#again sorry for the wait hhngh
yuseirra · 1 month
Do you think we can get more comics based off of scenes from Memento Mori? I really enjoyed that fic and seeing scenes from it drawn in your style is a real treat
HHNGH.. YES, OF COURSE!! Glad to know you liked what I could offer about that!!! I'm just really focused on onk right now, I got pulled right in.. but I have a hunch episode aigis would re-spark my love towards P3 and let me gravitate towards it again. It is THE GAME for me, it's something that holds a special place in my heart. It's that I dedicate my focus onto one thing at a time...
Time flies so fast and it's been a while since I last drew something about it, huh?? I can't believe it... Since I started drawing about it, a part of my brain has been dedicated on thoughts of drawing more of it. Don't worry! I still have scenes I really want to draw. With the P3R DLC coming out, I feel like I'll be able to make an even deeper analysis of the characters of the game and it could contribute to it too, so I'd like to play the DLC as I draw more of it..! AND the work also has its own take of "the answer", doesn't it!! That was so good..I want to compare that with P3R's take.
Memento Mori is a LOVELY piece of work. It's actually the ONLY piece of p3 fanfic I ever read to this day, I don't know what came into me but it just..happened. I'm glad I did. I want to do a good job with it when I have my full attention and passion because it's so worth it!! I was so happy when I was granted permission to draw fanworks about it, you know? The writer was so kind about it too, they deserve something good AS MUCH AS that piece deserves it. I didn't realize there'd be someone waiting for more but I really want to do it!! That's one more reason to hop back in~ Thanks for the reminder!!
I will work on it again, please look forward to it!! ;v;) Oh goodness.. I feel really sorry towards the writer too. I told them there were more scenes to cover, and I left this hanging for awhile after the last shuyuka piece. It wasn't a lie though!!
I'm practicing, and I think drawing for other fandoms also has been helping me grow and learn new stuff... so I feel I'll be able to do even better when I pick this up again. At least, that's what I'm aiming for!
See you again anon! Oh the new P3R song's so good isn't it? It's a bit depressing but that's the game.. I'm excited for the upcoming update. I will draw more persona art for sure!
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The Triumphant Return.
Conductor: Everyone! Please! Make your way over to the next carriage! This is not a drill! There is an emergency-ACK!
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Ok, that’s enough out of you.
*Narumi, armed with her gauntlets, blasts the conductor in the back. She doesn’t kill him, but she knocks him down to the ground and he passes out cold. Upon seeing the spectacle, all the passengers on the carriage immediately jump up and evacuate the carriage, screaming in terror.
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Hey! Watch the dress!
*Celeste snaps at a few people as they shove past her. She is still holding Hina, and when everyone rushes out, she thrusts the point swimming pro onto a couple of seats.
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*Hina, bound by a tight rope and shut up with a metallic gag, writhes in frustration. Celeste simply smirks at her, and sits down in the seats adjacent to the one’s she’s laying down on.
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This isn’t the most comfortable ride home but it will have to do. What makes you sure that they won’t try and stop the train though?
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Even if they did, we should still be able to get pretty far. I could always fly us away again if we get halted.
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I don’t like that idea. You’ve flown me far enough already. Any more and you’ll ruin my hair.
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You mean your extensions?
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Which are a part of my hair.
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*Celeste sighs.
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Why you specifically?
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Huh? You mean why did they send me to save you?
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I did a pretty good job, didn’t I?
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Quite. But I figured Akira would want to come instead. He would have done just as good a job.
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No he wouldn’t! He might care about you but he doesn’t have my spirit of adventure!
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That “spirit of adventure” delayed my rescue by quite a bit. You spent too much time playing around with Sakura and the others.
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Alright, fine! I’ll grab you and fly you back to your old classmates! I’ll do it!
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Th-That won’t be necessary!
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Then shut your mouth and be grateful for once.
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Ugh...Thank you for saving me...
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That’s better. And I’d better not hear any complaints if I somehow have to fly us away. 
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Sure, sure.
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*Celeste loses her temper and repeatedly kicks Hina off the seat and stamps on her while she’s on the ground.
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*She then spits on her face and sits back down.
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Wow...Pent up aggression much.
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You have no idea. I’ve had to live the past 8 years, holding my tongue while having this talentless loser as a Branch Chief!
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Aggression doesn’t even begin to describe how I feel.
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I don’t consider many of you Zetsubou cretins “friends” exactly, but I very much prefer you. You’re not tight with rules, and you allow me to do whatever I please so long as I deliver results.
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In a way...That mindset is similar to that of Hope’s Peak’s staff, is it not?
*She sits back down.
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What do you mean?
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Back at Hope’s Peak, you were free to do what you wanted and cut as many classes as you wanted so long as you were developing your talent. They really did not give a crap.
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Wow. Sounds fun.
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It was...While it lasted at least...
*She holds her head in and sighs.
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Not like I remember any of it...
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Celeste...I hope you do realize that by working for us...you ARE effectively working for Junko Enoshima and Despair, right?
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I want my castle. I want my money. And as soon as I’ve got that, I’m out.
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If that means I have to stick with you guys to the end, then so be it.
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You seem oddly desperate to get this castle of yours...
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And the reason why is something I am going to keep to myself.
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Fair enough~
*She stands up and starts to walk towards the next carriage, stepping over Hina as she does so.
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Where are you going?
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I’m gonna go get us something to drink. The last carriage has an abandoned drink cart with some tea. Sorry, but you might have to put up with the low quality stuff.
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Well, I’m fresh out of complaints. I’ve waited at least a month for a decent cup of tea, I can wait a little-
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*The air is cut through, as all of a sudden, a bullet comes flying out of the rear carriage door, and hits Narumi in the shoulder.
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*Still bound and gagged on the floor, Hina watches as Celeste jumps up and cradles the injured girl in her arms.
???: I’m sorry dear ladies...But we’re fresh out of tea.
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*Recognizing the voice, a cold chill crawls up Celeste’s spine as she looks up at the shooter.
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Or at least, we are for you.
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*Hina’s reaction is a mix of shock, and amazement as Kyoko stands in the doorway, aiming her pistol at the Zetsubou grunts.
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You! What the hell are YOU doing here!?
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Hmph...Tried that once...Didn’t take then, don’t take now.
*She starts to make her way towards them.
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O-Ow...! I-It hurts...!
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Sit tight...I can handle this.
*Still cradling the bleeding Narumi, Celeste backs away all the way to the other end of the carriage. She places the young girl on a seat.
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Good to see you old friend. Sorry, but now’s not the time for proper reunions.
*She frees Hina and hands her a remote.
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Take this and get all the way to the back of the train. It’ll give the Future Foundation a signal to track where we’re going.
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What? But-
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Do it!
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*Kyoko’s sternness shuts Hina up, and she does as she’s told.
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For someone as unsympathetic as you...You seem to have made pretty good friends with these villains.
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*Celeste keeps her back turned to the Detective.
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True friends and allies are the people who would let you be you. No one in the Future Foundation ever did that, so why should I owe you any favors? Even if you DID revive me, what’s the point if I can’t do as I should?
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If that was an excuse, the term “psychopath” wouldn’t exist.
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You know it might have been a mistake to send Hina away. We may lose her, but you’re also on Shirogane’s list, you know? And yet you’re taking us on without any backup?
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Considering the main muscle is already down and out...I like my chances...Plus, I wouldn’t have it any other way...
*She aims her gun at the gambler girl.
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Because one thing you don’t know about me...is that I’m not above holding a grudge.
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Ah...that’s right...
*Celeste, regaining some bravado despite her previous slip up, turns her head slightly and grins maliciously...
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I almost forgot the entire reason we’re in this mess is because I killed Detective Samidare...
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Considering your history with each other...I’m amazed you would be THIS torn up over her death. Especially considering what happened between you two.
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...You know about that then?
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An assassin needs to know the personal details of their target before the hit. I’m no professional, but I fail to see why that wasn’t obvious.
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Your history isn’t a pretty one...So if it’s not for vengeance for her, is this all just because of your injury?
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Injury’s can be healed. Dead people can’t be brought back.
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But logic has shown that to be wrong! After all, I and everyone else from the first killing game are supposed to be dead, so why don’t you just bring your good friend back?
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Yes...You’re a good example...
*She cocks the gun.
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And one that I clearly need to fix. Only when I’ve taken care of you will I consider bringing her back.
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W-Wait...Are you saying...You’re trying to KILL me?
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I’m not “trying” to...But you should have died a long time ago anyway...
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We’re on a speeding train and I have a gun...So if you somehow end up dying? Oh well...
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You really don’t think my life is worth ANYTHING!?
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Why would it!? You betrayed us! You killed my childhood friend! I have NO sympathy for you.
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I won’t feel anything if you somehow wind up dead.
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You...good-for nothing...!
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*Celeste’s plan becomes clear within the ensuing moment. The reason she had her back to Kyoko the whole time was because she was secretly placing Narumi’s repulsor gauntlets on her own hands! With a cry of anger, she spins around and blasts a beam straight at Kyoko. Kyoko dives out of the way, but it provides Celeste enough of an opportunity to grab Narumi and make her escape.
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*Kyoko suddenly notices Celeste procure another thing from Narumi. A radio.
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We’re on the train! Narumi is down! Send backup as quick as you can!
*With that, she slams the door to the carriage.
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Chihiro! Celeste has a radio! Find out where the signals going!
Chihiro: Alright I’m on it! But...what are you gonna do?
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I’m going to pursue.
Chihiro: What!? Y-You can’t! What if they’re luring you into a trap!?
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Don’t worry...I just got back. I don’t plan to leave so soon.
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I’m not falling for any of her traps...Not again...
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luvteez · 5 years
think twice before you speak
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pairing: san x wooyoung x fem!reader genre + tags: smut | hard dom!woosan, toys wc: 1.6k
When San asked you “How do you feel about two at once?” with a casual airiness in his tone, making you glance up from your phone only to find him and Wooyoung staring expectantly at you, you burst into a fit of laughter.
“If this is your way of asking if I would let one of you fuck my ass while someone does my vag, consider fucking my mouth first,” you wheezed. “Plus, isn’t that idea quite a reach considering you guys are shitless scared of making me faint, hence why you always insist on doing it vanilla and all that jazz?”
Fast forward to your current predicament a few hours later, you’re not laughing anymore.
It’s rather the polar opposite. You feel like crying — fuck that, perhaps the tears are already welling up and just waiting to stream down your face. The toy isn’t even big, doesn’t stretch your walls out in the slightest. But with your legs spread apart and Wooyoung changing the intensity of the vibrations every few minutes, you’re forced to the edge in record time.
Desperate apologies leave you without a pause but neither him nor San are fazed. Instead, they both watch you with a malicious grin as if you were their prey, relishing how worked up you are. How you struggle to keep your legs planted to the bed whenever the dildo vibrates more. How you’re at the brink of letting those tears loose whenever your release gets denied. And they haven’t laid a finger on you yet. 
"But baby, you said we're too vanilla." Wooyoung pouts, yet his voice is dripping in glee. "As if we aren't worth your pussy. But it's okay, we understand. You seem to have much more fun with your toys anyway. Look, San, she's shaking so much and it’s just a fake dick in her!"
"No no no— hnngh..." you drawl. Wooyoung bumps up the toy to its highest intensity with a single swipe on his phone, making you whimper. "No, don’t wanna... d-don't wanna cum like this."
San lifts a brow. "Oh, so now you want us, eh?" There isn’t even an ounce of emotion in his voice. "Too bad, baby, because you're not worth our cocks if you're so close so fast because of a fucking toy. Bet you'd come immediately the second I'm buried in you, and then you'd beg like a little bitch for me to stop because it's too much for you even though I haven't had my fun yet."
Wooyoung gasps, feigning shock. "Really? That's so mean!" 
"I promise I won't—" your brain no longer knows how to form a proper sentence as soon as San snatches the phone away from the other’s grasp, setting the toy to the lowest setting, "—gonna be good and n-not complain and do anything you want— f-fuck—" suddenly, he amps it up again and you choke, desperately trying to clutch more of the sheets in your fists, "—wanna be stuffed by you—" both guys would feel sorry for you, but seeing you blabbering barely comprehensive words as you’re slowly losing it makes their dicks stir, "—p-promise won't cum before you!"
"That's a bold statement," San comments coolly. He shares a look with Wooyoung before he switches the toy off completely. "M'kay, deal. You better keep that promise though, because trust me, you won't like the consequences if you don't."
You nod eagerly, and that’s the most enthusiasm you’ve shown so far. It doesn’t last long though. The sigh that threatened to slip past your lips turns into a yelp when San pulls the toy out and manhandles you on all fours all of sudden. You faintly register the sound of a foil packet ripped open, but before you can act upon that, Wooyoung has made his way in front of you, tilting your head up with one hand on your chin.
"Open up, baby," he orders impatiently, lightly slapping your cheek with his dick, tip already glistening in precum. A smug grin makes its way on his lips when he leaves a stain on your skin. 
In that moment, San thrusts his cock into your throbbing heat in one swift movement, stretching you to the point where you feel you’re going to tear. You arch your back and cry out of pleasure from taking him up to the hilt. Wooyoung is relentless and takes the first opportunity to shove his shaft in your mouth, turning your moans into choked, desperate gasps for air. The rough treatment from all sides has you reach your breaking point. Sniffling, the tears finally stream down your cheeks and mix in with the precum. 
You don’t know what you expected when your eyes meet Wooyoung’s. Whatever it was, it wasn’t the same cold and sickeningly smug look that hasn’t left his face ever since. He doesn’t look affected in the slightest. Doesn’t bother to wipe away some tears. Doesn’t bat an eyelash when he says with a voice devoid of empathy, "You said you wanted me to fuck your mouth? Gotta earn that first. So put that tongue of yours to work, that's the only thing you can do anyway."
By then, San has settled for a slow pace, pulling his cock out until his tip barely grazes your folds, and then rocks back in deeply. The combination of his actions and Wooyoung’s words has your eyes turning white and blood rushing through your veins. 
In between trying to breathe through your nose and not rutting your ass against San, you eagerly suck on the other’s cock. Wooyoung isn’t as long as San, but his girth definitely compensates for it. His dick is thick and lies heavy against your tongue. You lap around his tip, the taste of precum prevalent on your tastebuds. His breath hitches as he throws his head back, Adam’s apple bobbing visibly. Slowly, his hands make their way to your head, loosely threading through your hair. 
San progressively grows more aggressive with his thrusts. His breaths are labored, an attempt to keep his voice at bay. But once in a while, an airy whine escapes his throat. He’s fucking you deep and slow and when he’s buried in you balls-deep, that one thrust slams him against your weak spot. 
The force of it makes you lurch forwards, choking and moaning against Wooyoung’s dick. From there on, he’s a goner. 
Whatever ounce of self-control Wooyoung possessed is now thrown out of the window. He suddenly has your hair in a vice grip, blunt nails lightly digging into your scalp. You’re about to pull away for a second to swallow the spit and precum collected in your mouth, but then he forces his length deeper into your mouth, legs growing weak when he feels your gag reflex activating. Your muffled cries and tears down your face and drool spilling from the corner of your lips make the entire thing even better, and the praises and curses flow out of him like a waterfall in the midst of loud, high-pitched moans.
"Fuck, so good... y-your mouth..." Wooyoung’s cock twitches, his end coming soon. "Shit, I'm gonna—!"
“Me too— hhngh,” San pants, hips stuttering as his pace starts to get faster. The violent snap of skin against skin reverberates throughout the room along with vulgar groans. Your stomach churns and you feel like you’re slowly losing touch with reality as you sense your own orgasm approaching.
Wooyoung is the first to come, spilling his release in your mouth. He’s abusing your mouth as he fucks himself through his orgasm, not giving you any chance to swallow. He moves so wildly that bits of his cum spill past your lips and dribble down your chin, some pooling on the mattress. 
Not long after him, San shoots his load into the condom, fingers gripping your hips so hard that they leave bruises behind. He groans, followed by a ramble of curses that you only catch when you strain your ears. All the while he’s getting down from his high, he moves a hand down to your clit, rigorously rubbing the bundle of nerves. It’s the thing that sends you over the edge, and your cunt clenches around his softening cock like a vice. 
Both of them pull out at the same time, chests heaving, hair disheveled, lips busted. Wooyoung runs his thumb across your bottom lip, and you swiftly swallow his load before your tongue darts out. Retreating his finger, he shoots you an exhausted grin, and then he collapses on the bed.
"Shit, baby, you really kept your word.” San looks at you with a sense of pride, and then he’s off for a moment to get rid of the condom. 
"The fuck have we been doing the entire time? We should've gone freakier way earlier!" Wooyoung throws an arm over his eyes, the light too bright for him. San comes back just in time and still catches what his friend said.
He looks irritated for a hot minute, and then he bursts into laughter from the bluntness. “Woo, please don’t ever say it like that again.”
"Well, at least better late than never." you shrug amusedly. “However, i still want my post-session cuddles.”
“And those you will always get.” San smiles mischievously before he drops his body weight on you, effectively crushing you. You grimace, playfully hitting his chest to get him and his nasty post-sex stench away from you, but he doesn’t budge and clings onto you like a leech. “You asked, I delivered!”
Wooyoung throws himself into the bunch immediately after, laughing at your desperate attempts to break free. You huff, taking a mental note to always run for the bathroom the next time you do this. 
“Oh my god, you two are the worst.”
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Eliwood/Ninian C-S Support
Written by @vganimefanatic  Author’s Note: In this support conversation, Eliwood and Ninian are from different timelines. Eliwood is from a timeline which he married Ninian (but she passed away already) and Ninian comes from one where she and Eliwood did not get together despite liking each other (basically Eliwood x Hector friendship route).
Eliwood: Ninian? Ninian, is that you?
Ninian: Huh? Lord Eli-HHNGH?!
[Eliwood engulfs Ninian in a tight embrace.]
Ninian: L-Lord Eliwood…
Eliwood: Yes?
Ninian: Hug…too…tight. …I…cannot…breathe…
Eliwood: Ah!
[Eliwood releases Ninian.]
Ninian: *Wheezes*
Eliwood: Forgive me! It’s just… I never thought I’d see you again. I’ve really missed you, Ninian.
Ninian: You… missed me? Truly?
Eliwood: Of course! What kind of husband wouldn’t miss his wife?
Ninian: H-husband?!
Eliwood: …Ninian?
Ninian: …
Eliwood: Ninian, my love, what’s wrong?
Ninian: I…I’m so sorry.
Eliwood: I don’t understand. Wha- hey wait! Ninian, come back!
[Eliwood and Ninian have reached support rank C.]
Eliwood: …
Ninian: …
Eliwood: …
Ninian: …I’m sorry.
Eliwood: No, don’t be. If anything, I should be the one apologising. Many of our companions from the World of Fate hail from various timelines; the possibility of you coming not from the past but from an alternate timeline should’ve occurred to me.
Ninian: I…I’m afraid I don’t fully comprehend what you are saying. The past? Alternate timeline? Do you mind explaining it to me further?
Eliwood: I’m not sure I fully understand it myself. From what I’ve gathered from conversing with (y/n), there are multiple versions of the history of each world. Some, like the World of Mystery’s, are more or less the same. Others, like the World of Fate’s, are vastly different from one another. Breidablik, the relic which was used to summon us, is able to call forth heroes of the past, present or future from different worlds AND timelines.
Eliwood: Ninian… earlier just now, you told me that ‘your’ Eliwood never married you.
Ninian: Yes. After the battle with Nergal, my brother and I left… We returned through the Dragon’s Gate. For us to have been married… did you follow us? I cannot imagine you forsaking Pherae.
Eliwood: No, Ninian, you’re correct. I could’ve never abandon my duty to Pherae.
Ninian: I-I see.
Ninian: Lord Eliwood?
Eliwood: Yes, Ninian?
Ninian: How many years did I… did ‘your’ Ninian live after staying behind?
Eliwood: Eight. We were married for only seven of those years though.
Ninian: …Were you happy?
Eliwood: Ninian, I was the happiest person in the world. I only hope I somehow managed to return the joy she gave me during the brief time we were together.
Ninian: …
[Eliwood and Ninian have reached support rank B.]
Ninian: Good day, Lord Eliwood.
Eliwood: Hello, Ninian. Was that Roy I spotted talking with you earlier?
Ninian: Yes. Roy’s your son right? That is… your actual son.
Eliwood: Sort of. We’re both from the same timeline but he was summoned from a few years ahead from my time. It fills me with pride to see what a fine young man he’s become.
[Eliwood and Ninian stare out at the training courtyard where Roy and a few other Heroes are currently practicing.]
Ninian: …There were nights, back in my world, when I lay awake unable to sleep…and while I do not regret choosing to be with my brother, I often wondered what life would’ve been like had I chose to remain by your side.
Ninian: Lord Eliwood, in our previous conversation, you told me that ‘your’ Ninian made you the happiest person in the world. I… I have to disagree with you. I’m sure that the happiest person in the world… was my other self. You and Roy gave her a life far better than anything I ever imagined.
Eliwood: …
Ninian: Ah! Y-you’re crying! I’m so sorry, Lord Eliwood! I didn’t mean-
Eliwood: Ah no, it’s not your- I just… what you said. I never realised… thank you, Ninian. Thank you for helping me realise she had been as happy as I was.
[Eliwood and Ninian have reached support rank A.]
Ninian: Lord Eliwood? Lord Hector told me that you were looking for me… Is something amiss?
Eliwood: Ah, Ninian. No, nothing of the sort. I just wanted to discuss something with you. Do you mind accompanying me to a place more suitable for a private conversation?
Ninian: A-alright.
[Eliwood escorts Ninan to a quieter part of the castle.]
Eliwood: I have something for you. I had forged it from some of the gold my cavalry unit won from the arena.
Ninian: A ring? Oh it’s beautiful…but…
Eliwood: Hm?
Ninian: It’s a gimmel ring. Gimmel rings… are romantic in nature.
Eliwood: …
Ninian: You should only give this to a woman you wish to marry. I… oh. Oh.
Eliwood: You do not reciprocate my feelings?  
Ninian: N-no, I do! It’s just… I’m not her… and you aren’t…
Eliwood: To be honest, I too questioned whether what I felt was love or just transferred affection. I wasn’t sure at first… but now I am certain; both you and her are different, despite being Ninian, and I love you because… well, you’re you.
Ninian: Lord Eliwood…
Eliwood: Dearest Ninian, will you accept this ring and my love?
Ninian: ….Yes. Oh, Lord Eliwood, I love you for you as well. [Eliwood and Ninian have reached support rank S.]
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