missiodei · 2 years
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lordtonic · 1 year
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you’re 2 guys? okay, which ones patrick and which ones spongebob.
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huahualania · 2 years
i want everyone to know i am utterly entranced by domino's negative emotional aura
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damnthatsnasty · 2 years
Characters that would spit in their partner's mouth, if they're into that ofc:
Aessyr Jaxxon Ymir Leeiam
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faerielandtrolls · 2 years
↕ Trifio and Aessyr (7')
Wheezing this would make Trifio short circuit
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missiodei · 2 years
🧸 UM ONE MORE ONLY IF U HAVE TIME BUT FOR AESSYR and its one of those big round tigers w like little balls lol
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He does not deserve this kinda ammo.
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missiodei · 2 years
I need ride the line and vibe check STAT SIR
Drop me a character name and I’ll reveal my muse’s heart...
Ride the Line
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: (purely aesthetic appreciation of looks) 💗💗💗💗💗
He loves a fellow man in uniform and even his off duty attire he can admire. Big fan of the leather on him especially; loves staring at his piercings and likes the cocky lil grin he's always wearing even if it makes him mad.
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: (how close a friend they consider them) 💗💗💗
Listen... He would not ever call Havero his friend BUT Havero knows more about him than anyone and if that's not gay and friendly I don't know what is.. He DOES consider Havero to be close to him.. Close enough that he's had thoughts like "If he ever leaves/betrays me I'll have to kill him and not just off principle... 🤨He knows too much.."
SEXUAL DESIRE: (wanting to have sex with them) 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗
Havero is so good at getting him riled up and he will die MAD about it.
ROMANTIC INTENT: (hoping for a romantic relationship) 💗💗💗💗💗
Everybody point and laugh at Clay cause he got caught slip slidin in his feelings. He won't let me elaborate further.
Vibe Check
VISUAL ATTRACTIVENESS: (purely aesthetic appreciation of looks) 💗💗💗💗💗
He's complaining about his silly little cat fits, socks and goofy ass shirts but he likes it he thinks Kitten looks good in them.. He thinks his glowy skin huge fangs and splayed out hair is so cute but he will pose his compliments as insults. smh
FRIENDSHIP LEVEL: (how close a friend they consider them) 💗💗💗💗💗
Kitten got access to his baby pics... They buddies. And it's true Aessyr does indulge Kitten's cravings for cartoon marathons and even his outfit requests for him to put on (or rip off). He certainly does enjoy Kitten's company I think he genuinely would be bored if it wasn't for him and Domino.
SEXUAL DESIRE: (wanting to have sex with them) 💗💗💗💗💗
... Aessyr is constantly thinking about having his face buried between Kitten's legs smh.
ROMANTIC INTENT: (hoping for a romantic relationship) 💗💗💗💗
He likes what they got going on and that says a lot. LOL He really doesn't get attached to folks but it's true Kitten FEEDS his ego so badly and he does like spending time with him so..
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missiodei · 2 years
And also Aessyr: 👽💀🛌🍳🧿♠️🔱
Make this qu!ck..
👽- What is your stance on aliens? Should they be treated just like mutants?
Al!ens? They have those here? Shouldn't they be k!lled? !f mutants don't get slack why should they?
💀- Are you strong enough to face shadow droppers on your own if faced with them?
!'ll beat anyone, or anyth!ng's ass any day.
🛌- Do you sleep in a recuperacoon or do you rest in other accommodations?
Not a fan of the feel!ng of sl!me between my toes. But maybe !'ll get !n a recuperacoon w!th someone, !dk.
🍳- What sort of cuisine do you normally eat? Are you openly okay with items labelled only as grubsauce or grubloaf?
Anyth!ng at the mess hall or the food when !'m out and about that ! can buy. ! don't see a problem w!th the sauce or loaf, grubs get k!lled for less than that at least they serv!n some purpose ! guess. L to the grubs that a!n't make !t.
🧿- Do you believe in horrorterrors? Or do you believe they're just scary stories?
Uhh ! haven't seen one. Don't really th!nk about them, don't care to try to see them.
♠️- Do you think pitches should only be based on hate, or do you believe they should also be based on a strong rivalry as well?
Hate and r!valry somet!mes go together. Not me though. ! don't g!ve enough of a sh!t to have a r!val. But !f you're cr!nge? Fuck you.
🔱- How different do you think Alternia would be if the planet wasnt ruled as a tyranny? Would it be better or worse?
Who g!ves a sh!t to th!nk about stuff l!ke that? Noth!ng !s gonna change. lol Make the most of your l!fe !n the now !nstead of worry!ng about hypothet!cals. Or go overthrow the tyrant !f you care so much.
Alternian Ask Meme
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missiodei · 2 years
that 1 meme w all the useless stuff forrrr clay and aessyr BATS MY EYES desmon too IFFF its not too long <33 ❉✯♈ꕥ🌹
Useless Details Ask Meme
❉ do they have any pictures on their phone?
Oh he has pics alright.. Pictures he'd have to kill someone if they saw. (It's pictures and videos from him and Havero's escapades.)
✯ what do their texts look like? do they use emojis often? what kind?
He types the way he talks. Full stop sentences. Short and to the point.
♈ a description of their home - apartment building or detached house? how many rooms are there? colours of their walls? any decorations?
It's a rather simplistic suburban 1-story style home. LOL He's got his bedroom and a guest room, though he gets no guests except Havero and maybe Kala. Decor is contemporary and mostly black/white with light blue accents.
ꕥ what’s usually in their trouser/jacket pockets or purse?
Weapons, his wallet and phone.
🌹 what’s the colour of your muse’s underwear right now?
It's night time for me so it's day time for him; he's in bed with nothing on.
❉ do they have any pictures on their phone?
It's selfies mainly and some pictures of him and Kitten or him and Domino. Mostly Kitten though cause he likes to send them to Aessyr.
✯ what do their texts look like? do they use emojis often? what kind?
He's the type to use the raised brow or woozy emoji a lot. He is a short texter and very much the type to hit someone with a 'wym?' if they send him a long winded text.
♈ a description of their home - apartment building or detached house? how many rooms are there? colours of their walls? any decorations?
He lives in his fleet-provided quarters which I described in this ask. On the outside of his door he has a permanent do not disturb sign.
ꕥ what’s usually in their trouser/jacket pockets or purse?
Phone and wallet.
🌹 what’s the colour of your muse’s underwear right now?
❉ do they have any pictures on their phone?
For security reasons, not really. Oh how he wishes to carry around pictures of Flavou though.
✯ what do their texts look like? do they use emojis often? what kind?
Another one who types the way he texts. I think through Flavou he's learning what emojis are used in different situations, and maybe he may use one outside of business contacts.
♈ a description of their home - apartment building or detached house? how many rooms are there? colours of their walls? any decorations?
He has a hive in a rather remote location that's built simplistically on the outside but has a tight security system. The windows can't be seen through but he can see outside his hive, and he has guns rigged to shoot unwanted guests. On the inside he is also a fan of contemporary styles, but almost everything is black including the floors and walls - there's accents of the red of his blood color as well as some white in places like his living room and kitchen, but his home is generally quite dark. He has a bed room and two guest rooms, as well as a basement where a portion of the things he uses to do his work are located.
ꕥ what’s usually in their trouser/jacket pockets or purse?
Phone, wallet, sim cards, emp weapon, a gun... It's probably cartoonish to watch him pull all his shit out.
🌹 what’s the colour of your muse’s underwear right now?
He's commando.
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missiodei · 2 years
1, 5, 8 aessyr
Character Ask Meme
1. What is the character’s go-to drink order? (this one gets into how do they like to be publicly perceived, because there is always some level of theatricality to ordering drinks at a bar/restaurant)
He like brown liquors and beers. I don't think he's a lightweight but he does like to get drunk in public. Aside from alcohol he doesn't really like sodas and he only likes iced tea.
5. What was the last time they cried, and under what circumstances? (Good way to get some *emotional* backstory in.) 
Sometimes the pain from his own powers can be overwhelming. The last time he had new scars form due to his inability to expel energy had him in enough pain to make him cry.
8. Describe the place where they sleep. (ie what does their safe space look like. How much (or how little) care / decoration / personal touch goes into it.)
It's a pitch black room, but he does have a very basic set up and decor. If you were to turn the lights on it's likely a typical gamer room set up, with a desk and computer in the corner. He has some posters up of his favorite movies and some albums, and prolly some pictures of past/current fleet friends as well as pics Kitten has drawn. All of the electronics in his room are powered by his psiionics, and though the dim lights that come on from them can cycle back into him, it's less than his output and allows him a means to wind himself down.
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missiodei · 2 years
Aessyr: ⛨🍷⚖☯
Morality Meme
⛨: What would they sacrifice their life for?
Oof. Nothing. LOL No one. He cares for like two trolls don't get me wrong but he wouldn't consider endangering his life or sacrificing himself for either of them.
🍷: Would they manipulate someone to get what they want?
Oh he does that all the time. The fleet division he's assigned to has him acting as the battery to mecha suits. There are neurolinks in these suits to link the pilot with their battery, usually a one-way deal that allows the pilot to fully control the mecha and the energy output of the battery to fit their fighting style. Aessyr emits too much energy and often shorts the neurolink, causing him to gain influence over his pilots. His goal in any fight/flight session is to burn out as much energy from his boy as he possibly can, which usually involves him influencing the pilots to do very dangerous, eccentric things with their suits. He's led many pilots to their deaths due to this, but their deaths were written off as accidents since they didn't know what was happened. He was deemed a bad luck battery but an asset nonetheless, and Domino is the first one to break the cycle and not be overrun by him.
⚖: Has your muse broken the law before? Broken a vow or promise?
Yeah his promise to 'behave' with other pilots he's had before. He certainly broke those. He breaks drug laws as well as public drunkenness laws mostly. Then of course the murders if you can prove that he's killing his pilots.
☯: What do they think of ‘good’ and ‘evil’?
He doesn't think much of things like that. He believes that trolls should just do what they want, and be prepared to deal with any consequences. He doesn't see any particular acts as good or evil.
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lordtonic · 2 years
delicious breakfast of all my horny friends sending me things this morning thabk u god for this bountiful meal
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lordtonic · 2 years
kitten met aessyr? Opinions? Complaints? holds the mic up to his mouth
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He swallowed really hard, concentrating as much as he could on his next words,
"BIG BOOBS. BIG,........HUGE.. MUSCLE—HUGE BOOBS, h-HE POSED FOR ME. HE POSED FOR ME!!!!!!!!", this was emphasized by him smacking his chest like "ME!!!!!".
He tried to get to his gallery as fast as possible, only to turn the tablet around and show you the man in question with various ancestors. It shouldn't be as exciting as it is.
"HIS hands...his HAND. GRRRRRRR" He legitimately started growling while covering his face. Hm, gross.
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missiodei · 2 years
I enjoy what I've seen/know of Aessyr, Asphodel, and Noiise tbh!
I'm glad you like them! Their muse has been high lately, even if my own energy tanks sometimes smh.
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lordtonic · 3 months
hey kitten do you have a type?
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“I’m so into overpowered older guys, but that’s not really realistic, I suppose…
Maybe? Aessyr and Lashy are both gold bloods so…you think I have some sort of psychological draw towards them??
Oh my god.
Maybe it’s destiny.”
The truth is that he’s into guys with overblown confidence.
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lordtonic · 2 years
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"HIS boobs were like. SUPER BOOBS (>♥︎ᨎ♥︎)> " @dilftrolls 's aessyr HEHEHE
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