#agere geralt
paper--moons · 10 months
Regressor!Geralt Headcanons
(with cg!Eskel)
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When it comes to witchers and whether or not they experience regression, there is no discriminatory factor based on the School of their training, because it is the commonalities that they share that make regression quite common. These commonalities by and large are some form of trauma—the trauma of being taken from home at a young age, the trauma endured while undergoing the Trial of the Grasses, the trauma of being ostracized from most of society to slay monsters (which, again, slaying monsters isn't exactly a pleasant experience, but rather a matter of survival of the fittest). Whether it be any one of these events or a long life of built up stressors, that burden eventually becomes too much to bear and something has to give. Even for someone that the outside world has labeled a 'mutated freak' at best and 'inhuman' at worst. But witchers are secretive as a means of self-preservation, and while their lifestyle might breed trauma responses like regression they aren't going to key everyone else in on this little fact. Most deal with it alone, though back when there were more of them it wouldn't be uncommon to see glimpses of one helping care for another. That's the only reason Geralt has any sort of inkling about what starts happening to him not long after the Blaviken incident. He hadn't wanted to get involved either way, had tried to dissuade Renfri from her plans but she had been stubborn and he got caught up in a mess like always... Killing was no stranger to him, but he hadn't wanted to kill Renfri. And something about it was the last stone on the scale, creating an imbalance within him that was now tipping down heavily into 'small'.
It's little things at first, things that are easy enough to repress if he catches them—like the urge to chew on the leather ties on his gauntlets, or the urge to play with Roach when they're stopped at a stream. Witchers, perhaps as a result of the mutations combined with their survival instincts, are quite good at denying their regression until they are settled someplace safe for what they expect to be an extended period of time. For Geralt, that place is naturally Kaer Morhen. So when winter finally rolls around and he returns home the dam starts to crack after months of repressing everything small. But the old castle is big, and he thinks he can keep hiding most of any sort of tell just by keeping to himself. Until they convene for supper, that is. Then it becomes a lot harder to hide how clumsily he's gripping his spoon, or stifle the slight whine when he spills some of his rabbit stew down the front of his doublet. Vesemir huffs and mutters something about him being fussy, and Lambert snickers, but Eskel? Eskel looks concerned, having picked up on the fact that this isn't just some off day for Geralt but something else. And that's all it takes, really—Eskel has always been protective of Geralt, the two having been in the same group to go through the Grasses together and being close enough that many people thought they were related by blood. While he figures Vesemir has decided to assess the situation from a distance, Eskel believes he will fare better if he takes a more direct approach. Which is why he decides to rope Geralt into a game of gwent up in his room after dinner. It doesn't take much convincing either, as Geralt is happy for an excuse to head up early and not have a round of drinks with the others. After all, it's far easier to hide what's happening if he's just with one other person, right?
Wrong. He was very, very wrong. He gets proven wrong fairly quickly, too. They barely have their cards out when Geralt finds himself slipping quite a bit, though Eskel is nothing if not patient. He doesn't laugh when he makes mistakes concerning the basic rules of their card game, only gently reminds him of how to play. Nor does he laugh when Geralt starts to find the game too difficult, the cards too hard to read. No, instead he simply guides him to bed once he starts rubbing sleepily at his eyes, saying they can share like old times when Geralt hints that the journey through the halls of Kaer Morhen seems scarier tonight. The suggestion is all too easy to accept with his head starting to feel so fuzzy, and without thinking he burrows himself into Eskel's chest and sighs when he's pulled closer. It's achingly familiar, though they hadn't taken such comforts in each other in decades. Such things had become too childish for them both at some point. But all of those years fall away as Geralt lets himself relax and melt into the reassuring hold his brother has on him. For a moment he had feared that it wouldn't be as comforting as he remembered, but if anything it was better than it had been. There was nothing to fear come morning—none of the trials could hurt them now, none of the harsher older witchers either that Vesemir couldn't always steer them away from. No monsters for them to hunt nor man to hunt them. Knowing that this time was different was soothing in a way he couldn't have anticipated. Not to mention the fact that his senses were much more heightened than before, his ears far more attuned to the steady thrum of Eskel's heartbeat lulling him to sleep.
They don't really have to talk about it come morning—even if Geralt had not woken up regressed, there would still be a silent understanding between them of what had happened. The change in Geralt was plain to see, and with regression being common among witchers, well... Eskel doesn't mind that his little brother is considerably littler now and instead just gets them both ready for the day. It's not that big of a deal considering the kinds of things they regularly go through; if anything this is a nice break for everyone involved. So what if Geralt regresses? All that means is instead of helping Eskel tend to the horses that morning he wound up toddling around the courtyard behind Lil' Bleater, pointing out things with an excited albeit soft noise of delight (apparently, Lil' Bleater attempting to eat a rock was the pinnacle of entertainment for the little wolf). And he would have probably been content to continue to chase after the goat all morning had they not gotten called in for breakfast. Geralt is reluctant to leave the goat, and even more reluctant to see the other two witchers if the way he attempts to hide behind Eskel is any indication. What if they aren't as okay with him being...with Eskel taking care of him? But Vesemir doesn't seem surprised at all, only asking Geralt who he wants to help him with his breakfast so he doesn't make a mess like he had at dinner. Even Lambert seems alright with it, the extent of his teasing beginning and ending at the fact that he can now boast about not being the youngest out of the wolves—at least while Geralt is regressed.
As it turns out though, Geralt stays regressed a whole lot longer than he thought he would. Nearly the entirety of winter he stays small, with the occasional period of middlespacing. Perhaps it's the way his body compensates for having to put it off for so long, but Vesemir assures them all that this is completely normal for witchers. This not only eases any worries (and yes, even Lambert was concerned), but the extended time he spends small gives them all plenty of time to get to know little Geralt. After about a week they feel confident enough to say that Geralt seems to hover somewhere in the toddler years, probably at around four if they had to pick an exact age. They also start to learn a lot more about his preferences—this is not to say that they did not know any of them beforehand, but that Geralt is what some might call a picky kid. He needs his things a certain way, or he gets very upset! Things like having a schedule are important to how he functions, and while big Geralt can usually brush aside any deviations from what is expected of his day with annoyance, little Geralt struggles to deal with any major deviations. Accommodations are made accordingly however! Eskel sits down with Vesemir and Lambert so that the three of them can come up with a schedule that not only keeps Geralt happy, but also one that keeps them happy as as well. Mornings he spends with Eskel, tending to the animals. Afternoons are spent with Vesemir, helping sort Kaer Morhen's bestiaries before taking a nap (along with the older witcher, who also needs a midday nap). Evenings he spends with Lambert, toddling after him as he takes stock of their supplies and preparing things for the following day. But Geralt always goes with Eskel when it's bedtime. He just can't sleep through the night without his big brother there to keep away all the bad dreams and scary monsters!
The normality that his regression brings is perhaps the most unexpected thing about the whole affair. The winters at Kaer Morhen were already something softer than what the rest of their lives often entailed, but Geralt finds that his regression makes the season spent there almost...domestic. Without the usual pressures bearing down on them all, with his regression stripping away the need to tiptoe around certain sentiments, they can exist almost like a normal family if only for a time. And it's nice, to pretend. Pretend that this was what life was always like, that he had had a childhood not filled with training and mutations. Most people might say that childhood is the spring of their lives, but for Geralt it couldn't be any more different. Winter is filled with short days and long nights, which bring the soothing crackle of the wood in the fireplace. The smell of burning pine coiling around him, the ever-present heat it gives off permeating the space and seeping into his body and with it bringing peace along with its warmth. It felt much like his regression did—safe and familiar, soothing in a way that it had been for all of those who seek the "fire's" comfort. But the fire brings other creature comforts too. The long nights aren't lonely, quite the opposite; nights are spent keeping the fire company, filled with story and song, filling stews, the reassurance of curling into his brother's side, and the soothing touch of his father's hand as he smooths back his hair. The fire and his regression were one in the same, keeping the coldness of the world at bay. And Geralt could stay like that forever if only he did not have spring on the horizon.
Leaving in the spring is difficult. As the snow starts to thaw and melt away, so does the soothing haze of regression that has been all-encompassing for many weeks. But Geralt comes back up with a new clarity to his thoughts and with the burdens he shoulders feeling noticeably lighter. Setting out on the Path again is hard for him, but perhaps harder still for Eskel. How can he be expected to let his baby brother go out into the world to hunt monsters when a few nights ago he was afraid there might be one under the bed? But it has to be done. While they are apart and fall back into the witcher lifestyle, there are small indulgences made throughout the year. Eskel, in his travels, manages to acquire what he's certain will become treasured items: two books containing children's stories and a carefully stitched plush horse from a toy maker in Novigrad. It might have cost the entire bounty he was rewarded for slaying a cockatrice, but it will be well-worth the coin the next time he sees his brother. And for his part, Geralt slowly allows himself a few quiet nights where he middlespaces between hunts. His biology might not allow him to regress fully until he's bedded down someplace deemed safe with someone he can trust according to some instinctual part of his brain, but he can at least alleviate some of the need to be small and lessen the stress. It's small things, like allowing himself to spend some of his hard earned coin on any sweets that the inn he's holed up in may have on offer, or actually taking the time to find a warm bath house as opposed to just washing off in a cold river. The coming year may present him with many new challenges and struggles, but Geralt knows that at the end of it all rest awaits him—on the days where his regression threatens to overtake him, he can take comfort in knowing that his family is waiting for him come winter.
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baby-stims · 5 months
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8. Character from any media that would make a good caregiver (The Witcher / Geralt of Rivia)
🐺/🐺/🐺 🐺/🐺/🐺 🐺/🐺/🐺
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pummoosun · 1 month
Fun fact about the witcher series; in 2002 (year i was born) we had a television witcher series here in poland
There were only one season with 13 episodes
And idk, but I just wanna show yall
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Geralt with Jaskier
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And Geralt with Ciri
I just think it's a neat little fun fact for anyone who became a fan of the witcher recently, perhaps because of the netflix version
Also, I think Geralt is very much so a flip (hes going into babypile as we speak)
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Wanna start watching the Witcher!!! (Maybe once I finish supernatural) Couldnts waits to do this Moodboard!!! :D (I don't knows much yet so I don't know if this makes sense but it does make me happy so 🤷)
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
First time the Witchers were able to interact with babie Geralt?
!! ;w;
Oh gosh, it was probably quite a while back but, before it was known it was regression!
Like, perhaps one time (pre-ciri times) Geralt had gotten pretty banged up from a wvryen, to the point of needing two or three potions of whitehoney! And Geralt was on a bedroll, just incrediblely quite, even for the brooding wolf- and the other two wolves raise a brow at this, especially since there seems to be a softer expression on his face, almost innocent??
Which, is completely unheard of on a witcher. So, Lambert kinda jokingly says to Eskel that it's almost like they have a baby with them (because they had to patch Geralt up, bring the potion to his lips to drink, etc) and it's basically left at that because eventually they fall asleep and the next morning Geralt is already up before his brothers.
However, the next time is quite a bit in the future- when Geralt and Yen pop into Kaer for the winter. That's when it clicks for Eskel and Lambert, that they /had/ been with babie Geralt before, they just hadn't known :^0!
This time, there is no teasing, just two wolves carefully sniffling out the wolf pup- getting a better understanding of just how tiny Geralt is (spoiler: pretty tiny!) and looking at Yen and (for once) asking her for guidance on what Geralt likes, if they can hold him, all those curiosities ;w;
It doesn't take too long before they're warmed up♡.
Babie Geralt is seated on Eskel's lap, grabbing lightly at the other witcher's face and Eskel pretending to "chomp" on the babie's fingers (which sends Geralt into a giggling fit). Lambert is a bit more cautious in a sense?
And babie can kinda sense that and while on Eskel's lap, he makes grabby hands towards the black-haired witcher- Lambert shuffles over and Geralt grabs the dangling medallion of Lambert, mouthing on it as Eskel laughs xD
"Heh, I think he likes you," Eskel chuckles as he smooths Geralt's hair, "Hey pup, don't think Lamby wants your drool all over his things."
"You don't speak for me," Lambert rolls his eyes, "Pretty boy just has good taste, knows mine isn't covered in lil Bleater's hair," he says, a hint of a smile on his lips as he sits on the arm of the chair.
And Yen is leaning against a pillar, watching the three wolves, smiling fondly♡
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potatoscomfortthings · 2 months
Geralt (The Witcher) agere moodboard/headcanons 🐺
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(I didn’t add an image of Geralt to the moodboard so you can imagine whichever version of him you prefer <3)
Younger regressor, usually regresses to 3-5 years, or to babyspace.
Regresses most during the winter (especially at Kaer Morhen)
Very tactile, enjoys cuddles and soft/furry blankets. He gets cold easily and will often plop himself down by the fire and refuse to move.
Sleepy 24/7
Goes nonspeaking/loses speech when he regresses (but don’t talk down to him, or act like he can’t understand you. He’ll get extremely annoyed if you do).
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littlest-tortle · 11 months
CG!Geralt of Rivia
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fictional agere challenge
day 2: a character you hc as a caregiver
i know the world of The Witcher isn't exactly the best place for a kid, but imagine the adventures. climbing trees, riding on Roach, staying warm in fur blankets, and he can keep you entertained with some small magic
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pocketspencer · 6 months
main: bobadiin
ao3: apollotaire
about me:
my favourite characters to read about at the moment are spencer reid, geralt of rivia, and alex karev. I also really like reading about soap from call of duty and baldur's gate 3 content! along with other assorted favourite characters. feel free to talk about these to me at any time if you want!
I am not a regressor, but reading about my favourite characters regressing makes me feel very safe and cosy and relaxed, which is why I have created this sideblog to keep it all in one place. some of the fics here might have more mature themes as they navigate big and little space, but there will never be any kind of agere kink content.
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paper--moons · 3 years
CG!Geralt Headcanons
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Now, like many things in his life, being a cg is something that just kind of happened to him through matters of circumstance—not that he's complaining of course! Being a cg is one of the few things life handed him that Geralt actually enjoys. It isn't some life threatening battle, or another arduous quest he must fulfill. It's not the seemingly endless harsh witcher work that he's become accustomed to, but something much softer, something inherently human. Genuine human connection is a rarity, much less one that places unwavering trust on him; being viewed as a source of comfort and protection, as a person, rather than a mutant or a freak is incredibly touching for him.
Overall, Geralt is a kind and caring cg. Despite not thinking of himself as the best choice, he doesn't question them as to why they chose him. Again, he just sort of finds himself in situations and he knows questioning things don't change the fact that he's involved. Not that he would change being involved with this though! Being needed in this capacity after constantly having what feels like the weight of the world on his shoulders is almost relaxing. Therapeutic, even—it reminds him that he is just a person when it comes down to it, and that he's allowed to have connections to other people.
Though he never expected caregiving to come naturally to him; his caring style is the result of a lot of introspection and reflection, along with some trial and error (especially in the beginning). Which is why he is very much into teaching them practical things! His strongest correlation to what a parent/guardian should be is a teacher, subconsciously going off of his relationship with Vesemir as an example of what a parental figure is supposed to be like. Days he spends attending to his little one are often more structured than when he's left to his own devices, and that's saying something. And while there is some flux in what they do, typically his go-to is to take them out on a nature walk.
Now, a nature walk isn't quite accurate—Geralt is walking, but he's got his little one situated up in the saddle on Roach. There's a guiding hand gently resting on their back even though Roach is very careful with them (because for as much as Geralt adores them, Roach is just as fond of the little one if not moreso). They travel at a pleasant trot down the trails, sticking to the paths that Geralt assesses to be the safest that day. All the while he's pointing out the various fauna and flora to them. Picking red beggartick blossoms and bringing them over to them, telling them about the different decoctions that can be made with the petals and how in small doses they can be used to ease pain. Even if most of it goes over their head, he at least knows they enjoy the color. Most of the flowers mysteriously wind up in his hair though (he can't say no to them, and they seem so happy when he lets them).
The demonstration and sharing of knowledge doesn't end there however, oh no. Not even several plants later does it end, because soon enough Geralt switches from showing his little one flora to fauna. While he's well-practiced in attracting monsters and larger game, he's also proficient in imitating smaller creatures and getting their attention as well. Animal calls that should be impossible come to the witcher with ease, so mimicking the call of a bird like the wood thrush? Not a problem. Soon enough he's got a number of birds and other woodland creatures circling him as if he's some sort of prince from a fairy tale. But he didn't call the animals there for him; he helps his regressor get out of Roach's saddle so they can get a better look.
They spend the better part of the afternoon by a quiet stream, eating a simple lunch of apples and cheese that he packed earlier that morning. Although he doesn't mind when his little one spends more time trying to feed the animals than themself, knowing that they'll split a few apples with Roach on the way back home. Geralt knew this would happen the moment he handed them the berries and seeds he collected on the trek out for this very purpose. Watches the way their eyes light up as he explains which birds like what, and watches them nod eagerly when he asks if they got all that. He's more than happy to supervise if it means seeing their bright smile as one lands practically in their hand to start eating, thinking that next time he'll try teaching them how to mimic some of the calls themself.
Eventually however they would head back to Kaer Morhen, and when the hour grows late he gets them settled into bed. Sometimes he tells them stories of contracts he's taken if they're tame enough to retell, but most nights he picks one of the many bestiaries off the shelf and reads it to them like it's a bedtime story. Going over what's known about certain creatures, with cockatrices being their favorite and the one they want to know about the most. He'll show them the diagrams, and he takes the time to answer any and all questions they might have. And he treats their questions seriously too! Doesn't skimp on the technical terminology, and discusses with them as if he were talking to a fellow witcher (though he does skip any of the more gruesome details—even if the bestiaries get them excited, he doesn't want his little one having nightmares after all).
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sleepysakusa · 2 years
geralt of rivia? autistic and a regressor im not making this up ask anyone
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lovelyeskel · 4 years
Your fics are wonderful ❤️
If you had any caregiver Eskel hc's, modern or canon with any little that would be so warm 🥰
(no pressure haha)
ahh thank you so much!! you’ve been a huge inspiration and gave me the courage to start posting more little stuff, so thank you for that as well 🥺💖 i also didn’t forget about this!!! it’s actually been on my mind non stop for Dayssss and has been sitting in my drafts for so long. but finally, i am here with that good caregiver eskel content.
- starting off with general cg eskel thoughts: he is Very attentive and he always knows what his baby needs. it’s like a sixth sense, he just knows. this is very nice when his little struggles with communicating (looking at u, geralt)
- i think eskel is also ... not Strict, but he has rules! and he’s not afraid to enforce those rules. i’m not really one for physical punishments, so i won’t get into that today. but he can be stern when he needs to be, and for a little (geralt, again, we’re going with him for this) that sense of structure really helps
- eskel loves showing affection, and i think he’s big on pet names. baby, little one, sweetheart, anything gentle. these softer names help geralt feel little, too!
- geralt struggles a lot with actually Getting to that smaller headspace, and i think he needs more help sometimes to get there. thinking .... eskel cuddling with him, holding him so easily, because eskel is strong and big and all of it just makes geralt feel little
- in a lot of my modern aus eskel always ends up being a baker of some kind (projecting, perhaps). in a Modern Baker Eskel world, i think he loves trying to make new things at home. this is a bit difficult when you’ve got a little hanging out with you, but he always manages to include geralt
- he’ll get geralt up on the counter and tie his hair back so nothing gets too messy, and he’ll give geralt easy jobs that still let him feel like he’s helping! just things like stirring and mixing things
- eskel is Big and we know this .... i think he likes dressing geralt up in his clothes when geralt is small, because the size difference and the largeness of the clothes helps geralt feel smaller
tender feelings .... i might expand some more on this with a eskel and lambert version, we’ll see. thank you for the ask!
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aew-kun-age-regression · 11 months
Helloo!! 🐾 If you have time for it - I'd love to see a wolf pup regressor Geralt & CG Jaskier moodboard! Maybe with a well-loved looking horse plush included? Everything else is up to you!! 🌿 ...and If you're far enough into the show to have personal headcanons, you could slap those on there too >:]
Hiii, sorry this took me so long!!! I really hope this is okay!!! I haven't yet watched the Witcher so I cant write Headcannons yet but I tried my best with this!!! <3
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
Babie Geralt has definitely been woken up by Vesemir, only for the elder to miss his mark on “Make sure you move quickly”
Which resulted in grabby hands that he couldn’t say no to. And carrying a tiny pup around, who did eventually fall back asleep
🥺💖 !!
That period between "you're safe to get up" and "whoops missed it" is pretty darn close together- and for an elder, it's easy for that time slot to slip through the fingers xD
Then, Vesemir has to face the pouty pup looking at him as he rubs at face to get the sleepies out of his eyes. Not understanding why Ves is standing while he's still sitting! So, Geralt is doing grabby hands up at the elder wolf, those small noises that are the babie saying 'please don't leave me here, I will cry'
And that's why Vesemir is now walking around on his hip while attempting to work and have the pup fall back asleep- thankfully Geralt soon falls back asleep and gets tucked into bed ♡
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
I feel like babie Geralt is the type to sometimes cry for seemingly no reason. When he's big, it's hard to show he's upset. But when babie, he knows he can cry freely
A wolf pup just needs a good cry! He knows he's safe, no one will make fun of him for expressing his feelings via tears, it's what babies do!! And, since this is Geralt, he has a loooot of tears pented up in his eyes because well,,,that witcher isn't the besssst at working through his feelings
So, sometimes he'll just be playing on the floor all calm, then the next second the babie pup is sobbing with those large tears rolling down his face- he's just feeling, emotions and crying it out feels the most right!
He'll be scooped up or sat with, where he can bury his face in the other's shoulder/chest and cry his little heart out until things feel less heavy on his chest- all the while the carer is rubbing his back and murmuring sweetly to him ;w; ♡
Of course, crying can take a lot of energy out of a pup! So, usually, you'll find Geralt all curled up, fast asleep after he cries, probably having good dreams after letting those feelings out💖💖
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
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Wolf pups and mud puddles are a match made in heaven,,,except for the ones who have to clean them up afterwards (thankfully, Geralt likes bathtime!)
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tinytinybumblebee · 2 years
How does Geralt wake up from his naps on Vesemir
;w; usually it's Vesemir who has to wake up the pup- when Geralt is asleep, that pup is out to the world
So, Vesemir will attempt to wake Geralt up with a couple of gentle nudges and back pats but that just gets a sleepy whine and Geralt clinging even tighter xD Ves has to peel the pup off him, which, leads to a couple fussing noises but, quickly calm back into steady sleeping breath
If Geralt is a bit older (like more of a tyke/kiddo) he's awake before Ves and sneakily slips off Vesemir to go play or be a lil sneak and go find some "fun" (read: harmless trouble) as he waits for the elder to wake up♡
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