#adoptables tos
basoogil · 1 year
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yeah idk anymore
original pic i stole from this post
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spirk-trek · 9 days
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S2E26: Assignment Earth ⋆.˚ ✧ · ˚⊹ ·
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saudrag · 3 months
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baby on board the enterprise! attention, baby on board the enterprise!
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spockskock · 1 year
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scherzokinn · 5 months
Btw I'm serious when I say Sarek has a human fetish. This is how those with a fetish for a certain group of people act. Sarek being disgusted by Spock's human side while also marrying human wives is 100% because of a fetish. Sarek is just the Star Trek version of Alma Mahler.
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foundfamilyhq · 21 days
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greenflower21 · 3 months
I love Jewish Coded Star Trek species.
You know what I would love even more in Star Trek? Actual Jews.
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yellowplumfruit · 2 years
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🌟adoptable auction for polaris, the north star!!🌟
SB: $60
AB: $150
auctions rules:
- minimum bid $5
-please do not delete ur bid
-dm me if u want to bid privately
-payment thru paypal only (must pay within 24 hrs)
-bid in the replies and tag the highest bidder! (bid example: @_____ $one hundred million dollars)
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archersartcorner · 2 months
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Me: hey brain I wanna draw what do I draw
The Spock rotating in the area that used to be my brain like a microwaveable meal:
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papasmistakeria · 1 year
I will never get over how TOS!Chekov becomes a feral Tactical/Security gremlin while AOS!Chekov becomes an Engineering tech whiz
They're the Ops officers ever
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indig0trolls · 2 years
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I just have to come to terms with not being able to finish these two sets due to time and energy constraints, so I'm selling them as-is as lineart adopts
The first half, 1-6 are 10$ usd each, the bust adopts are 15$ usd each (except for D which is 25$ since it's a set of twins)
Open designs and important rules are listed under cut
I WILL know if you haven't read the rules, so please read them carefully or I will ignore your message.
keeping actually
You have my express permission to color them in as you like, but you may not alter the original lines in any way or remove my signature except to color them. Signature must remain visible/readable.
Lines cannot be used to sell adopts either, these are one-time personal use, and designs may NOT be used to make media, such as (but not limited to): books, movies, tv shows, web series, comics/webcomics, video games, visual novels, streaming personas or podcasts without my express permission, which is given on a case by case basis. Prove you've read this rule by including something you're currently reading in your buying inquiry.
Buyer will receive a transparent image of the lines, but may not redistribute the linework to anyone. If you wish to have a friend color the lines for you, please ask me first. You may not PAY to have another artist color the lines.
Designs and artwork may NOT be fed into AI learning or AI art programs under ANY circumstances, including AI coloring programs. This is non-negotiable. If you've read this rule, you'll tell me what caste you're making your new troll or if you're making them a non-troll!
You may NOT reupload the design to gallery websites (like but not limited to deviantart, WIX, furaffinity, twitter, etc), but you may upload the design to character profile websites such as toyhou.se or to profile caards with proper credit. If uploaded to TH please credit to my account there.
You may resell/trade/gift the design later if you wish, but not to anyone in my design blacklist.
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are vulcans just the capybaras of space? adopting every child they see?
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junewongapologia · 8 months
I know it's been lost in the many, many annoying years of ST writers deciding Vulcans are bad and contemptible for having what amounts to just really visible cultural differences from humanity, but I really like how... Culturally Vulcan Spock is.
His colleagues have like a fixation on his mother's heritage but... he grew up culturally Vulcan on Vulcan and his human mother all but states in Babel that she's basically assimilated into Vulcan culture because she agrees with its ethos. In all of TOS Spock considers himself Vulcan.
He's... very well adjusted and settled in so he is, he's a guy who sacked off the VSA to join a pseudo-military against the wishes of his pacifist dad and on the ship he plays Vulcan musical instruments with his human colleagues, and keeps a room full of Vulcan cultural artefacts that presumably remind him from home. (I get that this is half-retconned in the movies - most explicitly in ST V 🙄 - and also pretty inconsistently written in TOS but it's still there!)
Idk it's kind of sad to me that the Vulcans are literally the innovators of IDIC and they've been flanderized into these isolationist bigots because the stoicism/pacifist vibes can be kind of confused and off-putting to people.
Like. List of Vulcans we actually meet in TOS:
Spock's dad, ambassador to Earth, married to a human in some weird 60s sitcom couple dynamic, in-text reason he is estranged from his half human son is literally stated outright as being because he thinks Starfleet is too militaristic and he's a pacifist - like most Vulcans.
T'Pring - Spock's fiancée/wife, breaks up with him because it seems like too much of a hassle to be married to a celebrity, never seems to have any issue with his parentage, clearly thinks he's Vulcan since she divorces him via Vulcan ritual (logical, fight to the death) and not Human ritual (illogical, loopholes/contacting your local divorce lawyer)
Stonn - has two lines, neither of them are about Spock.
T'Pau - kind of maybe says something bigoted ("they say thy Vulcan blood is thin"), but then pulls strings to get the Enterprise off the hook for disobeying orders at the end of the episode, presumably as a favour to Spock, who she knows is going through a rough time, or out of respect for Not-Really-Dead Jim.
Surak - from a war torn civilisation five hundred years ago, still less bigoted towards other species than McCoy lmao
I might be so wrong about this but idk I just like Spock's room full of unabashed Vulcan shit, and I think ST has ignored and wasted opportunities for interesting stories bc they're kind of obsessed with deconstruction of everything about TOS/the ST universe to the detriment of anything else including the actual original ethos of Starfleet.
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vulcanboydyke · 1 year
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you want to see something. a small cunty spock i started to draw many moons ago …
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memelibrarian10 · 20 days
Rewatching the Wrath of Khan (1982) and holy shit did JJ Abrams do Khan dirty. This man is a terrifyingly cold villain that Benedict Cumberbatch did not have the chops to play.
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foundfamilyhq · 11 months
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