knyhi · 2 months
Do you think Sanemi is a virgin?
For me, there’s no way in hell Sanemi would ever consider having a romantic relationship with someone after all that’s happened in his life, much less a sexual one. And if he does.. it would take a lot.
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No one night stands either—seeing how much he respects women and how shitty he is when it comes to dealing with them, romantically and casually. Sex is an intimate thing, and I can’t imagine him wanting to have sex with just anyone.
I can’t see him being able to detach the emotional aspect of having sex from the act—especially since it requires some sort of vulnerability, which he hates.
He would need to form a connection to them—which he already does not like the thought of, seeing how many people he’s lost. He’s shut himself off to the idea, mainly because he’s afraid to lose anyone else.
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Moreover.. when would he have the time to? He’s busy, and I’m pretty sure having a romantic relationship is the last thing on his mind. (This also goes for all the Hashira—except Tengen, Mitsuri, and possibly Obanai)
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adori-san · 6 days
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Te odio Horikoshi, por nunca hacer canon el Izuocha q.q pero bueno, en mi corazón ellos se aman.
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amandamadeathing · 4 months
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@theonion headline paired with a Loth-cat.
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chilpilled · 3 months
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top left is laios‘ mother if you even care. mommychuck truthers we are vindicated and our star shines bright on this blessed day (its like two people but this proves we are enlightened and communicate with kui on a psychic level)
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ehnrat · 4 months
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Wanted to redraw old Adori doodles and started with the first Adori :>
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white-february · 2 years
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Choose Your Character!
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machiavellli · 2 months
vorrei solo ricordare che io non ho MAI (e MAI spenderò) un centesimo su questa app. I badge mi sono stati gentilmente regalati da due persone (una carina, l’altra mica tanto) ad aprile dopo aver fatto un commento dicendo che il badge della luna era molto carino.
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jointed-custody · 1 year
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Travel is just more fun with a doll. And snacks.
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roseselfships · 6 months
my boyfriend stole the name of one of his own self inserts for his name which is cool but i feel like maybe i should explain further kazkyle is NOT my actual real irl boyfriend kaz x my oc named kyle. it is these two guys who are incredibly bad for each other but can't stop being so fucking attracted to one another
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kaz belongs to @crowtrobot
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toruro · 1 year
what if i died
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Remilia Flow
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adori-san · 2 months
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Hola a todos
Sé que estuve un largo (muy largo) tiempo sin subir contenido, muchas cosas en mi vida han cambiado... Sin embargo, decidí que sería bueno aprovechar que estoy de vacaciones para darle un cariñito a este bello fandom.
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broadway-sollux · 1 year
hello you funky little buzzbeast. would you kindly consider singing "I've Got Some Falling To Do" by the lemoned demon if youre up to it? thank you have an excellent night
thank2 for the reque2t anon.
now youve got 2ome lii2teniing two do ehehe.
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chilpilled · 2 months
laichi playing ffxiv au is so beautiful to me…..chilchuck lalafell laios hrothgar like the universe intended. i know chilchuck runs his fc like the navy and if anyone headpats his lalafell hes sending them death threats in general chat. laios is called something like stormbringer deathmountain and he only rps in character and also types out things like *roars* in chat. i also think laios has a gaming pc and chilchuck plays on a busted laptop using his trackpad but thats besides the point. they probably erp too but thats also besides the point. laios spends his monthly income on commissions of their characters kissing
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ehnrat · 8 months
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MurMys gets another and it’s Adori 👀 and Rhys’ full fit too :3c
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