#age regressor lloyd
agereninjas · 10 months
Little Lloyd HCs!
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♢- He used to hide his age regression from the others, but one-day Pixal found him curled up on his bed, thumb in his mouth, clutching a stuffed animal like it was saving his life and she knew something was up.
♢- He regresses to any age under ten, ANY, so the ninja always have to be prepared for anything.
♢- He LOVES physical affection. One little head pat and you're his new best friend for the week.
♢- He used to have only one or two stuffed animals and barely any gear, but after the ninja realized he was a regressor, they bought him so much more than he could even imagine!
♢- Usually very calm, but can be fussy sometimes. Usually, Kai, Zane, or Nya can calm him down.
♢- He is the only one who can make Cole willingly sing (mostly lullabies, but sometimes he just wants to hear Cole's singing).
♢- The ninja have to hide candy from him, but he somehow finds it every. single. time.
♢- He once got so stressed and scared that he both regressed and accidentally transformed into his Oni form. That was...a tale for another day.
♢- On the other hand, dragons always treat him like he's a little baby dragon (he is), which causes him to regress on accident in front of them.
♢- He has TONS of nicknames given to him by the other ninja such as, 'Buddy', 'Bubby', 'Baby/Little Dragon', 'Green Bean', and 'My/Our Baby'.
♢- Since the other ninja feel like they messed up/failed to give Lloyd a good childhood, they do everything to make him happy.
♢- They found a bigger size of the hoodie Lloyd wore when the ninja first met him, and he loves it so much! He wears it 24/7, and he waits right next to the washer and dryer when it's being cleaned.
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snugglebugs · 3 months
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KAI SMITH flip (caregiver-leaning!)
Kai Ninjago Smith is ABSOLUTELY an age regressor are you KIDDING me are you JOKING me. He is BASICALLY CANONICALLY an age regressor!!!!
> "I bet he loves being treated like a baby..." (Nya, Season 14, Episode 6, Call From The Abyss)... Yeah he does because he IS a baby. He is THE baby. He is BABY.
His entire traumatic backstory is that, after his parents were taken from him from an early age, he had to step into a parental role for his little sister and become the adult of the family while still being a child himself. He had to grow up before he even really had a chance to grow at all. On-screen, we see that once his parents return and he's no longer forced into that role of responsibility, he canonically regresses into childish habits and language we have never before seen him use or display beforehand.
"Ham and cheese sandwiches with crispy bacon? Oh thanks, Mommy! You're the best! Mm... bacon is the best, too!" (Kai, Season 14, Episode 6, Call From The Abyss).
Conclusion? Kai Smith is the most age-regressor to ever age regress ever I will not take criticism because I am OBJECTIVELY CORRECT.
Anyway!! I think Kai is regresses from 5-9~ years old. We can tell from his diction that he doesn't seem to be a baby regressor (at least in this scene), as he's capable of fully-formed sentences and has the cognitive skills required to play video games, so that leads me to believe he might be a little-middlespace regressor! Kai's parents left when he was around 5, so it makes sense he wouldn't be an infant regressor, but around the little-middle spectrum, regressing into the same range of years in which he didn't have a chance to be a child before.
I don't just think he's an age regressor, though, I also think he's a flip, too! He definitely has some care-giving tendencies built-in to him from having to be a caretaker for his little sister for so many years, and so he pretty naturally slips into the role of a big brother caregiver! I imagine he leans more towards the caregiving side then the regressing side, just because being a caregiver is what he's used to being - what he's always had to be - but that may be prone to change as he becomes more comfortable with his regression! He hates regressing around the other age regressors, especially when they're regressed, because he feels like when they're small he has to be big and adult to take care of them regardless of his own headspace. We can see his caregiver tendencies displayed in... countless interactions with Lloyd. Speaking of...
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I am, once again, OBJECTIVELY correct. Lloyd is basically canonically an age regressor. He IS canonically an age regressor. He is, quite literally, a child stuck in a teenager's body -- as in he was a child and then magic age-up tea turned his body into a teenager's but still left him with the mental capacity of a child. Which is the DEFINITION of what an age regressor is!! Bodily an adult but mentally a child!! He IS an age regressor!!!!
And even if that WASN'T the case, he'd probably be an age regressor anyway, because, like. Look at him. He had the weight of the world on his shoulders since he was, like, eight, was unable to be a child because he had to endure constant rigorous training and when he WASN'T training he was undergoing countless traumatic experiences while he was still a child.
> Lloyd: "Well...The latest issue of Starfarer just came in at Doomsday Comix and it's a limited run, so if I don't go out and get it, it's going to sell out. Last they left off, intergalactic rogue Fritz Donnegan was surrounded by the Imperial Sludge, and if I don't find out if he gets out alright, I think I might have my own doomsday!" Kai: "The fate of Ninjago rests on your shoulders. As the Green Ninja, you have a giant responsibility to hold. I'm sorry, but you don't have time for such childish things." Lloyd: "Other kids get to play and have fun. All I ever do is train..." (Season 2, Episode 18, Child's Play)
I don't even think I need to argue my case that hard for why Lloyd is an age regressor. I think it'd be harder to argue why he ISN'T an age regressor, actually. TRY to argue that he's not an age regressor. TRY. I BET you CAN'T.
I don't have much evidence for this one, but I imagine he may be a pet regressor, too! He's an oni-dragon-hybrid, after all, and his heritage have proven to come with strong instincts regarding this animalistic half of his genes, as seen throughout the Oni Trilogy.
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Look at him. JUST LOOK AT HIM. The most caregiver to ever caregive ever forever. He has chronic can't-stop-adopting-children syndrome. He's adopted, like, three separate children at this point. It is becoming a problem.
"Huh? Oh, no. Don't make that face. Don't cry. Oh, I can't take it any more. Hey, look at me. Hehe. Yeah. I'm not sad. Ha-ha, I'm not crying. Oh, fine. But this is between you and me. Shine, little glow worm, glimmer glimmer. Hey there, don't get dimmer, dimmer. You like that, huh? Well, there's more where that came from. Glow, little glow worm. Glow and Glimmer—" (Cole, Season 8, Episode 5, Dead Man's Squall)
When his mentor canonically (mentally & physically) regressed into an infant his first and immediate instinct was to adopt and care for them. If that isn't agere caregiver behaviour I don't know WHAT is. HE BECAME THE FATHER TO AN INDIVIDUAL REGRESSED FROM THEIR NORMAL HEADSPACE INTO A CHILD.... HE'S LITERALLY A CAREGIVER GUYS!!!!!! I DON'T KNOW WHAT ELSE YOU WANT ME TO SAY!!!!!!! I AM JUST STRAIGHT-UP CORRECT!!!!!!!!!!!
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JAY WALKER padded regressor!
"Jay: Aah! [He picks up a ruined stuffed toy.] Mister Cuddlywomp… [sobs] is a teddy bear I used to love when I was five, but now he's totally lame and—
Cole: We know you still sleep with him.
Jay: And I don't care who knows it! Mister Cuddlywomp..." (Season 7, Episode 6, The Attack)
Jay Walker is DEFINTELY a regressor. His personality has been noted to be very child-like and babyish at times, to the point where the fandom (and showwriters) tend to infantilize him, despite the fact that in his own right he can be a very serious character when he need be. As much as I do believe he's an age regressor, it's important to remember he can be very capable and competent character when he's big, too, and not to define him by his regression!
If he's any regressor, it's definitely a padded regressor. Throughout the show, it's become a running bit that he's a bedwetter and has a weak bladder:
"Jay: But I don't wanna get wet. I...I only have one pair of underwear.
Kai: Jay, this is no time to be making jokes. The Bounty can only take so much.
"Jay: You think I'm trying to be funny?" (Season 2, Episode 9, The Last Voyage)
"Harumi: Uh, forgive me, but is that...underwear?
Jay: We're usually more organized. Ahem. But our leader got lost in a time-stream. Uh, they're Cole's.
Cole: They're blue!
Kai: You're lucky they're not yellow." (Season 8, Episode 3, The Oni & The Dragon)
"Oh, that reminds me, Jay, honey, I need to teach you how to bleach your boxer shorts." (Maya, Season 14, Episode 7, Unsinkable)
"Jet Jack: Then tell us, who do these diapers belong to?
Kai: Oh, those are Jay's. Tell 'em, Jay.
Jay: Oh. I have a weak bladder." (Season 9, Episode 2, Iron & Stone)
These are only a few of many, many examples (You can find others throughout the show, such as in Only One Can Remain, The Darkness Remains, Darkness Within, etc), and though it's usually spun as a joke, there's no harm and shame in it! In conclusion
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ZANE JULIEN caregiver!
"I was built to protect those who can't protect themselves!" (Zane, Season 3, Episode 8, The Titanium Ninja)
I don't know what else you want me to say guys... he said so himself.,,,,,,. was built to protect those who can't protect themselves...,.....
Zane's entire identity is hinged around adaptability. Though I could go on a WHOLE 'NOTHER ESSAY about Zane's relationship with identity, the point here is that he often adapts to what people need him to be! I mean, he downloaded thousands pieces of detective media onto his hardware in order to try to track down the other ninja after they went missing, if called for I imagine he could very easily slip into the role of caretaker (he WOULD download hundreds of resources on age regression to help the other ninja)!
I don't have a lot of evidence for this one beside source: bro trust me but bro. trust me. The Vibes,,,, theyre there
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These are just my personal headcanons based on evidence I've gathered from the show - I am in NO WAY saying these are the only headcanons or that they are the "correct" ones!! In fact, if you have DIFFERENT headcanons for the ninja (esp. ones I didn't provide a lot of detail for), I encourage you to share them in the tags, I'd love to hear other's opinions!!!! ^^
If this gets enough interested, I might make a pt. 2, so stay tuned!!
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babyboyblues-world · 9 months
🌀What triggers their regression (negative)?
❤️Who knows about their regression?
🚸Do they have another regressor they play with?
Lloyd garmadon
🌀Lloyd suffers a lot from nightmares due to his hard childhood and his time as a ninja or he might get really overwhelmed after missions so he wil need lots of comefort from his fellow ninja
❤️ everyone on the team knows and help him out on the occasion he dose go little
🚸: eveyone on the them regresses and so they have playdates together! Sometimes they get a bit to rough whit echoter but are over it pretty quickly again cus stuff happens yk?
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hirofall · 1 year
Lloyd Garmadon is an age regressor!!
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master-mockerylloyd · 1 month
Imagining myself as my character Lloyd’s caretaker at the moment.
Like, he’s just there, being the little baby caracal kitten he always will be in my heart, on the floor of my living room, happily playing and babbling to himself as I watch over him while also just browsing some forums and such. While I usually don’t seem to pay any mind to him spending some time with himself in his little space, he tends to get lonely and starts whining and whimpering if left alone for too long, so I’m always there to watch over him in case that happens.
As his caretaker, I’m obligated to ensure his safety, including his emotional well-being. As such, I do my usual routine: I pick him up, gently place him in my lap, and begin stroking and petting him like an actual cat until he starts to feel genuinely happy, letting out small bursts of giggles and purrs. Honestly, taking care of a lavender colored caracal wouldn’t be too hard, he’s actually a sweet guy when he isn’t trying to tear your face off.
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fandom-stuff101 · 6 days
Rambley CG headcanons
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(I have no clue how to format Tumblr but I just had to make these headcanons HELP)
•Rambley is definitely perfect for a regressor of any age range. I mean he’s literally an AI guide for a theme park, he definitely knows how to keep your interest
•Plus he can always keep an eye on you via the different screens all around the park.
•Now considering these are more canon based headcanons and in this scenario that would mean you being in Ed’s place, I feel like he would probably be more protective after the whole getting chased by Mollie fiasco
•but back to the headcanons, I feel like he wouldn’t be too strict with rules as he’d be more focused on you having fun. But he probably wouldn’t allow you to go behind the stage or any places he isn’t able to see you.
•his favorite activity to do with you would be this special game of hide and seek where he has you count and then you try and ‘find’ him which by that, I mean finding which screen he’s projected himself on
•and yes, he will shoot confetti when you find him. (Unless you’re scared by the sound then he’ll just cheer for you)
•He sometimes feels a little bad that he’s confined to the screens and can’t hold you, but seeing you have fun usually cheers him up.
•he can and will give you “discounts” on merch (they’re free)
•I have this silly little headcanon where if you had a Lloyd plush he’d glare at it whenever you aren’t looking.
•he would never admit this of course! He wouldn’t want to risk making you sad.
•he definitely whispers train facts to you to help you fall asleep
•as for petnames, I feel like he’d just call you buddy, little guy, or some kind of simple variation of those two names
•all in all he’s just a silly little guy who wants to make sure you’re having fun!
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agereoneshots · 7 months
Can we get some Lloyd stealing the other ninjas little gear before he tod them he was an age regressor?
"Where's Mr.Cuddlywump!?" Jay screamed.
"I don't know. We're trying to find him!" Cole reassured him.
"Lloyd! Do you know where Mr.Cuddlywump is?" Kai asked.
"Lloyd. Did you take Mr.Cuddlywump?" Zane asked sternly.
"I'm searching his room." Nya said.
"No no no no no no no!" Lloyd ran after her but it was too late. She was already in his room and found his stash of stolen gear.
"Lloyd. Why do you have one of Cole's pacifiers? And is this Kai's onesie? And you do have Mr.Cuddlywump!" Nya picked up all three items. Lloyd started to cry.
"I...I'm suppose ta be da leader....notta baby...." Nya set the items down.
"Hey...Lloyd. You can easily be both. Not at the same time but still." Nya hugged him.
"I can?"
"Of course. Now, I'm going to return all of the items. You need to ask before you take someone else's things."
"But...got none of my own..."
"I know, but now we're going to get you some, ok?"
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201xs · 1 year
ranking the lego ninjago ninjas based on how likely they are to be a age regressor
lloyd: 100% he was literally magically aged up like 7 years. he goes through so much shit and hes still mentally 11. someone get this guy some toys
kai: 99% this is basically canon based on how he was immediately able to be vulnerable and kiddy around his parents when they were finally able to spend time with him. he had to raise his little sister basically all by himself after his parents went MIA and didnt have the chance to have a proper childhood which is the perfect cocktail for becoming an age regressor. he wears gaming diapers
jay: 80% he had a pretty good childhood, but is autistic. also he just has the vibes
cole: 60% i feel like he wouldnt be interested in it but he could benefit from participating in it with his ninja bros. i feel like he is more of a CG
nya: 40% traumatized but very stubborn and hard on herself. tries to be as mature as humanly possible and ends up not realizing how immature she is in the process. would be too embarrassed to do any of that kiddy stuff and would rather get into a coping mechanism that involves punching things and/or talking to her mom.
zane: 20% he is a robot and struggles enough with being human, and doesnt need to be pressured to fully understand something as deeply nuanced as age regression. but- he loves being silly and having fun and for sure would play toys with them. insanely efficient CG
pixal: 10% the only coping mechanism she will ever need is building giant robots
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ur-fav-is-agere · 1 year
Lloyd from Suppose A Kid From The Last Dungeon Boonies Moved To A Starter Town
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Is an age regressor!
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I posted 946 times in 2022
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738 posts reblogged (78%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 580 of my posts in 2022
Only 39% of my posts had no tags
#rfm post - 203 posts
#age regression - 202 posts
#agere - 202 posts
#regression-fanon-maker - 144 posts
#rfm art - 138 posts
#sfw agere - 111 posts
#cookie run - 109 posts
#petre - 56 posts
#pet regression - 53 posts
#cookie run agere - 52 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#ninjago never had this issue with a 5 year old robot and a 25 year old on being together since they were robots and noone really cared then
My Top Posts in 2022:
Can we see a cute oneshot (or picture) of Garmadon helping little Vinny?
Here's just a simple doodle
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18 notes - Posted October 8, 2022
The best roblox game <3 Rainbow Friends
Hope you like them @dreams-your-smps
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The Main Mascot
See the full post
20 notes - Posted August 28, 2022
Happy Easter!
Thought this up and wanted to share.
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Lloyd: Oh no..
Zane's in "Emperor Mode".
See the full post
28 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
ok, I saw someone mention that the Cream named cookies should be family so I looked for all all them.
But.... it got a bit messy.
Like we have Yogurt Cream, but he has a brother without the Cream name. But Plain Yogurt works as a part of the family, no matter how much of a jerk he is.
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We have more popular characters in Whipped Cream and Cream Unicorn
See the full post
41 notes - Posted July 12, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Ninjago Regression Boxes; Cus why not
Regression boxes are little boxes for regressors when they regress unexpectedly and they need their little gear in one place.
Thought it would be cute to make up what the main ninja would have in those types of boxes ^-^
Building Blocks
A wooden train
Octopus plushy
Space themed coloring book + Crayola Crayons
Star Pattern Sippy Cup
Food Themed Plushies (Like a strawberry cow)
Sketch Book + colored pencils
Bear Plush
Gummy Candies
Honey Colored Sippy Cup + handles on either side
Teethers and Pacifiers
Kitten Plushy
Pokemon Plushies
Baby Bottle
Dino Onesie
Patterned Diapers
Bunny Headbands (Both with bunny ears and individual bunnies)
Fake Cooking Supplies
Plastic Food
See the full post
55 notes - Posted April 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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agereninjas · 9 months
Long day
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[DESCR- After a long day, Kai and Lloyd cuddle.] Before you read this, just a quick PSA; THIS IS NOT GREENFLAME.
Kai gently rubbed Lloyd's back as he was wrapped in a blanket, pacifier in his mouth and his eyes half-closed. Lloyd had a rough day, he got hurt while training, he almost slipped during a mission, and he barely had two seconds to relax. It was around eight, nearly bedtime, yet he was sleepier than usual.
"Lloydy, are you doing alright?" Kai asked as he looked down at Lloyd. Lloyd nodded, his green eyes looking up at Kai, making a smile form on his face. Kai chuckled and continued to rub Lloyd's back, comforting him further. "Hey, do you wanna tell me how old you are, little guy?" Kai asked, waiting for Lloyd's response.
After a few moments, Lloyd tapped Kai once. "One year old? Aww, you're the littlest little guy in the whole world, aren't ya?" Kai kissed the top of Lloyd's head, earning a giggle from the blonde. Kai looked at the time; 8:43. He might as well get Lloyd ready for bed. He stood up and carried Lloyd to his room. He turned on a nightlight and then turned off the actual lights, then put Lloyd down on the bed.
Kai quickly found some pajamas for Lloyd; a pastel purple pair of pants and a matching green shirt. He helped Lloyd change, giving the little boy a kiss on his head. "Nice job, buddy. Do you want anything else before you go to sleep?" Kai asked. Lloyd thought for a moment, then grabbed his stuffed bat, which Lloyd had named Starlight. Lloyd then made grabby hands up at Kai, surprising the brunette.
"Me?" Kai asked, sitting next to Lloyd on the bed hesitantly. Lloyd wrapped his arms around Kai, his tired head resting on Kai's shoulder. Starlight was still being held, of course. "Ohh." Kai gave a quick nod to himself, then laid both him and Lloyd down on the bed. He pulled the blankets up over their shoulders, holding Lloyd close. "Goodnight, green bean." Kai whispered as Lloyd closed his eyes. "Sweet dreams."
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phenic-fury · 1 month
Gust realized I don’t have a pinned eerrrr
Hihihihi!!!! I’m Phenic, but I go by many names!!! I’m an age regressor usually 3-6 (but I wish I regressed younger lol) I use He/Xey/Stars/baindaids/Snakes/Dragonself pronouns!!! (It’s a lot lol)
I’m im autistic and a Therian + Otherkin!!! The major ones you’ll see here are dogs/ (Australian Sheppard) and Ninjago (Lloyd Garm FictionKin) !!!!
basic DNI bla bla bla ykyk (I block freely!!)
Please do not DM me! It makes me v uncomfy lol :3 I will not respond to dms and will block u depending on who u r!!!!
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hydroelectriccg · 2 years
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☆ HYDROELECTRICCG: a blog for most of the caregivers in our system, but mostly for nya to care for Jay.
☆ nya . non-binary . biroace . she/they/water/sea/he/🌊 .
☆ jay (big) . genderfluid . laimoro aroace . he/they + neos .
Other caregivers ;
☆ auburn . pictibarkbor . aroace . she/they/leaf/🍁 .
☆ celestia . sonnegender . questioning aroace . she/it/sun/☀️/🌻 .
☆ cole . non-binary . panroace . he/they/earth/🗻/⛰️/🪨 .
☆ ghost . cleancoric ghostcoric . unlabeled . he/him .
☆ golden . paladarian . suptiliaromantic omniaromantic . he/none .
☆ haize/morro . speerios . cassromantic cassexual . he/they? .
☆ luz . nonbinary . biromantic asexual . she/her .
Other littles/age regressors ;
☆ hunter . agender . aroace . he/him + neos .
☆ knuckles (big) . questioning . aroace . he/it/fight/red/🐾/🍇 (big) & he/they/it/cute/dog/kiddo/neon/pastel (little) .
☆ lloyd (big) . demiboy . omniroace . he/they/green + more .
☆ luz . cutecoric . biroace . she/her .
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emoduo · 2 years
Small dragon hours want to curl up in blanket nest maybe with snuggles -Lloyd
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becszetta · 2 years
I firmly believe that Lloyd Garmadon is an age regressor
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So, I wouldn't normally mention this kinda stuff because I know it makes some people uncomfortable and I don't want to upset anyone but....
We have Age Regressor headcanons for Harry Potter characters, Voltron characters, band members, Marvel/Avengers characters, Supernatural...
So what about Lloyd from Ninjago?
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I've always related to him because both of us were essentially forced to grow up too fast to match others expectations and take care of responsibilities, and that is one of the main reasons why I regress.
So what about regressor!Lloyd???
I'm sorry, but I really like this idea... next time I'll keep my ideas to myself, promise.
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