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Agito version of this historic meme
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agustdakasuga · 11 months
The Way Of A Criminal: Chapter 7
Genre: Mafia!AU, Criminal!AU, Angst, Romance
Pairing: OT7 x Reader
Characters: Normal!Reader, Gangster!Namjoon, Gangster!Seokjin, Gangster!Yoongi, Gangster!Hoseok, Gangster!Jimin, Gangster!Taehyung, Gangster!Jungkook
Summary: Your father was a stranger, you never knew who he was and what he did. But one day, someone knocks on your door, informing you of his passing. Now, you learn more about him, his life and the legacy you are expected to continue with the help of his 7 executives.
Story warning(s): This story will contain depictions of violence, blood shed/gore, death, mentions of abuse, smoking, alcohol drinking and gambling. This story is fictional and has nothing to do with real life events or the actual members of BTS. Please read at your own discretion.
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Jin was right. As the boys were all dressed and ready to head out for the day, they definitely didn’t expect you to be standing there at the front door. Your hand was frozen mid air, as if you were going to ring the doorbell.
“Oh!” You took a step back in surprise. You had stood there for a good 5 minutes, totally unnoticed by the staff of the mansion.
“(y/n).” They all spoke, not bothering to mask their surprise as well.
“Sorry, is this a bad time? I can totally come back again and-”
“No, it’s not. Please, come in. We can talk inside.” Namjoon regained composure first, gesturing towards the inner sanctions of the house. You bowed your head respectfully and removed your shoes before walking behind them. You sat with them in the living room once again, giving you a sense of deja vu. Jungkook ordered drinks and snacks.
As the butlers and maids rushed to fix drinks and snacks, not having prepared since the owners of the house were supposed to be out working the entire day, you sat there, wringing the material of your skirt.
“Calm down.” Taehyung placed a hand on your shoulder and you visibly relaxed, just a little.
“Young masters, agashi.” The butler bowed as he placed the tray of drinks down. With a wave of his hand, Namjoon sent the staff out.
“I... I wanted to apologise, firstly.” You suddenly stood up, bowing deeply to all of them. Another unexpected action from you. The boys all looked at each other, unsure of how to act or respond.
“I’ve been selfish and insensitive. Whatever my relationship was or... wasn’t with that man, I shouldn’t have been acting so immature. Sorry.” You said, head still bowed.
“(y/n), i-tt’s fine. Let’s sit down and talk.” Jin said, going forward as you straightened up. He gestured for you to take your seat again.
“You have all lost somebody, who I am sure... is... was... very important to you. And instead of grieving, you’ve been having to chase me around and pacify me. That wasn’t fair to you.” You looked at all of them. Jimin rolled his eyes, keeping his gaze on the side.
“I’m sorry.” You repeated.
“(y/n), it’s okay, really. Stop apologising.” Hoseok said.
“Idiot. I told you not to let the words get to you.” Yoongi sat up from his leaned position on the armchair. You pursed your lips, knowing he was referring to your conversation that happened when he was at your place a few nights ago.
“What Yoongi hyung said aside, we’re glad you came, (y/n). It was also our fault for pushing you and letting things get so far. We want to apologise for that.” Namjoon said.
“Jimin.” Jin stopped the younger from interrupting their leader. Taehyung patted his best friend on the hand. A silent signal to just let it go.
“I don’t really know where to go from this. My mother, she was my world. And if she believed in me working with you, for some reason, I should try. And like you said, I’m being targeted, if this grants me safety, so be it.” You confessed.
“But I don’t know anything in business.” You added.
“I’m not going to lie, we were not expecting that. But thank you, (y/n). I would say, don’t worry. We will guide you slowly on how this words, as necessary. But I think, we should get to know one another more before we get into all that business stuff.” Namjoon spoke, the first one to recover from being stunned by your words.
“Yeah. We’re the best at what we do. Don’t care about not having the skills and whatnot.” Hoseok nodded in agreement.
“So filial piety is what moves you.” Yoongi added.
“Yes. If it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work. But I should at least give it a chance. If I don’t like it, I get closer to knowing what I really want.” You replied. Yoongi raised his eyebrows in amusement at you rephrasing his words.
“But, I... still can’t accept him as my father... I’m sorry.” You hung your head down low.
“We understand. Take your time. Fresh wounds take time to heal. Don’t force it.” Jin reached over to squeeze your shoulder.
“Thank you for taking the time to speak to me, even if I don’t deserve it. I should let you all get back to what you were doing now.” You stood up, rubbing your slightly sweaty palms on your skirt.
“First thing to learn, don’t speak of yourself as an inconvenience. If we didn’t think you’d deserved it or that you were a bother, we wouldn’t have given you the time of day. Trust me, we’re busy people.” Hoseok stopped you. You felt your cheeks heat up in embarrassment.
“Shall I take you home?” Taehyung asked.
“Actually, can I speak to Namjoon sshi in private?” You requested meekly. The boys all paused, turning to the leader, who just remained stoic.
“Sure. Right this way. We can talk in my office.” Namjoon said. He guided you to his office. You bowed to the other 6 before rushing after Namjoon. You followed him up the stairs.
“Can I get you a drink?” He asked as he closed the door behind you.
“No, thanks.” You said. He gestured for you to take a seat while he sat down in his seat, on his side of the desk.
“I-I just wanted to apologise to you... the most. Since we met, I’ve just been a horrible person. I’ve been stand offish and unfair.” You sighed.
“(y/n), (y/n). There’s nothing for you to be sorry about. I understand, I’ve not exactly been the bearer of good news since I showed up at your door. Anyone would have felt and reacted the same way you did, I don’t hold any animosity or resentment. In fact, I think I’m still reeling from the shock of you being here and accepting this quickly.” Namjoon confessed.
“Well, I wouldn’t really say accept. More of... try. If my mother thought I could do it, I guess she saw something that I didn’t. Or maybe she’s just a hopeful parent, wanting her child to succeed.” You shrugged.
“But I will be safer with you all?” You asked.
“I believe so. There are guards and security in place to keep you safe. Rather than being alone in your house without any guards.” He said.
“Do we know why I am targeted yet? Like I said, I don’t know anything... My mother never really told me much about her life. I’m still finding things out now, even after her death.”
“I promise we’re trying our best to find out why you’re being targetted and by who. Although, it is probably because you’re the daughter of your father and now that he isn’t around anymore, you could be the target to attain his company.” Namjoon explained.
“I see...” You gulped.
“(y/n), even if you don’t work with us, you can still be protected by us. You don’t have to force yourself to work in the company just to be granted protection.” Namjoon assured.
“But I can’t just ask you guys to help me without anything in exchange. It is not fair and right to do that.” You said.
“Let’s be realistic here. Theoretically, if you don’t like all this or it doesn’t suit you, what will you do then?” Namjoon leaned forward on his elbows.
“I’ll sign my rights as the head of the company and my inheritance away.” You declared. Namjoon seemed to contemplate your words for a moment before nodding his head, understanding.
While you were speaking to Namjoon, the other 6 had not left the house for their scheduled meetings yet.
“When did you get so close with her, hyung?” Taehyung asked.
“We’re not close. We just had a meal and talked.” Yoongi shrugged, not giving much away.
“The one that would have the most information on her would be Jin hyung.” Hoseok pointed out. Jin didn’t react. Whatever he knew was not relevant to information that the others needed to know.Jimin rolled his eyes and walked away. Jungkook noticed and chased after his older brother.
“Hyung. You okay?” Jungkook asked as they entered the garage carpark downstairs. Jimin stopped, his back still facing the youngest.
“Do you believe her? Everything she says.” Jimin asked, leaning against the hood of his car with a bitter chuckle. He took a hit of his vape before stuffing it back into his jacket pocket.
“What’s there to believe? If she wants the work, she can work. She came here to apologise. What else?” Jungkook put his hands into his pockets, an indifferent look on his face to show that he didn’t really care.
“I don’t like her.”
“I think you have made that very clear.” Jungkook replied.
“Why are you all being so nice to her? Just because she is our boss’ daughter? We never let anything into our circle and now look. It feels like we’re falling apart trying to chase after her.” Jimin yelled in frustration.
“We’re all doing this to help Namjoon hyung. Namjoon hyung wants to make this work, not because she is our boss’ daughter but beccause it was his promise to boss before he died. He couldn’t make up with her so he wants us to do it in his stead. Besides, we haven’t really given her much of a fighting chance.” Jungkook said.
“She’s our boss’ daughter but what about us? Didn’t we all see him or regard him as our father? The way she treats him like nothing?” Jimin asked.
“But that’s not exactly her fault, hyung. Yes, he was a father figure to all 7 of us. But what about her? She was abandoned, just like all of us were by our own parents.” The younger spoke truthfully.
“I know...” Jimin stood up, blinking back his tears. He entered his car and drove off, leaving the maknae there, standing in the carpark.
“Jungkook. Why are you just standing there? Ready to go?” Hoseok came downstairs.
“Yeah...” Jungkook shook his head to regain composure. He entered the car, where Hoseok was waiting for him in the passenger seat. Starting the engine, he began to drive.
“What, Tae? Why are you looking at me like that?” Yoongi asked.
“Nothing.” Taehyung slid off the bar stool and walked out, slipping on his jacket. He headed towards the front door, where his driver was waiting for him. Jin gathered his things, tucking his iPad under his arm. Seeing the oldest ready to leave, Yoongi stood up.
“What? You reluctant to leave?” Jin teased. Yoongi rolled his eyes, walking off and leaving Jin behind. Yoongi dropped Jin off at his meeting location before heading to his own work place.
After speaking with Namjoon, he offered to drop you back home. When you came down with him, you noticed that the living room was empty.
“Must have all gone to work.” Namjoon said.
“Wow.” You couldn’t hold back your shock when you followed Namjoon down to the basement garage. There were so many expensive cars lined up, it was a lot. You followed Namjoon to one of the cars, a Bugatti.
“Watch your head.” He cautioned as he opened the passenger door for you to enter. After that, he went to the driver’s side and drove to your house.
“If you ever need help, here is my number.” Namjoon handed you a card as he dropped you off.
“Thank you, Namjoon.” You received the card with two hands. You opened the car door and walked into your house. Like the others, Namjoon waited for you to go in before driving off.
“Oh my gosh.” You sunk onto the ground, putting a hand over your racing heart. It felt like your heart was beating too fast to the point where you felt nauseous. Where did your sudden confidence come from? That you would voluntarily go down to the mansion and speak to the 7 men like that. But now, your facade could break.
“Huh?!” You jumped in shock, fumbling for your phone.
“Oh, hey Wonwoo... Yeah, I wasn’t feeling well, that’s why I haven’t been at university. It’s mainly online work anyway.” You pressed the phone between your ear and shoulder.
“No, you don’t need to come down. I’m fine, really. I should be better by tomorrow.” You dug through your fridge, looking for something to eat.
You’ve skipped university for three days without a note or message, which probably worried Wonwoo. But with everything else, university was the last thing on your mind. Only Wonwoo would notice your absence anyway.
“No need, I’ll just collect my work from the professors. Thanks... I’ll see you tomorrow.” You said and hung up.
Jimin didn’t know where he was driving to, he just kept driving, letting the loud roar of his car’s engine fill the air. He never liked change, he didn’t like new people, he was happy with what he had now.
The fact that his brothers are so ready to accept you was beyond him. He didn’t know what your intentions were and from his duties in Bangtan, he learnt not to trust people so easily. He has met all kinds of scum from all walks of life and he knew there was always an ulterior motive.
“Yes, Namjoon hyung?” Jimin answered.
“Are you going for the poker game tonight? The secretary minister will be there for an information trade.”
“Right... I forgot about the game tonight... Since there’s an information trade, I’ll go. Jungkook and Jin hyung won’t be able to go in my stead. Let me know where tonight’s game is later.” He replied.
“Alright, I will prepare the address and ask Jin hyung for the information packet to hand over.”
Jimin possessed a combination of Jin’s card game skills and Taehyung’s deception skills, which made him the best person to play these low profile, high stakes games. He knew how to read the players and the game.
“Boss.” The staff greeted Jimin when he walked in.
“How’s business been?” He asked as he inspected the space and the bar. He hasn’t been checking in on the businesses since Namjoon told him to take a break so he was using this time to ensure that operations were still running smoothly. The manager made Jimin a drink and handed him the money from the previous nights of work.
“Not bad...” Jimin commented as he counted the money on the bar counter. Clubs were the best place to earn money.
“Here. Take everyone out for a good dinner. For working hard despite my absence.” He handed the manager $1000 from the stack. The manager’s eyes widened as he received the money.
“T-Thank you boss!” Everyone bowed deeply.
“Continue to work hard.” Jimin said as he put the remaining money into his pocket and left. There were still other places of business to visit.
After he was done with his inspections, Jimin needed to head home to get ready. He picked out a nice suit, one that was more opulent than what he would wear for work.
“Jimin?” He heard Hoseok’s voice outside his door as he was doing his hair.
“Come in.” He replied, not turning away from the mirror. The older came in with a few boxes and placed them on the dresser.
“Here, your order came in. Just in time, I’m guessing.” Hoseok informed. Jimin put the hairdryer down and looked through the boxes. He pinned the rose diamond brooch to the collar of his suit jacket and picked out other accessories to wear tonight.
“Could you help me put the rest of them in my closet?” Jimin requested. Hoseok nodded and put the rest into Jimin’s already full closet. He sat down on the couch Jimin had in his room.
“What?” Jimin stopped, turning around to look at the other.
“You good?” Hoseok asked. Jimin shrugged but nodded his head, facing the mirror again. He fixed his earrings in place.
“I know you’re here to talk to me about (y/n). There’s nothing to talk about, I don’t have anything else to say.” Jimin said, going into his closet to retrieve his shoes, deciding to go with his chelsea boots that had a small heel.
“Okay. But Chim, don’t feel like we’re against you or suddenly on her side against yours, alright?”
“Mhmm.” Jimin hummed. He stood up as he was done getting ready. Hoseok followed him out of the room and Jimin locked his room doors.
“Good luck tonight.” Hoseok wished.
“You know I always win.” Jimin smirked. Now, he needed to find Jin to get his information for the trade tonight. When he arrived at his door, there was a note and a thumbdrive taped to the wood.
‘Sleeping, do not disturb. To Jimin, this is what you need. - Jin’
Jimin tilted his head but removed the thumbdrive, peeling off the tape. He slipped the small item into his jacket pocket and went to find Namjoon. The leader was in his office, on the phone with someone. Seeing Jimin poke his head in, he waved for him to come over and slid a folder over to him. It had some information and a picture of Jimin’s target for the night.
“I’m going now.” Jimin said and Namjoon nodded, giving him a thumbs up as he listened to whoever was on the other side of the phone.
“Young master Jimin, the car is ready for you.” The butler informed. Jimin walked out and the chauffeur opened the door for him. Since it was expected of him to drink, Jimin never drove.
With the address, Jimin watched as the car entered a residential area. It stopped before a rundown fishing shop.
“A fishing and tackle shop? Seriously?” Jimin scoffed as he wore his sunglasses. The chauffeur opened the car door for him to come out. He pushed open the shop door to enter but the cashier paid him no mind.
“Right this way.” An employee led Jimin to the back, opening a door that led to the basement.
“Welcome, Mr Park.” A more well-dressed hostress greeted him.
“Can I take your jacket?” She asked.
“I’ll hold onto it. My drink is rum, on the rocks.” Jimin informed. She nodded with a bow and led Jimin further in. She opened a door where Jimin saw the game already running. He went to the bar first.
“Rum on the rocks.” The bartender placed his drink onto the black marble counter top.
“Mr Park. Glad you could make it tonight.”
“Secretary minister. Of course, I wouldn’t miss a game organised by you.” Jimin planted on his fake smile as he shook hands with the secretary minister. He was the organiser of this underground game, all a ruse for him to exchange information with Bangtan.
“I look forward to seeing you play tonight.” The old man smiled. Jimin just nodded his head. After that, he walked away. Jimin scanned the room from his position at the bar, there were many notable politicians and celebrities.
“Here.” Jimin handed a tip to the bartender, taking his glass to the table.
Everyone was focused on the game. No one noticed the note taped to the bottom of Jimin’s glass or the thumbdrive wrapped in the tip bills Jimin handed to the bartender.
Tonight was going to be a good night to play.
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Long post - Meta on my Transmasc Agito headcanon 🏳️‍⚧️ ( I am unhinged about it)
This Will have Spoilers(however vague) for the movie: Origin: Spirits of the Past!
Long story short, My headcanon is basically:
everything is the same, except that he used becoming Enhanced to speed-run his transition
First you have the concept of becoming Enhanced, making a deal with the Forest, which Agito expresses is something he wants in the first scene he speaks in. Being Enhanced is just getting superstrength and plant powers within the story, sure,
But if Agito is trans, receiving the power of the Forest can be seen as his steps towards self-recreation, becoming the person he wishes to be/have his body be the way he wants. Agito knows there are risks to being Enhanced, he’s thought this through for a long time it seems. He wants this and tells his father such when he has to say goodbye to him.
Agito then makes his way to the heart of the Forest and is given a new form after the forest twin spirits tell him “We will trust your heart. We will give you the power of the forest.” His Enhanced body is different from his old one. Along with the power he gains, there are aesthetic changes. He has more defined muscles now, his hair is silver, his eyes are green, and he’s baring significantly more skin than his earlier outfit. (Old outfit was 2 baggy t shirts and a jacket and baggy pants)
His new skintight crop top also does resemble a binder in some ways xD
But what i’m getting at here is that Agito’s confidence absolutely skyrockets as he gets used to his new body. He needs time getting used to it of course but he also barrels straight into battle, he throws a missile shell over his head, busts out of a jail, chases down a train. He seems like a different person, or perhaps, this is who he’s always wanted to be.
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Then there is the way Ragna, and especially Toola reacts when she first sees Agito after he get his powers. She tells him, with him chained to a wall that they can “Return his body to normal” and Agito is deeply insulted, telling her he made the choice to change his body this way of his own free will. Given Toola’s attachment to the past/ her idea of normalcy, she is scared for him at first and asks him “Why? Why did you do that?!”
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Neutral City on the other hand, and his father, and Yolda especially, affirm him in this path.
Idk…. Like, Agito’s enhancement reads so much as a transition allegory to me...then Toola’s first reaction kinda just solidifies that. This is something she grows out of, seeing that Agito’s happy about the changes and just as much her friend as before.
Agashi, his father, showed support for him to live as he is. When Agito sees childhood memories after he sacrifices himself, His younger self wishes to be stronger and his dad affirms that is strong enough as is and is proud to have him as a son.
When the Forest brings him back to life, Agito seems much more at peace. Way more comfortable in this body than his old one and even shows off while carrying Toola down the side of the volcano. (It’s ridiculous and I love it) He enjoys this, telling her that everyone’s power, the Forest, and his father’s strengthens him.
A detail I adore is Agito’s love for his father and vice versa is symbolized as a flower.
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The enhanced form = transition allegory isn’t perfect though. Agito’s powers will eventually turn him into a tree, this is what happens to all enhanced after over using their strength. Tho he’s still at peace with that in the story.
This interpretation is going off Agito knowing he’s trans before being enhanced, and I will also add that as a transmasc person I definitely felt connection to the character for a lot of these reasons, his unique style and his expression of masculinity. Some are self projection reasons haha.
Omg I forgot to mention the body horror. Agito can turn parts of his body into tree like branches as an extension of his link to the forest. It’s seen as something almost romantic in the animation itself. Even if Ragna calls him a monster for it, it is clearly something the movie itself sees as beautiful.
This analysis doesn’t go over all the reasons Agito wanted his powers, others being that he wanted to protect his home and couldn’t fight the Ragna army/Shunack without superstrength and he wanted to help Toola who didn’t know she was being manipulated. Also I didn’t mention Yolda’s scene, but she has the same powers and helps him to get used to some of the changes, giving him some tips on channeling his strength because she knows what it’s like.
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supersayiancollection · 3 months
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viciousclothing · 4 months
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Agashi by Christina O
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jahe · 1 year
"jang uk?" buyeon shouts while she shifts the doors all her might, but it is not jang uk she sees. heo yunok, woman healer from sejukwon, her servant and also kim doju sit there, three of them turning their head immediately at buyeon's direction. buyeon's face fallen, "it isn't him."
"agashi, jang uk doryeonnim is at jeongjingak." kim doju informs her.
yunok sees buyeon's spirit falling down. "i guess you didn't know, you must be worried."
"jeongjingak is empty no one will take care of him, why would he be there alone by himself?" doju mumbles worriedly.
"maybe something bad happened and he needs peace?" suni chirps.
"suni!" yunok reprimands, suni startles and keeping her mouth shut as she embarrassed of her blabbering mouth. "do you want to go there? i can accompany you, agashi." yunok offers.
"should i?" buyeon contemplates. she thinks about what that healer servant has said, that something must bothered him and he needs peace. it must be her. "i will leave him at peace then." buyeon answers wisely before leaving those three out of words.
buyeon walks back to her room and sits there full of thought. what makes him uncomfortable? ah, is it because she jumps on him everytime there was a chance? buyeon winces in embarrassment. "that should be that." and then she remembers about retrieving back her memories and think that it would be great if she relays the news.
"kim doju-nim!" she shouts along the corridor, "i'll send his things there. i'll visit him."
kim doju smiles. "i'll prepare it then."
"i will accompany you, then. since we will be going the same route." yunok says.
"thanks." buyeon smiles in gratitude.
buyeon, yunok and suni, are walking out from the house. uk's supplies and needs are packed nicely and buyeon holds it dearly.
yunok smiles seeing that.
"i hope you are not too disheartened by jang uk doryeon-nim's disappearance." yunok comments with a hint of worry. "he has been like that for 3 years."
buyeon is looking at yunok. "it seems you know everything about him?"
"i do." yunok replies. "ah, but i hope you are not misunderstand me," yunok immediately confirms, "i've been providing herbs for him as he always have trouble sleeping. i thought it would be good for him if he has more support and care from people around him, as people think he is kind of a monster."
"because he kills the soul-shifters?" buyeon asks.
"yes. but it is not just that." yunok sighs. "it is a long story, i am sure you ever heard about it?"
buyeon shakes her head.
"you don't know?" yunok is confused.
"i've been sick for 3 years and i couldnt be know anything from outside world while at that." buyeon mumbles.
yunok nods softly. "i dont even know how to tell you."
"that's okay. i will figure it out myself or i'll ask him directly." buyeon says.
"it will be hard, though." suni chirps.
"suni!" yunok scolds her.
"don't worry. i have my way." buyeons responds. yunok catches what inside buyeon's palm.
"is that yin and yang jade?" yunok asks.
"oh? you know what it is?" buyeon asks back while showing the blue jade on her hand. yunok's face is kind of uncomfortable.
"there are blue and red jades, it calls each other owner when you fill it with energy. how do you have it?"
"i picked it up after the tower fell. why?"
"the owner of the blue jade is dead while the red..." yunok trails, "agashi, please keep it to yourself before meeting doryeonnim or better put it back where it belongs. i dont want you to be in bad position because of it."
buyeon is not answering, instead she is looking back and forth between worried look yunok and the blue jade she holds. she is kind of figuring something.
"heo yunok agashi, i have somewhere to go." buyeon says while shoving the supplies on yunok and runs away before yunok can stop her.
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houssed · 2 months
The Virar Project: Elevating Lifestyle Standards
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In the field of urban development, the Virar Project is a shining example of creativity and advancement. Tucked away among the busy downtown, this massive project aims to reshape the urban landscape by combining modernism and sustainability. The Virar Project lays forth a vision of a dynamic metropolis where people may develop and prosper, with an emphasis on building vibrant neighbourhoods, improving infrastructure, and promoting economic progress.
About Virar, Palghar
Virar, located in the Palghar division of the Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation, is one of the oldest settlements in Mumbai. One of the state's oldest neighborhoods, it has well-planned communities full of intelligent, well-educated people.
Numerous communities surround Virar, adding to its lively community. Notable neighborhoods in the area include Bolinj, Agashi, Arnala, and Nalasopara.
Virar is well-known for its picturesque beaches and historical sites, drawing both residents and visitors for leisurely walks and relaxation. Virar Wetlands, Arnala Beach, Arnala Fort, Mamchi Wadi Beach, and St. Peter's Church are a few.
Why You Should Invest in Virar Project?
Over the past ten years, the area has seen an unstoppable increase in the cost of real estate. In Virar apartments typically cost Rs. 8,100 per square foot. The price trend indicates that it is beneficial to acquire real estate for sale in Virar as well as to sell houses or apartments. At the best prices, investors might find excess alternatives in residential and retail real estate.
A reliable indicator is the most recent price trend in Virar. In other words, Virar property rates increased by 6.78% in the previous year, 18% in the next three years and 20% in the following five.
Price Trends in Virar
Here is the statistical data to understand the price trends in Virar, Palghar.
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Disclaimer: All the prices mentioned above rely on data collected from various sources. There is no assurance of accuracy, reliability, and completeness. Price may alter, so information should be confirmed independently.
Top 5 Reasons to Invest in Virar Project
1: Perfect Location
Palghar's Virar is a cosmopolitan neighbourhood. It was formerly a well-liked vacation spot with many consequences, which led to the establishment of the Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation. It has demonstrated how vacation houses, homestays, and resorts have grown. For the satisfaction of its occupants, housing facilities offer the greatest municipal amenities and conveniences. Virar is a great place to invest since it offers a variety of art, music, dance, sports instruction, and other activities for both adults and children inside the society.
2: Top Residential Projects and Developers
Top developers have made Virar an excellent place to live and invest. The following are a few well-known Virar projects and developers:
Rustomjee Avenue by Rustomjee
Joyville Virar by Shapoorji Pallonji Real Estate
Mayfair The Promenade by Mayfair Group
Mehta Gokul Aura by Mehta Group
Wadhwana Blu Pearl by Wadhwana Builder
3: Employment Opportunities
The real estate needs of Virar attract citizens and migrant investors through a wide range of employment opportunities. The region is home to well-known IT and business parks, like L&T, Symphony, Lodha Supremus Powai, Boomerang, etc. The HDIL Industrial Park is the foremost of its category in the area. The park's pleasing comforts and easy connectivity attract residents and settlers for rewarding professions and careers.
4: Bellowing Commercial and Social Areas
Virar has outstanding social infrastructure, guiding education centres, healthcare options, restaurants, and recreational spaces.
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5: Ease of Connectivity
From Virar, the Western Express Highway is easily accessible. There will be substantial metro and road connection between Virar and Alibaug thanks to the Virar-Alibaug Corridor project.
The Virar train station is located 4.2 km from Virar and can be reached in 10 minutes via Agashi Road.
Arnala Beach is located 3.7 km from Virar via Navarput-Umbergothan Road. It serves as a vital conduit for connection in the region as well.
On the Mumbai Suburban Railway's Western Line, Virar is a well-known train stop.
Major railway stations in Mumbai, such as Churchgate, Dadar, Bandra, Andheri, and Borivali, are connected to Virar by this line.
Agashi Road takes 12 minutes to go from Virar to Virar Wetlands, which is 5.2 kilometers away.
Virar has easy access to the Mumbai-Ahmedabad Highway (NH 8), and it is connected to other sections of the City via the Western Express Highway (NH 48). This route connects Virar to Mumbai and other Maharashtran towns, enabling easy road travel.
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agashiday · 7 months
ㅤㅤㅤHey, here's a present for you, the door is open to enter agashi’s perfect world.
ㅤㅤTo: My boyfie, Agashi. ♡ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ✼
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ✼ㅤㅤㅤHappie day for u, babe!
These are sweet little words for you, and the adoration is neatly written. This is present for you, Agashi.
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nitesh9090 · 10 months
Yash Platina: Where Modern Living Meets Sustainability and Convenience
Yash Platina
Finding a luxurious haven that perfectly blends comfort, elegance, and convenience can be a challenging task, especially in a bustling city like Mumbai. However, the search for your dream home ends with Yash Platina - an exquisite residential project From its luxurious 2BHK and 1BHK in Virar offerings to its impeccable pricing and floor plans, get ready to discover a new standard of opulent living.
Properties in Virar like yash Platina is a statement of architectural genius. From its attractive exterior to its thoughtfully designed interiors, every aspect shows meticulous attention to detail. With a focus on maximum space and comfort
Prime Location
Explore the ultimate convenience of our well-connected location, where daily necessities such as grocery stores and parks are just a stone's throw away - DMart at 2.7 km and Mamta Store at 1.9 km, as well as nearby attractions such as Agashi Park and Virar East at 900 meters quiet way. Nana Nani Park at 1.8 km. Enjoy peace of mind with healthcare facilities nearby, including Shreususha Hospital at 400 meters and Agashi's Primary Health Care Center at 600 metres. Take a seamless journey from Virar Railway Station just 3.8 km away and explore the wider horizon with easy highway access. Your new home is much more than an address; It is a gateway to convenience and comfort. Visit
Luxurious Amenities
Welcome to our exceptional residential community where every detail is designed to make your living experience extraordinary. Imagine strolling along well-paved internal roads that lead you to your doorstep, while behind the scenes, a cutting-edge sewage treatment plant discreetly takes care of waste management. Our dedication to your convenience shines through with 24/7 water supply and a robust fire fighting system, ensuring your safety and peace of mind. But that's not all – we're not just about the basics.
 Our commitment to innovation means you'll enjoy the benefits of modern electrification, including solar energy and efficient transformers. And we're not just building homes; we're nurturing the environment with water conservation through rainwater harvesting. Stepping outside, you'll be greeted by open parking spaces and lush landscaped gardens, creating a welcoming atmosphere that extends beyond your front door. Our community buildings serve as focal points for bonding and interaction, making our haven not just a living space, but a vibrant and caring neighbourhood. At every turn, our focus is on making your life comfortable, convenient, and uniquely wonderful.
In the segment of luxury properties inVirar, Yash Platina stands as a shining beacon. With its luxurious 2BHK and 1BHK in Virar, impeccable amenities and strategic location, it offers a lifestyle that is truly unique
For more detail visit our website: https://www.propmart.co/
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house-hub · 2 years
Buy Affordable or Cheap Apartments/Housing/Flats in Mumbai - The House Hub
Affordable House or Apartments in Mumbai
The quest for affordable houses or apartments in Mumbai closes here
A rapidly expanding sole-selling real estate company for new projects is named The House hub. Our headquarters are at Virar West. We are one of the newest and fastest-growing sole-selling real estate companies for new projects, and we let buyers buy properties easily and without fuss. We are a diverse group of real estate experts with experience in a variety of fields, including development, building, professional brokerage, portals, training, and others. With a mission to be the most dependable service provider and strategic influencer in the real estate sector with a sole selling mandate across the nation, the organization is led by a group of highly qualified real estate professionals. We were able to provide an excellent architecture to families looking for luxurious housing in Mumbai at an affordable price thanks to our combined expertise of more than three decades in development, construction, and professional brokerage. The House Hub is dedicated to providing its clients with both residential and commercial projects. We make your desire to purchase an affordable house in Mumbai a reality. We act as the sole seller and offer full support, from finance to occupation. We guarantee top-notch designs and complete functioning for all of our projects while abiding by RERA Standards. Our commitment to on-time delivery and total transparency with our clients throughout the relationship is guaranteed.
Why choose The House Hub
House Hub takes on real estate projects for sales with a mandate that allows developers to focus on what they do best: development (construction). With solo selling, the obligation is professionally assumed and accomplished within the predetermined and suitable period for the entire project. Here, developer management is streamlined and organized, and House Hub is given responsibility. We have been able to grow at the proper time and place thanks to the effective use of technology. We use a win-win-win mentality. The developer benefits from the sale of his inventory when a customer realizes his desire for a low-cost apartment in Mumbai. We at House Hub succeed by enhancing the transactions for both buyers and sellers. We always give our clients the best guidance and stay on top of industry trends. We assist you in finding inexpensive luxury housing for your family in Mumbai as well as a smart investment for the future. If you're seeking family-friendly flats in Mumbai at a reasonable price, consider checking out our future developments in Palghar and Virar. These developments include shops, 1RKs, 1BHKs, and 2BHKs.
Palghar and Virar are expecting the completion of three projects.
Families looking for low-cost apartments in Mumbai might consider Madhav Vatika in Palghar East and Nirvana ECO Homes Phase 1 in the west. Our Virar project, Sai Mangalam (located at Agashi), which will be completed soon, is based on the idea of "a new existence in line with nature."
The demand for affordable housing in Mumbai and the long-term appreciation of Palghar and Virar real estate make these investments some of the most profitable and secure ones you can make.
For more details visit: https://thehousehub.in/
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propmart00 · 2 years
Biggest projects in Mayfair Codename Sara Virar
Mayfair Codename Sara Virar
The great Mayfair Codename Sara Virar Nurseries that is cleverly situated in Virar West, Mumbai is a very much arranged project.
An expertly conceptualized Residential property, this cutting edge project is outwardly engaging. Every one of the units of this project are Under Development. The venture offers a variety of property decisions, for example, Level to suit each individual's need. These property units that are intended to offer a cheerful way of life are available from 1 BHK Flat (575. 0 Sq. Ft. - 650. 0 Sq. Ft. ), 2 BHK Flat (890. 0 Sq. Ft. - 890. 0 Sq. Ft. ).
The grand Mayfair Codename Sara project commencement certificate has been granted. not granted is the status of the occupancy certificate of this project. The well-known builder Mayfair Housing has developed Mayfair Codename Sara project.
Mayfair Codename Sara is one of the most sought after projects of city. It is located at Mayfair Virar Garden, Virar Agashi Road, Bolinj, Virar (W) - 401 303, 401303.
Advantage of Location
Virar Railway Station 
Expert International School
St.Joseph High School
Vijay Sales
Reliance Trends
Big Bazaar
Viva College
Pizza Hut
Barbeque Nation
For More Information visit our website : https://www.propmart.co/city/properties-in-virar/
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I just wanna thank every artist who has ever drawn akaashi keiji in a snapback. He's just...*chef's kiss*
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sweetvibe · 4 years
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Finally wore lolita today for my tabletop game! Its Halloween in game and I was surprised by my gm being also dressed up. It was all very exciting. . . . . . . . . . #moimememoitie #agashibychristinao #agashi #bat #bats #antiquebeast #goth #gothaesthetic #gothiclolita #spookyseason #spook #spooky #spoonie #spooniefashion https://www.instagram.com/p/CFYHXg6jT7P/?igshid=epcpufqpyegq
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houssed · 2 months
Under Construction Projects in Virar West
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Discover a wide range of under construction projects in Virar West that are reshaping the vibrant area. Infrastructure development in Virar West is booming, from residential complexes to commercial centres. Discover the emerging developments with Houssed, your first port of call for locating the ideal location in this bustling neighbourhood. With Houssed, choose your ideal home and make an investment in Virar West's future right now!
Virar West, Palghar
One of Mumbai's oldest communities is Virar West, which is part of the Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation's Palghar district. Among the oldest neighbourhoods in the state, it has well-kept neighbourhoods populated by knowledgeable, well-educated individuals.
Virar West is surrounded by several settlements, which contributes to its vibrant community. The region is home to several notable neighbourhoods, including Bolinj, Virar East, Agashi, Arnala, and Nalasopara.
Both locals and tourists are drawn to Virar West for its charming beaches and historical landmarks, which are ideal for leisurely strolls and relaxation. A few include Arnala Fort, Arnala Beach, Virar Wetlands, Mamchi Wadi Beach, and St. Peter's Church.
Why Should You Invest in New Construction in Virar West?
The cost of real estate in the neighbourhood has been steadily rising over the last 10 years. Apartments in Virar West often cost Rs. 8,100 per square foot. The pricing trend suggests that buying Virar West real estate for sale is advantageous in addition to selling homes or flats. Investors may discover extra options in residential and retail real estate at the greatest pricing.
A reliable indicator is the most recent price trend in Virar West. The preceding year saw a 6.78% growth in new development in Virar West, followed by increases of 18% in the next three years and 20% in the next five.
Price Trends in Virar
Below is the statistical data to understand the price trends in Virar, Palghar:
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Disclaimer: Each price shown above is based on data that has been compiled from several sources. There is no warranty as to the accuracy, completeness, or truthfulness. Since the price might fluctuate, it is best to confirm the information again.
Top 5 Reasons to Invest in New Construction in Virar West
1: Perfect Location
Virar West in Palghar is a multicultural suburb. It was formerly a popular holiday destination with several repercussions, which prompted the creation of the Vasai-Virar Municipal Corporation.
It has illustrated the growth of holiday rentals, homestays, and resorts. Housing facilities provide the best municipal amenities and conveniences for the comfort of its tenants. With a wide range of art, music, dance, sports education, and other activities available to both adults and children within the community, Virar West is an excellent area to invest.
2: Top Residential Projects and Developers
Virar West is becoming an amazing area to live and invest in thanks to top developers. A few well-known Virar West projects and developers are as follows:
Rustomjee Avenue by Rustomjee.
Joyville Virar by Shapoorji Pallonji Real Estate.
Mayfair The Promenade by Mayfair Group.
Mehta Gokul Aura by Mehta Group.
Wadhwana Blu Pearl by Wadhwana Builder.
3: Employment Opportunities
The real estate needs of Virar West attract both local people and migrant investors because of the abundance of work opportunities. The neighbourhood is home to well-known business parks and IT facilities, such as Boomerang, Symphony, Lodha Supremus Powai, L&T, etc. The HDIL Industrial Park is the greatest of its kind in the area. Those seeking rewarding careers are drawn to the park by its handy location and cosy facilities.
4: Commercial and Social Areas
Excellent social infrastructure, such as dining options, parks, medical facilities, and educational establishments, can be found in Virar West.
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5: Ease of Connectivity
The Western Express Highway is easily accessible from Virar West. The Virar-Alibaug Corridor project will provide a significant metro and road connectivity between Virar and Alibaug.
Arnala Beach is situated 3.7 km from Virar West along the Navarput-Umbergothan Road.
Agashi Road goes 4.2 km, or 10 minutes' drive, from Virar West to the Virar train station. It is an essential means of communication in the area.
A popular train station on the Western Line of the Mumbai Suburban Railway is Virar West. This line connects Virar West to major railway stations in Mumbai, including Churchgate, Dadar, Bandra, Andheri, and Borivali.
The 5.2 km trip on Agashi Road to Virar West and Virar Wetlands takes 12 minutes.
Virar West and other parts of the City are connected by the Western Express Highway (NH 48).
The Mumbai-Ahmedabad Highway (NH 8) is conveniently accessible from Virar West. Easy road travel is made possible by this route, which links Virar West to Mumbai and other Maharashtran cities.
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agashiday · 7 months
Dear Agashi, your life will fly freely and delicately, like a bird flying above the blue sky. A sky adorned with an ocean of stars twinkles happiness wishes in your life. Your daily life will be greeted by smiling angels handing over miracles for you over time. Happy birthday on December 4, my love! the end of the year will give you destiny constellations that foretell a festive life. The biggest love is in your heart, Agashi. Sing a happy birthday song, kiss your cheek, and give you affectionate love. I love you, and happiest birthday to you!
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ㅤㅤㅤI want to see your happy face on this special day, Agashi. Let's make a more lovely day together.
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤSincerly, your girlfriend.
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vasaicity · 4 years
Winners of cricket match in Virar get 11 roosters and trophy, runners up given 11 hens
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To fight the misconception about non-vegetarian food being responsible for the spread of corona virus, organizers of a cricket tournament in Virar on Saturday, decided to distribute unique prizes to the winners. The team that won the match were given 11 roosters and a trophy, while the runners up were given 11 hens. Organizers of cricket tournament plan bizarre prize after Virar residents spread rumors about chicken being a carrier of the virus Over the last few days, residents in Virar had heard rumours about chicken being a carrier of the virus. Following the scare, a trader from Palghar had dumped around nine lakh hens from his farm. Local markets also brought down the price of chicken by half, with some selling it for as low as R50 per kilogram. Organizers of a cricket tournament, Gaon Cup, at Agashi, Virar, decided to use the game as an occasion to bust the myth. "To quell their fears, we decided to give away poultry along with the trophies," said Mahesh Bhoir, organizer of the event. Residents were amused by the move, said Bhoir. Read the full article
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