#affordable curated gift boxes
verdancepackaging · 8 months
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𝑬𝙡𝒆𝙫𝒂𝙩𝒆 𝒀𝙤𝒖𝙧 𝙂𝒊𝙛𝒕𝙞𝒏𝙜 𝙬𝒊𝙩𝒉 𝑪𝙪𝒔𝙩𝒐𝙢𝒊𝙯𝒂𝙗𝒍𝙚 𝙂𝒊𝙛𝒕 𝑩𝙤𝒙𝙚𝒔 𝒇𝙧𝒐𝙢 𝙑𝒆𝙧𝒅𝙖𝒏𝙘𝒆 𝑷𝙖𝒄𝙠𝒂𝙜𝒊𝙣𝒈
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ficeacs · 1 month
Dragons Fight, Little Light (Chapter 1)
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Pairings: Aemond Targaryen x Velaryon OFC Synopsis: Dragons love a chase. Warnings: Enemies to Lovers, Violence, Targcest, Begins with HOTD S1, Not Proofread Word Count: 5,330 Previous Chapter
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Eraena found little sleep that night. Her mind wondered if her uncle was telling the truth or was trying to get a raise from her. Was she really thought of as the promiscuous princess of Dragonstone? Well, she knew that many knew of her ventures to the village near the keep in Dragonstone but she did no wrong other than sneaking out. Eraena lay and stared at the ceiling, trying to convince herself she had not done anything wrong. The realm already saw her as a bastard; she feared that they would also see her as a whore, even though her honor stayed intact. Eraena groaned and covered her head with a pillow. 
When morning came, Eraena was groggy from the lack of sleep, though the bath drew for her helped her wake. “What dress will it be today, princess?” Lyn asked, and Eraena thought for a moment. “That one,” she pointed to a dress of strong blue that fashioned her skills in embroidery once more. A chain of sapphires hung around her waist, a gift her father had given her. Eraena ventured into the halls of the keep with a box in her hands. She headed towards her Aunt’s apartments. 
“Princess Eraeana, your Highnesses.” The girl tried to hide her distaste when she saw Aemond. The prince had caused quite the commotion last night, why could he not let a wholesome family moment be? Eraena licked her lips and turned to Helaena with a small smile on her lips. “Good morning,” She greeted and headed towards the princess. “Oh, Eraena, so good of you to visit me,” the princess smiled. 
“Of course, and I came bearing gifts,” Eraena said, placing the box on a nearby table, which Helaena made her way to. “Open it,” she said and smiled at the look of giddiness Helaena was trying to surpass. “Oh my,” she whispered. I had the resident entomologist in Dragonstone curate a collection for you of rare insects that only inhabit the island,” Eraena explained and checked the box to see if everything was in order as she had instructed. The princess had figurines in her hands for the children, but her uncle still sat with them; she thought it better that she would give it to them later when he had left. 
Avoid him; do not engage. The girl reminded herself she could not afford to cause trouble once more, especially with her Mother in such a state. “Are those for the children?” Helaena asked softly, eyeing the three wood figurines that Eraena had practically forced Lucerys to make. Eraena had spent days meticulously painting a princess, a knight, and a dragon. “Oh, yes, Lucerys had carved them for the children,” Eraena said, and Helaena took her hands to inspect the toys. “He painted them too?” She asked, pale fingers tracing the figurines. “Well, no, I painted them.” She smiled. 
“Come, let me introduce you to my children,” She said with a ghost of a smile. Aemond was still seated on the floor with the twins, both Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, on his lap. Eraena avoided her eyes from the prince, fearing it would entice him to tease and torment her. Helaena crouched down, and Eraena cautiously did the same. Five purple eyes turned to the girl, “This is your cousin, Eraena,” Helaena said to the twins and if Eraena were to look at the elder prince, she would see him roll his lone eye. Eraena felt her lips twitch when the twins hurriedly left their uncle’s lap and made their way to her. The look of shock and annoyance that adorned the prince’s face amused the princess, but she quickly turned away and focused on the babes in front of her. 
Jaehaera clung quickly to the princess and Eraena let out a laugh on how the young princess found her way to sit on her lap like she did on her uncle earlier. “They like you already!” Helaena mussed and watched as her children switched from their uncle to their cousin. Eraena gave the princess figurine to little Jaehaera and the knight figurine to little Jaehaerys. “You have a third child, do you not?” Eraena asked and brushed the little blonde hairs away from the babe’s eyes. “Yes, Maelor, but he is still fast asleep.” Eraena nodded and returned her attention to the babes. 
She would expect Jaehaera’s attention would be on the new toy but Eraena saw purple eyes on the necklace on her neck. “I—I want,” Jaehaera mumbled and tried to grab the emerald pendant that was gifted to her on her most recent name day. Eraena’s eyes widened as Jahaera pulled on the necklace, making the elder princess jerk her head forward. “Jahaera, no!” Her mother said and came to Eraena’s aid. “I’m sorry, I—“ Eraena smiled, “It’s fine; my younger brother, Viserys, has the same habit.” She said and moved to unclasp the pendant so the young princess could inspect it more. When Jaehaera had the pendant in her hands, a toothy grin spread across her face, making Eraena laugh at the adorable face of the younger princess. She surpassed the urge to pinch the cherubic cheeks and turned to Jaehaerys, who now played with both figurines. 
It was then that Eraena remembered that there was another party amongst them. Her obsidian eyes found a lilac one. “Do you not have to train, brother?” Helaena asked. The prince’s eyes moved to his sister, and he silently shook his head. “Really? You are often in the tiltyard at this hour,” Helaena mumbled, “Yes, won’t Cole miss you terribly, uncle?” Eraena did not even realize the teasing words escaped her lips. Once she did, she felt her hands grow cold. Aemond was ready to throw yet another disparaging word to the girl but Helaena was quick to speak. “Tea!” She said, and the two turned to her. “Eraena, would… would you like to join me for tea?” She asked, and her invitation was quickly accepted. They handed the children to a nurse and made their way into the gardens. The emerald pendant was long forgotten. 
“Oh, I’ve missed you terribly. It became dreadfully lonely these past years,” Helaena said truthfully. The princess sensed melancholy in her eyes and tone. I know what you mean, especially when you are mostly surrounded by brothers. I was lucky to have Rhaena. No matter, I am here now,” Eraena smiled, took her hand, and gave it a gentle squeeze. 
“Sister, there you are!” Jacaerys’ voice intervened. “Oh, Jace, join us, will you?” Helaena asked softly, and Eraena's brother obliged, taking his seat across from his sister. There was an awkward silence that enveloped the group. The one-eyed prince had followed the two princesses and sat across from his sister. A knight arrived, and Eraena thought maybe he was there to call over the other prince and save the group from tension. “A letter from Dragonstone, princess,” Eraena was handed a scroll of parchment with a seal she knew all too well; the girl tried her best to hide the blooming smile on her lips, remembering her brother was seated across from her. 
“Dragonstone? Who writes to you from Dragonstone? We’re all here.” Jace asked with a raised brow as Helaena turned to Eraena with an intrigued look. “No one. None of importance,” Eraena says and hides the scroll from her brother’s view. “Hm,” she heard a hum coming from the left, making her turn to Aemond, whose eye had been on the scroll. Eraena prayed, prayed to the gods that her brother would not question the scroll once more, and prayed that the burning gaze of a lilac eye would stop. Eraena tried to ignore the man on her left and listen to the conversation between Helaena and Jacaerys. Avoid him; do not engage. She told herself once more. 
When tea had ended, Eraena found herself with her sisters. “How long are we still to stay here? The trial had already ended. I doubt anyone else would question Driftmark’s line of succession after yesterday’s events.” Eraena asked the two. “Itching to go back to Dragonstone now, are we?” Rhaena teased, and Eraena let a smirk slip on her lips. “As a matter of fact, yes! I miss my room, the beds in here are quite lumpy. The sun is too hot; I miss roaming around without being judged! And I miss my other dresses and—“ She was cut off by Baela. “And Arthur,” She snickered, and Eraena rolled her eyes. “No! Well… yes, but I mostly miss my other dresses and jewelry.” She sighed and traced the flower patterns of her gown. “He sent me a letter,” Eraena then said, which intrigued the two girls.  
Eraena looked around. They were still in the gardens, seated on a bench in a spot that not many passed. She took the scroll from her pocket and broke its seal. The two girls hovered over their sister's shoulder and read its contents. 
My, Dearest, Eraena.
How are you, my flower? It has only been two days since you left, yet the island already feels so desolate without your radiant presence. The sun's rays seem dimmer, and the vibrant colors of your flowers are starting to fade; they are missing your touch. How long are you to stay there? Have the people of Kingslanding fared nicely to you, my princess? 
I long for your return, yearning for the day when you shall grace us with your presence once more. It would seem that my heart longs to rest its gaze upon you. Come back soon to me.
Baela and Rhaena smiled at the blush on Eraena’s cheeks. “My flower,” Rhaena teased, making Eraena roll her eyes. “Must be nice to be sent a letter with such… flowery words,” Baela said. “Jacaerys’ letters only contained about health and the weather, sometimes a story about his ventures with Vermax but never like…” Baela drifted. “Aye, Jacaerys was never one for words.” Eraena agreed and took her sister’s hand in hers, giving it a comforting squeeze. 
In the afternoon, Eraena changed into her riding leathers. A wheelhouse delivered her to the pits, where her dragon awaited her excitedly. “Alina,” Eraena sang and waited for her dragon to reveal herself. The princess’s voice echoed through the pits, and what emerged was not her dragon but her uncle instead. Aemond had a fiery stare in his eye, and the girl wondered why he was already in such a state. 
“Will you be quiet? You are disturbing the dragons with your grating voice.” Ice-cold words clashed with the fire in his eye. Eraena pursed her lips and rolled her eyes but nodded. Standing still, waiting for her dragon, she turned to her side, and Aemond stood alongside her. “Why are you here? Vhagar does not even fit here,” she asked and folded her arms across her chest. “Mind your own business, niece.” He spat. 
Alina has still not emerged and Eraena was growing weary. She turned to her uncle once more; he had a torch in his hand. She thought to ask for it, so she could get Alina herself, but her mouth could not move and ask. Instead, she walked into the dark pits. “Alina,” Eraena called once more. The princess squinted her eyes in the dark. Only now did she wonder, where were the keepers? Eraena chewed on her lip and waited for the whine of her dragon; she was only met with furious footsteps and the orange hue of a torch. “What are you doing?” Aemond asked and took hold of her arm. “Trying to find my dragon.” She said as if it were the most obvious thing. “You do not go into the pits,” 
“Hm, were you not the one who often got into trouble for constantly venturing here?” She asked innocently, remembering an instance from their childhood. The ground shook, and they turned to the she-dragon with pearly white scales that shimmered gold in the light. “Hello, my love!” Eraena said giddily and practically skipped toward her dragon. Alina bent her head toward the girl, who placed a kiss upon its snout. Eraena inspected the mighty beast, trailing her hand upon the scales. She checked the breastplate that secured her saddle, a breastplate made of gold and dragon glass.
Alina growled lowly as her obsidian eyes, eyes like her rider, landed upon the prince. “Lykiri. Lykiri, Alina.” Eraena murmured and stroked her dragon’s snout. “It would seem you agitate my dragon, uncle,” Eraena observed as she made her way to her saddle. She turned to the prince who seemed to have a contest of stares with the beast. “Do not mind the small man, Alina,” Eraena said in ancient tongue and stroked its neck. “If you would, uncle, please step aside. Would not want you to get trampled on, however tempting it is.” Eraena said. She watched as Aemond huffed and was certain that he mouthed the words ‘spoiled bastard’ under his breath, but Eraena could no longer find care; she was to fly!
Alina soared through the skies, and Eraena smiled widely, seeing Kingslanding grow farther and farther away. Alina ascended higher, and the familiar feeling of liquid in Eraena’s stomach returned, and she felt her heart pace faster. Alina liked to toy with her rider, flying as high as the heavens and then dropping back quickly to earth. “Alina!” Eraena shouted in glee as Alina flew downwards. Another roar of a dragon took Eraena’s attention, and she felt her stomach fill with dread as she saw Vhagar heading towards them. “Higher, Alina.” Eraena quickly commanded. Scared of the mighty beast her uncle rode. The princess turned back and still saw the dragon behind them. 
For what seemed like hours, Eraena tried to find ways to avoid the two beasts. Stirring Alina in every direction, she tried hard not to let her fear shine through, knowing her dragon would feel it through the bond. Eraena sighed and decided that maybe she should stop flying. The girl felt annoyance surge through her as she returned to the pits once more. She sullenly removed her riding gloves and entered the wheelhouse, wholly upset at Aemond for ruining her ride. 
When afternoon came, the princess found herself in the library scanning through the books she had read from childhood. Countless tales of princesses and knights, wizards and kings. Little Aegon’s name day was approaching, and Eraena thought it a good present that she made one of her favorite stories into an illustrated book for her younger brother. Little Aegon loved her paintings and illustrations, often sitting on her lap as she painted back in Dragonstone. She originally wanted to write the story herself, but it was quite a large undertaking to create a story that her brother would enjoy. Eraena stared at the stack of books before her, thinking hard as to what story she would use. 
“A book is to be opened and read, not stared at.” Eraena heard a cold voice cut through the stony silence of the room. Eraena turned her head to Aemond, who stood before her. The girl was still quite annoyed by his actions earlier. The princess crossed her arm across her chest once more and stared unamused at the prince. She watched as Aemond raised a blonde brow at her scowling face. “You look ghastly when you scowl,” it only made Eraena’s frown deepen as he said words that Jacaerys had said before. It made her believe that she did look ghastly with not just her brother’s testimony but as well as her uncle's. The girl started to unconsciously pout as she tried to remove the scowl on her face. 
“No word for your uncle, I see,” Aemond said and took a seat across the girl. “I have no words for foolish men who would use a dragon of war to chase other riders. Do you realize how dangerous that was?” Eraena asked and sat up straight. “It was simply a jape,” Aemond reasoned, and Eraena could not help but frown once more. Since when had he been one for japes and jests? 
“That is not a jape; that is how war starts, Aemond,” the girl sighed. “Do not be so dramatic, Eraena,” the prince rolled his lone eye. “I am not being dramatic! You do not use a war dragon for a simple chase! It only knows of conquest and blood!” She watched as the prince pursed his lips, thinking of a reply. “What are you even doing here?” she asked, letting annoyance seep into her tone. 
“To read,” He said as if it were the most obvious thing. “Why here?” Eraena asked, and Aemond only frowned. “Because this is the library, has your stay in Dragonstone turned you into a simpleton, Eraena?” He asked, lips twitching upwards as the frown returned to the princess’ forehead. “No, what I meant was, what are you doing here, sat upon where I had sat first. There are other places for you to read.” She said and pointed to an empty nearby table and chair. She watched as Aemond turned to the spot she had pointed to, and the prince shrugged. 
Eraena rolled her eyes in response and stood. Taking the stack of books and moved to the empty spot, not wanting to be near the prince. Aemond watched, amused, as the princess took a seat that had her back turned to him. He was not even sure as to why he was in the library, not quite certain as to why he was engaging with the girl. She obviously wanted to be left alone, but Aemond could not let her have what she wanted, not when her whims and wants were always met. 
Eraena tried to focus on her task once more, trying hard not to turn and glare at the prince whose gaze burnt in the back of her head. For just having one eye, he surely knew how to stare someone down, the girl thought. It was quite some time as the two sat separately in silence; Eraena was done for the day, already picked a story that she would draw illustrations of, but she did not want to be the first to leave. Somehow, her pride convinced her that she should not be the one to leave first the uncomfortable presence of the room; it would be seen that she was bothered by the prince’s presence, that Aemond had the capability to unnerve her. So, she just sat there, staring blankly at an open book, pretending to read, turning its pages as if she were actually consuming literature. 
“Eraena, there you are!” She heard Rheana’s voice, and the princess quickly looked up. She watched as her sister cautiously eyed the prince seated behind her. “Your… brother has been looking for you for the past hour.” She said, confused as to why it was just the two of them in the library. Eraena nodded and stood up, taking her chosen book in hand, and quickly rushed out of the room. Her pride cannot be wounded in this situation; she did not leave because of him; it was because her brother had asked for her presence!
“What were you doing alone, with Prince Aemond.” Eraena frowned at her sister’s query, “Do not word it as such! I was not alone with Aemond. I was… was simply in an empty common room… with him.” Eraena explained. “We saw you two in the skies earlier,” Rhaena said. “That idiot made his dragon chase me and Alina!” Eraena complained. “Really? It just looked like the two of you were flying around in circles; it looked quite fun.” Rhaena shrugged, and Eraena frowned; it certainly did not feel that way. “Why was Jacaerys searching for me?” Eraena asked; Rhaena shrugged. 
“Sister! There you are!” Jacaerys said from the end of the hall, walking briskly toward the two. “What is it?” Eraena asked. “There is to be a hunt two days from now,” Jacaerys said, his excitement obvious. Though Eraena was at a loss as to why he had concerned her with this. “So?” She asked. “You must teach Lucerys and me to shoot again. Luc is waiting for you in the tiltyard.” Eraena looked at her brother oddly. “What? Why me? Ask Ser Harold or even Father to teach you.” “I’ve asked them, and they told me to ask you instead,” Eraena shook her head, “No, I cannot; I will be under scrutiny from the court. They already frowned upon my venture in the gardens alone; what else if I be the one who had to teach my brothers to shoot an arrow?” 
“Who cares what they think? Come now, sister, you are the best archer here!” Jacaerys tried to persuade the girl. With a couple more compliments and flattery, Eraena reluctantly nodded. “Fine! But I shall only stand by the side and watch you two. I’ll make comments here and there, but I will not touch a bow or arrow.” She explained as they headed to the tiltyard. Eraena’s eyes enclosed on their younger brother who had failed to set the arrow free. Rhaena no longer followed them, not interested in watching as Eraena grew frustrated teaching the two boys. 
“Straighten your back,” Eraena instructed from the side. “Keep your shoulders lax. Lucerys feet apart,” she said. “Only use your dominant eye upon the target,” “We know Eraena!” Lucerys groaned. “Do you? You have missed every time, brother.” She said, her eyes going to the failed attempts of the two. Arrows started to pile up on the dirt ground. “You are lacking force, Lucerys; readjust your shoulders,” she said, and Luc nodded. She then turned to Jacaerys, “You do not have an aim. I fear for the others joining you in the hunt.” She said and saw as her brother rolled his eyes. “Release,” she instructed. 
Lucerys had not quite hit the center but at least his bow finally stuck to the target instead of just falling into the ground. Jacaerys’ arrow, however, flew to a pile of hay. “Good Luc!” Eraena said and smiled at her younger brother. “My, my, what do we have here? Training for the hunt boys?” Aegon’s voice sounded out making three dark eyes turn to the prince. “And what are you doing here, Eraena? I had never thought you were one to spend time in the tiltyard, or are you training once more on how to maim men.” Eraena tried to surpass the grin as she saw Aegon had a slight limp to him. “Just watching my brothers, uncle,” she replied. 
Aegon made his way to where the princess stood. “Then let me join you, dear niece.” The elder prince stood a bit too close to Eraena and the girl was quick to step away, putting. A hearty distance between them. Her brothers turned to her and she nodded, and the two set aim once more. Once again, Lucerys lacked force, and Jacaerys lacked aim. The girl wanted to groan, growing frustrated at the two. “Feet apart, Lucerys!” Eraena cracked, not caring that Aegon was there. She went to her brother and used her foot to indicate what the younger prince’s stance should be. “And you, Jacaerys, you must close your other eye! Your vision is being split!” She groaned and used her fingers to forcefully close her brother’s eyelid. “I can’t! I physically cannot just close one eyelid!” He said, and Eraena huffed. “Might you borrow one of my brother’s eyepatches?” Aegon mused a smirk on his lips as he watched the princess scold her brothers. 
Eraena turned to Aegon, considering his suggestion. She knew it to be a jest but it would solve Jacaerys’ lack of aim. “No!” Jacaerys said, seeing the look his sister held. “Well, you won’t do well in this hunt!” Eraena returned to her spot next to Aegon. “Again!” She instructed. “I must say, I never thought you to be such an authoritarian,” the elder prince said and inched closer to the princess, though it was futile as she was returning to her brother to show him the proper stance once more.
“Back straight, Lucerys, and your foot! I swear to the gods I will nail your foot if you do not keep them apart.” She warned. She now remembered why she had not been assigned to teach Joffery high Valyrian or teach anything for that matter. The girl was too impatient. “You're growing red, Eraena,” the younger prince mumbled, and his elder brother snickered. The princess threw her brother a glare. “I’ve had enough of this, I told you. You should have just asked Ser Harold,” Eraena grumbled and returned to stand next to Aegon on the side. “So impatient, little niece… Though, I think I like you better domineering.” The elder silver prince mused. Eraena turned to the prince with a disgusted look on her face, her round lips upturned, brows once again furrowed. Aegon only laughed at his niece’s face. “Do not fret, Eraena; I shall teach your brothers to shoot. Would not want to aggravate that pretty face of yours.” 
The prince made his way to take the bow from Lucerys, and the younger prince turned to his sister, who nodded. The two brown-haired princes watched as their uncle took his stance. Aegon had let go of the arrow and had impressed Eraena. He was not a terrible shot. She thought. It was slightly off-centered, but it was better than any shot her brothers had made. “Luc, look at Aegon’s footing,” She instructed, and her brother mimicked their uncle’s stance. Eraena walked closer to them, Aegon ready to let go of another bow. He felt fingers upon his upper back, “Straighten your spine, Aegon; do not hunch,” Eraena instructed. He did like her better when she was giving out orders, obviously growing annoyed. “As you wish, sweet Eraena,” he said and let go of the arrow, landing it upon the center. 
He turned to look at the girl, hoping to find a look of impressed on her pretty face, but she had moved her attention to her other brother. “What are you doing?” Jacaerys asked as Eraena wrapped her handkerchief around his head, covering one of his eyes. “Shoot,” Eraena instructed; her brother was hesitant but did as she told. Finally, a centered shot from Jacaerys! A look of achievement adorned her brother’s face. He made to shoot another, and a laugh escaped his lips. “This is easy!” He said, and Eraena rolled her eyes. “All right, don’t get cocky.” Eraena returned her attention to Luc. “Ready?” She asked and her younger brother gave a nod. “Release,” The bow was off-centered, but it was close enough. “Good,” Eraena said. “Just try to aim better, and do not forget your footing.” Aegon and her returned to the side, “Thank you,” she said lowly. If he had not intervened, she would have stomped off the tiltyard. Aegon nodded with a smirk on his lips, his eyes not turned to his niece but to the figure above, watching them with a burning eye. 
Another supper with the entire family was held. However, the girl could not fathom why they would think it was a great idea, especially after the events of the other night. As Eraena entered the dining hall, her seat in between Jacaerys and Aegon was gone, instead, the only empty seat was next to her other uncle. The gods really love to toy with me, don’t they? The girl thought. Dinner was started with prayer once more. It would seem appetite eluded Eraena, only pushing around the food on her plate. “I saw two dragons in the skies earlier, Vhagar and Alina. Did the two of you enjoy your ride?” Alicent asked the two silent individuals to her right. Eraena peeked through her lashes to look at Aemond, his good eye on her. He made no indication to respond to his mother, so Eraena forced a tight smile on her lips. “You can say that, my queen,” she fibbed, she did not enjoy her ride, not at all. Alicent gave the girl a small smile and returned to her meal. 
“I saw the prince Aegon with his nephews and niece in the tiltyard, practicing for the hunt, I assume?” The hand inquired. Eraena turned to the three, who nodded. “The princess? In the tiltyard? You are not joining the hunt, are you, Eraena?” The queen asked, almost scandalized. “I—I am not, your grace.” She replied. “Eraena was merely supervising her brothers,” Daemon interjected. “Supervising? I would not think that a princess should have been the one to teach princes a skill such as archery,” Eraena bit back her tongue and took a chalice to her lips to hinder her from speaking out of turn. 
“It…gladdens my heart to see… to see you all getting along.” The king suddenly spoke. “This… this is how it should be,” Eraena could see a smile breaking upon his cracked lips. Her mother smiled and took hold of her father’s hand. Supper ended fairly quickly, unlike the other night; this held less violence. Eraena walked the hallways of the keep, alone and her mind wandering off once again. She passed by a window alcove and paused, staring up at the crescent moon before her. Eraena leaned upon the opened window and took in a deep breath, the cool night breeze fanning her face. 
“It is not wise to lurk these halls at night,” she heard the cold silky voice of Aemond. “I am not one to lurk, uncle; that is your specialty if I remember correctly.” Eraena sighed and turned to the man who stood behind her. “You seem to enjoy my brother’s company,” he said, and Eraena raised her brow. “Well, I would always enjoy the company of those who do not make chase on a war dragon’s back,” she said and watched as Aemond’s jaw ticked. “Let it go, Eraena,” The prince sighed and stepped closer to the prince. “No,” the girl felt a smirk coming to her lips but hindered it. “I will not until you apologize,” she said and wanted to laugh at the look of appalled on Aemond’s face. “I will never apologize to a bastard like you,” the girl shrugged, the word bastard rolling down her back as if it were not a deep insult he had made it to be. 
“Then I shall be here to constantly remind you of your idiotic actions; what happened to the cautious boy I once knew? Has your vigilance gone with your eye, uncle?” She asked and finally let the smirk pass to her lips. It was quick to be wiped by Aemond’s next actions, forcefully pushing her to the curved wall of the alcove, his hand enclosed on her neck. Eraena’s obsidian eyes widened in fear, and her breathing stopped. She clawed at the prince’s hand. “A—Aemond,” she wheezed out, but the prince was too far gone in his own rage. Eraena closed her eyes, feeling his hold tighten, lifting the girl from the ground by her throat. “How easy it is to be rid of you now, bastard,” Aemond seethed, and Eraena felt tears run down her face. It was not until her salty tears hit Aemond’s hand that he grew aware of what he had done. 
The prince quickly let go of the girl, who fell harshly to the ground. “Eraena…” he managed to say, voice growing soft. Eraena tried catching her breath and turned to the prince in horror. She quickly stood up, gathered her skirts, and ran to her chambers in fear. When in the solace of her own chambers, Eraena broke into tears. Anger cannot find a place in her being; she is only wrapped in fear. What has Aemond come to? So cruel and callous that he did not even give a second thought about taking her life.
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eitheoo · 11 months
The Art of Gift-Giving in the Digital Age: Exploring the World of Online Gifts
In an era where convenience is king, online shopping has transformed the way we approach gift-giving. The digital landscape has given rise to a plethora of online gift options, making it easier than ever to find thoughtful and unique presents for every occasion. In this exploration of the world of online gifts, we delve into the advantages, trends, and the evolving art of selecting the perfect gift with just a few clicks.
1. Endless Variety at Your Fingertips: Online gift platforms boast an expansive array of choices. Whether you're seeking a personalized trinket, a tech gadget, or a gourmet gift basket, the virtual marketplace caters to diverse tastes and preferences. This variety ensures that you can find a gift that resonates with the personality and interests of your recipient, turning the act of gift-giving into a curated and thoughtful experience.
2. Convenience Redefined: The convenience of online gift shopping cannot be overstated. Forget the hustle and bustle of crowded malls or the stress of last-minute shopping. With just a few clicks, you can explore multiple stores, compare prices, and read reviews—all from the comfort of your home or on the go. This convenience factor is a game-changer, especially for those with hectic schedules.
3. Personalization: Personalization adds a touch of intimacy to your gifts, and online platforms excel in offering customizable options. From monogrammed jewelry to engraved photo frames, the ability to add a personal touch makes the gift-giving experience more memorable. It transforms an ordinary item into a cherished keepsake, creating a lasting connection between the giver and the recipient.
4. Gifts for Every Occasion: Online gift stores are well-equipped to handle a myriad of occasions. Whether it's a birthday, anniversary, wedding, or a simple gesture of appreciation, these platforms curate selections tailored to specific events. This specialization streamlines the search process, ensuring that you find the perfect gift that aligns with the sentiment of the occasion.
5. Gifts for Every Budget: One of the notable advantages of online gift shopping is the flexibility it offers in terms of budget. From affordable trinkets to high-end luxury items, online stores cater to a wide range of financial considerations. This inclusivity allows individuals to find meaningful gifts without compromising on quality or thoughtfulness.
6. Global Access: Online gifts transcend geographical boundaries. No longer bound by the limitations of local stores, you can now send a gift to a friend or family member on the other side of the world with ease. This global accessibility opens up a world of possibilities, making it possible to share love and joy across distances.
7. Real-Time Reviews and Recommendations: Online gift platforms often feature customer reviews and recommendations. These insights from previous buyers offer valuable information about the quality, reliability, and overall satisfaction associated with a particular product. This real-time feedback empowers shoppers to make informed decisions, enhancing the online gift-buying experience.
8. Subscription Services and Experience Gifts: A rising trend in online gifting involves subscription services and experience-based gifts. Subscription boxes deliver a curated selection of products regularly, creating a sense of anticipation and surprise. Additionally, experience gifts, such as spa vouchers or cooking classes, offer memorable moments rather than tangible items, adding a new dimension to the art of gift-giving.
In conclusion, the world of online gifts has redefined and revitalized the way we express our sentiments. The convenience, variety, and personalization options available in the virtual marketplace make online gift shopping a delightful and efficient experience. As we navigate the digital age, these platforms continue to evolve, offering innovative and meaningful ways to celebrate and connect with our loved ones. So, the next time you embark on the journey of gift-giving, consider exploring the boundless possibilities offered by online gift stores—it's a digital adventure waiting to unfold.
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shoplobster · 2 years
Shoplobster review
Shoplobster review
Shoplobster is a curated marketplace of unique lobster dishes from restaurants across the US. This site allows you to search for lobster dishes based on your preferences and budget, so it's easy to find a dish that fits your needs. Some of the dishes are surprisingly affordable, so you can order for yourself or someone else without breaking the bank. lobster trap This family-owned business is dedicated to the highest quality lobster products and aims to make them accessible to everyone. They pride themselves on the traceability of their lobsters and work to ensure that sustainable harvesting practices are met. Plus, they offer a B Corp certification so you can be sure your seafood was sourced responsibly. Community Seafood This Maine-based company uses industry best practices, including not waiting for the lobster to come back to town before cooking it in artesian well water. That way, the lobster stays fresh and retains its merroir throughout the cooking process. Lucas' Lobster For over a decade, this family restaurant has served sustainably harvested seafood. They've gone through the arduous process of obtaining B Corp certification, so you can be sure your lobster was sustainably sourced. They offer a wide range of products from lobster tails to claw and knuckle meat, so you can choose what fits your needs. They also have a variety of dining sets, including one for six, so you can easily create a meal that fits your schedule and budget. A lobster dinner is a delicious meal that makes the perfect gift, but it can be pricey. This service allows you to buy lobsters for a low price and receive free shipping anywhere in the United States. Then, you can add any other ingredients and create a gourmet meal for your loved ones. The Great Lobster Debate There's no denying that lobster is one of the most delicious and versatile foods in the world. Whether served cold or cooked in a pan, these crustaceans are hard to beat for their sweet, tender texture and flavor. The best part about these delicious treats is that they are easy to cook at home. They are available frozen or fresh, so you can have them in your fridge whenever you need them. You can even order ready-to-serve lobster dishes like lobster thermidor and lobster mac 'n' cheese for easy prep. Lobster meat is packaged in a vacuum-sealed container, just take it out of the package and heat it up. Cow Crowd For a special dinner at home or to impress at a holiday party, this box of steaks with lobster is the right choice. It features two pasture-raised New York strip steaks and two sirloin steaks along with four lobster tails. The steaks are seasoned with herbs and garlic, and the lobster tails are served in a cream sauce. Omaha Steaks This favorite seafood shop is known for its delicious sirloin steaks, but during the favorites sale, they sell them at a discount. With over 40% off, they make the perfect gift for the sirloin lovers in your life. Or book them for a date night and enjoy the sweet taste of the savory pairing.
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nainileaf · 2 years
Best Places to Buy Succulents Online [2023 Edition]
Succulent Plants and Cactus at very low price with wide variety
The moment has finally arrived. You’re ready to buy your first succulent. Or maybe you’re looking for succulents for your bridal party or corporate event — and you’re probably wondering where is the best place to buy succulents online.
Depending on where you live, local nurseries, garden centers, or succulent shops may be in short supply, and even if there is one in the area, it may not have the precise, in-trend succulents you’re looking for.
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1. Nainileaf
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2. Mountain Crest Gardens
Mountain Crest Garden is a family-owned and operated succulent nursery established in 1995, located in the scenic Scott Valley of Northern California near Mt. Shasta.
They specialize in providing a large selection of named individual succulents, hand-picked special collections, and affordable assorted trays with no minimum order or wholesale account requirements!
Over 1,000 individual varieties of succulents available
Lots of cold-hardy succulents
Succulent cuttings available for sale by shape
Soft and hardy succulent collections are offered in varying packs
Reasonable prices and amazing value
Wholesale prices available for collection packs
Extra Benefits
Monthly subscription available — $21.95 for 4 handpicked plants by theme every month
Rewards program available — earn Crest Points with every purchase
Free shipping on orders over $45!
14-Day Quality Guarantee
Orders are usually shipped on Mondays, Tuesdays and sometimes Wednesdays
Ships by FedEx, UPS, and USPS Priority Mail
Types of succulents for sale:
Why Buy Succulents from Mountain
Awesome collection of cold-hardy succulents
Premium quality plants
Succulent subscription box available
Reasonable & affordable prices
Great choices of succulent wedding/event favors, gifts, accessories, and more
3. Leaf & Clay®
Leaf & Clay® specializes in premium succulents with some of the rarest and most interesting succulents you can find. They provide a variety of starter packs which range from quirky weird to pastel pretty. Leaf & Clay® is arguably the best place to buy succulents online and they always place customers’ satisfaction first.
Leaf & Clay® also have wholesale succulents and cactus for sale, which is ideal for those looking for where to buy succulents in bulk.
Good variety of succulent and cactus packs
Plants available in 2″, 2.5″, 4″, 5″, and 6″ pot sizes
Wide variety of succulent species
Average to high: Leaf & Clay® is a premium store
Extra Benefits
Monthly subscription available — $15.95 for 3 handpicked 2.5” plants every month
Coupons: 15% off for new customer email newsletter subscription
Bare root
Free shipping for orders above $75!
USPS, Ships Monday through Friday; 1–3 day processing
Safe Arrival™ Guarantee. If your plant isn’t in perfect health upon arrival, you can get another one for free
Heat pack available for winter orders for an extra charge
Latest succulents for sale:
Why Buy Succulents
Fastest and best shipping
Premium quality plants
Occasionally rare species
Frequent discounts and deals
Succulent subscription box available
Awesome collection of curated planter
4. The Next Gardener
Founded in 2017, The Next Gardener is an online succulent nursery with over 650 different varieties of succulents and cacti. Every plant variety is hand selected for its unique qualities.
We like how they take extra care in the packaging and shipping of the live plants. Nothing can be more disappointing than receiving damaged plants as a result of poor packaging. Here, they provide strongly rooted healthy succulents and cacti that can be tightly wrapped to prevent unnecessary damage. We also like how they use polypropylene cotton, which is also used as stuffing for dolls, as the filler during shipping.
Over 650 varieties of succulents and cacti
Come in 2”, 4″, 6″, 8″ and 12″ pots
Some hybrid succulents that are rarely available elsewhere
Soil, top dressing & supplies available
Very competitive prices for large succulents (6″ and above)
Smaller succulents are moderately-priced
Year-round shipping, except during the holidays
Free shipping with minimum orders
Plants are properly packed with minimal damage risk
Heat pack available for winter orders
Extra Benefits
14-day Quality Guarantee provided
Coupons: Get 10% off your first order when you subscribe
Latest succulents for sale:
Cheap Succulent Plants Nursery
Large succulents available (6″ — 12″ pot sizes)
Competitive prices
Have rare hybrid succulents for sale
Excellent packing and shipping quality
5. Succulents Box
Succulents Box is yet another amazing online succulent store that currently offers more than 300 varieties of succulents and cacti along with 5 types of monthly subscription boxes. We like them because they carry many rare succulents.
Succulents Box is also passionate about saving the environment. If you make purchases through Succulents Box, a portion of the proceeds will go to a non-profit organization of choice. Therefore if you wish to be involved with saving the environment, buying from Succulents Box is a no-brainer.
300+ varieties of succulents and cacti
Many rare succulents
Also sells air plants or Tillandsia
An option for moderate to cheap succulents online
Year-round shipping, with heat packs available for purchase
Free shipping with minimum orders
Plants are shipped in pots with soil
Extra Benefits
5 types of monthly subscription boxes available
Offers full refund for valid unsatisfying purchases eg. dead or broken plants
A portion of proceeds go to non-profit organizations
Coupons: Get 10% — 15% off your orders when you subscribe
Latest succulents for sale:
Cheap Succulents Online
Good selection of succulents
Many rare succulents for sale
Friendly customer service, quick to respond
Great choices of succulent wedding/event favors, gifts, accessories, and more
Excellent shipping quality and speed
6. Succulents Depot
Succulents Depot is a highly rated online succulent store with close to 500 varieties of succulents and cacti for sale. Their prices are among the lowest so if you’re looking to buy cheap succulents online, check out their vast collection.
They have 500 varieties of succulents and cacti for sale
Come in 2”, 4″, 6″ and 8″ pots, although some come in 2 gallon containers
They also have some rare and Korean succulents
Low prices for most succulents and cacti
Reasonable prices for rare and imported ones
Usually have discounts around holidays
Fast shipping in 1–3 days
2″ plants shipped in pots, others bare-root
Latest succulents for sale:
Why Buy from Succulent Plants Online
Good selection of succulents
Many rare succulents for sale
Low prices
Friendly customer service, quick to respond
Excellent shipping quality and speed
7. Succulent Market
Succulent Market is a third-generation cactus and succulent farm. They have been growing cacti and succulents for well over 50 years. The family behind Succulent Market primarily sells wholesale, and has now begun to sell their succulents online!
Something unique about Succulent Market is that they are the only company that sells large 4-inch succulents by variety online!
Over 100 individual varieties of cactus and succulents for sale
Succulent cuttings available for sale by variety & in bulk
Cactus and succulent collections are offered in varying packs
Very reasonable prices for 4-inch succulents
Wholesale prices available for collection packs
Extra Benefits
10% off your first order when you subscribe
Free shipping on orders over $65!
Orders are typically shipped on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday
Shipped in pots and soil (except bare-root succulent cuttings)
Latest Succulents for Sale:
Why Buy Cheap Succulent Plants Nursery
Sells large 4-inch succulents by variety
Premium quality succulents
Reasonable & affordable prices
Awesome selection of succulent cuttings
Friendly and helpful customer service
8. Fairy Blooms
Fairy Blooms is a succulent store based in California. They are nice sellers with a huge social media following. We especially like their miniature pixie succulents!
A great variety of interesting succulents
However, most of their succulents are usually sold out
Moderately priced
Rare succulents are generally priced higher
Free shipping with orders above $75
Generally ship within 3–5 business days
Succulents are shipped bare-root
Latest succulents for sale:
Why Buy Succulents Online
Some rare selections of succulents
Moderate prices
Come in cuttings, miniatures and arrangements
Great choices of succulent wedding/event favors, gifts, accessories, and more
9. The Succulent Source
The Succulent Source is a small family-owned nursery (perhaps the best online succulent nursery) in Southern California and has been selling succulents & cacti for 15 years.
They ship thousands of succulents each week, to every state in the US, all year long.
True to their motto “From Our Family to Yours”, they are known for their family-oriented customer service, and passion for plants.
The Succulent Source also caters to wholesale customers, so if you’re looking to buy wholesale succulents online, The Succulent Source is where you want to have a look.
200 varieties of succulents for sale, as well as cacti, and tillandsia.
Succulent cuttings and bare roots available
Provides succulents for guest favors, bridal parties, home and garden, and corporate gifts.
Offers DIY projects, arrangements, corporate packages, and wholesale plants.
Holiday-themed seasonal succulents.
Best choice for cheap succulents online
Can purchase leaves/succulent cuttings at low prices
Wholesale plants options
Usually have discounts around holidays
Regular shipping in 7–10 days
Rush shipping available
Shipped in-pot, not bare-root
Free shipping on some of their products (mostly cactus cuttings)
Extra Benefits
They have a monthly succulent subscription — for $30 a month, you will get 5 handpicked 2.5” succulents
They also sell succulent-themed apparel, custom cards, books, and gift cards.
Latest succulents for sale:
Why Buy Succulent Plants Online
Great variety
Low prices
Come in succulent trays, plants, leaves, and cuttings
Great choices of gifts, accessories, event/wedding favors, and more.
Excellent shipping quality and speed
10. Planet Desert
Planet Desert is a family-owned wholesale/retail nursery based in Southern California. They offer one of the largest and most diverse selections of succulents and cacti from around the world, from simple and easy-to-grow to the most and rare unusual and hard-to-find collector specimens. They even have mini saguaro cacti for sale!
Has the largest selection of cactus for sale
Good variety of 2″ assorted succulent & cactus packs
Uprooted succulent cuttings available
Custom arrangements available
Soil, top dressing & supplies available
Average-to-low, reasonable considering greenhouse-grown
Market standard price for common varieties
Discounts up to 20% available for selected products
Extra Benefits
Special offers, free giveaways and rare deals available when subscribed
DIY kits for gardeners who want to create their own planter or terrarium
Via USPS Priority Mail, based on weight and volume
Maximum of 72 hours between ordering and shipping
Shipped in pots and soil (except bare root succulent cuttings)
14-Day 100% satisfaction guarantee
Heat packs available for cold weather/climate shipping at an extra cost for orders over $50
Latest succulents and cactus for sale:
Why Buy Succulents
Wide variety of succulents and cactus for sale
New succulents every time
Family-oriented business
Extensive care information for new and experienced plant owners
Clearance section
Regular sale on unusual and exotic items
Great subscription deals and discounts
11. Etsy
Etsy has emerged to be one of the major sources for buying succulents online. There are many succulent sellers on Etsy, and we narrow down the best ones here.
12. Amazon
How could we exclude Amazon when it comes to buying succulents online? There are a few amazing succulent sellers at Amazon that give you the best bang for your buck.
It’s a good deal if you have Amazon Prime and the item you are ordering is a Prime-eligible item. Don’t have Amazon Prime yet? Grab this 30-day free trial now.
Contents [show]
How much do succulents cost?
In the table below you can find the average prices for each of the stores mentioned above:
Is it safe to order plants online?
There is a risk in ordering plants online, especially since there are many websites that are not completely reliable and on many occasions, after making a purchase, we do not receive the plants in good condition or we are scammed. There are also other forums and Facebook groups where anyone can freely offer succulents for sale — on these websites, there are a large number of scammers.
Therefore it is vital to go for reputable sellers who have a good amount of positive reviews to be on the safe side.
When it comes to buying succulents online, it often goes well, but sometimes the plants suffer a bit. However, they recover quickly once they have been planted and watered.
Succulents for Sale
These succulent providers have earned a great reputation as reliable online succulent stores because of their amazing customer service and have variety of unique succulents for sale.
Be sure to also check out the list of Top 50 online succulent sources all over the world if you’re looking to buy succulents that are out of this world (including rare Korean and Japanese succulents). Some even have lithops and cactus for sale, too!
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betweenboxes1 · 17 hours
Ultimate Diwali Gift Guide for 2024 Corporate Gifting is Here!
Industrial trends are subject to market dynamics therefore ever changing, pervasive and ubiquitous in most sense. The constant fluctuating of the share market is almost symbolic of the incoming and outgoing ethics deployed by the same. The worst and the great thing about it is perhaps that it never remains the same and so all one can do is to settle without sedimenting. As globalisation takes over the Indian economy, doors to unfathomable opportunities no longer seize to permit entry. As they should considering how spectacular talent and potential we are capable of employing. The calibre of young learners and researchers today has officially taken over the corporate world for the best. As giant corporations expand so does their need to gratify their employee needs in the most effective and efficient ways possible. What better than satisfying your employees around the festive and celebratory season? 
Well guess what we talk about celebration and diwali is here to knock on all our doors. The most crucial festival celebrated all across the Indian subcontinent with so much history and relevance. Diwali's arrival also marks a brainstorming session at most corporations these days. But brainstorming what? Of course the hunt for the corporate diwali gifts as deserved by the best employees. Being the most important time of the year, no company would want to fail their chance at impressing their employees with exuberant souvenirs of hope, light and ravishing growth. Afterall the market flooding diwali corporate gifts need to go through the standardised checks and testings in order to suit one's needs and demands. But what if we told you that at Between Boxes we assure you premium quality, guaranteed magic and unmatchable uniqueness quotient that too at affordable rates?
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Sounds quite unreal right, don't worry this ain't a desert and we aren't a mirage. Curating diwali gifts for corporates is a tedious task in itself considering several underlying factors they must cater to. We are sure you already feel famished searching for that one corporate diwali gift hamper that right away clicks to your long and never ending wish list. Don't be pretty please! there's so much more you need to be on the lookout for. Let us decode the overwhelming rulebook of finding the best diwali gifts for corporates in seconds for you. Festive season is no joke and in the corporate sector a corporate diwali gift can be a great weapon to win hearts and minds. 
As Diwali 2024 approaches, companies are looking for thoughtful, personalized, and impactful gifts that reflect their appreciation for employees, clients, and partners. This year, the focus is on blending tradition with modern utility, offering gifts that inspire wellness, sustainability, and innovation. Here’s the ultimate Diwali gift guide for corporate gifting in 2024:
Eco-Friendly Hampers: Celebrate sustainability with hampers that include organic products like green tea, reusable jute bags, and eco-friendly seed balls. These gifts reflect the company’s commitment to the environment while providing employees with a meaningful way to contribute.
Tech Gadgets: Stay relevant with wireless charging pads, 2-in-1 speaker & phone holders, or ergonomic desk accessories. These practical and modern gifts cater to the tech-savvy professional.
Wellness Packages: Promote mental and physical well-being by gifting luxury items such as handcrafted incense sticks, artisanal chocolates, or aroma diffusers. These gifts symbolize care and personal well-being.
Customized Gift Baskets: Offer a bespoke touch with artisanal Kauna baskets filled with festive delights like gourmet sweets, premium teas, and decorative lanterns. Personalized branding adds a professional, elegant finish.
This Diwali, corporate gifting is about creating meaningful connections, fostering goodwill, and aligning with values that resonate with both employees and clients.
See More Our Corporate Diwali Gifts Hamper Collections And Shop Now: 
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jadavmeerap · 8 days
How to Choose Budget-Friendly Corporate Gifts
Selecting corporate gifts for employees, clients, or partners is more than just a formality; it’s a way to show appreciation, strengthen relationships, and boost morale. But when budgets are tight, finding the perfect gift can seem challenging. Don’t worry—there are numerous ways to choose budget-friendly corporate gifts that still carry value and meaning.
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Photo by Mia Golic on Unsplash
In this guide, we'll walk you through the process of selecting budget-friendly corporate gifts, with a focus on the best options available, particularly in the Indian market.
We’ll also introduce you to DeoDap, an e-commerce website that offers affordable and high-quality corporate gifts, and provide a Q&A section to answer common questions.
Why Corporate Gifts Matter
Before we delve into the selection process, it's important to understand why corporate gifts hold so much significance. Whether you're giving a gift to an employee, client, or business partner, it reflects appreciation and builds long-lasting professional relationships. Corporate gifts for employees can improve morale and productivity, while thoughtful corporate gifts for clients help maintain and strengthen business relationships.
Factors to Consider When Choosing Corporate Gifts
Budget Constraints The first thing to consider is your budget. Set a clear limit to avoid overspending. Fortunately, you can find numerous options for corporate gifts under 300, making it easy to choose budget-friendly gifts without compromising on quality.
Type of Recipient Consider who you are gifting. Are they employees, clients, or business partners? Each recipient type may prefer different gifts. For employees, you might want something functional and motivational. For clients, the gift should be more personalized to reflect your appreciation.
Cultural Sensitivity In India, cultural diversity plays a significant role in corporate gifting. Choose gifts that are culturally appropriate, especially if your employees or clients are from different backgrounds.
Utility and Longevity Functional and durable gifts tend to leave a longer-lasting impression. Items like personalized mugs, pens, or notebooks are often well-received because they’re useful in day-to-day life.
Branding Opportunity Corporate gifting offers a great opportunity to subtly promote your brand. Consider gifts that allow you to include your logo or a personalized message.
Best Budget-Friendly Corporate Gift Ideas
Here are some of the best corporate gift ideas for employees and clients that won’t break the bank but still offer great value.
1. Customized Water Bottles
Water bottles are a practical and thoughtful gift that can be used daily. Brands like DeoDap offer a range of customizable water bottles that are ideal for corporate gifting. You can add your company logo or a motivational quote, which gives a personalized touch without stretching your budget.
If you want to buy customized water bottles then visit here: https://deodap.in/collections/custom-bottle
2. Personalized Pens
Pens are a classic and inexpensive corporate gift. They’re useful, easy to customize, and can be ordered in bulk, making them a great option for businesses looking for corporate gifts under 300.
3. Desk Organizers
Help employees and clients keep their workspace tidy with a stylish desk organizer. These are affordable yet functional gifts that are perfect for any corporate setting.
4. Custom Notebooks
Notebooks are always appreciated by professionals. They can be customized with your company’s branding and make for practical corporate gifts for employees and clients alike.
5. Snack Boxes
For those who prefer consumable gifts, snack boxes are an excellent choice. They can be curated to include a variety of snacks, making them a delightful gift for employees or clients.
6. Customized Mugs
Mugs are another popular corporate gift that can be customized with the company logo, motivational messages, or even the employee’s name. DeoDap offers a variety of personalized mugs, perfect for creating a memorable yet budget-friendly gift. Visit here: https://deodap.in/collections/mugs
7. Tech Gadgets
Small tech gadgets like USB drives, phone stands, or wireless chargers are useful gifts that many people appreciate. Even on a budget, you can find high-quality tech items that make a lasting impression.
8. Gift Cards
When in doubt, gift cards offer flexibility and allow the recipient to choose what they need. It’s a thoughtful gesture that also ensures the recipient gets something they truly want.
Where to Find Budget-Friendly Corporate Gifts?
If you're looking for affordable corporate gifts in India, DeoDap is a fantastic option. Their extensive collection includes everything from customized water bottles to personalized stationery, and most items are well within the budget range of Rs.300.
DeoDap ensures that your gifts are high-quality, customizable, and delivered on time, making it an ideal choice for corporate gift shopping.
Q1: What is the ideal budget for corporate gifts?
The ideal budget for corporate gifts depends on your company's size, the number of recipients, and the occasion. However, for budget-friendly options, keeping the gift price under INR 300 per person is a reasonable target. There are plenty of high-quality options available within this range that still leave a lasting impression.
Q2: Should corporate gifts be the same for all employees?
It depends on your company culture. Some organizations prefer giving the same gifts to all employees to ensure equality, while others may tailor gifts based on performance, department, or tenure. Either approach is acceptable, but the key is to make the gift feel meaningful and thoughtful.
Q3: What are the best corporate gift ideas for employees in India?
In India, corporate gift ideas that are both useful and culturally appropriate tend to be well-received. Some popular options include personalized water bottles, custom notebooks, and desk accessories. You can also consider regional gifts, such as traditional Indian sweets or handicrafts, depending on the occasion.
Q4: How can I personalize corporate gifts without going over budget?
Personalization doesn’t have to be expensive. Many affordable corporate gifts, such as mugs, pens, and notebooks, can be customized with the company logo or a personal message. Websites like DeoDap offer a range of customizable options that allow you to add that extra touch without significantly increasing the cost.
Q5: What should I consider when choosing a corporate gift for clients?
When choosing a corporate gift for clients, it's important to select something that reflects your appreciation while also being useful. Consider items like tech gadgets, personalized notebooks, or branded drinkware. Additionally, if you know your client well, opt for something that aligns with their interests or profession.
Q6: How do I ensure that corporate gifts align with company values?
The best way to ensure that corporate gifts align with your company values is to choose items that reflect your brand’s mission and ethos. For example, if your company focuses on sustainability, consider eco-friendly gifts like reusable water bottles or bamboo products. If innovation is a core value, opt for tech-related gifts.
Q7: Can I order bulk corporate gifts online?
Yes, ordering bulk corporate gifts online is convenient and efficient. Many e-commerce websites, including DeoDap, offer bulk ordering options for corporate gifts. This allows you to save on costs while also ensuring consistency in the gifts you provide.
Choosing budget-friendly corporate gifts doesn’t have to be complicated or stressful. With some thoughtful planning and a clear understanding of your recipients’ needs, you can select gifts that are meaningful, useful, and cost-effective. Whether you’re looking for corporate gift ideas for employees or clients, there are plenty of options to choose from, especially within the Indian market.
Websites like DeoDap offer a wide range of customizable, high-quality corporate gifts, most of which are available for under INR 300. Whether you’re celebrating a festive occasion or simply expressing appreciation, the right corporate gift can leave a lasting impression without breaking the bank.
By carefully considering factors like utility, cultural sensitivity, and budget, you’ll be well-equipped to choose gifts that not only strengthen relationships but also align with your company’s values. Happy gifting!
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myflowertree12 · 20 days
Chocolate Delivery in Delhi: A Sweet Surprise at Your Doorstep
Craving a sweet treat or planning to send a thoughtful gift? Chocolate delivery in Delhi has become a popular way to share happiness with loved ones or indulge yourself. Whether you’re sending chocolates for a special occasion or simply brightening someone’s day, chocolate delivery in Delhi is fast, convenient, and filled with variety.
Why Choose Chocolate Delivery in Delhi?
Delhi is a bustling metropolis where life moves fast, and convenience is often a top priority. Chocolate delivery in Delhi allows you to send a sweet gesture without stepping out of your home or office. From classic milk chocolates to luxurious dark varieties, you can find options that suit every taste. Whether you’re celebrating a birthday, anniversary, or festival, chocolates are a versatile gift that never goes out of style. Chocolate delivery in Delhi ensures that you can send these delightful treats anytime, anywhere within the city.
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Wide Variety of Chocolates to Choose From
One of the greatest advantages of chocolate delivery in Delhi is the wide array of choices available. Whether you prefer simple milk chocolates or gourmet truffles, there’s something for everyone. You can opt for single-flavored bars, assorted chocolate boxes, or even personalized options. Many services also offer curated gift hampers with chocolates and other goodies, making them perfect for festive celebrations or corporate gifting.
When considering chocolate delivery in Delhi, you can also find options that cater to dietary preferences like sugar-free or vegan chocolates. This ensures that everyone can enjoy a sweet indulgence, regardless of their food restrictions.
Convenience of Same-Day Chocolate Delivery in Delhi
Imagine forgetting an important occasion, only to realize it at the last minute. That’s where same-day chocolate delivery in Delhi can save the day. Many services in the city offer this quick delivery option, ensuring that your sweet surprise reaches the recipient just in time. You can even find midnight delivery options for those who want to make the celebration extra special.
With just a few clicks, you can order chocolates online and have them delivered to any part of Delhi. Whether it’s South Delhi, Central Delhi, or the outskirts, chocolate delivery in Delhi is available across various areas, ensuring timely and safe delivery.
Perfect for Every Occasion
Chocolates are a versatile gift suitable for all occasions. From birthdays to weddings, Valentine’s Day to Diwali, chocolate delivery in Delhi helps you convey your best wishes in the sweetest way possible. The beauty of chocolates lies in their ability to bring a smile to anyone’s face, whether it’s a friend, family member, or colleague. They make the perfect gift when you want to show appreciation, celebrate milestones, or simply say “thank you.”
Moreover, with personalized packaging and unique flavors, chocolate delivery in Delhi ensures that your gift feels special. You can even pair your chocolates with flowers or a personalized message to add a personal touch.
Affordable and Accessible
Chocolate delivery in Delhi is not just convenient but also affordable. With a range of options available at different price points, you can choose according to your budget. Whether you’re looking for premium chocolates or affordable treats, you can easily find something that suits your needs. This accessibility makes chocolate delivery in Delhi a popular option for last-minute gifting or even just a quick self-indulgence.
In a city as fast-paced as Delhi, chocolate delivery services offer the perfect solution for sending love and sweetness in the form of delightful treats. With a wide variety of chocolates to choose from, same-day delivery options, and affordable prices, chocolate delivery in Delhi is the perfect way to make any occasion special. So the next time you want to treat someone or yourself, consider chocolate delivery in Delhi for a sweet, thoughtful gesture!
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moonsenoras · 21 days
Discover Your New Favorite Pure Silver Earrings Online
Welcome to Moon Senora! We’re thrilled you’re here, and we’re even more excited to help you find the perfect pair of pure silver earrings online. Whether you're treating yourself or searching for a special gift, our collection of silver earrings is designed to add a touch of elegance and shine to your everyday style.
Why You’ll Love Pure Silver Earrings
There’s something undeniably captivating about pure silver. Here’s why our pure silver earrings online are a must-have for your jewelry collection:
Benefits of Pure Silver Earrings:
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Gorgeous Shine: Pure silver, with its brilliant and radiant shine, adds a timeless sparkle to any look. It’s perfect for both casual outings and special occasions, enhancing your style effortlessly.
Skin-Friendly: If you have sensitive skin, you’ll appreciate that pure silver is hypoallergenic, reducing the chances of irritation and making it a great choice for everyday wear.
Durability with a Soft Touch: While pure silver is softer than some metals, it’s still remarkably durable and, with a bit of care, can last a lifetime, becoming a cherished part of your jewelry box.
Timeless Style: Silver never goes out of fashion. Its versatility means you can wear your earrings year after year, always looking chic and stylish.
Affordable Luxury: Enjoy the luxurious look and feel of silver without breaking the bank. Pure silver offers a beautiful alternative to more expensive metals like gold or platinum.
Why Shop Pure Silver Earrings Online at Moon Senora?
Shopping for pure silver earrings online with Moon Senora is more than just a transaction—it’s an experience. Here’s what makes us stand out:
Beautiful Selection: Our collection features a wide range of designs, from classic studs and elegant hoops to statement drops. Whether you’re into minimalistic styles or intricate designs, we’ve got something just for you.
Quality You Can Trust: We’re passionate about quality. Each pair of earrings is made from high-grade pure silver, ensuring you get a piece that’s both stunning and durable.
Easy and Enjoyable Shopping: Explore our website with ease and find detailed descriptions and high-quality images of each earring. Shopping with us is straightforward, and we’re here to make the process as enjoyable as possible.
Friendly Support: Got questions or need help? Our customer service team is always ready to assist. From product inquiries to order support, we’re just a call or click away.
Secure and Smooth Transactions: Shop with confidence knowing that your personal and payment information is safe with us. We use the latest technology to protect your details.
Find Your Perfect Pair Today
Ready to elevate your jewelry collection with stunning pure silver earrings online? Dive into our curated collection at Moon Senora and discover earrings that will not only complement your style but also bring a smile to your face. Each piece is crafted to bring a bit of joy and sparkle into your life.
Visit our website today and let us help you find the earrings you’ll love to wear. If you have any questions or need assistance, our friendly team is here to help. At Moon Senora, we’re dedicated to making your shopping experience as delightful as possible.
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joincraftclub · 27 days
Explore the Joy of Affordable Monthly Subscription Boxes
In a world where convenience meets creativity, affordable monthly subscription boxes have emerged as a delightful trend for those seeking to add a touch of excitement to their lives without breaking the bank. Whether you're looking to explore new hobbies, enjoy premium products, or simply treat yourself, these budget-friendly boxes offer an excellent way to enhance your daily routine.
Why Choose Affordable Monthly Subscription Boxes?
Affordable monthly subscription boxes are the perfect solution for anyone who enjoys the thrill of receiving a surprise package each month without the hefty price tag. These boxes are thoughtfully curated to provide value and enjoyment while keeping costs low. They cater to a variety of interests and needs, from beauty and wellness to snacks and lifestyle products, making it easy to find one that aligns with your preferences.
A Wide Range of Options
One of the biggest advantages of affordable monthly subscription boxes is the sheer variety available. You can find boxes that cater to virtually any interest or lifestyle. For instance, if you're a beauty enthusiast, there are subscription boxes filled with skincare and makeup products. Foodies can indulge in gourmet snacks and beverages, while hobbyists might enjoy kits for crafting, reading, or cooking. The diversity of options means there’s a subscription box out there for everyone, no matter their interests.
Enjoy Quality Without Compromise
Just because these subscription boxes are affordable doesn’t mean they skimp on quality. Many companies focus on delivering high-value products at a lower cost by partnering with reputable brands and leveraging bulk purchasing. This means you can enjoy premium items and exclusive deals without spending a fortune. Each box is designed to offer a balanced mix of quality and affordability, ensuring that you get the most out of your subscription.
Perfect for Gifting
Affordable monthly subscription boxes also make excellent gifts. They offer a unique and thoughtful way to show someone you care without overspending. Whether it’s for a birthday, anniversary, or just because, a subscription box is a present that keeps on giving. Each month, the recipient will receive a new box filled with exciting items, making it a gift that continues to bring joy long after the initial unboxing.
Experience New Things
Another benefit of affordable subscription boxes is the opportunity they provide to try new products and experiences. Each month’s box introduces you to different items and brands that you might not have discovered on your own. This constant element of surprise keeps things fresh and exciting, allowing you to explore new favorites and broaden your horizons.
In summary, affordable monthly subscription boxes offer a fantastic way to add a bit of fun and excitement to your life without stretching your budget. With a wide range of options and a focus on delivering quality products, these boxes make it easy to enjoy new experiences and discoveries each month. Whether you're treating yourself or searching for the perfect gift, an affordable subscription box is a great choice for anyone looking to indulge in a little monthly joy.
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nagchampaagarbatti · 1 month
Brighten Your Diwali with the Perfect Incense Gift Box
Festivals like Diwali call for gifting. It involves gifting your loved ones, corporate gifting, and much more. Although there are many gifting options in the market, everyone is looking for a unique gift that the receiver can use to the fullest. Incense gifting in the form of candles, essential oils, or beauty soaps is very common. If you want to gift a perfect product, especially for festivals like Diwali- a premium quality incense stick gift box is a great choice.
Satya Incense Gift Box Series
Satya Incense is a reputed incense stick manufacturer in India. The brand is renowned for its premium quality products, involving agarbattis, essential oils, dhoop products, wax jar candles, home fragrances, and more. Satya Incense offers a series of incense sticks gift boxes to solve the gifting issues, especially for festivals like Diwali. Following are some of their selections in the gifting range:
The classic range
The Satya Classic Series gift box contains twelve premium range masala and perfumed incense stick packs. This gift box is perfect for aromatic gifting for multiple occasions. The gift set has the following packs of incense sticks of different fragrances:
Natural Sandal, Superhit, Natural Rose, Natural Patchouli, Natural Lavender, Californian White Sage, Satya Sai Baba Nagchampa, Natural Jasmine Dignity, For You, Golden Era, and Prophesy.
The natural range
Satya Natural Series gift box consists of seven premium quality hand-rolled incense sticks. This gift box consists of the following incense stick scents:
Satya Sai Baba Nagchampa, Natural Sandal, Superhit, Natural Rose, Natural Lavender, Natural Patchouli, and Natural Jasmine.
     The popular range
Satya Popular Series gift box consists of masala incense sticks. The gift set features seven bestseller scents from Satya Incense. The gift box consists of the following incense stick fragrances:
Satya Sai Baba Nagchampa, Aastha, Superhit, Mantram, For You, and Natural.
     The value for money range
Satya VFM (value for money) gift box consists of twelve hand-rolled masala incense sticks. The box consists of the following incense stick fragrances:
Satya Sai Baba Nagchampa, Californian White Sage, Ayurveda, Dragon’s Blood, Mystic Yoga, Money Matrix, Palo Santo, Sandalwood, Reiki Power, Sacred Ritual, Seven Chakra, and Spiritual Aura.
The above incense gift box series is a unique and affordable gift choice, especially during festivals. They also make a great corporate gift. These hand-rolled premium quality incense sticks from Satya Incense create a serene atmosphere and uplift the festive spirit. They create a happy and cheerful ambiance welcoming guests in your home.
Moreover, the incense sticks are perfect for poojas, meditation, aromatherapy, spa sessions, and more.
Why Satya Incense?
These well-curated boxes from experts at Satya Incense are known to offer optimal results. The different categories of gift boxes are curated by considering multiple factors -lifestyle, popularity, scent combinations, and pricing, ensuring everyone finds what they want. These Diwali incense gift boxes are the best-selling products during festivals and not only Diwali.
What more? You don’t always need an occasion of a festival to try out these gift boxes. If you want to experiment with the top assorted fragrances from Satya Incense these gifting series packs are perfect for you. This way, you can choose the scent that you like the best and make it your signature incense stick in your home or office.
Apart from that, Satya Incense products use 100 organic elements, making them safe and healthy. The incense sticks utilize natural herbs, spices, essential oils, resins, flowers, and other ingredients. The agarbattis are also free from filler and toxins. You can gift them without any worries.
Satya Incense is a reputed incense stick manufacturer in India and they offer extensive products like Nag champa incense sticks, dhoop cones, and more. For more information, visit their website today!
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tarathijewels · 1 month
Gifting Made Easy: Imitation Necklaces from Online Stores
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Also Read : Buy Imitation Necklace Online | Best Mangalsutra Collections
Gifting has always been a thoughtful way to show appreciation, love, and care. But let’s be honest — choosing the perfect gift can sometimes feel like a daunting task. What if you could simplify this process and make your loved ones feel special at the same time? Enter the world of imitation jewelry, specifically necklaces. Not only are they stunning and stylish, but they also offer an affordable way to express your sentiments.
Why Imitation Necklaces Make the Perfect Gift
Have you ever noticed how a piece of jewelry can instantly elevate someone’s mood? Imitation necklaces, with their diverse designs and vibrant appeal, have the power to do just that. They are crafted to mirror high-end designs without the hefty price tag. Whether you’re looking for something traditional, contemporary, or a mix of both, the variety is endless. Plus, with imitation jewelry, you don’t have to worry about spending a fortune, making it a perfect choice for any occasion.
Imagine gifting a beautifully crafted imitation necklace that looks just like a designer piece. The receiver would be thrilled, not knowing you’ve managed to stay within budget! And the best part? You can find a wide range of these gorgeous pieces when you buy imitation necklace online from reputable stores like Tarathi Jewels.
The Convenience of Online Shopping
In today’s fast-paced world, convenience is key. Online shopping has revolutionized the way we buy gifts, and jewelry is no exception. With just a few clicks, you can explore a plethora of designs, compare prices, and have the perfect necklace delivered to your doorstep — all without leaving the comfort of your home. This not only saves time but also ensures that you have access to the latest trends and exclusive pieces.
At Tarathi Jewels, we are committed to delivering both superior quality and elegant design. Our collection is curated to offer you the best of both worlds. When you buy imitation necklace online from our store, you’re not just purchasing a piece of jewelry; you’re investing in a timeless gift that will be cherished for years to come.
Making Your Gift Extra Special
Choosing the right necklace is just the beginning. Consider how you’ll present it. A beautiful box, a heartfelt note, and a little bit of creativity can go a long way in making your gift memorable. Remember, it’s the thought that counts, and when paired with a stunning piece of jewelry, it’s a recipe for gifting success.
So, the next time you’re on the hunt for a perfect gift, think of imitation necklaces. They’re stylish, affordable, and easy to purchase online. Plus, with brands like Tarathi Jewels offering a wide selection, finding the right piece has never been easier. Happy gifting!
For any order and shipping info please mail to [email protected] Alternatively you can contact us via Whatsapp on +91 73052 03958. And also visit our website for more collections www.tarathijewels.com
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Mailer Corrugated Strong 3 Ply Packaging Box
The Mailer Corrugated Strong 3 Ply Packaging Box by Papers Gallery is a specialized packaging solution designed for durability and versatility. Here’s a detailed overview:
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Material: Constructed from high-quality corrugated cardboard with three layers - an outer liner, an inner liner, and a fluted middle layer.
Durability: The 3-ply construction ensures robustness, making it ideal for shipping heavier or fragile items.
Protection: The middle fluted layer acts as a cushion, providing excellent protection against shocks and impacts.
Design: Available in various sizes and designs to accommodate different types of products.
Printing Options: Customizable printing options for branding, logos, and other information.
Eco-Friendly: Made from recyclable materials, contributing to sustainability efforts.
Versatile Usage: Suitable for a wide range of industries including e-commerce, retail, electronics, and more.
Cost-Efficiency: Affordable packaging option that does not compromise on quality.
Lightweight: Keeps shipping costs low while ensuring the safety of the contents.
Easy Assembly: Designed for easy folding and assembly, often without the need for additional tools or tape.
Customizable: Tailored to meet specific business needs in terms of size, design, and branding.
E-commerce: Ideal for shipping a variety of products safely to customers.
Retail: Used for packaging goods in stores, making them easy to transport.
Logistics: Ensures safe delivery of items through various stages of the supply chain.
Gifts and Subscriptions: Perfect for curated gift boxes or subscription services due to its sturdy and presentable nature.
Papers Gallery’s Mailer Corrugated Strong 3 Ply Packaging Boxes are an excellent choice for businesses looking for reliable, cost-effective, and customizable packaging solutions.
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souvenirgifting · 3 months
Shop Bamboo Pen for Office Gift: A Unique and Eco-Friendly Choice
Choosing the perfect office gift involves finding something practical, stylish, and thoughtful. A bamboo pen fits these criteria perfectly, offering not only functionality but also a sustainable and environmentally friendly option. Whether for corporate gifting, employee recognition, or special occasions like birthdays and holidays, a bamboo pen makes a memorable and socially responsible choice.
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Why Choose a Bamboo Pen?
Sustainability: shop bamboo pen for office gift is a fast-growing renewable resource that requires minimal water and no pesticides to grow. By choosing a bamboo pen, you contribute to sustainable practices and reduce environmental impact compared to traditional plastic or metal pens.
Durability and Quality: Bamboo is known for its strength and durability, making it an excellent material for pens. Bamboo pens are lightweight yet sturdy, providing a comfortable writing experience that can withstand daily use in an office environment.
Unique Aesthetic: Bamboo pens have a distinctive natural grain and texture that adds a touch of elegance and uniqueness. They stand out from conventional pens and can serve as a conversation starter or a statement piece on a desk.
Comfortable Writing Experience: Bamboo pens often feature smooth surfaces and ergonomic designs, offering a comfortable grip for extended writing sessions. This makes them ideal for professionals who spend hours writing or taking notes.
Customization Options: Many bamboo pens can be customized with laser engraving, allowing you to personalize each pen with a name, logo, or special message. This customization adds a personal touch that enhances the gift's value and meaning.
Where to Shop for Bamboo Pens
Online Retailers: Numerous online retailers specialize in eco-friendly office supplies, including bamboo pens. Websites like Amazon, Etsy, and EcoPromos offer a wide selection of bamboo pens in various styles and price ranges.
Specialty Eco-Friendly Stores: Some stores focus specifically on sustainable products and may offer a curated collection of bamboo pens. These stores often prioritize ethical sourcing and environmental responsibility.
Office Supply Stores: Larger office supply chains or boutique stores may carry bamboo pens alongside their traditional pen selections. Check with local stores or their websites for availability.
Corporate Gift Suppliers: Companies specializing in corporate gifts and promotional items often include bamboo pens in their catalog. They may offer bulk ordering options and customization services tailored to corporate branding.
Artisan Markets and Craft Fairs: For unique handmade bamboo pens, consider visiting artisan markets or craft fairs in your area. Local artisans may offer one-of-a-kind designs that showcase craftsmanship and creativity.
Choosing the Right Bamboo Pen
Style and Design: Consider the recipient's preferences and the occasion when selecting a bamboo pen. Choose from classic ballpoint pens, elegant fountain pens, or modern rollerball pens to match their writing style.
Quality and Finish: Look for bamboo pens made from high-quality bamboo and durable components. Check reviews or product descriptions for details on ink quality, refill compatibility, and overall craftsmanship.
Customization: If personalization is important, ensure the bamboo pen can be engraved or customized according to your specifications. This adds a thoughtful touch and makes the gift more memorable.
Packaging: Presentation matters. Some bamboo pens come in eco-friendly packaging, such as recycled cardboard boxes or bamboo cases, further enhancing their appeal as a sustainable gift.
Budget: Bamboo pens are available at various price points, from affordable options suitable for bulk gifting to premium pens for special occasions. Set a budget that aligns with your gift-giving goals and explore options within that range.
A bamboo pen is more than just a writing instrument; it's a sustainable and stylish choice for office gifts. Whether you're looking to impress clients, reward employees, or show appreciation to colleagues, a bamboo pen combines practicality with environmental responsibility. Explore the variety of options available online and in stores to find the perfect bamboo pen that will make a lasting impression in any office setting.
For more info. visit us:
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intothegiftbox · 3 months
Curated Gift Boxes in UK
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It is our pleasure to welcome you to Into The Gift Box, a provider of one of the best curated gift boxes in UK. We use eco-conscious packaging materials that are recyclable or derived from renewable resources. Moreover, we work with delivery services that reduce carbon emissions through sustainable practices. Get our services now at an affordable price.
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athulyaaindia · 3 months
Best Return Gifts for Indian Weddings: Thoughtful and Memorable Ideas
Indian weddings are grand celebrations filled with joy, tradition, and culture. One of the key aspects of these celebrations is showing appreciation to the guests who join in the festivities. Offering thoughtful return gifts is a beautiful way to thank your guests and leave them with a lasting memory of your special day. Here are some of the best return gifts for wedding indian that are sure to delight your guests.
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Traditional and Cultural Gifts
1. Silver Items
Silver gifts hold a special place in Indian culture, symbolizing prosperity and good fortune. Consider gifting:
Silver Coins: Engraved with deities or auspicious symbols.
Silver Diyas: Beautifully crafted oil lamps that can be used during festivals.
Silver Plated Items: Such as trays, bowls, or small idols.
2. Ethnic Wear Accessories
Traditional accessories that can be worn with ethnic attire are always appreciated:
Bangles or Bracelets: Beautifully crafted bangles in traditional designs.
Scarves or Stoles: Elegant pieces in silk or other luxurious fabrics.
Potlis or Clutches: Handcrafted with intricate embroidery or beadwork.
3. Handcrafted Artifacts
Support local artisans by gifting unique, handcrafted items:
Terracotta Figurines: Representing traditional motifs and designs.
Wooden Handicrafts: Such as decorative boxes or wall hangings.
Madhubani or Pattachitra Paintings: Traditional Indian art pieces.
Personalized Gifts
4. Customized Keepsakes
Personalized gifts add a special touch and make guests feel valued:
Photo Frames: Customized with a picture of the couple or a special message.
Name Engraved Items: Such as keychains, coasters, or candles.
Personalized Jewelry: Simple pieces like pendants or bracelets with initials or dates.
5. Monogrammed Towels or Handkerchiefs
High-quality towels or handkerchiefs embroidered with initials or the wedding date make for elegant and practical gifts.
Practical and Modern Gifts
6. Eco-Friendly Gifts
Sustainable gifts are thoughtful and trendy:
Reusable Bags: Personalized cloth or jute bags.
Plantable Seed Gifts: Items that can be planted, such as seed bombs or pencils.
Bamboo Products: Such as cutlery sets or toothbrushes.
7. Gourmet Food Hampers
Curate a selection of gourmet treats for your guests to enjoy:
Assorted Chocolates: High-quality chocolates in elegant packaging.
Dry Fruits and Nuts: A mix of premium dry fruits in decorative boxes.
Traditional Sweets: Packaged in beautiful boxes or jars.
8. Aromatic Gifts
Gifts that appeal to the senses are always a hit:
Scented Candles: In fragrances like sandalwood, jasmine, or rose.
Essential Oil Sets: With calming or invigorating blends.
Incense Sticks or Cones: Packaged with a holder in a decorative box.
Luxury Gifts
9. Spa and Wellness Hampers
Gift your guests a moment of relaxation with wellness hampers:
Bath and Body Sets: Including luxurious soaps, lotions, and bath salts.
Aromatherapy Kits: Featuring essential oils and diffusers.
Herbal Tea Sets: With a selection of calming or invigorating teas.
10. Exclusive Stationery
High-quality stationery items can be both useful and luxurious:
Leather Journals: Personalized with initials or the wedding date.
Elegant Pen Sets: From reputable brands.
Customized Notebooks: With unique designs or personal messages.
Tips for Choosing the Perfect Return Gift
1. Know Your Guests
Consider the demographics and preferences of your guest list to choose gifts that will be appreciated by everyone.
2. Set a Budget
Determine your budget early on to ensure you select gifts that are both meaningful and affordable.
3. Theme and Packaging
Coordinate the gifts with the theme of your wedding and invest in beautiful packaging to make the gifts even more special.
4. Plan Ahead
Order your gifts well in advance to avoid any last-minute stress and ensure timely delivery.
Choosing the right return gifts for your Indian wedding can add a memorable touch to your celebration. Whether you opt for traditional items, personalized keepsakes, practical gifts, or luxurious hampers, the key is to select something thoughtful that reflects your gratitude and complements the joyous spirit of your wedding. With these ideas, you can ensure that your guests leave with a beautiful reminder of your special day.
For more info. Visit us:
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