#again please. i think hormones are gr8 if theyre good for you i want you to be on them so bad
gec2unow · 2 years
not in an "hrt is bad" way bc i think going on hrt is something that can increase a person's quality of life in so many ways and i am an incredibly strong advocate for those who have dysphoria that would be helped by hormones to have access to them
but i feel like it should be talked about more that while yes, you can be on hormones forever and that's sick as hell, you also always have the option to go off
again, don't take this as a "psst, i think you should go off your hormones!" post bc they are great for so many people and they might be exactly what you need!
but this is the post for people who have doubts. people who are starting to have changes they're not so fond of. people who start identifying a different way. people who, for whatever reason, just aren't happy taking their hormones anymore
no matter if you've been on hormones for 10 days, 10 months, or 10 years, you always have the option to talk to your doctor to go off them. it doesn't make you any less trans, or any less you. i promise!
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