#adolfo pirelli x reader
bound-up-feelings · 1 year
Adolfo Pirelli
Adolfo Pirelli: Broken
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bound-up-feelings · 4 years
Adolfo Pirelli x fem reader
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Requested: Yes and No :/ @theonewithagayweirdo also helped me with this one as well, this is a prompt that they gave me  “I wish, just once, you would love me like this — no strings attached.” and I sort of changed in a bit
warning: Angst, Mentions of heartbreak, If those things trigger you, please don't read this :)
(Hey there so, this was quite the something to write and I hope I did ok and I hope you like it :))
Now even though Adolfo was every woman's dream, he wasn't as nice as they thought he was. He was actually quite the opposite. He was rude to his apprentice Tobias, and would slap him for little to no reason at all. Tobias had actually came to you, after having no where else to go. This was a regular occurrence.
You had known Pirelli for only a few years but, in all those years he was always so proud and full of himself. He was never really mindful of those around him. Didn't really seem to care for their feeling unless it involved him. In front of a crowd he is this amazing, wonderful and handsome man. But behind closed doors he was rude, sour, and quite rotten on the inside.
With the few years you got to know him he was always nice to you. He would sometimes come to you home to greet you in the mornings, and sometimes bringing a rose. Always one, never anymore than that. He was sweet to you, always complimented you on your appearance. Conversations were normal and actual delightful. But when it came to going into the middle of town or walking along the sidewalk, or even going into a store, he would act off. As if he didn't even know you.
One day in the afternoon he had came to your home like many times before and confessed his live for you. Shocked was and understatement. He, Adolfo Pirelli, The king of barbers and the barber of kings, confessing his love to you. This must've been a dream. It was too good to be true.
Like you had told yourself two years ago "Too good to be true." Was also an understatement. He would act loving, caring behind closed doors but when it came to the citizens of the town he acted as if you were merely another woman amongst the crowd. You had even confronted him of your suspicions "My dear, I do this to make all the woman believe I am a single man. To make more money-" and blah blah and so on and so forth. You had believed it at the time. God did you want to believe a man such as him could be capable of loving one woman and one woman alone.
Sadly after two years of hidden suspicion, it finally was confirmed. One night you had decided to go out for a walk. Something back in the corner of your mind told you that you should. You didn't understand why but you did it anyways. You hadn't been walking for long, until you just so happen to glance down a random ally between two homes. There against the wall you saw two people. Both kissing. The sounds are what confirmed that, but it was the blue tailored pants that also caught your eye. No one else in town had pants such as those. No one had pants that fit them so well like that. No one except for Pirelli.
Your gasp had pulled them away from each other. The woman whom you had never seen before had a grin on her face and was still looking up at him. While his face slightly lighten up by the near street lamp had turned his full attention towards you. He opened his mouth to say something but no words had come out. He had no explanation for this, he had nothing that could possibly make this seem less than what it really was. At the very moment all you wanted do was run. Run down the pavement till you got home, so you could shut and lock your door. And that is what you did. You ran, and ran and ran till you got home.
When you got inside you locked the door. You back was against it as you stood there. Silence was deafening and you wanted the world to open up and swallow you. Take you away from this very moment, so you could forget what you had seen, forget the feeling of your heart breaking in your chest. The feeling of all the love you had for him go straight into the fire, forever gone. You walked a little way into your home, the floor boards creaking under the weight of your foot. You looked up and there, right in front of your face was a photo. A photo of one of your dear family members. It was of their family. All smiles and happy, hugging each other like that day could get any better for them. You were jealous. You wanted that, wanted that with Pirelli. You wanted a happy family, but all of thought of Pirelli were trashed.
Suddenly you hear a knock on your door. It hadn't occurred to you that Pirelli had probably followed you home. When you looked at the door you could see the shadow of feet at the bottom of your door. You didn't answer, you knew it was him. More knocks came and this time you heard his voice. "Y/n! Y/n are you in there? Please let me in, I can explain myself. Give me a chance!" He says as he frantically knock on your door. Though the knocking was annoying it was that last sentence. "Give me a chance." Give him a chance.....you had given him plenty of chances to love you, three years of crushing over him and what you had thought was a nice relationship between the two of you wasn't chance enough!? You barge over to the door and swing it open. Anger taking you over. "I don't want your explanation. I don't want your sorry. I don't want you around me anymore. I thought what we had was something good, something that was nice, but you proved to me that you don't give a damn about that! About how I feel towards you, I've never felt so strongly about someone until I met you, now all I feel so much anger and pain..." he shakes his head and bows his head down "I thought what we had was a no strings attached relationship. Something both neither of us would put much into. It was only recently that I began to have feeling for you, but I was scared y/n. I was so scared." He says as he starts to grab your hand. Not wanting anything to do with him or his touch you yanked your hand back. "For years, I wished for a family. I wished for a man to come sweep me off my feet and love me endlessly. I thought I found that with you. But even when this started you seemed like you were ashamed to be near me. I even tricked myself into thinking you loved me too. I wish you did. I wish, just once, you would love me like this-" you say as you point furiously at the photo on the wall. Tears begin to fall down your cheeks. Your eyes red and puffy already, you shake your head and breath shakily " 'No strings attached', I really thought you were the one. I even told my family about you!? How stupid is that, so God damn pathetic!" You say yelling the last part out. He flinched at your outburst. He knew that what he said was wrong, he knew he had fucked up. He could see in your eyes, the look on your face, the way you shook from the anger you felt towards him, that nothing could change how you for him now. You hated him, hated how he made you feel for him. And all you wanted was him gone. Out of your life, your home and far away from you. "I-" "Get out." he looks at you , hoping that you would let him stay and do something that could everything better "Y/n please." "I said, Get OUT! Right now! I don't want you here! GO!" you scream at him. he looks down yet again, he turns on his feet and opens the door and steps out onto your doorstep. He looks back at you, wanting to say something but keeps his mouth shut. Then he walks away. Walking underneath the street lamps and in his own guilt. That day all feeling for him turned to anger. Anger that would take decades to go away. You never wanted to talk to him again. Didn't even want to see his face either. You were simply and utterly, Broken.
(Hey again, so I hope you liked this and if so please leave feedback it helps a lot and I appreciate every bit of it! Have an amazing day and stay strong!)
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bound-up-feelings · 4 years
Will be posting tomorrow! Be on the look out for our favorite Station Inspector. I couldn't stay away long and to those that are wondering i am ok. I am doing fine, thanks to those who asked me, I appreciate the kindness. We need more of it in the world. Also tell me who I should write for next? I'm thinking of adding Adolfo Pirelli, just depends on what you guys want so. Give me some fic ideas and some charecters of Sacha's that I should write for!
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