#afb discord writing challenge
fireandfolds · 2 years
failed by design, slow your pace down to mine (rizzoli & isles)
jane convinces maura to take a nap with her.
(involving black scrubs, a pull-out couch, coffee, and a betting pool.)
read on ao3 or keep reading below
note: this fic was written for a writing challenge hosted by a fun fanfic/podfic server, audiofrickbooks. the prompt was “destiny” and i had to write it between 200-1,000 words. join here if you want: https://discord.gg/jufpfE5vwx i hope you enjoy!
“Hey Maur.” The voice of her favourite detective reached Dr. Maura Isles’ ears as she typed away at a lab report.
The physician looked up, seeing the dark-haired woman looking ragged and worn-out. “I have no new information. What can I do for you, Jane?”
“D’you have a blanket?” The lanky detective fell heavily into the nearest chair.
She blinked, closing her laptop and standing. “I can neither confirm nor deny presently.”
“Just— yes or no.”
“I have a few throws. Why, what do you need it for?”
“To hang myself with.”
Maura’s head snapped toward the older woman, only to find her rolling her eyes. “To nap with. I’m no good to anyone this tired and driving home would eat up too much time. Got anything?”
“I’ll do you one step ahead. This couch pulls out.”
“It’s ‘do you one better’. Thanks, I don’t mean to impose.”
The blonde grabbed a thin but warm blanket and ushered the exhausted woman onto the quasi-bed. “You’re always welcome, Detective. I’m just glad that you’re listening to your body for once and resting.” She made to return to her desk, but was stopped by a hand clamping her forearm.
“Jane, is something wrong?”
“Need cuddle buddy.”
“No, Jane, I need to finish my report.” But the longer she looked at the sleepy detective, the more she was tempted to lie down next to her. So she tried a different tactic. “I smell like the morgue and I’m in my scrubs.”
The Italian woman said nothing, just made grabby motions with her hands.
“Oh, all right. Move over, you’re hogging the blanket.”
Knocking quickly on the open door, Senior Criminalist Susie Chang walked into the finely decorated office. “Dr. Isles? Lab res— oh.” Her eyes fell on the sleeping women, chests rising and falling in tandem.
Susie shook her head, pulling out her phone and taking a photo. Maura nuzzled deeper into Jane’s chest at the sound of the click. “This will make a good anniversary present…”
She looked at the quiet pair again, smiling gently. She rarely saw the soft side of her boss, but if anyone could bring it out of her, it was the brash detective. “Sleep tight, ladies.”
“Hey, Susie. Seen Jane anywhere?” Sergeant Korsak and Detective Frost poked their heads into the crime lab, the elder of the pair knocking lightly on the glass.
“She’s napping with Dr. Isles in her office. Judging from the dark circles under her eyes, or as Dr. Isles would say, periorbital hyperpigmentation, Detective Rizzoli will be resting for quite a while.”
“Okay, thanks Susie. We’re just going to check on them, and then we’ll let ‘em sleep.”
“They should be fine, I saw them about 10 minutes ago when I was going to give Dr. Isles some test results. They looked so peaceful, I couldn’t wake them up.”
Frost nodded. “We trust you. But damn, we’ve had a lot of shit go down here… better safe than sorry. I swear that loading bay in the good doc’s morgue area is a serious security breach.”
“We’ll leave you to your analysing.” Korsak dipped his head as both men walked towards the ME’s office, hands poised above grips.
Turning the knob silently, the Sergeant looked around in alarm at the empty desk. The Chief Medical Examiner of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts was quiet, but not this quiet.
They looked down and saw Maura’s heels, neatly standing up on their own, right next to each other. Around the heels were Jane’s combat boots, haphazardly thrown and lying in whatever direction they pleased.
That was when they heard the stilly purring of the youngest-promoted detective in the department. Wrapped in her arms, the resident ME.
“She smilin’?”
“You bet.”
“I need a photo.” Barry fumbled with his phone, snapping some photos and a video. “Need some blackmail.”
“I’ve gotta black male standing right next to me.”
“Oh ha, ha.” The young man shot his partner a scathing glare, returning his phone to his pocket as he punched Korsak in the upper arm.
Vince rolled his eyes and chuckled lowly. They died down quickly as he gazed at the two women before him. His heart tugged as he watched them reach for each other in their sleep. He loved Jane and Maura like his own; he’d watched his young partner flounder unhappily after Hoyt, slogging through the days and going home alone. He thanked his lucky stars that Maura had crossed paths with Jane in the Division One Cafe.
Silently nodding at each other, the men backed out of the office, turning out the lights and shutting the door gently behind them. They walked back to the elevator in silence, only speaking once the doors closed and the car was moving.
“Do you think they know that they’re meant for each other?”
“I don’t think Doc believes in fate or destiny or anything not-very-scientific, but I believe she would say they make a compatible pairing.”
Frost looked at him and smirked. “How would you know, old man?”
“Asked her about it once last week, and she went off like a shot. I felt bad for interrupting her, but I really needed to get back upstairs.” Korsak shrugged and scratched his beard. “It was good timing, too. Right after she stopped talking, I could hear Jane clomping down the hall.”
The doors slid open and Frost led the way.
“What a pair, huh?”
Vince nodded, pouring himself a cup of coffee. “D’you think it’s too late to start a betting pool?”
The taller man shrugged. “Don’t think so. Put me down for fifty bucks. I say they get together during the holidays. I’ll be in BRIC.”
Vince Korsak hummed to himself as he sat down at his desk. Frankie must have made the coffee today, it didn’t taste like dirty socks. He chuckled again, thinking of the slumbering women in each other’s arms. “What a pair.”
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