#again. i’m not trying to be a hater. that hater ass sentence just came naturally from my mind i apologize
livvyofthelake · 5 months
i’m sorry. this is the most boring movie i’ve ever seen in my life i cannot finish it tonight…
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flashyslash-moved · 5 years
For the ask thing, the Esper Sisters.
favorite thing about them: Her lack of fear. At first glance Tats would just be labeled an arrogant bitch or something, and there is some validity to that, but she also has a lot of inner strength that we don’t expect. And we see her start to develop especially during the Garou fight, where she shows that she can face a terrible threat without hesitating, even when she probably wont win. I do think there is a lot of actual fear inside of her, since without her esper powers she’s a very tiny woman with arms like twigs. But I still admire her willingness to face down a threat and keep going because she has to win or die.
least favorite thing about them: The fact that she’s probably never going to be enjoyed by the fandom in a respectful way without all the dorkass losers accusing each other of being pedophiles. Maybe Murata and ONE are obviously the weirdos we pretend they aren’t, but Tatsumaki shouldn’t suffer for it.
favorite line: “Then allow me to teach you what exactly happens when you lay a hand on either of us!” Because Fubuki is her everything. Nothing else matters but protecting her baby sister, even if she can be a pain in the ass.
brOTP: Flash. Okay yeah I started this blog shipping these two, but now I see them having some similarities. Like being in captivity and experimented on. Besides their current dynamic is Flash says a bitchy thing to Tats and so far she hasn’t had the balls to come back at him (seriously, since he came for her throat after she took his kill, she’s been avoiding his insults ever since). Not completely sure if Flash would try to cause her malicious harm in some way, but if not they could find their similarities and stop being dicks all the time.
OTP: Saitama/Tatsumaki. One day I gave this couple about thirteen seconds of thought and overnight I got hooked. I’m sorry to subject you all to this sentence, but they’re like the earth and sky. He is the most powerful with his body, and she with her mind. I think when Saitama was confronting Tats at the beginning of the ninja arc, he was more interested in her feelings and what was going on with her, like if she would be okay bleeding and bringing up her need for friends. And I think she’s also got some depression and loneliness going on, maybe from low self-esteem/image issues, also like Saitama. Plus she always seems to impressed with King’s hero record but those are all Saitama’s achievements. This is one of the few OTPs that I’ll actually be genuinely bitter about if I don’t get....
nOTP: Tatsumaki/King. I use to take a small interest in this ship because it seemed to be going in that direction when Tats got all got for King when he came in covered in blood before they all went out. Plus apparently she only respects him and Blast (I may of gotten that from a wikia though so it might not be true idk). And he’s seen her panties in the webcomic. But he is vastly not good enough for Tats since he’s not only not a hero, but he’s also a big liar. Not saying I’m anti-King, and I get he’s kind of stuck right now in an impossible situation, but I don’t imagine Tatsumaki being forgiving for what she’d see as a huge scam. 
random headcanon: Tatsumaki wasn’t successful in dating while in school, mostly due to her cold and arrogant personality, but she did try again as an adult with match services and online dating. Did not help her self-image in the slightest and she only seemed to attract weird guys, so after awhile she just gave up.
unpopular opinion: Tatsumaki being growth stunted and childlike is more interesting than just having her be a tall, voluptuous Fubuki lookalike who is about to hit 30. She’s unique, and Fubuki is also unique.
song i associate with them: Paula Cole - “Where Have All The Cowboys Gone” a song about a woman being lonely or neglected, and just wanting a normal, happily ever after.
favorite picture of them: (damn u for making me choose)
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She looks so damn conniving. 
favorite thing about them: The masks she wears, just because they make her so fascinating. I like how she is similar, yet completely different from Tatsumaki, and tries to be strong and face any threat like her yet will usually always fall short. But she doesn’t give up, even if it’s obvious to everyone else she won’t succeed, she doesn’t let the haters get to her.
least favorite thing about them: She’s so annoying. Like I shouldn’t say that about rare tough girls (who are also written well) in shounens, but she is. Like she’s so demanding that everyone pay attention to her and do what she says (kind of like Tatsumaki so maybe thats where she learned it), even barging into Saitama’s house and giving him attitude. Another anon once sent me an ask on if the fandom would feel differently about her if she were male, and the answer is yes. You don’t start throwing building around because someone questions you, I don’t care how long you’ve spent your life trying to achieve a fraction of what your older sister was basically given by nature only to keep being reminded you never will. 
favorite line: “So you dare to stand in my way.” Sounds badass but I don’t feel that way. It kind of seems like she’s trying to be cool but in reality it’s all fake intimidation tactics.
brOTP: Suiyru. I don’t know why actually, he’s kind of a fuckboy, but similar to the friendship I see Flash and Saitama possibly having, he could teach her to loosen up more. Of course he’d be friendzoned really quick, but maybe he’d grow enough to look past that?
OTP: Garou/Fubuki. Went over this in the Garou ask, but the most important thing is that they are both super hot and fine deserves fine.
nOTP: Saitama/Fubuki. Because he, like me, finds her really intrusive and annoying. That’s not a good first impression. I get people can find chemistry later on, so the idea could grow on me if the story heads in that direction, but I guess Fubuki just doesn’t seem good enough for him. He doesn’t like to even listen to her talk. And lastly her interactions with him specifically make me dislike her in sexist ways, since she seems like just a nagging bitch. I’m not fond of that perspective on her.
random headcanon: Outside of hero work, Fubuki is a painter.
unpopular opinion: She's a hoe. But a secret hoe. I think Fubuki has a power kink, and craves direct attention and adoration (like a fan or a thirsty someone in the group), but mostly she might just like having a never ending supply of something her sister is barren in. Which is really mean but that’s why it’s unpopular.
song i associate with them: Pistol Annies - “Hell On Heels” getting whatever you want with the power of sexuality and manipulation. That’s probably not what she’s about but it’s closer to my hcs.
favorite picture of them:
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swiftsgetawaycar · 7 years
(NB: this is gonna be long and may include some profanity lol sorry not sorry) 
Okay, SO! I was at dinner tonight with some family friends and the restaurant we were at had the radio playing lightly in the background, and unsurprisingly, as Taylor is SLAYING the charts, Gorgeous came on and I immediately, very nicely, asked our waiter if she would mind turning it up a little and she was happy to oblige. Anyway, it’s like a minute into the song and the first ding™ was coming up so I was mentally preparing to wink and try my best to do Taylor sassy-sexy smirk thing when the boy I’m out with (he’s a few years younger than me and dead-ass knows how much I fucking LOVE Taylor Alison Swift) goes “ugh, how do you like so much? her music is SO boring, all she writes about are her boyfriends” at which point my mother’s wine glass loudly made contact with the table and my sister started vehemently shaking her head and trying to cut him off because they knew that I WANTED TO FUCKING PUNCH HIS SMUG ASS FACE AND MOST LIKELY WOULD’VE HAD I NOT BEEN IN A CROWDED RESTAURANT IN THE MIDDLE OF LONDON! But, I stayed calm(ish), which was truly a remarkable feat considering that the bridges in Gorgeous are especially emotional to me because Taylor and I bonded over them at the SS,  and then went on a long ass rant about why his statement was totally wrong and a product of the sexist and incredibly self-conscious media industry that has made Taylor out to be this man-using slut who falls in love only to make money which let me tell you as someone who has met and spent time with her is THE FURTHEST THING FROM THE TRUTH POSSIBLE!!!!!!!! So, for anyone out there who still buys into that whole character-assassination plot that is Taylor using her exes and boyfriends purely as writing material, listen up whilst I explain to you why the statement set me off so fucking much that I had a whole pub of people listening to me scream at a teenage boy about Taylor Swift on a Friday night. 
1. Whether or not meaning to be, it is an ENTIRELY sexist statement to make that Taylor Swift only writes about her love interests because when has the media and/or society EVER criticised a man over using exes and love and break-ups as content for song writing? All successful male artists have written about love at some point, and some of them have been successful because they have ONLY written about love, and never once has anyone had a problem with that or suggested that their music was any less fabulous because of it. Meanwhile, a woman uses her experiences in life which just happen to coincide with her experiences with love and the whole world automatically stirs up this narrative that she’s boy-obsessed, hysterical and has nothing else to write about but those relationships, failed or not. MEN HAVE DONE THE SAME THING OVER AND OVER AND IT HAS NOT BEEN A PROBLEM, TAYLOR DOES IT AND IT MAKES HER UNTALENTED, MAN-HUNGRY AND BORING - WHERE IS THE LOGIC IN THAT?!?! Oh right, it’s back in the Eighteenth fricking  century when men thought women were hysterical for acting out and having thoughts/feelings. Honestly, saying Taylor’s music, or any other female artist’s music, is boring because it’s all about love is bullshit because 99% of the music on the market has always been about love from Mozart’s Fur Elise to Beyonce so that is one argument my feminist ass will always take down and hold against you. 
2. IT’S 2017 AND TAYLOR HAS PROVED TIME AND TIME AGAIN THAT SHE CAN WRITE MUSIC ABOUT FUCKING ANYTHING! She could literally write a song about a brick wall and it’d go platinum in record time - why? BECAUSE SHE’S THE MOST TALENTED SONG-WRITER OF THIS GENERATION!!!! I can list multiple songs of Taylor’s that have NOTHING to do with romantic love (aka The Best Day, Long Live, Never Grow Up, Eyes Open, Mean, Welcome to New York, Bad Blood, Shake It Off, Look What You Made Me Do etc.) most of which are her biggest hits, like Shake It Off for example which was number 1 in multiple countries for MONTHS! I CANNOT BELIEVE THAT PEOPLE THINK IT’S ORIGINAL/VALID TO MAKE THAT CRITICISM BECAUSE HONESTLY IT’S BEEN TALKED ABOUT TO DEATH AND THERE ARE SO MANY PEOPLE WHO WILL FIGHT TILL THE DEATH TO PROVE THAT LOVE IS NOT THE ONLY THING TAYLOR WRITES ABOUT!!!!!!! 
3. “Boring” and “Taylor Swift” do not belong in the same post code let alone the same sentence because Taylor never has been even close to “boring”. She is one of the only artist out there that is in touch enough with their audience and fans to know what they like best and never fails to deliver it. She has changed her sound over the years not just for us, the fans, but also because she naturally recognised the need for a shift in her music (see her comments on Red not wining AOTY at The Grammy’s like it should’ve if you don’t believe me) and there are not many people in the industry who have been courageous enough to take the risk and break away from what made them successful in the first place. Yet, Taylor did and became even bigger and better for it; 1989 was a totally new direction for her and still deeply resonated with ALL her fans from her country days. Name another artist that has successful transitioned from one genre to another so seamlessly, flawlessly and in a way that still keeps true to their sound and themselves?! I’ll be waiting a long time for you to answer that.
4. LOVE IS THE MOST COMMON HUMAN EXPERIENCE EVER!!!!!! Even if it was all Taylor wrote about, which I think it’s safe to say we’ve established is not the case, could you blame her?! We have all had or are going to have an experience of falling in love someday whether it be in a romantic, sexual or platonic way. There is literally nothing more common in humans (other than hearts and lungs and death) than love - it happens to every one of us in our lives despite race or religion or gender or socio-economic class or geography or political stance so of course it is an experience that a writer would want to use as inspiration and share to an audience. Love is in everything from sciences to literature to music - is it really that inconceivable that someone who wants to connect with others would do so by using a universal experience!?!?!
5. Lastly, if it doesn’t have a negative impact on your life or actively harms someone why the fuck do you even care?! Taylor’s music makes SO many people SO incredibly happy (as does Taylor, just saying)  so why try to ruin that for them? What has Taylor ever done to you? It is honestly NOBODY’S business who Taylor writes her songs about or who was in mind when it was conceived, whether a fan or a friend, it is her life and her story and she DOES NOT have to share it with anybody unless she wants to and chooses to! SHE DOESN’T OWE US ANYTHING!! And if you know that somebody strongly resonates with her music and is a huge fan of her art, what’s in it for you to make them sad and hurt? Do you think we like to hear people talking shit about someone who has been nothing but kind and loving towards us? It’s not fun being a Swiftie at times because we  literally have to spend all our time defending Taylor over and over again from stupid, false and cruel misconceptions about her, we would much rather be out enjoying her music, baking cookies, watching Friends and looking at cat videos on YouTube but instead we need to remind you that Taylor is a fucking person rather than some object you can use and abuse for your own selfish agenda.  So, please, keep your opinion to yourself, especially when you know how much @taylorswift means to us. 
Basically, you have no clue what the fuck you’re talking about and if you honestly believe the things the media says not only are you stupid but you are undeserving to have your ears blessed by Taylor’s music, and I feel sorry for you that you won’t get to have it in your life because it is fucking amazing! 
I know that “Haters Gonna Hate” but really, couldn’t they at least be factually correct instead of hiding behind decade-old jokes and tabloid headlines?!
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