iyashikeivixen · 9 months
RAY 10.20.3343 IE NH // SUN 12.17.2023 CE GD
I just thought of something diabolical. So much Aristasia stuff is starting to become lost media due to link rot. Maybe folx should create *new* content: content that would make the OGstasians *cringe*.
In OG Aristasia, there are [supposedly] only *three* feminine types — blondes, brunettes, and redheads. Blondes represent Sai Sushuri, whereas brunettes represent Sai Thamë. But that’s the thing — that’s only *two* out of a bare minimum of seven *other* janyati. That’s potentially an *infinitely*-diverse spectrum of in-universe sexes / genders / types!
Sex / gender / janyati are a *spectrum*. It’s highly likely that janyatic principles can manifest in any *number* of ways for individual Herthelan maids.
Part of me feels it would make *waaay* more sense if Aristasian society featured a bare minimum of seven janyati-based sexes / genders / types, and leave it to individual pettes to figure out how F/F reproduction works for themselves. Gender / sex / janyati are a *spectrum*, after all! If two or more pettes hope to bring *new* Herthelani into the world, who am *I* to say they can’t? With this [janyati-based] system, it’s basically leaving room for open-ended answers to the age-old question of Herthelan reproduction, as opposed to the OG Aristasians just shrugging it off.
This leaves the janyati-types as an open-source template, so to speak — but, of course, blondes, brunettes, and redheads can still be a thing, too.
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iyashikeivixen · 1 month
CAN 06.05.03’344 IE NH // MON 08.12.12’024 HE GD
I really, truly am not at all ashamed that I’m “that one furry” in what remains of the Aristasia Community.
Everything I post to this blog pertains singularly to my inner world, the Commonwealth of Aethyrcadia — it’s part-personal coping mechanism, part-creative outlet.
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iyashikeivixen · 9 months
RHA 11.05.3343 IE NH // SAT 12.30.2023 CE GD
Picrew time — it’s me, Yashi! ^w^ (Yes, I’m a furry!)
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This isn’t a *perfect* representation of my fursona, but it *is* a close(…ish) approximation. I *do* plan on commissioning someone for a more accurate version of my true self — this is by far the best anthro picrew I’ve found to date, but even so, it *still doesn’t quite* match who I really am. (1) I’m actually *waaay* less humanoid, (2) I have a muzzle, (3) my fur is actually pastel lilac / white (as opposed to purple), (4) I have *digitigrade* footpaws (as opposed to plantigrade), and (5) I has *teh floof*. Still, not bad for 0.00 USD.
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iyashikeivixen · 4 months
RAY 03.25.03’344 IE NH // SUN 06.09.12’024 HE GD
Hey, everymany! While this blog *is* a safe-for-work sapphic safe space, unless you’re over 18 years of age in the prime material plane, ***you cannot be here.***
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iyashikeivixen · 6 months
RHA 01.03.03’344 IE NH // SAT 03.23.12’024 HE GD
“No one is finally dead until the ripples they cause in the world die away, until the clock wound up winds down, until the wine she made has finished its ferment, until the crop they planted is harvested. The span of someone’s life is only the core of their actual existence” (Terry Pratchett, “Discworld #11: Reaper Man”).
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iyashikeivixen · 8 months
RHA 11.26.3343 IE NH // SAT 01.20.2024 CE GD
Picrew time — meet Athens (she / her), our alchemist!
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Athens moved into Innerstasia about a week or three ago. She and Sophie… *really* hit it off. They’re literally girlfriends now. Athens is transblonde, and she says that she found her way to Aristasia-in-Internalia after having a *really* hard time in the Northern Wastes.
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iyashikeivixen · 4 months
CAN 03.05.03’344 IE NH // MON 05.20.12’024 HE GD
On Sai Furthe, if a fur yawns in public, the worst thing that’ll happen is that somefur might offer to buy her a coffee. Unlike *some* other intemorphic planets =_=
-*glares at OGstasia’s interpretation of Sai Herthe*-
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iyashikeivixen · 5 months
VIK 02.20.03’344 IE NH // TUE 05.07.12’024 HE GD
Sai Furthe (my homeworld) is an all-female planet of anthropomorphi — there’re a *bare minimum* of 21 intemorphic types (blonde / brunette / redhead for Column A, plus any of the 7+ janyati for Column B).
I myself am a lilac / white vixen and a Rhavic blonde. My fur is *suuuper* floofy, and I really like to keep my headfur up in a loose low ponytail. I paint my claws baby blue, and I also wear glasses that are honestly a lot like goggles (Furthelan glasses feature a strap that goes around the backa the head to help them stay on).
As of 22.05 CDT TUE 05.07.02’024 CE GD, I’m more or less the core and host of our system (the Orchards). There’re currently about 90 or so of us in Aethyrcadia, and new walk-ins still move in on a fairly regular basis.
Despite my Picrew as of the time of writing this post, my legs are actually *digitigrade*. Furthelani proudly produce an amazing selection of digitigrade footwear in my source material [1], each specifically tailored to the myriad rainbows of Furthelan types and species.
I understand that my identity might… *conflict* (to say the very least) with what the greater Feminine Empire has stood for historically and still stands for today, but all… “this” ↑ is just me doing my own thing. I realize that mixing these two subcultures together is *the* definition of unorthodox — if not utterly unwelcome, based on OG Femmeworld’s apotheosis of all things “up-to-date” (vintage, from a West Tellurian POV) [2].
Regardless, I’ve identified as an anthro vixen since *at least* late 2002 CE GD, and Aristasia is literally *the* reason I figured out I’m trans (MTF) in Shared Reality. Both Furrydom and Aristasia constitute a great part of who I am in this world, and both have brought the most *amazing* beings into my life — both *on* and *off*line.
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[1] My source material’s an anthro AU of “Aristasia”.
[2] In the OG Aristasian story “The Adventure of the Crystal Staff” by Author Unknown, a talking rabbitlike creature known as a chenkireet makes an appearance. If talking animals can exist in canon, it’s not much of a stretch for anthro intemorphi to *also* exist in an AU.
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iyashikeivixen · 10 months
VIK 10.08.3343 IE NH // TUE 12.05.2023 CE GD
It appears I was wrong on *several* levels regarding the nature of my innerworld, as well as my kintype.[1]
After much reflection, our innerworld’s genres appear to be (1) mythic historical iyashikei (albeit with Brothers Grimmesque folkloric / psychological horror elements), and (2) Arcadian Filianic media.
Similar works include “Spice and Wolf” by Isuna Hasekura, “Violet Evergarden” by Kana Akatsuki, “Little Goody Two Shoes” by AstralShift & Square Enix — *MAJOR* vibes with LGTS, by the way — and *especially* “Aristasia” by The Aristasia Community.
I (Yashi) appear to be a vixen spirit (one of the local minor geniae, to use a Filianic term) very similar to Holo from “Spice and Wolf”. We (the Orchards) are ALL spirits, as far as we know (there’s five of us). [2]
Rhiannë (aka Kyria, our godshard of Dea Filia) is a horsegirl (like those in “Uma Musume Pretty Derby” by Cygames) as opposed to a centaur, because… that’s just easier to visualize, I guess. Yasumi (if that’s still her name) is a local minor folk janya of healing. Sophie’s an attendant of Sai Candrë, which is a mythological pun — she’s an insomniac rabbitgirl, and in Japanese folklore, the moon (Sai Candrë’s sphere)’s associated with rabbits. This would also explain why Sophie looks so tired all the time: because her job requires her to work at night, yet she (Sophie) still interacts with the rest of the Orchards during daylight hours! Blueberry might be of the shiani (Filianic fae), but I’m still not quite sure. I’ll have to make it a point to ask her sooner or later.
Roughly 99% of other maids only see us Orchards as everyday Axials (ie “typical” intemorphs, of which, in this particular innerworld, there’s a bare minimum of *seven* feminine types — each based upon one or more of the myriad janyatic principles). [3] That said, this kinda-sorta works similar to Amaterasu’s divine markings in “Ōkami” by Clover Studio & Capcom — we (the Orchards) can see one another’s true forms, but most maids who aren’t spirit-beings or spiritually attuned can’t see our animal ears, tails, wings, etc.
The main area of the innerworld is Saresgrove. In older English, “sare” means “withered, rotten, dry, melancholy, etc”. Thus, “Saresgrove” more or less means “a sort of gloomy, withered wooded area”.
There are monsters of the week in the form of keres (Filianic demons) such as Anxietas, Dysphoria, etc. There’s a nearby wooded area called the Deepwoods (which is safe(ish?) for exploration), and then there’s the *Deeperwoods* (which is where all the eldritch horrors and monsters of the week lurk in the dark).
Overall, the historical era appears to be some kind of anachronism stew between c. 1400 and 1910 CE GD.
No magic in Saresgrove — Saresgrove’s very similar to the not!Europe of “Spice and Wolf” in this regard. That said, doors exist between media-worlds in the form of a phenomenon known as Sai Brighë’s Door.
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[1] …Now that I think of it, I might’ve been right on both kintypes all along — I’m a vixen genia, yes, but I’m *also* from an all-girl world (and, thus, an alien).
[2] That is to say, there’s five of us *for now* (as of SUC 10.25.3343 IE NH // FRI 12.22.2023 CE GD).
[3] We’d like to clarify that, while Saresgrove seems to be some form of protectorate / territory / etc. of the Queendom of Arcadia in Internalia, schizomorphs (i.e. beings from not-all-female worlds) are more than welcome. For instance, Kyria Rhiannë seems to have greenlighted Flocke [LGTS] for entry to Saresgrove, if / when we find out what happens in Kieferberg. Additionally, there’s at least *one* anthropomorph.
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iyashikeivixen · 7 months
RHA 13.19.3343 IE NH // SAT 03.09.2024 CE GD
“The women I draw all have the same sort of personality. I can’t draw gentle girls; I only know how to draw ones who are strong-willed” (Akira Toriyama).
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iyashikeivixen · 4 months
MAT 03.14.03’344 IE NH // WED 05.29.12’024 HE GD
[Amadeus Liedl [Aethyrcadia]] Not… like anymany needs to know this, but… transmasc intemorphs exist, too. I’m one of them. Make no mistake — I’m a guy.
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iyashikeivixen · 9 months
RAY 10.20.3343 IE NH // SUN 12.17.2023 CE GD
As of this weekend, we have another walk-in: a xeno (that is, an alien) who wishes to remain anonymous! She resides part-time in the Queendom of Novaria.
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iyashikeivixen · 10 months
THA 10.17.3343 IE NH // THU 12.14.2023 CE GD
I’m pretty sure I’m either trans chelan or cis chelan.
[NOTE — I’m trans (MTF) in Telluria to begin with.]
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iyashikeivixen · 10 months
THA 10.10.3343 IE NH // THU 12.07.2023 CE GD
As of this afternoon, we’ve got our first walk-in — Elise from “Little Goody Two Shoes” by AstralShift and Square Enix! She’s here to keep bad people out.
Elise appears to be an *active walk-in* — she claims that she arrived in Saresgrove because, in her words, “the door was open”. It seems said door’s a two-way link between Saresgrove and Elise’s source material.
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iyashikeivixen · 10 months
RHA 10.05.3343 IE NH // SAT 12.02.2023 CE GD
As of this week, I identify as Arcadian Filianic.
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iyashikeivixen · 10 months
VIK 09.22.3343 IE NH // TUE 11.21.2023 CE GD
**[Blueberry [Innerstasia]]** -*bows*- Good evening, everyone ^^ Just a small announcement — we [our system] did some brainstorming and had a vote, and we’ve decided to call ourselves **the Orchards**.
**[Yashi [Innerstasia]]** “Orchards” is a reference to Filianism. Filianic “paradise / heaven” (so to speak) is Avala, which is basically where God the Daughter helps you rest between lives. There are a *ton* of golden apple trees tended by celestial maidens (hence, an “orchard”.) Before we realized we were plural, our then-innerworld was essentially just a place we could go to be comforted by Rhiannë, because there were no external means to help us. Additionally, Angry Orchard was our beverage of choice when we finally regained a social life after 10 years of total isolation, and “Orchard” was even the name of our first (and now former) island in “Animal Crossing: New Horizons”.
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