msclaritea · 3 months
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I knew he was a genocidal maniac, and a Rightwing symbol, especially after seeing trolls repeat, and nauseum, for years that "THANOS WAS RIGHT! THANOS WAS RIGHT!"
But even knowing most characters in Marvel are based on old myths, I didn't dwell on it. Until yesterday, when I saw this:
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Wolf imagery. The video posted was full of wolves. That's when I decided to look closer. Playing around with the letters in the name, I first stopped on SONTHA, which is both Hindu and the name of one family from Ayrshire, Scotland.
But then, I tried SONATH, and bingo:
The name Somnath is of Indian origin, specifically from Sanskrit. It is derived from the combination of two words: "Soma," meaning moon, and "Nath," meaning lord or protector. Therefore, Somnath can be interpreted as "Lord of the Moon" or "Protector of the Moon."
https://parenting.firstcry.com › mea...
Thanos is basically a Dropped Letter Cypher.
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"Symbolism of Wolves in Hinduism
Jackals, however, are associated with certain fierce deities like Bhairava (Shiva), Kāli, and Tara. Most of the time they are shown in the ..."
I spoke with Aeltrileaf about all of this. Well, we had a long discussion. She believed Thanos to be based on Thanatos, the Hindu equivalent of Yama, God of Death:
Thanatos, in ancient Greek religion and mythology, the personification of death. Thanatos was the son of Nyx, the goddess of night, and the brother of Hypnos, the god of sleep. He appeared to humans to carry them off to the underworld when the time allotted to them by the Fates had expired.
https://www.britannica.com › topic
Thanatos | Death, Personification & God - Britannica
My personal choice was still Shiva, due to other similarities...the Purple, the Wolves, etc. I did acknowledge that the Hindu and Greek might be related. It's too much of a coincidence that Thanatos is associated with Night and sleep and SOMNATH is too. Aeltrileaf hit on it, saying that Greek is Indo-European, so if you go back far enough, there is overlap. I think at some point, Thanatos got reversed to Somnath, or vice versa.
She said, "The Babylonian equivalent of Soma was called SIN, also a 🌙 deity." The deities are intertwined:
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It's basically all Death Cult stuff. Now, who exactly were they advertising, while pushing Thanos, AGAIN, just last night:
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Scientology has been bending over backwards, to rehabilitate Jonathan Majors, just so he doesn't lose the Kang role. Also spammed under Thanos was Homelander, The Joker, Darth Vader., and of course, Scarlet Witch. I've said for a long time, the rule of thumb with these groups is relentlessly advertising who they control, or are associated with, under certain tags.
You know, IF Thanos makes some sort of comeback in the upcoming round of Marvel films, fine. But people should be aware of what inspired him.
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aeltri · 1 year
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jerseydeanne · 2 years
Crybabies! LOL
thanks Ael
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doctortwhohiddles · 3 years
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I genuinely don't know what's worst, Aeltri horrendous transphobic post or the Gatorshit's response. I'm left speechless at the depth she'll go in order to trash Sophie. This is just disgusting, there's no other way to describe this. To associate trans kids to the devil is beyond the pale. And Gatorshit just goes "Will somebody think of the children" instead of calling out her pal disgusting post. It shouldn't be surprising since she reblogged a post from Aeltri saying thst mentally ill people should be sterilized by force.
For the record, gender identity is innate, not acquired. You can't force a child to identify to the wrong gender. That's not how it works. And needless to say, trans kids aren't possessed by the devil or mentally ill.
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benedictinelove · 2 years
A Challenge
Just for any 'Skeptics' who might be reading my blog: I just sent your Queen Gatorfisch an Ask, in which I challenged her to a debate regarding her supposed evidence on either one of our blogs. I told her she didn't have the balls and that she was a filthy liar.
If she doesn't take me up on it, I will continue to assume that she's full of shit and that you are all gullible fools. Thanks for reading, and do let dear Patty know I'm waiting.
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legionnaireslover · 4 years
So this sounds lovely...(from the Daily Mail)
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... how long do you think it will be before -
1) Aeltri declares it was a "Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) ceremony" and... OMG! there's a checkered floor at the wedding venue! And by using the word "pageboys" it's a signal there were children sacrificed! PROOF that Sophie is a Satanist!!!
2) Gator insists her secret sources told her Sophie's "team" bribed the DM journos to print this and Disney allowed it because it's part of her contract ending "THE SHAM"!! Now this article is PROOF they were NEVER MARRIED and the BIG SPLIT ANNOUNCEMENT IS COMING ANY DAY NOW!!!!
3) Annashipper will say it's just PR shilling!!! (even though he isn't promoting anything at the moment).
4) Jazziesb will weep uncontrollably and insist that the 2 oldest Cumberbatch children COULDN'T have been pageboys because there ARE NO CHILDREN and Ben has NEVER had SEX with Sophie!!! The mentioned kids were RENTED!
5) There WILL be a nasty BLIND ITEM about this on CDAN saying that everyone had a miserable time and Ben wasn't really there and how come the third son wasn't a pageboy (even though he's way too young to participate - every etiquette site going recommends NO child under 3 participate!)! It will be revealed within 2 days and Gator will say "That was FAST! - COUGH!".
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Anyway, congrats to the happy couple and it sounds like a beautiful time was had by all (except for the Haters, of course!).
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richaldis · 5 years
The more I think about it, the more I'm convinced that aeltrileaf is a role playing offshoot of Scottish Twitter.
Let's look at the evidence.
Constant swearing
Occassional use of the word shite followed by crude impersonations of a London accent.
An obsession with Freemasonry - still prominent in some areas of Scotland, he/she was probably slighted by a member.
An obsession with the Isle of Wight- well I mean who in the wilds of Scotland where even small towns are being taken over by Costa and Subway wouldn't hanker for the eternal 1950s summer of the Isle of Wight
You know I'm right, my sources are impeccable
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tinfoil-hat-brigade · 6 years
My favorite part was when Sophie announced she'll get pregnant again dramatically and was dragged out of a tent. All that was missing was a mustache twirl and a maniacal laugh--maybe that giggle counts.
I know, wasn’t that hilarious??? Aeltri really has quite a bizarre imagination, doesn’t she? She must have watched way too many cartoons as a child.
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shit-bc-haters-say · 7 years
Well, Aeltri and Gator just revealed the depth of their anti Semitism by linking to an article by a famous Anti Semite. It's time to take these monsters down, figuratively.
And there we have it. Gator proved her racist card a few years back by reblogging racist memes on her blog. So colour me completely unsurprised that she, and her puppet master Aeltrileaf, are antisemitic. So tell me, the rest of the SGBs, we already know about your self hatred sad internalised misogyny, are we to tag you as antisemites and racists too?
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thequietone0008 · 7 years
I like TUMBLR and its adherents Most here come with a distinct attitude of live and let live and a determination to share each others common ground whenever possible . It gets us by and there’s a sense that while others may not respond they are at least trying to be tolerant
NOPE found out I am slightly WRONG about that. For some bizarre reason it seems that there’s more than a few with nothing better to do than become Cyber bullies and stalkers to high profile ppl. You’ve all seen them . They call themselves Skeptics they of so much higher intellect and acumen than the rest of us ninnies.
Their focus? Their raison d'etre ? Nothing but the sheer inability to process one simple fact EVERYONE celebrities included deserves to have a private life to which those on the outside should EXPECT to be banned from.
Who someone marries or doesn’t, how much you like/trust/hate/admire/loathe/adore/suspectofbeingablackmailer – NONE OF THAT IS ONE BIT RELEVANT TO YOU as a ‘fan’ esp.
GET OFF OF THIS SITE NOW if most of your posts are themed around negative salicious gossip and slander of ANYONE. This is NOT the spirit we wanted to cultivate here.
You Destiel people and Larries etc as well . You’re believing YOUR DELUSIONAL FANFICS STOP IT
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isnarkazoid · 6 years
This one's been percolating for months mostly because I don't have WiFi at home and can't be bothered to take my PC into work (and my hospital's been busy at night!) So here goes an epic rant using 1 finger-(not the middle one) Skeptics So-let me get this straight. A man who has faced death 4 times- Left outside in the freezing cold as a baby by his sister IRA bomb went off close to his home when he was a kid- close enough to temporarily affect his hearing Lost in Darjeeling in the mountains with altitude sickness, no food, and inadequate equipment and clothing Kidnapped in South Africa. At one point had a duvet covering his eyes and a gun to the back of his head. At another point was in the trunk with a gun trained on it and his friends telling one of the kidnappers not to shoot him. This guy is afraid of his wife and the mother of his children? Of not working again? Of his friends? "Blackmail"? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Even better- a picture of little Christopher is really a picture of a little girl named Luna Mae despite the tot displaying Benedict's Cupid-bow lip and Sophie's eyes. But no - the lip has been photoshopped, don't you know. Or maybe he was a mechanical doll. Lady Kinvara Balfour is really a nasty sort who is in on the blackmailing, using, whatever. Everyone up to the Queen is trafficking young children. Or-Lady Kinvara Balfour was Ben's true love until evil Sophie faked a pregnancy! Seriously guys- get a friggin' life. And yes-I'm gonna keep reading. It's like a 34 car wreck and I don't have to pay for the National Enquirer!
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jerseydeanne · 4 years
Aeltrileaf submits: Frank Pavone: No, Biden has not won Presidency
Aeltrileaf submits: Frank Pavone: No, Biden has not won Presidency
[contentcards url=”https://www.pscp.tv/w/1yNGaBbWqNQJj?t=1m19s&s=09″ target=”_blank”]
View On WordPress
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doctortwhohiddles · 3 years
And to the surprise of absolutely no one, Aeltri is siding with Russia 🙄.
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benedictinelove · 3 years
The Stink From Sewage Corner
Just had a peek at Gatorfisch's blog. My goodness the Anon *cough* Aeltrileaf and Claritea *cough* hate is off the charts today.
The overuse of the tern "cunt" is really flying over there, which indicates to me that they're triggered because Sophie is being shown at Benedict's side an awful lot these past few weeks.
Gatorfisch, who said she doesn't wish death on Sophie, is really pushing the 'Sophie's dying' line with unholy glee today. Never mind that Sophie Cumberbatch looks hale and healthy and happy, nooooooooo..."she's skeletal!" "I've seen all the signs!" "she's wasting away!" by Gatorfisch tells us how she really feels-that she'd be the first once to get up and dance. Gatorfisch, Aeltrileaf, and Crazytea are ugly soulless bitches to wish for a wife and mother's death just because she's married to their wank fantasy. I hope they rot.
Meanwhile, back in Normaltown Benedict's real fans, derided as 'Nannies,' are enjoying all the new pics of Benedict and Sophie and all the lovely videos. Nobody around these parts is analyzing every frame of video. Nobody is looking for signs of non-existent illness or non-existent cries for help. Nobody here is hating on a woman who's done nothing to harm anyone, which only makes you a LOSER. If watching all this happiness makes me an Uber-Nanny, sign me the fuck up. I'll take it all day over being a Tinhat.
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legionnaireslover · 4 years
Next time the Haters want to feed CDaN a Blind Item they should wait until they get their lies straight.
They were in such a rush to send something into Enty they included all the WRONG INFO about the covid restrictions because at the time that's what they were touting as the "scandal" part of this gossip.
Then of course THAT was quickly debunked and they were left sputtering about how the use of an ambulance was "crass"!
But Enty was already going with the misinformation about the wedding size allowed at the time. And of COURSE no one at that site did a lick of work and they just ran with what the Haters were saying!
As a result the BI isn't on point about the LATEST Hater narrative - that BC wasn't even at the wedding and the whole DM mention is FAKE.
So now Enty is (in a way) CONFIRMING that indeed BC WAS at the wedding! But now Haters are pretty well towed the party line that THE DM ARTICLE IS FAKE PR and BC wasn't there at all so where does that leave Enty's story??
ENTY looks like a FOOL totally depending on the Haters for information with his WRONG story about the allowed wedding gathering AND the over-anxious Haters jumped the gun on submitting the BI and then had to change their attack against Ben, Sophie and her family, going with "It's a FAKE!" in direct conflict with Enty's tale!
Tisk! Tisk! The wicked webs they weave!
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richaldis · 5 years
Oh no, I'm going to a party at a conceptual artist's house tonight. There's probably going to be blood sacrifices, drugs and satanism. Well no, the most dangerous thing there will be the (clearly labelled) peanuts and non vegan food in the kitchen.
We'll probably end up in her conservatory playing snooker and talking about the yellow book open gardens scheme.
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