#aethelstan icon
hiloedits · 1 month
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— the last kingdom aethelstan icons
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kingslionheart · 1 year
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the last kingdom + ✨stabbing family members✨
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emilyhufflepufftlk · 2 years
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TLK Season 5 Icons
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sennqu · 1 year
i spent a little time reading thru the TLK sub and i was kinda sad how negative a lot of the people were about the movie. i can understand it because S1-5 were very good and netflix gave the show a movie instead of a full final season.. but idk. i thought the team did extremely well with what they had!! i went into the movie expecting the difference in pacing (multi-ep season vs. movie) which i think threw a lot of fans off but isn't really my problem. it could have been better (as many things can be) but i still enjoyed it a lot as a standalone.
a lot of the negativity was on aethelstan's portrayal.. of course, there's a little bit from the usual homophobic suspects, but from what i've seen it's also because he was a lot more ambitious and less prone to manipulations in the books (and in written history). less weighed down by gayngst.
but idk, i thought how the movie handled him was fine too! like, yeah, ingilmundr's plot against him and the whole falling in love with the man who will ultimately betray you storyline could have been better serviced with a slower burn... but idk. it still really worked for me. it was easy to get that they'd been entwined for a long period of time before the movie started. and i guess i'm just glad they attempted that storyline at all even with the time constraints? like, the movie really said england's first king HAD to be piously christian and gay and in love and self-hating because of it. and he was still going to win the battle that led to him becoming the first king of england. said battle also featured a 1v1 with his treasonous lover. their vision for him...
plus, his storyline is more of an indictment against his religion rather than his sexuality in contrast to what i've seen some saying imo. like, it was because he was such a pious christian that his sexuality became a source of shame rather than a non-entity. his problem wasn't that he was gay full-stop; it was that he was gay in a culture that didn't allow him to be. like, of course he'd fall deeply in love and become incredibly loyal to the man who he felt 1. understood him, and 2. loved him back. a once in a lifetime chance for someone like him. he was just gonna atone for this by creating a unified, christian england.
i get the criticisms that the gayngst was a disservice to how great and/or ruthless of a ruler/tactician/politician he apparently was in the books/recorded history. but, the man did kill his brother to become king and for all intents and purposes, he was also doing a great job doing his thing in the years between S5 and the movie. but also, selfishly, indulgently, it was a treat seeing a storyline like that play out in front of my eyes so the criticisms don't really matter all that much to my enjoyment and personal appraisal of the story in the end.
like... who would have thought that TLK would give us gay rep in the form of a "falling in love with the man who secretly plotted against you all along and then you will have to kill him for treason and on top of that, he wasn't truly in love with you after all. and also, you're the first king of england" storyline <3 beautiful. and again, we get to see the man being gay on-screen while also still fulfilling the role of the pious ruler who never married or begat children that history said he had been. a win-win to me personally.
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ladyfenring · 1 year
Your Aethelstan/Aelfweard flowers in wessex post is kind of iconic, If you wanted to write for them and are still taking prompts i would love to see 31.
“I’m sorry,” Aethelstan murmurs that night in Bebbanburg, after the Scots have been defeated and Uhtred named the Lord of Northumbria. The hands that gripped Aelfweard’s grandfather earlier that day, the hands that held a blade to the old man’s throat and choked the truth from those lying old lips, hold Aelfweard so tenderly now.
“I’m sorry I couldn’t save him,” Aethelstan says, his breath warm against Aelfweard’s neck.
Aelfweard shakes his head, his lips brushing against his brothers'. “You saved me from his lies. Just as you tried to save me when we were children.” He tugs at the laces of Aethelstan’s tunic. “You are always coming to my rescue.”
Aethelstan strokes his cheek. “I will always save you, brother,” he promises. He steps back, tugging his tunic free of his breeches and up over his head. The scars of lessons learned in the training yard long ago run along black and red bruises vivid and raw from the battle today. When Aethelstan tosses his tunic to the side, Aelfweard extends his arm, inviting him back into his embrace.
Aethelstan closes the space between them like a hunter closing in on its prey. He takes Aelfweard in his arms tenderly, but also violently, kissing and coaxing until Aelfweard does not know up from down. His fingers dig into Aethelstan’s bruised flesh as he begs, “Help me.”
“Give yourself to me, brother,” Aethelstan murmurs, his breath hot and his teeth sharp against Aelfweard’s neck. “Then it is over.”
He will say those words again years later when Aelfweard stands above him on the ramparts of Aegelesburg; then, as now, Aelfweard will do it.
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destinyisall-tlk · 2 years
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aethelstan coloured background icons - 5.02
(if you use, please reblog/like and give credit)
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zuzcreation · 4 years
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Icons of George Blagden as Aethelstan in Vikings s1 (x7)
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windermeresimblr · 6 years
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Moodboard Monday: Hild! Because she’s growing on me. 
Image 1: Hild’s icon. 
Image 2: An Anglo-Saxon shoulder clasp from the Sutton Hoo hoard.
Image 3: Hild having Braxton-Hicks contractions (or perhaps faking them) while Wulfstan is being useless in the background, probably whining about why can’t he have an official mistress like all the other kings do.
Image 4: One of the queens from the Lewis Chessmen. I like them because they look so goofy!
Image 5: A Franco-Saxon illumination--and for those of you barbarians who know neither Latin nor Latatian, it’s “In Principio,” or “In the beginning...”
Image 6: A detail of another queen from the Lewis set, this time some lovely knotwork from her throne.
Image 7: Hild and little Aethelflaed being cute.
Image 8: From the Bayeux tapestry, depicting Aelfgyva having her kerchief pulled by a bishop.
Image 9: Aethelstan reciting while Hild feeds him his lines. 
95% of these poses were by the marvelous, wonderful @danjaley. In fact, I think it’s actually 5/6! 
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emilyhufflepufftlk · 1 year
Review of Seven Kings Must Die
I feel like people are going to have mixed feelings towards this film, however I really liked it and I think it did a good job within the constraints it had. Could it have been better as a whole season? Probably. But I think it was still a fitting way to end TLK.
Overall an 8.5/10 from me. I have written a very detailed review (lots of spoilers!!!!) under the cut. It is perhaps too detailed - I got carried away lol.
First things first, I loved the opening credits with the extended title sequence. Loved that it incorporated the original title art alongside movie specific sequences. Also the fact that the music started off different and then went into the iconic TLK theme was great, signalling that the film is both it's own thing and part of the TLK story. I have always loved the way they use the titles as a storytelling device, like how they changed it for season 5 to make Northumbria the 'last kingdom' rather than Wessex, so I thought changing it to have the burning start in Ireland, Scotland, Isle of Man etc where the 'kings' in the film were from was really effective. Maybe it's the nerd in me, but I love these kind of details.
Finan doing the voice over was interesting as we've never had anyone else but Uhtred do the narration. It gave a different perspective from what we usually get which was cool. I also like to think that this was Finan telling the story of how Uhtred made England happen after Uhtred's death (I know it was left opened ended, but I personally think Uhtred did go to Valhalla at the end) which is cool as Uhtred always said he would live on in the songs his men will tell of him (thinking about his dialogue with Alfred in 3.09).
I was fine with Ingrith having the 'prophesy'. Yes it kind of came out of nowhere but it didn't really matter - by that I mean if she had not had the vision nothing would have changed, Uhtred was not acting on her advice or took real heed of it, in fact he shrugged it off. Having the prophesy gave us extra intrigue and the twist that 'the woman you love' was directed at Finan and she was the one to die was surprising and I thought well done. I did like that it was the sons of kings that died rather than the kings themselves, especially after the kings talked about how having an heir meant their kingdoms would live on.
In terms of the new characters, I cannot say they were particularly memorable (with the exception of Ingilmundr who I will talk about later). We did not get much of a chance to get to know them which is to be expected due to time constraints. I personally didn't mind this as I think most movies have a similar problem so I am used to it. I think the kings served their role for the plot and I was fine with not knowing much about them. Same for the Danes, they served their purpose plot wise. It would have been nice to have a bit more focus on Astrid (the Dane's daughter who spied on the Saxons) but I'm not that fussed about it.
Onto Ingilmundr - I thought he was an excellent antagonist. He was everything Aethelhelm was trying to be. I think with Aethelhelm in season 5, he felt a bit too much like a comic book villain to me, I kept expecting him to break out into cackles of evil laughter. But Ingilmundr felt more real and I thought the actor's performance was very good. He was manipulative without being too obvious. I also liked how he was the opposite of Uhtred - born Dane, taught Saxon ways and eventually betraying them for the people of his birth (just like how Uhtred was born Saxon, grew up Dane, but in the end chose to serve Saxon kings).
I was pleased that they gave Aethelstan a male lover as I believe it's referenced in the books (I have not read them personally) and I didn't know if Netflix had the balls to do it. I think it added to the manipulation and helped to explain why Aethelstan was so easily influenced by him (as I feel like Aethelstan genuinely cared for/loved him). It also makes the sense of betrayal on Aethelstan's part greater and I thought that was portrayed well.
In terms of Aethelstan in general, I think the writer's did a good job building him up to be the antagonist in the beginning third of the film. Him killing his brother in cold blood after the surrender clearly signalled he'd changed from who we met in season 5 and showed how Ingilmundr influenced him. Killing Aldhelm really shocked me and made me SOB (especially how he went calmly and accepted his fate). As much as I hated to see Aldhelm die as he had grown to become one of my favourite characters over the course of the series, I think his death was effective. It showed that Aethelstan had gone mad from paranoia and how lost he rally was, both to the audience and the characters - it's only when Uhtred sees Aldhelm's body does he realise what Aethelstan is capable of and realises he isn't the young man he had raised.
The change from Aethelstan being an antagonist to siding with Uhtred was a little abrupt and could have been done better over the course of a whole season, but I still thought it worked. Harry Gilby did a good job with the scenes he had, from the denial when Uhtred first tells him of Ingilmundr's betrayal to the acceptance and guilt when he discovers the truth.
The attack on Bebbanburg and the killing of Ingrith and the rest of the people was gut wrenching but thinking about it in hindsight I wonder what purpose it served? They would have still gone to look for their sons regardless. I guess it made Uhtred feel totally defeated and maybe alerted them to the immediate danger but I feel like it wasn't necessary. Ingrith's death destroyed me, mainly because of Mark's acting - that man knows how to sell an emotional scene! His scream and the sobbing was soul destroying. However, what really took me out of this moment was wondering where the hell Sihtric's wife and kids are? I guess they no longer exist?
There were lots of characters that were absent without explanation. This always happens when a series with a whole range of characters developed over many seasons have to condense down into a two hour film - it happened with Downton Abbey, although I feel like the writers of the Downton movie at least gave missing characters reasons for not being there. I didn't care so much about Hild or Eadith as much as I love them as I don't see what role they would have played in the plot anyway, but I feel like they should have at least explained Stiorra's absence as it feels odd she didn't come to Uhtred/Bebbanburg's aid if she had been able to.
I liked the introduction of Osbert and Edmund, although we didn't get much of them. I don't think there was time in the movie to address the whole 'Uhtred abandoning Osbert for most of his childhood' and I guess there has been a big enough time jump to assume they have worked out their differences. I also liked the fact Osbert protected and trained Edmund, it feels like it's carrying on the legacy of Uhtred teaching and protecting Edward.
I was glad that Eadgifu's characterisation was the same as in season 5 despite the change in actress. Her friendship with Uhtred was a surprise but worked well.
We didn't get a whole lot of Finan and Sihtric which was sad but was what I expected. There really wasn't time for side plots which means Finan's past is reserved for fanfic alone. I did like how they inferred Finan was getting older (falling asleep, sore arse etc) which at least acknowledges the fact that these guys should be like 80 by now lmao.
As always in TLK they travelled across the country in what seemed like no time at all - however I feel like although we didn't get extended scenes of them travelling places, the length of time it takes to get to places was acknowledged: when they get to the cave where the residents of Bebbanburg were imprisoned, it's said that Ingrith last spoke three days before they got there, which at least signals that time has passed since Uhtred left and not five seconds like it feels in the movie.
Something both the movie and Season 5 did was show the barbarity of the Christians. I feel like in previous seasons it was always presented as the Danes being the savages that rape and pillage and leave destruction in their wake, whilst in Season 5 we saw in the massacre at Rumcofa Christians doing the murdering and we saw it again here with them slaughtering everyone in Aegelesburg even after they surrendered and the burning of the Scottish settlements etc. I think this gives the show more nuance and makes it less black and white.
The end battle was epic. I loved that it was a return to the standard shield wall which was so iconic in the series but I feel like they moved away from in seasons 4 and 5. The tactics of moving them around so they could attack them from behind was clever, especially as I didn't realise that was what they were doing. The putting down of spikes in front of them was also such a cool idea. The whole battle reminded me a lot of Ethendun and so it feels like we've come full circle. I really thought Pyrlig was going to be another Leofric, but he miraculously survived yet again. Honestly I think this man is invincible - he's been stabbed TWICE, tortured, walked for miles and been through numerous battles. I love Pyrlig so I'm not complaining lol.
I thought Uhtred was going to die laying on the battlefield. I can't decide if I would have preferred him going down with a blaze of glory on the battlefield rather than the ending we got, but it was still emotional seeing him fight on whilst bleeding out. Sihtric and Finan finding him afterwards also made me tear up.
Uhtred seeing the feast hall of Valhalla with his friends laughing together was very emotional and I really liked it. It would have been nice to have seen Young Ragnar, Gisela and Thyra (although maybe Thyra is in heaven with Beocca) there alongside them but I know the actors were probably unavailable.
The fact that they don't specify if Uhtred lived or died was clever, especially with Finan's voice over saying that the chronicles didn't record his fate. It ties into this idea that Uhtred was written out of history, again linking back to his dialogue with Alfred in 3.09. I like the idea that we can pretend that the events in TLK did happen, that the Uhtred we know did exist, just it wasn't included in the chronicles.
I loved that the ending shot was modern Bambrugh castle, showing that the thing Uhtred fought so hard for lives on. Bebbanburg was such an important part of the show; even in Season 3 when we don't go to Bebbanburg at all, it still looms over the show and everything Uhtred does. It's also integrally linked to Uhtred's 'destiny' and as we know 'destiny is all'. The way the camera pans away in that final shot reminds me a bit of the last shot of Season 5 which ties the endings together.
Overall, I really enjoyed it and I thought it was done well. As always with TLK the costumes, hair and makeup, stunts, fight scenes and music were awesome. The crew really outdid themselves. I do think that it would have benefitted from having a bit more space to expand on certain plot points and it would have been more effective as a whole season, however, I am really glad we got this movie and saw the creation of England which (alongside Uhtred reclaiming Bebbanburg) has always been the biggest theme running through the series.
I can't believe TLK is really over. I might cry. I will miss it dearly.
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emilyhufflepufftlk · 2 years
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Women of TLK + flowers; PART 1, PART 2
Coccham Boys + flowers
Danes of TLK + flowers
Finan x Ingrith Flower Icons
Miscellaneous Flower Edits
Aethelflaed Flower Icons
Gisela, Hild & Eadith icons
TLK women lock screens
Finan x Ingrith icons
Aethelstan icons
Sigtryggr icons
Finan Season 5 Icons
Misc Season 5 Icons
Title sequence poster/lockscreen
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hiloedits · 1 month
Love your icons so, so much! Could we get some The Last Kingdom's Aethelstan icons?
here you go
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emilyhufflepufftlk · 2 years
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Aethelstan icons for @deans-ch-ch-cherrypie
Photos not mine, edits are. Please reblog/like if using 💜
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emilyhufflepufftlk · 2 years
Ooooh I think it's the scene in the Findith fic when Finan goes to Beocca's house and finds Aethelstan and Eadith, that was memorable!!
Also!! Finan getting punched for trying to kiss Lucinda lmaooo
I had the plot twist that Finan had a secret son since the very start of the fic and I was so excited to reveal it. I’m glad it was memorable.
Finan getting punched is iconic. That scene went through several iterations but I’m happy with the one I went with. These two idiots are such clowns 🤡
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