#aether trio matching icons
sh1-n0bu · 2 years
Okay third time's the charm before I go to bed, pass out and slumber.
For once this is not horny. (shocking, I know)
We know some genshin characters travel a lot. Can we talk about how that is just yaasified camping? Like in a traveling party that includes Klee and Albedo that has to be so fun. Sing campfire songs, make food together, tell spooky stories,.... bro I want to go camping with Klee and Albedo. Who cares if we burn down a forest on accident.
✿ 𝙖𝙙𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚? 𝙖𝙙𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙩𝙪𝙧𝙚! ✿
characters: albedo and klee, the twins and paimon, kaeya and diluc, bennett and razor with fischl x gn!reader
warnings: some light angst, spoilers to character stories, archon quests and hangouts, reverse comfort, domestic fluff, fluff fluff fluff fluff fluff andnjsjd
notes: wanted to try and up my writings since it was headcannons format. also i’m sorry my loyal 🦝 anon but i wanted to try and include every iconic duos (trios in some cases) and not just albedo and klee. this definitely turned out super duper long but i’m kinda low-key, not really proud of myself for making it lmao
the teens and kid characters will strictly be platonic, whether you view the ones with adults as romantic or platonic is completely up to you!
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domestic and chaotic mixed into one
klee will unknowingly act like you and albedo’s child and it’s fucking adorable
did you notice that both albedo and klee have hoodie hats sewed to their clothes?
yeah and if your clothes doesn’t have hoodie hat then klee and albedo would scheme together to make an outer clothing with matching style hoodie hat
and yes it was your birthday gift and yes you shed a tear or two
when running away from jean, if klee sees you hanging around in the city she will climb your back and hide behind you, like a sloth cuddling on a tree
“shh please don’t tell master jean that i’m here okay, mx [name]? giggle”
look at her in the eyes to try say no
just try it
as for albedo, he won’t hesitate to drop his current work or experiment if you were to ever call for him for help
and if you’re taller than him even by a single cm he won’t blink an eye to use you as a ladder
if you guys are traveling to sumeru together oh boy
get ready to have your hair turn white due to stress not really
“big brother albedo! i want this cute fluffy dog as a pet please?”
“klee, wait! that’s a slumpter beast! *cue albedo making a mad dash towards klee*”
“big brother albedo! this cute mr fish wants to play with me!”
but not every travel is not always stressful
during the nights, you would set the camp and tent up while albedo prepares some dinner all the while sweet little klee would be making flower crowns for her “bestest big brother in the world” and “bestest big sibling in the world”🥹
when it’s time to sleep, klee will always be in the middle of you two. and no she doesn’t wanna sleep on one side. she wants BOTH of her big siblings
when you wake up your one hand would be tightly clutched in klees hand while the other holds albedo’s
“i wouldn’t mind going for more travels if it means we’ll spend time together like this” albedo would gently smile as he pulls you two closer
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let’s just act that they’re reunited
paimon would definitely act like the spoiled youngest sibling
she constantly wants to be held or cuddled by someone
while the twins areee…
…hold on
…are they fighting over the last cookie?
distantly you can hear a monstrous voice screech “MY COOKIE!” before a loud boom followed
you and paimon don’t wanna know
they fight over everything and yes i mean EVERYTHING
“aether back off! me and [name] are going together to sumeru city for food ingredients”
“well excuse me, darling sister. but me and [name] have already made a promise to go to port ormos to restock!”
“HEY! paimon and [name] are going together to visit collei and tighnari! so if you’ll excuse us- *gets bonked*”
who gets to cuddle with you, who gets to carry you, who gets to make dinner so they can woo you, even who gets to bandage your injuries as you bleed out with paimon having the urge to slap the twins
cue the panic
lumine is the twin that always sticks close by in case a monster attacks, always on high alert and will do anything to cut down any monster that appears
while aether is the twin that will always hug your arm or hold hands with you so he can defend you if anything were to happen
and paimon is uhhh… well she’s just there for moral support
but no matter what happens, the twins and paimon will always stay with you through and through🥹
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if tension were to be embodied by people it’ll be these 2
due to their past and what happened between these 2 there’s always lingering negativity in the air
kaeya will always jab at diluc and diluc will always have the menacing glare on his face
kaeya’s words may have a playful tone and air to it but there will be lingering hidden thoughts behind
diluc may not jab back with words but the cold, emotionless glare is enough of an answer
though they may fight constantly there’s a mutual agreement between these 2
and that is to keep you safe even if you can fight and protect yourself
both kaeya and diluc have lost important people to them, with their last line being cut by crepus’ death so they can’t afford to lose another
besides have you ever tried making a team with these 2 in it? it’s one of the strongest melt and reverse melt team
once you’ve had enough and scolded them to make up and left them glued to their spot
now thanks to your scary parent energy they try to work through their disagreements and they’ve been getting better
not the best but at least you can have a day of peace without one chatting your ear off and the other throwing cruel glances
“kaeya i’ll be fine! it’s just a light scratch on my side. nothing too dangerous”
“but it’s still a wound. don’t try to resist [name]. we’re only worried about your well being is all”
“uh huh, then what of your head injury?”
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probably one of the most wholesome group🥹
all three of them see you as their mentor/older sibling figure
razor will come to you if he needs help with human communication and he has already introduced you to his lupical
“lupical! i need uhh uhmm”
“it’s alright razor. take your time”
“uhmm right! i need help with battle!”
“do you mean training razor?”
“yes! that!”
“what’s the magic word?”
“uhhm pl-leashe?”
after some training with him or helping him with his reading and talking, he always expects you to give him a head pat
and he will just follow you around like a puppy all the while making the 🥺 face
bennett will always try to be help for you in any way
whether it be as simple as collecting firewood for the camp he will do it without hesitation
“big sibling told me to collect firewood😄”
if you were to ever get sick or injured during ‘adventuring’ with them bennett will always blame himself
it doesn’t matter if your injuries are just a scratch that barely stings, bennett will blame himself and his unlucky self
“sniff… i’m sorry. it was all because of me big sib… sniff”
if you don’t hug him and comfort him i won’t hesitate to crawl through the screen and smack you-
as for fischl she’s a like a mix of both of the boys
she would ask you for her help with her elemental mastery and bow mastery while also cheerfully carrying out any help you ask her of
“the great ruler of immernachtreich has asked her highness, der prinzessin for help. no matter the time nor place, i shall always respond to the cry of my greater sibling. come oz! thy prinzessin order thee to cometh along!”
if you were to praise her for the smallest of things such as her clothes or how wast her vocabulary is, she will turn into a stuttering mess while her internal self is just jumping around, rolling on the ground, screeching, squealing etc
congratulations you have gotten yourself 3 more little siblings who will follow you until the ends of world
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shouarataki · 2 years
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﹒⋆ʬʬ﹒♡◝ Chibi Itto, Paimon & Aether
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swiftsalchemy · 3 years
Aether, Albedo, & Paimon icons
(solo or trio matching set )
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paimon-rambles · 4 years
hellooo, is the request still open? If it yes, can I request fics for xiao x doctor/healer female reader? reader is a normal human who is working at BuBu Pharmacy and accidentally meet xiao & traveler when they are injured.
tysm (。・ω・。)ノ♡
Sorry for being a bit inactive, I've been being feeling meh🤧. I feel like I dragged this a bit- I'm sorry.
Characters: Xiao
Summary: It was a day like any other working at the BuBu Pharmancy-that was until an Adeptus and Outlander barge in
Icon credit: Leheia
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You have heard many tales of the Adeptus growing up, many stories and myths behind them, of their culture and their play in the archon war. However, you never had the fancy of coming face to face to one- well that was until today.
You lived a pretty normal life in Liyue. Working at BuBu Pharmacy along with Qiqi, your work was simple and it gave a good paycheck. You're a healer, mending wounds from battle-scarred warriors, or helping heal an infection. However, you were commonly found handing out medicine at the front desk more than anything.
You often see familiar faces of previous customers that stopped by to receive their meditation. Occasionally you have met some more interesting clients however they were never too enticing. And you thought that was how your work life was going to carry on. A bag of medication here, a customer other there, repeat till next paycheck.
You were thankful to have Qiqi by your side most of the time although she wasn't much of the conversationalist it was better than having no one to talk to, even if you were doing most of the talking.
" Goodbye, thank you for stopping by. I hope the headaches stop." You said handing the customer a small bag of medication. You waved them a quick goodbye as they disappeared from your line of vision.
Unlike most days, it was only you behind the desk. Qiqi was busy with other responsibilities and you were placed in charge of handing the listed medicine to clients. Scribbling off a name on a clipboard, you leaned against the desk waiting for the next customer to arrive.
Earlier in the day, you overheard a few of the Liyue guards stationed near the Pharmacy buzz about a battle that broke near Mt. Hula. They didn't share too many details on the source of the outbreak as they were called over to focus on another anomaly, but you manage to piece together that it had something to do with a sigil of permission. Note to self: Don't piss off the Adepti.
A few minutes pass and you were still meet with the eerily silence of the Pharmacy with the slight sound of the breeze. You caught a glimpse of a few civilians but they showed no interest in buying herbs or requiring medical attention. For the most part, the city seemed rather deserted. Sighing you turned on your heel to go to the back room.
However before a second could pass, you nearly jumped as three figures dashed into the Pharmacy. One of the two strangers was a young boy who had golden hair tied back into a braid, his clothes were particular as well. Cleary this boy wasn't from any of the seven nations. An Outlander. Beside the boy was a pixie-like figure, she had white hair and carried a celestial-like cape. The pair seemed rather familiar, well at least from what you heard from Qiqi. A few weeks prior Baizhou enlightened you on a pair of outlanders that tried to buy some medicine without making an appointment. By the description he provided it matched the blonde.
The third figure intrigued you the furthest. He looked around the same age as the outlander and yourself. He carried some intriguing items on his person. He had short raven hair accompanied by green undertones, his eyes are painted amber, vicious yet mysterious. His clothing was also rather unusual. He dressed in a sleeveless white shirt, dark pants, and leather gloves. What was peculiar most was the tattoo located on his arm. It had a slight teal glow to it and the pattern seemed complex. It finally clicked to you. It's an Adeptus.
Before you made more inferences and observations, it finally hit you that two strangers just ran into the Pharmacy with no warning. Both men's skin were littered with gashes. Small crimson cuts can be found in the areas where skin is shown, the gashes didn't seem to be severe but still would require some treatment. The blonde's eyes darted to you in a panic. " May we stay here for a while? (Omg he talks)."
It took you a second to register what they inquired of but you nodded your head. " sure." That was all you manage to muster. The trio went to sit down, sheathing their weapons away. " We won't be staying long." The raven-haired boy said, his tone cold. The mysterious aura that radiated off him, intrigued you.
You were once again submerged in uncomfortable silence. Your mind was trying to piece together a question to ask both men but no idea came to thought. You could already tell that the Adeptus was judging you his amber eyes burned into your head. Avoiding eye contact you instead focused your gaze on the pixie. Her crown thing was pretty interesting.
Finally, the blonde broke the silence that threatens to consume you whole. " Uh thank you again for allowing us to stay here, we'll be out of here soon." He flashed you an innocent smile which soothed your worries but only by a bit. " You guys can stay as long as you want. I'll get some bandages for your injuries." You finally croaked out, turning to grab said items.
You returned with the material handing out a handful of the clothed bandages to each of them. You watched as the blonde slowly placed the fabric on the cuts that threatened to worsen. The Adeptus on the other hand stared at the bandages you handed to him. He eyed the items as if they were a foreign object, but his eyes didn't sparkle in curiosity- they were just dull. Does this guy ever smile?
" These can help with the smaller cuts. The gush wounds, however, will require something different but not to worry you came in at the right time, I can use my elemental healing to mend those injuries before they get infected." The raven hair boy broke out of his dull stare from the items in his gloved hands, his eyes now glued to you. His gaze felt like it was pricing through your soul, intimidated would be an understatement. The blonde on the other hand was more grateful at your suggestion, the pixie fairy, who you learned is "Paimon" even chirped her own thanks.
Your eyes glimpsed at the raven-haired boy, his injuries looked more severe compared to the blonde who you soon learned was " Aether" as Paimon called him. " I'll tend to your wounds first," you murmured to the boy. He looked at you coldly, his posture shifted as more tension built. " Your injuries are more severe... I.... I just want to help," you mumbled. The boy turned away in thought, his eyes squinting at whatever was running through his head. " Listen it's either your injuries become infected, which will be a pain to resolve later or you let me help-which will be painless and you'll be leaving with no infections." You added, you didn't mean to make your voice sound harsh but now wasn't time to argue. The Adepti seemed taken back by this, his brows furrowing at your bold statement.
" Fine." So he does talk, you chuckled to yourself silently. Slowly you approached the boy, trying to not come off as a threat. You gently hovered the palm on your hand over one of the gashes that decorated his skin, the boy tensed at the touch but quickly relaxed. Silently you called for your vision, feeling your respective element pulsing to your fingertips as you mended the wound. A few seconds passed and after removing your hand, a smile crept to your lips satisfy to see the gash no longer littered on the boy's skin. You repeated this action a few times, mending the rest of the gashes. The boy on the other hand finally started to place the bandages on the smaller cuts. His shoulder drooped becoming more welcomed to yout touch.
Curious of the events that brought the trio here you asked, " may I ask what happened?" The raven-haired boy made no indication that he was going to respond but Paimon gladly answered. " There was a fight at Mt. Hula. Something really riled up the guards."
Oh, so this is what the guards were gossiping about. " I once again want to apologize for storming in- from what I heard BuBu Pharmacy was the best place to go for medicine and such in Liyue. And as you see from our current state..." Aether paused glancing down to his injured body. " Xiao and I will pay you for the trouble." Xiao, so that's his name. " We wouldn't even be in this mess if you haven't been sticking your nose into places it shouldn't be." Xiao retort sharply. Aether paid no mind to what he said. Man, is this guy is a cryo user- he's colder than Chongyun.
" Alright, I've finished mending your injuries, if you feel any discomfort let me know and I can get some painkillers." Xiao's head slightly perked up at the mention of 'painkillers' but said nothing about it. Instead, his attention went to look at the areas where crimson-colored injuries use to be before being cleansed by you.
You turned your attention to the outlander, reaching out to start cleaning his wounds. Before you could start however a voice pulled you back. " What's your name?" Xiao had his back to you but the tone of his voice wasn't so cold, it was warmer and that brought a smile to your lips. " I'm y/n." You replied turning to glance at him. ( While Aether waited patiently to be healed)
Xiao glanced over his shoulder, his gaze meeting yours.
" Thank you Y/n."
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rhymingshadows · 4 years
His Raw Materials: Part 3
(Part Three in which Krick gets to be edgy...again.  I do enjoy writing a character that is both stable yet shamelessly villainous.  And can use magic.  That’s always nice. LOL.  Enjoy!) So far as restaurants went, this one wasn’t anything amazing.  As a small sushi establishment in one of the most run-down areas of Shirogane, “The Red Carp’ had long since forgotten its heyday.  That’s why the owners, a pair of local hyurs, were legitimately surprised when Krick entered at an early hour.  They didn’t get many customers in general, especially not at this hour.  Further, not ones dressed so well, or possessing such an unsettling aura, as Krick. Krick took a table opposite the door and ordered several eel rolls and a kettle of green tea.  He then tossed a pouch of gil on the table and told the hyur couple to leave for the next few hours as he wished to eat alone. The couple, anxious but drooling over the large amount of gil, which was more then what they made in a moon, took the gil and left once the food was set before the odd miqo’te. Once alone, Krick pulled out his copy of the ‘Blitzball Monthly’ magazine and casually began to read an article about improving his passing game as he used a set of chopsticks to eat his eel rolls. Once he was certain the couple was gone, the blonde miqo’te pulled out the vial of blood he’d taken from Una the night prior and poured the crimson liquid onto the table.  Using his index finger, he drew a pentagram on the table and then ringed the icon.  He eyed the red seal before his eyes flashed green and the symbol glowed a dark red for a moment. A second later the twin glows faded and Krick cleaned his finger with a rag before he resumed eating his meal.  He set the magazine over the seal and began to enjoy himself despite what he knew what was going to happen next. These crusading dogs of ‘The Rising Dawn’ never disappointed.
Eventually a trio of figures entered the restaurant.  They seemed to have tried to look inconspicuous.  Simple kimonos covered their bodies but their weapons and frames revealed they were far more dangerous than any mere merchants. An au ra female stayed in the doorway, hand on her sheathed katana as a male hyur and a male elezen approached Krick, who pretended to ignore them all and eat his meal. He went to turn the page of his magazine when a knife slammed down and pinned the page to the table.  Krick blinked slowly before he lifted his head and stared up at the elezen they leaned in and twisted his grip on the knife. “You seemed to have mis-sheathed your knife.” Krick commented in a calm, dry tone that held a hint of smug condemnation. “No, I stick it where I want.”  the elezen retorted, glaring at Krick with hatred in his blue eyes. “I see, so like the glory holes of Uldah perchance?”  Krick leaned back and made a ‘tsk tsk’ noise.  “I hope you can talk so smugly when we set you ablaze, K’rick Nunh.” the elezen hissed.  Krick blinked at that.  He hadn’t been a Nunh in decades.  The elezen noticed the reaction and spat onto Krick’s remaining sushi.  “Oh yes, necromancer.  We know all about you.  The Lady herself has chosen to brief us about you and the threat you pose.” “I do wish that whore would keep my name from her tongue.”  Krick commented calmly.  The nearby hyur drew his sword. “Watch your tongue, sinner.  The Lady’s honor will not be besmirched by a thing like you.” they hyur growled as he turned and entered the kitchen to look around. “Ah, another zealot disliking having reality mentioned.”  Krick glanced back to the elezen. “The Order of Sysst is finished, necromancer.” the elezen’s eyes flashed gold as a surge of righteous aether raced through them.  “We know your order is floundering.  And soon the disk will be destroyed and your leader’s threat to Eozrea will be gone.” “Fantastic how backwards you have that.  Your whore has brainwashed you all very well.”  The elezen slammed Krick across the face as he finished speaking.  His neck popped as Krick’s head jerked violently to the left and he tasted blood from a gashed lip.  “Lucky Hojo wants you alive to spill your secrets before we spill your guts.”  the elezen taunted darkly.  Krick licked his bloody lip as the hyur returned and barked: “Sinner, where is your comrade?  We sensed their energy here.” “So you -were- looking for that pawn.” Krick nodded, his hypothesis verified.  “Hojo is able to pass on what he senses.  The Hrothgar never ceases to amaze and prove he is a true threat.” “Where is he?”  the elezen growled, his hand still on the knife that was pinning down his magazine.  “We sniffed him out.  We know they are here.” “Funny thing about dogs like you.”  Krick turned and looked at the elezen.  “You all smell so well, but forget to use your eyes to look for the traps your nose gets you in.”  His eyes flared green as the pentagram under the magazine flared to life.  The pentagram began to move as the blood slithered like serpents up the blade of the dagger.  Around the metal the tendrils of red spun until they swarmed over the elezen’s fingers and buried themselves into the male’s flesh.  Immediately, the elezen began screaming as his flesh and blood began to boil and rot.  The disease began to quickly spread up his arm, eating away at his mortal coil. The hyur, realizing dark magic was in play, summoned his aether as his own eyes flared gold.  He swung his sword and the table exploded into a shower of splinters as it was cleft in twain.  But Krick dove away to the right just prior to the blade’s impact. In the doorway, the au ra was screaming and clutching at her eyes.  A murder of ravens had descended upon her and their talons and beaks had made short work of her eyes.  She staggered out into the street and clutched at the ruin of her face. “Monster!” they hyur howled when the elezen collapsed to the ground as a pile of rotted, boiling flesh and steaming puss.  The smell was horrific but it didn’t faze the necromancer in the slightest. “A monster?”  Krick commented as his tail twitched slowly.  He was still remembering how to use it.  The ghost of a smug grin teased his lips as he began to summon his aether to his form and the shadow at his feet shivered and squirmed. “Your Lady has committed atrocities the likes of which I could never hope to match.  You’re ‘holy’ crusade is a lie, and your ‘righteous’ road will lead you to hell, just like mine.” Golden flames wreathed the hyur’s sword as he charged forward but the shadows beneath Krick seemed to open up like a set of jaws and he fell into the floor and was gone. The hyur bellowed in anger as he swung his blade at the floor, striking the spot where Krick had vanished. “Monster!” they hyur roared. “We’ll hunt you and your ilk to the ends of this star.  You hear me!” A raven in the doorway did hear the hyur before it flew away, the au ra’s blood dripping from its beak.  From someplace else, the necromancer smirked. “I do. And I’m glad of it.  Follow me all over Eorzea, little dogs.  My trail will stay fresh so you cannot find the other trails you seek.”
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