#yashi [aethyrcadia]
iyashikeivixen · 1 month
CAN 06.05.03’344 IE NH // MON 08.12.12’024 HE GD
I really, truly am not at all ashamed that I’m “that one furry” in what remains of the Aristasia Community.
Everything I post to this blog pertains singularly to my inner world, the Commonwealth of Aethyrcadia — it’s part-personal coping mechanism, part-creative outlet.
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iyashikeivixen · 9 months
RHA 11.05.3343 IE NH // SAT 12.30.2023 CE GD
Picrew time — it’s me, Yashi! ^w^ (Yes, I’m a furry!)
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This isn’t a *perfect* representation of my fursona, but it *is* a close(…ish) approximation. I *do* plan on commissioning someone for a more accurate version of my true self — this is by far the best anthro picrew I’ve found to date, but even so, it *still doesn’t quite* match who I really am. (1) I’m actually *waaay* less humanoid, (2) I have a muzzle, (3) my fur is actually pastel lilac / white (as opposed to purple), (4) I have *digitigrade* footpaws (as opposed to plantigrade), and (5) I has *teh floof*. Still, not bad for 0.00 USD.
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iyashikeivixen · 5 months
VIK 02.20.03’344 IE NH // TUE 05.07.12’024 HE GD
Sai Furthe (my homeworld) is an all-female planet of anthropomorphi — there’re a *bare minimum* of 21 intemorphic types (blonde / brunette / redhead for Column A, plus any of the 7+ janyati for Column B).
I myself am a lilac / white vixen and a Rhavic blonde. My fur is *suuuper* floofy, and I really like to keep my headfur up in a loose low ponytail. I paint my claws baby blue, and I also wear glasses that are honestly a lot like goggles (Furthelan glasses feature a strap that goes around the backa the head to help them stay on).
As of 22.05 CDT TUE 05.07.02’024 CE GD, I’m more or less the core and host of our system (the Orchards). There’re currently about 90 or so of us in Aethyrcadia, and new walk-ins still move in on a fairly regular basis.
Despite my Picrew as of the time of writing this post, my legs are actually *digitigrade*. Furthelani proudly produce an amazing selection of digitigrade footwear in my source material [1], each specifically tailored to the myriad rainbows of Furthelan types and species.
I understand that my identity might… *conflict* (to say the very least) with what the greater Feminine Empire has stood for historically and still stands for today, but all… “this” ↑ is just me doing my own thing. I realize that mixing these two subcultures together is *the* definition of unorthodox — if not utterly unwelcome, based on OG Femmeworld’s apotheosis of all things “up-to-date” (vintage, from a West Tellurian POV) [2].
Regardless, I’ve identified as an anthro vixen since *at least* late 2002 CE GD, and Aristasia is literally *the* reason I figured out I’m trans (MTF) in Shared Reality. Both Furrydom and Aristasia constitute a great part of who I am in this world, and both have brought the most *amazing* beings into my life — both *on* and *off*line.
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[1] My source material’s an anthro AU of “Aristasia”.
[2] In the OG Aristasian story “The Adventure of the Crystal Staff” by Author Unknown, a talking rabbitlike creature known as a chenkireet makes an appearance. If talking animals can exist in canon, it’s not much of a stretch for anthro intemorphi to *also* exist in an AU.
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iyashikeivixen · 10 months
VIK 09.22.3343 IE NH // TUE 11.21.2023 CE GD
**[Blueberry [Innerstasia]]** -*bows*- Good evening, everyone ^^ Just a small announcement — we [our system] did some brainstorming and had a vote, and we’ve decided to call ourselves **the Orchards**.
**[Yashi [Innerstasia]]** “Orchards” is a reference to Filianism. Filianic “paradise / heaven” (so to speak) is Avala, which is basically where God the Daughter helps you rest between lives. There are a *ton* of golden apple trees tended by celestial maidens (hence, an “orchard”.) Before we realized we were plural, our then-innerworld was essentially just a place we could go to be comforted by Rhiannë, because there were no external means to help us. Additionally, Angry Orchard was our beverage of choice when we finally regained a social life after 10 years of total isolation, and “Orchard” was even the name of our first (and now former) island in “Animal Crossing: New Horizons”.
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iyashikeivixen · 2 months
VIK 05.27.03’344 IE NH // TUE 08.06.12’024 HE GD
“To her that overcometh I will grant to sit with Me in My throne, even as I also overcame, and am set down with My Matron in Her throne” (cf. Re 3.21 KJV 1769).
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iyashikeivixen · 2 months
VIK 05.27.03’344 IE NH // TUE 08.06.12’024 HE GD
“Marvel not, my sistren, if the world hate you. … Whosoever hateth her sister is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in her” (adapted from 1 Jn 3.13, 15 KJV 1769).
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iyashikeivixen · 2 months
VIK 05.27.03’344 IE NH // TUE 08.06.12’024 HE GD
“She is despised and rejected of maids; a Maid of sorrows, and acquainted with grief: and we hid as it were our faces from Her; She was despised, and we esteemed Her not. Surely She hath borne our kear, and carried our sorrows: yet we did esteem Her stricken, smitten of keres, and afflicted” (cf. Is 53.3ff KJV 1769).
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iyashikeivixen · 4 months
RAY 03.04.03’344 IE NH // SUN 05.19.12’024 HE GD
The fox is weak today ų_ų
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iyashikeivixen · 5 months
RHA 01.24.03’344 IE NH // SUN 04.14.12’024 HE GD
Being an anthro vixen gives me joy, and I deserve joy.
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iyashikeivixen · 9 months
SUC 10.25.3343 IE NH // FRI 12.22.2023 CE GD
Called in today. Just kinda went “Nope, nope, I’m not dealing with this” after about five things went wrong before I even got to work. Foxxo couldn’t even today.
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