#event: subsistence pt2
fairyknight · 2 years
● “I disagree with this plan. So the android girl gets a little corrupted and we’re going to kill her? Even though she’s helped us every time something has happened in the past? Just like that? Even though she wanted us to be happy before?”
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“Maybe humans are no better than fairies after all. So keen on throwing things out the second they don’t suit their purposes. But I know what that’s like. We’re making a mistake.”
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jcystyx · 2 years
@splitcrxd​ <3′d!
     Some people say that this world is just a really shitty game. A story with a beginning you can’t remember, no good end, no choices, and no point. Idia can see the logical throughline in that, and to a degree believes it’s true.
     Things have changed now that the robotic waifu from the Eternal Tree has started blotting out the sky. Or rather, now that there’s a path to defeat her. A clearly defined good ending; kill the clones, weaken the original, and either burn away her impurities or eliminate her outright. This is something Idia, the eighteen-year-old one, can clearly understand. It took him about a week of running for his life, but he’s here now.
     Both Idias are walking through the residential areas of Cotes. One has a floating skull brushing against his fingertips; the other has at least three different kinds of firearm.
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     “If we have to have backup, I’d rather it be one of my classmates,” Idia offers. At least he knows, kind of, what they can do.
     “One?” The Other Idia scoffs. “We’ll need more than that.”
     There’s no shortage of strong people who go to that school, but someone in Heartslabyul can duplicate themselves, right? Who was it... Idia pouts a bit, trying to recall. So many people have so many weird brands of unique magic.
     Fortunately, providence offers an answer, just now coming into their line of sight.
     “Cater!” Both of them say it at once; Idia, answering his own thought, and the Other Idia, actually calling out to the person in question. After a moment, Idia turns to look in surprise at his other self, but the deed’s already been done. 
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tahribat-music · 2 years
Tahribat Feat Afrem - Her Kadın Sana Benzer Pt. 2
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quirehappens · 2 years
If one were to look towards the centre of the island, they’d see a young mutant ‘setting up’ a translucent blue cannon beneath the looming dark mass in the sky. In fact, despite the cannon being a psionic weapon with no real physical form, Quentin appeared unhurried while he adjusted the aim and position with his hands as if it weren’t a projection from his mind.
What? Give him a break—he was a psionic of the highest order, a little flourish should be expected.
As soon as he felt satisfied with the aesthetics of his cannon though, his face broke into a smug grin. With a wide sweeping motion and a glance to whatever audience he could find, Quentin gestured to the giant black sun that loomed above.
Calling out to the few people brave enough to come this close to the chaos and try their own attacks, he bellowed, “Watch and learn what it means to have Quentin fucking Quire on your side!”
And with that he used a psionic match to light the wick of the cannon and watched as a massive blast of energy was launched at the oozing black sun.
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eiternal · 2 years
🗲 The crimson sky above was obscured suddenly, but only above a few blocks of the city due to the sudden emergence of dark clouds. They soon poured rain, and lightning flashed while thunder boomed. In the center of it all stood a woman. A woman whose eyes were aglow with violet, and the length of her braid glowing the same. We’ll ignore the part where she pulled the glowing katana from her cleavage, actually.
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“If this area is overrun, then I have no choice but to turn the tides. On my name as Raiden Ei, Electro Archon of Inazuma, these beasts will no longer be afforded free reign of this region.”
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sakyuu · 2 years
“It seems you’re having some trouble minding your step.”
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Hovering over the ooze took no effort from him. He was fairly sure this girl couldn’t do the same even if she wanted to, but regardless, she wasn’t easily getting out on her own now.
So, he’d lowered to grab her by the arm and lifted her free that way. It wasn’t the method most considerate of her comfort, but at least he bothered at all.
“Your body is in one piece. How is your mind faring?”
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isolaradiale · 2 years
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It was a text message that everyone who had been brought into the parallel world received suddenly, and the time limit held true. Because exactly an hour later, the phones of everyone transported began to glow with a pattern not unlike a kaleidoscope and they just up and disappeared.
True to the word they had been given when they had first appeared in the other city, they had been returned to their own Spirale. But it was hardly recognizable any longer. A crimson sky, meteors falling off in the distance, overlooked a city mired by destruction. Buildings had been attacked and had crumbled, while CPNs roamed the streets. Did the city even have a pulse?
Things became even more alarming when you noticed what was counted midst these CPNs. Corrupted Ofiuclones, and without any apparent NPCs to attack, their attention quickly fixated on the returnees. Fortunately, the functions that made them immune to damage from the populace at large was disabled by the corruption of the dark sun that had fallen at the event's beginning, and they're very much destructible.
Fortunately, the returning population was armed. Thanks to the blessings they earned in the other world, their powers and weapons have been temporarily returned to them. While for those without abilities, an antivirus weapon from the arsenal of the other world's Spirale Defense Group would be conjured along with a sharp, temporary increase in their physical abilities. Likewise, they could also access their Fantasia avatar if they would prefer.
But what of the Stars? The original Ofiuco? The people had a means of taking back their city, but no answers to their insurmountable number of questions. For now, all they could do was fight on and hope for the best. But was this enough? Or was a miracle needed to reclaim and undo the damage done to the city?
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Welcome to part 2 of the event! While it may sound like a straightforward battle segment, make sure to read over everything here!
Everyone has been transported back to the real Spirale, which has been ruined over the course of the week where everyone was missing. The sky is red, the moon is black, and there is widespread destruction throughout. CPNs wander the streets and places once previously thought safe, making it perilous to adventure alone.
You can! Thanks to the Blessings received from the other world, not only have everyone's abilities and weapons been returned, but they have been imbued with the antivirus necessary to destroy the CPNs. For characters that are extremely powerful, please do not abuse this privilege! And remember the city streets will likely be filled with fellow characters when you shoot off a giant laser beam.
There are several avenues you can pursue! The first is simply having the app give them an antivirus-imbued weapon from the Spirale Defense Group's arsenal. This weapon can be anything you'd like it to be, but wielding one will also give your character light superhuman physical abilities.
The other option would be utilizing their Fantasia form. If your character wasn't around for Fantasia, you can still find the information on the character creation on its world page, as well as a list of spells they could use.
There are! Mixed amid the CPNs are these distorted Ofiuco knockoffs, remnants from a past event and technically part of the Stars' arsenal. While normally untouchable, they can be damaged like any CPN. While you can destroy them entirely, it is possible to purify them with the antivirus weapons and attacks, and return them to normal.
In terms of abilities, they can summon energy blades and fire beams. Because of the corruption though, their movements are both limited an erratic. They're kind of creepy to watch, actually.
Most of the buildings are still standing, but there is noticeable damage from CPN attacks and the meteor showers that occasionally fall from the sky. The branches appear to be in better shape overall, but the surplus of CPNs is still an obvious issue.
They will return to the exact same point they were removed from. If you decide that this place has been completely destroyed, they will be placed on the closest street.
Most of them have been corrupted into CPNs, but those that avoided this fate have gathered in bunkers erected beneath the wards. Hope isn't lost for those that have been corrupted, so if you have a favourite NPC you wanted to put into an angsty situation, go nuts.
No! Aside from the occasional lore post update that will be made throughout part 2, next Friday there will be an important update to the situation. It's not a part 3 so much as a part 2.5, however. Because the situation will be evolving several times, if you don't want to do a combat thread you can always wait and see what these developments are and how they impact the goings on.
There are a few plot points we want to hit, and trying to cram them into the beginning of part 2 or just in the conclusion would have made things a little too chaotic.
As always, just toss us a line through the masterlist and we'll get you an answer ASAP! And for those who missed it, here's a link to part 1.
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herbalremedied · 2 years
THE   sheer desperation to survive is the driving force behind his frantic footfalls. Baizhu has never been the picture of health, nor fitness for that matter, and it was long ago within the throes of chaos that he hit his threshold. Had he not adrenaline to thank, the feeble apothecary would have succumbed to the straining of his lungs or the burn of his muscles days ago—way before he began sprinting for his life to escape to higher ground, lest he be claimed by the black ooze or the vicious CPNs born from within it. And it’s by some miracle now that he can keep running, though it had been losing momentum. Yet even the miraculous was not without its own limits—ankle catching a jagged piece of concrete, the man all but launches forward, landing upon the solid ground with a sickening thud. Immediately upon impact, he and Changsheng ball up, be it from pain or as one last act of self-preservation. I can’t...
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                    I am certainly going to die...! @originskey​    (  subsistence part two. )
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originskey · 2 years
misc action memes -- ⚔️ - to fight against enemies together
"Watch your left side."
His own movements are on the conservatives side. He escaped death once, doing it again was pushing his luck. Positioned back to back against Hunter, he could (at the very least) keep the kid from harm. Fortunately just this once, he was glad for Hunter's years of combat training. (And he hated thanking such a thing...)
When Hunter moved on the offensive, he was able to use a few precious moments of concentration to cast magic from a distance.
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[ Grave ! ]
Sharp stones launched incoming foes into the air and impaled anything larger enemies, clearing the way for the boy to take care of the wave behind them. While they weren't perfectly in sync, training with him had given Kratos insight into how he moved and fought, and he could work with that.
"A bit further and you can make it to safety. Hold out a bit longer--you're doing well."
It may be slow, but at the very least, Kratos could focus on keeping his student from dying on the battlefield.
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scarletwinds · 2 years
“Damn!” Kazuha swore under his breath as he tried to mop the blood off of his forehead. The cut was shallow, but it nicked the cartilage of his ear - which was already missing a significant portion - and stretched to the bridge of his nose, bleeding freely into his one good eye. 
Kazuha was never one for holding grudges, even if this Gorou was one of the reasons they'd ended up in the other world, he couldn't imagine any version of his dearest would want to harm children. Making a decision, he gathered up the children in the room looking at them appraisingly but not unkindly. If they were his and Gorou’s they would at least know self defense and basic military formation by this age, but he supposed it was a kindness that the children in this world been able to grow up without such strict tutelage.
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He turned to the younger version of Gorou. “I believe it's too dangerous to try and escort them to a safehouse. We’ll have to stay here and defend this building. Are you prepared to lay down your life?”
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fairyknight · 2 years
● “It’s been a while since I’ve been able to let loose. For a fairy to have her powers pent up is truly an aggravating feeling, you know?” The CPNs bled, evidently, because a trail of blood followed the vampiric fairy as she left one of its fallen bodies, blood dropping from her lips and against her dress. Having her abilities returned had clearly brought out the worst in her, or at least that was how it had looked initially. But she clearly hadn’t attacked anything that wasn’t a threat to the people. Only CPNs were fallen amongst her path.
Extending a hand to channel a beam of crimson magic from it though, it looked like she was poised to off a fellow otherworlder with her beam attack. Although it brushed past their shoulder to strike a CPN behind them, it almost looked like she had intentionally brushed as close as possible.
Just to rattle them a bit. For fun.
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“Hey, maybe watch your back before you get yourself killed?” How to leave a bad impression while doing something good 101.
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quirehappens · 2 years
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"Not to wish a terrorist back from the dead, but I could really use my alternate self right about now. Anyone wanna loan me their battle-hardened future self for backup?"
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jcystyx · 2 years
@heartsnare​ <3′d!
     The minute the party (consisting of two blue haired shut-ins and two ginger menaces) pass through the barrier into the Archimedes residential ward, Idia simply gasps and flops to the ground. It’s not super clear if his legs actually gave out or he just decided that walking is overrated -- but he scuttles over to sit against a marble pillar, lolls his head back, and starts trying to catch his breath. A big gash on his back starts to burn anew as he presses it against the stone.
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     “I’m a... fool,” he groans. “Going out there... hhh... was a mistake.”
     “So much for all that bravado from before,” the Other Idia responds, kicking him lightly with his foot. Unlike his younger self, this one is being vewy bwave and continuing to stand, even though he also feels like curling into the fetal position. “You were so ready to OHKO everything you saw, and then...”
     “Magic is hard!” Idia whines. “I’m... nn... out of practice...”
     Idia’s head turns at an angle, flaming hair draping limply against his shoulders as he opens one eye to look at his classmate. Ace would get it, right? The Other Idia has never so much as conjured a wisp of wind in his life, but someone else with magic would know what it feels like. “Back me up here...!”
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jcystyx · 2 years
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alright gamers no more fucking around! it’s 2.5 time. like this post for a starter, capped at 3, including castmates. you’ll receive both idias as a unit, though OU idia will be taking the lead.
a cliffsnotes of what has happened while i was busy with family obligations, job interviews, and the IRS:
the other idia had always been ready to confer his blessing, and did so readily, but it took OU idia most of the first week to accept it/him
they went down to the wire, and OU idia was taken back one layer closer to the outside of the isekai onion
OU idia is fully equipped now, but he spent most of the first week fleeing for his life and making Silent Hill jokes to cope
AU idia comes back armed to the teeth, and they talk -- he shifts OU idia’s perception of the ‘genre’ from survival horror to grimdark action MMO with Ofiuco as the raid boss. basically a friendly reminder that he does in fact have power, at least temporarily
they pose as a team cause shit just got real, and probably will not separate for the rest of the event
OU idia takes initiative, finally!
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isolaradiale · 2 years
At the stroke of midnight on April 29th, the heartbeat that radiated from the center of the city grew stronger and the stars in the sky that were barely visible through the crimson glow began to dim. It briefly looked like the hole was about to spill over with more excess of ooze, but instead something emerged and floated high into the sky. A cocoon of darkness, throbbing with life.
It didn't float there in that form for long though, because just as quickly as it had risen, the ooze that formed the cocoon uncovered the contents and collected in an orb between two doll-like hands. Ultimately the orb resembled the body of darkness that had first struck the city two weeks before, but the one holding it was more surprising.
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Ofiuco. Or at least it was her body. Clad in a dark purple dress, her uncovered eye glowing red, and her wings now made out of what looked like television static, it was clear by her sick and distorted smile that something wasn't quite right with her. Her left half was shrouded in pixelated distortion to boot. While she opened her mouth to speak, it wasn't words that came out. Rather, a hissing like the static her wings resembled that resonated throughout the city.
For the CPNs that remained, it whipped them up into a frenzy. For the Ofiuclones that had yet to be defeated, it transformed them. One in each sector and branch was enveloped by the goop, only to resemble the dark Ofiuco perfectly once it cleared. All of the monsters on the ground began to attack their surroundings, but this time it seemed organized.
Still blatantly corrupted, the original Ofiuco raised the orb of darkness floating between her hands into the air and it began to grow bigger and bigger, until it was so big that it blotted out the sky and whipped up winds and rain below. The android's smile contorted until it was even eerier, for she planned to rain the ball of fiery, black ooze onto the city. Wiping it off the map. But before she could accomplish it...
Her body froze in place. A familiar sound broke the tension.
The sound of dial up internet connecting?
"We finally made it in! And just in the nick of time, it seems." A voice was broadcasted over every electronic device in the city. Undeniably the voice of one of the Stars, Caelum. The first contact the city had with them since this entire ordeal had begun. "Give us a moment. Establishing safe areas with the antivirus samples we were given..."
Amid the darkness that had drowned the city came light. Barriers like the one that had protected the alternate Spirale domed over the housing areas, their light just barely pushing back against the dark. Any CPNs within these areas were immediately eviscerated, making them safe for occupation. They were small, but they were something.
"To think NULL managed to hide that virus in the programming for the safe area Ofiuco had provided for the alternates when they attacked us back then. It ate so much of that world, enough so that it could... Erm, anyways, I suppose we have more pressing issues right now, don't we?"
Caelum didn't mince words. "Unfortunately we have to eliminate Ofiuco. The virus' origin is just rooted too deep and we can't erase it all. It will just come back, and we'll be back to square one. The good news, I suppose, is that the origin is only in her body. We have a unique opportunity to erase it despite NULL's best efforts."
"We can keep her paralyzed by administering the antivirus to her for now, but we only have a week or so at best and she presently can't be harmed through regular means. Crafty little girl duplicated her defense programming into some of the Ofiuclones. So long as those connections remain up, the barrier that prevents harm from the city dwellers will remain active. That means you need to defeat them first."
"...Which I suppose is easier said than done. We've set up safe zones, but the CPNs and Oficlones that remain corrupted are attacking indiscriminately. The control we've been returned is fairly limited, so we'll need you lot to clear out any obstacles, including the clones. But don't worry, we have also arranged some help. Just... Perhaps make sure you aren't standing somewhere too cramped? And 3... 2... 1..."
As the countdown ended, everyone's phones once again began to glow with the kaleidoscope pattern that had brought them back from the other world. Except this time they summoned help to their sides. Their alternates, armed with weapons from the Spirale Defense Force. "I certainly hope that will suffice for aide. We have one week, so do your best. We'll be in contact with you again soon."
And the transmission went quiet.
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The heartbeat from the centre of the city has been revealed. An Ofiuco corrupted by the same virus that brought forth the CPN, and she immediately tries to destroy the city by practically conjuring a black sun of ooze in the sky.
Before she can succeed however, the Stars finally make contact. They've frozen Ofiuco and erected safe zones in the housing areas of Spirale. Unfortunately the only way to avoid this cataclysmic event is to destroy Ofiuco. But to do that, you first need to destroy the clones that she has split her programming into so that her defenses go down.
But you're not without help! The Stars have summoned your alternate selves to help from the other world, all armed with the antivirus weapons unique to the Spirale Defense Force. It's time to kick some butt!
Oh, very much so. The sky will be pitch black until the event ends, but the city will remain lit up like it is at night.
The new safe zones are erected around the housing areas in each ward, as well as there being extra areas about 5 blocks around the centermost area of each ward and branch. CPNs nor Ofiuclones cannot enter these areas, else they will be eviscerated.
They are indeed! Dramatically so, in fact, that most people would not be able to take them on alone. Their firepower and endurance have been dramatically increased. They also giggle creepily while emitting the sound of television static. Not unsettling at all! Of course they aren't impossible to destroy, but its very much a "bring a friend or an entire MMO party" type of battle. Mini raid bosses of a sort.
Yes! They've been summoned into the real Spirale to help get the CPN situation under control, armed with antivirus weapons. You aren't required to use them, though. From their perspective they agreed to help, either begrudgingly or not, so they weren't forced to.
It isn't a requirement to participate in the new developments for any reason. So don't feel pressured if you don't want more participation or don't have the time!
Next Wednesday will be the final update before the conclusion. It will involve a little activity for anyone who wants to engage with it, and won't really require a big post or anything. It'll more or less be a device post to get us to the conclusion!
As always, feel free to message the masterlist!
Also the evil Ofiuco art was drawn by mod Caelum!
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isolaradiale · 2 years
The fight against the CPNs appears to be going well, with most of them pushed out of the city centres if not destroyed outright. But just as things appeared like there was a light at the end of the tunnel...
Filling up to the brim with a dark, sticky liquid, the hole in the middle of the city spilled over and leaked into the city with an ooze similar to what was seen in the branches of AU Spirale. And from that ooze new CPNs were born, imperiling any efforts that had been made to push them out in the first place.
If you were to get close enough to the hole you might be able to hear it.
The sound of what could only be likened to...
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