethrower. Those that do not immediately die, shriek and try to slither away, into the water, but Auri’s magic freezes them in motion and her daughter’s flames consume them entirely.
While the battle on the central platform rages, Asha makes her way upward, rifle at the ready. The prisoners are all in the upper levels of the tower, locked up in crude cages. There are some stragglers in her way, most of which she can dispatch at range, or punt off the ledge with the butt of her rifle.
“Help! Please! Please help Quaggan!” cries a prisoner as Asha approaches the first set of cages. They’re unguarded, as most of the Krait are currently down, fighting her crew. Only one of them has movement inside, a little quaggan, all alone. Left and right are only putrefying corpses, picked at by birds. Asha rushes over, pulling her crowbar out of her backpack, and getting to work on levering the cage open. “Don’tcha worry. That’s why we’re here.” She assures the prisoner inside. The poor quaggan is beaten and bruised, and holding one of its hands close to its chest, clearly broken. It takes her some elbow grease, but Asha manages to wedge the doors open, and the quaggan limps out, fearfully looking up at its savior.
“It’s okay. Stick with me. My friends are distracting the Krait.” Asha explains. “I’m going further up. There’s more prisoners there.” “Quaggan will follow you.” They reply. “Too wounded. Nowhere else to go.” “I’ve got a ship. We’ll patch you up and take you home.” Asha promises as she moves on up, mindful to reduce her speed, so the quaggan can keep up with her.
Another voice addresses her as soon as she comes in view of the next set of cages, one platform up. “Hey, you! Let me out right now!” demands an Asura, with enough spirit in her to rattle at her cage’s bars. She wears black and red, tattered, but still very much recognizable as Inquest. Asha pauses, but shakes her head and jogs over to her, then gets to work on the door. “How’d someone like you end up so far from Maguuma?” she asks while she works, and the Asura huffs and puffs for a moment before responding. “We were on our way to Orr. That’s all I’m classified to tell you.” “You the only survivor?” Asha inquires, and the door creaks open under her assault with the crowbar. “I think so. I haven’t seen any of my krewemates.” The Asura steps out of the cage and Asha positions herself protectively between her and the quaggan. “Great. Well, I saved you, which means you owe me. So keep your mouth shut while I free the other prisoners and we all get to go home alive.” She states and moves on the next cage. Inside is a humanoid creature Asha cannot discern. They’re blue, but clearly breathing, clad in a full-face mask and adorned with a pair of luminescent wings.
“She’s put up a good fight.” The Asura comments. “And the Krait pressured her tenfold for that.” “She’s alive, though.” Asha says and gets to work on the door. “That’s enough for me.” “Quaggan knows her.” The quaggan adds. “She got captured near Quaggan’s home.” “When?” Asha asks. “Quaggan does not remember.”
“They were here when I was locked up. So, more than a week ago.” The Asura contributes. “Hey, do you have a ship or something? I’m not a good swimmer.” “I do. She’s circling the Deeps just outside of view.” Asha responds and gets the door open. She casts her crowbar aside and crouches down to inspect the creature. She looks horrible. There are deep gashes all over her arms and back, likely caused by bladed whips. Her wings have holes and the left one’s main bone is completely shattered, as if intentionally crushed. Under the creature’s heavily damaged armor, Asha gets a glimpse of greenish black flesh, an ugly infection, or a necrotic curse. She presses two fingers against the creature’s neck, feeling a slow, but steady pulse. Relying entirely on the mechanical exoskeleton around her left arm, Asha lifts the creature up and takes her out of the cage.
The rest of her team is luckily just ascending the planks. “Ah, good. We’ve got wounded.” Asha says and hands the creature over to Cariyen. “You and the Quaggan can go back to the boat and row over to the Chimaera. Tell Snezz to bring ‘er in, then take care of these two. Be ready for more wounded. The rest of you, spread out and gather any survivors on the central platform. Me and my new friend here will establish a perimeter.”
While she speaks, Asha pulls one of her pistols from her belt and hands it to the Asura she freed. “Don’t try anything funny. You’re outnumbered.” She hisses to her as she passes. “C’mon.”
Cariyen, and the Quaggan accompany them down to the platform, before getting on the boat. “I will see you soon, Captain. Be safe.” The Sylvari says, before grabbing the oars and starting to make her way back to the ship. “You too.” Asha calls after her, then turns back to the Asura.
“What a massacre.” She comments, as she steps over the piled up Krait bodies, burned, pierced and rotted away by Liamu’s magic. “They deserve worse.” Asha simply justifies. “You don’t look too hurt.” “I’m not.” The Asura admits. “They were too busy beating the living daylights out of my neighbor. I thought I could use that to slip away, but… Where would I go?” “Fair.” Asha says. “You got a name?”
The Asura hesitates visibly. “It’s Mhido.”
It took a good twenty minutes to reach the ship, but once she is back on the Chimaera, with Asha’s command passed on to Snezz, Cariyen has time to care for the wounded. She already cast a mild regeneration spell on the quaggan’s superficial wounds while on her way back. “Let me see your hand.” She asks, and the small creature shyly extends their arm to her. It causes them obvious pain, so Cariyen already has a numbing spell ready on her fingertips when she makes skin contact. The bone is, thankfully, cleanly broken. Cariyen closes her eyes, gently nudging the bone back into its regular place, and funnels healing into the quaggan’s body. Both bone fragments slowly connect again, a fragile connection, but with time and care, the injury would mend fully. She puts the arm in a splint and wraps it in a bandage for good measure.
Then, she turns to the unconscious creature. Her hands brush lightly over her whip marks, closing the open wounds and rejuvenating her body’s natural regenerative powers. Likely awakened by that energy, the creature jolts and grabs Cariyen by the wrist. “Where am I?” she asks in a sharp, heavily accented voice, attempting to sound menacing, but her fear shimmers through. “Be at ease.” Cariyen soothes. “You are safe. We attacked the Krait Deeps you were held in and rescued you. You are badly injured. Will you let me mend you?” A few seconds pass, and the creature’s grip loosens. “You defeated the Krait?” “Not alone. My crew and I did.” Cariyen responds and gently frees her hand from the creature’s. “I have to set your bones straight before I can mend them. This will hurt.” “Do not hold back. I can endure.” The creature says and Cariyen gets to work on the mangled wing. It is entirely limp, and the creature is likely unable to move it at all. One by one, Cariyen reconstructs the shattered bone, making her way from the base to the tip of the limb. The entire time, the creature is completely silent, only the odd, sharp inhale hinting that she feels pain. “What were you seeking among the Krait?” she eventually asks, while Cariyen begins mending the wing. “Their victims. We saw the lights from afar and decided to intervene.” The Sylvari explains. “In exchange for what?”
Cariyen pauses and looks up at the creature’s mask. “We did not do this for a reward.” She states and the creature falls silent again, in quiet contemplation of what altruism might be.
The sounds of a second rowboat being returned to the ship has Cariyen looking up. The Inquest Asura, Farris and a number of freed prisoners step onto the deck, in varying degrees on injury and weariness. There is more work to do.
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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The Gang’s all here!
his is the currentl present day, Crew of the Chimaera, under Captain Asha Gaets, as described in my Pirate Saga
In order, from the left: Farris Nightrunner, Khiz, Raya the Siren, Asha Gaets herself in front of Aurelia “Auri” Sharpwit, Cariyen, Liamu and First Mate Snezz
tagging some of my lovely readers <3 @omnivoroustree, @lesbiansylvari (A truely kindred spirit lol), @sylvari-bouquet and @skrittilicious
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
The Rise of the Dread Fleet - Chapter 3: Siren’s Call
New chapter, yo! Currently, we’re kind of assembling the full cast, but i do hope you enjoy my scribbles regardless <3
On AO3
„What we need right now is support.” Snezz says. “There’s only three of us, which is no basis to build a crew out of. Which leads me to my next point.”
Him, Asha and Aurelia Sharpwit are sitting in the darkest, most remote part of the tavern, conspiring over ale and cheap food. A week has passed since Asha’s recruitment of both him and Aurelia, and he’d taken the time to get the kid washed and dressed in something that didn’t smell like death. Now that Asha vaguely resembles a human again, he can see a glint in her eyes he hadn’t quite noticed until now. By all means, she is still a scrawny teenager, but there’s a hidden fury, as well as an unexpected degree of intelligence behind her immediate first impression that leads him to take this whole endeavor seriously. She has her hands wrapped around her mug and listens intently to him, nodding occasionally.
“I didn’t come to Lion’s Arch alone.” He continues. “I brought a friend with me. We both left Rata Sum post graduation due to a lack of direction, but I believe that, if you let me do the talking, I can rally her to our cause.” “One additional Asura won’t make this a viable crew.” Aurelia comments. “That is true. However, my friend is kind of a… package deal.” Snezz smirks involuntarily, unable to conceal his pride. “She’s a necromancer.” “Minions, hm? Could definitely solve the issue of actually sailing a ship in terms of manpower.” Asha says. “I’m down. Let’s get your friend on board.” “Um, before we do this -…” Snezz pauses to take a long swig of ale. “She’s, uh… a little bit eccentric. Trust me on this matter. She’s worth it.” “I’ve agreed to follow a random human girl and a guy that comes up to my kneecaps into battle. I don’t think eccentricity is going to scare me off now.” Aurelia says, with a low growl in her voice. “When do we go?” “Tomorrow morning, first thing. She’s probably asleep by now.” Snezz states and looks up at Asha by his side. She’s staring into her half-empty mug, brows furrowed. He elects not to ask for her approval in addition to Aurelia’s, and waved to the barmaid instead, to get a refill for his own drink.
 Morning rolls around much too early for Snezz. Him and Aurelia had spent a long time in each other’s silent company last night, but regardless, both of them meet Asha in front of the tavern they’re staying in – on Snezz’s bill, of course.
“Ready to go?” he asks them and only gets mumbled responses; Asha simply takes a few insistent strides forward, and Snezz clicks his tongue. “Right. This way.”
The unlikely trio weasels their way through narrow alleys into one of the cheaper residential areas of the city. Snezz stops them in front of a small, worn looking shack in the corner of the street, steps forward and knocks on the door, the entirety of which rattles under his fist. He sees Asha tilt her head curiously before the door opens a crack.
He holds his breath, as the horrid smell of putrefaction assaults his senses and leans in to peek into the dark interior. “You brought friends.” States the occupants matter-of-factly. “I did.” Snezz replies, speaking fast to avoid inhaling too much of the stench. “This is Asha, aspiring pirate Captain, and our friend, Miss Sharpwit. Can we come in-… or can you come out?” The door slams shut, Snezz hears a few nondescript clattering noises, then the door opens again, wider this time. Out steps a tiny Asura, even smaller than him. She’s completely black in complexion and hair, her vibrant green eyes and lighter, freckled rodent nose being the only features to be immediately discerned. She’s dressed in simple, rather dirty clothing, her apron stained with several fluids Snezz doesn’t even want to attempt to identify. She blinks up at his companions. “Why’d you bring them?” she asks, staring intensely at the two. Asha and Aurelia exchange a glance.
“We need your help.” Snezz tells her. “I’ve joined them and we want to steal a ship, then go out and make our living on the Seas. But we’re critically understaffed. I know that you can amend that.” Her gaze flickers back to him. “Piracy?” “Yes.”
She steps forward to face Asha, who immediately takes a step back, due to the woman’s rather fragrant presence. “I want a private laboratory below decks and access to any dead matter we encounter.” She demands. “Uh, I mean, sure? I can arrange that.” Asha fumbles, quite taken aback by the demand. “Good. I am joining. Call on me when you need me.” With that said, the steps back into her shack and slams the door shut.
A good ten seconds of baffled silence pass before Aurelia speaks up. “Well. You weren’t kidding.” “I wasn’t.” Snezz agrees. “She’s a good person. She just doesn’t do well with, uh… living people.” “What even is her name?” Asha asks, as the group turns to leave. “She left so abruptly.” “It’s Liamu. Don’t worry about her. I’ve known her all my life. I can vouch for her.” Snezz draws a deep breath. “With her help, we can crew a ship, but more help is always a good thing. We should all hit the road and see what we can organize.”
Asha stops in her tracks and taps her chin. “Actually, you two go do what you want. I have an idea.”
 Asha looks over her shoulder, making sure she isn’t being followed, before kneeling down by the water. “Raya?” she calls out, in a hushed whisper-shout. It takes a moment before she sees the salmon pink shimmer of scales passing under the surface of the harbor basin, then Raya’s pale face becomes visible in the water, not breaking the surface, but close enough to speak.
“I need you to find somebody for me.” Asha leans down, her nose almost touches the water, and she whispers to Raya, who blinks slowly at her, then vanishes back into the depths. Asha rises back to her feet and dusts off her coat. It’s probably better not to tell her developing crew about Raya just yet. There needs to be more trust, more bonding before she can safely let them in on her secret little friend, without scaring them off.
 Cariyen’s exit from Vaixx and Raxxi has been rather undramatic. Both had been very understanding of her decision to leave, and even given her a rowboat to get back to Lion��s Arch shortly after their departure, so she can find her own path without them.
It shouldn’t take longer than a few hours to make it from Bloodtide Bay to Sanctum Harbor, according to Cariyen’s predictions. And then… what then? Cariyen doesn’t exactly have anywhere to go home to. She wouldn’t have joined a pirate crew if she had been able to return to the Grove, not after her brother had gone missing. She’d attached herself to this little girl after years of living half-alive, only functioning as her role on the ship. And then, even that little girl was taken from her, killed right before her eyes.
It’s a heavy mixture of guilt and grief in Cariyen’s heart, as she rows her little boat toward the city, almost on autopilot, reflecting upon the events that transpired. She knew the entire time. How Asha had suffered under her father. And while she did support her, she did not do enough. Asha was just a child, it had been just a matter of time until she’d snap and something horrible would happen. Cariyen can’t shake the thought that she could have prevented it, done something, anything, taken the girl somewhere safe, away from this environment…
Her thoughts are cut short by a heavy rock going through her boat. She pauses, heart skipping a beat, gaze flickering around to seek the source of the turbulence. Cariyen sits frozen, her hands gripping her oars tight as she listens for any telltale sign of an attack. Krait, Risen, hostile Hylek, marine predators-… no, she’s too close to shore for that.
She has no time to consider her options, as another heavy hit against the boat’s rump instantly capsizes it. Cariyen barely has time to hold her breath before she is plunged into the water. Her years of sailing experience immediately tell her to swim upward and surface, but she feels and iron grip around her ankle, preventing her from moving. Panic sets in, and she begins channeling magic in her left hand, only to be interrupted by something that is clearly a humanoid hand gripping her wrist and dragging her to the depths. Asha’s desperate thrashing in the water is the last image before her inner eye, then her consciousness fades.
 Cariyen had not expected to survive this mysterious attack, much less to hear the voice she hears when she eventually awakens. “Grenth’s grace, Raya, I told you to find her, not almost drown and kidnap her!” “I apologize. I am not good at convincing people to follow me. I thought this to be the easiest option.” “You could’ve-… ugh. Whatever, she’s here and she’s alive. Did anybody see you?” “I took the long way around. I was quick.”
Cariyen groans and rouses, forcing her eyes open. She’s in a room, laid out on a cheap bed, next to a small firepit crackling to her left. “Ah, you’re up.!” Asha Gaets says and sits down by her side. “Sorry about the… journey. Raya has no, uh… social skills.” Cariyen’s head spins, but she forces herself to sit up and face the girl. “How-...?” she croaks, throat raw with seawater. “Long story. Raya saved me and I made my way to town.” She explains, which clarifies very little to Cariyen, and gestures to a nude woman, crouched like a lurking tiger in the corner of the room.
The Sylvari looks from the strange woman to Asha, then lurches forward and embraces the girl. “Hey, hey.” Asha soothes her, helplessly patting her back. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry, I should’ve-.. I could’ve done something, I-…” “Hush, it’s fine. It’s okay.” Asha struggles and Cariyen releases her from the hug. “It’s not your fault. You were the only one who ever helped me on that rotten ship.” Asha puts her hands on Cariyen’s shoulders. “I’m just glad to see you again.”
Cariyen wipes the tears from her eyes with the back of her hand and nods slowly. “I am too.” She whispers. “Asha, I… I can’t believe you survived.” “Trust me, it took me a while to realize too.” Asha grins from ear to ear, nothing like the broken soul Cariyen remembers her to be. “I told my friend Raya to find you, because I didn’t think you’d stay in the fleet after my death. Sorry about her methods. She’s used to drowning people.”
Raya makes eye contact with Cariyen, who feels her blood run cold when she glares into those empty eyes. “Siren.” She gasps. “I apologize.” Raya says. “I did not believe you would agree to come with me if I had asked.” “Don’t worry about her. She’s a friend. She saved my life.” Asha assures her and Raya nods. “She speaks the truth. I mean you no harm.” She confirms and Cariyen rubs her temples, trying to process all of this.
“I’m actually assembling a crew myself. Got a few people already.” She conchalantly states. “I’d like to have you on board, too.” “I-… yes, of course, but…” “Awesome. I’ll let you rest here. Don’t worry about the room, my new friend Snezz pays for it.” Asha gets up and gestures to Raya, who promptly rises and climbs out the window. “They don’t know about her yet, so if you could keep that little secret, that’d be great.”
“I... doubt anyone would believe in anyways.” Cariyen manages to articulate in her confused and weakened state. Asha grins at her. “I’ll organize you some food. Sit tight, will ya?”
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mithrasisgay · 4 years
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Character Sheet
Name: Snezz Age: 27 Gender and Orientation: cis man / Bi Race: Asura Affiliation: Chimaera Pirates Alignment: True Neutral Relationship Status: Taken and monogamous (Liamu)
Bio: Snezz left college together with Liamu and moved to Lion’s Arch, pretty much directionlessin life, post-education. His life changed dramatically when young Asha Gaets attempted to mug, and subsequently recruited him to join her, at the time, nonexistant pirate crew. Whether due to his lack of direction, or sense of responsibility for this weird, scruffy human girl, Snezz agreed and has not left her side since, serving as her First Mate and best friend.
Theme: none yet
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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Character Sheet:
Name: Lucia Emberlight Age: 37 Gender and Orientation: Genderfluid / Bi Race: Charr Affiliation: Dread Fleet / Falcon Crew Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Relationship Status: Single and monogamous
Bio: Lucia was dragged into servitude to the Flame Legion by her previous lover, who turned more and more abusive toward her, as is view of AFAB charr degraded, thanks to Flame influence. Lucia’s life went uphill again, when she, drunk and desperate, ran into the then-closeted Aurelia Sharpwit, who became her contact outside of Flame and helped her escape their clutches. During her escape, Lucia disguised herself as a male Flame Charr, which involved shaving her tail - something she became so comfortable with, she kept doing it years later. Auri, after her unjust banishment resulting from her contact to Flame that allowed Lucia to get out, introduced her new friend to Asha Gaets, and by extension, the larger pirate scene in LA. There, Lucia encountered an Airship Pirate by the name of Juniper Blackwell, who hired her. Today, Lucia is Blackwell’s First Mate and most trusted crewmate.
Theme: In This Moment - Black Wedding 
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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Name: Asha Gaets Age: 25 Gender and Orientation: cis woman / lesbian Race: Human (krytan) Affiliation: Chimaera Pirates Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Relationship Status: Taken / Polyam (Yulienni) Bio: You know what happens when you decide to be an abusive dick to your own daughter? You get shot in the face. That’s what young Asha did to her father, and was cast overboard for it. While fighting for her life underwater, Asha felt a pair of hands grab her, and drag her upward, just before fading out of consciousness. When she awoke, she found a pretty, naked lady with a fish tail by her side, soaking wet and shivering on the beaches of Lion’s Arch. Having gotten away with her life. Asha immediately began rebuilding her life, uniting a group of misfits around herself, stealing a ship, and heavily modifying it into a volatile, but effective mess, teetering on the line between genius and insanity. The Chimaera pirates adore their Captain to death, even though she’s uh... rather eccentric at times and self-destructively reckless. Such as, getting her spine cracked trying to save a hostage’s life during a battle situation. Oh did I say hostage? He’s actually a crewmate now.  That caused her to develop an exoskeleton directly wired into her brain to regain control of her left arm and leg, previously paralyzed due to her spinal injury. Asha is dating Yulienni of the Plunderstorm long-distance.
Theme: Halestorm - Don’t know how to stop
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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Name: Aurelia “Auri” Sharpwit Age: 47 Gender and Orientation: Trans woman / lesbian Race: Charr Affiliation: Chimaera Pirates Alignment: Chaotic Good Relationship Status: Single and monogamous
Bio: Aurelia, being a spellcaster and at the time very, very closeted, was accused on conspiring with the Flame Legion and giving them classified Ash intel. Her Centurion decided to deploy her to a dead end job, that would likely kill her before the investigation finished. By herself, feeling betrayed and forsaken. Auri left her post after a few weeks, aimlessly in Lion’s Arch. Until she met Asha Gaets, that scruffy little brat gathering a legitimate pirate crew around herself. That little shit walked up to this Charr several times her size and went “Hey you. I want you on my team.”. That was the moment something clicked in Auri, and ths begun a new life, in a new warband, a new legion, even. Auri has found her niche, that accepts her without question, and she respects Asha deeply for that.
Theme: Hollywood Undead - Something to Believe
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mithrasisgay · 6 years
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Character Lineup 3/5: Humans
PoF gave me a huge influx of humans. They suddenly got interesting.
In order:
Karashien (jaded dragon war veteran), Ruthiel Dragonheart (my Commander. Needs a hug and maybe therapy), Raella the Veiled (Ruthiel’s younger sister, runs an anarchist cell against the ministry, and also a bar), Emiliana “Emily” Hawthorne (got adopted by @slayergt‘s Delaine, is now a pirate), Delilah Silverstone (corsair sailing against Joko), Asha Gaets (Captain of a very volatile mess of a ship. Disaster.), Siren Raya (bloodthirsty vengeful spirit of a woman that died at sea), Melusine the Gentle (actual mermaid), Liah the Faded (Ghost that tries not to be scary), Lady Cecilia Thorne (actual vampire), Princess Elishia (vabbian runaway princess,order of shadows member), Yasmin Dawnchaser (former Lionguard, joined the corsairs after the Pact went to Elona)
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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Name: Farris Nightrunner Age: 19 Gender and Orientation: cis woman / lesbian Race: Charr Affiliation: Chimaera Pirates Alignment: Chaotic Neutral Relationship Status: Single and monogamous
Bio: Farris is the first and only cub of Aurelia Sharpwit, and only learned of her mother’s banishment when she came of age. She investigated the matter, and in a fit of rage, left the Legions. Once out, she saw just how much she likes being out there, living outside of the law and its constrictions. After a while of wandering, she eventually found her mother, a pirate under Asha Gaets now. Awesome! Pirates are cool, aren’t they? Might as well join.
Theme: Shinedown - Cut the Chord
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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Name: Vaixx Age: 37 Gender and Orientation: cishet guy Race: Asura Affiliation: Dread Fleet Pirates Alignment: Chaotic Good Relationship Status: Single (and ready to mingle) / Mono Bio: This is Vaixx, a middle aged guy who can’t hold a relationship and cries when he’s drunk. Oh, and he’s also the Admiral of the largest Pirate fleet in Tyria.  He started out as Rowan Gaets’ First Mate, along with his college-friend Raxxi, and when Asha Gaets killed her father, the shp’s law forced Vaixx to send her to the fishes. He eventually broke away from the Covington pirates, something ol’ Taidha still wants his head for, and started his own pirate faction - the Dread Fleet, all while haunted by his apparent murder of a teenager.  Eventually, Vaixx, now Admiral, caught wind of someone by the name of Asha Gaets harrassing LA merchant vessels, and he went to investigate. Lo and behold, it’s her, very much alive, and opening fire on him. Well, so much for guilt complexes, then. Vaixx is working with the Order of Whispers by occasionally supplying them with information, while entertaining a semi-friendly rivalry with Asha.  His ex girlfriend, Linni, is still a frequent guest and valued friend.
Theme: Alestorm - Set Sail and Conquer 
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mithrasisgay · 5 years
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Name: Cariyen Age: 20 Gender and Orientation: cis woman / aroace Race: Sylvari (Noon) Affiliation: Chimaera Pirates Alignment: True Neutral Relationship Status: No. Bio: Cariyen began her career in piracy after her pod twin, Killian, vanished without a trace. She served under Captain Rowan Gaets, a Covington pirate and soon befriended his young daughter, Asha. When Asha murdered her father and was cast overboard as punishment, Cariyen left the crew, mourning another lost loved one. However, as she sulked in Lion’s Arch, Asha, who miraculously survived, approached her again. Cariyen immediately jumped at the opportunity to swear eternal allegiance to the young girl, and protect her life with her own. Together, her and Asha built a new pirate crew, and stole a Lionguard ship, which is now bearing the name Chimaera. Cariyen is very proud to carry the title of the Chimaera’s Shining Beacon.
Theme: Beyond the Black - Night Will Fade
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mithrasisgay · 6 years
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Quarter-Annual Character Lineup
Let’s stop pretending there’s any rhyme or reason to how often i do this.
Asura: Stormcaller Pexx (Ele), Ryha the Lost (Mesmer), Captain Raxxi (Ele), Arianas Sylvanheart (Mesmer), Alumnus Riaff (Daredevil), Captain Vaixx (Ranger), Neci the Scout (Thief), Mhido (Holosmith), Quincy Vermillion (Necro), Infiltrator Linni (Tempest), Chyrru (Mesmer)
Charr: Aurelia “Auri” Sharpwit (Mesmer), Leona Lionblood (Thief), Farris Nightrunner (Engi)
Human 1: Delilah Silverstone (Thief), Asha Gaets (Scrapper), Melusine the Gentle (Mirage), Raella the Veiled (Mesmer), Sylvester Bladesong (Mesmer)
Human 2: Ruthiel Dragonheart (Druid), Karashien (Reaper), Siren Raya (Thief), Yasmin Dawnchaser (Necro), Liah the Faded (Weaver), Yvette Syal (Mesmer), Cicero Silversail (Thief), Cecilia Thorne (Thief)
Norn: Lunabel Frostbite (Ele), Saiah Frostbite (Guardian), Sonya Frostbite (Thief), Sanguinary Aveline (Necro), Zafrina Wolfchild (Ranger), Ravenna Frostbite (Mesmer)
Heavy Sylvari: Laelia Crimsonblade (Herald), First Mate Hadriana (Guardian), Mynah Blackwater (Berserker), Nerdy Vilania (Firebrand), Duchess Briarthorne (Renegade), Fiona Tidesong (Spellbreaker), Cariyen (Dragonhunter)
Medium Sylvari 1: Cassia the Elusive (Deadeye), Squire Vivillia (Ranger), Squire Zaira (Ranger), Valiant Yofiel (Ranger), Courtier Ellia (Thief), Warden Yannah (Thief), Lyoras (Thief)
Medium Sylvari 2: Mercenary Splinter (Engi), Variel Mal Velan (Druid), Valiant Shahanna (Ranger), Traveler Ahona (Engi), Navigator Syla (Holosmith), Beastmaster Solyenh (Soulbeast), Lionguard Silvaneth (Deadeye), Quiet Lyani (Thief)
Light Sylvari 1: Yulienni (Chronomancer), Liliel Dreamdancer (Mesmer), Nienne the Ragged (Weaver), Cyn Oleyn (Mesmer), Lieutenant Kynann (Ele), Faded Killian (Scourge) Light Sylvari 2: Wayfarer Neyraie (Mesmer), Enchantress Lyranni (Mesmer), Cleo the Silent (Necro), Firestarter Lynne (Ele), Countess Evelyna (Necro), Alyneia (Necro), Seriyanni (Tempest), Scholar Larawyn (Ele)
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