einfachekunstdp · 2 years
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Kirche Mariä Himmelfahrt (today: Syrisch Orthodoxe Kirche Mor Afrem) [Berlin, Germany] (1966 by Alfons Boklage) [Taken by Me] 10/2022
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litteraturvetare · 7 months
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The Syriac Fathers on Prayer and the Spiritual Life av Sebastian P. Brock
"According to a pattern familiar from many standard handbooks, Christian tradition is to be divided historically into the Latin West and the Greek East; tertium non datur. Such a dichotomy is both unfortunate and inadequate, for it completely overlooks the existence of the oriental Christian Churches which constitute an important third stream of Christian tradition, quite distinct from the other two familiar streams. Among the oriental Christian Churches those within the Syriac liturgical tradition may be said to hold pride of place, since they are representatives of, and to some degree direct heirs to, the Semitic world out of which Christianity sprang. It is a matter of pride for them still today that they employ as their liturgical language Syriac, a dialect of Aramaic, the very language of Jesus. The form of the Lord’s Prayer used in the Syriac Churches today is indeed not all that much different from the words that Jesus himself must have uttered in first-century Galilaean Aramaic: Syriac (the local Aramaic dialect of Edessa, the traditional birthplace of Syriac Christianity) and Galilaean Aramaic would certainly have been mutually comprehensible."
Sebastian P. Brock är en av västvärldens mest framstående forskare inom det klassiska syriska språket och dess litteratur, och i detta verk ger han än en gång en betydelsefull inblick i några av den syriska traditionens mest centrala kyrkofäder. Brock har lyft fram ett flertal texter från den syriska litteraturens guldålder, och här återfinns kortare utdrag från verk av bland annat Afrem Syriern, Evagrius, Johannes av Apamea, Filoxenos, Babai, Abraham av Nathpar, Sahdona, Isak av Nineve och Dadisho. Tyvärr har många av dessa författares fullständiga verk gått förlorade genom historien, och det kan vara svårt att riktigt fastställa om samtliga texter verkligen tillhör personerna i fråga (exempelvis har Afrem Syrien tillskrivits hymner som senare konstaterats att inte vara hans; man har alltså tillskrivit hans namn på dessa av någon anledning). Verket ger en grundlig introduktion till de syriska kyrkofädernas tankar och lärdomar, samt deras praxis kring bön och andlighet. Genom urvalet av texter lyfter Brock fram olika läror och idéer kring böneritualer, kontemplation, meditation och vägledning för det andliga livet. Han bidrar helt enkelt till en djupare förståelse och kunskap om den syriska traditionen. Ett perfekt verk att börja med för den som är intresserad av just den syrisk-ortodoxa kyrkans texter!
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lapenseedehors · 11 months
"Tegen deze achtergrond wordt begrijpelijk hoe belangrijk de seks is geworden als inzet van de politiek. Ze is immers het scharnierpunt van de twee assen waarlangs zich de hele politieke technologie van het leven heeft ontwikkeld. Enerzijds resorteert ze onder de disciplines van het lichaam: dressuur, intensivering en verdeling van de krachten, aangepaste en zuinige energiehuishouding. Anderzijds resorteert ze, door al haar effecten op ruimere schaal, onder de bevolkingsregulatie. In beide registers voegt zij zich gelijktijdig in: zij geeft aanleiding tot minutieuze vormen van toezicht, tot permanente controle, tot angstvallig gedetailleerde ruimtelijke inrichtingen, tot eindeloze medische en psychologische onderzoeken, tot een hele micromacht over het lichaam. Maar ook leidt ze tot metingen op massaschaal, tot statistische schattingen en tot ingrepen in het maatschappelijke lichaam als geheel of in groepen in hun totaliteit. De seks is de toegang zowel tot het leven van het lichaam als tot het leven van de soort. Ze dient als matrix van de disciplines én als regulatiebeginsel. Om die reden heeft men in de negentiende eeuw de seksualiteit nageplozen tot in het kleinste detail van het individuele bestaan; ze wordt opgespoord in het gedrag, nagejaagd in de dromen; men vermoedt haar in de geringste dwaasheden en volgt haar spoor terug tot in de vroegste kinderjaren; zij wordt het geheimschrift van de individualiteit, datgene waardoor deze zowel geanalyseerd als gedresseerd kan worden. Maar we zien ook hoe ze het thema wordt van politieke operaties, van economische interventies (door stimulering of afremming van de voortplanting), van ideologische campagnes om moraal of verantwoordelijkheidsbesef in te prenten: men verheft haar tot maatstaf voor de kracht van een maatschappij, die zowel haar politieke energie als haar biologische kracht aangeeft. Tussen de twee polen van deze technologie van de seks ontvouwt zich een hele waaier van uiteenlopende tactieken, die in wisselende verhoudingen de doelstelling van de discipline van het lichaam combineren met die van de bevolkingsregulatie."
— De wil tot weten p.143-144, Michel Foucault
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tahribat-music · 2 years
Tahribat Feat Afrem - Her Kadın Sana Benzer Pt. 2
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karamelek38 · 3 years
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dothob · 4 years
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berlin, charlottenburg, 2020
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reypelayo1 · 5 years
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dcarevu · 6 years
The Last Laugh
“When the going gets tough, the tough go shopping!”
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Hey, guys. This is Collin. I know that we’re only four episodes into this blog now, and things are just starting to roll…but unfortunately, I’ve decided that the stress of college and work is too much, so I’m going to have to go on an indefinite hiatus…
April fools!
Villain: The Joker Robin: No Writer: Carl Swenson Director: Kevin Altieri Animator: Akom Airdate: September 22, 1992 Episode Grade: B
The Joker’s back on the show already, and again, he has formulated an overly-complicated plot which seems to be designed specifically to lead Batman directly to him. We start by seeing a boat full of repulsively green trash chugging through the Gotham river. It’s emitting an absolutely foul stench, and while we aren’t sure if this is a typical occurrence, knowing this city, I wouldn’t doubt it one bit. Char, my girlfriend and watching-buddy got the impression that Gotham is indeed an old, dark, gothic city, but this was her first exposure to the griminess that is often associated with it. This time, however, the griminess seems to be a little bit more pleasant; in fact every citizen who notices it seems to burst out laughing! The garbage is emitting a powerful laughing gas that doesn’t just cause a rush of giggles, but it also seems to send its victims completely out of control, and they start ignoring all of their surroundings altogether. It’s like they’re not even aware of their laughter, as the fumes get them as high as a kite.
Meanwhile, still in Gotham, but away from the city, we cut to a really great shot of Wayne Manor. Inside, Bruce is sprucing himself up, and we discover that it is April Fools’ Day thanks to Alfred once again being the lovable savage that he seems to be. Offering to “draw” Bruce a bath, he quite literally draws him a picture of a bath, hoping to at least get a smile out of him. But alas, when he’s not reaching for his rich playboy persona, we see that Bruce is actually quite the stick in the mud. I love Kevin Conroy’s way of creating two voices for the character, something that had never really been done before this show. I actually believe this was Kevin’s idea, which is no surprise given his acting background. He somehow does it in a way that makes the Bruce Wayne persona seem even more fake, despite that voice being closer to Kevin’s actual voice.
Bruce Wayne dedicating himself to living a lie like that must truly be tough. Think about how that must hamper his relationships, and it starts to explain the social state that he finds himself in later down the DCAU timeline. I’m someone who is an introvert, and sometimes the amount of energy required to socialize is more than I would like to admit. But if I had to pretend to be someone I’m not every day when my true self is as dark as Batman’s character (and let’s be real, Batman is our main character, Bruce Wayne only exists as a name on his legal documents), it would be a lot worse. The seeds were planted this early, and it shows the thought, consistency, and understanding that Radomski, Timm, and co had for the character right away. This wasn’t your average Saturday morning version of Batman.
Obviously as more and more people throughout the city begin to become affected by the laughing gas, it does not go unnoticed by news outlets. Bruce immediately comes to the same conclusion as many of us watching; The Joker. It’s merely a matter of finding him and figuring out what he is up to. Meanwhile back in the city, we find out just that; The Joker and two of his goons are using the gas-induced obliviousness of the citizens on the street to rob them right under their noses. Even police officers are in tears, not paying the least bit of attention. The Joker, of course, is cracking comments and laughing his ass off the whole time. Some of his lines are legitimately hilarious in this episode, I’ve gotta say! While he was entertaining as all hell in Christmas With The Joker, it was more in a simple whacky, over-the-top, cartoon way. He still has some of that aspect here, but a lot more of it comes from genuinely clever writing. Some of his most well known lines from the show come from this episode. “So we’ll just punch some air holes!” and “YOU KILLED CAPTAIN CLOWN!” to name a couple, the latter being downright legendary.
So far, this episode gives the simple vibe of a fun Joker romp without much meat on its bones, and much of it is. But the stakes do raise as we cut back to the Batcave. Batman is analyzing some of the gas, and learning that it causes “permanent insanity”. We’ll come back to this a little bit later, but obviously he has to do something. Not just because of the robberies and accidents happening, but also just because of the mental health factor. Insanity? Not particularly good for you. All of a sudden, however, we hear a crash come from upstairs when he attempts to call Alfred down into the cave. He runs upstairs, and here we see Alfred, smashing artifacts and furniture with a broom as we hear him belt out cackles unlike anything we have heard from him. The gas is inside the house. Batman immediately dons a gas mask and heads out to stop it, presumably taking care of Alfred first. Alfred, and Wayne Manor in general, being the thing in danger isn’t an element the show does a lot, and I think the moderation allows it to stand out a lot more. It can immediately turn a silly episode like this into something much more serious. Char was gasping and worrying the entire time, not wanting Alfred to be hurt. I think she’s growing to really like him. This is helped by the fact that Alfred was recast for this episode, and his new actor, Afrem Zimbalist Jr (unfortunately no longer with us) would remain for the entire rest of the DCAU. Both of us like this change a lot. I think this new voice helps with Alfred’s miniature character evolution, as it just suits this personality more. The first voice (Clive Revill) wasn’t bad by any means. Paired with the version of Alfred that’s a bit more stereotypical “5-star restaurant waiter”, it felt pretty natural. But Afrem…he brings the character to life like no one else can. There’s no way I can picture Clive laughing maniacally the way that Alfred did here. Also…and maybe it’s just me…but even though for the first three episodes Alfred was voiced by a man who was actually English, it sounded more like a fake accent than Afrem’s! And maybe this is because I’m an ignorant American who doesn’t hear English accents every day, nor am I aware of all the regional variations. I don’t know. But virtually everyone who talks about this new portrayal absolutely loves it, so I’m likely not alone with this aspect either.
Back in the river, we see that the garbage boat is fake. Below the water, what looks like the top of a boat is being carried by a submarine. Looking through the periscope of the sub, the Joker catches sight of Batman’s eyes, staring back at him through the lens. Then, BAM. Batman smacks it, causing the entire thing to rattle, and sending the Joker to the floor. Boy are we getting some great drawings in this episode. Batman’s face through the lens looks amazing! We also had some fun, yet purposely ugly shots of people laughing on the streets earlier, and then the Joker getting knocked away from the periscope is gold. After this, we see that Batman is towing around the “boat” with his own Batboat (its first appearance), which pisses the Joker off. So we get a fight scene between the goons and Batman, which is one of the better action scenes we’ve gotten up to this point. Is it still a little bit stilted? Yes, most definitely. But is it Spider-Man the Animated Series level? Not a chance. I did get some excitement here, and the big hunk of metal known in this episode (and throughout the Internet) as Captain Clown is a robot, so we got a little bit of extra fun here. The Fox censors were not as sensitive if the beating was not being done to an actual human being (even if it’s hard to tell whether or not it's human just by looking), and we got to see Batman throw an actual hard punch. The fight against the other two gives me the impression of martial arts and self defense, which also makes sense given Batman’s background (which will be covered later). The scene ends, however, with Batman being locked in a container and thrown into the water, with the container leaking in through the many holes that the Joker stabs into it with a knife. Seeing the Joker whip out a knife like that and puncture it with Batman inside is really jarring given that this is episode four, and we hadn’t really seen that kind of near-violence prior. Yeah, Batman dodged the stabs, but if one of those had hit, he’d be done. Another glimpse into the dangerous psychopath aspect of a character you don’t always expect to fear. To be clear, this was jarring in a good way.
Situations like this are hard to write for, because you have to be able to come up with a solution that isn’t anticlimactic or complete bullshit. Here Batman calls his Batboat with his utility belt and has it slice the container up with its laser gun blast. It was thinking outside the box a little bit (no pun intended), and having the laser miss during the first shot was a good touch. Granted, I also don’t recall this laser getting much use later down the line (you would think a powerful tool like this would be heavily utilized, hinting at it being added just because of this predicament, but then again, welcome to the world of Batman’s gadgets), so overall I don’t think it was perfect. Pretty cool, though, and I’m not gonna complain. I wasn’t expecting it, and I did find it exciting. Also, 12 words: Batman’s anger once he manages to swim back up to the surface.
To speed things up a little bit, Batman gets to the service, finds where the Joker has gone, defeats the thugs by exposing them to their own laughing gas, and even manages to decimate Captain Clown in a trash compactor. After this, the rest of the episode is pretty much just a chase sequence, and it almost reminds me of a video game. Batman is basically going through an obstacle course. We get a couple more really great shots here, one of the Joker creepily riding a conveyor belt through the shadows, and one of Batman sliding down the garbage shoot. I’m surprised this was animated by Akom, as I specifically remember their animation being generally C-tier when I watched the entirety of Animaniacs (with TMS obviously being the best). Perhaps it was all in the storyboards. The more detailed they are, obviously Akom has more to go by with less room to mess things up. Batman ends up confronting the Joker on a walkway above a vat of molten metal, where Joker throws some razor sharp playing-cards at him. He misses once, and then for the second card, Batman manages to catch it. This is a scene that makes you audibly go, “Awww shit”, and you can tell Joker is thinking the same thing. Char brought up something interesting here. The Joker constructs these incredible plans to disrupt Batman’s day. I swear, he plans everything. But only up until a certain point, because he banks too much on certain aspects. He swore that throwing Batman into the river would have finished him. It’s like the SpongeBob episode where Plankton says something like, “I never thought I’d get this far”. Once Batman makes contact with that card razor, Joker panics and immediately tries to run away, ultimately defeating himself as he trips himself up with a rope. He plays with Batman one step too far. He doesn’t realize when to stop. He pokes the bear, and although he may ultimately be a glorified, crazy mobster, he’s not a fighter. Despite this realization of Char’s, which I totally vibe with, just two episodes ago we had the Joker tripping, falling, and being caught by Batman. So overall I do consider this ending a little cheap. A low point to an otherwise entertaining episode.
Well, I guess it’s not quite the ending. Because after this, we are back with Bruce Wayne and Alfred. Alfred seems to be feeling healthy again, but he is distraught since he broke a priceless artifact earlier when he was exposed to the insanity gas. Bruce tells him not to worry, and that it can simply come out of his paycheck, but also assures him that he’s joking, and it’s all an April Fools’ joke. Bruce even chuckles about it. I love this segment, and even though Bruce can be a stick in the mud as I said, every once in a while he can let himself have a little bit of fun.
For some additional things that didn’t quite fit in with the previous paragraphs, I found myself wondering what Joker was exactly planning on accomplishing after the robberies. I almost think that he was honestly expecting to be caught by Batman, or he was at least not planning past the stage of killing him. But I guess with such an unpredictable maniac, you’d have to be able to read his thoughts to really understand a lot of it. Also, Batman’s computer specifically said that the gas causes permanent insanity. Yet at the end, everyone seems to be fine. Does it require more exposure? Does it mean that it’s permanent for just as long as it’s being inhaled? Was it simply wrong? I was a little confused by this. Mark Hamill’s performance was amazing as always, and as I explained the way that Mark tends to almost visually morph into the character while he voices him, Char mentioned something about him and the Joker becoming one like with the Venom symbiote and Eddie. Accurate observation. And lastly, she mentioned something about how this Joker is someone where you never know when you’ll be on their bad side. I got flashes of a certain early scene from Return Of the Joker here, and I cannot wait for her to see that film.
Char’s grade: A
Major firsts: The Batboat, a form of Joker’s laughing gas
Next time: Pretty Poison
By the way, I’m still messing around and trying to figure out the best format for these blog entries. I don’t think I’ve quite found something that works for me yet, so for a bit, the posts may be a little inconsistent in how they’re laid out. Experimentation! I want to try and make them a little bit less like summaries, and more discussion/reaction-based. Thanks for bearing with me! Also, any constructive feedback is appreciated!
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astroblogs · 3 years
Een extreem sterke fundering voor ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope
Een extreem sterke fundering voor ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope
Credit: G. Hüdepohl (atacamaphoto.com)/ESO De bouw van het grootste oog op de hemel ter wereld, ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) in Chili, boekt vooruitgang! Na een aanzienlijke afremming van de bouw dankzij de COVID-19 pandemie – inclusief het sluiten van de site voor bijna een jaar – hernamen de werken zich midden 2021. Zoals dit beeld van januari 2022 toont, werd de fundering van de…
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adrianusv61 · 3 years
Een extreem sterke fundering voor ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope
Een extreem sterke fundering voor ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope
Credit: G. Hüdepohl (atacamaphoto.com)/ESO De bouw van het grootste oog op de hemel ter wereld, ESO’s Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) in Chili, boekt vooruitgang! Na een aanzienlijke afremming van de bouw dankzij de COVID-19 pandemie – inclusief het sluiten van de site voor bijna een jaar – hernamen de werken zich midden 2021. Zoals dit beeld van januari 2022 toont, werd de fundering van de…
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beatfmheiloo · 5 years
Eén nieuwe Coronabesmetting in Heiloo
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Het RIVM heeft woensdag aangegeven in Nederland de eerste tekenen van een afremming van de verspreiding van het Coronavirus te zien en dat deze lijkt te stabiliseren.
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alla-manniskor · 5 years
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diamanten skola, Tigern 5, Evelina Aframia Afrem
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tahribat-music · 2 years
Tahribat feat Afrem - Kördüğüm
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javierc-garcia · 7 years
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#futboltime (en Liga De Futbol 7 Tecolapan (Afrem))
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prazskytankista · 4 years
Černý Hitler na obálce týdeníku: Cenzoři Facebooku zválcovali šéfredaktora. „S*áči,“ přisadila si zuřivá aktivistka
Časopis Reflex na obálku svého aktuálního vydání natiskl podobiznu Adolfa Hitlera černé pleti s afrem, pod níž je umístěn nápis odkazující na hnutí Black Lives Matter s poznámkou: „Poklekneme před všemi zločinci, kteří se prý chtěli polepšit?“ „Reflex je nenávistná, dezinformační a rasistická žumpa,“ snáší se na časopis od aktivistky Apoleny Rychlíkové. Kromě ní se obálka znelíbila i Facebooku a zablokován již byl i šéfredaktor časopisu Marek Stoniš. source http://www.parlamentnilisty.cz/arena/monitor/Cerny-Hitler-na-obalce-tydeniku-Cenzori-Facebooku-zvalcovali-sefredaktora-S-aci-prisadila-si-zuriva-aktivistka-627797
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