rocketmate01 · 11 months
RocketMate helps you close more deals in less time with automated smart marketing campaigns, a drag-and-drop visual sales pipeline, a centralized inbox.
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thelonesgroup · 2 years
Branding Spotlight: Kaaleen Gassin's New Website
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In this week's Zebra Report we are highlighting features from Kaaleen Gassin's beautifully branded real estate website! Custom built by The Lones Group on the AgentFire platform, this website has a lot to offer.
This website project had several important needs to fulfill. Kaaleen wanted a website that would emphasize the breadth and diversity of her large territory and present regularly updated information, but still be accessible and easy to navigate for her visitors. It needed to be easy to keep current as new testimonials roll in. And she wanted to make sure that visitors had lots of ways to interact with her - by sharing her Instagram posts and an opportunity to join her newsletter - all without taking up a lot of her time to manage it.
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Exploring from "Mountains to the Sea"
Kaaleen's territory covers a big area, nearly a dozen counties in southwest Washington State. Kaaleen loves her area and she really embraces her motto of, "selling homes and land from the mountains to the sea." It only made sense that her website do the same.
We started by creating a beautiful, interactive map that shows visitors where she works, making the area more familiar for both locals and relocating visitors alike. Each county on the map is clickable, visitors to a page that leads them on to detailed information about each city in the area and highlights past content from her blog from that county.
Every city she calls attention to - nearly one-hundred in total - includes eye-catching and up-to-date demographics, an interactive local map with points of interest, market facts, current listings, and even recommendations for local dining, shopping, and other local features. But Kaaleen doesn't need to spend time updating this herself - her site is connected to her MLS and other data sources that do all of this for her! These detailed community pages aren't just loved by search engines, but visitors love them too and they include many prompts that allow them to contact Kaaleen to learn more.
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Saving Her Time
If having an MLS connection and updated market facts, local data, and demographics wasn't enough, Kaaleen's website saves her time in other ways too. We've also connected her website to her Zillow reviews - when a new glowing review of Kaaleen is made, that review automatically becomes available on her website, both on her homepage, her bio page, and her testimonials pages.
When she posts a new blog entry, Kaaleen's website has the ability to place social media posts to her Facebook business page and other profiles, expanding her readership without taking up more of her time. Not only that, but if Kaaleen isn't in the mood to write her own content, she can affordably coordinate with professional writers and request new content be written by AgentFire's own real estate experts.
Kaaleen also loves Instagram and sharing photos of the beautiful places that she travels through. It only made sense to include this on her website too. Now, every time she adds a new photo to her business Instagram, her website automatically picks it up and shares it with her visitors. They can easily follow her Instagram from her website too - growing her following even further.
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Growing Her Audience
A connection to Instagram isn't the only way that Kaaleen's website grows her audience. We have also added a place where visitors can subscribe to her newsletter. Subscribing visitors are automatically added to her newsletter service at MailChimp without any extra work by Kaaleen.
Finally, every visitor that reaches out through her website is captured by her customer relations management (CRM) tools. She has a quick-and-easy tool that she can consult in her website's dashboard. Kaaleen can also connect her website to other CRM services like Wise Agent, Follow-Up Boss, Lion Desk, Top Producer, and others too - making it quick-and-easy for her to stay on top of any new leads.
Want an Incredible Website of Your Own?
We have decades of experience that can deliver an incredible website to you, built to grow with your business needs and project your professional presence across the web. Learn more at our website, email us at [email protected], schedule a free consultation, or call us at 360-527-8904 to learn more.
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By Denise Lones CSP, M.I.R.M., CDEI - The founding partner of The Lones Group, Denise Lones, brings nearly three decades of experience in the real estate industry. With agent/broker coaching, expertise in branding, lead generation, strategic marketing, business analysis, new home project planning, product development, Denise is nationally recognized as the source for all things real estate. With a passion for improvement, Denise has helped thousands of real estate agents, brokers, and managers build their business to unprecedented levels of success, while helping them maintain balance and quality of life.
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aplify · 2 years
Top 8 Real Estate Marketing Software Looking for ways you can market your real estate online? Whether you're an agent or an owner. You can check hierarchy process. Aplify App.
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derpsmoshygoodness · 8 years
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Another Phanart for today! Anyone remember our two adorable agents from SAP? I drew this while watching the series again for too many times. I want them back please!!
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Mission Dan and Phil - Part 1 (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/Y2W2yZLuNF this is short story about how Dan and Phil join meet thier new friend/enemy Isabella. Until shit jest real...read to find out more. This is my first fanfic so its probably cringy
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thelonesgroup · 2 years
7 Keys for a Strong Real Estate Website Foundation
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Our topic of technology for the month of May would just not be complete without a conversation about having an online business presence. Next week at Denise Live our fabulous Director of Technology, Randy Bowers, will be presenting on having a hyper-local website. You can learn come enjoy that webinar for free – and all of our May technology topics – by becoming a member of Club Zebra. Learn more about that here.
Today I want to talk about websites. Specifically, what makes for a strong foundation. Whether you are a real estate agent who is looking for a solid starting place for an online marketing campaign or just in need of a something that will impress visitors without costing a fortune – here are seven traits to look for.
#1 Branded
If you’ve spent anytime at all in my content or coaching, you know that I am passionate about branding. Your brand – online and offline – is the memory marker for your business when you can’t be there in person. It is what separates you from the look-a-likes and says, “This is an agent worth considering.” Branding your website will help you connect with more clients that you enjoy working with because it communicates who you are before they even meet you.
A brand is much more than just a logo, so if you aren’t sure where to get started, do yourself a favor and give our design team a call – schedule a consultation here – because having a brand is foundational to every successful business.
#2 Low Hassle
Are you excited about editing websites, installing security updates, and making backups? If you are like most agents, you would rather spend your time meeting clients, marketing homes, and making money. That means your website should be staying out of your way and letting you get things done, not filling your inbox with requests to update something or dire warnings that something is insecure.
At The Lones Group, we build custom websites (check out our portfolio!) that are fully managed. No one is ever going to ask you if your plugins are up-to-date, nag you about making a backup, or remind you that you need to stay secure because that is all done for you by our incredible friends over at AgentFire where the custom sites we build are housed.
#3 High Automation
As an agent, your real estate website needs to do everything it can to keep current on its own. Unless creating content and making regular updates comes easily, you need a system that does this for you. And I already know – based on the hundreds of websites we’ve built over the years – how most agents will find almost anything else to do before they spend time updating their website.
A good website will make these tasks easier by doing things like pulling reviews from somewhere like Zillow and offering information from Great Schools. It might have maps that are updated with locations for groceries, gyms, medical centers, and parks – things that a buyer in your area would want to know about. A regularly updated connection to your MLS will also bring in loads of fresh and current content about inventory in the area. Your highly automated website might even gather local stats and demographics for you.
What about content, can that be automated? In a sense, yes. While there are times when your unique take on a neighborhood or your housing market is critical, sometimes you just need an interesting, quality post to share. Ghost-writing services like Text Broker can quickly put the work of writing unique content in a professional’s hands. Having a professional write your content can be inexpensive (about $25 for 500 words) and if optimizing for search engines is important to you, they will even include your keywords in your new content for you. Better still, this service is baked right into the websites we build. Combine for-hire content writing with a feature that shares your blog posts automatically to your Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn channels and you have a head start on a very low-effort content marketing machine.
Speaking of social media and automation, many websites are also making it easy to build in content from Instagram and other social media websites so that visitors can access that content from your website too. These are great time-savers for agents who want a content rich website, but don’t want to spend the time and energy producing all of it.
#4 Instill Confidence
Web browsers have gotten a lot more obvious about when you are visiting an insecure website with unlocked padlocks, highlighting website addresses in red, or even displaying pop-up warnings if you start filling out a form that isn’t secured. A warning message is the absolute last thing you need when a visitor at your website actually decides to fill out your contact form. A secure website is a website that gives your visitor the confidence that not only do you care about confidentiality, but that you are running a professional operation.
Speed is also key. Few things help improve engagement more than having a lightning-fast website where everything quickly clicks into place, all while looking amazing because it’s also branded (it is branded, right?) When done right, this shows that you believe your clients deserve quality service and gives the impression that you too are paying attention and are ready to respond to their needs.
First impressions matter – don’t let yours be the impression of being slow and insecure.
#5 Local Focused
An agent who really knows their product and their area is gold. Your website should clearly demonstrate that you are connected to your community and provide both credible and interesting facts that potential buyers and sellers can enjoy.
Earlier I mentioned features like Great Schools and maps with local features and amenities. As a real estate agent your website should also include market information. What are the average days-on-market? What is the median sales price trend – and how does that compare to five or ten years ago? What about crime? What kinds of jobs are in the area? How many homes sold this past year and what’s the ratio of homeownership to renters in the area? Researching and updating this can be fascinating – if you are like me – but also time consuming and tedious. Imagine doing that for not just your geographical farm, but for your ten favorite local communities too.
This is our favorite feature of the websites we build, amazing community pages that are full of all the facts listed above and much, much more – and all completely automated and updated daily. It’s not a substitute for doing your own MLS research and tracking your own stats, but it makes a big impression on your visitors. All the while, you look like the hyper-local real estate expert.
#6 Available for Engagement
It might be the most incredible website out there, but if you don’t make it easy for visitors to contact you then the job is only half-done at best. Your website should have more than just a contact page. Make sure your email address and phone number are easy to find on each page – somewhere in the header or footer. I regularly see agents still hiding their email address thinking it will keep spammers away. It won’t – but it will stop some visitors from contacting you. So, make it easy to find.
You should also have prompts to contact you spread through-out your content. You don’t have to be obnoxious about it and attack your visitor with pop-ups. A button here and there does the job very well. Make sure to have more than one way you can be contacted so that people can communicate with you the way they prefer to communicate – whether that is email, a phone call, a text, or even a live chat option on your website.
Finally, when a website visitor does fill out a contact form, a request for a showing, or ask to download a buyers guide you offer – make sure you have a system to get their information into your database so that you can follow-up with them. If your website integrates with a great customer relations management (CRM) tool like ours do, use it.
#7 Well Supported
For all the automation and low hassle, there will occasionally be times when you need help. The best help will be there when you need it, be someone who is easy to understand and who quickly understands your need, and who can quickly find a solution for you. I would add to that wish list that the person you talk to knows something about our real estate industry. This way they can offer tips to help you reach your goals. That can be a tall order – a lot of website services have great technology and not-so-great people skills.
We are lucky that the support team for our websites checks off every one of our support wishes. Like my staff at The Lones Group, everyone here and at AgentFire understands real estate. It’s what we live and breathe every single day. If you contact support and ask how your website can support your geographical farm – the person helping you knows what a geographical farm is and can point you to options to explore.
At the End of the Day…
All seven of these points may sound like a lot to ask for, but we have done it many times for nearly two decades. The branding, low hassle and high automation – all of it – are part of what we expect a solid website to have. This way, whether you ignore it or build an online marketing empire on it, you have a solid foundation to start with.
Your potential buyers and sellers are out there. They are definitely checking out your website before they call. Make sure your online presence doesn’t just say that you are open for business, but that you do business right.
Want to learn more about how we do it or level-up your own website? Visit us online, check out our website portfolio, or schedule a free consultation.
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Member benefits include: - Denise Live every Tuesday morning at 9:00 am - - Market Survival Guide first and third Tuesdays at Noon - - Full access to loads of Technology and Business-Building tools in the Vault - - Articles for your clients and infographics to post on social media - - Take your tech to the next level with Club Zebra -
Follow Denise on Facebook
Follow Denise on Twitter
By Denise Lones CSP, M.I.R.M., CDEI - The founding partner of The Lones Group, Denise Lones, brings nearly three decades of experience in the real estate industry. With agent/broker coaching, expertise in branding, lead generation, strategic marketing, business analysis, new home project planning, product development, Denise is nationally recognized as the source for all things real estate. With a passion for improvement, Denise has helped thousands of real estate agents, brokers, and managers build their business to unprecedented levels of success, while helping them maintain balance and quality of life.
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AgentFire: Content Marketing Manager
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Headquarters: Online URL: https://agentfire.com
  AgentFire.com is a WordPress based real estate web design company. We sell fully-featured real estate websites to agents, teams and small brokers across the USA and Canada.
Our primary product is called a 'Spark Site' - and our core value proposition is that our websites help our real estate clients to showcase what makes them special, demonstrate hyperlocal expertise, and offer loads of value to potential clients so that they can multiply the number of deals that they're closing.
We're currently publishing LOTS of content, which include high quality blog articles, videos (strategy videos as well as product updates) - and we have our own in house graphic design team and video editors. What we're lacking is someone that can help us to tie all of our efforts together so that we can make a massive impact through our efforts... perhaps that can be you? 
Here's what we're looking for:
Manage & Improve our Content Strategy - We are currently creating various types of content across various platforms, and need help tying everything together and getting the biggest and best 'bang' for our efforts - we need your help! At present, we're releasing the following content on a weekly basis:
2-3 High Quality Real Estate Blogs per Week
1 High Quality 'real estate strategy' video
1-2 Product Update Videos
Brand Messaging - We are strong believers in the 'Storybrand' framework, and would like to work with you to further refine our one-liner and elevator pitch and ensure that we are using consistent messaging through ALL of various channels / platforms etc. 
Help us find find speaking opportunities (podcasts, webinars, conferences) for our ownership, and eventually yourself 🙂 
Manage ALL of our marketing efforts - which include
Drip Email Sequences
Facebook Ads
Google Ads
Instagram Ads
Lots of Remarketing / Retargeting
Measure performance across organic / non-organic channels - including periodic reports and meetings to discuss
Help us to continue to refine/improve our content based on data/metrics
Management of Content Production - Ensure that blog articles / videos are released according to an editorial calendar, and manage the people responsible for creating the content. 
Help us to create the 'big' content, like webinars or otherwise big events
Required Skills
3+ Years in Content Marketing with some experience leading others 
Proven track record of content creation / promotion (we'll ask for examples)
Good under pressure / deadlines
Experience with remote team communication and project management platforms (such as Asana and Slack)
STRONG knowledge and experience with content marketing strategies and execution across major content syndication channels
And the most important skill - a person of ACTION. We have enough ideas, what we need is someone who can execute with the efficiency of a T-1000. 
Knowledge of SEO and how to research for keywords / evaluate our content strategy to ensure that we're creating content that can rank well / get more eyeballs... and ultimately help us to generate more business!
Fluent English / Grammar
SOME experience with the US or Canadian Real Estate Industry
Remote Work - Work from anywhere. Our hours are EST and we will expect at least 4 hours of overlap. 
Upward Mobility - We're growing fast, and there are lots of opportunities for career advancement
Bonuses - Big bonuses for high performance (which we measure through sales and/or positive reviews as a result of your efforts)
Our full support 🙂 
If you think you're perfect for this position, please shoot us an email to let us know why (please include as much detail as possible, this is the most important part of your application. Please also include your resume and links to any content that you've created or managed, and at least one writing example. 
from We Work Remotely: Remote jobs in design, programming, marketing and more https://ift.tt/2NCkSx5 from Work From Home YouTuber Job Board Blog https://ift.tt/38hZu7X
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travelionx · 4 years
AgentFire: Affiliate & Business Development Manager https://t.co/WXBVoyseTl https://t.co/qdKEIaKqXE
AgentFire: Affiliate & Business Development Manager https://t.co/WXBVoyseTl pic.twitter.com/qdKEIaKqXE
— TravelionX (@travelionx) August 26, 2020
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Introducing AgentFire’s Blog Assist
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AgentFire's new Blog Assist Pro add-on on makes it even easier for you to run a content marketing strategy, and reap all of its benefits. Learn more here!
Introducing AgentFire’s Blog Assist is just one of many great real estate strategies on The Spark
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230801 https://ift.tt/3irWj2o via IFTTT
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ourmrmel · 6 years
Mel Feller Looks at what Buyers and Sellers want in a Web Site
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Mel Feller Looks at what Buyers and Sellers want in a Web Site
 Currently, the number of real estate professionals in North America is growing at an exponential rate. To date, the National Association of Realtors houses over 2.1 million members. Mind you, this number is growing on a daily basis. As such, competition in the real estate industry can be intimidating, especially if you are brand new in the industry. One of the primary ways you can remain competitive is by capturing a percentage of your target market online. The reality is that 90% of buyers and sellers resort to the Internet to search for real estate properties and agents, so it is important to have a compelling web presence.
 Place yourself in the shoes of real estate buyers and sellers.  Think about the type of information they are looking for and become a one-stop-shop online resource of real estate information. Simultaneously, capitalize on your online traffic by capturing leads, all the while providing potential clients with an outstanding overall online presence to boost your credibility as a real estate professional.
 Here are several items that buyers and sellers look for in a real estate website:
 Full MLS search
 It is no secret. Potential clients navigate through real estate websites primarily because they want to browse through an assortment of available listings. Address their needs by providing a website with full MLS integration to give your users a wide selection of listings to view. Eventually, they will need to contact you in order to discuss further about a particular listing that appeals to them. This is when forms come in very handy.
 Be sure to include Contact forms, Registration forms, Question forms, Home Evaluation forms and disperse them throughout your website. Should your visitors have any questions about particular listings or about you, it is important to provide them with a means to do so, apart from a phone number. After all, as a real estate professional, your days are spent around your mobile. Make the task easier on you and your visitors by providing forms. In addition, this is a great way to generate leads and build relationships.
 Buyer and Seller Guides
 As a first time homebuyer or seller, your first move is to acquire as much information as possible about buying or selling a home. As such, it is important for you to address this need by supplying information buyers and sellers will be looking for. For instance, articles with helpful links, preparation checklists, and buying and selling guides can assist your potential clients with their decision-making process and boost your credibility relative to your competition.
 Mortgage Calculator
 Another helpful tool that buyers look for in a real estate website is a real estate calculator. As mentioned earlier, it is very important to provide valuable information in your website and become a one-stop-shop for visitors' real estate needs. Having the resources to manage or calculate the financial outcomes of a buyers’ decision is one way to ease up the process for them and boost your credibility.
  Agent profile
 Due to your full MLS integration, your visitors will have access to various listings, including those outside of your MLS ID. As such, you need to make yourself the main point of contact no matter what listings your visitors are browsing in your website. That is why it is so important to have static contact information. This simply means having your contact information stapled in any given page of your website so that your information is made available no matter where users navigate, scroll, or click in your website.
  Social Media Integration
 No matter how much I stress the importance of social media to your clients, oftentimes, I will find myself in a conversation where agents seem to have a deficit of time and labor when it comes to being active on social media. Nevertheless, social media is the information age's main source of clientele. It is where billions of users spend 46% of their time on a daily basis. Having said that, it is important to have social media integration in your real estate website for visitors to publicize your website and extend your web presence.
 Virtual tours
 Virtual tours are a great way to simulate open houses online. It is a convenient means for your visitors to get a visually satisfying exploration of the property at the comfort of their own home. However, virtual tours can be quite costly, and sometimes can be an unnecessary expense especially if you are a starting agent in the industry. That is why it is so important to have a website with built-in automated virtual tours so that your visitors can receive the same visually satisfying service without having to purge a pretty penny.
 About me page
 As mentioned earlier, there are approximately 2.1 million members of the National Association of Realtors. This number is growing at a rapid rate, which means competition is at an all-time high. Differentiating yourself from other real estate professionals and establishing a unique brand identity can give you the competitive edge they are looking for. Be sure to include personally identifiable information about yourself in your website such as the language(s) you speak your qualifications, awards, and the number of years you have been in the business, your education, and even testimonials from past clients. All of these factors melted together can assist you attract a niche and a centralized market to appeal to.
 Real estate news
 Real estate is a very volatile industry. Basic information about the industry changes regularly, frequently. Access to up-to-the-minute information can be quite hard to find, but very valuable for buyers and sellers. This is why it is especially important to provide current real estate information in your website. While this can be quite tasking and time-consuming to do on a regular basis, luckily, quality real estate website providers can, regularly stream real estate news into your website in real-time.
 Real estate online marketing is an ever-growing concept in the industry. Traditional marketing worked 50 years ago, but now and more than ever, 94% of buyers and sellers resort to the Internet on a regular basis to search for property listings and real estate professional like you. With competition at an all-time high, it is important to make a compelling presence online to capture more leads and maximize your conversions.
 The following is a list of additional solutions.
Website Box
Real Estate Webmasters (REW)
Ultra Agent
Agent Image
Real Geeks
Easy Agent Pro
Property Minder
Real Estate Tomato
Agent Evolution
Website Express
Style Agent
Pro Agent Websites
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responsivesites · 6 years
New Post has been published on Website Design Naples Florida Webmaster
New Post has been published on http://vinbo.com/diverse-solutions-launches-new-developer-partner-program-2/
Diverse Solutions Launches New Developer Partner Program
BELLEVUE, Washington
Diverse Solutions, a leading provider of IDX solutions across North America, has launched a new Partner Program, uniquely offering a true partnership for web designers and developers to grow their business. Participants who enroll in the program and use Diverse Solutions IDX products to build real estate websites will receive top tier support, co-marketing opportunities, and competitive cost savings for both partners and their clients.
“The Diverse Solution Partner Program offers great value to AgentFire and our clients. The customer service that I receive from Diverse Solutions is outstanding, and I’m extremely happy with their wide-ranging MLS coverage,” states Diverse Solutions Partner, Nelson Cuesta, CEO at AgentFire.
Additionally, partners are featured on Diverse Solution’s Partner Directory, which serves to connect real estate professionals with industry-leading web developers and designers throughout the U.S. and Canada.
To learn more, visit http://www.diversesolutions.com/developers/partner-program/
About Diverse Solutions
Diverse Solutions is passionate about helping real estate professionals build and grow their business by providing essential tools that connect and engage with today’s online consumer.  Diverse Solutions actively works with a wide array of web designers to integrate their IDX technology into real estate websites.  They provide a simple integration experience including an IDX plug-in, property search tool and an interactive mapping experience to generate, engage and convert website traffic into leads.
WordPress IDX includes an IDX plug-in and property search tool which is easy to install and manage from any WordPress account. The indexable MLS search widget empowers real estate professionals to grow their business by increasing organic traffic through SEO and converting them into leads.
Mapping IDX enables real estate professionals to align with consumers’ search expectations by providing a state-of-the-art mapping experience. Available in multiple locations and on any website, Mapping IDX engages website visitors and keeps them coming back – which eliminates their need to search elsewhere and converts more visitors into leads.
For further information:
Kerm Foltz Diverse Solutions -Business Manager 425-952-6625 [email protected]
Original source: https://www.diversesolutions.com/blog/2018/02/27/diverse-solutions-launches-new-developer-partner-program/
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Overhaul Your Content Creation With AgentFire’s “Order Content” Plugin
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AgentFire's Order Content plugin can help you get your content marketing campaign going, even when you're swamped with work (or are simply struggling with coming up with new ideas).
Overhaul Your Content Creation With AgentFire’s “Order Content” Plugin is just one of many great real estate strategies on The Spark
from RSSMix.com Mix ID 8230801 https://ift.tt/2KMkOIy via IFTTT
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