#adulting is hell
bomberqueen17 · 2 years
kitchen remodel saga part 1?
I don’t know if I’ve posted about this already but Dude and I are going to get the kitchen of our house remodeled. It’s original to the house, it’s from 1950, it’s very dated, the cabinets were very high-end and remain lovely, being real wood and all, but are starting to have hardware failures. We had to replace the stove and fridge already, the sink faucet is starting to go, the sink sprayer broke, the linoleum floor is damaged in a couple of places, it’s got yellow wallpaper, it’s just-- gotta get redone. Right? Right.
We don’t know how much that costs so we don’t know how much to budget. We don’t know any contractors, of course. We don’t really know what we’re looking for. So Dude asked around. A coworker had just had his kitchen done, and recommended a place. So we went there.
Before we came in for a meeting with the specialist, she had us write down anything we really cared about. What do I know about interior design? Nothing, but I do know what I do and don’t like, in a kitchen. I only had a few things I wanted to note down.
The first thing on the list was, no stone countertops. They’re ugly, I think, but more than that, they’re prone to staining, they need special cleaning I think, they’re not *that* heat proof, they’re so hard that anything you set down too hard breaks, they’re so heavy you need special cabinets to hold them and a special process to make them level-- just, in every single way, they’re what I hate about current fashion. So I went in with a bulletproof rock-solid (ha) number one: No stone countertops.
Heh. This place only offers stone countertops. The choices of countertop surface were quartz, granite, marble, or quartzite.
“Okay how about not stone, though,” I tried, and probably I should have just walked out, because the answer was, only stone.
But. Dude was like. Let’s at least get a quote. We gotta start somewhere. But what is the point, I ask you, of getting a quote for a thing you do not want? Stone countertops mean you gotta have special cabinets and a special process to make them level and like none of that is going to apply in any way at all if we go with a laminate or butcher block countertop like we wanted. Like, it’s not even going to be the same kind of cabinets.
(Also, I was like, “i don’t like those microwaves that are supposed to act as range hoods, I don’t think they do a good job, I’d rather just have one on a shelf.” “Oh,” she said, “it’ll have to go on a countertop.” “... No,” I said, “I’d like one on a shelf, there’s never enough counter space and we’re both tall enough to reach a shelf, that would work better for me.” She stared at me. “You can’t put a microwave on a shelf,” she said, “your only other option is to put it in a drawer.” “You can’t put a microwave on a shelf,” I said, flat with disbelief; I grew up with a microwave on a shelf, two of my sisters have microwaves on shelves, I cannot think of a single reason on God’s green fucking earth that you could not put a microwave on a shelf, unless there is some newly-enacted law prohibiting it??? “Right,” she said. “But drawer microwaves are the thing now! We have one in the display upstairs, go check it out.” We dutifully trooped over to the display. It was in fact a drawer, that slid into the kitchen island and somehow was also a microwave. It was hideous, it looked impossible to clean, it was a steam-burn-accident waiting to happen, and it was two thousand dollars. “I will die before I get a drawer microwave,” I said, and we said to her, much more politely, “No, thanks, we don’t want a drawer microwave.” and inwardly resolved to have a shelf installed and maybe a power outlet put near it and we’d just put the microwave on our shelf ourselves and maybe the authorities wouldn’t find out.)
We had this specialist come to our house, which I wasn’t wild about, but okay, she could measure the room at least, get some idea of what we already have. We have a few pieces of furniture we’ve put in, a stainless steel counter and a wooden buffet sideboard thing, to hold all our dishes and give us some workspace since the existing kitchen had like two square feet of counter, so we pointed those out to her, and said we were planning to get rid of those. And we pointed out the table, where we eat, since we don’t have a dining room. And we explained that we wanted the half-wall to go, since it was sort of passe, we felt, to divide the kitchen proper from the dinette-- just make the whole thing kitchen, and get rid of the awkward corner cabinets. Cool cool, all on the same page, no problem.
So we went in yesterday to see her rendering. And I liked the look of it, it was nice to see the kitchen laid out a little differently. She hadn’t changed much, the stove and fridge were in the same place, sink in the same place, fine and dandy, didn’t mind that.
I didn’t actually notice right away, but as she was finished showing us the last wall, Dude was like “... where do we eat?”
She gave us a blank look. “Oh,” she said, “well, in the dining room.”
we don’t have a dining room. Our house is quite small. The next room is the living room, and has just enough room for a sectional couch, a coffee table, an armchair, and a couple of small bookshelves. There’s no room for a dining table there, not unless we ditch everything but the sectional.
Also she’d put in a drawer microwave. “I mean,” she said, “you don’t have to go with that, it’s just, it’ll take up so much room on this counter...”
“We could put it in the dining room,” I said, sotto voce, to Dude.
This is my new personal meme. Anything I don’t have room for can just go be in the dining room, where I’ll eat, since there’s no room in this kitchen for a table.
Sorry, but are eat-in kitchens illegal now too??????????????
I feel like even rich people eat in their kitchens sometimes???? what’s wrong with a kitchen table???
I am feeling like my way of life is under attack here, not gonna lie. Is the kitchen table no longer sacred???
also, insult to injury, or injury to insult, my dang sister who i was helping move has a new house that has a slate floor in the kitchen which is fucking terrible and now my phone is dead from getting knocked off the counter onto that slate floor so i am like even more wildly dead-set on an Absolutely No Stone Surfaces In My House vendetta and yet again we have confirmed, this place can only sell us countertops made out of stone and I will not have stone surfaces in my house i am too clumsy and will fucking break myself and everything i own for the love of god i will not compromise on this but like
i don’t know, i am losing faith
please don’t let me end up spending more on a kitchen remodel than on my undergraduate education only to wind up with nowhere to eat and stone countertops upon which i instantly shatter my skull, please no
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lesbianralzarek · 4 months
"life doesnt get better, you just get stronger" does NOT include ages 11-17. life does in fact just get better from there. those years are dogshit. like, you do get stronger but its mostly just a factor of not being 11-17 anymore. positive thinking helps but it doesnt fix whatevers going on at 15, you have to brute force through that one raw
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cutiesaibooties · 3 months
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i hope I'm cute enough for you
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roseforviolet · 2 months
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june-harper · 26 days
I made a special discount just for you because i'm horny af 😇 i'm also sending you a free vid when you sub to my page 💖
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I need to sit on your face now
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