#again this is if we do get serious bc we’ve havent been courting for very long so who knows
gregmarriage · 6 months
would be sooo funny of my sisters to get pissy, if i date someone with the same name as one of their kids. as if both sisters aren’t dating guys with the same name, who look the same to me, and it’s confusing as fuck to talk about them, because you have to preface which boyfriend you’re referring to.
#the girl i’m courting has the same name as my niece#to clear things up imao#and idk if it’s gonna become serious#but on the off chance it does and it goes as far as meeting my family#my sisters have no right to talk about her name in any way#i mean it’s one sister in particular#bc it’s her kid#but it’s not like i planned it#i didn’t even know my niece’s name until she was born#and then i met this girl after the fact and didn’t know things would happen between us#again this is if we do get serious bc we’ve havent been courting for very long so who knows#it’s all ifs and maybes at this point and i’m probably overthinking it#honestly they’d cause a bigger fuss that i’m dating a girl in the first place never mind about her name#as if it’s fair that they can have relationships but i can’t just bc i date women instead#like eat shit <3#my dad would be worst tho but like i have to be a grown up and grin and bear that shit if i’m gonna have a relationship at any point#would rather avoid the drama but oh well#i can physically hear the kinda shit my sisters would say behind my back#but like my life and my relationships are literally none of their business <3#but they insert themselves into my business like i’m still a child#like i don’t do that to you???#could say sooo much shit but i don’t#you think they could extend me the same but noooooo apparently not#whatever it’s fine#it’s not even a thing rn bc none of that is happening rn imao#i’m just pre-annoyed imaoooo#gwen rambles#gwenposting
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