ariel26c · 2 months
Hi Ariel. I hope you are doing well. Sorry to disturb you but I've been having a lot of doubts and don't know where and whom I should ask. Any kind of advice would be appreciated. Thanks.
I've been into manifestations for 3 years now. I've manifested many small things like, holidays, random food, getting work done which was stuck.etc.
but never any physical changes except growing 5 cm taller. I was 159cm(age17) and now I am 164cm(age19)
I know about laws and Neville and somewhat about shifting. But the thing is, My desires are completely different from what my current physical form and life looks like.
I desire to be more male like. I want to be taller, muscular, and have my desired features. And it's not just my physique but my life. And on the top of everything, I lost three of my teeth in an accident. They are like my biggest insecurity tbh.
Sometimes I am in that state of "I already have my desires" but I tend to fall back real quick. I admit that i lack patience.
You can manifest the most dramatic changes there is no limit to how far you can go. In this case I recommend subliminals because there are submakers that make subs for men too. If you like subliminals of course but if you don’t that’s perfectly fine.
Ask yourself what you think is going to work the best to manifest your desired appearance. Whatever you assume works will work.
As for going back and forth between the old and the new story, every time you say the old story correct yourself and say “actually I already have it.” Catch those thoughts and flip them. Eventually it will get easier and easier to affirm the new story because you’ll begin to believe it.
Remember that you can literally have whatever you want. You can change anything about yourself. Just identify with that version of yourself with your desired appearance.
You can have all of your desires. If you can manifest other things you can manifest literally anything you want. There’s no limit. Do you really think you have limited power?? Well you shouldn’t because you’re God. Those “small things” as you say are great accomplishments considering there are some people who are struggling to manifest those things.
Give yourself more credit. You manifested those things successfully even if you think they are small. You manifested getting taller then manifest everything else. You can manifest one thing at a time if that makes you feel more confident.
Side note: it’s not a disturbance when more followers / supporters message me ❤️I’m more glad to help especially since I’ll be taking a quick break soon.
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shiftingsin · 7 months
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age19 & age17
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c3drive · 1 year
Freen age19
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BIOS! <<<<<>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Name: James/Jameson Waylon Munson.
Age: 16/18
Sex: male
Orientation: Pan /Bi but is still trying to figure it out.
Bio: James was born 2 years after Eddie was, to the chaotic house hold that was the Munson’s, growing up watching his brother and father Hotwire cars in desperate bids to keep food on the table and his mother fade in and out of being a mom, didn’t really set himself up for success, he did find an interest in the drugs he ran for his father and his older brother’s music . He’s not super into DnD or Theater shit like Eddie and makes fun of him for it sometimes , but he enjoys heavy metal and punk and comics and pinball machines and animals always trying to rescue any stray he sees . He takes after their father a lot more with his temper and loud voice and a bit of theatrics . He has a pet rabbit named Zepplin -
Always in and out of trouble with the cops even when Wayne took them in, he never believed his brother killed that girl, Eddie wasn’t like that, he didn’t take after their father like James did. {{ HG Verse:
Moving with his Uncle Wayne to a little patch of Land in Hemlock grove he met Peter in the woods and the two hit it off till one night James was out when he shouldn’t have been and startled a rather large black wolf and was bit, since then him and Peter had been closer then ever running on the full moon. }}
Name: Eddie Munson Kas, Munson
orientation: Bisexual
status: Undead/Vampiric eldritch creature
bio: After fighting off the Demo bats to save Dustin and make sure they didn’t come through the gate, he was killed and left in the upside down waking up sometime later . waking up he was disoriented and confused and very very thirsty, hearing a voice call his name, he wandered the upside down for a few weeks or more time was hard to tell in the upside down, till he found a gnarled tree where Venca was trying to heal, he was compelled to be at his side, part of the hive mind for a second before fighting it, fear that the being was still alive , and ran out of there like a bat out of hell.
He has his own flock of Demobats loyal only to him he takes great care of them, as well as the eggs he lays .
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schibborasso · 2 years
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PRE KRAFTWERK fourth from left: Ralf Hütter, age19
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janethalone · 4 years
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Picture left #TBT #Age19 picture right #TBT #ActuallyAge (en Bogota D.C) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDrNs4_HDuq/?igshid=1jig8j6y4r02m
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lyrics4songs · 6 years
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gsnakes · 4 years
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2twenties · 3 years
STATS [kg] - updated by edit weekly on fridays
when I’ll achieve my final goal, I will be tattooing the angel number 777 because it’s my 7th and last goal towards the meaning of the number:
“seeing angel number 777 means you are in energetic alignment with the Universe and are in a perfect vibrational match to brining in blessings, miracles, good luck, happiness, abundance, great opportunities, and a sign of your dreams coming true!”
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n00vember · 3 years
age19 h181 cw59 gw55 gw51 ///lw48 oh my fucking god
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shiroblueuniverse · 4 years
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like father like daughter - Lucio daughter and my mc Ameli
name : Abigail Morgasson, age19
familiar : bearded dragon - Drake
 For the Arcana she only look like Lucio ,she got in to her mother (she have a brain and think) but sometime Abigail has moment of her dad, it get worst taking considering that Julian had a slight influence on her upbringing and she sometimes go rowdy and everybody helped rise that little anventure.Ses realy  energetic, nice girl thirsty for the world and knowledge  that’s why she and Asra get in to journey (he’s her teacher of magic).
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claratyler · 6 years
I’ve gotten full credit or nearly full credit in all my exams so far, and today i was congratulated by a teacher in front of the whole class for yet another exam where i not only got full credit but really went that extra mile apparently and i dont know why it made me feel so empty and lonely :/
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stalkerkyoko · 4 years
I’m going time travel to cuck mitsuri’s  arranged marriaged
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Age19[1]  B day june first
awww last month late happy d day Mitsuri
Birth month late
and me find mr “Only bear would marry you and
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kellyminorete-blog · 6 years
Life Realization
At the age of 19, I realized that life is frustrating than I could ever think of. At this point I don’t know what should I do with my life. My academic performance is not doing good. Its my first year as a college student, a freshmen. I’m not quite sure if this path (Civil Engineering) is really for me. There are days where I think of shifting into another course or program. There are days that I want to continue my program because I couldn’t think of any other course that could fit my personality. To sum it up, I’m just really undecided with what path I really should pursue. 
Well my education is not the only thing that makes me frustrated, what makes me more frustrated is whether I should be mature enough to take things seriously, or should I still enjoy my youth and take things slowly. At this age, I think this is the toughest frustration I have.
Now I have realized that;
1. People changes, and our priorities changes too.
As years goes by, people tend to change as well as their priorities. 5 years ago they may had prioritized their education but now they prioritize their family. You see our priorities may differ because of our age, culture and believes.
2. With regards to your personal problems, you can see advice and consultation but always remember that last say is up to you.
We all experience having problems. You may need an advice or consultation but after all those talks, you always have to remember that you always have the last say. You may or may not follow what they have said. It’s your life, you can do anything with it. Its up to you.
3. Life is hard to balance (education, relationship, family, problems, work, money or budget, and time)
Yes, I know its hard to balance everything. Setting priorities could help. For teenagers, balancing life is quite challenging. They have school, others have part time jobs,and others have family problems. Everyone has that time were in they couldn’t understand life anymore because clearly life is frustrating than you can ever imagine
4. Tomorrow may never come, start doing things now or it may be too late.
We all don’t know when would all of this stop. One thing’s for sure, we should start doing the things we need and love to do now. Tomorrow is never assured to come.
5. People come and go
Random people may enter your life unexpectedly, just as people may leave you on the most unexpected time of your life. Now this part of life is the one we couldn’t really control because this is certainly a thing that we don’t always expect and  this is a reality we try to ignore.
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lyrics4songs · 6 years
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gsnakes · 4 years
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