oshiawaseni · 2 years
with the “control your heart” thing being unaddressed (and deku’s unwillingness to talk about his feelings surrounding bakugou in general), do you think in this war something will come up that’ll make deku unable to avoid it anymore? like if bakugou SEES how deku acts when he’s hurt/insulted (any other time he was either unconscious or not there like his scream after the kidnapping or black whip/danger sense) that’ll cause deku to have to address it at some point when they talk? we already got a “reveal” from AFO to bakugou about deku’s feelings but bakugou has yet to see it, and i think he’ll be the one to help deku control his heart
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He will figure it out, probably almost has. While I don’t think Kacchan will ever know the full story of how Izuku’s been about him, I’m sure something will happen during this fight that will make him understand there’s a bit more to it than futilely dashing into danger to save him. He’s seen that insanity twice. Shiggy also gave him another missing piece by reminiscing how angry Izuku got. I think he would be both confused and conflicted by ShiggyAFO’s statement of being the closest person to Izuku, but hasn’t had too much time to reflect on it yet.
But when he does, I imagine he’ll know it deep down to be true, and that his feelings for Izuku have also been the same. That despite rejecting Izuku, he still somehow viewed him as his closest person and best friend too, in the farthest corner of his heart.
Their relationship has been this kind of twisted all their lives. I mean who were those other kids? They didn’t know him, understand him, look out for him, believe in him or hold him accountable the way Izuku does. When Kacchan came to learn how much Izuku adores him he finally appreciated all of these things about him that he once considered annoying and must have thought: “Shit. The nerd really has been my best friend this entire time.”
So since DvK2, I think Kacchan has been processing and reprocessing them, continuously turning over in his head what he is to Izuku and what Izuku is to him, until eventually he just gave up and this is where it starts to get really shippy: gave into the undeniable love for Izuku that he now knows he’s always had inside and was impossible to run away from.
My point is that after all of this self-reflection, Kacchan is probably the one who can understand and accept how they both feel the most. He could be given new information such as Izuku going berserk over him or being in love with him and accept it as fact more easily. He knows Izuku loves him even if the nature of it is undefinable.
Izuku’s case is somewhat different… Kacchan has only just rediscovered his childhood love and recently started to express it and I think it’s still a lot to take in for Izuku atm because for a large chunk of his life he has been battling with conflicting feelings of admiration, rejection and pain that were born from loving and cherishing a person so dearly, who seemed to have only hated and bullied him. So Izuku would find Kacchan loving him much harder to believe.
That’s why he said “You don’t have to force yourself Kacchan, Deku is fine.” to Kacchan’s “De-Izuku.” Because in Japanese there is intimacy in using a first name by itself. He finds it a little difficult to believe Kacchan would ever want to be by his side, though he has hoped for it pretty much since forever ago.
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Sorry this has run on a bit of a tangent, but I think (with all that said!!!) everything, whatever that entails, is going to come out in the wash. That’s the point of showing us they have mutual hidden feelings for each other in the first place. And there is going to be a lot of questions Izuku will have to answer to, lol.
So I do feel the same way as you. Kacchan will soon see firsthand how much Izuku can lose control for him and I think that he will also be the person that grounds him if he gets too crazy or self-sacrificial. He’s been at the forefront in batting for Izuku’s safety and wanting to cleanse Izuku of his toxic relationship with himself. He knows it needs to be him to do this. It can only be him. I think these sentiments, still lingering from chapters 284-285 to 319-322, will again be a really important theme for them.
Btw, isn’t it interesting that there just so happens to be another person near Kacchan’s battlefield with a missing piece to this puzzle besides Shiggy/AFO, who knows what, or rather who, triggers Izuku the most…
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The biggest gossip junkie constantly running off with his mouth… Always got a lot to say, huh?
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I wonder if he will have anything to say about this…
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