#aggressive-sweet dog x retired old man
Hello everyone. New year, new story. This one is kind of a niche one. It's a PJO!AU, and also keep in mind the myth of Achilles and Patroclus. I wanted to write about destiny and tragedy, and maybe succeeding in escaping them. As always, comments are more than welcome. Enjoy💜
When Charles enters the room, he knows that this is where his battle starts, still miles away from the actual battlefield.
He gently pushes the door to the infirmary open, and is not surprised to see the other sat on the bed, looking as though he had tried to stand up but failed, with his head in his hands and a bandage already stained with blood on his left thigh.
The blonde looks up, and in his eyes he can see the red hue, but not because of his father's powers. They are bloodshot and puffy.
He'd like to kneel in front of him, rebandage his wounds and comfort him, but he can't. He has to be strong. For the camp, for their friends, for him.
So he just walks until he is in front of Sebastian, gathering enough courage to pose the fatal question.
Everything seems to vibrate with the sound of the incoming tragedy, history repeating itself, never ending sorrow.
"Seb, where is the armour?" That's it, quick, simple, clean.
Many emotions cross his face, and then they all disappear, leaving behind a blank mask.
"No" he says, final.
"Seb, you know I have to. I'm the only one that's left to do it" he can feel the fear starting to make itself known, but he can't let it win, not today.
"Charles, you are not doing it. We'll find somebody else. Hades, I'll do it myself"
Even if his tone is low, his words are firm.
"Seb, there is literally nobody else. It's either me or we lose" And just as he says it, the desperation is starting to feel like something solid.
"I said no. Give me some ambrosia and nectar and I'll deal with it" As he says the words, he pushes on the bed to stand up. It's not even a half step later that his legs give out, and his knees dropping on the wooden floor.
Charles could see it coming, but he did nothing to stop his fall or help him up.
"Sebastian, look at you. You can't even stand, and other ambrosia will kill you, we both know it. Just give it to me, and then..."
"And then what, Charles? I watch you leave camp to never come back? Because you and I both know how this story ends"
"Thanks for the vote of trust" But even as he says it, he knows it's not about trust. It's about prophecies, about destiny, about eternal returns.
But Charles has to raise his temper, so that this will be an angry goodbye, not a sad one.
And, just like he always does, the son of Ares sees through his strategy, and the fury quickly fades.
But without anger, all that's left is shaky voices and wet eyes.
"Charlie, please, listen to me. Stay here, at camp. Defend the children. Let me go" he says as if it's the most logical thing in the world. Or, even if it were, as if Charles is going to listen to logic. He never has. He is not about to.
"Seb, we could fucking see your femur through the beast's slashes like two hours ago. Nectar is not magic. I believe in you more than I've ever believed in them, but even you have your limits. We are still human, Seb" he keeps talking while helping the other on his feet, leaving one of his hands in his and intertwining their fingers.
"So help me put on your armour, then let's go doing what we can to save as many lives as we can" This time he doesn't stop the shaking, doesn't stop the tears, but keeps looking straight into Sebastian's eyes, trying to express all that he can't say through them, trying to impress the colours there into his mind for the last time.
Even as Seb shakes his head, Charles knows he has won. Not because of the power of his words that he will use to rile up every remaining fighter towards the battlefield, but because he can see the despair, hopeless and cruel and inescapable.
He presses his free hand to his cheek, and slowly kisses him as if they have all the time in the world. One last kiss, one last shared breath.
When he pulls back, Seb uses their connected hand to lead him to his cabin, limping slightly.
It's dark and empty, all his siblings guarding the still too young kids.
Gods, they all are still too young for this. But they don't have a choice, it's either this or failure, and failure is not acceptable, for neither of them.
Sebastian's bed is the one nearest to the front. His evident need to always protect makes Charles smile, and it also makes him fall even more in love with Seb.
From beneath it, the blonde takes what looks like the sturdiest armour of all times: the Celestial Bronze culrass shone into the low lights, the helmet with its red crest, the wooden aspis.
Charles accepted all of it, except for the xiphon. He will not leave behind his Bronzen spear, nor his Stygian Iron dagger.
Dressed in Sebastian's armour, with the long cheek guards hiding his face, he knows he can get the other campers to fight. He has to.
Sebastian stares at him, maybe thinking this is the last time they will see each other. But Charles knows it is not. Even if he were to die today, he knows his soul will find Sebastian's. Even in another life, they are predestined.
When he begins to turn, Sebastian gently raises his still tied hand to his lips and he kisses his wrist.
"We will meet again. I swear it on the Styx" he professes in ancient greek.
With a final smile, Charles turns towards the door, towards where all the other campers are bundled.
He isn't Charles Leclerc anymore, Monegasque son of Aphrodite with the most powerful charmspeak of the last 3 centuries.
He now is Sebastian Vettel, German son of Ares, ready to lead his cabin towards the battle, ready to win it.
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tf2-hellhole · 3 years
can we get some fluffy tf2 headcannons? giving you full creative liberty over this one! :)
Idk if you meant tf2 x reader headcanons or just general head canons, so I did two sections for each merc; the first point is a general headcanon, the second is X Reader.
sorry this took forEEEEEEEEVER, I was just experiencing burnout and working on a prize for a contest on my server (BTW WE HAVE A NEW DRAWING CONTEST GO CHECK IT OUT)
Scout is actually really self-concious about his intelligence. He’s not very bright and he knows it, and it makes him feel horrible. He had flunked out of high school and struggled in most of his core classes. He honestly feels really stupid and he hates when people point it out. But luckily for him, a lot of the other mercs understand what it’s like to be looked down upon and empathize with him. Quite a few of them help him relearn the skills he never mastered in school. Engie helps him with math, Spy sometimes helps him with writing, and even Pyro has him read children’s books to them to improve his reading.
Scout absolutely loves little casual dates. Stuff like going out to eat lunch, going to the movies, maybe just cuddling up in his quarters and watching a movie. He tries to plan one every week. His dream date is taking you back to Boston to meet his family and go to a Red Sox game. But obviously, since you’re both in New Mexico at the time, he’s going to have to shelve that dream for a few years.
Soldier is an excellent raccoon dad. At first, the other mercenaries thought they’d all end up dead by the end of the month when he first found them. But surprisingly, they are are very well cared for. They’re all fed regularly and basically have his entire assigned quarters to themselves. He loves every single one of them dearly, even the ones that hiss and scratch him every time. The raccoons, at least some of them, are kind of like weird, quiet dogs, and actually get along pretty well with most of the other mercenaries.
Soldier is a surprisingly very physically affectionate partner, and he’s not at all opposed to PDA. He loves hand holding, cheek kisses, cuddles, the whole nine yards. Whenever he’s particularly excited, he loves to run up to you, scoop you up into his arms, and press a hard, sloppy kiss to your lips. Of course, he’s careful to not hurt you, but he’s a very intense, emotional guy and he needs to express all that love he has for you!
Pyro is and excellent listener, so they’re a person a lot of the other mercenaries depend on to vent. Demo often comes to them to vent about his emotions, Scout, Sniper, or Medic will rant about what’s bothering them, and even Engineer will talk about his stress. And of course, Pyro doesn’t understand a lot of what is told to them, but they’re still happy to help them feel a little better, and they would happily do it a hundred times over to make their friends feel better.
Pyro has a hobby of baking and making candy/treats, and they love sharing everything they make with you. When they first gave you a treat, you honestly thought it’d be burnt or bad in some other way. But to your surprise, it was amazing! They’re actually and excellent cook, but they just love making sweet things the best. They’ll make you just about anything you could ask for without hesitation, but they’re best at making anything sweet.
Demo obviously has the potential to pretty emotional when he’s drunk, there’s no doubt about that. But on the off-chance that he’s sober, he’s actually pretty sweet and considerate. Though he still is a rough-housing joker, he’s much more considerate of his friends’ feelings and has deeper and more meaningful conversations with them. He often likes to go to bars with his friends and co-workers on ceasefire weekends, having lots of fun conversation, drinking together, and generally causing chaos around town.
Demo, to put it simply, doesn’t like himself. He’s critical of everything, from his skills to race, because people have always put him down about them. His mother told him he’s lazy and unskilled too many times to count, just everyone makes fun of his eye, and many have made fun of his skin color. But you make him feel so much better about himself. Just the fact that someone so kind and gorgeous is actually with him makes him feel like he’s not as horrible as he thought. There’s been a couple of times where you’ve accidentally almost brought him to tears with a sweet compliment or show of affection, because he never thought in a million years that someone would love him and care for him like you do. He feels so blessed that he has someone like you.
I know the fandom’s decided that Engie is the Team Mom and makes the food, but I also think that Heavy cooks a lot too. He makes all of his own food, so he often makes a lot of extras to feed the team because a lot of them just eat junk food and Medic’s always complaining about their eating habits. Heavy often takes like half the food for himself (he does have a huge appetite and loves food, so he likes to take a lot) and just boxes up the leftover portions and leaves them in the fridge for the team to take. He says he’s only doing it because they can’t work properly if they’re unhealthy, but he also does it because he cares about their health. A little bit.
At first, you wouldn’t think Heavy’s the most cuddly guy. But surprise, he actually loves giving and receiving physical affection. He just doesn’t show it often out of respect for your boundaries, and doesn’t do it around others. His absolute favorite thing is to cuddle you against his chest. Sometimes it’s when going to sleep, or cuddling on the couch, or maybe just a quick hug. He just loves the feeling of your head resting against his chest and your arms trying (and failing) to wrap around his torso. It makes him feel like you’re safe. Nobody could ever get you when you’re wrapped up in his arms.
You’d think Sniper’s the only nature nerd on the team, but Engie absolutely loves the outdoors, as well as animals. It’s because his father would often take him out camping every couple of months. It was often the only time he would get 1-on-1 time with his usually very busy father. So he does love the great outdoors, especially that of his home state. He especially loves animals. He was raised on a farm and helped take care of lots of injured wild animals with his mother. He absolutely loves pets and would like to have many when he retires. His dream is to have is own ranch, with horses and cows and a bunch of dogs and the whole shebang.
Engie absolutely loves playing the guitar, so of course he loves playing for you. He learns all sorts of sweet love songs to sing to you. He’s an excellent player and actually has a pretty decent singing voice (think Johnny Cash, he kinda has that singing style). I hope you like country music, because that’s all he’s going to sing to you until you give him some requests or he finds out your favorite artists or genres. You can tell how happy he is every time he gets to surprise you with a new song he learned, and he’d be a giddy, laughing mess if you sang along with him.
You’d think this guy takes horrible care of his birds because of the environment he keeps them in, but his birds are actually exceptionally well cared for. He buys them only the best and most expensive bird food, gives them super high-quality water with vitamins n stuff in it, takes them to the vet regularly, the whole shebang. Yeah they get a little dirty from sitting around in his lab, but he always gives them a little bath at the end of the day to get all the blood and guts off.
Medic is honestly such a playful partner. Of course, around his co-workers he’s a little more professional; he still gives you soft touches, a kiss on the cheek, or a big smile, but that’s about it. In private, however, he’s such a sweetheart. He’s always sweeping you up into big hugs, kissing all over your face, and calling you all sorts of adorable nicknames in a variety of languages. It comes as a surprise, because you’d think he’d be a little more formal, but that’s really only for special occasions. It honestly brings him so much joy to have someone like you by his side, and every day he’s going to make sure you know just how grateful he is to have you in his life.
Sniper is an incredibly independent and self-sufficient man, but he’s also secretly a real mama’s boy. He loves his parents dearly and has a particularly close relationship with his mother. As well as sending them money every month, he sends them all sorts of gifts, letters, postcards, and souvenirs. He also makes sure to call them regularly. He goes home every couple of months to visit them, and one could see that he loves helping around the house and chatting with his parents. His mother loved gardening, so his number-1 favorite thing to do is help her in the garden.
Despite Sniper’s obvious lack of knowledge on self-care, he takes a lot of time out of his day to make sure you are happy, healthy, clean, and well-fed. He doesn’t hound you like a helicopter parent but he likes to ask how you’re feeling, if you’re hungry, stuff like that. It feels nice to know you’re taken care of or take care of you himself. If you switch it around and try to take care of him, however, he’s honestly baffled as to why you would care so much as to make sure he’s doing well. He does absolutely love the affection and attention he gets out of it though, it makes him feel loved.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I have a head canon that Spy has a dog. Her name is Charlotte, and she’s an elderly Chihuahua. One would think he’d buy a French breed, but he found her out in the pouring rain one day and fell in love with her fluffy ears and spunky personality. She’s now 17 years old, extremely frail, missing most of her teeth, and extremely aggressive to anyone other than Spy, but he loves her dearly and pays for all of her medical expenses without batting an eye. And of course, she expresses her thanks with lots of kisses.
Spy loves dancing, and knows all kinds of dances, from flamenco to ballroom dancing to the Charleston to, canonically, disco. So of course, he’s dying to share all of the most romantic dances he knows with you. He’d love to actually teach you how to dance, rewarding you with kisses every time you finally get a move right and laughing softly when you make mistakes. But in reality, he just wants to use it as an excuse to dance with you against his chest and smother you in affection.
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girlafraidinacoma · 5 years
In The Lap of the Gods: Chapter Six - Fanta-seas and Denial
Summary: What do you get when you mix a tight-knit art community, young, hot-blooded twenty-something university students and good old-fashioned British Rock & Roll? Probably the next best hope for art and music that generation has to offer. With her friends’ band skyrocketing to fame, what exactly does a girl do when she suddenly finds herself sitting in the lap of the gods? The answer: do the only thing she can do, rise to the occasion of course!
Pairing: Gwilym Lee!Brian May x Original Female Character
Author’s Note: Sorry, not sorry for the incredibly late update dudes. Was super uninspired for months, had a break down, got over it, bon appetit.
( gif credit goes to @queenmercurys.)
Kind of AU, contains both elements from real life and the Bo Rhap universe, so imagine whoever you prefer whether they be the real thing or the Bo Rhap Boys–be free.
[Link to Ao3 fic!]
Chapter Playlist:
Both Sides Now - Joni Mitchell
Astral Weeks - Van Morrison
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Chapter Six - Fanta-seas and Denial
Ealing, December 1969.
“You’re incorrigible. I’ll never finish at this rate!” Wyn cried, throwing her arms up.
“Nobody told you to leave it until the last minute to work on your project.” He grumbled. It seemed like only yesterday that she began her first day at the Ealing Technical College and School of Art, but December had finally crept in, summoning the looming toll of due dates and unfinished critical projects.
“I honestly didn’t mean to forget, I thought I’d still have a week, not three bloody days.” Wyn whimpered a little pathetically, feeling the mounting panic bubble inside at the thought of not submitting her work on time. Currently, they were seated on the floor at the centre of Wyn’s dorm room, the space her easel usually occupied, cutting out various images and words out of several dozen stacks of magazines, newspapers, catalogues and a charitable helping of Woman’s Weekly – courtesy of Jer Bulsara.
Wyn’s dorm was a site Freddie had quickly grown accustomed to during their past few months of friendship. He liked her place. Sure, there were several others that lived on her floor and there’s only the bare modicum of privacy, but it was a decently sized space for a dorm, generous even, were it not cramped with half-finished canvases and art materials at various stages of use. Despite this fact, Wyn had tried her very best to make it up as nice as she could without having to open a Better Homes magazine. It was a place of barely organized but brightly coloured chaos.
The room itself was divided into two halves, one half where she slept and lounged, and the other half reserved for her work. The narrow bed which she slept in had been pushed up flush against the far corner of the room for the spatial economy. There was an olive-green loveseat with faded upholstery situated opposite the bed, and next to it was her bookshelf (definitely someone’s previously discarded woodworking project), keeping her collection of vinyls, novels and art journals. The side of Wyn’s room that served as her work area had a very large window that provided her place with natural light from about six or seven in the morning to four in the afternoon. Beside the window was a small desk, perpetually cluttered with paper, and a heavy wooden trunk packed to the brim with art supplies. One would think she’d been living there forever with all the stuff she’d accumulated in the past four months; the result of which was an assemblage of mismatched furniture that on its own were rather forgettable or borderline hideous, but somehow miraculously worked together, grudgingly made ‘cool’ by the person inhabiting it.
“Now who’s incorrigible?” As much as Freddie teased, it only took about five minutes of begging and a promise to cover one of his shifts at the Kensington stall for Freddie to generously acquiesce his time to help her out with one of her class assessments, to her supreme relief.
“Besides, they only want proof of concept. The whole thing’s not due until the end of Christmas hols.” Wyn said, flipping to the next page.
“Sure, sure.” The man rolled his eyes, waving a large pair of shears around. “What’s the focus for this piece anyway?”
“Oh, you know, just a bit of social commentary about defining identity through materialism and the like.” She told him, picking up a scrap he’d just finished cutting out, “These little bits here, will eventually be put together and build up a face or whatever, then I think I’d slather some paint on it, use some charcoal and call it a day, probably.”
“Is it still Granger and Warton assessing?”
“Warton is on leave, taking the airs in Bournemouth. Connelly is subbing in.”
“Even better, Connelly likes anything that’s remotely opinionated. He’ll be eating this all up with his Sunday roast.” He laughed. It gave her that smidge more comfort to hear his approval and she told him just as much.
She and Freddie were both dutifully attending to their work when out of the blue, Freddie sniffs the air, saying: “Have I told you how much your room smells?”
“Oops,” The girl said sheepishly, “Sorry. Let me just open a window. Afraid I’ve gotten quite used to it.” Briefly, she pattered away from him to do just that, lighting a rosemary and orange-scented candle, a gift from an aunt who had taken up chandlery upon retirement.
“Yes, the smell of varnish does tend to make the uninitiated rather queasy.” He nodded. “Lucky for you, I know the smell intimately. Unlucky for you, it still makes me queasy. Unless… you’ve become a junkie, in which case there are better highs than paint fumes, my dear.” A hand rose to Freddie’s chest, playfully aghast.
Wyn shook her head with a laugh. “I don’t even realise sometimes, too stuck in my work.”
“Still, you should always remember to take care of yourself. What good is your art if you’re not there to appreciate it? I’d rather have you, than a painting.”
Wyn dropped the page she was holding and looked at him. “Always so sweet. Where would I be without you, my dearest Freddie?”
“Probably still glued to a wall in that function room with the horrible punch.” Fred snarked, letting out an inelegant snort in the magazine his face was buried in.
So far, they were amassing a pretty sizeable pile of clippings and Wyn wordlessly congratulated herself and Freddie for making progress, but the good feeling didn’t last long. The two had been quiet for a while, with only the sound of snipping and paper tearing to fill the silence when reluctantly Fred releases the lip he had been gnawing on for a solid two minutes and clears his throat. “I’ve got something to tell you,” He says, putting down the pair of scissors he was using. “Actually, I could use your opinion.”
Still focused on an area she was clipping, Wyn nodded. “Spill, it’s not like we’re going anywhere soon.”
He exhaled deeply and gave what could be likened to a formal announcement. “I’m thinking of seeing Mary. Scratch that, I’ve seen Mary and had a cup of coffee with her, and I’ve been thinking about doing that more.”
There was sudden a hush that came about the room and settled in like a third guest. It took her several moments to process and Wyn gently reminded herself to lower her pair of scissors, lest she accidentally hurt a friend. “Wait, Mary, as in 'the coat's BIBA', Mary? As in Brian’s Mary? That Mary?” She gauged him with a puzzled look.
“As in Brian’s ex-girlfriend, Mary Austin, Yes.” Freddie confirmed, not blinking.
“So, you want to go see Brian’s ex, that is what you’re saying?”
“Ex, being the operative word, but yes.”
“You don’t think that’ll put a wrench into things?” She asked with a furrowed brow. “Smile hasn’t even begun performing again yet with you as the lead. Do you understand where I’m coming from, how precarious your situation is?”
“I don’t know,” It was his turn to shrug, eyes large and expressive. “I think she’s sweet and gorgeous and she doesn’t mind my teeth. Wait, where did you hear about Brian and Mary anyway?”
Wyn shrugged, “Roger told me.”
“That gossiping cow.” Freddie scowled.
“Well, no, we were just talking and the subject came up,” Wyn said levelly, grabbing a new catalogue from the stack.
“Oh, it came up naturally, did it?” He asked, picking up his scissors and cutting the page he was on a tad aggressively. “Not that you were asking after a certain boy with a guitar, needling poor Roger until he revealed whether said boy was single or not?”
“No,” She denies, “Roger and I were just talking about that night at the bar, and he just happened to mention that until recently Brian had been seeing Mary and hinted that maybe Brian was still interested in seeing her.”
Freddie had narrowed his eyes. “And Roger told you that, did he? Are you sure this isn’t about you and Roger?”
Her head quirked. “Why would this be about me and Roger?”
Freddie laughed. “Maybe because Roger thinks you’re fit and he’s trying to eliminate the competition by hinting that one of his friends might be keen to reconnect with an ex so that you won’t consider that friend as a potential romantic partner?”
“Or, you’re spinning this intricate web because you’re in denial that Mary wants to be with Brian and continuing to see her might ruin your chances with the band?” She offered sweetly.
“Or, this is about you and Roger.” Wyn had to roll her eyes at that.
“This is so not about Roger.”
“Brian, then.”
“It’s not like that.” She shakes her head, eyes trailing to the ground.
Freddie was not convinced, “I saw you and Brian looking cozy together. In that booth, on the way home, going for a little shopping trip…”
“We went shopping to feed you!”
“It’s probably what set off Rog in the first place.” He said in sing-song.
“N-no, the man doesn’t even flirt with me--” She was growing exasperated quickly.
“So, you admit that you flirt with Roger all the time.” Freddie was a dog with a bone.
“That’s just the way we talk to each other! He just thinks it’s a bit of fun, and I’m not about to let him think he can get a rise out of me.” Freddie could have sworn her voice rose an octave.
"I think you have a crush on him."
"I do not have a crush on Brian."
"Who said anything about Brian?" Freddie cracked a devilish grin at having caught her out. He batted his eyes at her.
The girl, on the other hand, was at a loss for words, opening her mouth and closing it again a couple of times, before scoffing. “Oh, shut up. You haven’t proven anything. Go see Mary then if you’ve already made up your mind.” She resigned, covering her discomfort with a laugh. Wyn looked down and busied herself by neatening the growing pile of magazine and newspaper trimmings she was collecting, forcing her hair to fall and obscuring her face. She absolutely was not going to let her friend see the burning flush she was newly sporting.
Fred chuckled beside her, examining his manicured hand. "I honestly wonder what fantasy world you're living in, darling. You're so caught up in it."
Instead of answering him directly she chose to switch to diversionary tactics. "You say that like it's a bad thing, or like you're not right there with me. You're just as mad as me." She poked his cheek.
"True, darling." He conceded, "I definitely see the appeal; I mean who wouldn’t want to escape this old tedious business for one in a fantasy book?” Freddie sighed dreamily, “I say, human ingenuity peaked when we learned we could just imagine ourselves far away from here.”
The girl hummed, gladdened to finally be talking about something else again. “Where everything is weird and wonderful, and you finally belong…”
“You can be anyone you want to be.”
“And bugger the rules because there are none.” She supplied without missing a beat.
“Get out of my head, Wyn Clemens.” He chided her. “You know, this reminds me of when Kashmira and I used to spend all our time in the afternoons together lying on a dusty floor, making up crazy stories.”
A fond smile came over Wyn’s face. “Oh? What about?”
“Well, tis a tale of a long and arduous quest to save the magical Kingdom of Rhye,” He said indulgently, “Your usual fight between the forces of good and evil, brave knights, lavish castles, rival queens, and a sprinkling of anthropomorphic animals.”
“Ah, but of course! I wouldn’t expect anything less.” She leaned back and drew her legs under her chin. “Pray tell then, merry minstrel, regale me with the story of Rhye.”
Freddie sat a little more upright in his spot, his teeth showing in a big smile. “Alright, so, it all began when the White Queen was abducted from her castle. Now in hopes to rescue her, her brother, the handsome Prince, scours all the land gathering knights…”
Wyn had already forgotten they had been arguing not two minutes ago. It was like that with her and Freddie, they never could stay cross with one another for long, always managing to read what the other was thinking. It was shocking how close the two had gotten in such a short span of time. Suddenly the prospect of Freddie graduating brought a sinking feeling to Wyn’s chest. She silently hoped he’d still have time for her, or would deign to remain her friend. The future always seemed so unsteady. Standing on its precipice, Wyn supposed that if she’d have to drink some horrible punch at some mediocre party, she’d rather be suffering through it with him than without him.
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zlukaka · 7 years
Q&A meme thing
tagged by @cienie-isengardu​ (btw awesome questions, cienie!)
1. Your own Original Character(s) you like the most? 
Out of the already introduced ones I like Nathan a lot. Nathan is open-minded, kind and well-meaning, but he has killed to protect others and he wouldn’t hesitate to do so again. Almost no one alive is aware of just how deadly the guy can be. On the very few occasions when Belgar was killed and left him to fight alone Nathan meticulously murdered every single beastrider present. It was in the days before the Swarm got their own reincarnation system, so no one lived to tell the tale, and Nathan doesn’t brag.
Since his retirement most people have grown to see Nathan as this mild-mannered goody two shoes and a softie. Little do they know.
2. How do you feel about Darth Vader?
Darth Vader is iconic. You cannot have Star Wars without Vader. I watched the old movies a lot as a kid and I always thought he was a very cool antagonist. The moment when his helmet was removed before he died was very powerful to me as a kid, it probably contributed to the love for tragic villains that I have to this day.
3. Are you night owl or early bird?
I’m a pigeon, meaning I function best when getting up not too early and not too late. But I have insomnia, so it doesn’t always work.
4. Tell me something about your favorite female characters! Who are they?
I did a lot of thinking about it recently, and I’ve found that 90% of the time my favorite ladies are usually those that could have been men and been basically the same: old-school Lara Croft, Toph, Azula, GLaDOS, Demona, Lina Inverse.
My conclusion is that I don’t care for traditional feminine qualities in fictional women: gentleness, sensitivity, sweetness, compassion, tolerance, nurturance, passivity. The fictional women I like best are aggressive, ambitious, driven and pro-active, and usually humorous. I also like the occasional femme fatale.
The closest to a more traditional idea of a woman I ever liked is Nynaeve from the Wheel of Time. She’s an obnoxious, bossy, demanding, controlling, passionate chick with a strong sense of self-worth. She starts as a ‘wise woman’ of her village and rises to a global power while snatching the local Aragorn as husband on the way, all the time sassing everyone off and pushing everyone around. She isn’t a warrior, but why would she need to be one when she can verbally bully any nearby man into doing her bidding. Ain’t she a peach? XD
5. Do you have story (or any other creative project) you wish to publish one day?
I have too many. XD Together with Luffik we plan to self-publish at least two series of novels. Plus our video game, Eyes of the Swarm. I also have a personal literary project that I am slowly poking at in between.
6. Do you prefer cold or hot weather?
Cold, you can always put extra clothes on, but there’s only that much you can take off.
7. Favorite Disney’s villain(s)?
I love all of them so much. OuO I always liked Jafar and Scar in particular. I guess I grew up with them, and they’re kind of similar. Also Hades - both the design and the voice actor are so perfect. And Yzma is my absolutely favorite female villain, she’s hilarious and perfect.
8. What’s your zodiac sign?
Virgo. So many Virgos I know are goal-oriented unfeeling robots. I just feel a long-haired naked lady doesn’t quite express the callous pragmatism and inventive cruelty we, Virgos, exhibit! Put her in a lab coat, that’s better!
9. The last book you read?
A Monster’s Coming of Age Story (The Ouroboros Cycle, Book One). It was not bad, but not good either. No instances of ridiculously bad writing to laugh at like in Storm Front (Dresden Files, Book One), but also not remotely as exciting, except the last 10% or so. Interesting setup, though. Maybe it’s just the first book that needed to do all this exposition at the cost of actual plot and conflict and later books will be better. Unlike Storm Front it hasn’t dislocated my eyeballs with constant eye-rolling, so I will likely try to continue that series at least for one more book in the hopes that it picks up.
No offense to anyone who likes Dresden Files! I like Nickelback, I do not judge!
As far as books I would actually recommend, I will always praise The Lies of Locke Lamora - now that’s quality writing! Not your typical fantasy setting, very clever hard to predict plot, good humor, good action, keeps you engaged as you read. It’s all about intrigue and conmanship, but the action scenes were also good.
10. Do you have any headcanon(s) that you so badly wish to become canon one day?
Nah. I don’t care what is canon and what isn’t. Sometimes I wish a story would have more of a particular character or place, but I don’t care if they deviate from my vision as long as it’s interesting. I can always disregard stuff in fics and aus, twist or interpret events differently to explore other aspects of things. Canon ain’t the boss of me.
11. (Real of fictional) proverb that you really appreciate and care to share with us? I would love if you can write it in engish and your native / its fictional language too!
"Don't worry about what people think, they don't do it very often." - Jacqueline Delisle
Not a proverb, but words to live by.
Here are my questions to others:
1. How and when did you discover Santa or your local flavor of holiday spirit doesn’t exist?
2. What tropes in fiction do you dislike the most?
3. If you had the money to create a story or work of art in any medium what would you make?
4. Do you have a role-model or inspiration (real or fictional)?
5. Do you have siblings? If not did you ever wish you had siblings?
6. Any musicals or plays you would recommend?
7. What is your favorite protagonist in any medium and why?
8. How do you feel about downer endings in stories?
9. If you could safely tour a fictional setting, where would you like to go?
10. What was your favorite fairy tale or story as a child?
11. What is your favorite breed of cat, dog or other type of pet?
Tagging @kindelwyrm , @elegiacescapist , @kittymaverick , @lysidas , @canis-x-lupus , @tindalosmalakia , @nightmaredaisy and anyone else who is interested!
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Hello to everyone. I wrote this a while ago, and today it seems like a good day to post it. As always thanks for reading. Enjoy 💜.
The quake was the first evidence that something was very wrong. When Sebastian arrived at the control cabin, the air was heavy with the smell of smoke, but there was no fire in sight.
He quickly scanned the room, but all he could see were the empty seats. He shouted his partner's name, but no answer was heard.
He sprinted to his bedroom, hoping he was asleep there, but he wasn't that lucky.
The last place he wanted to search was the most probable to be occupied.
He ran toward the engine room, and there he was.
Charles sat on the floor in the middle of the room and was surrounded by cables of all sizes and materials. They hugged his legs, and some seemed to be starting to climb his chest.
Seb quickly kneeled in front of his teammate, and called his name while cupping his cheeks.
"Charles? Can you hear me?" he whispered, hoping not to be too late.
The light touch seemed to shake Charles, but when he opened his eyes, they had an unnatural metallic hue to them.
"Charles, no. It's too dangerous. Let's get you out of here" he pleaded, even if he knew what Charles was going to say.
"Too late... Danger... Protect" were the robotic words he spoke.
"Charles, please. They are not worth your life. You don't owe them this" he wanted to cry.
Charles was going to almost completely fuse with the spaceship, trying to keep it together long enough to reach safety, so that their stupid mission was successful and their idiotic scuderia could gain new information.
It had been an honour to travel under the black horsed flag. Now it was becoming his worst nightmare.
He wanted to destroy the damned ship, but knew that it would only hurt the other man further.
He didn't have saints to pray, Gods to ask for help or mercy. He only had his beloved, this foolish brave young man, and he was slowly losing him, too.
He lowered his head, feeling the tears starting to fill his eyes and fighting them, when he felt a hand on his cheek.
He suddenly raised his head, staring in two differently coloured eyes. One inhuman blue, the other that natural green he loved, that reminded him of the Earth, of sunshine and mountains and lakes. The prettiest, most wonderful colour he had ever seen.
Both eyes were now crying, even if the face had no expression.
"Not them... You, Sebee" he pronounced these words with such conviction that Seb could do nothing but stare at him, letting the tears flow.
Then Charles closed his eyes, and didn't reopen them. He fell backwards, and even more cables moved to take his chest, his arms, his head, until all Seb could see was the right side of his face.
The ship shook once again, and now he could smell the burnt flesh of his beloved. He was burning up, branding his skin for a man who never had the courage to say me too, to say I feel the same, to say I love you more than I've ever loved anything or anyone and I don't know how to handle it and I'm scared you will soon realise you could have someone better, but if you'll have me I'll never leave your side for as long as you allow me.
And now he could have lost that chance forever.
The only thing he could do was wait and hope.
It felt like years had passed, not mere hours, when Sebastian opened his eyes.
He was sitting against a wall, facing the tangle of wires that hid Charles.
He suddenly stood up when it began to recede from him, leaving his unconscious body lying there, as he hadn't spent hours being fused with the ship. It was littered in small cuts and deep burnt markings, with rings of bruises circling his neck, arms and ankles.
He ran to him, and kneeled to check his pulse. It was steady, but he probably would sleep for a few days.
So Seb picked him up, and brought him to his quarters, slightly bigger and where he could always keep an eye on the younger man.
He was right. It took Charles two full days and a half to wake up, and when he did, it was almost worse.
He only spoke French, couldn't seem to recognise Seb and cried for only the Stars knew what reason.
Seb didn't abandon him, he couldn't. So he sat through all the tears, the light punches and the mumbled words.
He sat and stayed and waited, until all energy ran out and Charles passed out again.
It was the day after, when Charles woke up properly.
He was pale, and the shadows under his eyes were deep and almost purple, but he was awake, and he wasn't going anywhere.
"Ehi, Cha. How do you feel?"
"Like I've been chewed and spat out and chewed some more, same as usual. You? The ship?"
"Everything is ok. The ship isn't reporting any damage, and I'm, well, not fine. But you are here, and that's what matters"
Charles just looked at him for a couple of seconds, then softly smiled and lifted his arm.
"Come, lie with me. We are both tired" he almost whispered, and it sent shivers down Seb's spine.
"Charles, we need to..."
"Cuddle and rest. Then, we'll do anything you want" he interrupted the blonde.
But Sebastian was a weak old man, and the few days of solitude had taken their toll. So he lied down, hugged Charles and inhaled his scent.
"Only 10 minutes"
"Mhmh" agreed the other, already half asleep.
They, in fact, slept for more than ten minutes.
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So, this is the third and last part of this. I really loved writing it and sharing it, and I hope y'all like it too. Enjoy 💜
His eyes fly open.
He can't see. All he feels is pain.
He needs to protect. All he sees is red.
He hurts. All he is is gone.
He soon falls again.
When he wakes up, he is not alone.
Something rough and warm is touching his right hand.
He can sense the sun on his skin, so bright its light is basically white.
He feels -not better, per se- but not as bad as before.
When he tries to open his eyes, he finds he can only see the right side of the ceiling.
Ah, so this is it. He takes stock of all the pains he is feeling. The left side of his face is burning, he has for sure some broken ribs, and his right leg is in a cast. Well then, could be worse.
He tries to lift his head, but it requires too much energy he doesn't have.
So he simply shakes his hand.
Suddenly, the pressure on it squeezes back. Soon, a mass of curly blonde hair colours his vision, followed by a face so beloved he almost aches watching it.
"Seb" is all he manages, but for his lover it's enough. He starts crying, then he can feel the same drops raining on his face, and a gentle hand in his hair.
When he stops, Sebastian dries his tears, and just looks at him like he is a miracle. Charles honestly thinks it's the other way around, but he stays silent, old arguments left behind.
Then he remembers the kids. Pierre with the cut on her arm and Dani with the wide smile and fear in their eyes.
He doesn't even have to ask, because Sebastian is already answering.
"Pierre is alright. Lando healed her cut and now she is napping with the other kids. The other one..." and then stops, not looking in his eye, expression sad.
"Dani. They distracted one of the last monsters. It threw them at a wall before I could slay it" he says, and actually feels like dying. Now that he is awake and his body pains are somewhat lessened, it's other things that are truly starting to hurt. Friends lost, children killed, trust betrayed.
He momentarily closes his eye, needing a second of stillness and quietness.
Then he opens it, determined to not stop, not yet.
"Ok. One step at a time. The kids?" he asks.
"All four of them are ok, not one wound. They have been helping around" Seb says, and his heart breaks once again. One more thing to add to the to-do list: make sure the kids are somewhat mentally supported.
"Losses report?" he needs to be focused for this part, cynical. He needs to know who was lost, who is alive and who is hurt.
"Charles, you don't have to..." Seb starts, but the son of Aphrodite doesn't let him finish.
"Somebody has to. We need to know. And I'm just lying down, with no way to really help" he is about to continue, when this time is Seb that stops him.
"No help? Charles, you sacrificed your eye. You saved Pierre. You were ready to die. Now it's your time to rest, and let others handle this"
But Charles has always been stubborn.
"No. My job is not done" then continues, after a deep breath "I know I need to rest, but I can't. The thought of me sleeping while you work is unbearable. So please, let me help"
And Sebastian never learned how to deny him anything. He is not starting now. He just sighs, and starts talking.
"Before the split, we were 279. Then 114 left, leaving us in 165. Right now, in these tents, we are 89, mostly injured but only a few heavily"
That's bad, but he can't change anything. So he starts making a plan.
"Ok. It's like this. We need to search for anyone who is still out there but can't move. And also for those who are too scared to return. We send a group out, at least four elements, so they can split up into groups of two. I don't want anyone alone. Then we..."
"Stop right there. Repeat to me who we are looking for?" he knows damn well, but he wants Charles to say it out loud again, and realize how stupid it is.
"People who can't move and people who are too scared to return" he says, defiant and stubborn.
"No. We are not going to help traitors" he spits out, the only thought already making his blood boil.
"Seb, they are our siblings. We are not going to leave them"
"They betrayed us. They sided with the monsters that killed Dani. That almost killed you. That torn Kimi apart" he can't hold back the tears anymore. All Sebastian can see behind his eyelids is his best friend missing the lower part of his body, left on the streets to die alone and scared.
Charles doesn't say anything, giving them both a moment to grieve. He didn't know the other as well as Sebastian did, but the son of Khione was the first to know about them, even before they got together, and often teamed up with him against Seb, speaking French just to make Charles laugh.
"Seb, believe me, I understand how you feel, and I'm not saying we should just forgive and forget. But we are still family. We are not like the gods, petty and vindictive and resentful. That's how Mattia took power and divided us. We help them, we heal ourselves and then we start rebuilding. It's all we can do" he says, and knows he won, once again, but the deep hurt will remain.
"I don't think I'll ever forgive them"
"And I'm not asking you to. I'm just saying, we all need to do better. To make sure something like this won't happen again. So, are you going to be by my side, philtatos?" he asks, but only because he loves hearing Seb's response.
"Always and forever and beyond"
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So, part 2 of this. Faster than I imagined, but I really wanted to share this one. I honestly just love it. Enjoy 💜
And just like that, war is over.
The last monsters either turn into golden dust or run away from the Gods' fury.
At camp, Seb managed to protect the children. They are all safe, unharmed. They are alive.
Sebastian feels like he could cry for a week straight, then fall asleep for two months and wake up, just to start crying again.
But he still has duties.
Between the traitors and the fallen, they are gonna need every hand on deck.
First step: reassure the children.
They are four in total. The son of Apollo and the Hypnos kid are hugging so thigh he can't tell where one ends and the other starts. Then there is a daughter of Hephaestus that's just staring ahead, eyes wide and unseeing. The last one, the smallest one, his little sister, has a too heavy sword in her hand, and stands between her friends and Seb's back, the last line of defence if he was to fall.
When every threat is gone, he turns around to see all the kids are now crying, small bodies shaking with a weight that no one should bear, especially this young.
Sebastian falls to his knees, not caring about his wounds, and silently opens his arms.
The children rush to him, and the hug is like a balm for his battered heart.
This is why he stayed, to protect their futures.
When he disentangles himself from the hug, kids still clinging together, he looks around.
No one has returned, and he doesn't know what these old half burnt half destroyed wooden buildings could do to help even if they had.
He is about to stand up and start some sort of triage zone for the wayward wounded, when he feels his pant leg being pulled. His eyes meet the eyes of the son of Apollo, who left the arms of his friend but not their hand.
"I think we should go to the city"
He is shocked by this. The idea of bringing literal children to a battlefield horrifies him. He is about to firmly shut down the idea, when his sister speaks.
"We are useless here. There, we can help" as if it's normal, even expected, for these preteens to witness the horrors of the war.
"No, I'm not taking you. It's too dangerous" he hates the idea so much.
"We can help. We have to. We can heal them, or help them sleep" says the small child of Hypnos, and he hates that they are starting to convince him. After all, he has his own reasons for wanting to be there. Namely a pair of green eyes and two of the cutest dimples ever.
The last kid, the one that still hasn't spoken, is the final nail to the coffin.
"I know where we can find a car" she simply says, starting moving towards Hades knows where.
He'll just have to follow them and drive then. He doesn't even have a driving licence, for fuck's sake.
So he makes a plan. He is taking the children to the city. But first, he stops to prepare five bags with as many packs of ambrosia, bags of nectar and gauze as he can.
After giving one to each of the children, they start walking towards the car. There is no point in just waiting around, he tries to convince himself.
The car ride is bumpy, but nobody complains. They are all silently preparing for what they'll see, and storing all the energy they can master.
He leaves the car somewhere, and starts just going. He will find what he is looking for soon enough. It's destiny, after all, and he promised.
After two turns, they can see an improvised medic camp.
With his hands full of the smaller ones, he gets closer.
The first to notice them is Lewis. The son of Apollo looks exhausted, face pale and hands glowing. But when he is near, they just hug for the longest second ever.
"Seb, what.." starts saying Lewis, but his own brother interrupts him.
"We are here to help, Lew. I can help with small wounds so you can focus on the big ones, and Oscar can help people sleep, if we can't help them" Lando sounds so logical, and Sebastian really hates everything that led to this moment.
Lewis looks at the kids, then nods, sad.
"Ok. But I want you to never separate from each other, ok? You four stay together" the four demigods nod rapidly, only to disappear in the chaos.
Seb goes to follow them, but is soon stopped by Lewis.
He just looks at his friend in the eyes.
"Where is he?" he finally asks, needing to know what happened to Charles.
"I don't know. We saw you, well him, coming with your armour and making plans with some of the Athena's kids, then splitting his group and attacking" Lewis slowly shakes his head.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" he will not be useless as he was for the actual fight.
"Yeah, go find him. Bring him back, or carry his body back to us" with one final nod, Lewis disappears, going to heal as many people as he can.
Sebastian starts walking. He sees friends impaled and foes torn apart. A blond head without half of its body makes his heart stop. He thinks he recognises every body he sees, and he'll never be able to forget a single second of this, but none of them is the son of Aphrodite.
He keeps walking. He goes on and on and on for what feels like centuries, then a small sound makes him turn his head towards one of the lateral streets. There, sitting with a child under his right arm and another one with their head on his leg, that's where Seb sees Charles.
From this far away he can't tell if he is alive or not, so he moves as fast as his leg allows him towards the trio.
He must make some kind of noise, because the child quickly turns her head towards him and raises Charles' dagger, the black metal shiny in her shaking hands.
"Arrêtez-vous. Stop there, don't come closer" says the kid, shaking with fear but still protective of the other. Sebastian feels his heart warm just a bit. His lover has always been able to inspire absolute loyalty even after just a few minutes of people meeting him.
So he stops, and drops to his knees.
"Bonjour, je suis Sebastian. Charles est mon petit copain. Can I get closer, so I can help him?" he hopes his french is not so bad that the girl can't understand him. Charles was giving him lessons, but when he heard him speak his native language there was very little attention dedicated to learning, and a lot of focus on kissing.
The little one does a one eighty. She widens her eyes and drops the blade.
"You are Seb? He was talking about you before falling asleep. I tried to talk to him, but he said he was tired" the kid is now almost crying.
Seb walks closer and kneels in front of the girl.
"You did a wonderful job staying with him and protecting him. Now I'll take care of him" he tries to comfort the kid giving her a smile.
Then he looks at Charles, and everything stops.
His face is pale and with a bad cut from his eyebrow to his chin touching the left eye and his mouth and barely missing his nose; his chest, now free from his breastplate, is slashed open and his right leg lies at a strange angle.
And he has no idea what his internal conditions are.
When he goes to touch him, Seb sees Charles' right eye opening.
His lips mouth his name, but he emits no sound. Then his head minutely moves toward the body on his left leg.
How are they doing? I can't see, Charles seems to say. It breaks Sebastian's heart all over again.
When he looks at the body lying, he can see they are pale and not breathing.
He looks at Charles and shakes his head. Twin tears fall from his eyes, one salty water and the other bloody.
He slowly reaches towards the body, and lifts their head from Charles' leg to the pavement.
"Hey, what do you think about helping me carry him to the medical tents? There my friends will help him" he says calmly to the girl.
She starts shaking her head, and he frowns.
"I can't go back to camp. I have been bad. I followed my sister. I knew she was wrong but I still left. I can't " she starts crying, and starts to stand up and leave.
"Pierre, don't" starts Charles, trying to stop her.
Sebastian and her both stop breathing when he lets out a pained whine.
"You didn't hurt anyone and it's not your fault for your sister's choices" explains Sebastian, taking her hand and lightly squeezing.
Together, they manage to make Charles stand up, then as carefully as he can, Sebastian picks him up. He starts walking slowly towards the tents, two different hands holding his orange t-shirt, but he accelerates when he distinctly feels Charles' hand going lax.
They quickly reach the improvised hospital, and there Seb quickly finds Lewis already looking in their direction.
When he gets close enough, he deposits Charles on a makeshift operating table. He wasn't going to leave his side, but then he remembers Pierre.
Her big eyes are now watery, and he can clearly see she is holding her right arm.
After a silent conversation with Lewis, he takes her to the other kids.
Logan and Oscar are napping, while Lando seems to be rapidly falling asleep. Yuki stands guard, her face firm and fists tight.
When Lando sees Seb, he suddenly stands up.
"You're back" he says simply, half happy half surprised.
"Yes, and I brought a friend. She is Pierre, and she has a cut on her arm. Can you help her?"
"There is no need" says Pierre quickly, shaking her head. But the boy won't let go of her left hand, holding it tightly but gently, so Sebastian leaves them together.
He walks around the tent, not really seeing anything, too focused on where he needs to be.
When he reaches Lewis, his face tells him everything he needs to know. The situation is bad, and the son of Apollo doesn't know if Charles will survive.
Sebastian feels all the bones in his body shatter. After everything that has happened, he will get his happy ending.
He and Charles will go to college, studying environmental science and architecture respectively.
They will find an apartment and move together.
This is not the end. It cannot be.
So he just sits on a chair next to the table Charles is lying on, Lewis still stitching him up and muttering curses as much as prayers, and he himself starts praying to whichever divinity can help, no matter what pantheon they belong to.
He just needs this one favour, this one miracle.
Sebastian doesn't know how long he sits, but it must have been a while. So long he even falls asleep. He only wakes up because the kids arrive, looking dishevelled and tired. So he drops on the ground and just opens his arms. They are soon filled with little bodies.
After shuffling for a bit, they settle down. Skin contact is so needed and appreciated.
He spends the rest of the time watching in front of himself without seeing, and carding his hand through somebody's hair.
He only startles when Charles begins twitching.
He gently pushes the kids off his body, and goes to hold the other's hand.
He is now trembling so much he almost falls off the table.
Then, when he seems to have calmed down, Charles lets out the most animalistic scream of raw pain, back painfully arched, and collapses on the table.
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