#adopted father!yoongi
wildestdreamsblog · 1 year
Latibule III
Pairing: Min Yoongi x Reader (Mafia/Detective AU)
Summary: In which you didn’t know who he truly was- until it was too late. Or in which he found heaven in you.
Warnings: Secret Identity, Yandere behavior, Obsessiveness, Possessiveness, Manipulative behavior, Violence, Mention of death, Disability, Sexual themes, If you’re not 18+ please, PLEASE, do not interact. Be mindful of the warnings. Let me know if I miss anything.
A/N: posting this on Father’s day because Mr. Min Yoongi is a daddy 😝
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Masterlist, Latibule II
“The renowned Chief of Police, Min Yoongi, who had been missing for a month is now officially assumed to be dead. The Police Department announced on Friday that the memorial would be held a month from now,” the reporter announced with solemn voice as the news shifted to several official photographs of him in his uniform. Damn, he did look good, he thought.
“The whole country mourns the loss of the heroic man who never shied away from danger. He is indeed the loss of our country as thousands of citizens offered flowers and lighted candles in front of the Department,” the view shifted from the reporter to the video footage of the mourning citizens. The front of the Department was indeed filled with mourners, and Yoongi almost smiled. He really almost did if not for Jimin crying dramatically in the middle of the mourners, wearing his formal police uniform as though he was really dead. He thought that Jimin really had a flair for the dramatics. He was laying it thick on the acting, he noted, wailing hard enough to trigger the tears of the other mourners. It would be hilarious, and he would admit he almost laughed if not for the tall man that was caught by the camera for a second. He was standing on the far side of the mourners, unmoving as his eyes were trained on the makeshift memorial in front of the Police Department. He had his hands in his pockets, his face hidden by a black cap. He looked almost nonchalant had it not been for the tension in his broad shoulders.
Min Yoongi only saw him for a second. But one second was enough. He could recognized that man anywhere. One side of his lips lifted, his eyes glinting with something akin to wickedness. With nonchalant movement, he leaned back on the sofa, his legs spread out. In the darkness of the night, only the light from the television illuminated the evilness in his face.
So, he thought, his hyung knew of his death. Interesting.
You were a morning person. Really, you were. You didn’t open your eyes and frowned, unlike your housemate-turned-fake-fiancée, also known as your nuisance. You didn’t get up and decide to terrorize everyone with your dark energy, unlike well…him. You didn’t wake up one day and decided to glare at everyone until you had your coffee…far from the man you had unwillingly adopted.
Wasn’t he too old to be adopted for heaven’s sake, you thought.
You loved mornings, truly you did. You loved opening your eyes and seeing the lights seeping through the sheer curtains. You loved waking up to the sound of birds chirping as they rested on your window sill, unlike Suga who was doing his very best to shoo the birds away from the living room’s window with a heavy frown on his face. You loved mornings and how they represented another day, how they represented hope.
In fact, you loved morning so much that you were up and showering before the sun even shone. You knew he was the opposite of a morning person. But really, you couldn’t categorized him because he was not an afternoon or even an evening person, evidenced by the varying bored, angry, and annoyed expressions on his face. See, you knew he wasn’t a normal person. You knew he wasn’t a morning person.
And that was exactly why you let your guard down.
You were quietly humming to yourself as you stood in front of the shower, letting the water cascade down your body. Your fingers were brushing away the bubbles from your shampoo when the door of your small bathroom opened.
Your peace suddenly gone.
Birds suddenly stopped singing.
Happiness suddenly vanished as you opened your eyes and saw him standing there with his hand on the door knob, his eyes slowly roaming your exposed body appreciatively. It was as though he didn’t want to miss even an inch with the ways his eyes dragged down your body. And then slowly, that stupid smirk returned in his face and it was only then that you woke up from your stupor. He watched you as you scampered to reach for your towel hanging outside the shower stall without even offering to help you. You were huffing under your breath, cursing him with words you did not know you could say.
Suga leaned against the door still leisurely, his hand still resting on the doorknob, an image of a man with so much time in his hand.
“Who knew you’re hiding something pleasant underneath the drab of clothes you’re so fond of wearing?” he drawled as you did your absolute best to hide your damp body with the towel, your eyes throwing daggers at me.
“Don’t you know how to fucking knock?” you hissed at the relaxed man still looking at you.
“Probably not,” he started, “Can’t say my mother was around enough to teach me good manners, though. But I will say that this has been my best decision yet.”
“And it will be your worst if you don’t stop fucking looking!”
He pouted mockingly, “But I’m your fiancé. It’s my right to-“
And then you pulled the shower head, pointed it at him, and blasted him with water. You almost smiled when you heard him cursing as he retreated outside the bathroom. “F-FUCK! Fucking stop! I’m leaving!”
It took more time than you originally wanted to prepare yourself for work and to face the world. You marched out of your room with speed you didn’t know you possessed.
“Going somewhere, angel?” Suga drawled, smiling at you before sipping from his cup of coffee. As if he didn’t do anything wrong the first instance that he woke up today.
“Yes! Away from you!” You shouted before you slammed the door. You could hear him laughing all the way as you left. As if you could escape him if he didn’t let you, he thought.
“You know, I feel like I love you more than you love me. Honestly. There is a power imbalance in this relationship. You finally called me after two weeks that is so hurtful-“
“Seokjin was there,” Yoongi cut him off before dragging a deep puff of his cigarette. “Asshole didn’t even cry.”
Jimin chuckled, his voice holding an amused tone, “He cornered me and asked me where you were. Why would he cry when he suspected you’re still alive, hyung. You know how perceptive Jin hyung is.”
“Not even a little? Damn,” Yoongi replied. Of course, he could fool anyone in this world but not him. After all, he did grow up with him. “What did you say to him?”
“I told him that you were truly gone.”
“He didn’t believe, did he? You’re a terrible actor, Park Jimin.”
He halfheartedly listened to Jimin as he dramatically told him how he went to acting school for a while because of an assignment, how he was top of his class, and how he was depressed at work because Yoongi wasn’t around to make his bleak days brighter.
All that noise and all he could think about was where the fuck you were. Yoongi raised his brow, his eyes shifting for the nth time on the road. It was already dark and you were not yet home. He didn’t know why he hated that, or why his attention was focused on the road instead of the information Jimin was now giving about the fucking traitor who would soon walked down with him to hell.
“-maimed him until he broke down and told me that their boss is also- are you ready for this, hyung? Are you ready for this?- a police officer, too. Looks like somebody’s idolizing you too much,” Jimin reported over the phone, his voice hinting an excitement at having to torture and extract information from the man. Yoongi straightened when he finally saw you walking on the dark road.
Ah, finally, he thought. You were home. He ended the call without saying goodbye to Jimin before he he put off his cigarette. He unconsciously smiled before walking to you. You looked tired, your eyes focused on your steps when you bumped on something that clearly wasn’t supposed to be there.
You were rubbing your forehead before looking up at the wall slash chest of the road hazard, also fondly called as Suga. He looked down at you with an amused gaze.
“You’re late, angel. Where have you been?”
You squinted at him. “Work. What about you? What are you doing out here, Suga? Were you waiting for me? Hmm?” You stepped closer to him as you bombed him with questions.
He stepped back, his cheeks warming up quickly before showing you his bottle. “N-no! I’m out to throw trash! Don’t be assuming-“
You glanced at the bottle with an unimpressed look on your face. “That’s an unopened bottle, sir.”
He blinked rapidly before unscrewing the cover of the water bottle and chugging the contents down as though to prove a point. You raised your eyebrows at him before shoving him the paper bag you were holding.
“What’s this?”
“A phone, asshole. It’s not brand new, but you do need a phone,” you stated casually, walking ahead of him to your house. You wouldn’t tell him that you were worried about him while you were out and working. Not even if a gun was pointed at you. Nope. He had enough ego to last twelve lifetimes. He didn’t need to know.
You missed the completely surprised look on his face. Or the fact that he was looking down at the old model of the phone in his hand with something akin to a confused awe. He knew you didn’t have a lot… and yet you chose to spend what little money you had to buy him this. Meanwhile, in his pocket was the cellphone he stole from your neighbor today.
He sighed. Guess he had to return it to your neighbor tonight.
You should be careful, he thought. He was starting to see you as something other than a means to an end.
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Latibule IV
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ggukkiedae · 4 months
Yoonmi’s Relationships with BTS
(updated as of february 2024) (mentions of hangouts are all indicating before the members’ enlistments)
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JIN (Kim Seokjin)
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Since Yoonmi had become an adult, Seokjin had taken to treating her like an equal and rarely using his “oppa” card, which is a stark difference from when she was younger. Yes, she still goes to him for advice, and he is the one who still helps her with adult matters such as bills and taxes and lifestyle, but he also becomes a friend that she can mess around with like she’s with other friends around her age. In his mind, she still is a baby, but he understands that she’s matured, wants to be seen as more mature, and that she’d still see him as a parental figure no matter how old she gets. He likes to think this is her finally acting out since she’s always been a good kid.
Jinmi in ARMYs’ eyes: They enjoy witnessing how Seokjin always “cries” about how she’s grown so much. The shift in their dynamic was over the pandemic, and suddenly everyone could see that Yoonmi was more comfortably roughhousing with Seokjin, and he was responding more like he would to Jungkook rather than his previous shrugging off and fond smiles. Seeing them become more like similarly-aged friends really made ARMY realize how she had grown.
Iconic Moment: It was revealed through the BTS documentary on Disney+ that Yoonmi was the one who initially started cutting his hair off. She was given the shears by her stylist, and she was so hesitant while Jin just kept encouraging her with “How will I know if I look okay bald unless you start?”. So she cut his hair, only getting distracted a small bit when Yoongi and Jungkook came, then listened attentively as their stylist carefully explained what to do with the electric razor. She, with assistance from the stylist, evened out Seokjin’s shave until she stepped back, staring at him. “It looks good.” “Of course it does, look who you’re talking to”. The video cuts there, but the next of her seen in that context has teary eyes and is gripping tightly onto Yoongi’s hand.
SUGA (Min Yoongi)
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Yoongi is still very much her dad, that never changed The only thing that changed over the years is how they both actually address the fact that Yoongi is her father figure, second only to her adoptive father, and on level with her adoptive brother. Even the other members sometimes address Yoongi ad “Yoonmi’s dad” at this point. Yoongi and Yoonmi remained each other’s silent comfort person, the person who takes their side and hears them out first, and the person who they can go to when they feel overwhelmed. He’s there to hold her hand when things go wrong, and she’s there to give him a hug when things don’t go as planned.
2yoon in ARMYs’ eyes: Yoongi and Yoonmi is everyone’s comfort duo. When they’re together, there’s an air of warmth and calm, so everyone feels better after a long day when they watch 2yoon content. They find Yoongi’s care and the way Yoonmi looks up to him to the point of taking after him endearing, especially knowing Yoongi is the one Yoonmi never fought after their mysterious conflict in 2018.
Iconic Moment: Yoonmi went to all three days of the D-Day Tour finale. She, of course, did her feature on ‘Seven’ for Jungkook. During the ment where he kept them with him on stage, he thanked and praised Jungkook for ‘Burn It’ and ‘Seven’ before turning to Yoonmi. “And our princess, my daughter. She has something coming out this month and surprisingly didn’t want to spoil it—” “Surprisingly?” “— so she had a special request. As you all know, our Miya did the demo vocals of one of my previous mixtapes. I got to perform this song with our vocal line, but never with our princess. Until today.” So they performed ‘So Far Away,’ and the proud look on Yoongi’s face by the end as he looked at her made every ARMY feel like their troubles all disappeared.
J-HOPE (Jung Hoseok)
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Hoseok and Yoonmi treat each other like their own personal powerbanks. They could be tired, but, once they’ve spent time together, their energy levels go up. Yoonmi says that’s why she gravitates towards Hobi when drinking, because she’s usually a sleepy drunk. They like to escape together, as well, hanging out in the practice room or either of their studios where they experiment with different styles, genres, or just mess around to fuel their creativity. Of course, Hobi never stopped seeing her as his little prodigy, teaching her old school hiphop and openstyle dancing and watching her proudly while they learned new styles together.
Homi in ARMYs’ eyes: The two sunshines, that’s what they’re known as. Hobi brings in bright energy while Yoonmi makes everyone smile, making them everyone’s favorite duo to turn to when they want to laugh and get a pick-me-up. ARMYs love seeing Hobi treat Yoonmi like the little sister he’s never had but always wanted, too! Everyone knows both Hobi and his noona see Yoonmi as their youngest sibling at this point, which is why she even got Yoonmi to sing in her wedding reception.
Iconic Moment: Yoonmi vlogged her Lollapalooza experience, so some behind the scenes were uncovered there. Hoseok got Yoonmi to rehearse Chicken Noodle Soup with him while they were waiting for Becky, and the two ended up having so much fun that the band kept vamping the song, making it longer so the two could enjoy their mini cypher. “Oh, Yoona, you haven’t forgotten your basics!” “I have the best teacher!”
RM (Kim Namjoon)
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It used to be just Namjoon sitting to absorb and analyze the way Yoonmi’s mind works when they’re together. Now, she does the same to him, curious about his inner thoughts. They spend a lot of their time together having deeper conversations, whether it be about life, work, music, or just their thoughts. On the other side of things, they’re both clumsy dorks who geek out over their recent reads or watches together, actively showing interest in each other’s preferences because Namjoon wants to stay as someone who understands her almost best and Yoonmi wants to stay someone he can be proud of. Especially with Yoonmi, she wants to make her leader proud of her.
Joonmi in ARMYs’ eyes: Though ARMY initially thought they were awkward, that image disappeared. ARMYs see Joonmi and see a little sister looking to her older brother for validation, and him happily giving her that validation. ARMYs also enjoy the fact that these two together can go from 0 to 100 real quick, on any end of the meter. From just having lunch they can either go to talking about their plans for the future to being stuck in a laughing fit on the floor over a plastic utensil they’ve broken.
Iconic Moment: During the live with just the five of them, Yoonmi was a lot quieter compared to how she usually is. Namjoon kept glancing at her and tapping her leg to get her to talk. At some point, he bent to whisper something to her, then, when Taehyung opened his mouth, Namjoon quickly pushed a piece of pizza there. In his efforts to do so, he knocked over three cups. He looked at Yoonmi, who was now laughing, and he just nodded at himself in satisfaction.
JIMIN (Park Jimin)
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Yoonmi has not changed in Jimin’s eyes in the way that she’s still his youngest Busan Baby. Whenever she tells him she’s an adult now, he always pouts at her and goes on a spiel about how she’ll still be his baby even when they’re in their 80s and beyond that. He invites her over to his apartment a lot, or he just stays at her’s (partly because Jungkook and her niece are usually there as well) because he genuinely enjoys her company and being able to sit with her. He also takes every opportunity he can get to give her princess treatment because he believes she should always be treated like Bangtan’s princess (even though she’s trying to shake off the delicate image that had somehow formed over the years)
Minmi in ARMYs’ eyes: Minmi are both very very affectionate, with their habit of holding onto each other unknowingly. ARMYs have so many compilations of them sharing the tightest hugs or exchanging the softest forehead kisses, naming them the mythical siblings due to the way they treat each other. Everyone also loves how these two speak either in pout or in giggles, no in between!
Iconic Moment: Nobody thought Yoonmi would be able to make it to Jimin’s fanmeet due to her solo promotions, but, while he was going to take a photo with the attendees, the “staff” who came on stage removed her padded long coat, revealing Yoonmi. ARMY started cheering while Jimin’s jaw dropped, then he rushed up to hug her really tight. “Yah, how long have you been here?” “The past hour? I had this in my schedule, oppa. You didn’t think I would miss your documentary screening, did you?” “You’re really something else, aegi.”
V (Kim Taehyung)
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Taehyung and Yoonmi both matured a lot more visible than the other members, so their dynamic shifted a little bit from overly-doting big brother and complying baby sister to a pair of siblings more along a similar wavelength. While they’re still quite playful and he still dotes on her, their age gap isn’t as prominent in their actions. It’s clear that they both see how each other have grown, and it’s something they like to just observe when they’re with each other. They’re proud of each other’s growth, but more proud of how they managed to keep their friendship completely intact despite both of them changing over the years.
Taemi in ARMYs’ eyes: Taehyung and Yoonmi started posting more content together, which everyone enjoyed since they used to keep their off-screen friendship mostly to themselves. Now ARMYs enjoy seeing their posts when they meet up to go to jazz clubs, have coffee, or just do anything together. ARMYs also love seeing how they shifted from over-excitable kids to more mature youths who support and take care of each other.
Iconic Moment: An ARMY saw them in a jazz club together. Allegedly, there were a few cocktails on the table, and the two of them seemed to be exchanging stories the entire time they were there, never once letting there be dead air. Apparently Tae also tried to play the saxophone and let out a really out of tune note, but Yoonmi just cheered him on. The ARMY was able to take a picture with them, saying that they were both happy to see her yet politely asked to not post anything while they were still there. She promised, and the two were said to have continued their night of stories and jazz music.
JUNGKOOK (Jeon Jungkook)
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If anything can describe these two, it’s the phrase ‘ride or die’. Yoonmi and Jungkook would drop everything if the other called them and said they were in need. Almost thirteen years of friendship and growing up alongside each other really molded them into being two peas in a pod, especially since they both hit their twenties. They would see each other every other day and talk to each other at least once a day. Jungkook had gotten less overprotective (especially now that she has a boyfriend), and he has increased his role as the main mythbuster of Yoonmi’s delicate image. Yet, even with all their bickering and squabbling, they remain each other’s support systems and hypemen, connected in a way where they can work with and around each other without even needing to talk. Their friendship is further solidified by their matching tattoos (aside from the group’s matching 7 tatts) which they successfully kept between themselves for over a year. (The only people who saw these right after they got them were Mark and Namjoon. The tannies found out by accident)
Jungmi in ARMYs’ eyes: Ever since Bangtan first debuted, Jungkook and Yoonmi’s friendship has been something so many people, whether ARMY or not, have admired and set as a standard or wish for in their own best friends. ARMYs specifically love how they’re not afraid to roughhouse or bite back at each other but still have each other’s backs no matter what. Also Jungkook biased ARMY all have Yoonmi as a bias wrecker or vice verse because of the amount of content these two have and the amount of time they spend together. Everyone already knows when either of them get married Yoonmi would be Jungkook’s best man or Jungkook would be her Maid of Honor.
Iconic Moment: Jungkook hosted one of his early morning Weverse lives from her kitchen, cooking himself something to eat. At around four AM, the sound of a door opening and closing made him look to the side where he froze and smiled brightly. You hear her go, “Oppa, again? When did you get in my house?” and he just, “Three hours ago. Ramen?” “I’ll just grab some water and go back to sleep. Don’t wake Yoonseol.” And everyone was surprised. It was common knowledge that they went to each other’s apartments often, but they just revealed Jungkook goes to her place just whenever he wants because either he knows the code or has his fingerprint in her lock.
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taglist: @sunflower-0180 @seaoffangirling @yourwonderbelle @1-800-enhypennabi @kamiiyou @strwberrydinosaur @uraveragefangirlsposts @caratinylyfe @1-800-minji @one16core @kimhyejin3108 @chansols @akshverse @toriluvsfics @billboard-singer @stopeatread @allthings-fandoms @jammingjaem
drop an ask or a dm if you wanna be added or taken out of the taglist 🥰 requests are also open!
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singukieee · 1 year
'23 A R C H I V E
—or recs of fics I’ve read and been reading.
[back to NAVIGATION]
♡ : works im following closely
☆ : my ultimate favorites (mostly finished)
① : oneshots
Safe and Sound ♡
hybrid!bts x reader
You have worked at a hybrid rehab and adoption center for years, enjoying being able to help people others only see as their animal side. You thought you might end up taking in one or two, what you didn’t expect however, was to take in 7.
Combined Beings ☆☆
mafia!ceo!bts x chubby!reader
You are bullied on a constant because korea’s beauty standards do not fit girls on the heavier side. the bullying gets worse once a ceo is attracted to you and he mentions you to the other 6.
Little Love
human seokjin! x human!oc x hybrid!ot6
Seokjin and Ayana are an engaged couple who are completely in love with each other. Then one day they stumbled upon two hybrids in need. They decided to help them, not knowing there were four others waiting for their mates to come back.
Snow Angel ♡
alphas!bts x omega!reader
After Yoongi and Jimin find a distressed omega in the mall they take her home in an attempt to settle her. Quickly getting attached, the whole all-alpha pack starts to wish to keep the girl around, going completely soft for her.
Emerald Gem
hybrid!bts x reader
Living away from society has its perks. All natural food from your thoroughly cultivated farm, no nosy neighbors, and peace and security with your animals. But sometimes you did get lonely, having no one to talk to but the cows and pigs. However, when 7 extremely wanted hybrids stumble upon your deserted farm, everything changes.
Stay Alive ���
myth creatures!bts x reader
When you started working at a pharmaceutical company, you didn’t realize where it was your life was heading. After getting a patient mix up, you meet seven men who would didn’t seem to want any other nurse that wasn’t you. When you start to know them, you notice things that made you question if they were really human. No matter what excuse they would give though, you would always go home with a heavy heart. The day the truth is revealed to you, things take a turn for the worst.
(Un)natural Instincts
ot7 x ceo!reader
You and your assistant end up rescuing six wolf hybrids. No part of the process is easy.
Masked Miracles ♡
hybrid!bts x reader
It wasn't supposed to happen this way. A quick in and out. Infiltrate and bring down a hybrid trafficking ring. Saving lives while we're at it. But things hardly ever go to plan. And being locked in with seven hybrids that meant more to me than victims forced into a life they didn't deserve was definitely not according to the plan.
A Cute Blind Soul
ot7 x blind!oc | soulmate au
Selia Jones is blind since birth. After her parents were taken away, she has to live a completely different life and to make it worse, the universe had given her soulmates.
About Love ♡
hybrid!bts x writer!reader
Becoming a best selling thriller author? Part of the plan. Living in the city and isolating yourself from everyone? Part of the plan. Inheriting your late uncles home in the woods, his sassy assistant and fortune after he died mysteriously? Not part of the plan. Oh, and he failed to mention the 7 ‘surprises’ he left you as well.  And come to think of it… was his death an accident? Or is your imagination going wild again?
Prologue | CH 1 | CH 2 | CH 3
The Way Of a Criminal
gangster!bts x reader | mafia au
Your father was a stranger, you never knew who he was and what he did. But one day, someone knocks on your door, informing you of his passing. Now, you learn more about him, his life and the legacy you are expected to continue with the help of his 7 executives.
Tongue Tied ♡
wolf hybrid!bts x dog hybrid!reader
In which you're not supposed to be the solution for all of the problems- but maybe you're just that; the missing piece.
Lone Wolf
bts x reader | abo au
In a world where alphas, betas, and omegas live along side modern humans as second class citizens, you've fallen through the cracks of a society that wants to take everything wonderful from you. Luckily a timely encounter with the boys just might save your life.
Boyfriend For Hire ☆
bts x reader
Unsatisfied with your life was an understatement. Being under the thumb of your father can have that effect. He wanted someone capable of running the company, but you wanted to pursue your passion. Countless unwanted blind dates and the threat of losing your freedom drives you to seek help from a group of individuals you'd least expected.
The Old Guard
demon!bts x witch!reader | soulmates au
You are a powerful witch, cursed and hurt through ages. Owner of your esoteric shop, you were resigned to live this lonely life when the powerful magic of soulmates and fate came to you.
Let The Light In ♡
hybrid!bts x author!reader
In which you’re a famous children’s book writer, one evening after coming home from a diner with your parents you find seven unknown hybrids making themselves comfortable in your living room, what do you do now?
Protectors ①
mafia!bts x reader
Your boyfriends loved you very much. that being said, they promised to always be there to shield you in frightening situations - to be your protector, for the rest of your lifetime.
Little Dove ①
mafia!bts x reader
You were gentle, innocent, and pure. In simple words, the exact opposite of the cold-hearted and callous mafia members who fell for you in such a cliché manner.
Redamancy ♡
hybrid!bts x oc
When a ragtag pack of seven mismatched hybrids somehow ends up in the woods behind her home, she takes them in and does the one thing she never thought she would do. Own them. But, she also does something she didn't even think was possible. She fell in love with each and every one of them.
The Little Things ①
idol!bts x reader
You've never been more glad to have seven men by your side to help with your recovery. Even when times get tough you know they have your back.
The Plot Twist ♡
idol!bts x reader | soulmates au
Once upon a time you would have jumped at the chance to live the idol girlfriend life. The cameras, the action, the whirlwind romance. But what was once a dream has now become your worst nightmare, and you fully intend to fight the universe as it repeatedly conspires to set you up with your seven perfectly good soulmates from Bangtan Sonyeondan.In which we punt Y/N into all the fanfiction tropes and you do your feral best to subvert the love story.Because nani the fuck, you are The Plot Twist.
Hoodies ①
idol!bts x celeb!reader
When the boys are doing a v live, you know to keep away from the camera and stay quiet. and you never failed to do so before. so why is it that the time they all do a v live together, you accidentally leave your custom hoodie on the bed behind them?
Snowball Princess
bts x hybrid!reader
In which you've evolved from being a mere PR-stunt to becoming the most important thing in the lives of seven idols and millions of fans alike.
Like Crazy ♡
bts x reader
The story of seven loves across eight lives.
Mi Casa
bts x alpha!reader | omegaverse au
Sometimes you find your home, sometimes your home finds you.
The Fate of Hybrids ♡
hybrid!bts x reader
Fruits, Daisies, and a Sprinkle of Love ♡
bts x reader | soulmates au
A soul bond's archives is a shared space between soulmates, a safe space that allows the fated ones to share memories between themselves, a method commonly used to find each other without having to wait endlessly for luck to play its part. But when your own archives get tainted with pain due to bullies with too much time on their hands… Needless to say that despite you not knowing if you have soulmates, you begin to believe that maybe it's a good thing if you don't have any.
hybrid!bts x reader
In a world where hybrids are both the hottest commodity and largely exploited, a recent shortage of hybrids nationwide due to the wealthy adopting for sport hunting dominates the news headlines. More than ever, stray hybrids are whisked off the streets and taken into shelters to meet the demand. Mistreated, neglected, forgotten – in a notoriously disreputable hybrid shelter in a pocket of downtown Boston, seven “aggressive” hybrids await their inevitable fate of being sold for sport.After years of trying to distance herself from her mystical past and upbringing, Y/N finds herself quitting her emotionally-draining job and is forced to face past mistakes. While accompanying her friends looking to adopt a child hybrid into their newly-formed family, Y/N inadvertently finds herself face-to-face with seven hybrids doomed to die. In a spur of the moment epiphany, Y/N decides to change the course of fate for the better; though bringing seven aggressive hybrids into her life and the darkening spiritual energy of her old home is trickier to navigate than she originally thought.
dom!bts x sub!reader
You weren’t good at taking care of yourself. You knew it, everyone knows it. Too nervous, anxious, getting overwhelmed way too quickly…It was easy hiding it from the public eye, but they could see right through you. And they were decided on being your steadying hands.
The Love That You Want
idol!bts x death eater!reader | harry potter au
Your worst kept secret? You come from a long line of pureblood elitists.
Outside of the Fox
bts x reader
Y/N longs for a new life when the one she'd been living comes to an abrupt stop. Without much thought to those she is leaving behind, the little fox packs a backpack and disappears. She stumbles across the shelter and makes an interim home for herself while she works out exactly what she wants from her second chance.
Doughnuts and Shell Casings ♡
mafia!bts x reader | soulmates au
You finally gather the courage to leave your routine and do something different. your expectations are blown out of the water as you meet your soulmates in a less-than-expected way. 
Nymphet Garden ♡
fans!bts x idol!reader
He was just a fanboy, they got dragged into it, and so blooms your love story.
Do Not Tumble Dry ①
bts x reader | super fluff content
A spa day for the Bangtan pets.
Baby (you complete us) ♡
idol!bts x disabled MC | soulmates au
Soulmates were a common occurrence, so common, in fact, that the world sought an easier way to find your other half: A bracelet that would scan your mark and match you with those who shared your mark. Within recent years, soul groups were becoming normal, and your own bracelet said you have seven matches.  Or where you wear your bracelet for ten years, and finally give up the hope you would find your soul group, only for BTS to put theirs on and see what they were missing.
Dance of Time
vampire!bts x human reincarnated!reader
You were finally back in the hometown you left right after graduation, researching the mysterious manor that laid outside of the town limits. Your family was acting weird, and the owner of the manor seemed to know more about you than he should. Everything changed when you entered the manor, and you weren’t sure your dance with time was going to last very long.
Death Valley
bts x reader
A summer internship at a famous record label turns wild with blurry nights of dangerous men, dirty money, and extremely hot sex. you soon get caught in a savage game of greed, power and obsession, only to find out that you are the grand prize.
Guys that I'd kind of be into
idol!bts x broadway actress!reader
Being on broadway has always been your dream, and now that you’ve achieved just that as christine in “be more chill,” you’ve found it to be a lot harder than your younger self had expected. like, for example, the fact that dating might as well be out of the question. you definitely did not leave college to get distracted from your work... it kind of sucks that seven k-pop idols that you may or may not really like came to see your show and took a liking to you.
A Deal's a Deal
idol!bts x demon!reader
Before BTS became BTS in an act of desperation Jungkook makes a deal with you, a demon. After Namjoon finds out you’re the reason behind a significant number of unfortunate events they’ve gone through over the years he decides to take back their future by binding you under their control until they can figure out how to save Jungkook’s soul. Regardless, you’re going to feed off of their insecurities, lust, and souls to return your powers to you so you can make them all pay.
Wait, Little Rabbit!
bts x bunny hybrid!reader
You, a meek little bunny hybrid, find family amongst six predator hybrids and their lovely human caretaker.
Until Death ①
demon!bts x human!reader
Until death do you part, you are theirs and they are yours.
Wolves are (NOT) Scary
werewolf!bts x reader
All Y/N wants to do is find her creativity and motivation but she finds 7 werewolves instead.
Pastel Snowflake Kisses ①
bts x reader
They had never made much of a fuss about christmas...until you came into the picture.
hybrid!bts x reader
Out of Love ♡
bts x f!reader
Everything was perfect, or at least you thought it was. What happens when you break up with your 7 boyfriends and have to deal with the aftermath of it all?
To Love Min Yoongi
idol!ot7 x witch!reader | yoongi focus x reader
You were a villainess destined to be with seven stars. Your cliche Reincarnation AU.
Can't Wait to See You Again ♡
idol!fan!bts x youtuber!reader
The one where Jungkook develops a huge crush on a Youtuber he found after falling into the rabbit hole of his recommended videos. Unbeknownst to him, you were also recommended to his hyungs.
The A-Listers
actor!jin x famous!reader
Meet Y/N and Jin, two of Hollywood's hottest celebrities and couple — or are they? Media and fans have been wanting to hear a confirmation for years now. But you two are always good at confusing everyone. Watch as everyone else play this guessing game of what's the relationship between Y/N and Jin.
What yoongi wants, yoongi gets ①
idol!yoongi x reader
The one where the cat is actually yours, but yoongi somehow worms his way into the family.
Filtering Light ♡
human!jimin x bunny-hybrid!reader x human!jungkook
The reader is a bunny hybrid with a past that has left her traumatized and struggling to heal. some things can be helped with therapy, but some things can only be fixed through realizing you're not all of the things that hurt you—you are, in fact, just loved.
Hold On ①
jungkook x reader | established relationship
A night where jungkook just wants to give, give and give and he wants you to realize that you can take it all.
At Your Service ☆
escort!jeongguk x ceo!reader | strangers-to-lovers au
Filtering Light
human!jungkook x bunny-hybrid!reader x human!jimin
The reader is a bunny hybrid with a past that has left her traumatized and struggling to heal. some things can be helped with therapy, but some things can only be fixed through realizing you're not all of the things that hurt you—you are, in fact, just loved.
In Which | collection 1 | collection 2 ♡
idol!jungkook x reader | drabble collection
Domestic Daydreams ①
influencer!jk x f. reader
A window into the life of jeon jungkook
Fish-wife or No-wife ①
idol!jk x f.reader
Did Jungkook have a wife? The rumor mill had been churning for years, divided on this one topic. He was a successful worldwide pop star who was always seen with a different lady on his arm, as he flitted from country to country enjoying his prolific career. The reason for the lingering suspicion was a cryptic social media post showing a picture of 2 kids who shared the same exact eyes and smile as him. So in fact, if he truly did have a wife, who was she? And why had the public never seen her? Perhaps she didn't wish to be seen.
['21 ARCHIVE] | ['22 ARCHIVE] | ['24 ARCHIVE]
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jiminsass-istant · 3 months
How i view all bts duos (crack filled)
(somehow gets crazier as you go down, also minors dni 🚫)
Warning: draft had been sitting for long/written in a sleep deprived state/forgot that tumblr has image limit/will get me cancelled if anyone takes this seriously/this is pure self-indulgence.
Jikook- "We live under each other's skin and there's nothing you can do about it"
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Taekook-" We are dude bros bound by shared love for jimin and gaming"
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Vmin- "we'll roleplay every AU possible so you have more prompts for ao3"
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Minimoni- "he's cute because he's small"+" he's cute because he's big"
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Sope- "He makes me wanna be a better man" + (unpopular opinion but sope would be a great sun and moon duo too)
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Yoonmin- "We mostly fight, but if you heard the most heart-clenching compliment slip in, pretend you never heard it."
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Jihope- "We are each other's light in the dark" (pink and purple lights to be specific)
Namkook- "He doesn't know i have his shrine at home" (jk pov)+" He doesn't know I've legally adopted him" (rm pov)
Taejin- "We are individually pretty hetero, but together we are pretty gay"
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Jinkook - "He's my brother, so I can beat the shit out of him, and I am the only one who can."
Jinmin - "Come here my precious, I'll laugh at all your jokes and cuddle you"
2seok- "We can single handedly bring about world peace just by basking in each other's presence"
Yoonjin- "You're older, so you'll have to baby me" (yoongi pov) + "You are only 3 months older, I can drop the honorifics "( also yoongi POV)
Taegi - "I'll smother you with love till you love me back" (Tae POV) + "That's enough!!! Ffs" *still holding hands* (yoongi POV) - <My 3rd fav ship, btw>
Namgi - "What happened in the studio that late night, stays in the studio" + "anyway, we've known each other for 13 years"(yoongi pov) +"hyung, can we talk about that night-" (rm) "DID I MENTION 13 YEARS??"(yoongi)
Yoonkook- Lovers in HYYH but died and reborn as father son duo in next life.
"I would produce your entire album if sc00ter wasn't in the way"
"He doesn't know I've legally adopted him" (because namgi legal husbands)
Namseok- "Our relationship is not for the cameras. You can probably tell by the way I BAWLED after jhope enlisted" (rm pov)
Namjin- "He lets me practice my pick up lines on him, if he gets a little flustered, it's not my faul- JIMIN STOP WITH THE SMOOCH SOUNDS"
Hopekook- Kangaroo(hobi) and the baby(jk) in its pouch
Taejoon- Fanboy turned boyfriend (tae)
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Vope- "Was the kiss good? Was my dance good? Have i been a good boy?"(tae pov) +"I raised him well (as my perfect sub)" (hobi pov)
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This is me btw, if you even care:
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ateez-himari · 1 year
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Stage Name: Himari (히마리) Birth Name: Min Himari (민 히마리) Korean Name: Min Ha-Yun (민 하윤) Nicknames: Sunshine, KQ's Princess, The Siren, Korea's Angel, White Swan, Hima/Hime, The Holy Maknae, God's Touch, Hand of Midas (w/ Yoongi)
Representative Animal: Tiger 🐯 MBTI Type: INFP Position(s): Lead vocalist, Sub-rapper, Producer, Maknae
Date of Birth: November 23, 2001 Birth Place: Kurashiki, Okayama Prefecture, Japan Association: Yeoheung Min Clan Family: Min Won-Shik (father, 1965-2012), Shinso Asuka (1970-2012), Min Hanzo (older brother), Adoptive Mother, Adoptive Father, Min Geum-Jae (adoptive older brother), Min Yoongi (adoptive older brother)
Blood Type: O Height: 157cm (5'2")
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・As of June 2024, Himari has 179 KOMCA credits
・Was the first 4th generation artist promoted to a full Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA) membership in 2022
・Joined JYPE in late 2014 to be part of girl group Twice but was deemed too young to debut after 10 months of training
・Was the first trainee to join Hongjoong at KQ Entertainment and the last to join ATEEZ - following survival show 'Last Qing'
・Became a producer during 'TREASURE EP.1: All to Zero' with credits on 'Stay', 'Twilight', 'Treasure' and 'My Way'
・Officially a part of ATEEZ's 'Demon Line' alongside Hongjoong, Seonghwa and San
・Made a special appearance on the 6th episode of MNet's show 'Good Girl', aired June 18 2020, to perform a cover of Dreamcatcher's 'Red Sun' against the cast.
・Made her acting debut in the K-Drama 'Hellbound' where she played the role of Jin Hee-Jeong. She then obtained the lead role in 'Where We Fall' alongside Yunho in September of 2023.
・She sang the OST 'Suzume' for the animated movie 'Suzume no Tojimari', 'Long Black Night' for K-Drama 'The Glory', 'Rewrite Me' for 'Where We Fall' and 'Blue' for 'The Killing Vote'
・Her fans are called 'Hirangies' which is a play on her representative animal called '호랑이' in Korean as well as her own name and '사랑' which means love.
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・Her hobbies are traditional ink painting as well as photography and she enjoys leaning how to reform clothes from Hongjoong.
・Loves Studio Ghibli movies, her favorite being Grave of the Fireflies, and K-Dramas, her favorites being Death's Game, The Glory & My Name.
・Aside from the many groups whose fandoms she is a part of, there are quite a few soloists she tends to fangirl over, those being: Gemini, Penomeco, DPR Live, Han Seung Woo, Woodz, pH-1 and Zico. During her room tour in a recent live several albums of B.A.P could be seen resting on a shelf and she admitted to being a BABY whose bias is rapper/leader & soloist Bang Yongguk, whose albums were also spotted in her room. She calls herself a lucky fangirl as she has filmed the 'Bouncy' challenge with him as well as Woodz and Penomeco.
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・Was diagnosed with anxiety around 6 months following the group's debut, then a major depressive episode in the beginning of 2021.
・Suffers from hearing loss on her right side following a car collision costing the life of her biological parents - subsequently leaving scars on that side of her body.
・Has stress induced nightmares, though not as frequent as earlier in her career.
・Fractured her left ribs during a rehearsal for the first stage of 'Kingdom: Legendary War' in February of 2021, then again during the shooting of the 'Guerilla' music video in 2022.
・Since contracting COVID during the quarantine period she has had breathing problems which have permanently weakened her cardio and cause frequent needs for an oxygen mask especially when fatigued. The condition still remains unknown.
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・Her favorite color is white because she feels like it is elegant, which is why she chose it as her microphone color.
・Her birth name means 'Sun' and her Korean name means 'Beautiful Summer' , chosen because the sun symbolizes hope
・The youngest of her brothers, Hanzo, is the National South Korean Soccer Team's captain and currently contracted with the PSG after leaving the Jeonbuk Hyundai Motors at the end of 2023
・When speaking quickly or passionately about something she tends to slip back into satoori (Daegu dialect)
・A palm reader stated that it was both her and Seonghwa's first life, which is why they approach things with such excitement.
・She can play the Koto (Japanese stringed instrument).
・The members tend to refer to her as '우리 Hime' which means 'Our Princess' using the Japanese word for the title and is also a play on words with Himari's shortened name.
・While other members claim that Halazia has one of the easiest choreographies, she finds it to be one of the hardest songs to perform as she has to sing background vocals through nearly the entire song while keeping up with the steps.
・Loves to cook but often tends to be careless when it comes to the amount of spice she puts in. In addition to this, she loves beef and hates any seafood that has a shell.
・Her ideal type is someone warm hearted with a sense of humor and who can accept her care when they need it.
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gimmethatagustd · 8 months
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jai's ao3 recommendations: dilf!bts au
in honor of @idkjustlovingbts
#jai’s recs ○ all fic recs
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Updated November 1, 2023
caramel macchiatos and bitter autumn nights (have i lost myself, or have i gained you?) by princesaadriella
student-professor relationship (they're all grown adults), mental health, university, hurt/comfort, fluff, smut
↳ Min Yoongi knew that going back to school would be the death of him. But what he didn't know, was that his professor Kim Taehyung would be the one to bring him back to life.
Just Imago by SUGAohYoongiYoongi
strangers to lovers, fantasy, smut, humor, hurt/comfort
↳ Park Jimin finds out his 6-year-old daughter's imaginary friend 'Tae-Tae' is not that… imaginary, but actually an ancient creature with unimaginable superpowers and no understanding of doors.
Daddy Issues by framesandtulips
strangers to lovers, smut, this really isn't a true dilf fic but it's fucking funny and hot so i'm putting it here anyway
↳ Kim Taehyung is a dumb slut who just found out he’s expecting his eighth child with a fifth woman. Park Jimin is the caring bartender who has the perfect solution to his birth control woes.
no shutter, no film by vminsbuns
divorce, A/B/O, smut, hurt/comfort
↳ In the last three years, Jimin has been unable to answer three of his daughter's questions. Why is he and Jungkook not talking anymore? Why is Jungkook leaving? and finally, is Jungkook tired of walking?
orangeade by dagusts (raplinesvevo)
strangers to lovers, smut, minor angst
↳ The one in which Taehyung is on his cruise honeymoon alone, and Jungkook happens to be on a holiday with his daughter. A fair amount of margaritas, father ocean, and spilled juice.
DND (dilf next door) by etherealxkookie
A/B/O, neighbors to lovers, smut, fluff
↳ Taehyung is perfectly happy, thank you very much, and not at all bothered by his new hot neighbor who reminds him of just how not lonely he is.
bullet with butterfly wings by locks
strangers to lovers, smut, fluff, the first mxm fic i ever read and one of my ult favorites 🥹
↳ Jeongguk hires Taehyung to teach his son how to play the guitar, but Taehyung ends up teaching Jeongguk something about himself.
syringes, spoons and sippy cups by firewaterkv
vampires, enemies to lovers, angst, smut, fluff
↳ When Jeongguk decides to take care of a baby he finds abandoned one night, he realizes it might be the most difficult thing he’s ever experienced in his two hundred and twenty one year old life. Not knowing the right things to do, he reluctantly asks his once best friend turned enemy Taehyung for help, and as the days pass by, finds the piece that he’s been missing all his life.
Two Dads (better than none) by moontaes
strangers to lovers, fluff, smut, mild hurt/comfort
↳ Taehyung adopts a child, not expecting the real father to be knocking on his door days later, claiming he only found out now his ex had been pregnant.
crossed wires by taecheeks
exes to lovers, angst, humor, smut, telepathy
↳ Taehyung can read minds, and unfortunately, his ex also knows about this secret. Whenever they are at the same place, Jungkook keeps thinking about their mind-blowing sex and Taehyung keeps squirming in his place.
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"dusk" masterlist
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pairing(s): yoongi x reader (endgame); kai (exo) x reader; kai x oc (endgame); side namhope, jinkook, vmin rating: PG-16 genre: twilight au, urban fantasy(ish) romance current total wc: n/a
summary: When you moved to Forks, Washington, you only expected awkward conversations with your adopted sister's biological father and a lot of rain. You did not expect to see the love of your life walk through the high school cafeteria doors - especially when you thought he died back in 1918. But Yoongi doesn't remember you, and believes you to be fully human. With the seemingly endless amount of danger coming your way, how long can you keep the act up?
tw: angst, depression, suicide attempt, violence, fights, murder, blood drinking, liar revealed storyline, fluff & crack, yoongi and a piano, mint yoongi, so many kpop groups and soloists, chaotic taehyung, covering twilight-new moon-eclipse, i am not touching breaking dawn, nearly everyone goes by their real name not their stage name ~ this will be updated as the series goes on!
read on ao3 ~ read on wattpad character profiles playlist ~ faq moodboards ~ characters ~ pt.1 main masterlist
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act i ~ dusk
prologue: when dusk falls ~ one: and they were roommates ~ two: just another fucking monday
three: they always say 'i can explain!' but they never get the chance to ~ four: in case you haven't noticed, i'm weird. i'm a weirdo. ~ five: rule #1: the doctor lies
six: get in loser, we're going shopping ~ seven: hi, welcome to chili's ~ eight: my brand of heroine
nine: "be myself", what kind of garbage advice is that? ~ ten: late-night interview with a vampire ~ eleven: and then i didn't
twelve: the iconic baseball scene ~ thirteen: there's only one snacc here and it's me ~ fourteen: how to run from the mess you've made
fifteen: not everywhere you fit in is where you belong ~ sixteen: was that the bite of '87?! ~ seventeen: it's just a flesh wound
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act ii ~ dark
eighteen: and you did it at my birthday dinner ~ nineteen: as if i never existed ~ twenty: don't cry, craft!
twenty-one: it is wednesday my dudes ~ twenty-two: top 10 anime betrayals ~ twenty-three: take a number
twenty-four: at least there's a dog ~ twenty-five: wishful thinking, mindless dreaming ~ twenty-six: a world so dark
twenty-seven: so maybe i'm not okay ~ twenty-eight: v is for validation ~ twenty-nine: we could be
thirty: my past, my future, my hell ~ thirty-one: now would be a good time to be anyone but me ~ thirty-two: orpheus and eurydice
twenty-three: late-night interview with a half-vampire ~ thirty-four: feel my wrath and extreme self-doubt ~ thirty-five: how to be a failure 101
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act iii ~ dawn
thirty-six: oh my god they were roommates ~ thirty-seven: howdy-do, fellow kids ~ thirty-eight: it's murder time
thirty-nine: the fine art of bullshit ~ forty: hey guys, i'm really trying here ~ forty-one: alexa, intruder alert
forty-two: thanks, i hate it ~ forty-three: you, bulletproof, in black like a funeral ~ forty-four: prom (an important high school rite of passage)
forty-five: there's no 'i' in 'justice league' ~ forty-six: the blood on your hands ~ forty-seven: probably unethical experimentation
forty-eight: i promise to love you forever ~ forty-nine: late-night interview with a werewolf ~ fifty: murder time is now almost exclusively the time, always
fifty-one: for what it's worth ~ fifty-two: t.g.i.f. ~ epilogue: dawn was breaking
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bangtanhoneys · 6 months
Bangtan Baby: Sleepy Tears
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Jeon Jungkook was known as many things to ARMY - golden maknae, bunny, JK, Kookie, muscle pig and the list goes on. He was also known as the adoptive son of Grace Chu and Seokjin Kim, having been raised by the two with Yoongi since he arrived in the Bangtan dorm all those years ago. He was nearing 30 now, a constant fact that Seokjin loved to remind him about, and a completely grown man. His title of maknae seemed silly now especially when another member of the team had taken that title away from him only a couple of months ago. 
The tiny baby had been left in her older brother’s capable hands as various members of BTS went to meetings, leaving Jungkook last so he could be on babysitting duty until Seokjin came back. Kim Bora, finding meetings as boring as her father did, spent most of the time asleep in the portable crib that one of them always carried around.  Jungkook scrolled through various social media on his phone as a form of entertainment until he was called away or until Bora woke up. 
However, he found himself being woken up only twenty minutes later to cries coming from the crib. 
Tripping over chunky shoes, Jungkook found himself pausing as he reached for his baby sister. He had never dealt with a crying baby before, not on his own at least and there had been no instructions left by Seokjin or Grace over what to do if their daughter woke up crying. 
“Bb,” he muttered as he used the nickname that was so familiar now. Large hands picked up the tiny body and held her close to his chest, carefully cradling her as he moved around the room while slowly rocking. “Did you have a bad dream? Don’t worry, big brother is here to protect you.”
Jungkook hummed under his breath, turning to Seokjin’s song Moon, while he rocked and swayed. The cries which seemed loud and deafening before now turned to muffled whimpers. Then there was nothing as she drifted back to sleep, slumped against Jungkook’s chest. 
“There we go,” he whispered but didn’t let go or put her back down in her crib again. He took a quick selfie which he sent to the group chat and switched his phone to silent, not wanting to disturb Bora with the incoming messages that he felt vibrate in the pocket of his jacket. 
Who knew when he would have children of his own so for now, he was more content to shower his little sister with all the love and affection he could give. ARMY would have to deal with the fact that they were no longer number 1 on the list, Kim Bora was. 
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nyangnyang | myg
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
summary: You, Min Yoongi's wife, adopt a cat without telling your husband. Nyan.
warnings: nothing really, just a casual mention of sucking dick; wholesome suga-sweet domestic fluff ew what came over me, sheesh
“What is that?”
You didn’t even look up from your chopping. “That is a cat, Yoongi. I’m sure you’ve seen one.”
“Yes, but why is it in our home?”
You paused, wondering if that was too many green onions. Too little, you decided, and continued cutting some more. “I brought her here.” Yes, with the eggs, and possibly some ham. Add rice and it would be excellent. Should you add some spice? You didn’t want to ruin the colors though. Colorful food was nutritional food, after all. Perhaps a spicy sauce on the side.
“Well, of course, I took her to the vet first before we came home.”
This was new. Two voices calling for your attention instead of one. Both with relatively the same tone. Not urgent, but not pleased with your partial attention either. You cracked three eggs and set the shells aside so you could rinse them later and put them in the compost. “Hm?” Best have a fourth. Yoongi needed to eat more.
“You cannot just bring home an animal.”
You looked up, finally.
Black wavy hair framing dark brows, pointed eyes, and the ghost of a frown on the incredibly handsome face of Min Yoongi. Hands in his pockets, wearing a loose white t-shirt that hung off his tall but slender frame and flowy black pants that dragged on the clean white-tile floor, covering most of his feet. Beside him, a medium-sized, very fluffy white cat sat patiently, bushy tail thumping against the ground.
Both curiously and deceitfully youthful faces.
You looked from the cat to your husband. Picked up the chopsticks and casually began beating the eggs, responding very calmly.
“Why not? I brought you home.”
There was a moment of silence.
“Anyway,” Yoongi suddenly said after the mute appreciation for you taking the chance that he had walked right into but also simultaneously refusing to acknowledge it to give you that particular satisfaction. His calm, borderline bored tone still hadn’t changed. “I thought we were going to pick out a cat together?”
“We were,” you continued, fluffing up the eggs lightly as you turned on the gas stove. “However, I passed by the pet store and she was looking at me in the same way you look at me, so I was convinced to stop by and at least have a look.” Too easy, some might call you, and you would respond with, no, intuition. You hovered your hand above the pan and hummed. Not quite hot enough. You reached over to the sink and dipped your fingertip under the water for a millisecond, flicking the droplet onto the pan. Ah, see, no sound yet. “She’s about a year old, and the worker said no one was adopting her because everyone wanted kittens. You said you always wanted a white cat, and I always wanted a cat in general. I think she’s a perfect fit. Very lazy. Sleeps a lot.”
The water droplet popped and you added the lightest dallop of oil, spreading it out with a twist of your other wrist that was holding the pan handle.
The cat seemed to agree.
“She seems rather noisy.”
“She’s noisy because her father is supposed to name her.”
You snuck a glance and Yoongi’s eyebrows had shot up.
“F… Father?” He stared down at the cat. As if on cue, the furry feline looked up curiously, bright blue eyes to dark brown.
“She is our child now.”
“Nyan.” The cat agreed for sure this time.
You added the eggs and tilted the pan letting them spread out as the oil simmered. Waited for the eggs to cook slightly so they held their shape, and then sprinkled the diced ham and green onions in, sneaking a glance at Yoongi, who was now crouched down to view the white cat at a more reasonable level. You folded the eggs lightly and kept them from browning, earning a pale-yellow color with an airy texture. A little white pepper. No need to add salt – the ham and fresh onions would provide the additional flavor.
You saw Yoongi hold out his hand.
The cat sniffed it.
Then rubbed her face against his knuckle.
You spied Yoongi's smile as you took the eggs off the heat and herded them into the glass container for his lunch tomorrow. You set a little aside for your own. Now, rice and the sauce. Maybe a side dish? The pickled radishes and kimchi, perhaps.
You nearly dropped the pan. Wasn’t he going to name the white cat Sugar? At least, he said that when you were discussing it ages ago. Although, Nyangnyang was very cute, considering how vocal the cat seemed to be around her dad. Probably because she knew he was the more lenient parent. Clever girl.
“Murr,” was the cat’s reply, rubbing away with a loud purr.
“Heh, you’re noisy, aren’t you?”
“She’s still young,” you chuckled, rinsing off the pan. “One year old is barely an adult for cats.”
“Just like us, eh?”
You looked up, straining your neck. “This cat tree is nearly two meters.”
“Nyangnyang loves it already. Look, she’s getting ready to nap.”
The white fluff was willingly settling on the top floor of her new princess tower.
“Where are we going to put it?”
“I thought you had been watching interior decorating on YouTube? I’m sure you can figure it out.”
“What about one for our bedroom?” you asked, reaching up so Nyangnyang could lean over the carpeted edge and pepper your fingertips with nose kisses. It was a habit of hers that you had learned these past few weeks. That and her endless obsession with fresh laundry. Especially your husband’s clean underwear. She loved to roll on them and get her white fur all over the black.
You would call her a nuisance but someone this cute couldn’t be a nuisance.
Yoongi placed his hand on your head and messed with your hair.
“Nah, she likes sleeping with you more. That’s a waste of money.”
“She takes up the whole bed.”
“Ah, that’s how kids are, I guess.”
Nyangnyang purred.
“Weird, she’s not saying much when you’re petting her.”
The cat turned her head and looked straight at Yoongi, striking blue with an indifferent expression.
“She knows she can get something good if she keeps yelling at you.”
“Hah… Come down then. I’ll get a treat.”
Instantly, Nyangnyang popped up and limbered down the humongous cat tree the second she saw Yoongi turn and head to the kitchen.
“You’re too easy.”
“She deserves a treat for letting me know my purchase was worth it.”
You would have said she needed time to adjust. You listened to Nyangnyang’s insistent meows and Yoongi opened the cabinet and selected some freeze-dried chicken. He looked annoyed as he fished out a few pieces – too many, you thought fondly – and shushed her lightly as he placed them in his palm so Nyangnyang could eat out of his hand.
The next seconds were silent except for the pleased satisfaction of chomping down some treats.
Yoongi looked up, sensing you watching him.
“I thought you said those were too expensive?”
He frowned, looking at the package as if he had just seen them. “She likes them.”
“She likes any treat.”
“She should eat healthy ones.”
Mhm. “I guess we’re cat people now,” you commented as Yoongi frowned at the furry peanut gallery and shook out one last treat for said peanut gallery.
“We were always cat people. That’s why we got married.”
You both liked to say you got married for any other reason other than I love you, which was the actual reason. There was no reason not to have some fun before you die, after all. “I thought it was because you got mad when you see me, and even madder when you don’t.”
“Either way I’m suffering,” Yoongi agreed. “Might as well get my dick sucked.”
You laughed as Nyangnyang trotted past, satisfied with the number of treats.
“Speaking of, my evening could use some dick sucking.”
Yoongi cocked an eyebrow, trying to hide his smirk. “You’re in luck.”
“Not in front of the child.”
“She’s on top of her princess tower; she won’t be looking.”
That was how you knew Yoongi was your match. He called the massive cat tree a princess tower even though you hadn’t mentioned thinking it. Some called that telepathy. You would call it perfection.
���I thought about calling it a princess tree just now.”
“And that’s why I’m your husband. Now stop sticking out that tongue and use it on me.”
shower, m pheromones, m
drabbles masterpost | masterpost
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hollyhomburg · 1 year
I don’t remember if it had been asked or not , but when the pack decides to have pups . Who would have pups with who . I know JK doesn’t want pups for his own. But who would father the pups for mc and jin
i've answered it at length before (you can find all of it in the bily ask section of the masterlist <3) but the m/c and jin both have two pups. first is jin's little alpha boy by namjoon, a very sweet and gentle alpha who does /not/ like being the oldest pup. he's very similar to jin in terms of personality like- goofy and very nurturing for an alpha.
then the m/c's first pup- also an alpha and also by namjoon (he's very very pleased that he ended up knocking up the m/c and jin first), this alpha though ends up being very similar to namjoon, kind of stoic, looks after the m/c in a very real way once he gets into his pre-teen years. i just get the image of like- maybe namjoon and her are exchanging tense words and he'd litterally put his body between her and namjoon (this would be shortly after the pack had finally like told him what happened with the m/c when she was younger) and namjoon would definitly bring him asside later and kinda talk with him "i fight with your mother because i know what happened not despite it. she doesn't want to be coddled, i'd never hurt her- and thats precicely why she trusts me to be honest with her about certian things."
then very soon after the m/c has her first pup jin has his second- an alpha girl by jimin 🥺 she ends up being the only alpha of the bunch that is pack alpha of her eventual pack- she's particularly well loved by tae too all the girls are exceptionally close.
and then probably about a year or so after that the m/c has her last pup- she has a little omega girl by tae <3 the baby of the pack. i get the idea of all the alpha pups waiting up want watching over her crib, the oldest- probably about five- who even crawls into her crib at night.
This means that hobi, yoongi, and jk don't ever have any biological children however! the pack does end up adopting a pup that ends up calling hobi dad 🥺 i bet he calls him his special little sprout- it's a very sad little story but in my mind he's in between the two girls in age <3 the story of them is on the masterlist!
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chimcess · 1 year
Solstice || pjm
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Pairing: Jimin x Reader Other tags: Werewolf!Jimin, Witch!Reader, Shifter!Reader, Shifter!Jimin, A/B/O Dynamics, Alpha!Jimin   Genre: Supernatural!AU, Werewolf!AU, Fluff, Angst (Very light), Flashback Special, Winter!AU, Holiday!AU Word Count: 9k Synopsis: It was a night during Yule when Y/N first saw Park Jimin.
Part of the Birdie Shoppe Series: || Birdie Shoppe Masterlist || While you can read this as a standalone, I do highly recommend reading the series first. It will make more sense and give everything the context it needs.
Chapter Warnings: Fluff, some angst, Jin and Yoongi are sweeties, Yule celebrations, in depth talks about wiccan/pagan traditions, Krampus and Yule cat mentioned, possession, adoption mentions, talks about death, annoying nicknames, these spirits are a bit sus, underaged drinking (Like a sip), We love Wendy, Jimin is cute, This is super PG, Young reader, Young Jimin, I can’t think of anything else so just let me know! A/N: I couldn’t help myself. We’re starting to get flashbacks! I thought it would be fun to dive into the Holiday season in Bangtan, so here we are. This has been roughly edited so I could have missed things. I will hopefully get around to fixing her up when I get more time. I hope you enjoy. Happy holidays!
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The fresh scent of pine was heavenly as I struggled to shove the evergreen through the door of my cottage. Auntie yelled, her gruff voice harsh, but I knew better than to fear her tone. While Jin stiffened up beside me, my demeanor never changed. Auntie’s voice was just like that. 
“Almost through,” Yoona, Yoongi’s mother, shouted to us. Her voice was sweet and melodic in stark contrast to Auntie’s.
I felt the tree get inside before anyone said anything. Yoona let out a cry of elation while Aldara barked out more instructions. I rolled my eyes when I heard Jinnie whine. He was always so sensitive. So sensitive, in fact, his father had taken Yoongi to gather firewood and harvest fruits for the feast tonight. Seokjin’s mother was inside our cottage slaving over the stove. I knew the other witches were helping but did not know who was making what. Auntie would make the Wassail this year. Hers was the best. 
After fumbling into the living room, the four of us worked hard to squeeze the massive tree into our tree stand. Decorating the tree was my favorite tradition since it was always the most cared for and important part of the holiday. No matter how different covens celebrated Yule all of us had a tree in our homes. All three of our families had worked tirelessly making decorations for the tree this year, and I skipped to the baskets that had been sent over to begin the long, tiring process of placing everything on the tree.
Seokjin, Yoongi, and I had been friends since we were children. Auntie had grown up with their mothers who had grown up with their mothers. Our families had spent Yule together for generations, and none of us were planning on stopping the tradition. Later tonight, my friend Wendy and her coven would be over for the bonfire. They were very different from any other family I had known since their coven only allowed women to practice magic. Anyone who did not like this lived in a nearby village. 
I pulled out a dried orange garland from last year and winced. It was a good thing Hoji, Jin’s mom, made new ones every year. Taejin, his father, always helped us make julbock goats for the tree. Auntie said they were important since they helped celebrate rebirth. I was not completely sure what she meant by that, they were just hay ornaments with red ribbons, but Auntie was the smartest, best witch in the world. So, I took her word for it. 
Jin, like always, went into the kitchen with his mother to help prepare food. He always enjoyed cooking just as much as I enjoyed decorating the tree. Auntie and Yoona sat at the dining table and continued to make smudges. We always did smoke cleansings during Yule. Auntie had pine, juniper, and sage burning the entire holiday. Jinnie said his mom liked to burn rosemary and cedar. Wendy’s coven did not burn at all, but they hung up ivy everywhere. That seemed silly to me. 
“Did you make anything new this year, Bibbles?” Yoona asked, tying off another smudge. 
“Of course,” I replied, digging around the box for the new ornaments. “See?” 
I was insanely proud of my pinecone ornament. Auntie sometimes disliked it when I made characters or creations for the tree in any way, but she had liked the hedgehog pinecone. I cut the body into the shape I needed and made the features from dried cranberries. A red ribbon held it on the tree through a hold I carved in a cone scale. As I pulled out more of my forest creature creations, Yoona grew more excited for the festivities.  
“Bibbles,” Yoona said, her voice warm, “You’re the best at Yule.” 
“Isn’t she?” Hoji chimed in, wiping sweat off her forehead. 
“The only one who enjoys getting the tree ready, that’s for sure.” Auntie muttered, her concentration on the smudge sticks. “Speaking of. You should get started, Rae. Cordelia will be here soon.” 
Cordelia was the high witch of Wendy’s coven. I never knew if they were related but I always thought she was her aunt, so I stuck with that. It would be weird to ask, and Auntie had told me not to. Something about it being rude. So, Cordelia, to me at least, was Wendy’s aunt. 
“Is Thelma coming this year?” Yoona asked. 
“I’m not sure. She did just have a baby.” Hoji replied. 
“She didn’t have a baby,” Auntie corrected, “She found one.” 
“What’s the difference, Aldara?” Said Yoona. 
I stopped listening after that. I knew who Thelma was but did not like her very much. She lived deep in the swamps of Bangtan and drank cold tea. I knew Auntie liked her a lot, so much that the two of them wrote to each other every day, but I did not know why. Anytime I had met her, she was loud and talked funnily. Thelma also smelled bad and cursed just as badly as Auntie did. 
Huh, I guess it did make sense when you put it that way. 
It was just before sunset that Yoongi and Jin’s dad made it back to the cottage. They already set up the bonfire before coming inside. The fire would have to last us 12 days, so we needed a lot of wood. The boys would go back out tomorrow morning for more and I would more than likely join them if Auntie allowed. Sometimes, she would want me to stay behind and help make more wassail for dinner that night.  
For the great day, the day when everyone would come to the cottage, we cooked too much food. There would be meats, desserts, and as many in season vegetables as we could get our hands on. Anyone coming would also contribute to the feast and bring their favorite dishes. The lighting of the bonfire would happen, and everyone would dance and sing songs. Auntie would watch from the door until she finally shifted. She then joined us outside and stuck close to Hoji. She was one of three who could understand her in her bird form. Jinnie and I were the others and what adult wants to sit with twelve-year-old's all night? 
I hummed as I decorated the tree, the nursery rhymes Auntie had always sung were my favorite. I knew witches celebrated Yule, but Auntie said the wolf pack that lived north of our home had a holiday called Christmas. It was similar but they believed in Father Christmas, not Krampus, and it did not last if ours did. Instead of 12, it was one day in December. Their town was preparing for it, and I had sent out peppermint bark like Auntie had asked. I was always great at making things like that.  
“Auntie?” I called out, using delicate hands to bend and twist a tree topper out of left-over sticks and boughs. 
“Yes, darling?” 
“What is a Santa Claus?” 
“A nicer, less real Krampus,” She chuckled. “What’s on your mind, little raven?” 
I twisted more twigs and used left over scraps of red ribbon to decorate it. I was lucky to find gold paints as well and used my fingers to brush the sparkling color over the wood. Yoongi side eyed me from the couch. He was still making his goat to put on the tree. Yoongi always did suck at it. 
“I just don’t understand,” I admitted. “Don’t they believe in the Goddess?” 
“Then why don’t they celebrate her?” 
“You see, little one,” It was Taejin who spoke this time. He was very friendly with the Foxglove wolves and had served them his entire life. Just as he helped our family during Yule, Taejin got wood for the pack in exchange for gold pieces. He also made furniture for them from time to time. “There are members of the pack who celebrate something like Yule, but others who celebrate Christmas. There are some who celebrate nothing at all. They’re not too concerned about being the same on stuff like this.” 
“Celebrate nothing?” Jin shouted from the kitchen. “Then what do they do?” 
Taejin laughed, “Other things, son. It’s between them and Lilith. We are in no place to judge anyone else on their traditions.” 
“Stupid tradition.” Yoongi mumbled. 
“Min Yoongi!” Yoona warned, a freshly baked plum pudding in her hands. 
“Sorry mom.” 
“You better go to your alter tonight, young man.” 
“Yes mom. Sorry mom.” 
“I swear,” Yoona continued, “Kids these days! Why can’t you act like Twitch? She adores Yule!” 
Flushing, I used a bit of magic to get the star I made on top of the tree. I had a million different nicknames. While Yoona and Yoongi knew who I was, Auntie had been wearier of Jin’s family. I had a sneaking suspicion Taejin knew it, but I never asked him myself. I would rather not know anyway. Still, everyone seemed to have their favorite. Yoona called me Twitch, Taejin liked Crow (he said it was the irony that made it so awesome), Hoji called me Bibbles since Auntie called me the same thing when I was a kid; she preferred Rae or Ravioli these days. Jin called me Birdie, Yoongi did the same when we were around other people but always liked to use my real name when he could. After a while, I stopped remembering the rest. 
Yoongi scoffed and joined me on the floor. I always felt bad when that happened. Everyone knew my friend had a difficult time with others which is why he disliked big holiday parties. At least, I knew this. Yoona often complained about how quiet he was, she also enjoyed comparing him to others, but I liked Yoongi just the way he was. Knowing this, he held my hand while we looked at the tree. It looked beautiful and smelled nice. This was the best part of the year, spending time with everyone I cared about. 
“Did you make anything this year?” I asked him, my voice small. 
“Yes, did you?” 
“I always do.” I smiled. “What did you make?” 
Everyone had their own traditions. No witch was the same. Auntie made alter items for everyone each year, which was long and individualized to perfection. Taejin and Hoji made candles and sage bundles for everyone except the kids. We got sweets. Wendy’s coven brought salts, purified water, and all other types of crystals and stones we did not see inland. Jin never made or gave anybody anything except for Yoongi and I. Yoongi enjoyed cooking like his mom did and made jams and preserves with his grandmother. Gran never made it to the big parties. She enjoyed spending the holiday alone with Lilith. I, out of everyone else, made jewelry.  
Auntie adored the necklaces, bracelets, and earrings. This year, I had even gone out of my way to make anklets for Wendy’s coven. I noticed all of them wore one and thought they might enjoy something new. I carefully picked out the stones and crystals in hopes they might be helpful. These things were important, especially when talking about Yule. The last thing I wanted was Krampus to take me away if I offended someone accidentally. 
“Apple, orange, and cranberry preserves.” 
“Three kinds this year?” That was a surprise. Typically, Yoongi would only bother with apple since it was his favorite. 
“I wanted to try something new and liked them all.” He explained. “What did you make?” 
“The usual,” I shrugged, “I tried my hand at making anklets, too.” 
“Wendy’s family is weird.” 
“Yeah, but so are we.” 
My mouth watered; the food smelled so good. Yoona had taken out the turkey from the oven a few minutes ago. Yoongi was more excited about ham than anything else. Auntie would drink wassail all night and binge on sweets. She never ate meat. Griselda, the Birdie who taught her, was the same way. It never stopped me from getting a large slice of turkey breast. I locked eyes with Jin and knew we were thinking the same thing.  
I could hear Shiloh talking with other birds outside. She would most likely stay out tonight since the house would be full. While she enjoyed Yule, I knew she was getting forest gossip from Toto and Mavis. Morla’s gossip streak had gotten worse the last few weeks, but Auntie never told me what the issue was. It was “insignificant nonsense,” she had said when I asked about it. 
“I see Cordelia and the coven,” Taejin announced, excitement written all over his face. 
The house erupted, everyone running around and getting the food on the dining table. Auntie gathered everyone’s presents while Hoji helped Yoona get our Yule log to the fireplace. Yoongi made finishing touches to all the food while Jin and his father lighting cleaned. I started to pray under my breath, asking Lilith for blessings and a short winter. Auntie knew she could trust me to do this perfectly. I finished just as a loud knock came at our door.  
The party was in full swing. It turned out Thelma would be unable to join us this evening. Her son was a handful and she thought it would be better to keep their celebration at home. While I was secretly happy about this, I would still bring her gifts and food tomorrow, and would not be joining Yoongi, sadly. 
Everyone was scattered around the cottage with a plate in their hands. Wendy’s coven had brought all sorts of foods and their own version of a Yule log. While we used our fireplace to burn our wood log, because of their practices, the coven made a cake that looked like a Yule log. Wendy told me they had a real log back home, but they stuck candles into it and burned them instead. A traditional Yule log was not possible in their houses, and they were afraid of catching things on fire. Either way, the cake was delicious. 
“What time are we having the bonfire?” The blonde girl asked, her waves bouncing with every movement.  
“After dinner and the gift exchange.” 
“Oh!” Her eyes perked up. “I have something for you and Yoongi!” 
“What about Jin?” I asked, lifting an eyebrow. 
She waved her hand, “I don’t like him very much.” 
This was not surprising to me. Jin always complained about Wendy and her “sour attitude.” I think they were too different. I also thought they had a love triangle going on, but I kept that to myself. It was obvious Wendy liked Yoongi, who did not like her, and Jin liked Wendy. While I was still unconvinced she did not like Jin, I never brought it up. Auntie said getting involved would put me in an uncomfortable situation. I had to agree with her. 
“I forgot,” I said lamely, taking a large sip of wassail. 
“Do you think Yoongi will like it?” 
“Well, what is it?” 
Wendy put her fork down. She was a few years older than me and looked more grown up. She wrote to me recently saying she was wearing a bra now. I was still wearing trainers and kids’ clothes and it made me self-conscious. Wendy was so pretty and well-liked by everyone (save Jin), and I was still just a little girl no one really looked at. Auntie said those things did not matter, that my beauty shined from within, but even I knew that was a lie. Everyone knows it is about how you look and not what you think. Yoongi was stupid for not paying Wendy any attention. 
“A new pot I bought at the shops. He does like cooking, right?” 
“He’s a kitchen witch,” I answered. “So, yes. He’ll appreciate it if nothing else.” 
This seemed to be enough to ease her. Yoongi liked homemade gifts more than things like that, but he would like the sentiment of it. If it was a nice, big pot he could make more food at a time which would be helpful for holidays like Yule. He would get use out of it even if he would have liked something more personal. In the corner of my eye, I saw Jin glaring our way. Wendy had most likely started it. 
I glanced out the window and sighed. The sun had barely set, and it was the right time to begin the party. Putting my plate down, I wondered to the gifts. Auntie, watching me, nodded and began to rally everyone up for the gift exchange. The good mood and bright spirits never left the room. Our cottage was too small for this many people and yet we all loved it. The seasons changed and we all hoped for a bright spring, but with all the love in the room, I knew we would be alright.  
Yoongi gave me apple butter opposed to marmalade. It was my favorite. Jin, as always, took rather than gave, but made Yoongi and I hand switched sweaters. I gave my two best friends necklaces. I made Jin’s with dried, pressed flowers and Yoongi’s with healing crystals. Wendy was ecstatic with the anklet, as was the rest of her coven, and put it on immediately.  
Wendy’s present for Yoongi went over as well as I thought it would. He was happy but not over the moon. She had given me a painting she had done of a magindara, a type of merfolk, sitting on a rock. It was my favorite gift of the night. I had gotten others, mostly bath products and things for my alter, which I appreciated. It only took ten minutes and then we were outside getting ready to light the fire. 
Auntie had to excuse herself to shift while we were still inside and flew on Hoji’s shoulder when we went outside. I knew that she was her best friend like Yoongi was mine. The two of us huddled together by the fire and laughed at Wendy and Jin’s bickering across the way. Jin stayed close to his mom. I felt a light tap on my knee and looked over at Yoongi. 
“Are you going to be alright?” He asked. 
I nodded. All of us had gifts, but Birdies were often given one or two specialized gifts by the Goddess. They served a purpose and meant a great deal to us. Auntie was gifted with insane amounts of stamina and defensive magical abilities. She was controlled and precise with every flick of her wrist, and her ability to see spirits was special. Mine were different. While Auntie’s gifts were more about power and the ability to use that power, my own gifts focused on my connection to the forest and spirit realm. I could talk to every animal in the forest no matter what form I was in, and my animal scrying was useful when I needed to figure out where I was. The most important gift Lilith had given me, however, was the power of mediumship. 
Auntie had said it was the rarest gift given, so rare that only one other Birdie in history had ever received it, but even then, it was not as powerful as my own. I was the only one to ever speak to spirits before my ascension. However, I was weak at my age according to Auntie and that was why the spirits were able to possess me. I would black out for hours only to wake up at a random point in the forest. I knew they were attempting to communicate with me somehow, but I did not know how to control my gift.  
That was why Yoongi was worried about me. At night, when the moon was full, was when I was the most suspectable. Auntie would be a good distraction and most spirits would leave me be unless it was important. At least, that was what I had gathered in my own time. It was hard to be certain. 
“You sure?” He pressed, worried. 
“I... don’t know,” I admitted, “It’s hard to say. I think I’m fine.” 
“Let me know if you start feeling funny.” 
The conversation was dropped. Nothing else needed to be said. Taejin gave the same speech he gave every year, and I cheered in all the right places. I did not like the bonfire. The flames scared me. The group around me screamed in excitement and the large pile of wood was up in flames. My hands shook. I was like I had seen something like this before. 
“Y/N,” A voice whispered into the wind.  
I shook my head. Not now, please, I begged. I wanted to enjoy the fire with my friends and family.  
“Can this wait until later?” I thought back, hoping it would work. 
I got no response, but I took the silence as confirmation. I sighed in relief, and grinned at Yoongi. He laughed nervously but still offered his hand. We began to sing songs and the rest of the group joined in. 
“Hark!” We shouted. “Hear the children sing!” 
Yoongi spun me around and I spun into the waiting arms of Jin. We jumped in a circle singing along with the rest of the dancing group.  
“He is here this Yuletide time! A-dancing in the home-fire flames!” 
I looked up as I spun and smiled brightly at Auntie. She flew in a circle over everyone, her joy palpable. She sang along happily, her voice clear over everyone else’s. I was in Taejin’s arms now and we continued the dance. 
“Glory to the Holly King!” 
We danced for what seemed like hours. The singing and laughter echoing through the forest, and I knew some of my friends were watching. Patteo was probably in the highest part of a tree belly laughing. He was one of my closest bird friends and I cared for him deeply. I was excited for the day we could fly through the night together.  
“Aye, Snatcher!” Cordelia yelled, waving a large mug in the air.  
That was her favorite nickname for me. After I stole a few shiny stones from her garden, Cordelia rung me up by my neck and wrote to my Auntie letting her know what I had done. I do not think Aldara had ever been angrier with me before or sense. I was not allowed to leave home for a week and had to write the sea witch a long apology letter.  
“Yes, Miss?” 
“Can you go inside and make more wassail? We’re fresh out.” 
Of course, we are. That was another reason Yoongi disliked Yule. We never got more than a glass or two before Cordelia and her coven drank us out of a house and home. Beside her, I saw Yoona roll her eyes. No one really liked that part. Hoji offered to do it herself, but I quickly dismissed her. I was the only person who knew Auntie’s recipe. 
Dusting myself off, I went into the kitchen and began to gather apples and oranges. I was lucky Auntie had made a very large batch of cider this morning, but I would still need to add more apples to give it the flavor it needed. Wassail was like mulled cider but very different from apple cider. Wassail was heated with spices while cider was served cold. Birdies had been making it for over a century now and it was the best recipe. 
Going over to the cauldron, I used magic to light the firewood and poured in the rest of the cider we had. Leaving it to simmer, I cut a few apples and juiced two oranges before adding them to the cider. Hoji had left out the cinnamon and star anise out along with the other spices I needed, so it was easy to add everything in. The only thing missing now was the rum. 
Auntie tried to limit how much I drank of the wassail but overall, never cared about the alcohol. It had to cook out for a while anyway. I eye-balled it and felt satisfied. Mine was stronger than Auntie’s but no one ever complained.  
I felt it then, a creep up my spine that made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. While I did not know how to stop a possession, I was aware when a spirit was around. Closing my eyes, I let out a large breath. It was pointless to fight it. I was not strong or smart enough to do that. So, I resigned myself to whatever fate the being behind me had decided. It was upon me before I took another breath. 
“I’m sorry...” A small, gentle voice said. 
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I shot up, my vision distorted. The Earth around me was silent aside from a massive, piercing ringing. A large, harsh shiver ran through my body, and I struggled to pull myself off the ground. In my blurred state, I could make out shadows around me, but nothing stood still long enough to make it out. I could smell smoke and fire nearby and fresh iron. Blood was nearby. My head pounded and I yelled, clutching it and curling into myself.  
“What is it?” I faintly made out, the voice far away. 
“A girl, obviously,” Another distorted voice said. 
The ringing began to subside, but I was unable to remove my hands from my head. The searing pain made it impossible to focus on anything else. I knew people were touching me, their hands poking and prodding at my body, but I had no energy to fight them off.  
“Call mama,” The first voice said. 
“No way,” Said the other, “She’d tell Chief Ahn, and he’s mean to outsiders.” 
“Then who do we call? She needs help.” 
I whimpered, the intensity of the pain rising. I had no idea where I was or what I had done to end up out here, and I was afraid. I could only hope I was still in Bangtan. Auntie could never find me if I had left the forest. The thought only served to scare me more.  
“Oh! We can get my big brother!” 
“Namjoon would tell Chief Ahn, Nayeon.” The second voice said. 
I could tell they were kids and much younger than me. The second one was older and from what I could tell, a boy. The first voice, Nayeon, was a girl. Shivers raked through my body and my teeth began to chatter. The smell of blood grew stronger. It was fresh. 
“What about your brother, oppa?” Nayeon asked. 
The boy gasped, “Hyung!” 
I heard shuffling, someone’s little feet pattering, and them running off. My eyes grew heavy, and it was difficult to stay awake. I needed to figure out where I was, but everything hurt too much. I dozed off for a second, jolted back up, only for my eyelids to fall closed again. 
“Don’t worry, miss,” Nayeon said, her hand grabbing hold of my little finger. “Oppa is getting help.” 
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I woke with a start. The freezing cold of the forest floor was startling. I could hear something breathing close by, the exhale a low, throaty growl, and my head throbbed. Frazzled, I shot up and groaned. My eyes rolled to the back of my head, and I laid myself back down. Wherever I was, I was not going to get far like this. Scared and alone I began to cry.  
I thought of my auntie, her bright, dimpled smile, and orange turtleneck. She always wore blue if she could help it, but she liked to be festive when she got the chance to be. We had made matching tops this year and the thought made me cry harder. The flowy, pumpkin colored shirt was probably soiled in dirt and grime by now.  
Something wet poked my hand. 
I peeked and saw a large, silver wolf sitting in front of me. Its eyes were dark, contemplative, and far too coherent to be an actual wolf. Besides, this one was too big to be a natural wolf. I stared up at it, my heart racing, and waited for it to make a move. When they simply stared back, I closed my eyes and continued to weep. 
Not like it mattered anyway. 
The wolf was probably from Foxglove Village. It was home to many different shifters at one time, and auntie was sure the original shifters had been foxes, but eventually everyone had left except the wolves. Now, they were on their way to becoming the strongest wolf pack on this side of Lustra, but I did not know how or why that was possible. Auntie always said something about pack politics, but again, I always nodded even if it did not make sense. 
Another wet poke to my hand. 
This time when I opened my eyes, the wolf was laying in front of me with its nose resting on the side of my hand. Their eyes scanned my face repeatedly, and so I gave them the same treatment and raked over every feature they had. Sadly, other than its unusually long, fluffy fur that stuck up in every direction, and size, they simply looked like a wolf. I was afraid the same could not be said for me. Instinctually, I flinched away from the wolf and cried out a song for help. My low, throaty squawks echoed off into the night as tears ran down my cheeks. A large gust of wind blew past me, and I jerked violently at the assault. 
The wolf was at my side quickly and wrapped itself around my body to shield me from the wind. Thankful, I reached out and patted its head. The wolf seemed to enjoy the attention and curled closer to my small frame. It was much warmer now. 
“Thank you,” I finally said, my voice small. 
The wolf pressed its nose against my head. 
“My name’s-” I paused for a moment. “I’m Birdie.” 
It felt odd to call myself that. While I was next in line for the title, Auntie Aldara was still the true birdie. Only recently had my animal started calling out to me, and my gifts were wild and unmanageable at times. I was not a Birdie yet, but I could not walk around telling everybody my name. The forest heard too much, and nothing could be kept secret forever. Auntie said so. 
The wolf nodded. 
“Can you turn into a person?” 
They nodded again. 
“Well,” I whispered, “Could you do that now?” 
The wolf shook its head. 
I whimpered, “Please? I really want to go home.” 
The wolf ignored me and placed its head back down. I scoffed in astonishment. While it was nice of them to come to me in the first place, it was way too childish to flat out refuse to take me home. We were unable to communicate like this and it would complicate things. Even if I could talk to every other animal in this forest, wolves and things like them were different. The Goddess had made them so. 
“Fine,” I barked, dragging myself up from the ground. “I’ll find my own way back!” 
The wolf sat up, its fur bouncing and flowing. I turned on my heel and began marching through the trees. I knew I would find my way eventually. Auntie would fly around the entire forest once she noticed I was gone, and no one would leave me stranded out here all by myself. My friends would find me. Yoongi would find me. 
The wolf was walking beside me, its own steps only half what they could be in order to stay by my side. Annoyed, I huffed and crossed my arms before increasing my pace. The wolf kept up easily and this only upset me even more. It rubbed its nose on my shoulder, but I simply shrugged it off and kept walking.  
Suddenly, the wolf stopped walking. I paused for a moment and began to look around to no avail. The wolf had seemingly vanished. A large gust of wind blew by, and I whimpered. I pulled my arms closer to my body and shivered. While I was unimpressed by the wolf’s rudeness, I was more afraid of being alone out here. I stepped on a stick and jumped. The noise made me shout. 
“Wolf,” I called out, “Wolf!” 
The wind around me began to howl and I started to spin around hoping to see the silver wolf hiding behind a tree. Instead, in the soft moonlight I noticed a ring of mushrooms a few feet away. Heart sinking, I quickly looked down at my feet and almost cried in relief. No fairy circles. Knowing I needed to proceed with as much caution as possible, I moved slowly hoping the wolf was close enough to hear me but doubting it. 
“Wolf,” I whispered knowing it could hear me just fine if it was close. “We need to be very careful; we’re close to fae.” 
“Yeah, I know.” A voice replied. 
Whipping around, I stumbled over my feet and barely caught myself on a tree beside me. A hand steadied me. Looking up, I was stunned to see a boy around my age looking back at me. 
His eyes were cat-like, sharp and angled, and almost glowed in the dark. He was tall, much taller than I was, and his skin was smooth and perfect. Not a single zit or freckle in sight. Lucky, I thought, and thought about the large, painfully obvious red dot on my forehead. The wind blew again, and the boy’s hair twirled around him, the shoulder-length silver strands glistening in the light. That was when I realized who he was and smiled. 
I launched myself into his arms, my smile wide and a new wave of tears filling my eyes. 
“Wolf!” I shouted in relief. “You came back!” 
The boy did not hug me back. 
“That’s not my name,” He grunted, using my shoulders to shove me back. 
I twisted my thumbs together, “Well, what is your name?” 
“Park Jimin.” 
I twisted over the name and struggled to remember who he could be. Auntie always talked about the pack, but I hardly ever listened unless it was about how they came to be. The politics and family dynamics were boring and frankly- dumb. Standing before a member now, however, only made me feel ignorant. Of course, they were important, and I would be serving them in a few years. I would have to ask Auntie to give me a lesson when I got back home. 
“Is that important?” I ducked my head and hoped he would not be offended by my question. I wanted to kick myself for being so clueless. 
“Not really,” He smirked. “So, why are you out here?” 
I remembered the smell of wassail and the cold air around me. I knew I had been possessed but could not remember when or how I ended up out here. The voices of the children of before came back to me and I felt afraid again. Something bad was going to happen, what I did not know, but the certainty of it shook me. I heard the faintest voice on the wind but could not make out what it had said.  
“I...” I trailed off, still hoping I could come up with something. The spirit had shown me something. I knew it, but what? Glowing red eyes clouded my vision, and I felt my lip trembling. 
“No,” Jimin rushed to my side. “Please don’t cry again.” 
“I want to go home,” I wailed, the need to be around my Auntie strong. 
Jimin was silent as I cried. I thought about the red eyes and wept. Whatever it was- whoever it was- was the scariest thing I had ever seen. It was bad, so bad, and I did not know why anyone would show it to me. I wanted my Auntie. 
“You’re the Birdie, right?” He suddenly said. 
I was momentarily distracted. Looking at him, my eyebrows knitted, and I knew I had the same face Auntie always yelled at me for pulling on. Was he stupid or something? Obviously, I was not the Birdie.  
“No,” I replied. 
“But you said you were.” He said. 
“Well, that’s my name- almost, anyway.” I sniffled. 
I giggled. It was rather confusing when you put it that way. I had told him my name was Birdie, but it was more a force of habit than anything. I knew we were in no place to be talking true names or what that meant for me, but I thought the look on his face was funny. Smiling a small smile, I wiped my cheeks. 
“It’s complicated. Let’s just say, I’m next in line.” 
Jimin nodded but I could tell he was just as clueless as he had been before. My bad mood was gone, though my fear remained, and I was focused on finding my way back home. I knew these woods like nobody else, save a few wolves from Foxglove and the animals, so I was confident I could find my way if I knew where I was. 
I started walking, Jimin following behind me, and tried to sniff the air in hopes it could tell me where I was not. I knew for a fact that I was nowhere near the swamps or the shore. In fact, there was no water near me at all. No sea salt or mud. Just clean, fresh winter air. Thinking more critically, I had to be near Foxglove village for any children to come across me. The journey home was not hard, not even in the dark, but it was a long walk.  
“We’re west, if you were wondering,” Jimin said. 
That was useful information to have. The west side of the village was the closest to Morla’s cave near the Pixie Coves. While I enjoyed the pixies that lived there, I was in no mood for their games tonight. Even more for Jimin’s sake. Bringing a cute boy there was like pouring blood in a shark tank. We would never leave.  
Mulling over my options, I knew East was impossible. Far too many Fae and fairies. If either one of us got caught, we would be royally screwed. However, south would take us all night and into the next day to make it back to the clearing. Looking ahead, I knew the only true option was going north through the trees and thickets. We would be lucky to have an inch of our bodies saved from scratches. That was no good either, especially if it could get Jimin into trouble. I knew young wolves had curfews.  
“You’re thinking very hard about this,” Jimin spoke up again. 
“Yes, well,” I looked back at him, “I know these woods well enough, and I can’t have either one of us getting hurt.” 
“We could go further west and around. It’s harmless.” He replied. 
“Ha! As if. Those pixies would never let you leave.” 
Jimin hummed, “And east?” 
I explained to him why we had no other options but to go north. While he did not seem convinced that I knew what I was doing, he followed without complaint. I did not need to prove myself to anyone, especially someone like him. He was probably going to be another beta in their little army-thing that I would never hear about again. Still, I sent a silent prayer to Lilith and hoped he would have a happy, prosperous life for all the help he gave me.  
I felt the first thorn before I saw it and cried out in pain. I hated these stupid things. Jimin asked if I was alright, and I chose to ignore him. I could hardly see a thing out here and cursed under my breath. I did not like using my magic at the best of times, I would rather find stuff and make it with my hands, but I had no choice. Taking a deep breath, I began to sing.  
With the last line of the incantation over, a small jumping flame hopped in my palm. Its energy was contagious and lively, and it boosted my spirits. Magic had a way of reflecting its owner. Auntie’s creations never danced or twirled like mine, and I noticed that Yoongi’s were quiet and shy like he was. I chuckled and cooed at the flame. It did a backflip. 
“Woah,” Jimin whispered in awe.  
I grinned at him and placed my flame on display for him to see. I had always been proud of my magic, despite not using it very often, and it returned the same level of happiness back to me.  I lifted my hand up and the flame grew bigger and brighter, illuminating the forest around us. I saw a small pocket where the thick, dark green thickets did not touch and smiled.  
Grabbing hold of Jimin’s hand, I squeezed us through the small clearing and continued the path north. After a few minutes, I could begin to hear the forest returning. Insects chirped, birds called, and the remaining animals scurried out to hide before predators came. I laughed at the thought. Jimin, even as a young boy, would send every animal in our area running. The thought gave me pause. 
“Jimin?” I spoke, looking back at him again. 
“Yes?” He replied. 
“Do you ever get lonely in the forest?” 
“No, actually. Why?” 
“I just thought,” I looked back at the lit path. “Well, it must be sad to hear the forest run away from you.” 
Jimin did not speak for a long time. I focused on guiding the two of us safely. The thickets were long and treacherous, both of us getting cut and stabbed numerous times, but we still marched on. 
I was surprised that he went as far as he had. I knew that wolves were protectors and spent their lives learning about keeping the forest safe, but Jimin was just a kid. A kid with no ties or obligations to me. Auntie was the Birdie, and if I was harmed Lilith would send her another, so my very existence did not matter. And yet, he still walked behind me the entire time. He never turned away for a second. I realized that he was brave. 
“Birdie,” Jimin said, and for the first time tonight was right beside me. 
“Jimin,” I giggled, a sly grin on my face. 
He scoffed, “I was going to ask a dumb question. Nevermind.” 
“No, go on,” I looked over at him. His hair was beautiful when the moon hit it directly. Really, he was just good looking. “I don’t believe in dumb questions.” 
He grinned, “Fine then. What kind of bird are you?” 
When I did not immediately reply, Jimin laughed and scratched the back of his neck. I was shocked by how embarrassed he looked. It was a perfectly normal question and yet here he was. I laughed in disbelief before answering. 
“I’m a raven.” 
“Can you shift?” He asked, the most emotion I had seen from him all night colored his voice. 
I shook my head. 
“Not yet,” I closed my palm and shot the flame to my other hand. I needed to give my fingers a rest. The flame danced happily across my fingertips. “We don’t shift until the old Birdie passes on.” 
“Interesting,” Jimin nodded. “Wolves always shift but our wolves don’t really make themselves known until our ceremony.” 
I nodded as if I knew what he meant by that. The idea of my bird being a separate but same entity in my body confused me. We were one, but I assumed he meant what kind of wolf he would be. Glancing at him now, I felt bad about calling him a beta. He was so obviously going to be an alpha it was practically written across his forehead. Anyone who disagreed with me was wrong.  
“Do you have an idea about the kind of wolf you are?” I prodded, hoping to gauge who he could possibly be. 
Auntie talked highly of the wolves and the families she worked with. I knew the Jung family as well as the east Kim’s, they picked up items for the pack often and were always kind. I never spoke to them, a simple greeting at most, but I knew Auntie liked them. Aside from Jimin, I had never interacted with a wolf for this long. I snuck another glance at him. A big, beautiful silver wolf had to mean something to the pack. 
“Probably a beta,” My eye twitched at the response. He was wrong. “My family has never had an alpha or male omega before. I doubt that would change.” 
Pursing my lips, I knew he was most likely right. Still, I knew he was an alpha at heart. I could not place my finger on it, a concept so foreign to me suddenly felt as easy as breathing, and I just knew Park Jimin was destined to be greater than he thought he would be. Then everyone thought he would be. Feeling protective over my new friend, I once again asked Lilith to guard and keep watch over him. I asked her to show the world how brave he was. 
“It looks like we’re getting close,” I said. 
I recognized symbols on the tree ahead of me. We were right in Seokjin’s backyard. The walk would take no more than fifteen minutes now. I looked at Jimin and found him already looking at me. I smiled gently back at him.  
“Birdie,” He called.  
I paused and turned back around.  
“I don’t think I can go any further.” 
I cocked my head, “Why not?” 
“Chief Ahn said-” 
Jimin took a few seconds stumbling over his words about the rules their Chief had made for them. Apparently, he truly believed he was not allowed to get close to the witches. So much so that even with me asking him to follow, one of the land owners beyond their city wall, he refused to take another step. Growing increasing frustrated with this Chief Ahn and his blatant control issues, I cut off my new friend.
“Chief Ahn doesn’t run these woods,” I shot back, hand on my hip. “Now, hurry up so we can make sure my auntie hasn’t died of a heart attack.” 
Jimin did not put up a fight after that. He almost looked amused by my defiance. Auntie would give me an ear-full later, but I would accept that as a fair trade off. I liked Jimin, I enjoyed his company, and I wanted us to finish our journey together. I wanted to show off our beautiful yule log and dance around the fire with him.  
We came to the clearing sooner than I had expected. Everyone was still laughing and partying around the fire. Yoongi, Seokjin, and Wendy were nowhere to be seen but I saw three figures chasing one another in the field behind my house. I was startled no one had noticed my disappearance. I looked at the moon and knew it had been hours since I had disappeared and yet everyone was having a great time.  
“Only Aldara,” The wind whispered. 
The spirit had done something with their minds or Auntie was covering for me. Either way, Auntie knew I was missing. I hoped the spirits had eased her worries in some way, or perhaps Lilith had let her know that I was safe and to not alarm anyone. Even still, I knew I had to get back to her as soon as possible.  
“That looks like fun,” Jimin whispered in my ear. 
“Oh,” I was not used to being so close with people I did not know. “Yeah, it is. I love Yuletide.” 
“We celebrate it at our house, too,” He smiled. “We burn our log in our fireplace. It’s not as cool as this.” 
I laughed, “It sounds nice. I thought your people celebrated Christmas.” 
Jimin scoffed and rolled his eyes.  
“We don’t. The few humans that do don’t speak for the rest of us.” 
I hummed. That made more sense now. Jimin and I sat in silence and watched the fire blaze on. He would have to leave soon if he wanted to make it back before sunrise. I hoped he would not get into too much trouble.  
“Tell the two kids that found me that I’m thankful.” 
“I will,” Jimin said. 
I heard Auntie say my name from behind me. The large, white owl stared at me, and I ran to her. Engulfing her in my arms felt warm and cozy and I knew I was back home now. She hushed and shushed me, and it was not until I finally let her go that I realized I was crying. 
“Let him know I appreciate him,” Auntie said, perching on my outstretched arm and rubbing her cheek against my head. “I’m so happy you’re safe.” 
I told Jimin what she had said, and he bowed deeply in return. That was a big deal for wolves. Auntie seemed happy with his response and bowed gently back. Jimin rubbed his neck shyly and I was hit with another wave of sadness about his departure. I wanted him to stay. 
“He needs to get home, Rae.” 
I nodded. Auntie nuzzled me one last time before flying back to the fire. Heji exclaimed happily and I smiled. I loved everything about Yule. I wished we could do this every day for the rest of our lives. I knew that was impossible, and that one day Auntie would be a forest spirit like the rest of them, but I was glad to have another 4 years together. 4 years before we had to say goodbye. 
“Thank you for helping me,” I said. 
Jimin smiled sheepishly, “Anytime, Birdie.” 
I chuckled sadly. I wish I could tell him my name. I shook my head and blew out the flame that danced around my head. I knew the best way to repay him for his deed. Rolling up my sleeves, I rubbed my hands together to psych myself up for the challenging spell I was about to attempt.
“This is going to feel a bit weird,” I started, “But it’ll get you home in a flash.” 
“Are you going to use magic again?” Jimin asked, the same awestruck look on his face as before. 
“Stand completely still,” I instructed. 
I began to sing the incantation while picturing the spot I had been laying in. I thought about the trees and grass. The way the air smelled and how cold it had been. The direction it was facing and how far it was from the fairy circle. All of it combined into one perfect picture of the forest floor and a large, muddy circle where my body had once been. Feeling confident about my image, I began to draw the shape of a door with my fingertips and pushed it open with my hands. 
Jimin’s mouth hung agape, and his eyes were wide with wonder. Strange to think this was the first time he had ever seen true magic. I used my head to gesture for him to go. Thankfully, he sprang into action quickly. 
“Happy Yuletide!” He called out before walking through the door.  
Unable to reply, I dropped my hands and finished the spell. The portal was gone within seconds. Up ahead, I could still hear the shouting and laughing going on. Taejin was singing songs with Yoona. Heji was laughing hysterically at something Auntie had said. Wendy and Seokjin were bickering. I smiled, my heart full and content, before stepping out from the tree line and into the clearing.  
Jin ran past me laughing loudly. Wendy was not far behind shouting obscenities and waving her arms angrily. She saw me, throwing her arms up, and stopping her pursuit. 
“Tell this brainless, nitwit,” She shot daggers at my friend, “to give me back my sandals.” 
“Finder's keepers,” Jin childishly replied. “You know the rules, Wen.” 
“I’ll show you ‘the rules’,” She growled and ran at him again. 
Jin easily dodged her before shooting off like a rocket again. Wendy screamed for him to stop before Krampus came and took him away. He responded in kind with a yule cat threat. 
“Are you alright?” 
I looked over at Yoongi. He was passive, face not giving anything away, and I appreciated that. I had been fine, truly fine, and had even made a new friend along the way. Still, the vision of those red eyes frightened me. Refusing to think about them anymore, I blinked a few times and focused on the way Jimin’s hair shined. 
“I’m okay, just a little confused,” I admitted. “Did anyone notice I had stepped out?”
He nodded, “Aldara told them you were visiting some animals. I didn’t buy it for a second.”
““Definitely wasn’t Patto.”
Yoongi hummed, “What team are you on?” 
I grinned, “I’ll be team Wendy, so she has a fighting chance to get those shoes back.” 
Yoongi snickered. I looked down at my friend and felt a wave of calm crash into me. No matter what happened or what those red eyes meant, Min Yoongi would be around for it all.
“I’ll be as useless as possible just to make it extra easy.” 
I pat Yoongi’s head, he was much shorter than me even at our age, before sprinting off after Seokjin. Yoongi was on my tail, a loud yell leaving his lungs before tackling me to the ground. I shook him off easily and spit out the long, messy midnight locks of his hair that stuck in my mouth.
“Wendy!” I called out. “I’m on your team! Yoongi’s a traitor!” 
“That scurvy dog!” She replied, getting outsmarted by Jin’s athleticism again. 
“Enough with the pirate talk, Ningyo,” Jin retorted. 
“You can’t even spell that!” 
With the cold wind blowing through my hair and the smell of pine all around me, I ran. I knew everything would be okay, even with the red eyes looming over me. Pointing my face up at the sky, I laughed in wonder as I saw snowflakes begin to fall. I opened my mouth and let the flakes fall on my waiting tongue. I hoped Lilith had heard me. I hoped that Jimin had made it back home safely and quietly. 
“Happy Solstice, Jimin,” I whispered into the night sky. 
“Birdie, get him!” Wendy shouted. 
I managed to grab hold of Jin and take him to the ground, both of us laughing and smiling together. Wendy took her shoes back and wacked him a few times before collapsing beside him. Yoongi made himself comfortable next to me. The four of us laughed and began watching the snowfall. Only eleven days left until the New Year.
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Taglist: @greezenini @jimin-neverout@adventures-in-bookland @canarystwin​
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© chimcess, 2022. Do not copy or repost without permission  
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shina913 · 1 year
Scions, Ch.8c | Kim Line + JHS
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Scions, 8c
sci·​on | \ ˈsī-ən \ Definition:(1)a descendant(2) a shoot or twig, especially one cut for grafting or planting
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✼Scions Masterlist✼
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Pairing: Fem!Reader Sister + Kim Brothers; JHS x Fem!Reader
Rating: M (🔞)
Genre: Siblings!AU; Marriage!AU; FWB!AU; exes to ?; Mom!Reader; Brother’s Best Friend; drama; angst; smut; fluff
Warnings: ANGST!!!; DRAMA!!!; sibling bickering; soft sibling moments; cussing; multiple POV switches; mentions of character death; parenting frustrations; alcohol consumption; vulnerable confessions; cussing; pining; unrequited love; mentions of divorce/separation; emotional outbursts; mourning; it just hurts 🥴
Word count: 5.5K+
Summary: Four grown siblings return to their childhood hometown after their father is declared to be terminal. They are forced to live under the same roof for days, along with their overbearing mother, to say their final goodbyes. It starts off nostalgic until some unresolved family issues along with an assortment of spouses, exes, and might-have-beens make things even more interesting.
A/N: Third of three mini-updates! This chapter contains callbacks from the supplement, Sunshine. I think(?) I've added enough context to this chapter so that you wouldn't have to read it to get the references but you can read it if you feel that the gaps are too wide.
Thank you to my loves, @internetjunkdrawer and @itdoesntmatterwhy for reading through this angst-fest. I appreciate you both 💜
A/N2: There are some elements of The Notebook here that I adopted because…it’s one of my fave *exes to lovers* stories 🥹
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You sidle up to Namjoon, who was hunched over at a booth all by himself, scribbling some words over some cocktail napkins.
“You know, Yoongi-oppa will be pissed that you’re littering.” You fidgeted at a balled-up napkin.
“Well, it’s good I’m best friends with the owner then,” he deadpans without looking up at you.
You scoff, then begin to unfurl the piece closest to you.
“My love, don't look back anymore / Behind the clearly mixed memories / These remaining lives stay like a bonus,” you read out loud. “New song?”
He hummed noncommittally. “I don’t know yet. I’m just writing whatever comes to mind.”
You picked up another crumpled-up napkin to take a look. “You can't love someone like I do / That's all I can say to you.” You blew out a breath. “Oof…is this the makings of your own version of Beyonce’s ‘Lemonade’?”
He chuckled. “Well, as it happens, life is currently giving me a lot of lemons so…”
You hold back a laugh upon hearing his answer. “Will you record it?”
He snorted. “If my usual guy can’t do it, I’ll probably do the guide myself.”
“No, I mean–will you record it for yourself?"
He pauses his scribbling and finally looks up at you incredulously as if you’d just given him a very complicated math problem.
“What? You have a good voice. You’re signed to a record label, technically…”
“Sure, YN. And how many drinks have you had?” He cocked an eyebrow at you.
You roll your eyes at him. "Relax! I'm good. And let's not change the subject!" Turning your body sideways to face him, you add, "I've heard your demos before. You've got that raspy voice thing going on that's very popular with the ladies," and snort.
His mouth twitches and grows into a shy smile, his dimple deepening. "Thanks... I guess." He knows you would never give him a backhanded compliment. Before Victoria came along, you were always one of the first people he would call whenever he had an idea for a new song. Even though you weren't as good with words as he was, he always said that you made the perfect brainstorming partner.
He begins to gather the handful of napkins and stack them in the order he intended the words to flow. After pocketing them, he pauses and puckers his lips.
“Can I actually have those back?” He points to the two discarded pieces that you read words from. You pick them up and hand them back to him; after which, he mouths his thanks.
“Will you be adding those to that secret mixtape that you’ve been working on forever?”
“Maybe.” He follows his response with an enigmatic smirk.
For years, Namjoon had talked about releasing a mixtape of songs that he had saved just for himself. Every now and then, he would unearth it from the depths of his hard drive, make some tweaks to the instruments or vocals, listen to it again, make more edits, and when he had poured out all of his neuroses into his tracks, he would close it out, not giving it another thought for another few months.
“So,” he asks, attempting to change the subject. “Where did he jet off to this time?”
You hesitate as Namjoon didn't have to say who he was referring to. Even though the rest of your family already knew about what you and Sam had decided, telling Namjoon felt like a difficult task. It wasn't just because he had resented your relationship early on, but also because part of you wanted to prove him wrong...and you managed to do that for a few years.
It was difficult because not only did you fail, but you also feared that Namjoon would take this as a moment of vindication.
"Kuala Lumpur," you said, taking a long swig of your drink and turning your face away from Namjoon. After allowing a few seconds for the drink to settle in your stomach, you clear your throat and decide that now was as good a time as any other. “When he comes back, we’re meeting with lawyers present.”
You and Sam had agreed to explain everything to the kids when he returned from his trip in two weeks. You wanted to buy some time for them…a few more days of innocent bliss.
You turned to look at Namjoon again. Apart from the slight crease between his eyebrows, the rest of his face was calm. That crease was still telling. It was the expression he wore while bracing himself for all the facts that he was about to bless you with.
It was also the same face that your father used to make.
But those litanies of factoids and inner thoughts would never make it past Namjoon’s lips. Instead, he quietly takes a sip of his whisky again before speaking.
Putting down his glass, he says, "I was wondering if you were ever going to open up about what was going on between you and Sam. I didn't want to push because I figured you weren't ready. So, I thought I'd wait patiently until you were."
Your eyes watered as guilt consumed you in the past few months, even as he bawled in front of you with everything going on in his own marriage. "I'm sorry, oppa—"
"You don't have to apologize. You never have to when it comes to things like this. We're both adults," he said, consoling you.
You pursed your lips, regret still on your face.
"Although I hope you'll forgive me for my childish thoughts about this, I'm a little upset that you couldn't trust me. I mean," he chuckled bitterly, "have you not seen how my marriage ended?"
"It's just that I know how you've always felt about Sam," you stammered, your shoulders rising defensively. Your eyes flit downward as you turn away from him again.
"Are you sure that's not just your pride talking?" he raises a questioning eyebrow at you.
Taken aback by his skepticism, you pause. But then you remember the promise you made to yourself years ago. You were going to make it work with Sam, no matter what.
"I'll admit, some of it was pride," you concede. "I just thought he and I could get through it."
Namjoon's hesitation was evident in his eyes as he regarded you. Eventually, he let out a deep sigh. "I know that Sam and I haven't had the greatest relationship, and I know it's caused a rift between you and me. That was selfish, and I'm really sorry."
You reach over to grab his free hand while the other clutches his glass. "I never held that against you."
“Yeah, but I know that we never really talked about it. I saw how he took care of you and the kids. For what it’s worth, I respected him for that.“
You smile ruefully. “Thank you. That means something. Unfortunately, Sam and I had deeper issues that counseling just couldn’t fix.”
His face falls. “Still–”
“Can we just leave all that behind?” you calmly interrupt. “Our relationships with our spouses may not have worked out, but things will always be good between us, right?”
He looks at you silently for a moment, then sighs softly, a small smile creeping up to his lips. “Always.”
You smile back and wrap your arm around his elbow. Tilting your head sideways, you lean on his shoulder. He mirrors your action, tilting his head and touching the crown of your head.
“You know, when we were kids, I always hated it whenever you copied everything that I did.”
You playfully smack his arm. “Excuse you? Who’s copying whom? My marriage has been falling apart for years, so I don’t know what you're talking about.”
“I filed for divorce first,” he retorts.
You frown at him for a second, but since can’t think of a quick comeback, you stick your tongue out cheekily at him instead.
He throws his head back in laughter. "Not that I needed further confirmation to know that Jooni is in fact your daughter," he chortles.
You give him another playful shove, and you both fall into fits of laughter.
"God, is it weird that we're laughing about this? What would Dad say?"
Namjoon sighs, then turns pensive. "I think he'd pour us both shots and say, 'Cheer up, guys! At least you didn't die'."
Your mouth falls open in shock, and you stare at each other. After a few beats of silence, you both start cackling again.
The joke would have been very on-brand for your father. He always had a way with words and knew the right ones to say in any given situation.
"If you're not laughing, you're crying, right?" he says.
Not that you needed further confirmation that Namjoon was, in fact, your father’s son.
Taehyung walks Eunhae out to the parking lot. The chilly air hits them both as they step outside.
“Are you sure you’re good to drive?” Taehyung asks, concerned.
Eunhae smiles reassuringly. “I had one drink over an hour ago and my hotel’s just right down the street.”
“Alright. Thanks for coming out,” Taehyung says. He sinks his hands in his pockets as he lingers for a moment, reluctant to let her go.
She gives him a small smile in return. “Thanks for having me.”
Taehyung stands on the curb, watching her fish her keys out of her purse. The spot she parked at was a little dark and she was having trouble. He walks up to her and switches on the flashlight in his phone to help. While she rummages through her things, he can't help but notice the way her hair falls softly over her face and her scent wafts through the air.
She’s grateful for the extra light, only to see a big hole at the bottom of her purse’s lining. She puts her hand inside and feels around until she finds her keys. She turns to thank Taehyung, but he's standing too close to her. She remembers the night before when they were just as close. She feels a shiver run through her as she notices the way he's looking at her. He leans in, but she pulls away, feeling a rush of emotions.
“Uh–t-thanks, Tae. I…I think I have everything I need.” She stutters.
Taehyung frowns a little, but he blinks it away. "Sure. Happy to help," he mutters, kicking himself for not being more confident.
Eunhae unlocks her car quickly but as she is about to get into the driver's seat she stops when she hears Taehyung blurt out, "I need them." 
Puzzled by his sudden outburst, she turns to face him. "Sorry, what?"
You previously expressed concerns about him not defining his relationship with Eunhae, but he dismissed them. Tonight, during their spirited conversation, he was reminded of it again. He couldn’t just sit back and wait until he got back to the city without bringing it up to Eunhae.
“The labels – I need them," he answered, clearly having had a change of heart since then.
"I know I said it didn't matter to me before, but I don't feel that way anymore," he admits. "I'd be lying to myself if I said I was still okay with this,” he gestures at the space between them. “It's just not what I want."
She looks at him closely. Truthfully, she had sensed a shift in their relationship. Under normal circumstances, she would never go out of her way to drive to a small town just to spend time with a guy and his family if he was ‘just a good friend with whom she occasionally slept with’.
“What do you want?” She waits for him to speak.
After a short silence, he took a deep breath and asked a question that had been on his mind for a while: "Is this going anywhere? Whatever this is between us?"
She closes her eyes briefly before answering. "Don't answer a question with a question, Taehyung," she scolds him gently.
Taehyung looked down at his hands, fidgeting nervously. "I just want to be sure," he said after a moment.
Eunhae's heart sank a little at his words, but she didn't let it show. She was familiar with his cautious and indecisive nature, which was holding her back. She wanted to protect herself, especially her heart.
"You always say that. Every time you do something or make a decision, you say, 'I just want to be sure.' Is it because you actually want to be sure, or because you're unsure of yourself?"
He paused. His family always said that he approached everything carefully. He couldn't help but wonder if he was really unsure of himself or if he was just a serial overthinker.
But then his father’s words come flooding back to him: Make a decision. And deciding not to decide doesn’t count!
“What if…what if we actually gave this a try? You know, a relationship?”
She sighs in mild exasperation. “Tae, we’ve talked about this. We said—”
“I know,” he interrupts softly. “I know what I said but lately, I feel differently and I just thought I’d take a chance and find out whether you might be willing to do that, too?”
Eunhae puffed out her cheeks and blew out a shaky breath. “Look, maybe we should wait until we get back to the city. You’re going through a lot. You’ve had a few drinks, you’re emotional—”
"I'm aware of all that," Taehyung acknowledges. "And I want you to know that I would never force you to do something that you don't want to do. It’s just that," he pauses and bites down on his lower lip, "I guess I'm wondering if maybe this is something you also want?”
Eunhae grew tired of getting disappointed in her past relationships, so she decided to focus on herself after moving to the city. However, meeting Taehyung changed everything. The more time she spent with him, the more she realized he was different. She started opening up and being vulnerable around him. Despite trying to distance herself, her feelings for him only grew stronger during their last night together in the city. Not only did those feelings linger during her time with him and his family in his hometown, but they also deepened.
Her pulse begins to race as she tries to come to terms with how she feels. With some hesitation, she finally whispers, "I'm scared.”
Her admission makes Taehyung’s heart squeeze, giving him a glimmer of hope. He chuckles wryly, understanding her apprehension. "And you think I'm not?" he replies.
As they stand in silence, Eunhae couldn't help but feel a mix of emotions–excitement, fear, and uncertainty.
"I feel like I'm saying it all wrong and I'm fucking this up--" he says, his voice trailing off. The words seem to catch in his throat, and he swallows hard before he continues.
"No," she interrupts him, stepping closer until she is standing right in front of him. She takes his face gently in her hands, tilting it up so that their eyes meet. "You're not fucking anything up. You're doing just fine," she reassures him softly with a warm and sincere voice.
With that, he feels the tension in his body start to ease. He wraps his hands gently around hers. "If you're okay with it, can we talk some more in the morning?"
She smiles at him, her eyes crinkling at the corners. "Of course," she says softly. "I'll be here." As she speaks, he feels a sense of comfort wash over him, a feeling that everything is going to be okay between them.
She turns around to get back in her car but he stops her again. “Yeah?”
He steps closer and takes her hand. He brings it up to his lips and kisses the underside of her wrist. His lips touching her skin sends shivers down her spine. Pulling him closer, she tenderly kisses him. She sighs in contentment, as if eagerly anticipating this moment just as much as he was.
Minutes later, he watches her car drive away, and her taillights fade into the dark night. He smiles to himself, envisioning a future together and the possibilities that lie ahead.
You excuse yourself from a few friends whom you were catching up with to return a work call. Although your managers and colleagues sympathized, you also left abruptly to be with your family, and had only been working intermittently in the last week.
There was still work to be done, and you didn't mind checking in. You could have waited until tomorrow to answer your colleague's question, but instead, you stepped outside the bar to stand in a quiet corner by the dumpsters, away from a couple of Hobi's kitchen staff who were smoking on the patio.
"Are you sure you've got it?" you ask your colleague on the other end of the line, prompting them to ask any further questions.
As you listen to your colleague's assurance, you are unaware that Hobi is walking out of the side door, clutching two full garbage bags in his hands.
"Great, thanks. And please tell everyone that my family appreciates the flowers and sympathy card. Have a good night," you say before hanging up.
Your phone pings as you pull it away from your ear, signaling a new email alert from Sam. You open the attached document to find that it’s a petition for divorce. Sam adds in his message that his lawyer advised him to act quickly to avoid administrative costs. This only adds to your disappointment and frustration, as you were supposed to figure out all the logistics when he got back.
Guess the plan’s changed again.
As the reality of the situation sinks in, you shake your head gently. Even though you both decided to end the marriage, it still sucks to see it written on paper.
Feeling overwhelmed and frustrated, take a few deep breaths to try to keep it together. Exhale and allow yourself a moment to feel the emotions that are starting to consume you. You can feel your throat tightening as you try to hold back the tears, but eventually, they start to fall.
“Fuck,” you muttered under your breath, doubling over, your hands on your knees. It’s okay to feel this way, you remind yourself. It’s perfectly normal to have moments of weakness…have a little cry before you rejoin the others.
“Are you okay?”
Hearing his voice, you quickly wipe off your tears. Turning your head, you see Hobi with a curious expression, making you feel slightly embarrassed.
“Oh, hey,” you force a smile. “I’m okay. Just…needed some air, that’s all.” You wonder how long he’d been standing there and how much he's seen.
He stands there for a few seconds, regarding you. Then, he nods sympathetically. “I get it.”
The guys who were smoking call out to their boss and Hobi briefly acknowledges them, thanking them for all their help tonight.
Hobi turns to you, and you both stare at each other. A sob escapes you, and he quickly rushes to your side, embracing you tightly. You bury your face in his chest and cry, feeling safe in his arms as you ride out all of the pent-up emotions you had in you. His steady heartbeat against your cheek is a small comfort in the midst of your pain.
“Shhh, it’ll be okay,” he whispers softly. “I know it doesn’t seem like it right now but it will be. After some time, it’ll hurt less and less.”
As you listen to his words, you can't help but feel a sense of irony. How can he know that everything will be okay? How can he promise that the pain will lessen with time?
“Is that what you told yourself?” You ask when you lift your head up.
He furrowed his eyebrows in confusion. “I…I’m not sure I understand.”
Hobi suffered the loss of his father a few years ago, which is where his sentiment is coming from. However, after consuming several drinks and experiencing exhaustion and grief, you decide to bring up old, unfinished business.
You push off him and take a step back. “Did you tell yourself that—about us—when you left? Because that’s what I kept telling myself when you walked out. And you know what? It didn’t really work out for me.” Not only were you being childish but you were also projecting.
“Why would you do that? How could you leave me?”
He is dumbstruck by your sudden attack. This was not how he pictured the conversation going. "I left you? Are you serious right now?" he asks incredulously.
You shoot him a wry look. "I'm pretty sure you walked out that door, Hoseok," you say, your voice laced with frustration and anger.
Hoseok lets out a humorless laugh. "Because you told me to leave!" he retorts, his voice bitter.
The memory of him leaving is seared into your mind, yet he seems to have forgotten everything else that led up to it.
"I thought that after everything we went through, you would stick it out just a little bit more, for me!"
"I did!" he yells indignantly before catching himself. Losing his temper won't solve anything. He takes a deep breath to calm himself down. "It's just... I had a moment of weakness and needed to figure things out," he explains. "Walking out on you was the most bone-headed move I ever made. I regretted it the second I got home. I was fucking miserable!"
"But you still left me," you whimper pathetically. You're not sure what you hope to achieve.
"I came back," he whispers.
“When?” you ask unconvinced, struggling to process the fact that he had returned without your knowledge. In fact, he came back a month after, during which time you had hastily moved out of the apartment you shared. You had temporarily moved in with Namjoon until you found something more permanent. It was also during this gap that you met Sam.
“Did Namjoon know?” you ask, desperate for answers.
“Nobody knew,” he responds, his voice barely above a whisper. “I wanted to surprise you so I waited by the coffee shop across from Namjoon’s place. But then…I saw you with…him.”
You stare at him incredulously. “And you didn’t think to approach me?”
He looks down at his feet, his voice soft. "He made you laugh," he says, ignoring your question. "I used to do that, you know?" He had wanted nothing more than to beg for your forgiveness, to comfort you, and make you smile again. Instead, he couldn't help but think back to the memory burned into his brain: you with your bloodshot eyes and tear-stained cheeks.
“So I went home with my tail between my legs. Then one day, Joon told me that you were getting married. Do you know what that day was like for me?”
"I think I might have an idea," you mutter in a smart-ass manner.
"No, YN! You don't know half of it! Do you know what it's like to have your airway cut off? Huh? Do you know what it feels like to desperately gasp for air so you won't feel like you're going to die?"
“You say that as if you were the only one who felt like dying that day!” You sobbed, feeling some regret.
“And yet you still married him!”
Hobi didn't know that you married Sam because you got pregnant. Sam wanted to be responsible and proposed to you. It wasn't ideal and not what you pictured for yourself. The fact was that your baby needed their father, and you were trying to do right by your child.
"It's the money, isn't it? You married him because he had some big-shot city job raking in tons of cash?"
His accusation stings you. "Is that what you think of me? After all these years, that's your perception of me?"
“Look, I get it. I get the appeal,” Hobi says. “He was successful; how could I compete with that? I’m just the small-town guy, the boy who lived next door. What do I have to offer?”
"Really, Hobi? Self-deprecation? That's great," you sarcastically interject.
"I would have loved to keep you for myself, to hold onto you, but that would have been unfair." His dad had also fallen ill shortly after he returned home. "At least you got to live your dream. You got to marry the guy meant for you, and you had a family together. If I were in his place, I would have just held you back. If I had been in his place, your dreams would have remained just that—dreams."
All the talk about Sam being ‘the guy meant for you’ was giving you a headache. Exasperated and tired, you snapped, "If you wanted to be in his place, you should have just done that to begin with!" With that, you abruptly walked away from him.
Taken aback, he felt a flash of déjà vu from the past - the day he drove you home after your old high school boyfriend dumped you. He squeezed his eyes shut and groaned. This was not how he wanted the conversation to go. "Sunshine, wait!" he called out.
But his term of endearment only riled you up further. You turned your head slightly and yelled over your shoulder, "Stop calling me that!"
"Why?" He asks.
You stop and turn around, seething. "Because I don't like it!"
"You're a shitty liar, you know that?" he shoots back.
You jerk your head in disgust. "And you're a smug asshole, Jung Hoseok," you spit out.
You turn to leave, but he yells after you, "YN, come on. Let's talk about this, please?"
"No!" Fucking nerve he has.
He puffs out his chest and shouts, "If you keep walking away from me, then I hate you!"
If Yoongi didn't have the speaker volumes all the way up, an audience would be gathering around you right now. You turn around and glare at him. "Oh really? You hate me?"
"Yes, I hate you! And I especially hate that after all this time, you still walk away from arguments just so you can get the last word."
You scoff. "Wow. Nice. This was exactly what I needed to hear from you tonight," you say sarcastically before walking away once again.
"See? It's true! You always get the last word, and that's because your dad and brothers always treated you like a princess. Well, I'm done with that!"
You square your jaw and scowl at his audacity. "Oh, you're done?" You mock him.
"Yeah, I'm done. So done!"
Slowly, he advances toward you. "I'm done thinking about whether you get enough sleep or if you work too much and forget to eat. I'm done wondering if Sam cooks for you. And when you're sick? Oh my god--especially when you get sick! You get so whiny! Does he make you soup? Does he..." he represses a growl. "Fuck it! I don't want to think about all of that anymore. I'm done with these thoughts of you filling my brain night and day."
The raw emotion in his outburst sobers you up. You believed that he forgot about you, but instead, he has been holding onto memories of you all this time. Memories that have kept him up at night, replaying in his mind like an endless loop.
”I’m done.” He says softly.
As seconds pass, his face softens and he continues to stare at you.
You try to respond, but the words get stuck in your throat. Instead, you throw your arms around him in a tight embrace, holding onto him for dear life. You feel the warmth of his body against yours, and for a moment, all the anger you had slowly fades.
After a few moments, Hobi gently pulls away, his hands still on your back. He looks down at you, his eyes softening as he sees your tears. He wipes them away with his thumb, his touch gentle and comforting.
As he cups your cheeks in his hands and gazes at you, you can't help but feel a sense of longing. You tilt your chin up slightly. He's unsure at first, afraid that he might be crossing a boundary. You stroke his cheekbone wordlessly to assure him. You lean in closer.
He gives in and closes the gap between your lips.
The kiss is soft at first, tentative, but then it deepens, and you lose yourselves in the sensation, feeling his arms wrap around you as you savor the moment. Your pulse races as his lips move against yours, and you can't remember the last time you felt passion like this.
“Hobah, are you–”
You jump in surprise at Yoongi's voice from behind. You and Hobi quickly back away from each other, turning around and hoping Yoongi didn't notice how flustered you were.
"I was just coming back in, hyung!" Hobi says in a panic. "What's up?" His hand creeps behind his neck, rubbing it nervously while trying to sneak glances at you.
"Oh," Yoongi says, trying to hide his amusement. "I was gonna ask you something but it’s not urgent.”
With a slight nod, Yoongi disappears through the side door again, leaving you and Hobi standing there, worried about how much he saw...or if he saw anything at all.
Not long after, the front door opens and Namjoon appears. "There you are!"
You jump again. "What? I wasn't doing anything," you say anxiously.
"I didn't say you were," Namjoon says slowly. "Listen, we should probably let Hoseok know—Oh, you're here too?" he says, looking at both of you skeptically.
"What is it? What do you want?" Your tone is suspiciously aggressive.
Namjoon squints for a second but decides not to ask why you were acting weird. "Okay, chill,” he chuckled softly. “I was just gonna say, it’s getting late and Jin-hyung doesn’t want to stay out too long since Yoojung-noona isn’t 100% yet, so he’s asking me to round everybody up."
Hobi is standing there like a deer in headlights--the same look he had when Namjoon decided to confront both of you after catching you kissing back in high school.
"Great, I'll just go get my purse." You excuse yourself hastily and turn to head back inside.
Hobi stands there, unsure of what to do. Namjoon asks, “Is she okay? What did–”
“Nothing happened,” he says too quickly. “I mean, she’s okay, I think. We were just talking and…things got a little emotional. I…I was trying to comfort her,” he tries to explain.
Namjoon’s eyebrow twitches for a second, but his expression turns somber. “I appreciate you being there for her…you know, even after everything that’s happened.”
Hobi nods. Namjoon was initially upset with Hobi for moving back home without you, but what could he do? You were both adults, and your father had already scolded both of you separately. Namjoon decided to help you get back on track as much as he could.
Standing next to his friend, Namjoon takes a deep breath. "Who would have thought, huh? Two divorces in our family. First me, and now YN," he says, shaking his head.
Hobi's mouth falls open. He knew about Namjoon and Vee's divorce, but he was unaware of yours. He is unsure how to react. In a span of minutes, he confronted you about your past, lashed out at you, and you kissed.
He couldn’t help but summarize it in the most ironic way he could think of. “I’m sure that wasn’t in your dad’s bingo card,” he attempts to say in jest to mask his shock. 
Namjoon chuckles softly, appreciating the joke but completely unaware of the multiple connotations behind the remark. "Thanks for tonight.”
“Of course,” he answers before the two hug. “Love you, bro,” Namjoon says, patting his friend’s back gently.
You and your brothers bid farewell to the remaining guests. Naya embraces you warmly, and you promise to have dinner together one of these weekends. Jimin has decided to leave his car behind and take a cab home instead.
Your brothers exchange hugs with Hobi, thanking him profusely for hosting the celebration. They start walking out the door and towards the van.
Finally, it's your turn to say goodbye to your host. You come up behind Taehyung, who seems to be feeling better. You make a mental note to ask him about it later.
After thanking and hugging Yoongi, he clears his throat loudly and excuses himself to wipe some tables.
"Thanks again for tonight," you say quietly, the memory of him kissing you still nagging at you.
"You're welcome. It was a no-brainer for me," he replies.
You smile awkwardly before embracing him. While he holds you tightly in his arms, he whispers, "I'd do anything for your family...especially for you, Sunshine."
Your heart wrenches. Even after the hurtful things you've said to him, you're not sure you deserve his kindness.
As the van pulls out of the parking lot, you look through one of the windows and spot Hobi by the bar putting away some beer bottles, and to your surprise, Dara comes up behind him and caresses his cheek.
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ggukkiedae · 18 days
What would be the most touching things that Yoonmi has done for each of the members?
hmmmm let's go by age and just things off the top of my head
yoonmi was the one to cut and shave jin's hair (with the assistance of their stylist) despite her not wanting to accept what was happening and falling into an anxiety attack while she was doing so. yoonmi loves jin's long hair and would take every chance she could to decorate it or braid it. it meant so much to him that she did that because it gave him a sense of comfort and a reminder to keep himself healthy and strong so he can come back and grow his hair out for her to put her clips and bows in again
with yoongi it's just yoonmi acknowledging him as a dad figure. it meant that she put her trust in him like she did her adoptive father, and that she trusted him enough to know he wouldn't be like her biological sperm donor. he takes his role as her dad figure very seriously, and he'a absolutely honored that she goes with it and acts accordingly
with hobi it's maintaining their tradition. they used to go to the han river to do old school hiphop lessons or just to destress, then it changed to hanging out on the company rooftop when they were overwhelemed or stressed. she never let it die down, no matter how long it's been since the last time they did it. even now, she brought him to the rooftop once when he visited her on his leave
something that will forever stick to namjoon is how she once dropped everything just to go with him to a museum because his friend had cancelled on him. sure she always said she'd drop everything if they asked, but it didn't really hit him until it actually happened. she came, no complaints, dressed nicely, and 100% present in the situation physically, mentally, and emotionally. that's when he knew she would always have his back like he had hers
for jimin, it's something a lot more subtle. for a time when he unhealthily didn't really eat much for a diet, she would complain about being hungry and wanting to go out for streetfood. she'd always pick jimin to be the one to accompany her saying it's their "minmi time". he didn't even realize he was snacking with her while they laughed and talked and told stories about their day. he realized long after that period of time that, on those days, he'd sleep better, think better, and feel better
with taehyung, she was the one who got in touch with a trumpet and a violin teacher to help him with his want to learn them. no one else in the group knew how to, so she took it upon herself to look for someone who did know how to until she found the best instructor that she knew taehyung would get along with. it's something he's forever grateful for because she didn't have to, but she did
if you asked jungkook this question and it was on a day where he was up to answering seriously, he'd say continue being his friend. jungkook knows yoonmi could easily cut him off if he so much as did one thing to offend her seriously, but her patience with him, despite their multiple playfights and bickering, is so much compared to her usual level. never once did she let an argument get the best of them. she always made sure they talked it out, come to a compromise or solution, and continue being each other's other half. he can't explain it all too well, but her staying his friend is the most touching thing she's done for him in his point if view
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sea-moon-star · 11 months
Bangtan Village: Pregnancy Series || Hyung Line: 1
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1: Deciding to have a baby
Pairing: BTS hyung line x f!reader, namjoon x lawyer!oc, seokjin x professor!oc, yoongi x chef!oc, hoseok x fashion designer!oc
Genre: Fluff, angst, hurt/comfort, husband!BTS, dad!BTS
WC: 4k (1k each)
Summary: The part of Bangtan's life where they're all living next to each other in a privately owned township that's just outside Seoul, it's close enough for them to get to their social & work lives but far enough to provide them with privacy as they've become global legends after the end of their most successful reunion, comeback & tour of 2025-26. While they continue working simultaneously on solo & group endevours, they take it slow to focus on their personal life, especially with their growing families taking precedence. As of now, all 7 members are married, with Hoseok & Jimin already having kids of their own. But they're nowhere close to done, the number of tiny humans in this village is yet to increase.
A/N: Here's me celebrating JK's BB All Kill, we did so good Army! Fandom hug & here's a gift for all of us 🌊🌙⭐️
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Kim Namjoon x Im Mae-Hwa 🌸
Unlike most couples, Namjoon and his wife had the baby talk even before they were married, or rather on the day that they ended up becoming engaged to each other. It went all the way back to that day when she’d told him that they needed to “talk” just as things were getting serious and he worried that he’d lost her even before things had become official. Here, he sat with a ring in his pocket while she looked so pale and serious, with her feet rocking constantly under the table, that he was certain she was going to break up with him. He thought that the fame had caught up, the curse of it all was finally going to end up with him losing yet another of his simple joys. Another loss for Kim Namjoon even as RM of BTS peaked. He wanted to speak, to make a last ditch effort to salvage this, to do whatever it took to convince her to change her mind but she wouldn’t allow it, she put a finger on his lips, “Please, don’t. You’re far too much of a smooth talker and I’ll fall for your charm all over again and lose my will to do this. I need to, I have to do this. You don’t understand…” Even as he struggled to fight the words at the tip of his tongue, something in her gaze told him to swallow his pride and listen. Tears glistened in her eyes as she looked at him and said, “I have been hiding something from you. I never wanted to, I wanted to tell you right away but it was never the right moment. It was too soon, then things were going so well that got swept away in the romance of it all and now it’s too late to fix it, but I have to come clean. I know you brought me here to propose to me, I heard you talking to the waiter as I stepped out of the washroom, but don’t. We can’t do this, not until you know what you’re signing up for. Icanthavekidsican’tbeamom.” She said without a single breath between the words, knowing that it was the only way to get them out without them dying in her throat. “I know you want kids, I do too. And I know your parents want them too, I know you’re old enough and you want to settle down more than ever. But… now you see why we can’t? You’d make a great father and I’d want nothing more but to raise children with you, I can’t imagine doing it with anyone else. You want a house full of kids, I’m not even sure I can give you one. So I’d understand if you change your mind, you haven’t even given the ring yet. It’s not too late, think it through.” But to her utter shock, he sighed and smiled like she hadn’t just given him the most devastating news of his life. He reached out to squeeze her hand as he got out of his chair and went down on one knee, pulling the ring out as he said, “It doesn’t matter. I love you. I want to marry you. If there’s anyone I want as my life partner, my best friend, my companion, it’s you. Mother of my children or not, that’s just one of the many roles. We could adopt, try IVF or surrogacy, or we could just not have kids altogether. I’m okay with whatever we decide, just as long as I get to decide with you beside me. That’s my only deal breaker, not this. Never this. So will you, do me the honor of being my wife and grow old with me by your side?” And as tears of joy and relief streamed down her face, she nodded her head off as he slipped the ring on. And on the day they signed their marriage certificate, they also decided to file their paper work for adoption, knowing that it would take it’s own sweet time to come but they were ready. They had a head start to baby planning, afterall. And he’d never given up on the hope that she would be his baby momma. 🌸
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Kim Seokjin x Choi Yun-Hee 💐
Jin was on video call from set, as he rejuvenated himself from a busy day at work by watching his sister in law and you play with his nephew & nieces. As the phone got passed around the house like a hot potato with everyone wanting to talk to him, the one person he wanted to speak to the most was busy with the youngest addition to the family. She was putting the littlest one to bed, rocking his cradle with her eyes trained on the rosy cheeked infant and even as Ahreum passed the phone to her, before he could say a word, she shushed him. “Yaaaah! He’s sleeping. Keep it an octave lower.” The same person who had fallen in love with him for his high triple notes and silver voice was now telling him to be quiet. He found it hilariously ironic but followed her lead. How could he not? She had him wrapped around his tiny little pinky, even though it had been 3 years since they had gotten married and way past their supposed honeymoon phase. “Jagi, I know he has my genes and he’s cute and all, but you do remember, I’m world wide handsome right? I have to be back in 2 minutes, spare me a second, wont’ you?” He exclaimed and her cheeks matched the colors of her blush as she turned to him sheepishly and said, “Hi, Jinnie. You’ll always be my number one, you know that! How’s your day going, love? Have you been hydrating? Please take care, it’s been a long day. You look exhausted, when will you be back? What do you think will help you relax? I’ll keep myself free when you return, we’ll do whatever you want.” She bombarded him with questions as he cut her off and retorted, “Whatever I want? Do you promise? Then let’s make a baby tonight.” “Yes, sure.” She replied without even registering what he asked. Until it sank in a moment later. “Wait what?” She asked with a “o” framing her face as he grinned till his ears turned red and replied, “I know we we both wanted to focus on our careers and take things slow so we could enjoy each other’s company but don’t you think it’s time, jagi? Seeing you with him? I don’t think I can wait any longer. And I think hyung and noona are done having kids, if we start now, they’ll be able to grow up together. Won’t that be wonderful?” “You know I always wished I had a sibling, like you and your brother, I think you’re right. The baby fever is at an all time high and usually, I used to hold myself back because it wasn’t the right time, the right place, the right finances, always something or the other. But the way in which my body is reacting to this little bundle of joy, I think it’s time. This a sign, let’s do it.” She affirmed with a nod and he flashed her one of his trademark kisses and ended the call, fervently anticipating what was to come. 💐
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Min Yoongi x Kang Deu-Lae 🌼
Min Yoongi & his wife were the kind of couple to plan everything down to the dot. They had a timeline for everything, from first kiss to living in, to getting married & down to the time when they'd start trying for kids. 2 years into their marriage, they'd promised each other. And as expected, as the date drew near, they had already mapped out the changes that were to be made accordingly- work schedules to be cleared, his wife had to stop consuming alcohol, he had to eat healthier & exercise, they wanted the best chance at conceiving. Yoongi carried a bottle of wine, the last one he knew his wife would have before they started officially trying. And she'd called him over to have a meal of his favorites at her restaurant, knowing that his diet would change too. This was a night to let go & mark the end of their honeymoon phase & enter the new era of their married life. As he got near the restaurant with a spring in his step, excited to get some quality time with his wife after a long day at work for both of them, he was surprised to see the number of light's on & cars parked outside. She'd called you after working hours & usually, you both would have the place to yourself but it seemed as if the staff hadn't left yet. To his utter shock, when he opened the door, what he didn't expect to see was you being paraded around the restaurant while the staff lifted you up on their shoulders as you made everyone around drink from a popped bottle of champagne. Everyone seemed to be in high spirits & celebrating that they didn't even realize you had entered.
It was only when his wife made eye contact with him that she quickly instructed her staff to put her down on the ground & dismissed everyone, they scampered away not wanting to bear the brunt of their head chef. They knew that the same jolly person celebrating with them was also capable of being a strict boss in a split second if needed. Yoongi loved that about her, knowing that while you were one of the most kind hearted & positive people in real life, when at work- you took on an alter ego that went hard & didn't compromise in the slightest. It helped him realize that there were others who'd understand the duality he himself faced both as Yoongi, BTS' Suga & Agust D. Although he loved her, that would never change but in this moment- all he could feel was anger & a sense of betrayal. He had no intentions of being the first one to make a move, seeing as she was the one who had ruined their night, not only had she decided to include others in what should've been their night alone, but moreover she had celebrated even without feeling the need to have him there. It was more like she had forgotten all about him, maybe this date wasn't as important as he'd assumed, perhaps she had changed her mind about wanting to start a family with him. He knew that her career was important to her, as was his to him. But if he could drop everything as per their planning & their timeline, couldn't she? It was something they had both agreed to before their marriage, so wasn't he only being fair in asking for that same effort to be reciprocated? As the room emptied out, with just the both of them left gazing at each other from a distance, she felt her legs go weak. They felt like jelly, she wasn't sure whether if it was the fact that she was been lifted around & now the floor didn't feel stable anymore or if it was the alcohol that was messing with her balance or just the way Yoongi was staring at her which caused her lose her mind, but she tripped over her own feet & stumbled forward. Yoongi rushed ahead out of instinct as he grabbed her before she hit the ground, lifting her up & making her sit on a chair. She was drunk, that was so unlike her that he felt another flare of anger but he swept it aside, knowing that she needed him right now & this would be better dealt with at a time when she was sober.
"Here, drink this. You'll feel better. Have you eaten yet?" He gave her a glass of water & noticed her stomach rumbling. He knew only too well how ironic but common it was for chef's to be the ones to be surrounded by food but constantly neglecting their own hunger pangs. He knew how often you worked full shifts without managing to eat yourself, sustaining a kitchen at one of the most popular restaurants in Itaewon wasn't an easy job, after all. He sighed & entered the kitchen himself, looking for food that he could give her, even though he hadn't eaten dinner either. He grabbed a pack of bread sticks with butter & gave them to her, intending to go back to the kitchen & cook them a meal. But her hand caught his wrist, holding him back from going back in, as she whispered,"Yoongs, please don't go. I'm sorry... I can explain." "Y/N, let me go... I need to get some food in you. Some real food! Let me cook us some pasta quickly, & then I'll be back. I'm not going anywhere." "You're mad at me, I can tell. You called me by my name, you only do that when you're upset with me. I'll cook you a meal, I'll make this up to you." She exclaimed as she got up from her chair & felt dizzy a minute later, seeing stars before her eyes as she tried to make it to the kitchen. Yoongi shook his head & took matters into his own hands, quite literally- as he lifted her up in his arms, even as she protested & took her to the kitchen, placing her on the counter top. "Okay? Now you can see that I'm not leaving you? I'm right here, I'm going to cook while you sit there quietly, alright? Please, baby?" He included the last bit for emphasis, knowing that she wouldn't be reassured without it otherwise. As he handed over the bowl of pasta to her, she gave him the first bite & he took it begrudgingly when she added, "You must be hungry too, you always say we shouldn't take our anger out on our food, so please eat with me?" When they'd finished eating, both of them feeling an improvement in their moods with their bellies full, she decided to break the silence by getting straight to the point, knowing that he wouldn't have any patience for her stories. "We know from unofficial sources that we're getting a Michelin star! I know what today means & I had all the plans to focus on that, on us but... you know how huge this is? I just got swept away in..." "Wait.. what? You're now a Michelin star chef? OMG, I'm so proud of you, love." He said immediately, cutting her cut off & catching her off guard. "You are?" She asked, as she pinched herself on the arm, checking if this was a dream or not. He let out a whoop of excitement & did a little dance around the kitchen, as if to show his happiness. "Baby, I know we had plans & yes, I was a little bit agitated but now that I know why... it doesn't matter. None of it matters. I'm so overjoyed for you, I'm proud of you! We can put everything else on hold while you focus on this yeah? Don't worry, I'm on your side, I'll support you in every way you need." Tears glistened in her eyes as she heard him express his love, & she smiled as she reached out to hug him tight & he lifted her through the air, getting her off the table onto the ground. "I appreciate what you just said, what you're offering me is something that I could only dream of. But as kind as you're being, I can't take it. I don't want this to change our timeline, today was an exception. But none of this success matters if I don't have you by my side to celebrate. I want to grow in my career but only if I also get to come home & share my wins with you & our kid... And before you object to what I'm saying, I'm going to quote you- you just said that you'd support me through anything I need- well, this is what I need. So are you in, you did promise you'd be on my side?" She said as she tilted her head & gave him her best puppy eyed look, which she knew would work.
Sure enough, he nodded in the smallest possible way, "I still don't think it's a great idea but we can think it through & if that's what you really want, then I guess we can make it work..." His lips betrayed him as they turned upwards to form a smile when he saw her fist pump into the air as she grinned from ear to ear at his answer. This was a strange turn of events despite all your planning, but if anyone knew of how life can turn out unexpectedly, it was him. And despite all the possible pain & loss he'd been through, he was also a firm believer that good things would come his way too- after all, that's how he'd found BTS, how he'd come across you.🌼
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Jung Hoseok x Baek Hae-Baragi 🌻
Hobi was the first of the Bangtan brood to have a kid with his fashion designer, wife who he’d met through his sister-Jiwoo. Geum-hee was the first child in the family and rightfully spoilt with love by everyone. His daughter who’s name meant brightness, had truly brought light into the family with all her Samchuns & Imos doting on her, never leaving her alone for a second. She was pampered in a way that she wouldn’t even sleep without someone rocking her in their arms & as she grew up- she had Jimin’s eldest daughter, Ae-Cha who was the same age as her, alongside to do everything. However, in the recent times with the birth of Jimin’s second daughter, Mi-Cha, their attention had shifted & play time with Ae-Cha had reduced drastically. Even as adults kept her company at all times, she missed having someone younger who could keep up with her speed & interests. And today was no different, as soon as Hobi picked Geum-hee from pre-school, Geum-hee’s slouched & sulked in the back of the her car even as Hobi tried to get her to frown to turn into a smile. Usually singing alongsider her dad in the car, cookie dough ice cream from her favorite parlour, some cuddles from her dad & painting her nails were enough to distract her & make her happy but it had been hours since Hobi had been trying but all in vain. He’d been clinging to her, desperate to not leave her side as she moped around but she took that split second of his distraction to run into her room & close the door behind her. The sound of the slammed door shook both parents, Hobi’s wife widened her eyes at him, wondering what could’ve gone so wrong in her absence. “You try, I’ve done everything possible but nothing. She hasn’t said a word since she got back. I don’t know what’s wrong.” Hobi said as he tried to appear calm & nonchalant but it was obvious in the way that he clenched his jaw & paced around that he was anything but relaxed. The only thing that kept him going was the reassuring smile of his wife as she made her way to her daughter’s room, he trusted her to get through when he couldn’t. She knocked softly on her daughter’s door, only to be answered by the soft sobs that quite frankly broke their hearts. Hobi was one step away from knocking the door down, hearing his daughter’s wails pierce the silence at home. But his wife stopped him, gesturing at him to be patient until she’s tried. Geum-hee’s mother knew her daughter well enough, she saw the flutter of shadows from the cracks beneath the door. She knew that even if her daughter didn’t speak, she was here, she was listening. And so she sat down with her back to the door, hoping that her daughter would do the same on the other side & give her a chance. “It’s okay to cry, sweet girl. I know bad things happen, and it’s better to get it off your chest than to hold it in. I’m sorry you had a rough day, little one. Mommy & daddy have those too… but you know what keeps us going? We know that we’re not alone in it, as long as we’re together, everything will be alright… we have Hope on our side, how could it not?” Hobi admired the way his wife spoke to their daughter like she was her own person, not like a child who didn’t understand nor like an adult that was in a smaller body, but like someone who was young & yet who had her own choices to make & voice to be heard. “That’s the thing, I don’t have anyone. Everyone has someone or the other, mommies & daddies are together, siblings at school are together, I always get left alone.” Their daughter mumbled, as both parents train their ear to the door, to hear her soft words. “But you have us, cutie. You know appa would never leave you alone…” Hobi prattled anxiously but his daughter, hoping she knew that he’s always put her first. It was his wife & his rule that no matter what, Geum-hee had to come first. “But that’s not fair, appa. You shouldn’t have to choose between your girls. At the rollercoaster, you sat with me but even mommy was scared but she was all alone.
That always happens, you always take my side, never mommys.” The color left Hobi’s face when he heard that & realized the message he had been passing onto his daughter, he lip synced a “sorry” to his wife & his face sank into his palms, in regret. His wife quickly tried to repair the situation as she said, “But baby, omma doesn’t mind. Appa always asks omma if she’s okay, & only when I say yes, does he do that. Your appa loves me a lot & he takes care of me, you don’t have to worry.” “I know that but I don’t like you being alone. And sometimes, when you & I have girl’s nights- appa is alone. When we travel, we’re alone in the compartment with the other women, when we shop, he’s never there in our section, he should have a boy to give him company too.” Geum-hee shared & Hobi’s heart melted at the concern in his daughter’s voice for him, he lifted his face from his palms & leans against the door frame, as if willing the door to disappear so he could touch his daughter. “I know dad has his brothers from BTS, but they’re not always here. You both are not always with me. So the best solution is if we get me a brother. That way, everyone has someone- just like Jiwoo Imo & Appa.” She added, her voice getting louder & firmed, as if she was proud at having landed at this solution all by herself. “Is that what would make you, happy? If you had a sibling?” Geum-hee’s mom asked with bated breath & her loud resounding, “YES” made the answer quite clear. It was a split second decision, Hobi & his wife spoke soundlessly as he arched his eyebrow, asking her if she agreed with their daughter’s demands & her shrug as if to say that she had no choice but to do what their daughter asked. They both loved their daughter more than anything & although it was far from the right time to have a kid, they had gone back to using protection & birth control, their careers were in full swing, a 5 year gap wasn’t even ideal, until now they’d been of the opinion that one child was more than enough. But this changed everything, she changed everything. “Baby, if we say yes, will you open the door?” Hobi asked gently & his chest heaved in relief as he heard the click of the lock opening & his daughter put her arms around him & his wife. “Geum-hee, even if we have a baby, it may not be a brother… that’s not something appa & omma can decide, it’s upto luck. Is that okay?” Geum-hee’s mother tried to explain, not wanting there to be any misunderstanding. She knew how big of a decision this was for her family & wasn’t willing to go ahead until she got full clarity & in this case, approval from her daughter. “Does that mean I’ll have a sister? Like Ae-Cha has Mi-cha? That’s okay too!! Daddy will be still be alone but atleast you can give him company while I enjoy with my little sister… or brother. I don’t mind, I’m just excited to be a big sister!” Geum-hee squeeled & her parents smiled warmly at her answer & kissed her senseless, surprisingly happy at the turn of events. 🌻
To Be Continued... 🌊🌙⭐️
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spookyserenades · 4 months
I'm curious if everyone other than OC's parents (who obviously know how hybrids and soulmates work) are ignoring the elephant in the room of the lines between platonic and romantic getting messy. They're just waiting for a time bomb to go off...
And OC might be at the receiving end of a LOT of shit if her x yoongi comes out.
Does Alice not understand the implication of a hybrid bonding with someone or is she choosing to ignore that nugget in favour of the fun she can get out of it?
Do I sense some freudian envy between OC and Alice?
Heeeeey bestie!! Thus far, only Yoongi and MC's friend Ben knows that she's in love w ALL of the hybrids.... but like Yoongi said, she won't be able to hide that for long. I think since Yoongi clearly has both known her for longer and also has LOVED her the longest, he was able to sniff it out quick 🤔 Her mom, also, you're right-- she was made aware of the possibility of MC having 7 soulmates because of a reading. I'm not sure if she shared that w MC's father, however... inch resting 🤭🤭🤭
So eeeee yeah I think each time MC adds another "notch to her bedpost" (lol kidding she is in love with them all ofc 💀) there will be some awkward tension and conflict. They all live together, and while it's a big house, hybrids are possessive, even if they aren't romantically attracted/involved with their guardians. I suppose we'll see how the shitstorm unfolds!!
AS for the hybrid bonding you mentioned! Scenting in the Trouvaille world, if that's what you mean, doesn't necessarily translate into mateship or romantic feelings. It happens with all hybrids and their adoptive humans to initiate some sort of "claim" (again, in THIS universe), so take like Ben and Roy with Daisy-- fathers and daughter. Both were definitely scented by Daisy, maybe a nip to the wrist... I think the difference here with MC is that they all detect her attraction to them, and because they're reduced to a primal sort of being when needing to scent (and possibly some of them are crushing???), it gets heated/sensual. None of them have claimed her as a "mate" yet, and I'm still unsure if that's even an element I wish to include in Trouvaille... SO IN A NUTSHELL LMAO I think Alice is just having good, flirty fun with Hoseok for now,, she's not doing it out of spite!! (She just thinks MC is into only Yoongi, for now 😉)
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depressedhouseplant · 3 months
🔞 In Darkness I Found You 🔞
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Chapter 7
Tags: Smut, somnophilia if you squint
A/N: Look who finally figured out the cut feature!
“I have great news,” Jin hissed. Yoongi rolled over. His head was swimming and his arm was cuffed to the bed. He must have come from the pen and they had to sedate him after he’d been knotted.
“What?” he rubbed his eyes, trying to wake up.
“I’m pregnant,” Jin beamed.
“Congratulations?” Yoongi replied.
“Namjoon has been trying for almost a year. I just found out this morning, but...you weren’t here,” Jin replied.
Yoongi was never happy to find out he was pregnant. However, it was better than the alternative. It kept him alive.
“Is he your only...client...these days?” Yoongi asked.
“Yup. He said he has to pay extra every time to make sure that he’s the only one allowed to breed with me,” Jin replied.
“They’ll do anything if you pay for it,” Yoongi said bitterly. Like let Alphas chase you around a pen, then tie you down so they can knot you.
“He’s one of the good ones, Yoon. His mate is really sick. They want to have at least one pup before...you know,” Jin told him.
“And you believe him?” Yoongi questioned.
“He always smells sad when he comes in. Sometimes he doesn’t even knot me. We just talk. I know that sounds like a waste of money, but I think he needs someone to vent to. He smells less sad when he leaves. Sometimes you get a feeling with an Alpha, you know? You can’t tell me you haven’t had at least one who you felt like was only here because he felt like he didn’t have any other choice. He wasn’t here to hurt us. That’s Namjoon. They don’t have a choice. His mate is too sick to do anything, but they really want a pup. He’ll be thrilled when I tell him,” Jin told him. Yoongi sighed. Jin was right. There were Alphas who were there to do their business and leave. There were some who felt so guilty that they couldn’t even get it up no matter how aggressively Yoongi presented. Maybe they were like Namjoon. Their mates were sick or infertile, but they wanted a pup. Adoption was expensive and lengthy. Orphaned pups weren’t easy to come by. Only the incredibly affluent could afford adoption. Everyone else was forced to go to Breeders. It was illegal and unethical, but it was still a standard practice.
Their farm specialized in male Omegas. They were only slightly less common than female Omegas, but a lot of male Alphas had a closet kink for male Omegas. Their mates were generally female, but they’d lie and say they went to an all female farm or a mixed farm. Their mates never met the male Omegas carrying their future pup. The farm’s owner claimed confidentiality on the part of the Breeder. The male Alphas paid for discretion and they got it. Only a very small number of Alphas using the services of the Breeders actually had male mates. Namjoon was one of those few. It was probably why he treated Jin so well. His own mate was male and he wasn’t in it for the kink. He honestly wanted the pup.
“Then congratulations to both of you,” Yoongi said having woken up more.
“Thank you,” Jin grinned. This was Jin’s 4th pregnancy and the only one that mattered. Yoongi had given birth to twins about 2 months before. It was his 3rd pregnancy. Jin had been there longer than Yoongi, but his heats were less predictable. Yoongi’s were like clockwork. They’d save that for clients looking to actually breed. The rest of the month was spent as a plaything for sadistic Alphas to get their knots off.
“Go back to sleep. You look horrible,” Jin said.
“Gee thanks,” Yoongi glared.
“Just being honest,” Jin shrugged.
Yoongi woke up from the dream on his own. He wouldn’t call it a nightmare per se. That was when Jin had Jisoo. Unfortunately he had to pass her off to a single father. Namjoon’s mate died while Jin was pregnant. Namjoon spent every day with Jin the last trimester while he grieved. Yoongi remembered how sorry he felt for him. Yoongi also remembered trying to calculate how much money Namjoon spent just to spend time with Jin. Namjoon said he’d eventually paid to get Jin out of there. Yoongi could only imagine how many zeroes were after that 1.
The pup moved itself onto Yoongi’s bladder. That was another thing he hated about being pregnant - having to pee all the time. He wasn’t quite ready to go back to sleep after he went to the bathroom so he decided to walk around the house for a bit. If nothing else, moving around made his joints a little less stiff. His thighs were tired all the time, but his knees could get stiff pretty quickly. Hobi and Tae didn’t like him walking around too much even though it made him feel slightly better. The pup was officially within the proper range for its development. Yoongi was 5 and a half months and was convinced he’d already been pregnant for a year. He reminded himself that he had the freedom to walk around wherever he wanted.
The Omegas were kept in a holding area where they were generally allowed to at least walk around and socialize. Except for ones like Yoongi. They kept him segregated. They didn’t want him giving the others ideas. Jin had proven that he could be trusted so he was allowed to visit Yoongi when he was in isolation. He was essentially a kept Omega so they figured he wouldn’t do anything to jeopardize that. They were half right.
“Shouldn’t you be in bed?” Tae asked from behind him.
“Had to pee and now pup is restless,” Yoongi replied.
“Or maybe dad is restless,” Tae suggested.
“That too,” Yoongi agreed.
“You’re not the first escaped Breeder I’ve met,” Tae said, leaning against the doorframe.
“I kinda figured that,” Yoongi replied, sitting at the kitchen table.
“Your the first one I met who survived more than 48 hours, though,” he said.
“What happened to the others?” Yoongi asked, even though he knew the answer.
“Mostly dehydration and exposure. By the time someone found them or they found someone, it was too late,” Tae sat down across from Yoongi.
“I ran for 2 days before I ended up here. I spent most of the first day hiding from the trappers. Then I made it a decent distance that night. By that point, they’d lost my scent. I peed in random places to throw them off. I did everything I could think of to get them off my trail. Obviously it worked,” Yoongi told him.
“What kept you going?” Tae asked.
“Even if I died in the middle of the woods, at least I wasn’t there,” Yoongi replied.
“If your pup is half as tough as you, it’ll take over the world,” Tae grinned.
“I guess we’ll find out soon enough,” he patted the bump. “I’m sorry I haven’t been terribly friendly with you up until recently.”
“I get it. Nurses and Doctors weren’t exactly your friends,” Tae said.
“I don’t think they even saw us as human. I think we were just reproductive organs and the pups that came out of them,” Yoongi replied.
“That’s horrible,” Tae shook his head.
“I forgot that there are good people like you who exist to help people. You saved my life the first night. You saved pup’s life. You didn’t have to,” Yoongi smiled a little.
“Of course I did. I wasn’t going to let you die because you interrupted my episode of The Bachelor,” Tae said.
“The what?” Yoongi asked.
“It’s a crappy TV show. Don’t tell Hobi I watch it,” Tae grinned.
“Your secret is safe with me,” Yoongi smiled back.
“There you are,” Hobi said. They both looked up. He was rubbing his eyes as he walked into the kitchen.
“Had to pee and then stretch my knees,” Yoongi said.
“And I got home about an hour ago,” Tae said.
“Come back to bed, love. I’ll rub your legs for you,” Hobi said.
“Then get between them,” Tae said.
“You gave us permission,” Yoongi said as Hobi helped him up.
“Just try not to be too loud,” Tae sighed.
“Good night, Tae,” they said.
“Good night, you two,” he replied.
Yoongi sat with his back against the headboard and Hobi kneeled between his legs, massaging his thighs. Yoongi closed his eyes and sighed happily.
“Do your legs always get this sore when you’re pregnant?” Hobi asked.
“It’s gotten worse over the years. Of course, this is the first time I haven’t had multiples since my first. She was a single. She went to a family that wanted a pup,” Yoongi replied.
“Do you want a girl or a boy?” Hobi asked.
“Honestly, I’ll be happy to be able to keep it. It doesn’t really matter to me,” Yoongi replied. “Did you have a preference?”
“I think I want a girl. A daddies’ girl,” Hobi said. Yoongi smiled.
“Well, I’ve had 6 girls and 2 boys over the years, so the odds are in your favor,” Yoongi told him.
“I hope so. Not that I’d be unhappy with a boy. A healthy pup is the most important thing,” Hobi replied.
“Agreed,” Yoongi said.
“How are the legs?” Hobi asked.
“Much better. Thank you, love,” Yoongi put his hand on Hobi’s cheek.
Hobi leaned over and. kissed him.
“Though I am tempted to take Tae’s suggestion,” Yoongi said.
“Are you? Hobi rubbed his nose on Yoongi’s.
“How about you knot me to put me back to sleep?” Yoongi suggested.
“Anything to help you sleep,” Hobi kissed him and pulled down Yoongi’s pajama pants as he sat back up. He was slick and ready for Hobi. Hobi got out of his pajamas and slid into Yoongi. He was still kneeling when Yoongi wrapped his legs around him.
“Not gonna let me go until you’re satisfied?” Hobi teased.
“Nope,” Yoongi grinned.
“Okay then,” he held on to his mate’s hips and begin thrusting. Yoongi happily groaned. Part of Hobi was holding back because of the pup. Even though he’d been cleared and the pup was a normal size now, Hobi still worried. He also wanted to make Yoongi happy, though. It was a balance he hadn’t quite figured out yet. He settled for a slight bucking of his hips that hit a spot he read was particularly sensitive on Omegas. (Tae wasn’t the only one who could do research, Hobi just had to clear his browser history better). That seemed to work. Yoongi started to squirm and moan. He clawed at the sheets and slightly arched his back.
“Good spot?” Hobi asked.
“Yes,” Yoongi panted.
“Perfect,” Hobi got a better grip on his hips and kept going. Yoongi started to breathe harder. Hobi felt his knot start to form. Watching his mate got him hotter. He was loathe to attempt dirty talk in case he said something wrong, so he settled for watching Yoongi writhe & grunt underneath him as he pleasured him. His knot got bigger.
“I’m so close,” Yoongi whined and tightened his legs around Hobi’s waist. Hobi switched to longer, drawn out motions. Yoongi came with almost no warning. He locked his legs around Hobi and rode him while he came. Hobi let him do it and felt his knot steadily grow. His mate deserved the autonomy. Plus it was hot as fuck to watch how much he enjoyed Hobi’s cock. Yoongi finished and looked up at Hobi, almost completely spent.
“I won’t be offended if you fall asleep before I even finish,” Hobi brushed his hand through Yoongi’s hair.
“Good because I might,” he replied. Hobi laughed as Yoongi released his legs. Hobi took a few more perfectly timed thrusts and he came. After his knot formed & his cock had pumped all it had into Yoongi, he looked down and saw Yoongi was, in fact, asleep. He looked practically ethereal with his fair skin and blonde hair. His chest had started to grow in order to breastfeed. Then the bump. The bump that held their miracle pup. Technically it was Yoongi’s miracle because it survived when it shouldn’t have. Hobi had pulled them both out of the mud that night. They were both his. He just didn’t know the pup was there until after.
Maybe someday they’d have more pups. Pups that were genetically his. Hobi would understand if Yoongi didn’t want that. This was his 10th pup. It would be cruel to make him feel like he needed to have more. He would still love this pup and raise it like his own. If Yoongi wanted more pups, then they could have more pups. If he didn’t, Hobi would be okay with that, too.
His knot had gone down enough that he could move, so Hobi carefully extracted himself and lied on his side next to Yoongi. Yoongi rolled over to face him and loosely put his arms around Hobi’s neck.
“I love you, Yoongi,” he whispered.
“I love you too, Hobi,” Yoongi whispered back.
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