#afa jr
acknowledge-reigns · 1 year
TW// Hospitalization, life threatening illness etc.
Sending love and positive vibes to Roman's cousin Afa Jr aka Manu/Samoan Storm (38 years old).
The GoFundMe below states "He is currently fighting for his life at the moment. Afa was rushed to the hospital on Saturday, September 23rd finding out that he has a severe and unexpected complex cardiac issue. He went through many tests and major cardiac procedures."
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cozyaliensuperstar7 · 4 months
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Yeah I'm not buying it.
It just sounds like the supposed experts have no idea what Roman and the Bloodline is up to so they're making up theories. 🤷🏾‍♀️
Afa Jr (Samoan Storm) says he's The Underboss. 🤔
There’s ANOTHER Head of the Table! 👀☝🏽
The full Muscle Memory interview with @samoanstorm is LIVE on YouTube! Link in bio!
#wwe #romanreigns #smackdown #bloodline #wrestling #manu #afaanoaijr #afaanoai #wildsamoans #wxwwrestling #legacy #sports #explore #reels
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amaranthar · 1 year
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50kgannamolly · 1 year
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baldursyourgate · 5 months
bored, looked up drow name meaning
Jarlaxle - prefix Jhul/Jar: charmed, rune, symbol; suffix cyrl/axle: ally, companion, friend. -> charmed friend? symbol of ally? If he were born female, his name would be... Jhulcyrl. Barely pronounceable.
Gromph Baenre - suffix oyss/omph: binder, judge, law, prison. His female name counterpart could be... Groyss...
Triel Baenre - Triel/Taz: bat, winged.
Minolin Fey-Baenre - prefix Min/Ran: lesser, minor, second; suffix olin (unisex): ascension, love, lover, lust. -> minor lover? second lover? Tbf she is the second named lover of Gromph in the series. Very... plot relevant name.
Minthara Baenre - prefix Min/Ran: lesser, minor, second; suffix thara/tar: glyph, marker, rune -> lesser glyph, second rune... glyph jr.? Kind of a cute name meaning from what we've seen.
Nalfein Do'Urden - prefix Nhil/Nal fear, horrible, horror, outraged; suffix ffyn/fein: minstrel, singer, song -> fear singer? song of outrage? horror minstrel... Nhilffyn would be his female counterpart.
Dinin Do'Urden - prefix Gin/Din berserk, berserker, orc, wild; suffix inil/in lady/lord, rider, steed -> berserk rider? wild steed? berserk lord. Gininil is a bit of a tongue twister...
Drizzt Do'Urden - prefix Jys/Driz hard, steel, unyielding; suffix zyne/zt finder, hunter. -> unyielding hunter?
Zaknafein Do'Urden - prefix Zar/Zakn: dusk, haunted, shadow; suffix afae/afein bane, executioner, slayer. Dusk slayer, haunted bane, shadow executioner. His name's female counterpart would be Zarafae. However, in "Relentless", it is stated that Zaharina is the feminine of Zaknafein.
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Baby girl is named after her grandpa <3
Malice Do'Urden - Prefix Mal/Malag: mystery, secret; suffix ice/eth: obsession, taker, taken -> secret taker. So her name means something in drow and it's a coincident that it makes up a word that has meaning in Common.
Briza Do'Urden - prefix Briz/Berg graceful, fluid, like water; suffix a/agh breaker, destruction, end, omega -> graceful end.
Vierna Do'Urden - prefix Vier/Val black, dark, darkness; suffix na/nar adept, ghost, spirit -> darkness's adept.
Maya Do'Urden - prefix May/Mas beautiful, beauty, silver; ; suffix a/agh breaker, destruction, end, omega -> beautiful destruction.
For all that she did, gotta give it to Matron Malice when it comes to the naming department. She knows how to give name that's got a good balance on both the meaning and pronounceability.
Sorn Orlith - prefix In/Sorn enchanted, spell.
Nym Orlith - prefix Myr/Nym: lost, skeleton, skull. According to the list, Nym is a male prefix?
Viconia DeVir - prefix Vic (unisex) abyss, deep, profound; suffix onia/onim rod, staff, token, wand. -> abyss' wand.
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Matron Baenre had a LOT of children and so a tonne to name. Idk how she did it or if she give up after the first... 5 and just go for a dice roll for the rest.
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I wasn't able to find the meaning for a few name, like Quenthel's. Also some prefix seen in existing drow's names like Sos in Sosdrille and Sos'Umptu is not in the list.
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nwonitro · 4 months
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Jackie Crockett, Virgil, Francisco Ciatso, Yutaka Yoshie, Butcher Vachon, Ole Anderson, Anthony Gaines, Chris Markoff, Pequeño Dragón, Asahi, Peter Flowers, Ian Muir, Dario Romero, Edmund Jones, Peggy Gilbert, Silver Cat, John Burke, Barry Douglas...
Rey Destroller, James Staublen, Pompin, Kamaleon Negro, Chicho De Catanzaro, Ferrarito, La Hormiga Atomica, Akebono, Ice Train, Jim Casey, Freddy Adams, Mervyn McKee, Jermaine Robinson, Hot Rod Biggs, George Wilhelm, Big Mac, Billy Blue River, Bad Bones...
Bob Bruggers, Silento Rodriguez, Billy Reil, Rainbow Brown, Tony Jones, Scott Cornish, El Signo, Santana Starks, Jonathan Morton, Dave Sims, Reggie Rage, Bulldog Villegas, X-Boy, Scott Henson, Willy Estrada, James Castle, Jamie Kellner, Tequilita, Al Rojo Vivo...
Sordomudo Rodriguez, Wild Samoan Sika, Gunter Zapf, Bill Custers, Vaquero Jr, Pequeño Nitro, Chase Pearce, Leo Burke, Pete Sanchez, Vladimir Petrov, Beauregarde, Pete Reeves, Bulldog Dan Hansen, Al Zinck, Dennis Brent, Eyan Brisco, Loco Valentino, Horror...
Kevin Sullivan, Wild Samoan Afa, Fritz Von Goering, Sid Vicious, Villano V, Sonny King, Donn Wingate, Joey Nuggs, Kuniaki Kobayashi, Micah Taylor...
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americanbolivian · 1 year
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Yvonne Senat Jones is a Bilingual Afro-Latina actress. You've probably seen her on Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, and NBC Peacock. Most notably, she can be seen in her supporting role opposite Jennifer Lopez in The Mother on Netflix. She is also Disney's First Afro-Latina Queen in Sneakerella. Read more below for an in-depth bio!
Instagram: @yvonnesenat
IMDb: Yvonne Senat Jones - IMDb
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Yvonne at the premiere of "The Mother" on Netflix
A unique fact about Yvonne is that she carries a picture of her grandparents whenever she goes on set to film.
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Her family's last name is "Carrasco"
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Yvonne's family does missionary work every year in Bolivia.
"Yvonne Senat Jones, a Bilingual Afro-Latina actress, is in several MAJOR projects in 2023 for Netflix, Disney+, Hulu and NBC Peacock! Most notably, she can currently be seen in her Supporting Role opposite Jennifer Lopez in The Mother on Netflix (Dir.Niki Caro), which is in the top 10 Most Watched Netflix English Films of All Time. She is Recurring in NBC Peacock’s Based On A True Story (Dir. Alex Buono and EP Craig Rosenberg) as Detective Jessie Peterson. Yvonne is also Recurring in the Disney+ Original Sports Drama The Crossover (Dir.George Tillman Jr. and EP LeBron James) as Janice Rojas-Pierre. Her Supporting Role of Laurel opposite Winona Ryder in Gone In The Night is streaming on Hulu and Amazon Prime.(Dir.Eli Horowitz)
And her Disney+ TV Musical Feature, Sneakerella, won the 2022 Emmy for Outstanding Fiction Special! In this film, she earned the title of Disney’s first Afro-Latina Queen, Denise King. (Dir.Elizabeth Allen Rosenbaum). She is perhaps best known for her starring role as Tally in Tyler Perry’s BET series, Ruthless, also recurring on BET’s The Oval, while guest starring on such series as The Orville, Code Black, and S.W.A.T. She holds a Masters of Fine Arts in Acting from the University of South Carolina and a Bachelors in Theatre Arts from Cal State University, Long Beach. She also spent 8 years teaching acting to students from at-risk communities with the non-profit organization, City Hearts LA.  Senat Jones is repped by FSE Talent, AFA Prime Talent Media and attorney Grace Kallis at Ginsburg Daniels Kallis."
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All images and copyright are reserved for Yvonne Senat Jones Ⓒ
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usafphantom2 · 2 years
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USAF plans to have 1,000 advanced drones and 200 NGAD fighters
Fernando Valduga By Fernando Valduga 03/08/2023 - 19:11 in Military
The U.S. Air Force will field 200 state-of-the-art air domain aircraft (NGAD) and possibly 1,000 collaborative combat aircraft (CCAs) and request funds from the 2024 fiscal budget to develop these new systems, Secretary Frank Kendall said in his opening speech at the AFA Warfare Symposium on March 7.
The next generation of air domain will include the Next-Generation Air Dominance hunting platform “and the introduction of unmanned collaborative aircraft to provide affordable mass and dramatically increased cost effectiveness,” Kendall said.
The "notional" number of 1,000 advanced drones was derived from "two drones used for 200 NGAD platforms and two additional ones for each of the 300 F-35s," Kendall said.
He warned that "this is not a stock objective, but a planning assumption to be used for the analysis of things such as basic organizational structures, training and scope requirements, and support concepts."
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Exactly how many NGAD platforms the Air Force plans to buy has been a well-kept secret and, even if it is "notional", the number of 200 is revealing, as it is greater than the current stock of F-22s that the NGAD will eventually succeed around 2030.
Kendall previously said that up to five advanced drones could collaborate with each manned fighter - performing electronic warfare missions, suppression of enemy air defenses, air and ground protection and communications - but he also said that the process of presenting them will be iterative.
Asked at a later press conference why the planning number mentioned 300 F-35s - when the Air Force inventory goal of 1,763 F-35s has not changed since the beginning of the program - Kendall said it is "just a reasonable starting point. It's somewhat arbitrary."
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While USAF is "starting" with two notional advanced drones to work with each of the 500 fighters, "I don't know what the final inventory would be ... or exactly what the proportion would be," Kendall said. "It could be more than that. It will be a question of what the technology will support and what works best for the operational forces. But we wanted to give it to the chief of staff, General Charles Q. Brown Jr., a reasonable assumption, ... a basis for starting some planning.
He added: "This is a new thing. It is a... way of operating with which we have not yet had experience, so we have a lot to learn and this will require some experimentation... some tests and careful reflection. So, we put this on the table as a way to structure this planning, around what we think is a reasonable first installment and a reasonable proportion. And we will learn as we move forward.
Kendall said that the budget that will go to the Capitol next week will include orders for the advanced drones "which ... are not the definitive ones, which we can use for a variety of things to develop operational concepts to develop technology, reduce the risk of the program ... and also start thinking about some things like how we train, what kind of organizational structures we have, etc. So there's still a lot to be done."
Kendall acknowledged his previous comments on up to five drones per manned aircraft, but said that the updated number of two is about finding a "optim".
"We don't want to fall short, we don't want to overtake," Kendall added. Although the USAF wants to get "the maximum possible operational combat capacity with this concept," he warned that "if we shoot too far, we will have a problem: a program that gets stuck on the schedule and exceeds the costs. So, we are evaluating the technology."
The CCAs will be persecuted "competitively," he told reporters. "There are many candidates. ... People are already thinking a lot about it, based on what we have already disclosed.
"I want to boost technology without going too far. So that’s something we’ll have to find out as we move forward,” Kendall added.
Accessibility for force building is one of the drivers behind the momentum for CCAs, Kendall said - if the Air Force buys only F-35s and F-15EXs, then "we have an inaccessible U.S. Air Force." The goal of the CCAs will be to cost "some fraction" of the cost of an F-35. “Let’s design around this,” he said.
However, Kendall also hinted that larger F-35 purchases will come in the 2024 fiscal budget request that goes to Congress next week, saying in his speech that the service "will be acquiring aircraft currently in production at higher rates than previously planned," although, in general, "our previously started programs will continue as planned."
In the long term, the 2024 budget includes “about 20 new or significantly improved efforts”.
Kendall said that his "greatest fear" is that Congress will not act quickly to debate, authorize and appropriate defense funds, which would prevent new beginnings and would be "a gift to China ... that we cannot afford".
Quoting General Douglas MacArthur, Kendall said that "military failure can almost always be summed up in just two words: 'Too late'. Time is a good that can never be recovered or replaced." And although he expressed gratitude to the White House and Congress for supporting the increase in USAF spending in fiscal year 2023, “especially by allowing almost all requested divestments of legacy systems,” he also warned that the next budget request will include more “difficult choices.”
Source: Air Force & Space Magazine
Tags: Military AviationDronesNGADUSAF - United States Air Force / U.S. Air Force
Fernando Valduga
Fernando Valduga
Aviation photographer and pilot since 1992, he has participated in several events and air operations, such as Cruzex, AirVenture, Dayton Airshow and FIDAE. He has works published in specialized aviation magazines in Brazil and abroad. Uses Canon equipment during his photographic work throughout the world of aviation.
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deadlinecom · 1 month
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uniquetyphoonmiracle · 6 months
Que casualidad.. Me dio por ponerme ayer la camiseta de ROMANCE ETERNO de BOCA JRS y suspendieron su partido en el ESTADIO UNO DE ESTUDIANTES donde comi a pie de CAMPO BAJO UN SOL DE JUSTICIA (Lo recorde hace 4 dias en mi clausurada cuenta ayer SALVADORREY al hablar que en mi 1er concierto de Inxs me encontre a 2 jugadores de mi equipo aficionado ESTUDIANTES DE LA PLATA) PORQUE CASI PALMA como antonio PUERTA (lo hizo tras un par de dias en el HOSPITAL) javier ALTAMIRANO.. Fuertes imagenes.. Mas que las de una peli PORNO pero menos que las de una GUERRA o las peliculas VIOLENTAS DE HOLLYWOOD o de la PUTA UFC
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Por cierto.. Un Cubano como LENNY DE LA ROSA calentaba Dentro y fuera de la CAMA a la PUTA DE FEY.. Parece que algunas ENCUENTRAN LO QUE BUSCAN
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mcdonaldseln1 · 11 months
¿Combo Ideal o Combo Polemico?
Por Angela Cortes
En esta entrevista exclusiva, Julián López nos adentra un poco en el mundo del deporte y su relación con la promoción de la comida y la alimentación saludable, tomando de punto de partida la asociación de AFA con el gigante de la comida rápida, McDonald’s.
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Julian Lopez cubriendo Boca Jr - Barracas Central en el Estadio Unico Madre de Ciudades.
Julian Lopez Casagrande, 21 años, actual estudiante de la carrera de Periodismo Deportivo, jefe de prensa en Real Pilar (equipo de la Primera C del fútbol argentino) y con una pasantía en ESPN, fue el elegido para la entrevista en el podcast “En el Menú”. Poder entrevistar a un periodista deportivo sobre la influencia de McDonald's en el deporte es valioso debido a su experiencia en la cobertura de eventos deportivos y patrocinios. Su perspectiva nos brinda información sobre cómo las marcas como McDonald's impactan en la narrativa deportiva, la percepción pública y la nutrición de atletas, y cómo la promoción de comida rápida se relaciona con la promoción de un estilo de vida saludable en el deporte.
Link de la entrevista
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wewerecore · 1 year
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 015 08/24/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
- The show opened with a video tribute to Terry Funk set to "Rollin' With The Flow" by Charlie Rich.
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- Sudu Upadhyay was shown alone in front of the commentary booth. Over still images from CORE's event at the Pittston Tomato Festival, Sudu explained that his broadcast colleague Larry Zbyszko suffered significant damage to his surgically repaired MCL, but also a tear to his ACL and meniscus after an attack by Kylie Paige. Sudu said that Larry is currently home in Florida awaiting surgery and that they hope to have an update on Zbyszko's future in CORE as soon as one is available.
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Something/Nothing (Jake Something and Vincent Nothing) with UltraMantis Black vs. Stock Vetrano and Mook Vetrano (with Raychell Rose) Something/Nothing defeated Stock Vetrano and Mook Vetrano with a Black Hole Slam from Something on Mook. (2:58)
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- We joined Daphne Oz at the news desk for the Coal Region Roundup. - Daphne opened with a recap of CORE's event at the Pittston Tomato Festival. Daphne revealed that the condition of Marcus Mathers' ankle and foot is currently unknown leading into Trios Kingdom, while no official inquiries have been made by Kerry Morton's camp to CORE leadership about a replacement rumors abound. What we do know is he will not be replaced by Brogan Finlay who is being evaluated by specialists for a possible calcaneal fracture from being placed in a heel hook. - Moving on, Daphne sent us to comments from Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels who pled their case to Titus Alexander after he disappeared, much as he had done after losing to Roderick Strong, following his loss to Eddie Kingston. Blackwood said he understood Alexander's frustrations after the dissolution of The Last Wave and two tough losses, but that Trios Kingdom 2023 will be the perfect time for a reset; and that they'll win Trios and they'll be off running - together. Alan Angels said that they booked a tune up match for themselves against the up and coming tag team Fly-Def next week and they took the liberty of booking one for Titus Alexander too. - Daphne closed things out with comments from The Production team of Derek Dillinger, Magnum CK, and Ziggy Haim who will be having a "tune up" match of their own next week against three "bit players" left on the cutting room floor by The Production; Dom Kubrick, Al Deniro, and Katie Arquette.
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Queen Aminata vs. Hyan Queen Aminata defeated Hyan via submission with a Koji Clutch. (6:05)
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- New CORE backstage interviewer Erick Stevens was able to catch up with Giulia at the ECW Arena over the weekend. Erick asked Giulia as we head toward Trios Kingdom, what motivates her to max out her potential and strive to PR every day. Giulia seemed to have no idea what Erick was saying and responded with a "grazie mille" before walking off.
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Trench Trial Series - Match 7 Trench vs. Giant Baba Yaga Giant Baba Yaga defeated Trench with the running neckbreaker. (2:27)
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- The Tribal Elder Afa Jr., Sean Maluta, Journey Fatu, and Smart Guy Tod Gordon of The Family Tree made their way to the ring for The Trial. Afa Jr. called his first witness, Zilla Fatu. After being sworn in by appreciating his Tribal Elder, Zilla was pressed on whether or not he had been contacted by Sean Maluta or Journey Fatu to join The Family Tree. Despite hard questioning by Afa Jr, Zilla was adamant he had not been offered a spot in The Family Tree by Maluta or Journey. Afa then called Maluta and Journey to the witness stand and demanded to know why they didn't offer Zilla a spot; did they think he was too good for The Family Tree? Did they see him as superior to their Tribal Elder? Maluta and Journey both testified that was not the case. Afa then called Tod Gordon to the stand and demanded answers as to why The Tribal Elder was not mentioned once in Tod Gordon's new book, especially not in the Acknowledgments section. Smart Guy stammered, stuttered, sweated, and bugged out his eyes. Tod tried to explain that his book was about ECW and Afa Jr. was never in ECW but Afa Jr. said that was no excuse. Under oath Tod Gordon broke down and confessed that he had actually written two entire chapters about Afa Jr. and his greatness but the publisher demanded they be removed. Smart Guy crawled on his hands and knees and begged for forgiveness. Afa Jr. sentenced Tod Gordon to death by being thrown off the roof of the former Travelodge now the Holiday Inn on Penrose Avenue in Philadelphia. Afa Jr. asked Tod Gordon if he had any last words and Tod praised Afa's wisdom and fairness and that he accepts his punishment for his misdeeds. Afa Jr. stated that this was a test and he finds Smart Guy not guilty.
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TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Invictus Khash) vs. Max The Impaler/Heidi Howitzer/Badger Briggs TrustBusters Reserve defeated Max The Impaler/Heidi Howitzer/Badger Briggs after a Bishop Bomb from Bishop to Briggs. (7:47)
- Promotional consideration paid for by the following: Alien Tape: Double sided ultra-strong tape with nano-grip technology that bonds instantly and holds on tight to almost any surface! Direct Bullion USA: The new gold standard. Roll your retirement account into a gold and silver backed IRA. Middleswarth Potato Chips: A Pennsylvania tradition. Grab a bag of their handcooked kettle chips or kitchen fresh potato chips on the go or pick up The Weekender and plan a weekend of fun around your favorite flavor. Dorney Park Halloween Haunt kicks off Friday night September 15th and runs every Friday, Saturday, and Sunday through the end of October.
Next Week On The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour Brackets announced for Trios Kingdom 2023! Fuego Del Sol vs. Flamita The Production (Derek Dillinger/Magnum CK/Ziggy Haim) vs. Dom Kubrick/Al Deniro/Katie Arquette Kevin Blackwood and Alan Angels vs. Fly-Def (Zack Zilla and Warren J) Also in action… Journey Fatu and Sean Maluta of The Family Tree Titus Alexander
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #120 Trios Kingdom 2023 - Night One 09/01/23 Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania Featuring: The Calling (AKIRA/Rickey Shane Page/Delirious) with Raven The 37KAMIINA (MAO/Yuki Ueno/Toi Kojima) Jake Something/Vincent Nothing/Giant Baba Yaga with UltraMantis Black Team JTO (Ren Ayabe/Fire Katsumi/Akira Juumonji) Black Generation International (Kaito Ishida/Flamita/Yutani) The Production (Derek Dillinger/Magnum CK/Ziggy Haim) Just 5 Guys (TAKA Michinoku/Taichi/Yoshinobu Kanemaru) Big Mouth LOUD (Katsuyori Shibata/Kazunari Murakami/Manabu Hara) The Family Tree (Afa Jr./Sean Maluta/Journey Fatu) Donna del Mondo (Giulia/Maika/Thekla) Los Cancerberos del Infierno (Cancerbero/Luciferno/Virus) folkstyle (Shaw Mason/Tim Bosby/Hunter Holdcraft) Kerry Morton/Starboy Charlie/Marcus Mathers Los Magnificos (Adrenalina/Explosivo/Fantastico) Titus Alexander/Kevin Blackwood/Alan Angels TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Invictus Khash)
CORE Pro #121 Trios Kingdom 2023 - Night Two 09/02/23 Charles Chrin Community Center - Easton, Pennsylvania Non-Tournament Special Attraction Trios Kingdom vs. King Of Trios: Six Winners From Previous Tournaments Face Off in Trios Action Trios Kingdom (Ethan Page/Andrew Everett/"Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams) vs. King Of Trios (Hallowicked/Lince Dorado/Trent Seven)
CORE Pro #122 Trios Kingdom 2023 - Night Three 09/03/23 Martz Hall - Pottsville, Pennsylvania
CORE returns to the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania! 09/04/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV.
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thisent1 · 2 years
Welcome to Royal Rumble Countdown brought to you by THISENT.com and The Wrestling Heroes and Insiders Podcast aka The WHIP Show! World Wrestling Entertainment’s annual Royal Rumble match is a variation of the traditional Battle Royal match. With a total of 30 competitors, two WWE Superstars start in the ring then every 90 seconds thereafter another Superstar enters. A Superstar is eliminated when they’re thrown over the top rope and both feet touch the floor. The last remaining Superstar is guaranteed a championship opportunity at WrestleMania versus the current Undisputed WWE Universal Champion. The 36th annual Royal Rumble happens live from the Alamodome in San Antonio, Texas on January 28, 2023. We think Sami Zayn should be its winner. One of WWE’s most popular Superstars, “The Honorary Uce” dubbed Sami Uso has found his place, and respect, amongst faction The Bloodline. The former 2-time Pro Wrestling Guerilla World Champion, Ring of Honor Television Champion, NXT Champion, and 3-time WWE Intercontinental Champion sits seemingly in a comfortable seat beside head of the table, Tribal Chief, and Unified WWE Universal Champion Roman Reigns. That seating arrangement isn’t going to last. Sami’s relationship with onscreen rival, real life best friend Kevin Owens is a quieter point of contention following War Games at Survivor Series 2022, but it should be expected to get considerably louder on the road to WrestleMania. As Owens continues to target Reigns, we could see a Royal Rumble scenario where Sami is forced to eliminate the Prize Fighter as one of the final three contestants but not before Owns throws Reigns’ cousin and righthand Jey Uso over the top first. Sami would show his allegiance to The Bloodline by extracting his best friend. Instead of The Bloodline celebrating Zayn for winning, they could turn on him instead. Ousting him from the group in violent fashion. This would set up Zayn’s motivated chance to end Reigns’ historic run as champion, finally claiming WWE’s top prize at WrestleMania 39. A moment punctuated by a flood of ovation, Zayn would be too excited and elated to notice Owens lurking in the water to attack the newly crowned champion. |THIS ENT + The WHIP Show Royal Rumble Winners: Jim Duggan (1988), Big John Studd (’89), Hulk Hogan (’90, ’91), Ric Flair (’92), Yokozuna (’93), Bret Hart/Lex Luger (’94), Shawn Michaels (’95, ’96), Steve Austin (’97, ’98), Mr. McMahon (’99), The Rock (2000), Steve Austin (’01), Triple H (’02), Brock Lesnar (’03), Chris Benoit (’04), Batista (’05), Rey Mysterio (’06), The Undertaker (’07), John Cena (’08), Randy Orton (’09), Edge (’10), Alberto Del Rio (’11), Sheamus (’12), John Cena ('13), Batista (’14), Roman Reigns (’15), Triple H (’16), Randy Orton (’17), Shinsuke Nakamura (’18), Seth Rollins (’19), Drew McIntyre (’20), Edge (2021), Brock Lesnar (2022) BONUS: The WHIP Show with guest Afa Anoai Jr. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4azNHA84TMk
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indianabeach · 2 years
Gary Gee
Indianapolis, IN
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SCREAM 2022 Stoneware and luster, 6 x 8 x 4 in $600
Gary Gee (b. 1971; Indianapolis, IN) is a visual artist working in mixed media, ceramics, and murals. His work is inspired and influenced by his travels, music, and inner city countercultures. Gee is a Teaching Artist, Adjunct Professor, Arts 4 Learning (2020), and recipient of the 2019 Robert D. Beckmann, Jr. Emerging Artist Fellowship from the Arts Council of Indianapolis and the 2018 Ivy Tech Alum of the Year - Indianapolis Campus. Gary’s work has been prominently featured in Art & Soul (2018), High Art Billboard (2017), and awarded recognition of distinction in Flava Fresh (2014). To further his artistic profession, Gee has participated in the On-Ramp Creative Entrepreneur Program (2019) and is a standing member of the We Are Indy Artist Collective and the Eighteenth Artist Collective. Gee holds a BFA in Integrated Studio Practices from Indiana University’s Herron School of Art and Design (IUPUI) and an AFA in Fine Arts and AAS in Visual Communications from Ivy Tech Community College. The skulls are both a challenge and a lot of fun at the same time for me personally, due to the scientific aspects of ceramic in general.
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beingallelite · 3 years
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PPWProWrestling- 🚨THIS JUST IN🚨
Dark Order’s @Pres10Vance & @Alan_V_Angels will face @SamoanStorm & @thebigorlando at Aerial Assault‼️
Full story: ppwwrestling.com/post/dark-orde... 🔥
🗓 Saturday, August 14th 🚪 5 PM 🔔 7 PM 📍 Signature Training Academy, Brodheadsville, PA 🎟: ppwwrestling.com/shop
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igbysport · 3 years
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Messi vs Neymar 😍❤️🔥
Most Goals 🥇Messi 🥈Neymar Most Assists 🥇Messi 🥈Neymar Most Shots 🥇Messi 🥈Neymar Most Chances Created 🥇Messi 🥈Neymar Most Fouls Won 🥇Neymar 🥈Messi
🇦🇷Argentina vs Brazil 🇧🇷 🏆Copa America Final 🏟Maracana 🍿TONIGHT🍿
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