yukitscne · 6 years
@aeqcitas ・゚✧ continued from ★
     Oh no, he’d been compromised! Ryota on top of him, unable to move whatsoever, and being questioned about the last box of pocky. There was only one option left, and it was the easiest of the lot.      That last box of pocky was his.      ‘I’ll never tell,’ Yuki huffed. ‘There’s no way I’m ever gonna tell you where it is. Besides, I hid it somewhere you’ll never find it.’ Such a good hiding spot, in fact, that Yuki sorely hoped that he wouldn’t forget where he’d hidden it either, lest the last box of pocky be lost forever.
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digitalfcte · 6 years
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“Oh?” the small mythical animal had simply just climbed to her shoulder.
She was surprised to get this kind of attention from it. She thought she would just be ignored. “So you’re piloting me I guess, okay. We could invade the kitchen then.”
@aeqcitas [Fou]
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fakepriest · 6 years
Little Caren was told that her father's birthday was today, and in preparation for this very day, she had been busy working on several projects to give to him as a present. Both items had been placed into a bag that the small child was eagerly holding out to him. "Happy Birthday Papa! I made everything myself!" Inside would be a handmade card, complete with somewhat illegible handwriting, some pretty designs and glitter EVERYWHERE. After the card would be a thick woven scarf... [1/2]
[2/2] …which appeared to also be hand-made, with parts of the scarf that seemed very neat and even, and other parts that were chunky and not as evenly spaced as the others. “Mama helped me with the scarf! You can wear it when you go to work so you’ll have us go with you now!” She smiles warmly, beaming at him in complete happiness. She hopes that her father likes his present!
happy birthday shitty man who is not shitty in this particular ask because i love this au! 6/?
There is no huge celebration for his birthday, nor does he wish for such a thing. This man is not the most sociable person by any means, after all: the most they do is hosting a dinner with his immediate family, a quiet affair with a birthday cake at the end, as it is custom.
Making a bigger deal  than it needs to be is not in his character–however, a certain someone seems to be far more enthusiastic about it than him, and has been for quite a few years: as soon as she learned what one does for a birthday, or what a birthday is, really.
It obviously happens each year, and in the end he does look forward to receiving those. Gifts from both of them.
As soon as she approaches her father, who is sitting quietly in the living room, the man extends his arm towards her, and takes the small bag from her arms.
“Why, thank you. You did, hmm?” He takes out the birthday card first, on which he is sure, from what little he can tell, that something like ‘buon complenanno papa’ (misspellings are still acceptable for now, and one would even say endearing) is written. However, he makes the mistake of laying his hand on the card, and Kirei is pretty sure it shall have to be washed ten times -at the very least- to remove the incredible amount of glitter now left.
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Inside the bag he finds the actual present: for a completely unknown reason, there is some sparkles on the scarf as well. Truly a mystery he has no wish to investigate.It is handmade, and a more experienced touch can clearly be seen in most sections of the garment–however, the ones done by the child are still quite well done for her age. He has every intention of using it.
It is with a slow gesture that he drapes the scarf around his neck, immediately putting it to good use (ignoring how warm it actually is in the house), before swiftly picking his daughter up,  placing her on his knees and proceeding to smear some glitter on her cheeks as well. With nonchalance, of course.
“It is very nice.”
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twotailshakes · 6 years
aeqcitas replied to your post: “So… I have to PAY to be your friend?” - from...
sombra vc: but where’s the fun in that? Boring :T
“Gettin’ laid also ain’t boring, and doesn’t mean I’m sitting here wondering if I gotta leave my nice damn whiskey behind.”
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excineris-a-blog · 6 years
🐝- Favorite season? - ♥
( mun questions / accepting / @aeqcitas )
my favorite season is spring! i’m biased tho because my birthday is in spring
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subparsanta-a · 6 years
aeqcitas replied to your post: Casually retrieves a heart out of her sack and...
Jack: [ watches Santa eagerly from a distance ]
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Pulls another heart from her sack and offers it to Jack. “Would you like to partake with me, Jack?”
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Max is in a perfect spot right now. He's lying in bed with her, with his queen curled into his side and his fingertips gently brushing the top of her arm. The birds are chirping outside the window and the sun is beginning to rise, coloring the sky in a variety of colors. He's been laying beside her all night as she slept, occupying himself with idle thoughts and the chance to watch her beautiful face. He hasn't moved so he won't disrupt her sleep. He loves her too much to wake her unnecessarily.
That little touch to her arm draws her in closer, snuggling up against the omnic in her sleep, absent to the world, but comfortable and peaceful. There’s mercy in her sleep. Well, most days. 
More often than not, there are nightmares, a plague, a reminder of the woman buried deep inside that perfect wrapper of alabaster skin and deadly accuracy. They haunt her. From deep within those suppressed parts of her mind, Amelie cries out, claws her way to the surface for a few moments here and there, and she leaves the sniper feeling confused and broken whenever it happens. 
But there are no nightmares there now. 
Another shift, and she slowly opens golden eyes to find the familiar and comforting faceplates of her companion through a sleepy little haze.
This is not her bed. It’s his, and for once she doesn’t mind waking up in someone else’s bed. Hell, usually she doesn’t even spend the night. This was different. 
Dinner. A movie. A nice, long bath. And rest. He had brought her the most supple of silk teddies for her to slip into, and the satin sheets, sheets she was certain he did not need, were so refreshing and luxurious that she felt as if she was back home, in her own bed, surrounded by the luxury of her Chateau. 
“You’re still here.”
Her hair is a mess, and she’s sleepy as hell, but there is a softness and gentleness to her that even Maximilien has never seen until now.
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dranridire · 6 years
aeqcitas replied to your post: “Whose idea was it to summon Assassin of Black?...
jack vc: [ sticks out tongue and pulls down her bottom eyelids to make a face at Mordred ]
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“you’re fucking dead, kid.” 
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salvatcrem · 6 years
@aeqcitas replied to your post: @subparsanta replied to your post: outofmana;    ...
[ Jack is adorable and steals everyone’s hearts but then eats them to survive >:) Smol servant not to be messed with LOL ]
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[ Jack is a servant that should not be messed with no matter how cute she is. Though I imagine any servant is capable if desperate enough or of the ‘evil’ alignment. If has a master that can’t compensate for the lack of mana regardless of method. ]
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fleetingpetals · 6 years
dekirukoto replied to your post: add semiramis
aeqcitas replied to your post: people are trying to enable me into adding...
[ do it do it do it ]
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yukitscne · 6 years
it’s been so long! ・゚✧ @aeqcitas (for ryota)
Maybe it was his fault that he hadn’t been in contact with his brethren. When he went to the Kitsune Realm it was either for an easy way to get from one place to the next, or to see one very specific person. And with all the friends he had it was difficult for Yuki to keep in contact with all of them; he had to admit that he had been spending less time with some of those that he did enjoy the company of.      Of all the kitsune Yuki had thought he’d see while on the streets of Japan (shamelessly looking at sweets, to consider what the fox should take after hours), Ryota hadn’t been one of them.      Once the initial surprise had worn off, Yuki chased after the other, maneuvering around people as to not lose his friend.      ‘Ryota!’ Yuki beamed once he’d caught the attention of his friend. And, in a gesture that was certainly not like Yuki at all - not as far as Ryota was concerned - he put his arms around the other in a friendly hug. ‘It’s been too long!’
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This was too much, ever since he had been summoned as the Monkey King he felt bullied by this master. A fucking nun of all things. Today was the one he would set the record straight.
"Hey, you." unrespectfully, he came to her, standing in front of her with his manly frame. "You need to know, I'm a pretty badass guy, so hum, you can't go make me look bad. And I'm here, I'm here to protect you and all so I could use some respect, you know."
@aeqcitas (Caren Ortensia)
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son-of-pendragon · 6 years
"Mordred, have you ever wanted to kiss someone so badly before that you were just impatiently staring at them?" Astolfo is grinning at the other male from across the table, his chin cradled in his hands. [ For the 'have you ever__ meme! :D ]
“Maybe,” he admitted, managing to keep it together while blushing pinker than Astolfo’s hair. “But you know me – I don’t think too much about things.” It was a half-truth; he didn’t think about things too much with the people he was closest to… Astolfo included.
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Then he leaned across the table to press a soft kiss to the Rider’s mouth.
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fakepriest · 6 years
aeqcitas replied to your post: Thank God he cannot be subjected to Valentine’s...
caren: presents him with mapo tofu as his valentine’s day gift what now punk
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Stares at with those unfeeling, dead eyes of his.
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Decides to pat her on the head to disorient and unsettle her as much as possible.
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anikiex · 6 years
  “My darling nee-chan is showing off all the...
Astolfo vc: Oooh you too, master? So forward~
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He is just going to hold one of Astolfo’s hands and gently massage her knuckles with his fingertips while giving him a playful look. “When I’m around such brave and confident servants like you, isn’t it natural to be influenced by them to be bold~?”
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subparsanta-a · 6 years
aeqcitas replied to your post: ❝It appears we are incompatible due to your nature...
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