#admittedly this might be wildly chaotic bc i know so little of most ff games
Our WoL meeting other living shards of Azem and working together with their senses of identity.
To walk back from what most would call the very edge of the universe is far from an easy feat. Despair had sang her siren son, had bestowed upon you the burdening weight of hundreds of fallen worlds, and yet you managed to cling to whatever thread of hope still left within your body--and had come out of it alive.
So what are you to even do with that experience? Weave your battle at world's end into songs and stories, seek solace for the echo of misery yet ringing in your ears, or perhaps even try to forget it altogether?
What can you even do...?
Travel, as it turns out. When the dust settles over the world and the Scions each finds a place for themselves, you too pick a direction and begin to walk for as far as your heart has passion and curiosity to take you. From one end of the world to the other, then onward do you move to the First shard.
Then onward still. All the while you keep your eyes open and your mind searching, driven by a sense of longing that you can't begin to understand even as the silent words of Emet-Selch ring bright and painful within your mind.
In the Fourth shard you find a world comprised mostly of ocean dotted by but a single continent and multitudes of islands. The people seem happy, and you soon get the feeling that they too had just averted a world-ending terror of their own. On every mouth on every corner, you hear of a young priestess named Yuna--and a now-gone terror called Sin.
It's in this world that you cross paths with a young man named Tidus and hear about his tale; of friendship and hardship, of mysteries and answers, and of his love for those around him, protecting them even when everything seemed dire. Even when the two of you part too-soon after meeting, you can't help but feel you've known him before.
In the largest cities of the Eighth shard, there seems to be naught but machinery beyond even the wildest dreams of any Garlean engineer. It's in this place--seemingly devoid of magic in its entirety--that you find refuge in a bar, next to a young woman who seems all too familiar despite the fact that you had never seen her face before. Terra, her name is. When you jokingly ask for her life's tale, she confides to you that her story has only just begun, in a fashion, and that she's looking forwards instead of behind to see what is out there for her to experience.
In the Ninth shard you find a world yet racked with chaos of a type you'd never seen before. The ability to pull energy from the lifestream itself seems to have been realized, and to a great extent by the Shinra Electric Power Company. You barely have the time to start filtering how different the world is before you're swept up into another adventure of salvation--eventually coming across a young woman named Tifa. Upon helping her for a while, she makes mention that you remind her of someone else she knows. A young man, once-soldier named Cloud. She says the two of you are familiar in the same ways, but can't quite put a finger on how.
By the time you take your first step upon the Eleventh shard, you already feel as if you've felt a semblance of its energy before. As if you've met someone here a while ago, long enough for you to have forgotten the details but not nearly enough for it to be wiped from your thoughts. You travel for a long time in this world, awed by technology the likes of which rivaling both the Eight and Ninth, before you finally hear the story of how Noctis, the selfsame man who had once been displaced by time and space in your own world, had returned to save his own.
And from that, you travel onward.
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