#adult!jack marston
reddorkredemption · 1 year
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stupid red dead text posts - 7 / too many
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sleepyelliee · 5 months
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how john and abigail treat you after finding out you are dating their son. part two
before you continue !
GN reader, implied death of a loved one, AU where John and Abigail survive, brief mentions about the VDL gang, implied poverty on your side, 1914 Jack (nineteen years old.) loosely proofread, lmk if I miss a warning. no y/n, just 'you.'
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abigail took notice after a couple weeks of how her son's wardrobe drawers are practically empty. she knew that he was growing and maybe he threw some of his old clothes away to make space for the newer ones she hand stitches him - which is what Abigail Marston was trying to convince herself for a long time despite the fact that he has been coming home all giddy and smiley.
Abigail was concerned at first, she was afraid that he might be hanging out with the wrong group of people - or worse. She didn't want her son to be following the path that they were running from for years. Afterall, all these years of raising the young man she tried to teach him morals and respect for other folks, she hoped all that work she put into that boy's head did an impact on him.
John also took a notice couple weeks after when he realized that some of the ranch work hasn't been completely done, indicating that the attempt of doing the chores were half-assed. He noticed that his boy has been returning home later than usual with such a giddy smile too, and would immediately go to bed than talk about his day. This was quite unusual for Jack Marston since most days they have dinner together and Jack occasionally talks about how his day went.
As Abigail was setting dinner on the dining table, she decided to ask her son about this new found behavior she's been observing lately. "Jack?" She called out to the young man, "We need to talk to you, son." She muttered as her gaze fell onto her beloved husband, giving him a nod to continue with the conversation as she sets down the plates on the table.
"We...uh, noticed your behavior," John began, trying to bring this up in an appropriate way, "You've been all giddy and smiley, is there somethin' you want to tell us?" John questioned as his gaze was set on his son who was lying back on the couch with a book in his hand.
Both parents were quite nervous with his behavior, they didn't know if he was hanging out with someone he shouldn't because he hardly ever went out until recently. Normally, the young man only went out to grab new books at the library, run an errand for his mother or went hunting with his father.
They didn't expect how Jack set his book down and went on a whole rant about you. They were trying to prepare themselves for the worst, but with the smile he had on his face and the rosy cheeks that grew more and more red when he spoke about you only told that he was crushing on or in an relationship with you already.
Jack told them how you looked, your sweet personality and how you would look at him - sending the young man into a blushing mess when he would soon get excited to tell his parents about all the adventures you go on, your favorite things to do.
Even if he eats dinner with his parents, he just takes a bite and list another thing about you that seems almost never ending. When his mother asks about his missing shirts, he tells them your struggling financially and needed it. That's when his mother and father knew he was completely infuriated with you.
Soon with his continuous rambling about you for days, John asks jack to bring you over, which his son immediately agreed to.
The moment you walked through the front door, with your fingers interlocked with Jack's and his son was blushing and flashing reassuring looks at you, they immediately know that their son is completely in love with you.
When the Marston's had dinner with you for the very first time, you were quite nervous. Your boyfriends parents asked questions about you that you never thought of before. Normally most things that would run through your head whenever you were not with jack was about your financial situation, you didn't have time to dilly-dally and ponder on useless things when you needed to feed yourself instead.
But alias, you tried to keep being respectful and speak whenever your spoken too. Both Abigail and John noticed how you mostly answered in one word answers, indicating you weren't too much of a talker. Your focus wasn't on the conversation, it was mostly on the food you were eating - Jack stated thousands of times he wasn't rich, but the food you were used to eating was nothing like this.
So, as an attempt to carry on the conversation with his parents, you mutter a compliment on the food. "Miss, Marston..uhm, you cook well." You stammered, you never realized until now how awkward you probably sounded at this moment.
Abigail was taken back for a moment before thanking you, she surprised you since her mannerisms and how she spoke was very comforting and warm. But the fact that your borrowing her son's clothes worried her deeply inside already despite not knowing you for long - she wondered how life at home for you was.
John also added to the conversation, almost most certain that your the one for his boy despite the fact he took a notice to your one worded answers, it reminded of one of his pals when he used to run in the gang and who helped him build this ranch couple years back before he moved up into Canada.
Recently after this whole encounter, you found yourself being invited more often to the ranch you visited not to long ago. Jack spoke about how his parents thought you were a good influence, how both took a liking to you and wanted you to come by more often.
You never expected yourself to make such an impression but you didn't argue when Jack basically dragged you back to his house.
With your constant arrivals to his house, you started to take notice how Abigail became a mother you never had. She taught you how to sew, cook new recipes and was always concerned about you, she would always offer food, clothes or ask if you wanted to spend the night. Afterall, she enjoyed spending time with you - she claimed, which was the truth. Abigail thought you were very sweet despite your rough upcoming and how you always tried to be polite to her or John even if it wasn't needed at times.
John was observant about you and your small mannerisms, how you polite towards him and his wife and how you were eager to learn new things whenever you were with Abigail. He asked you if you had anything else you liked to do, trying to not proceed in the topic of your backstory and you replied that you liked smoking a cigarette occasionally. After this whole encounter, he always buys you a freshly packed cigarettes that was your favorite brand and would invite you to come smoke with him on the porch as he would talk about his old stories about running in a gang - scolding you to not fall into the same path he once led.
Both of them became a fan of you and would always ask you if you wanted to stay the night, causing Jack to look so excited because he gets to spend more time with you. In most cases you would decline, but somehow you found yourself wrapped in heavy, warm blankets and in Jack's arms in his room as he would mutter sweet praises of how your a beauty.
Sometimes the couple would even find you and Jack wrapped up together on the couch after a long, tiring day when you guys would go out to travel the region - your head resting on his chest as his fingers were running through the strands of your hair and his legs tangled with yours. In most cases, Jack's hat would be covering your face when they find you two. They would never try to interrupt or make you guys wake up, only making small teasing comments as they leave the living room.
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thank you so much for reading! please don't repost my work on any other platform, feel free to send any criticism! masterlist
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thedogslegart · 2 months
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Imagine the aftermath of the gang breaking down or Arthur's death for little Jack. He's young. He's confused. The bare sense of stability he had for the 4 short years of his life has just been violently uprooted. Maybe he keeps asking his parents where everyone is? When do they get to go home?? In the same innocent tone that he asked Arthur when they were gonna return to the camp in Blackwater. Perhaps Abigail tries to explain things in a way he'll understand, but at the end of the day he's still too young to grasp it.
Maybe the first time Jack asks where Uncle Arthur is, Abigail has to excuse them both from the room?? Because she knows John won't want his son seeing him breakdown or cry.
But he's a little kid, so he keeps asking. Where's uncle Arthur? Where's uncle Hosea? Where's uncle Dutch? He wants to go home (what home is there?) until the questions eventually just... stop.
Did everything sink in? Does he finally understand? Probably not. Abigail realizes that it's not Jack's curiosity starting to fade - it's his memory.
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tempting-andromeda · 7 months
we need a part 2 to Adult!Jack Marston hcs!!! :3
no worries if your not up for it, no pressure! <3
Jack Marston headcanons pt. 2
Chews and picks at his nails
And fiddled with the collars of his shirt
He has the dopest drunken grin
His eyes are half lidded and he looks so happy
But he’s just glad someone’s humoring him
Cannot cook for shit
Does not fall in love easily
Meeting him for the first time is definitely meeting a scrappy dog on the street
Eats with his hands a lot
Leans in when he talks to certain people
Like if he’s talking to you it starts with him sitting in a slouch but now he’s leaning over to hear you better
Says “what” even when he heard you
Always snifflin
Cannot stand the cold
He’s genuinely a sappy individual
And I think he has a stupid “huh huh huh” type of laugh
Stares off a lot
Especially when he’s drinking by himself
He gets into depressive episodes super easily
Cannot dance for the life of him butt I imagine his signature move is just an awkward finger gun movement
No part of this man can handle a casual relationship
He’s prepared for devotion!
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renslo161605 · 8 months
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John and Jack Marston WIP
I kinda died recently but heres a lil wip :))
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superunknoown · 5 months
au where jack marston has a daughter after the rdr1 epilogue and finally moves on from his past and lives his happy rancher/writer girldad life
And he names her Abigail too bc obviously
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skeetalz · 5 months
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Guess who got into the RDR fandom
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lohcness · 1 year
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ren456 · 9 months
I fuckimg hate that people keep comparing TLOU and RDR2 because it's just so stupid. there is no way you are gonna pit two of (possibly) the most brilliant story based video games of our time against eachother, as if the characters don't represent different aspects of what itmeans to be human.
stop arguing over whether joel or arthur would win in a fight. think about their similarities. do u not think they would bond over the grief they both carry for their lost children? how they avoid opening up to others, for fear of looking weak.
do you not think ellie and Jack wouldn't relate to eachother and finally be able to express the grief and anger and guilt they feel for being the ones who lived?
wouldn't Sadie and tess literally be best friends. I have no comparison for this, I just think they would tbh.
but come on. these characters are complex and not just black and white when it comes to who they are. and I can't have people just reducing their whole character arcs to the monkey brain thought process of "oH my character could beat your character in a fight!!". please
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slugough · 8 months
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Jack Marston takes a nap
Edit: I'm never going to get around to finishing this so if anyone wants to feel free! Would love to see it with colour and line work
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reddorkredemption · 4 months
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Even more rdr2 Jack gifs 'cause I'm unhinged.
Also, I went ahead and uploaded all of the full clips of the stranger missions to YouTube, so if you're interested in seeing that, here's a link. :)
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sleepyelliee · 5 months
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how john and abigail treat you after finding out your dating jack. part two.
before you continue!
GN reader, implied financial issues, brief mentions of the VDL gang, brief mention of injury, implied starvation and poverty. Jack is nineteen years old, Abigail and John survive AU. Implied malnourishment Loosely proofread, lmk if I missed anything. just 'you.'
thank you so much for the love on the last post!! lmk if you want me to write more of this series. part one.
One of my mutuals gave me this idea, so thank you so much @creamqueen <3.
puppy love trope implied with jack marston <3.
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Throughout the short period of knowing the marston family, you managed to make a name for yourself in that household. You were popular within the walls of the ranch because it seemed like the couple's lovestruck son didn't ever stay quiet about you, everyday either John or Abigail had to hear about how pretty you were, how you were such a sweetheart, the looks that you give him, and the list seemed to go on without a stop.
Abigail and John both enjoyed your company in that small amount of time of meeting them couple weeks back. Abigail basically became the mother you never had due to her wanting to teach you everything and anything because you were never able to experience that growing up. She loved the sweet mannerisms that would escape your lips whenever you thanked her for something she would've considered small - hand sewing your clothes, fixing up old clothes that had holes in them, teaching you new recipes and she adored whenever you would compliment her food, knowing you aren't as lucky as most, causing her to insist on giving you more food because your small and malnourished body always makes her heart break.
She was also grateful that her son managed to find someone sweet as you, she was afraid that the morales and respectful demeanor she stuck into that boy's head would've gone to waste on someone who was a bad influence. Afterall, she didn't want her son to be following the same path they were running away from for years.
John was no different to you, he was carrying towards you in his own way, he would back up his beloved wife when they tried to convince you to stay over, always buying freshly new packed cigarettes for you and invites you out on the porch as he would tell you old stories of running in a gang - scolding you in the process not to make the same mistakes he did. He smuggles... insists giving you money whenever he would shove it in the pocket of your coat whenever Abigail would fix up your clothes, he knew that you needed it more to keep yourself stable because you'll decline the money otherwise. John decides to set up a room for you in the attic without telling you and gets his beloved wife's opinion aswell as the pair would decorate the room and put things you were lacking - warm blankets, couple of snacks, shoes, clothes and whatever else jack tells them that you needed at the moment.
Both parents also took notice of how Jack no longer called you by your first name. Anytime he spoke about you at dinner, he would call you sweetheart, love, darling, honey or anything that came to his mind that caused his cheeks to grow a rosy red.
He was excited for you to see the room they set up for you, it meant that you finally you have a chance to relax and enjoy a fully cushioned bed without having to worry about bills or food. It also meant that he gets to see you more often and spend more time with you.
He knows that your not fully moved in yet, but the thought of you staying here for a couple of nights makes the young man excited, Afterall he misses you whenever your not around.
When you found yourself on the property that belonged to the Marston's once again, you were learning back in the chair as your boyfriends father spoke about his past, mentioning couple members of the gang he used to run in. He slipped a pack of cigarettes to you like he does normally, insisting that you should take one or more.
You don't know how you found yourself smoking cigarettes as the cold wind blew against you to Jack showing the new room they are allowing you to stay in for however you'll like with a big grin on his face - excited that your going to stay over for a couple more nights than just one.
It still didn't change the fact that his arms were wrapped tightly against you, his nose buried deep in your neck as he muttered reassuring words, hoping you'll accept the offer as you two laid down on the small bed, squished together making the proximity closer.
Most cases whenever you stayed over, Jack would either be in the room that is considered yours or you'll be in his. You two would sleep until Jack would wake you up, hearing Abigail scold both of you through the door, stating that it's late and breakfast is already cold. Depending on the gunslingers mood, sometimes he would smart-mouth his mother just to hold you longer, causing him to get scolded more.
You two would help John with ranch work, he would always try to impress you in some type of way or both of you would get distracted and his father would scold you both.
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thank you so much for reading! please do not repost my work on any other platform, reblogs and likes are very appreciated! <3. masterlist
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thedogslegart · 1 month
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(Edit. Re did Jack's pic)
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jjmbbg · 10 months
depressing/sad hcs about jack marston
(let's ignore my lil obsession w him ok)
tw: self harm and mentions of s*icide, discretion is requested and recommended
• okay, it's canon that jack marston is an anxious and depressive mf.
• so if you think about it deeply, chances are high that he has self-harmed or thought about it.
• maybe not with cuts, maybe burning with cigarettes, scratching until he sees blood, picking fights to get hit, etc. this would be after the death of his parents.
• when he was a 14-16 yr old he would pull his hair or hit the back of his head on the wall of his room when he felt insufficient.
• as he has said, he no longer has anything to live for.
• so he clearly never cared if he suffered or not.
• because there is no greater suffering than having lost your loved ones and being left alone for the rest of your pathetic life.
• he has nightmares about the day his father dies, and when he wakes up he couldn't go back to sleep.
• and that would cause insomnia.
• he hates seeing wild feverfews because it reminds him of the ones he left on his mother's grave.
• hates wearing his father's clothes, but he doesn't plan to spend his money on buying clothes, so he ends up wearing them.
• sometimes he sleeps in his parents' bed to feel their presence nearby.
• it stopped doing it a long time ago.
• would have thought about committing s*icide.
• would have failed miserably to try.
• will have spent years trying to find some reason to live.
• and by the time he would have found a reason, it would be too late.
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tempting-andromeda · 11 months
Jack marston Headcanons pt.1
Literally no one asked for this??? But I want him so bad
Real distant in the beginning on the relationship.
Doesn’t talk about his feelings but one day he just…realized that you’ve stayed and he’s been stubborn and he hesitantly just starts talking
Likes lounging in bed with you while doing your own things
He struggles with telling you he wants to cuddle or anything of the sort so he just awkwardly lets his elbow graze you and hopes that’s enough
If you don’t understand him he doesn’t go out of his way to tell you
He just gets irritated and he knows it’s bad he just doesn’t know what to do
He’s his fathers son so he apologizes the same way
It’s just mostly him degrading himself
“Listen I know I’m a fool…a real piece of work…and I’m…Im sorry.”
He struggles with his love languages so it’s kinda a bit of everything
He gets you a nice shirt and just leaves it on the table and never brings it up if you don’t
He likes cuddling with you and if he could he’d lay with you for hours
He’s stayed in bed for far too long just holding you
Will wordlessly do your chores like pinning the clothes even if you’re living with him or not
I think his main one is quality time though
He could do anything if you’re by his side
If you don’t stay with him he gets too embarrassed handing you things to give gifts so he just sends them though the mail
Once almost said “I love you” and he looked terrified by his words
He meant it he just didn’t feel like it was the right time
Liked tracing patterns over your arms or back
Hesitant to be little spoon but he enjoys it
Likes to let you sleep in while he gets ready
Sometimes he finds himself thinking waaay too far ahead into the future with you like he’s planning names and in his mind you guys already have the heights measured on the door
And he realizes that he’s fantasizing way to much he gets embarrassed to look at you
Gets nervous when you show him affection because apart of him just wants you to break up with him now to get the heart break over with
Needs reassurance a lot
Likes to have “what if” talks or “in the future talks”
Wants to name his daughter after his mother
You had to make most of the moves besides the first kiss
The first kiss was mostly adrenaline on his part and he couldn’t help himself
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