#the reunion will be written
Hello everyone. New year, new story. This one is kind of a niche one. It's a PJO!AU, and also keep in mind the myth of Achilles and Patroclus. I wanted to write about destiny and tragedy, and maybe succeeding in escaping them. As always, comments are more than welcome. Enjoy💜
When Charles enters the room, he knows that this is where his battle starts, still miles away from the actual battlefield.
He gently pushes the door to the infirmary open, and is not surprised to see the other sat on the bed, looking as though he had tried to stand up but failed, with his head in his hands and a bandage already stained with blood on his left thigh.
The blonde looks up, and in his eyes he can see the red hue, but not because of his father's powers. They are bloodshot and puffy.
He'd like to kneel in front of him, rebandage his wounds and comfort him, but he can't. He has to be strong. For the camp, for their friends, for him.
So he just walks until he is in front of Sebastian, gathering enough courage to pose the fatal question.
Everything seems to vibrate with the sound of the incoming tragedy, history repeating itself, never ending sorrow.
"Seb, where is the armour?" That's it, quick, simple, clean.
Many emotions cross his face, and then they all disappear, leaving behind a blank mask.
"No" he says, final.
"Seb, you know I have to. I'm the only one that's left to do it" he can feel the fear starting to make itself known, but he can't let it win, not today.
"Charles, you are not doing it. We'll find somebody else. Hades, I'll do it myself"
Even if his tone is low, his words are firm.
"Seb, there is literally nobody else. It's either me or we lose" And just as he says it, the desperation is starting to feel like something solid.
"I said no. Give me some ambrosia and nectar and I'll deal with it" As he says the words, he pushes on the bed to stand up. It's not even a half step later that his legs give out, and his knees dropping on the wooden floor.
Charles could see it coming, but he did nothing to stop his fall or help him up.
"Sebastian, look at you. You can't even stand, and other ambrosia will kill you, we both know it. Just give it to me, and then..."
"And then what, Charles? I watch you leave camp to never come back? Because you and I both know how this story ends"
"Thanks for the vote of trust" But even as he says it, he knows it's not about trust. It's about prophecies, about destiny, about eternal returns.
But Charles has to raise his temper, so that this will be an angry goodbye, not a sad one.
And, just like he always does, the son of Ares sees through his strategy, and the fury quickly fades.
But without anger, all that's left is shaky voices and wet eyes.
"Charlie, please, listen to me. Stay here, at camp. Defend the children. Let me go" he says as if it's the most logical thing in the world. Or, even if it were, as if Charles is going to listen to logic. He never has. He is not about to.
"Seb, we could fucking see your femur through the beast's slashes like two hours ago. Nectar is not magic. I believe in you more than I've ever believed in them, but even you have your limits. We are still human, Seb" he keeps talking while helping the other on his feet, leaving one of his hands in his and intertwining their fingers.
"So help me put on your armour, then let's go doing what we can to save as many lives as we can" This time he doesn't stop the shaking, doesn't stop the tears, but keeps looking straight into Sebastian's eyes, trying to express all that he can't say through them, trying to impress the colours there into his mind for the last time.
Even as Seb shakes his head, Charles knows he has won. Not because of the power of his words that he will use to rile up every remaining fighter towards the battlefield, but because he can see the despair, hopeless and cruel and inescapable.
He presses his free hand to his cheek, and slowly kisses him as if they have all the time in the world. One last kiss, one last shared breath.
When he pulls back, Seb uses their connected hand to lead him to his cabin, limping slightly.
It's dark and empty, all his siblings guarding the still too young kids.
Gods, they all are still too young for this. But they don't have a choice, it's either this or failure, and failure is not acceptable, for neither of them.
Sebastian's bed is the one nearest to the front. His evident need to always protect makes Charles smile, and it also makes him fall even more in love with Seb.
From beneath it, the blonde takes what looks like the sturdiest armour of all times: the Celestial Bronze culrass shone into the low lights, the helmet with its red crest, the wooden aspis.
Charles accepted all of it, except for the xiphon. He will not leave behind his Bronzen spear, nor his Stygian Iron dagger.
Dressed in Sebastian's armour, with the long cheek guards hiding his face, he knows he can get the other campers to fight. He has to.
Sebastian stares at him, maybe thinking this is the last time they will see each other. But Charles knows it is not. Even if he were to die today, he knows his soul will find Sebastian's. Even in another life, they are predestined.
When he begins to turn, Sebastian gently raises his still tied hand to his lips and he kisses his wrist.
"We will meet again. I swear it on the Styx" he professes in ancient greek.
With a final smile, Charles turns towards the door, towards where all the other campers are bundled.
He isn't Charles Leclerc anymore, Monegasque son of Aphrodite with the most powerful charmspeak of the last 3 centuries.
He now is Sebastian Vettel, German son of Ares, ready to lead his cabin towards the battle, ready to win it.
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kapellputs · 2 months
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I’ve been rewatching a bunch of anime’s I used to be obsessed with, currently on saiki k! So here’s a kubokai doodle cause I forgot how into them I used to be!!
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milfleeta · 2 years
it’s the way that jadzia and lenara khan were allowed to show more intimacy in a singular episode in 1995 than seven and raffi have in three seasons of a show that began in 2020
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cedarxwing · 4 months
INTERVIEWER: When it comes to the potential of bringing Hannibal back, what would you love to explore if you got that opportunity?
HUGH: Is it the final book with Clarice--I'm forgetting which book it is now... Is it Hannibal, where he has Clarice under his care and is rebuilding her? I think there's a version of that story which is a full circle back to our first season.
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wingsofhcpe · 1 month
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Based on an idea I had for Tissaia in The Witcher 3: the Wild Hunt timeline for an rp server.
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call-me-oluss · 1 day
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89 letters
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lunar-years · 7 months
It’s actually extremely frustrating that Jamie reaching out to his father and attempting to make amends makes a lot of sense for who he is as a character, because the rush-job the writers did of showing it, plus having it collide it with “oh James Sr. is in rehab so ALL IS WELL father and son reunited in harmony <3” sends suchhh a dangerous message to abuse victims. im never not going to be pissed off about this
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greythroat · 1 year
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It actually blows my mind that I’ve seen 3 people insult (the real) Talulah as prideful or something along those lines, because…
She is the opposite of a prideful person. Her keeping her problems to herself and taking everything on herself doesn’t stem from any arrogance. In fact, she actually suffers from a lack of self-esteem and self-value. She tries to make herself less important; she is completely willing to sacrifice herself for others, tried to not hate anyone, and she doesn’t want to be a symbol or special. The immense responsibility she takes on without allowing others in is not because she thinks she’s better than others. If anything, it’s because she values her own self and well-being less than that of others. Her insecurity, no doubt stemming from her past in Lungmen and with Koschei, keeps her from accepting anything less than perfection from herself, which is why her ideals were literally and metaphorically tied to her sense of self (and will to control/continue her own life). That’s the most base reason she was possessed to me. Koschei, the manipulator he is, who helped shape Talulah into who she is, preyed on her weaknesses and drove her to the breaking point where she no longer had the ideals that drove her and lost her will to resist.
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itzzaira · 1 month
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During the fashion show event, Leo and Mikey found some outfits that look... familiar...
A bit... too familiar...
Oh well. Surely it must be nothing. They look good, after all!
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deadgirlwalked · 1 month
I want a swordfight with whoever wrote Arya & Sansa's reunion in GOT, to not even speak of the boxfight I'd have with them writing Arya & Bran's reunion
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apopcornkernel · 4 months
dick and jason have so many cool parallels especially if jason is a villain it actually makes their relationship more interesting and meaningful. the concept of brothers in blood is so great!!! please tell what you wish was different about this story!!!
hi anon!! thank you for sending me the ask like i begged in that post shfdjshkf
compulsory disclaimer: i like working within the confines of the text, when they aren’t rooted in misconceptions of the characters in the first place. i think pre-flashpoint pre-morrison jason deserves the same treatment and so does dick's view of jason considering all the other extenuating circumstances
ANYWAYS, my main issue with brothers in blood is that jason doesn't seem to have a plan like at ALL. he just shows up and starts killing people...? i i believe that dick's jason event was not fully capitalized on and that jason's character suffers for it. like he never really comes off as a fully threatening rogue, dangerous and cunning in his own right; his main schtick is "needless" violence and that's really it 😭
unlike with bruce and mia, for bruce jason literally engineered a drug coup, he ran circles around batman and taunted him with hints and clues slowly until the revelation of his return (after which bruce goes on a hunt for evidence himself to see if it's true). jason then maneuvered him into an impossible situation where he had to choose between letting jason kill the joker or killing jason to stop him from doing it, wherein jason not only bared his soul and anger and hurt but also pushed bruce to do the same. and when pushed to make the final decision, bruce is panicking. he's shaking, he can't think straight. and when he hits falsely he's completely distraught and i know that it haunts him.
and i think that's the type of psychological anguish jason should always be inflicting onto his opponents!!!! after mia's encounter with jason, she was like this:
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and that's after jason dug up her entire history and taunted her about it. and then he blew up her high school.
and guess what happened right before OYL, right before brothers in blood... yeah. devin grayson's trauma speedrun arc which culminated in the entire city of bludhaven being leveled by chemo
i honestly think that jason Would go there. and i think it would've made for a more intense fight, coupled with the resentment dick already displays in the comic! and i think it's a damn shame that brothers in blood flopped in execution when there was a lot of potential in its concept and setup :/
that's also why i don't like teen titans #29. jason comes off as just another jealous guy taking out his daddy issues on a teenager with no thought or regard for anything else but violence. his only semblance of a plan is in incapacitating the titans, and after that he doesn't really think anymore? jason's also unable to get a reaction from tim, like i said. jason is screaming out his feelings and going U REALLY THINK U COULD REPLACE ME???? meanwhile tim is just like: "mm yeah im better than you idgaf". it's really unsatisfying. i expected better from jason and in fact i do not think that he would be emotionally unstable enough to be this careless with tim. his biggest turmoil lies with bruce and even with BRUCE he's cunning. so,,, yeah
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i-am-become-a-name · 5 months
"Narvin, by picking up the sextant you risked your life. Your only life."
"Of course, and I'd do it all over again. Leela, I- I-"
"I know. I also know you want to ask me a question, and you know my answer - I cannot."
"I think I've known all along."
"If it was not this way, I would come with you. But Romana only lives while I serve. While we are apart... you are no longer alone, Narvin. "
"No. No, I'm not. None of us are. "
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folightening · 2 years
Reunited at last
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Too pretty not to share. Commissioned by bilo_art on twitter.
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justins-foley · 6 months
One thing that I find funny is that in 2x5, when Tommy and Grace reunite, the only adjective that he first uses to describe her husband is “rich” lmao
She says “As a matter of fact, I am happy in New York. And I am married” and he directly says “Oh yeah he’s rich, I know”
Lmao his ego really got bruised when he learned that she married someone rich 🫠. Pretty sure he was happy to invite her to his house so that she could see how much richer he got since they last saw each other. Men and their ego…
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strayheartless · 8 months
Maybe I’m stating the obvious here, but the reason I love ASG/AGS (whichever way you want to order it) so much is because the dynamic has the potential to be so delectable. It’s essentially two strong, confident, stoic looking gay/bi/pan (whatever floats your boat) men with there bratty bottom androgynous king of a boyfriend and I love it.
Like Angeal and Sephiroths love language with each other is silent support and gentle touch. They are both pretty low-key outside of their apartments and at work, but their comfortable enough to lean on each-other in a restaurant booth or hold hands in a mall. But they are not massive on PDA.
Unless Genesis is involved.
Because they are both fucking fools for that man. At work they put their foot down on professionalism. But they are powerless to stop him sprawling over them in restaurants, or messing with their fingers at dinner, or obnoxiously kissing them in broad daylight in the middle of a shopping district.
They have no power against holding him at the waist while he browses book shelves. There’s no struggle put up when he eats from their fork, or puts his feet in their lap.
And it’s 100% because they’re whipped.
Don’t think Genesis doesn’t know exactly the effect he has on his partners, because he knows. He abuses his power on them all the time cause he knows he’ll get what he wants from them when they get home. He knows their not actually mad, and that he can poke and kiss and prod all he likes cause his boys loooove him.
He can be as obnoxious as he wants because Sephiroth secretly likes showing him off. He can push his luck as far as he wants because Angeal is amused by it.
And on the occasion he pushes too far they tell him plain and simple and 9/10 times he sobers and stops pushing. The other one time is what leads to the training room incident.
Now don’t get me wrong, Gens strong and capable in his own right but he likes his position in his relationship because it’s a position of power. It’s not a healthy way to view it, but nothing about these losers are healthy.
Gen likes that he can get Sephiroth on his back by asking. He likes that Angeal will drop extra training with the puppy for a simple one word text. He adores that he’s the only one that gets to see them be sweet on eachother. That he’s the only one who gets to watch.
Gen likes the power and the privilege of being able to look a Sephiroth fan girl straight in the eye and crush her dreams. He likes the fact that Angeal fans activly despise their relationship because “he’s so bitchy! Why would someone like commander Hewley date him!?”
Gen knows the answer to that question. But he doesn’t kiss and tell 😘.
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padfootswhiskers · 6 months
i haven't read DH in years and years and idk if it's because i'm older now or what but i am legit distressed reading about lupin's reaction to tonks at the end of the seven potters 😭 (the s2 tenth doctor of it alll......!!!!) he is so fucking scared and angry, and harry's outsider pov (that isn't very good at picking up on romantic cues) is such a good way to describe it. idk. it's been hours since i set that chapter down and i'm still thinking about it!
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