#blueberry [aethyrcadia]
iyashikeivixen · 10 months
VIK 09.22.3343 IE NH // TUE 11.21.2023 CE GD
**[Blueberry [Innerstasia]]** -*bows*- Good evening, everyone ^^ Just a small announcement — we [our system] did some brainstorming and had a vote, and we’ve decided to call ourselves **the Orchards**.
**[Yashi [Innerstasia]]** “Orchards” is a reference to Filianism. Filianic “paradise / heaven” (so to speak) is Avala, which is basically where God the Daughter helps you rest between lives. There are a *ton* of golden apple trees tended by celestial maidens (hence, an “orchard”.) Before we realized we were plural, our then-innerworld was essentially just a place we could go to be comforted by Rhiannë, because there were no external means to help us. Additionally, Angry Orchard was our beverage of choice when we finally regained a social life after 10 years of total isolation, and “Orchard” was even the name of our first (and now former) island in “Animal Crossing: New Horizons”.
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iyashikeivixen · 10 months
RAY 10.13.3343 IE NH // SUN 12.10.2023 CE GD
Yet another picrew — this time, Blueberry (she / her)!
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Blueberry’s pretty much our household librarian / archivist / researcher. She also helps a lot when we need to make announcements about our system. She’s one of the shiani (Filianic fae), thus her ears.
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