calmlythrilling · 3 months
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“ do you ever hear yourself? ” starter prompt, sent by @aethergate
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Venomous scowled as he stared down at his wrist, at the screen on his watch. "If you don't like it, you can scurry on out of here. In fact - go already." Shadowy's enough trouble. The last thing he wants is for the shadow to think of taking control.
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"I don't have time to be an unpaid babysitter for someone's kid," he then turned his arm, wiggling his wrist as he turned his gaze to Vanitas. "I have too many orders to attend to in my lab on top of the usual work in my office. In other words - busy. Had enough of your spiel on power too. Run along home already, kid. Made it clear you wouldn't have any business to do with me anyway." Really, truly, Shadowy goes on and on about that enough. 'You're weak,' 'You need more power,' 'I'm the stronger one,' 'I could do better' - just remembering is enough to make him want to hide in his lab and drown in work. He can understand Shadowy's need to pester him - he can't do much when Venomous is in charge of his body. But this random Hot Topic teen? If he's going to be a highschool bully, can't it be with actual highschoolers?
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cxnscience · 3 months
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@aethergate said ; ”hey, so.. about your world…” / sora. boy explain what the fuck is wrong with that place.
Jiminy simply blinks at him for a few moments, expecting some sort of follow-up, but Sora offers none. Seems like a strange time to bring it up, is all - he wonders what prompted this. Frankly, he's not sure he's ever even really talked about his world at all to the rest of the gang. It's been a touchy subject for quite some time - understandably so, given what had happened to it. And, even now, it's difficult to think of it without sorely missing Pinocchio and the Lady (whatever became of her).
Though of course Jiminy had been informed of the world's waking some time ago during Sora and Riku's Mark of Mastery exam, even then it hadn't much affected him. After all, for some reason or another, he'd stayed put at Disney Castle even after it was restored.
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"What about my world?" He prompts, with slight amusement, though his confusion is clear as he sets down the journal he's scribbling in. "You're not looking to take another trip, are you? I'm not sure there'll be much of anything new for you to see, Sora. From all accounts, the sleeping world wasn't too far off base from reality, believe it or not."
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dreamsofalife · 1 month
"I can't stand the current cultural misunderstanding of grief and the grieving process, and I firmly believe that it's represented the way it is because of the capitalist society we live in. Grieving is a complex and messy thing that affects everyone in different ways, and it isn't just for death! You can grieve lost relationships, opportunities, hell, you can even grieve the person you used to be! Grief literally changes you as a person and it can manifest in so many different ways. Did you know people have been literally falsely accused and even arrested of crimes they didn't commit because people were suspicious of them?? Because they weren't "grieving the right way"! Like yeah, sometimes peoples' behavior can be suspicious, but it's not always like that!
Grief is complex and it doesn't wrap up at the end in a nice little movie moment ending! It affects people differently and all ways of grieving are valid!"
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madeimpact · 3 months
Here have some chef recommendations || @aethergate
Well okay aside from obvious combinations ( Axel and Roxas, Vanitas and Ven, our Soras and each other's heart squad guys, etc ), I'm really interested in some of the underexplored dynamics we could have between our pool of muses 👀 So for the sake of this ask let's just assume I want any and every combination of KH and Disney guys possible but some highlights:
Repliku and Roxas — Dudeeeee they could bond over weird Replica body shit. Weird clone identity issue stuff. Someone pls talk to Roxas about this he needs to stop bottling this shit up KSJHFLJKD
Data Riku and Sora — Omg how fun would it be for Sora to get to see a little Riku in his puter. Bring the datascape back somehow and maybe give Sora an idea of what his lil digital double did??? Something something talking about data Naminé??? Idk this feels like it has potential
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anomalystudy · 10 months
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👤🔀👤starter prompt, sent by @aethergate
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To say this was an inconvenience was an understatement. Stanford's not quite sure what exactly happened. The past ten minutes or so felt blurred for him. Interactions with Cipher have a tendency to make that happen - logic gets thrown out the window as annoyance, anger, regret, and other unpleasant emotions take over.
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His first instinct is to snap towards the triangle - made clear by the yellow body quickly fading to red with white limbs. Before he could even begin shouting, however, he had held out an arm - one that was most notably not his, causing the red glow of anger to fade as quick as it was to appear. It clicks in that moment there that he's gazing at - no, up. Up towards himself. There's a new emotion to toss in his usual mix, something he only felt towards Bill should his brain decide once more to give him nightmares. Fear.
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"What?! How - I- " That's not him. That's not his voice. Denial. He knows that's denial. If he denies it anyway will he believe it? Will the knowledge that he's suddenly stuck as his greatest mortal enemy cease to exist in the back of his mind? The idea of getting onto fixing the issue was currently not present in his mind - the added shock makes it even more difficult to grasp thought and reason, not to mention the new overwhelming sensation of being inhuman. He can't decide if his eyesight has gotten better or worst, and he can't quite tell if that's his heart racing or if it's something else entirely. Does he have skin? Is he made of stone? He knows the answers to those questions, at least, but the sensation was still unpleasant - no, there's a better word for it. Unpleasant is putting it much too lightly!!! It makes him want to panic! The room's suffocating him!!! Does Cipher even have lungs?! How is he breathing?!
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multimoth · 1 year
@aethergate said ; "What's going on up there?" / luka and martin for the shittiest verse ever.
Martin just about leaps out of his skin, whirling around and extending the hand that isn't holding up a torch, white-cold magic leaping at his fingertips expectantly and brow set worriedly into a scowl. He'd thought the dungeons were empty now - the guards had come after him, convinced still to perform their duty even under these dire circumstances - but the voice is clear and close.
He scans the room once, twice, and then spots the man hanging upon the wall, hands and feet shackled to the stone. He doubletakes, examining the dark corners of the rest of the room hurriedly. There are no other prisoners. It doesn't look as though there have been for a very long time - bones litter the bottom of the cages. He would think more distastefully of this town, a picture of neglect, if his heart were not burdened by the suffering he'd just witness above the dungeons of this keep.
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"Dear Akatosh, how long have you been down here?" He breathes, rushing closer. The prisoner's initial question is momentarily disregarded, though the urgency of escaping the dragon still presses in the back of Martin's mind. He can't leave him here to die to the fires, when they eventually breach the walls. He can't believe he hasn't been freed already. "I apologize for not spotting you earlier, I..." he trails off and looks to the corner where he has (respectfully) piled the bodies of the guard's who attacked him. "...Do you know who held your keys? I don't mean to alarm you, and I promise I will do my best to explain, but we haven't much time to escape."
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leaderintitleonly · 8 months
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@aethergate asked:
There's a light knock on the cabins door - hopefully this was the right one. He's brought a loaf of bread as a gift, the first one he hasn't managed to burn. "Hello..? Is Snow White here? It's me, Luka!" / @aethergate because of course it is.
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So the princess has been giving her address out as the cottage? That's... She's avoiding the castle. Makes sense. He stares at the young man for a while. Okay, inhale. He's... There's something about him that's not quite right. He's human but there's something else there. He can't figure it out. It's melancholy. Sad. Cold. But he's trying to be warm and sunny. He's trying. It's like that feeling when Happy enters a room after they had a bad day at work. Doc clears his throat. "She ain't due in 'till the weekend. Y'missed 'er. Uh... well, she might've not... Y'know, I might be outta the swoop- uh, the loop. C'mon in, s'gettin' cold. Don't get chilled." Swooping is bad. So is immediately trusting people. But what has the princess taught you? ...Uh, eat now and ask questions later? Not everything is Grimhilde in disguise but if you do, you have that pickaxe...? He gestures to the small chairs surrounding the table. "Luka... I'll send a bluebird, let 'er know yer waitin' fer 'er. Work's got 'er fought up- erm, caught up. Might take 'er bit to get 'ere. How uh, long y'stayin'? Usually she ain't invitin' much company 'less it's uh... Some lady friends. We ain't entertain much. Oh, d-don't... I ain't mind! My, uh... family jus' ain't good wit' manners." He taps his fingers nervously against the table. This shouldn't feel this awkward yet he has a feeling there's something about this. Princess, what did you set up...? "...W-we got a lil' time to hat- uh, chat 'fore she comes 'round." Hours if she already knew. Two days if she didn't know. Well... Maybe he had a board game.
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innocentsystems · 1 year
❛  you look like you could use a hand with that.  ❜ / from mari :> the bestie meet up part 2 ...................
" hmm? "
given the calmness of his robotic voice, one would not expect him to be getting nearly crushed by the large hammer of an Egg Hammer. Hands braced against the ground and feet pushing against the hammer's base, he was trying to use his legs to push the hammer off from him. all while his head was tilting backwards so he could get a good look at the other person.
" oh, it's fine! I got it under control. this happens all the time. you should really get to safety, though. "
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adoranoia · 5 months
❛ you okay? caught you staring off into space again. ❜ / fooooor tommy from benry :]
@aethergate // 𝐚𝐧 𝐚𝐬𝐬𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐦𝐞𝐧𝐭 𝐨𝐟 𝐝𝐢𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐠𝐮𝐞 𝐩𝐫𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐭𝐬 .
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tommy sits and stares, yellow, faintly glowing eyes peek over glasses edge, all-but literally boring a hole into his own hand, examining it carefully, and the blood that stains skin. 💼‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ he grimaces gently--but, his head immediately perks at benry's words, expression softening the way it always did, when looking at a friend. he looks with a nervous smile, and he nods, quick. 💼‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ " o, oh, sorry! i'm just--getting kind of tired... " he says, letting his eyes wander elsewhere. he's never been good about eye contact, surely benry understands, though. anyway, he hums, thoughtfully. 💼‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ " i hope, we, um. get out of here, soon. right? i just, want to. go home, and w, watch tv, pet my dog... " he wipes his hand on his lab-coat absentmindedly, smearing half-dried blood across fabric. he doesn't really care, at the moment. he pauses, seemingly spacing out again, before suddenly-- 💼‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ ‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ " oh! and, w, what about you, benry? " he asks, genuinely curious, " w, what do you want to do, when we, um. get out of here? you weren't h, here when we talked about it, before... " he continues, fidgeting with his own tie a bit. 💼‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
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fairestmusesofthemall · 10 months
@aethergate asked: ❝ i’m supposed to meet Pinocchio here. any chance that’s you? ❞ / bill @ pinocchio :)!
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He points at himself slowly, looking confused. He looks around. Maybe there's another Pinocchio. Wait, no. There's only one. "Oh, that's me. Why would you need to meet me? Oh! You must need to talk to Father! I can go get him for you. Father...! Father there's-" He pauses. This is a floating triangle with some fancy shoes and a dapper hat. "Oh, you're dressed very nice. Do you and Jiminy get clothes from The Blue Fairy?" And he's forgotten all about finding Geppetto.
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inkmchine · 11 months
CEMETERY DRIVE. ; how does your character cope with loneliness?
three cheers for sweet revenge headcanon prompts // accepting
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he doesn't cope well with loneliness. ever since his imprisonment, he gets antsy when he is left alone for significant periods of time. an hour or two? fine, okay. he can manage that, but any longer will cause him to feel anxious. unfortunate then, that he can hardly have any company due to the sheer isolation of the studio. but, he tries his best to work with what he has available to him.
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which does lead him to cling to the few friends that he does have. finding any excuse to hang around them, so he won't feel lonely. this does teeter on him having a phobia of being alone, likely worsened by his already present fear of abandonment.
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quillheel · 11 months
💌 :)?
send 💌 or ( `LOVE LETTER` ) for me to write one thing i like about you // ALWAYS ACCEPTING <3
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I know the meme says 'one thing about xyz' for each topic but i am making my own rules I'm just gonna go hog wild <3
First off: your interpretations are GENUINELY really nice!!! I REALLY enjoy your portrayals of Gaster, Bendy, Anakin, Spock, the list goes on!!! Even muses I don't know the source material of, like Luka, I wind up REALLY liking!! I love all of them, they have a very lively feeling to them which i genuinely from the bottom of my heart LOVE, I LOVE watching them engage in other threads or on the dash even when its not involving myself, they feel so packed full of energy and sincerity all the damn time and you (and as a result Them) are SO fucking funny that it adds to it, especially in dash shit because I'll see you crack jokes like a motherfucker but it Still be in character and it's wild to me!!!! it's almost magical!
there's just this charismatic vibe to your writing & characterizations and this human sincerity to all your characters without feeling out of turn for any of them and I love the way they bounce off the walls with your writing style accompanying it Super nicely and I just!!! I really love reading it, I wish I could interact more/find more excuses to interact but brain's dumb but I still LOVE it /gen
And on top of that, you yourself as a mun are incredibly nice even if I'm not the best with starting conversations, your fucking HILARIOUS (you have No idea how many times a joke you've made in a random IC post on my dash has made me Loose My Shit laughing), your enjoyment of things is genuinely almost infectious, like!!! You're genuinely just great!!! Even If I don't know you that well, I'm REALLY glad we wound up meeting!!! <3 <3 <3
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cxnscience · 3 months
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@aethergate sent ; ‘ i hope that you appreciate what i go through for you. ’ / sora !
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"Hm? What was that, Sora?" Jiminy pokes his head out of his hood, still doing quick math with his hastily-scribbled notes in the journal. He hums a thoughtful note, mumbling to himself. "Let's see... all in all we could shave off at least a solid two seconds, by my count. Let's give it another go, shall we?"
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cflight · 1 year
I look over for my daily lurking on what Erika is doing and the horrors are going on ….. slowly eating my popcorn
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rifleseye · 1 year
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@aethergate asked
20. A memory of someone who is deceased ( idk how ancient the meme is and i KNOW its april fools bit time but what if im a little curious ... )
Coldsnap is clear in his view as she picks him up from the ground.
He's scuffed his paint, his joints are sore, and he is so young his kibble has only just emerged. He's wide and blocky and struggling to adapt to this world not meant for wide and blocky.
Or maybe it's just this room.
His mentor sighs, though not out of frustration. Her voice is gentle, a stark contrast to how he hears her speak to others. "Slowly, ██████. Your alt-mode has only just emerged."
He, however, is most certainly frustrated with himself. "It should be easier. Transforming is supposed to come naturally to us." He stands on his own two feet now, looking down at them.
Coldsnap gestures for him to join her, sitting down at the bench. He hesitates, but does so. His frustration is visible in the way he huffs once, and then again, and then shifts restlessly from where he sits.
Trying not to cry.
Coldsnap stares at him for a moment before she rests a hand on his shoulder. "We often naturally transform, that is correct. But that does not mean the initial one is easy. There are times... newforges can struggle with it because while their body is designed for it, that does not mean your brain can figure it out. It may take time, but that is not a personal failure, ██████."
"I don't..." he huffs, "My brain works differently."
"Which is fine," his mentor says firmly, "Primus did not give us brain modules in order for us to think the same. Just as he gave us vocalizers to question."
He brings his knees to his chest, folding his arms on top of them and hiding his face away. Coldsnap takes this as a moment to pull him into a side-hug. "There is no need to rush yourself. You will get it in time."
He allows himself to calm in her embrace.
"Are you ready to try again?"
He shakes his head mutely.
"What do you want to do?"
"Mm... starmapping."
"Very well, brightspark."
Coldsnap nods and moves her free hand to take out a dataslate, she pulls up a hologram as specks of light fill the room. They can't see stars from down here, but it's a good enough imitation.
The turquoise of his mentor's forearms almost shine in this light.
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anomalystudy · 10 months
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❝ i saw you do that, you know. ❞ starter prompt, sent by @aethergate
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Ford silently watched the stranger, arching a brow. Did he do something wrong? He can't seem to think of anything he could have done... Is it perhaps referring to Ford's drawings and notes? He always does that when he meets a new cryptid. It seems to know ASL well enough... So they can communicate that way. Ford is curious to know where this creature could have learn sign... but, at the moment, he's aware he looks like the suspicious one. It turns out people don't like being documented without their permission. Who knew?
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"Are you wanting to look?" Stanford spoke, but as he did so, he moved his hands - signing back to what he is confident is just some cryptid in a white coat. Ford doesn't mind showing off his notes. His diary entries are a different matter, but as long as no pages are flipped, then everything should be fine, yeah?
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