#admittedly this is very tame on the body horror scale however I think it turned out good and I’m proud of myself for getting this done in
circusfable · 8 months
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I am a day late but this is for day 1 of Trigun body horror week: Eyes
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cutesuki--bakugou · 5 years
OC Introductions
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Of course!!! I won’t go too far into each character, but here’s an image and a little bit about each one!! And a brand new baby I just created as well~
Warning, this is like... very long. So I’ll put all but Koge under a read more :) 
Koge Naegi
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Paired with: Katsuki Bakugou Birth date: November 18th Height: 5′1″  Weight: 124 lbs~ Sexual Orientation: Heteorsexual Blood Type: A+ Quirk: She can use the natural salt (sodium) in her body to create crystals that cover her like armor or to use as a weapon. The more she sweats, the faster she is able to produce the crystals. However, if she uses too much of the natural sodium in her body, she can suffer from hyponatremia symptoms, the most common being fainting, fatigue and nausea. The symptoms are long lasting until she raises her natural sodium levels. If she overuses her quirk, she can cause injury to her skin and scarring from where the crystals emerge, as well as muscle damage.
She’s very calm, level headed, a bit overly curious and very driven towards her goals. Around most people she’s a bit shut in, but she really opens up around Bakugou and can be a quite goofy. She’s quite the introvert, preferring to just chill and stay in. She likes to sing and work on her programming / coding / technical skills in her free time. Otherwise, she’s very health conscious, loves to work out and is very dedicated to her martial arts training with her mentor Seijirou. A good book and bad B-Rated horror movies are some of her favorite things. Rats are her favorite animal, and are the only pets she’s ever had through the years. She also has an ungodly huge collection of skin care products and lotions, as she is a little anal about caring for her dry skin (because of her quirk). Around Bakugou, she has no shame, as all barriers have been brought down over knowing him for basically her whole life. She’s very blunt and a bit viciously honest, preferring to say what is on her mind rather than sugar coating or hiding things.
After all hero training, she gets a job as a hero in Seijirou’s firm, as well as her own studio for teaching Seijirou’s fighting style, which she masters her third year of high school. After her second child, she decides to instead focus all her attention on teaching the technique and no longer pursues the hero career. She finds that this way, she could stay home with her children more while still working.
Children: 3. Matsuki (born at 25), Natsuki (born at 27), Atsuki (born at 32)
Relationship: Koge first met Bakugou as they went to the same preschool and lived only a few houses down from each other, though she is one year older than him. In kindergarten, when she is 6 and he is 5, they have a moment when he is being a bit of a bully and pushes her over. Instead of crying or being upset, Koge gets up and literally smacks him in the face. Though they both get in trouble, it still blooms a friendship that neither of them really understood, even when older. They stay close friends all the way through middle school, though Koge is forced to move for one year when her parents divorce. This separates them and diminishes their friendship quite a bit, until Koge returns to attend UA and live in her childhood home again with her father. Their friendship picks back up from there, as if they had never separated, though when she is 17 Koge starts to grow a crush on him that goes unreturned until after his kidnapping.
Nene Date
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Paired with: Eijirou Kirishima Birth date: February 7th Height: 5′5″ Weight: 137 lbs~ Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Blood Type: O Quirk: When Nene is drawing someone, she is able to learn everything about them during the duration of her drawing. Their past plays out like a movie in her mind as she is drawing them, and she is unable to control exactly what she learns about the person. Though, she is able to differentiate between current thoughts and what is the past if she draws the person exactly how they are in the moment. Her quirk only works if she is looking at the person while she is drawing them, including through pictures or video. The things she can learn about a person could be anything. If she draws a person enough, she can learn everything about them, even the things they want to keep hidden from people. Her quirk can be dangerous in this aspect, because she could unwillingly learn something truly negative or weird about a person. Her quirk only works when she is drawing with pencil or other lead based products. She isn’t sure why, but she assumes it has something to do with the lead. It’s quite annoying, as she enjoys drawing with pen more and can draw faster with it. Typically, her eyes are grey, but when she’s using her quirk they turn yellow.
Nene uses her quirk to be able to create outfits, support items, etc. She does the basic design drawings, and uses her quirk to make adjustments or improvements to the original requests. She does not actually make the products, but she does the planning and drawing side of them.
Typically quite shy, she’s open and bubbly around her friends. Nene met Koge their first year of high school, and although their personalities were quite different, they became friends quickly and stayed close friends from there on. She always has a sketchbook on her, either in her hands or in a bag, and her pencil bag is always on her hip. It doesn’t matter what she’s wearing or what she is doing, she always wants to have her supplies with her. Though she loves to draw just normally, she will never use her quirk without first asking permission, as she knows it could easily show her something that she’d regret learning. Besides drawing with pencil, she loves to paint with watercolors, but is otherwise practiced in most traditional drawing and art mediums. She loves plants, so much as to even have quite the collection in her home that moves into the UA dorms once she moves. When embarrassed, she has a tendency to stutter and babble a bit, typically until something pulls her back into focus. She’s unconsciously funny, usually doing or saying things that make people laugh when she really didn’t mean to. After high school, she goes on to an advanced support specialist school to get more training before starting her career.
Children: Otoha (born at 25), Possibly a son at some point
Nene is still a WIP so there’s more i still need to work on adding.
Seijirou Eguchi
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Paired With: Dokuji Kobayashi (OC) Birth date: June 23rd Height: 5′10″ Weight: 158 lbs~ Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Quirk: He can cover his entire body with scales that are incredibly hard and extremely difficult to pierce. Although he typically only uses it for defense, he does have the three large, sharp scales on his arms that he can use for offence. When he uses his quirk to create scales on his face, his iris’ expand to take up the entire eye and drastically improves his eyesight. He can’t do it willingly, however, and must use his quirk to change his eyes. There are certain parts of his body that he cannot cover in his scales, including his palms, bottoms of his feet, armpits, ears, underside of his jaw, scalp and groin region.
A pro hero and teacher at UA, specializing in close combat without the use of quirks, so they can later implement these skills with their quirks and be prepared when they are in a situation where quirks cannot be used. His technique is a mash up of different types of martial arts and non-traditional fighting methods he learned growing up and through his high school years at UA. He thinks it keeps him unpredictable. Although he teaches the basics, he takes on very few actual students to learn his full technique. Koge is one of them, as is Dokuji. Seijirō has an extremely cheerful personality, typically extremely friendly to everyone and easy to get along with. He has a tendency to not be able to shut up or stop talking once he gets going, and is very physically expressive, with expressions, arms or hand gestures to match everything he is saying. With these exaggerated gestures, he can often smack people while talking on accident. When he is fighting or even just during training / classes, his personality changes quite a bit, as he takes his passion of close combat very seriously. He can be cold and merciless, believing the hard way is the best way to learn. Although he’s kind, he can sometimes be a bit of a ‘humble bragger’ and is admittedly a bit snobby. He prefers the expensive / healthy things. The kids in school often tell him that he’s bougie, and he actually hates to be touched without his permission. His hair is very difficult to tame, and takes quite a bit of product to keep it from poofing out all over the place. He is completely obsessed with coffee and is a bit overly addicted to caffeine, which doesn’t help his already eccentric nature. Over the years, he becomes very close to Koge and her family, even so far as to be known as ‘Uncle Seiji’ to her children, and he cares for them just as he would his own flesh and blood.
Dokuji is more of a special case for Seijirō, as he came to him hell bent on learning his technique. Dokuji had no one and nothing left for him in his life, and even though Seijirō turned him away multiple times at first, his determination and interest in learning finally inspired Seijirō to take him in. Although he was literally a punk brat, totally opposite of him in every way, Seijirō took a liking to him quickly, both his personality and physically. However, truly falling in love and settling into a committed relationship was another matter, as Seijirō had always been an incredibly private person, and letting in someone that close to him and that intimately was difficult for him. Though, before Seijirō really even knew it, Dokuji had basically moved into his home and become more important to him than anyone else in his life.
Another special case for Seijirō is Natsuki. Born quirkless, but still with dreams of being a fighter, Seijirō took her in to learn under him directly and more intensely than he had for either Koge or Dokuji. Being 41 when he first took her in, he had the goal to polish Natsuki into taking on his technique and being his legacy, as he knew that eventually he would have to retire. Though, at 53, he got into a battle during hero work that injured him to the point that he could no longer fight or teach his technique without serious risks involved. So, forced to retire earlier than he wanted, he first got permission from Bakugou and Koge to turn his legacy on to Natsuki, even though she was only 16 at the time. Still, they agreed, and Natsuki took to the task just as determined as she did with anything else in her life. By the time she was 25, he had turned over everything career wise to her, and faded into easy retirement life with Dokuji at his side.
Matsuki Bakugou
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Paired with: Otoha Kirishima (OC) Birth date: February 2nd Parents: Koge and Bakugou Height: 5′7″ Weight: 147 lbs~ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Quirk: With a quirk exactly like his fathers, Matsuki secrets a nitroglycerin like sweat from his palms from which he can create explosions.
Matsuki was a surprise baby, and continued to surprise people in his life as he grew older. A very timid, quiet and empathetic person, his personality is nothing like either of his parents. Even from a young age, Matsuki knew that he did not want to be a hero, but instead go into medicine and become a surgeon. This caused him quite a bit of grief and trouble from people around him, such as other kids, educators, colleagues or even the press. Being the first born son of such a prominent pro hero, and even having the same quirk, he was expected to take on his father's legacy and become a hero as well. He struggled with constantly being told what he could and could not do, how he wasn’t allowed to be a surgeon and had no choice but to follow in his father’s footsteps. With the support of his parents, however, Matsuki made his own life choices and focused on getting into medical school, though he did do extensive training to be able to control his quirk. After many, many years of college and schooling, he gains his dream job as a cardiothoracic surgeon. Matsuki always wanted to help people, but not in the way that heros do, and found that he could be a hero to someone in a different way and save lives through medicine.
With his more quiet and gentle nature, Matsuki enjoys hobbies and activities that he can do alone and gives him time to relax or clear his mind. He loves art, and outside of medicine, it’s his biggest passion, focusing on wet mediums and painting. He goes swimming every day starting at a young age, and as an adult, he gets into writing alongside his art. His relationships with his parents is very important to him, especially with his mother, and he ensures that he makes time for them as much as possible. Although he gets along perfectly with Koge, he has a bit of trouble relating with Bakugou, and often there is a lot of silent tension between them.
Otoha and Matsuki have a very similar relationship to that of Bakugou and Koge, as far as growing up together and building a strong bond goes. Matsuki, however, was always too shy to share his feelings for his childhood friend, having grown a crush on her when they were young pre-teens. They have very similar hobbies and interests, which only helped to boost his feelings for her. At age eighteen, while painting together, he finally spit out his feelings for her after a particularly playful paint fight where they both ended up completely covered in acrylic paints. 
Although he has friends outside of his family, Matsuki considers his sister Natsuki to truly be his best friend. Being two years younger than him though with a much tougher attitude, Natsuki always helped to stand up for him and snap at people that tried to tell him what he should do with his life. They get along great, and besides Koge and Otoha, Matsuki feels like his sister is the only one he can really talk to. Being seven years older than Atsuki, Matsuki has trouble getting along with him, especially as he becomes the ‘wonder child’, born with an exceptional quirk and taking the spotlight as Bakugou’s talented son. He feels quite a bit of jealousy towards his younger brother, though he doesn’t let it affect his relationship with his family the best that he can.
Natsuki Bakugou
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Paired With: Mimiyuki Kita (OC) Birth date: October 28th Parents: Bakugou and Koge Height: 5′ Weight: 122 lbs~ Sexual Orientation: Lesbian Quirk: Natsuki is quirkless, a trait that she got from Koge’s great grandmother.
A planned child unlike her brother, Natsuki is a wild one. With an unlimited amount of energy and an attitude to match, she was always a handful, even as an adult. She takes shit from no one, and has a tendency to have violent outbursts if provoked or taunted in a way that belittles her. Due to being quirkless, she very quickly built up a defense against bullying by being quite aggressive herself, to prove that she wasn’t weak just because she didn’t have a quirk. She never let it drag her down, nor did she ever let it be an excuse for why she couldn’t do something. This type of attitude often got her into a lot of trouble, especially at school, where she had a tendency to get into fights if someone talked down on her purposefully.
From age 5, she began learning Seijirou’s technique, taking to it like she was born with the knowledge. Her training and school was her main focus, as Seijirou refused to teach her if she didn’t have another career choice in focus as well. Natsuki took extreme interest in fitness and health, working to gain a degree in athletic training and become a nutritionist. At age 12, she began going to martial arts tournaments, and continued to attend them until she was 25, where she stopped to make sure she could focus on her career in taking over Seijirou’s close combat legacy. At these tournaments is where she meets Mimiyuki after watching her perform. Not even knowing if Mimiyuki was interested in women, Natsuki took a chance in approaching her, winning her over with a sarcastic comment that literally left Mimiyuki crying from laughing so hard. 
Natsuki is extremely attached to her father, finding the most support through him. Although she worried when she was younger about being a disappointment to him for being quirkless, she found that it was quite the opposite, as he was constantly praising her any time she set and met her goals. He was always her support, pushing her and helping her train outside of her classes with Seijirou. Natsuki didn’t quite have that type of relationship with her mother, as Koge could never quite get over the guilt she felt that it was her fault Natsuki ended up quirkless. From a young age, Natsuki was very protective over her brother Matsuki, acting as his rock and support while at school or out when their parents weren’t with them. She would be the one to act out or snap at people for trying to belittle his life choices, even as they grew older. With Atsuki, she treated him in quite the typical older sibling way, teasing and picking on him in a playful way. Since he was interested in the hero lifestyle, Natsuki took great interest in training with him, and they bonded in that way.
Although she has a tendency to be tough and hardheaded, Natsuki has her hobbies that don’t have anything to do with proving herself in a physical way. She loves to bake, and always surprises people when she makes the best damn cupcakes they’ve ever eaten. Along with that, she is absolutely fascinated with horror and horror themed things, especially the special effects and artsy side. As a side hobby outside of work and studies, she teaches herself how to do a lot of the special effects, both on her and anyone else she can talk into being her guinea pig. Making people particularly nasty and gory is always fun for her, and she enjoys posting her creations and processes onto social media. She likes to joke that it is because she was born so close to Halloween, which is also why she’s such a little monster.
Atsuki Bakugou
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Paired With: No one Birth date: April 12th Parents: Bakugou and Koge Height: 5′6″ Weight: 135 lbs~ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Quick: Atsuki has a unique combination of his parents quirks that allows him to turn his nitroglycerin based sweat into crystals that come from his skin, which explode upon strong enough impact. Primarily, they come from his hands, and the size of the crystals often affects the explosions that they cause. He can create them from other parts of his body, such as his arms and his legs, which are typically much larger than what he can make just from his palms. A particularly strong move that he has is one where he mimics his father, creating hundreds of tiny crystals along his palm and fingers. As he goes to slap a person or building, he releases the crystals from his skin, saving him from injury but creating an incredibly strong explosion at close range. The smaller the crystals, the less force they need to make them explode. 
The youngest of the three KoKat children, Atsuki is admittedly a bit spoiled, and that highly influenced his personality as he grew, along with the attention he received. Being born with a powerful quirk, along with being the son of such a prolific pro hero, Atsuki got a lot of attention from peers, teachers and the media, which was something that he absolutely loved. From a young age, there wasn’t a single doubt in his mind that he wanted to take on his father’s legacy and become just as strong, if not stronger, than him. Although Atsuki is quite self centered, he’s not necessarily cruel to other people, nor does he belittle anyone without provocation. If someone tries to come at him with insults or a challenge, then a bit of his father’s rough personality peeks through his calm demeanor to shut them down. He’s more on the quiet, calm side typically, usually always seen with a content smile. 
An incredibly charming person, Atsuki makes friends easily and is quite popular, especially in high school. He has difficulty, however, with committed romantic relationships and finds that he gets bored with people very quickly. Although he gets along with people, he’s much more of a loner, preferring to be on his own. He’s quite obsessed with technology and dealing with building / programming / coding is his biggest hobby outside of training or hero work. He also absolutely loves to cook, the more complicated the dish, the better in his opinion. Atsuki had a fascination with food from a young age and found that it was just another way for him to impress people by creating elaborate and delicious meals. 
His relationship with his family is remarkably stable and supportive, outside of his older brother Matsuki. There is no true hatred between them, but there is a silent tension and resentment that has a tendency to come around when Atsuki starts to brag or talk about certain things that hit Matsuki’s insecurities. Natsuki, however, is one of Atsuki’s biggest supporters, always wanting to hear about his training, events during hero work, etc. She loves to train with him, as he is one of the only people she knows that won’t take it easy on her just because she doesn’t have a quirk. Atsuki is extremely close to Bakugou as well, as he has a goal to take over his father’s legacy and hero firm / brand in the future. Koge and Atsuki have a typical relationship, though Koge does have a tendency to overly baby him unconsciously. 
 Otoha Kirishima
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Paired with: Matsuki Bakugou (OC) Birth date: February 10th Parents: Kirishima and Nene Height: 5′3″ Weight: 124 lbs~ Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Quirk: When drawing someone Otoha can find out the specifics of that persons body. This includes measurements like height, weight, bust / hips, leg / arm length and even more private information. She can avoid learning things she doesn’t exactly want to, as she has to be drawing that specific area of the body for her to know the measurements. Unlike her mother, she is not able to control her quirk or ‘turn it off’ when she doesn’t want to use it. The only way to not have it work is if she is not drawing a person at all, or if she paints them instead. It works for any person that she draws, even from an image or video.  
Otoha is an incredibly spunky, friendly and trusting person with not a single shy bone in her entire body. From a young age, she was always sweet and gentle, even to those that would pick on her for her eccentric personality. Her quirk was something that took a while to develop and for her parents to really understand, as Otoha had to learn what the numbers she could visualize actually meant before being able to implement them properly. It was also horribly embarrassing for Otoha to develop her quirk, as there were often times she found out things about who she was drawing that she truly did not want to know. 
Otoha completely embodies her father’s personality, and thus gets along with him wonderfully. She’s a huge daddy’s girl, always finding time or excuses to spend time with him when he could. Nene adores her daughter as well, and the three of them have a perfectly harmonious family dynamic. 
Her family being incredibly close to Bakugou and Koge, Otoha grew up with Matsuki. He was her best friend through childhood, though when they became teenagers attending the same middle school, it was obvious to her that Matsuki was either too focused on his studies to be interested in her like she was in him, or he was too shy to admit he liked her. She had tried many times to tell him, but every time he laughed it off like she was joking, before scurrying off with a bright red face. Since they both had the same interest of art and painting, they frequently had hang out sessions where they would just chill and paint. Since he was going off to a different college than her after high school graduation, Otoha tried once again to tell him how she felt, only to start a paint fight between the two of them that ended up horrifically messy. Still, it worked, and Matsuki finally confessed to her. 
Dokuji (Doey) Kobayashi
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Paired with: Seijirou Eguchi Birth date: November 11th Height: 5′8″ Weight: 147 lbs~ Sexual Orientation: Pansexual Shared OC with @rhombea Quirk: Dokuji can bring blood up to the very understand layer of his skin, hardening it to become a defensive layer that is nearly unbreakable. However, it becomes heavy and hard to move with, so he can typically only use it in specific parts of his body at a time. It was quite useful during his kickboxing and street fighting days, but he was never trained on how to use it properly. 
Dokuji grew up in a very poor household, with little to no money and parents that struggled with many things, from addiction to abuse, and so he was put into the background and had to learn how to care for himself from the very beginning. In his early teenage years, he struggled in school and dropped out midway though high school, as his outlook on life was negative and education seemed pointless for him. At sixteen, he began finding and working odd jobs to get money so that he could survive. Though, while doing this, he got into a bad group of people that were more interested in illegal ways of making money. Street fighting was one of these things, and was something that Dokuji found he was exceptionally prolific in. Winning these fights and collecting money off the placed bets was how he began to earn his money, and though it wasn’t much, it was enough to get him by better than the little odd jobs. 
Doing these fights helped Dokuji to realize how much he loved the sport, and saved up a lot of money to get into a kickboxing program. He was in it for a few years developing his skill while still street fighting on the side, until the program learned of his illegal activities and kicked him out. From there, he found himself in a dark depression, feeling as if everything could never stay secure in his life or that he was always fucking it up. For a while, he did no fighting or jobs of any kind, pushing himself to near homelessness. What helped turn him around was an interview he saw while meandering about the city, of Seijirou talking about his technique and how if someone could prove themselves to him, he would teach them his full technique for free. Determined to feel like he was worth something while still wanting to pursue his dreams of becoming a fighter, he approaches Seijirou out on the street and challenges him. It doesn’t end well, as Seijirou totally destroys him and refuses to teach him. 
Still, he refused to give up, showing up over and over again demanding that Seijirou take him in. Eventually, Seijirou gives in to his determination, deciding to test his will and see how badly he truly wants it, though he was ready to kick him out at any sign of weakness. A year into training, Dokuji and Seijirou end up growing incredibly close. Dokuji, however, refuses to give into his romantic urges in fear that he will, once again, lose everything he’s worked for and thus puts up a blinder to Seijirou’s mutual feelings. Eventually, during a training session, the romantic tension exploded between the two and their romantic relationship started from there. Dokuji struggled with feeling inadequate or fearful of abandonment for a while, but Seijirou was committed and supportive of him to the fullest extent and the two became life long partners. 
Due to his harder go at life, Dokuji is a bit rough around the edges personality wise. Until his respect is earned, he’s horribly rude or just doesn’t talk at all. He curses like a sailor, and though he has a tendency to be more on the quiet side in situations, he won’t hesitate to speak his mind. He has a dark, rough sense of humor that often times only he finds funny and will go out of his way to be a brat if he deems necessary. Outside of Seijirou, he doesn’t really have any friends due to his rough personality, except for Koge and Bakugou. Since Koge is a student under Seijirou as well, Dokuji interacted with her often. At first, he felt mostly jealousy for her, as he felt like Seijirou was favoring her more in the beginning. When this passed, he became good friends with her, though he got along much better with Bakugou and the two will often chat or hang out without their other halves. Outside of fighting, Dokuji has odd passions that don’t quite seem to fit with his harsh personality. He has a bit of an obsession with piercings, and has a very wide collection of them on his body. He’s also exceptional at writing songs / poetry, plays the guitar and has mastered yet another illegal activity: graffiti art. 
Mimiyuki Kita
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Paired with: Natsuki Bakugou (OC) Birth date: January 27th Height: 5′2″ Weight: 130 lbs~ Sexual Orientation: Bisexual Quirk: Mimiyuki can alter her voice into a variety of sounds and variations. Typically for her performances, she changes the sound of her voice to sound more electronic or auto tuned, depending on the particular song. With much practice, she can also make specific DJ sound effects. From a lifetime of training, she has impeccable control over her quirk. 
From the moment her quirk manifested, Mimiyuki was pushed both by her parents and herself to become a popstar. However, living in a low income household made it more difficult for Mimiyuki to get noticed, even with her wide variety of abilities that came with her quirk. She didn’t gain traction until she won a singing competition when she was 16, from which she won money and her first record label. She was very quick to gain popularity with her unique quirk, powerful voice and overall aesthetic, especially with a younger teenage audience. Pop, electronic and traditional old style Japanese music mixed is what she focused on, with her fashion style ranging from modern style elegant / eccentric kimonos / traditional clothing to pink / pastel Lolita goth. Her performances are often paired with dancing, using props like fans, flags, parasols, ribbons, etc. Mimiyuki is also skilled in aerial hoop acrobatics, which is always a part of her shows. 
A performer at heart, Mimiyuki is very bubbly and excitable on stage, but her personality changes when she is not performing. A more quiet and calm woman, she’s a rational thinker that has a bit of a snappy tongue, in the way that she can easily and quickly think of comebacks when necessary. She’s horribly sarcastic, to the point that she just cannot hide it, and if something is stupid or annoys her than she will end up letting it known. That will be either with a snarky comment or a furrow of her brow that speaks louder than words. She has tough skin and a very confident presence, having grown tougher during her journey against criticism, belittlement, and harassment. Outside of her performances, travels, meetings, etc. she loves to write, anything from new songs to actual fantasy novels with romance being her favorite genre to write. She’s also horribly obsessed with bullet journaling, and never goes anywhere without her journal for that year in her immediate reach. One of the things she loves the most is actually hair, and if becoming a vocal artist didn’t work out, she had plans to become a hair stylist instead. 
That’s one thing that interested Mimiyuki in Natsuki when they first met, was her wild and quite literally untamable hair that matched her personality. Mimiyuki was the entertainment at a martial arts tournament that Natsuki was competing in, and since Natsuki was the only girl in the competition, she had Mimiyukis interest from the beginning. The interest only grew when Natsuki won the competition, and Mimiyuki noticed a bit of embarrassment from Natsuki’s side when they took a picture together during the award ceremony. It was a bit of a surprise to her when Natsuki actually approached her afterwards, and they hit it off from the get-go. 
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