jin0exe · 3 years
We haven’t heard from you in a while (and that’s totally fine :)) I just wanted to let you know that I miss seeing your content and i hope you’re doing well💗
also thank u!!!! :’0 i’ve been so busy with portfolio stuff and school i haven’t gotten the chance to be on tumblr for so long qwq
this is actually so sweet tho ty :’]
btw: I just wanted to say i’m not ignoring the art requests!!!! :’o ive just been rlly busy so i’ve only been able to do a few :( but i’m planning on doing them this week if i can)
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swanemma · 7 years
did u stop watching supergirl bc of mon-el? bc same. ugh James and Kara were fucking perfect. I'm so mad they had to ruin it
oh yeah 100% thats the biggest mood
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jimimn · 3 years
🎨 yo
yo broooooooo. lol sorry this was lame. ANYWAYSDFGHJKL. I really tried sticking to 3 each for bts and got7 but........ my fingers slipped i couldn’t control myself :)
HERE WE GO. Gonna start with GOT7 because why not ^_^
I.C.O.N.I.C THE COLOURS!!!! IN !!!! THIS SET!!!!! bro i could never. Im just looking and looking and looking and I can’t look away 😳
how do you do this pls teach 😭😭😭 I have seen how absolutely pale the comeback live was and to transform those pale colours into colours as lively as this set is just.... idk impeccable me thinks. How do you do it pls give tuts :’)
yugyeom *dreamy sigh* OKAY ANY BIASES ASIDE bro the absolute amazing quality of these and the colouring and the SMOOTHNESS SFDGFHJGL the speed looks so perfect i love this set
ANNA QUEEN OF BIG GIFS your big gifs are SO PERFECT like literally how ;_; i still can’t get the sharpening right rip BUT I LOVE THIS SO MUCH OKAY and i remember the raw file for this and idk how but you changed THAT to this cyan and that alone is the reason enough for me to be in love with it 😳😳😳
*dreamy sigh*  okay again any biases aside, THIS COLOURING and the way it brings out his lips.... god’s work right there. I’m in love with all of the gifsets you made from this file because of this amaze colouring right here <3333 
<333333 as much as i absolutely love blue..... the blue here in the original file hurt me to colour which is why those gifs didn’t see the light of the day lmao BUT YOU MANAGED TO REDUCE THE BLUES AND MAKE THIS LOOK SO STUNNING LIKE HOW i love this so much 
HATE TUMBLR FOR NOT MAKING THIS SHOW UP ON THE DASH BEFORE the colouring perfect the quality perfect like tumblr pls stop sabotaging beautiful sets hello 😭😭😭 
😳😳😳 this colouring wow 😳 and anna THIS CAPTION I AM JUST AFSGDHFJKG i love how your brain produces such witty amazing captions bro lend some of that talent too 
THIS BECAME SO LONG but honestly okay im so in awe of your skills everytime because you’re always SO FAST with gifs like idk how and yet you’re never compromising with the quality or the colouring and that’s a really big deal so sdfghjk in short i love your gifs so much thank you for blessing us with them <3333
creators send me 🎨 & I’ll tell you my favorite of your last ten creations and why
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