thelastgoodluthor · 3 years
Lena let her bag drop at the door with a sigh as she entered into Alex’s apartment. She had been anxious to get back to Central City the moment she had heard about the attacks - especially when a familiar green-tinted exosuit had made its appearance in grainy camera phone footage on the news. Anxious enough that she had taken a plane to cut down on the hours of train ride it would take to get back. She hadn’t even been back to her own apartment yet - instead heading straight to Alex’s and using the spare key in case she was still at the DEO.
Luckily, Alex was back, though looking slightly worse for wear as she sat hunched on the couch. Lena moved immediately to stand in front of her, carding her hand gently through her hair, her fingers brushing in search of any scrapes or cuts carefully before she coaxed the other woman’s head to look up at her. “I saw the news, got back as soon as I could.” She murmured, massaging Alex’s scalp slightly as she checked over the rest of her. She looked tired, and there was a small bandage on her arm, but other than that she didn’t look hurt. “You’re okay?”
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thelegendaryhawkman · 3 years
👟: Our characters meet while jogging on the same trail. @agcntdanvcrs​​
“Christ Alex.” Carter grunted as he kept pace with Alex. They had met up on the trail a good forty minutes ago and the woman hadn’t slowed her near-sprint once - Carter wasn’t exactly struggling to keep up, but even he was beginning to feel the strain in his body at least telling him to take a break before doing anymore laps of the park. 
“Okay, okay, time-out.” He begged as he slowed himself to a stop, panting as he bent over to catch his breath. “We training for a marathon here or are you trying to slowly but surely kill me?” He joked with a strained smile. “What’s going on, Alex?”
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detectivebadass · 3 years
👗: Your character sees mine wearing a very nice outfit and simply must compliment them on it! @agcntdanvcrs​​
“That dress looks amazing on you.”
Maggie smiled nervously at the compliment paid as she stood in front of the mirrors at the end of the changing room area, debating as she circled on the spot to continue agonising over every angle. It did look damn good on her, the redhead got that right.
“It’s not exactly my usual... style.” She muttered, fiddling with the label she could feel poking out at the sleeve and knowing it would burn a not too sizable but still bigger than usual hole in her pocket if bought. But she was hoping to see a certain socialite again and she wanted to impress. Stretching her budget a little more than usual was one way she knew of doing that.
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daughterofdemons · 3 years
🍽: Our characters’ orders are mixed up at a restaurant and they’re given each other’s meals by mistake. @agcntdanvcrs​
Nyssa rose a curious eyebrow as the meal placed in front of her was definitely not the one she had ordered, about to say so before being further bemused as a smaller plate was set at the empty seat across from her. She was dining for one, and certainly not with a child, as she realised the small plate of simple food was meant for. “Excuse me but I think - well, know - that this isn’t mine.” She muttered with an apologetic smile to the waiter who looked up at her with a confused look, checking back and forth at the ticket number on his tray. “I’m going to take a wild guess and assume that the... potato faces.” She muttered, cocking her head curiously at the deep-fried little smiley faces stared up at her from her right side. “Are for the young lady over there.” She nodded to where she could see a redhead sitting with a young girl propped in a high chair at the table next to hers.
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kryptonsxlastxson · 4 years
@agcntdanvcrs​ said:  “It’s been a long hard year but now it’s Christmas.”
Clark nodded, lips pursed. He didn’t want to remember the year that he and Kara had been through, both coming far too close to death. Sure, it came with the territory of being a superhero, but their families and friends already went through enough, and they didn’t need more to worry about. “It’s been quite the year, and needless to say I’m ready for some joy.”
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zcrdanvers · 6 years
[ kara ]: alex! alex, are you there? [ kara presses the earpiece further into her ear and frowns ] alex, it’s kara! i need your help with something. where are you?
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sxwycrs · 6 years
      maggie, while affiliated with the deo, mostly just keeps to her side of the law; the side that doesn’t hide behind well crafted lies and secrecy. however, when she catches word of yet another alien kidnapping case with a name she recognises, she doesn’t hesitate to haul ass to the central city’s deo headquarters. upon arrival, she ignores the shouts of another agent who calls for a cease of movement as she pushes into alex’s office. slamming the case file down on the agent’s desk, maggie stares directly at the taller woman and mentally prepares herself in case she needs to fight her way onto this. “another roltikkon has been taken. i want in on this case, danvers. this is the third one this month, please tell me you have more to go on than this pile of crap,” she stabs a finger at the very thin file she placed on the other’s desk moments before. 
STARTER FOR: @agcntdanvcrs
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Due to personal reasons, please unfollow the following characters:
Aurora Jett ( @auroraxjett )
Alex Danvers ( @agcntdanvcrs​)
Dick Grayson (@dickxgrayscn )
Carrie Kelley (@carriexkelley )
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"I didn’t expect you to actually show,” Camille hummed humbly. Her arms spread out with a feigned sense of joy. She knew better than to tug at the strings of the past but she needed resources. “I ditched my usual burger grease uniform for something a little more fancy just for you, Ms. Danvers.”  
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girlofxsteel · 3 years
Comms 💫 DEO
Supergirl: Does anyone have eyes on my Director Danvers? Supergirl: I lost sight of her and she’s not answering the comms. 
@last--son @thelastgoodluthor  @kryptonsxlastxson @agcntdanvcrs
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thelastgoodluthor · 4 years
@agcntdanvcrs​   🎄 – our muses decorate for christmas
It had been quite a few years since Lena had bothered to put up a Christmas tree - neither her office or penthouse had felt particularly lacking without one before. But when Alex had casually asked if she needed any help setting it up and decorating, instead of admitting that she didn’t have one, she had decided that maybe it was time to revive the tradition. Over time, the tree standing in the corner of her room for only her to see had become a sad reminder of her own loneliness. But now there was no guarantee she would be the only one privy to it - the threat that someone could drop by at any time over the holidays and realise Lena Luthor was a bit of a Grinch... well, it wouldn’t do.
Her mood had only brightened when Alex didn’t come alone, Ellie held securely in her arms and she greeted both of them with a kiss to the cheek for Ellie, and a lingering peck on the lips for Alex. “Hey.” She greeted warmly, the synthetic tree she had bought still waiting to be unboxed along with the ornaments she had ordered. “So, you’ll be overseeing my attempts at decorating I take it?” She chuckled, the question cooed in Ellie’s direction, who looked delighted to be the centre of attention.
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thelegendaryhawkman · 4 years
@agcntdanvcrs​   🍷– our muses wake up hungover after an office party and don’t remember what happened
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Carter startled awake when he opened his eyes to find he wasn’t in his room on the Waverider, wincing when the rush caused his head to pound incessantly. “Ow. Ow, ow, ow.” He chanted under his breath, pressing the heel of his palm to his forehead as he squinted around, vaguely recognising his surroundings and taking a few more blinks to recognise it as Alex’s living room. He must have fallen asleep on her couch - completely pissed, by the feel of his head, and... surprisingly cosy, with a mass of blankets wrapped around him securely. “Alex... did you tuck me in?” He questioned, thoroughly confused at the expert swaddle he found himself in.
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holyxsmoak · 3 years
A thing || Alex
“So I may or may not have done a thing. But I can’t tell you with thing I may or may not have done is because plausible deniability is a thing. If I give you a hypothetical could you tell me how much trouble I’m in?”
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When two strong heads meet.
Hal has been getting to know this earth, it was not his but the answer as to why he is his will be told in time. Did the world needed someone like him? Not like on his earth when there where more hero's other then him would've been the better choice. If this earth needed willpower then hat could be the answer for Hal which he would give. After all that is his job for the sector he swears to protect. He was been flying around at night getting use to where everything in along with the distance. He was still around since he has a reunion with his good friend Lois Lane. It felt good to meet with her again even with a few surprises he didn't see coming but he was happy. Hal walk around looking at the different places when he noticed someone dress in all black coming out of the pizza place. By looking at the fabric he can tell it's a uniform not the casual everyday clothing everyone would be wear to be comfortable.
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Hal walked up as the female turned to her phone, texting someone that's fair. he didn't want to interrupt until she was done before he spoke up. "Impressive fabric for a uniform." Hal said with his arms crossed. He does not take shame for an answer giving the female a smile. "You look impressive as well. I can tell your strong."
starter for: @agcntdanvcrs
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kryptonsxlastxson · 4 years
As Clark continued to wander about the floor, he found the other cousin he’d been looking for. “I can only assume you were in on this, too?” He couldn’t help but smile as his brows raised in question. “I recall telling Kara that I only wanted a small celebration, but this? This is also wonderful. I’ve already met so many new people! Have you gotten some champagne? Hors d’oeuvres? I hear there are tiny pizzas floating around on one of the trays.” His words were rushed, trying to change the topic so as to not seem ungrateful for the celebration. That was the last thing he wanted.
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poisonousisley · 5 years
alex - [ caught ] & [ sleepy + reverse ]
[ caught ]  for  your  muse  to  catch  my  muse  wearing  their  shirt
“I did wonder where I’d left that.” Pamela mused from the bed, propping herself up lightly as she watched Alex come back in dressed and holding 2 cups of coffee, but the slouchy jumper was one that Alex knew wasn’t a part of her regular wardrobe. “You’re lucky I’m used to sleeping with fellow thieves.” She joked with a small chuckle as she pushed herself up, taking the coffee gratefully as she watched Alex sidle back into the bed beside her. “Keep it. It looks better on you anyway.”
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[ sleepy ] + reverse
“Not a word of this to anyone.” Pamela muttered as she collapsed onto Alex’s couch, placing her head in the other woman’s lap without preamble and kicking her feet over the arm rest. “I have a headache.” She grumbled, letting herself settle against the other woman with her eyes shut, peaking one open slightly to look up at Alex. “Not. a. word.” She reiterated before closing it again, letting herself drift off easily with Alex’s warmth next to her.
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