#again i don't have the energy to argue with crits y'all are getting blocked if you start shit
Saw a post just now that was like "haha been so long since a ss episode that C!Thomas changed his apartment layout" and I thought "teehee silly post made in a tongue in cheek way how fun"
But then in the replies,,, op was making fun of people who "believe there will be a finale" and basically calling them dumb for thinking the series was being continued at this point?? removed my like so fast 💀
I know exactly which post you're talking about and I'm gonna say this right now that I have not seen a single TS Crit who isn't like that. They'll say shit about the fandom "harassing them" for being even the slightest critical over Thomas but then proceed to say the most fucked up shit about us being "delusional" for "believing" there's gonna be a new episode or that we're being "brainwashed" by supporting him and it's like okay we get it you're lowkey ableist and fucking hate the man and the series why the fuck are you still here??? Like y'all will continue to bitch about being tired of waiting when you can literally leave and the ones who supposedly "moved on from the series and fandom" will continuously make jokes about how we're "still waiting for main series content" and yet y'all were the same ones pretending you didn't say shit/taking your words back once WTIT came out. Literally everytime the fandom assumes Thomas' vague tweets are a Sides vid he consistantly reassures with a follow up tweet that he would be more direct if it were a scripted vid (Y'know like how he did last week) he's not "baiting" anyone y'all will just go off of one tweet screenshot on here and start saying bullshit.
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