superstarfighter · 10 months
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Wore my self made (first!) headband today on my walk to uni. His day was tiring, I was running in the morning, quick shower, quick whip up of a protein shake, quick walk to uni, seminar on maths didactics, eating in the cafeteria while wearing the also new headphones with noise cancelling. Then 5h work shift 🥱
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thebadboyfanclub · 2 years
You Bled For Them, You Decide Pt.1 (Daemon x Reader)
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Once again this was challenging but so fun to write, I hope you guys like as well. Enjoy!
Daemon Targaryen or else known as “the rogue prince” had inherited the free spirit of his mother, for years he traveled as he lusted over two things, war and women. He loved his life and new found freedom after the… sudden death of his lady wife Rhea. The night after Rhaenyras wedding he fled and in a spur of the moment finding refugee in Pentos, the prince of pentos welcomed him with open arms as soon as Daemon landed with Caraxes and even threw a celebration in his honour.
That’s where he met her, (y/n). She was the daughter of a gemstone and dragonbone merchant, she stood next to her father when Daemon first laid eyes on her, her hair dark and long, her (y/e/c) eyes pierced with through his heart and made him feel like he was thrown to the flames, she held the moon and stars in those hues of hers, her lips tempting him as she bit them, her body was barely covered by a dress, it was normal for the women to dress with light materials due to the heat of the city, it did wonders for Daemons imagination. As the breeze went through her the herbal scent hit him like a brick. She was sent by the Gods for him
“It was like fate had struck me”
He would often say. It wasn’t long until he married her, her father was delighted when he saw Daemon Targaryen asking for his daughters hand. (Y/n) had prayed for their union right after that night, she could sense that this was the man for her, the man that would stand by her side until the end of their days.
Daemon spend his days and nights in her arms, the only thing that dragged him out of the bed was his dragon, other than that he spend it pleasuring his wife. Oh what a sight she was when she trembled under his touch, he held her tightly as he took her through the roads of pleasure, the servants would blush and ran away as they would couple wherever and whenever, the study room, the gardens, the bath, even up in the air while Daemon road his dragon, (y/n) rode Daemon.
It wasn’t long until (y/n) was with child, Princess Alyssa was first, (y/n) gave birth by herself in the garden with the help of her husband under a full moon, she did not trust the maesters. Not long after that came the triplets, prince Aevor, princess Eraessa and princess Aerella that were born by the help of their father in their bath on a cold rainy day, (y/n) always felt at home when surrounded by water. On the triplets first nameday (y/n) gave birth to prince Victor, unfortunately (y/n) laid ill with fever for two morrows after that birth, Daemon never left her side since he feared that he would suffer the fate of his father and brother, of course a little while after (y/n) was surrounded by her children and husband as she pushed out a daughter Johanna.
“We have been summoned”
“For what my love?”
“Laenas funeral, she died during childbirth, she commanded her dragon to set her on fire”
(Y/n) rubbed on her growing belly at the news, she had never met Daemons family yet her heart ached for the woman, every woman had feared of childbirth, all of them were willing to take the risk for their kins still their hearts skipped a beat when the labour pains began.
Daemon saw the pain in his lady wives eyes, he took her hands to place kisses on her knuckles as a way to comfort her, they didn’t have to speak about it, the eyes said everything that needed to be spoken.
“Do you want to go?”
“My brother pleaded, he wishes to be introduced to our children”
“I did not ask about your brother, I asked what do you want”
Daemon was thankful for his wife for countless reasons, one of them was her patience with him and the way she made him feel important, all his life he spend yelling to be heard and now he had someone that he could whisper to. Daemon kissed his wife on the lips softly as a way to say thank you to her, he was never good with words so physical touch was his way of showing gratitude.
“We shall leave on the morrow”
(Y/n) rode on her husbands dragon as she held on to him tightly, she could see why Daemon and her children loved riding so much, the peaceful feeling mixed with the power it brings, it was addicting to say the least.
After the family landed the first one to touch ground was Daemon who was careful enough to assist (y/n) by holding her waist until her feet are steady, (y/n) rushed to the eldest daughter Alyssa whom was holding little Johanna, her hatchling was way too small and she was far too young to ride, Alyssa had volunteered as to being the one to hold her sister for the ride.
(y/n) took the babe in her arms and she quite envied how it was the only one that was dressed in white clothing, (y/n) had to prepare an all black dress in just a few hours which had been a struggle given the fact that her babe was due any minute now.
“How was she?”
“I believe she slept the entire way, she seemed to stir awake as we were landing”
Alyssa always felt the responsibility for her siblings, her parents had embedded in her brain “family sticks together” that they would repeat almost every day. (Y/n) turned back to her husband with their daughter on her hip, Daemon was already greeted by his brother, king Viserys.
(Y/n)s courage seemed to waver for a moment as she did not make a step to approach the two brothers, they had never been introduced since the couple had eloped in pentos and resided there for their entirety of their wedding.
Daemon spoke softly, his hand reaching out for her. (Y/n) pushed every bad thought aside and made her way to her husbands side with their daughter, as she stopped king Viserys smiled brightly, his eyes immediately focusing on the little girl.
“Gods be good, how old?”
“She is almost two, her name is johanna after my mother”
“Beautiful, congratulations brother you have been blessed with a wonderful family. May I hold her?”
“Of course… your grace”
(Y/n) did not quite know how to address him, alas she passed Johanna to king Viserys who beamed with joy as he held her. Johanna was not a difficult child nor did she cry a lot, she seemed quite comfortable in her uncles arms.
“My apologies I completely ignored your lady wife and we have never been introduced. What is your name?”
“I am (y/n)… your grace”
She introduced herself as she took a small curtsy, well as low as her condition allowed to do so without falling down. technically pentos was a free country yet the soul of the ground she was now stepping on was under the Targaryen legacy so it was almost obligating. King Viserys laughed lightly at (y/n)s uneasiness, at first he was furious at his brother running off to marry a nobody, as the years passed and caught wind of how Daemon was content with his family and had brought so many children with the woman, his heart soften.
“You needn’t bow dear, we are family. I have heard tales about your choice in the matter of giving birth”
“My mother gave birth to twelve children, she always said how nobody knows better than the woman”
“Your mother was fearless but some assistance would never hurt”
“If my time comes while I give birth to my children then there is nothing a… man can do, it is something above our powers and so far I have been victorious”
“I assume there is no greater force than the force of a mother. Let us join the others, it is almost time for the ceremony”
In pentos they spoke bastard Valyrian so (y/n) could somewhat understand what the man was saying as he send his niece away to the afterlife. (Y/n) clung on to her husband for comfort as the ceremony brought her worry and sadness, being surrounded by unfamiliar faces that grieved in a ceremony of a woman she never met brought a certain discomfort to (y/n).
Daemon gave his wife’s hand a squeeze as he leaned down to place a kiss on the top of her head, Daemon feared for her life every time she was to give birth, he was never a religious man yet internally he would pray to the old and new gods for a safe delivery.
“Lady Laena leaves two true-born daughters on the shore. Though their mother will not return from her voyage, they will all remain bound together in blood. Salt courses through Velaryon blood. Ours runs thick. Ours runs true. And ours must never thin.”
Before (y/n) could comprehend what was said and the reason behind those sly remarks when the man gazed at a woman who had her arms wrapped around two boys the ceremony was interrupted by a baby crying in the near distance, her ears perked up at the sound of her youngest daughter wails. Alyssa tried to shush the babe to no avail, the child was begging for it’s mother, (y/n) fleeted her husbands side to soothe her baby and to also make it stop crying while the ceremony is taking place.
“I’m sorry mother”
“It’s alright Alyssa, Johanna is probably hungry, aren’t you my little sunshine?”
The babe settled as (y/n) rocked Johanna in her arms, she did not try to go back in her place, they had already brought enough attention to them for now, she remained close to her children who all surrounded her, it was quite the scene as 5 children build a wall around a woman that looked nothing like them.
Alyssa had her grandmothers eyes, one was violet and the other green, the triplets had silver white hair but all had different colour eyes, prince Aevor was a spitting image of his father, princess Eraessa had green eyes and Aerellahad violet, Victor had inherited his grandfathers black colour and Johanna seemed to match her sister with violet eyes and a few strands of black hair intertwined with her silver hair.
All of them looked like Targaryens which had caused a stir in everyone’s hearts along with judgement, there she was a woman that had no correlation to the Targaryen bloodline or any type of royal bloodline yet her children looked like what true born heirs should be.
“How is moon and my stars?”
Daemon would call his family that at the explanation of the moon and the stars were the only way you could find home while sailing or riding dragons. Daemon cradled his youngest daughter in his arms to ease the weight his wife was carrying, she was already burdened with a child in her guts she mustn’t hold another.
“Father can we go explore please?”
“Of course, Alyssa please escort your siblings, make sure they are safe”
“Of course father”
As the kids scurried away little Johanna was the only one that remained, she was too young to go with the others. (Y/n) turned to her husband with a disapproving look
“Alyssa is a child my love we mustn’t put such responsibility on her”
“She is our first born and she is perfectly capable of protecting her siblings, you coddle her”
“Would that be so bad? To keep my child safe and allow her to enjoy her adolescence?”
“Alyssa looks like our mother, she always spoke of how we could never get rid of her and it is only natural that she chose you to make her way back to us”
Daemons brother interrupted the quarrel as he approached them, a blonde haired woman who (y/n) assumed was close or maybe a year younger next to him, she was the one that the man was staring at when he spoke. What made (y/n) question the woman’s approach was how she took in her husband, it reminded (y/n) of a hawk inspecting its prey.
Daemon was amazed when he first took in Alyssa’s appearance, it was only fair that the babe got his mothers name, under the light of the full moon he swore to sacrifice everyone to keep his family safe.
“Mothers spirit could not be stopped by death, sometimes when she gets frustrated I swear it is our mother hiding behind my daughters eyes”
“Alyssa might have your mothers name but she is her own person and she will write her own story. Such expectations are a heavy burden for a young girl”
(Y/n) interrupted, she understood her husbands love and devotion to their family still she was also a mother and she wanted her child to have a quiet and happy life, to live without a target on her back, Daemon was driven by ambition, (y/n) was driven by compassion.
Viserys smiled fondly at the young woman, he detected the powerful urge of the mother spreading her wings to protect her young ones. The woman on his side kept looking at Daemon, (y/n) doubted that she even heard any part of the conversation, she also could feel that the woman was waiting to be greeted or for her presence to be acknowledged.
Daemon brought his wife closer to him by a gentle grip on her waist, sometimes he would forget that his wife had a backbone of her own and was not easily persuaded when it came to such delicate matters, he had fought wars and seen the worst in people, still he took a step back when it came to his wife. Their dynamic worked only if both of them made the effort, Daemon was the protector when it came to the outside but indoors (y/n) had the final decision.
“You bled for them, you decide”
Daemon had once muttered to her, it was a sign of respect from him, he was forever in her debt for the continuation of her sacrifices to expand their family.
“If I didn’t know any better I would say your wife has dragons blood in her dear uncle”
“Pentos is a free country my lady, we have fought for our freedom, allow me to say we have our own fire that burns bright”
“(Y/n) this is my daughter Rhaenyra, my heir”
“Pleasure to meet you princess”
“Likewise, is this your child?”
“One of them yes, her name is Johanna, I believe the entire trip and ceremony tired her out”
(Y/n) cooed at her baby girl as she petted the girls silver hair, Johanna had leaned into her fathers shoulder with her eyes half closed, poor thing was fighting against slumber.
Rhaenyra felt a pain in her heart as she looked at the couple, Daemon had never been so gentle with Rhaenyra or anyone for that matter, now he didn’t even spare a glimpse in her direction as he was occupied with gazing lovingly at his wife, she felt jealousy boil in her heart thinking she was supposed to be the one in (y/n)s place.
“One of them?”
“Yes, the gods have been quite generous, we have 6 children now”
“Such… great news”
She mumbled. Rhaenyra was stunned, 6 children. Daemon had never discussed the matter of children in the past, now he fathered 6 kids and another one was on the way. Rhaenyra felt the ground disappear beneath her feet as her heart beat so fast she could swear that it was going to come out from her throat.
“Excuse me”
Rhaenyra managed to grumbled as she stumbled away from the couple, she could not believe what she had witness. Rhaenyra did her best to keep her composure until she was out of sight, not only has her first love moved on and has a happy family -something that she was robbed from- he had now unintentionally blown her cover and paraded his Targaryen featured children for everyone.
Part two
Requests are open!
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jessideluxe · 4 years
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[Werbung/Gewinnspiel] Mein neuer Rucksack, den ich über @sustravable geshoppt habe, ist der perfekte Begleiter für Tagesausflüge. Er bietet viel Stauraum, z.B. für mein Kameraequipment. Das Team von Sustravable hat sich zum Ziel gemacht, Reisen nachhaltiger zu gestalten. So findet Ihr im Shop eine große Auswahl an fairen und nachhaltigen Artikeln, wie Rucksäcke oder ToGo Produkte. Und jetzt das Beste: Zusammen mit @sustravable verlose ich diesen Rucksack von @aevor 🎒 _ Teilnahmebedingungen: _ 🍃 Folge @sustravable und mir dauerhaft! ❤️ _ 🍃 Hinterlasse einen lieben Kommentar z.B. Wie kann man Reisen nachhaltiger gestalten? 🍀 _ 🍃 EXTRA-LOS: Teile dieses Bild in deiner Story und verlinke Sustravable und mein Profil _ Teilnahme ab 18 Jahren und Wohnsitz in Deutschland, Österreich und Schweiz. Das Gewinnspiel endet am 27.11.20 um 23.59 Uhr. Der Gewinner wird von mir ausgelost und per DM informiert. Es erfolgt keine Barauszahlung des Gewinns. Das Gewinnspiel steht in keiner Verbindung mit Instagram. Der Rechtsweg ist ausgeschlossen. . . . . . . . . . . . #gewinnspiel #gewinnen #verlosung #nachhaltigkeit #sustainable #nachhaltigemode #sustainablefashion #ecofashion #aevor #sunset #leipzig #theweekoninstagram #blogger_de #fairfashion #nature #natureaddict #vscocam #landscape #sachsen #lieblingsleipzig #prettylittleiiinspo #sustainablestyle #inspo #sonnenuntergang #all_sunsets #fair #globeshotz #exceptional_pictures #greenlife #fashionblogger (hier: Leipzig, Germany) https://www.instagram.com/p/CH55rsZDoSY/?igshid=1n91yz81o85sc
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stocks-tokyo · 7 years
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1/25発売のUOMOにAEVOR “BOOKPACK”が掲載されました。
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Um euch zu zeigen wie unsere #aevor Rucksäcke getragen aussehen haben wir einfach unseren Kollegen als Model missbraucht 😎😏 Wir finden es steht ihm. Was sagt ihr? #aevor #bookpack #everyday #recycle #coolandgreen #wien #stöger (hier: Stöger - papier / buch / office) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3mk3YLg0Ia/?igshid=1e4pok8k236nq
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vonauw · 7 years
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Promotional for AEVOR GERMANY 
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Ahh friends, allow more to ramble under the cut, please do not read if you have not finished Ivarr’s character story in Valhalla…
Though one thing I will say before the cut, if you have not finished his saga, before you do, when fighting alongside him, watch him. The way this man moves around the battlefield is trippy as fuck. He truly moves as though he doesn’t have bones?! The way that have animated this character model is genuinely interesting, not to be missed.
Well…I really thought that was going to go in a completely different direction……
I hate it. :’’’’’’’’’’’(
I thought with the drinking scene, and his growing fondness of Coelbert, I honestly thought his character was going to be less raging psychopath and more a man who is more intelligent than people give him credit for, and a man who has many things in common with the character you play.
But no….
Both younger siblings to kings/clan leaders. Both are not your typical vikings, both are smaller and quicker than their peers and are noticed for it. Both don’t really fit in? 
I thought at least Eivor would have the option to bang him, but thank god we didn’t!!
I find him so interesting because when we first met I genuinely hate him, thought he was just a psycho, but then I truly believed the story was leading to that actually being not true, him being more than just a killer. Him being so driven by his anger and need for vengeance is not done badly by any means, it's pretty interesting, but just so sad. As you can see from my photographs, I was genuinely loving fighting beside him in those last scenes.
One the one hand his story was not written badly, but I was hoping for there to be more too his character than what eventually was. I thought his journey was to find value in something, anything in life that isn’t bloodshed, but I guess the great tragedy is that he was too far gone to find it. I suppose I have to take canon into my own hands…….
Anyway, I’m sad. Very sad and am just going to be in denial and change the final part of the canon for my own self indulgence, because no one can stop me. 
AND THEY BASICALLY HAVE THE SAME NAME? Eivor and Ivvar are literally pronounced, “AEvor + EEvor” there is so much potential in that ALONE.
honestly thought this was gonna play out differently lmao
Assassin’s Creed always does this to me!!!!
Enjoy the S*xy pics anyhow
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faire und nachhaltige Rucksäcke
Ich war in der letzten Zeit auf der Suche nach dem perfekten und nachhaltigen Rucksack für mich. In meiner Schulzeit hatte ich eigentlich immer Taschen. Doch während meinem Abi hab ich so Rückenschmerzen bekommen, dass ich auf Rucksäcke umgestiegen bin. Meine Skoliose ist damit bestimmt auch glücklicher. Weil ich schnell ein Rucksack brauchte war mein Freund so lieb mir einen zu leihen. Jedoch ist es langsam an der Zeit den auch wieder zurück zu geben. Da ich einen Rucksack wollte der qualitativ hochwertig ist und mir ganz sicher so lange gefällt bis er kaputt ist habe ich mich recht intensiv auf die Suche begeben. Hier sind einige Marken, die ich entdeckt habe: 
pingpong Vegan (PeTa zertifiziert), Fair Wear Foundation, bluesign system partner; Stoffe sind zu 100 % aus recycelten PET-Flaschen; An den pingpong Rucksäcken gefällt mir besonders gut die Inneneinteilung. Vor allem bei der Modell Cubik. ich mag es mehrere kleine Fächer zu haben. Dann hab ich immer feste Plätze für zb meinen Schlüssel und Geldbeutel und muss nicht lange suchen. 
Ethnotek Vegan, Hand gemacht, keine schädlichen Chemikalien; ich habe selber schon die Cyclo Travel Sling und kenne mehrere andere mit Ethnotek Rucksäcken, Geldbeuteln, etc.. Die Qualität ist einfach der hammer und jeder ist sehr zufrieden.  Die Inneneinteilung gefällt mir hier nicht ganz so gut jedoch finde ich die Modelle äußerlich ansprechender.
Faix Design Vegan (PeTa zertifiziert) Herstellung in Deutschland, Produkte regional, kurze Lieferwege halten den CO2-Fußabdruck klein; der WYXIWYG2.0 hat mir sehr gut gefallen, da er einfach was besonderes ist vom Aussehen her.  
AEVOR vegan (PeTa zertifiziert), Fair Wear Foundation, bluesign system partner; die verwendeten Außenstoffe werden zu 50 % aus recycelten PET-Flaschen hergestellt
Matt & Natt vegan, Stoffe aus 100 % recycelten Plastikflaschen werden verwendet, sehr schicke und schlichte Rucksäcke; Ich habe selber einen Matt&Natt Geldbeutel seid einem Jahr und bin sehr zu frieden. 
grünBag alle verwendeten Materialien sind entweder wiederverwendet oder nachhaltig
Ich habe mich am Ende für einen gebrauchten Fjäll Räven Kanken mit 16 L entschieden. Den habe ich auf Kleiderkreisel entdeckt. Eigentlich wollte ich nie einen Kanken weil jeder zweite damit rumläuft jedoch wollte ich einen Rucksack der nicht zu groß ist, da ich ja nicht mehr in die Schule gehe und so für jeden Tag keinen riesengroßen Rucksack brauche. Der 16 L Kanken ist nicht super groß aber es passt trotzdem viel rein. Außerdem fande ich es sehr praktisch, dass die Reisverschlüsse so weit runter reichen. So habe ich einen besseren Zugriff auf den gesamten Raum des Rucksacks. Da second hand zu kaufen eh nachhaltiger ist und ich damit auch sehr viel Geld gespart habe bin ich sehr glücklich mit meinem Kauf. Falls ich Probleme habe sollte mit den Riemen die anscheinend einschneiden, wie ich schon öfter gehört habe, gibt es von Fäll Räten extra so Polster die man sich kaufen kann. 
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minoiaboardco · 6 years
✅ #backtoschool 🎒@herschelsupply @volcomskate @ripndip @spitfirewheels @independenttrucks @chrome_industries @aevor @pinqponq @dcshoes @vansskate @burtonsnowboards backpacks available online (link in bio) and at our store in #brescia 🇮🇹 #herschelsupply #zaini #zainiscuola #backpack #supportyourlocalskateshop #the1stindependentskateshop (presso Minoia Board Co.) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnYdavslyzm/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v3u6ickp1ek9
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lightresist · 7 years
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Aevor Shoulder Bag Fineline
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superstarfighter · 2 years
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OHAI, don't mind me casually visiting the local library and handing back in the books I borrowed (and actually read!) these past three weeks. Not sure if embarrassed is the right word to describe how I feel (it most like is not and instead the opposite would be right to use), but I do like the look of myself wearing this outfit. ✨
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pyreariege · 4 years
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odrseasonone · 6 years
Dragon Names???
Bc you know this has been bothering me hahaha  Anyway!  Lemme know what you think?????
Dart (probs short for something but yeaH)
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mat-schadewald · 6 years
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[Werbung wegen Logo] @aevor ich wäre nem Sponsoring nicht abgeneigt 🤔 Auf der suche nach Agent Pikachu war Ash der Pokemon Jäger... Hänsel und Gretel suchten verzweifelt nach den Brotkrumen die sie hinterlassen haben... Achne das ist nur ein Bild aus dem Wald 🤷‍♂️ #germanroamers #waldWesen #baum #bäume #baumliebe #wald #waldliebe #forest #forestlove #forestphotography #baumstumpf #treetrunk #naturwesen #treefantasy #baumgeist #baumwesen #baumstamm #walddpaziergang #forestwalk #natur #naturliebe #naturfotografie #instanature #nature #natureporn #naturephotography #holz #wood #aevor Photo by @alitscheimwonderland — view on Instagram https://ift.tt/2HatGb5
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stocks-tokyo · 7 years
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artwalktv · 7 years
Born and Raised in a small German village, far away from wind and water, Marco has made his way into the top league of the windsurf world. Three months ago we followed him to Leucate in South France to shoot a film, which was in our minds for several years. follow our journey on instagram @hometownstories find the music on soundcloud: http://bit.ly/2y5wpfk production company: Hometown Creations director: Jan Eric Hühn director of photography: Alex Schuchmann music & sounddesign: eeph aka. Henric Schleiner supported by: Aevor JaKlar Chiemsee Fanatic ION Kerbholz Maui Ultra Fins North Sails Panasonic Wesh Center Crew Carry Rent Kr -One Oneil Eyewear FH Dortmund Leucate, France 2017
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