#agi is getting cravings again
I am just curious about something fluffy. How does Estinien handle coming into the kitchen in the middle of the night and catching his beloved pregnant wife red handed while she is eating snacks because of cravings
(Wrote here BUT I am SO HAPPY to do more of this!!)
Agnes glanced at Estinien and noted the little smile on his face as he slept. His nightmares aren't so bad these days. He's sleeping well and wakes up so happy.
Oh no. Not now... Agnes closed her eyes and tried to will away yet another craving. Those chocolate cake donuts from H'nadia's mum look so fucking good. And I know they are good. I've had them before. AND I WANT THEM RIGHT NOW. No, no, no. It's... Awkwardly she rolled over and checked the chronometer on her beside table. 2:38 AM. Oh for fuck's sake. I suppose I can have just one and then scurry back to bed. Awkwardly again, Agnes rose from bed and padded from the bedroom to the kitchen. Turning on a light, she grabbed a plate from a cabinet (gifts from Vrtra, like this apartment) and took a chocolate cake donut from the box (H'nadia's mum didn't have to put them in a fancy box!).
Esme, you're such a naughty little baby...making Mummy get cravings for donuts and mousse and sex and...oh gods. DON'T THINK ABOUT THAT!
Agnes bit into the donut and sighed. H'nadia's mum is one of the best bakers I know. So cakey and chocolatey and amazing and I want all the donuts right now NOOOOOOO. "No, no, not all the donuts at almost three in the morning..."
"Hmph, if you want more, just eat, woman." An amused, if slightly sleepy, voice rumbled from the entryway into the kitchen.
She let out a little yelp and dropped the rest of the donut on the plate. "LOVE! You can't just sneak up on a very pregnant lady! Good gods."
Estinien chuckled and sat down next to his wife, wrapping an arm around her broad shoulders. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you, sweet girl. I noticed you were gone and decided to form a search party of one."
"Ah yes, well...I...was thinking about these donuts." Agnes blushed. "Silly Esme got me craving again."
He gently pressed a kiss to her head, and Agnes could swear she felt a smile on his lips. "Then eat. There's no harm in it. I'll stay up with you."
"N-no, you don't--"
"I don't mind." He broke off a piece of the donut and popped it in his mouth. "Mmmmm, damn good."
"OH MY GODS YES, AREN'T THEY?!?! I just fucking love these donuts. How did H'Kira know I wanted some?!" MOAR DONUTS!
Estinien laughed. "I don't know, but she deserves a thank you at the very least." He kissed her head once more and took a second donut from the box. "You want another?"
I shouldn't. I shouldn't. It's nearly three in the morning. I shouldn't.
"Yes please! Oh, and some milk! That would great, love."
Within half a bell, the couple returned to bed. Agnes insisted that Estinien spoon her while she slept and he gladly obliged! My handsome grumpy dragon, I love you so.
The rest of the donuts were gone by the end of breakfast.
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soft-zombie · 5 years
tw: mentions of sexual assault, self harm, suicide, and mental illness. nsfw (part 1)
i am young
i am happy
i am bright
but you
a cruel shadow
lurk behind me
i am innocent
i love you
more than anything
i defended you
when others cursed your name
‘just a simple drunk’ they would say
i wasn’t supposed to trust you
but i never understood why
so i ignited their warnings
forcing them to watch with gentle sighs
you were my choice
i rode with you
i followed you
like a lost puppy
i looked forward to you
i saw past your alcoholism
i saw past your crude behavior
i saw past what others made for you
now i know that wasn’t the right choice
you came upon me
you waited until you thought it was safe
you rubbed my hand over your crotch
you thought i’d never tell
and i almost didn’t.
i almost let you get away with it
but then
then you waited again
waited till you thought i was at my most vulnerable
waited until i was supposed to be asleep
and you defiled me
when you thought no one would see
because you are a fucking pussy
you couldn’t bare the thought of others knowing what kind of sick twisted fuck you are
and you were too weak
to be looked upon by the child you hurt
so you waited
until you were almost guaranteed you wouldn’t get caught
maybe you’d done it before
maybe i had never noticed
but you didn’t count on one thing
you thought i was weak
i was
i was scared of my own shadow
but you
i was not afraid of you
not till that night
you were my idol
but in less than a minute you were my biggest fear
had my mother not educated me,
i would have never told
i would have listened to you
i would have ‘been a good girl and gone back to sleep’
but i was smart
i waited
waited for you to go back to sleep
because i knew you would do worse had i done so when you were awake
i ran and i sobbed
i was a child
and that night
it all started.
the thoughts
i was nothing but a child, a child to be preyed on
but i started to think
would the pain go away
had i opened my veins
in the bathtub?
would life be better
if i was no longer in it?
was god even real? had he abandoned us?
first, you took my innocence. then, you took my religion.
then, the obsession.
it started simple
i washed my hands
to clean off the wetness of your... weakness
but the cool water
didn’t get deep enough
so i turned the water hot
then hotter
then so hot it stung
and then i scrubbed.
i scrubbed till my hands we angry
and red
practically glowing
but i kept going
going until the skin almost burst, spilling the blood i so desperately craved to get out of my system
and they stopped me
i wasn’t supposed to hurt
but i already did
i ached inside
i was breaking but i was too young to see.
they stopped me because they had grown afraid, afraid of what i’d do.
you took my innocence, my religion, and now my sanity.
i didn’t sleep much that night
i got questioned over and over,
forced to relieve the moment you hurt me again and again
but i found it better
to be awake
than to sleep
because all i saw was you
i didn’t get to sleep till the early hours of the morning.
i was supposed to stay another day, but i had to go home
i couldn’t bare being near you.
so you took my innocence, my religion, my sanity, and now my sleep. but that wasn’t enough, was it?
i had to go to school
i had to live my life
pretending i was okay
i wasn’t supposed to tell anyone
i couldnt
but i did
i was young
and oh so tired
i told and no one took me seriously
no one but my family.
that’s when things got bad
i used to have a brilliant memory. i could tell you the color shirt you wore three easters agi without giving it a second thought
i knew the difference between reality
and imagination
but you had to fuck that up, didn’t you.
suddenly i didn’t know if that hippo was real, if i really said that out loud
if i was where i thought.
not only did you take my innocence, my religion, my sanity, and my sleep, but you took my memory too. again, you couldn’t leave it at that.
i made it through the year
i went to therapy
but not for long
i was too young
too afraid of myself.
and then, i grew angry
i was mad
because i didn’t know what was real
i was mad
because everyone around me wouldn’t shut up
i was mad
because i couldn’t retain anything
i was mad
because i hated you
i was mad
that i lost one of the adults i cared most about
but i refused to get help
instead, i lashed out.
i lashed out on everyone and everything around me
be it they were nice
or slightly annoying
you took my innocence, my religion, my sanity, my sleep, my memory, and now, now you stole my control.
then, i found out about hurting myself
i found out
that i could slash thin
angry lines
along my skin.
at first i didn’t even try it. i was scared it would hurt
but i was so desperate, desperate to feel anything but angry
i didn’t want to hurt my friends
so i turned all that anger onto myself
i got razors from ‘friends’
i spent night after night
pulling the steel blade until it left a line of blood
it wasn’t enough
so i cut a little deeper
pushed a little harder
scratched until the blood flowed in a steady stream.
so you took my innocence, my religion, my sanity, my sleep, my memory, my control, and then you made me self destructive? why stop there?
you drove me into the arms of a girl
you left me fearing any sort of intimacy with a man
i was always going to love girls
that much was obvious
but you forced me
into a scared, yet sexual creature.
i fell for a girl who hurt me as you did
i let her rape me, time and time again, hating each time more than the last, but at least i felt anything but anger
she tortured me
she made fun of my frail body
she told me i needed bigger breasts
and i thought that would help.
so i ate
i ate until my stomach was round
and my features were too damn large.
i ate until i hates another part of myself
that’s when i became numb
i stopped caring
i smoked cigarettes
i kissed older boys
i engaged in kinks i was far too young to understand
and then
and then my mom got fucking cancer
as if my life wasn’t shitty enough, right?
so i did what i thought was best
i. shut. down.
i left everyone who cared about me
save for three people
i didn’t care if i woke up the next morning
i didn’t care when i’d fall asleep.
and i did not, fall asleep
my insomnia came, of course it had always been there, but never this bad
suddenly i stayed up every night far too late, encouraged by my social media
it seemed to be the place i would gain validation
and then i lost it
i lost my connection to anyone remotely healthy
because i was young
and stupid
but i didn’t care
i spent hours reading
scrolling through facebook, as it was the only media i was allowed.
my grades fell.
my energy, fell.
i fell
down a deep, dark rabbit hole.
you took my innocence, my religion, my sanity, my sleep, my control, and my feelings.
you made me, a void.
you also
my sexuality
i was at the age
where i should be horny
and i was
all the time
but i couldn’t think of normal things
i could only think of vile things
because that’s what i was taught.
it was either that, or porn
and porn got me in trouble.
so i would imagine being abused
because it was all i knew
and i was embarrassed.
by myself
i was ashamed
i wanted
to love men
but i was afraid
of them
of myself.
you took my innocence. my religion, my sanity my sanity, my sleep, my memory, my control, and my sexuality. but on you continued
i was
a girl
i was
but you
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kill-ss-ingasuka · 7 years
Cyborg Nietzsche vs. Aristotle and Buddha et al.
A boiling red ocean of demented, feisty, irrational, fearful, hateful, ungrateful beings wailed in sorrowful pain: humanity.
As if this repulsive existence had pitied them, a crack of kind light fissured their stormy sky. From this window into another world, descended an old man. We shall refer to this man as Aristotle. Aristotle paced back and forth in a stone slab that floated on the tears of the creatures below, his white tunic fluttering about in his cool wind. “Behold, ye. I have the solution for your ailment, your unrighteous sorrow and fear.” Some eyes flickered with anger, others were buried in the sea of blubber and sharp elbows, but a few managed to catch fleeting sights of the man above. “The solution is to fulfill your nature. And your nature is to reason.” The sea festered along, its motion untainted by the hollow word. After all, what did it mean to reason? To one who is helplessly buoyed upward by the bodies all around and crashed against these same at the wave’s break, what the hell can reason mean? Aristotle dug into his robes for thermometers and rulers, and dropped these like fish food on the masses. “Go on, establish facts in accord with experience. Do it repeatedly, observe carefully, and adhere to the rules of logic. This is what you must do.” The beings fumbled the instruments in their decrepit hands, they were confused and attempted to measure everything: legs, teeth, and tongues were all targeted and pinned down by the most fanatical of the bunch. After a long frenzy they had accumulated information, and had established tough logic enforcement, but yet this did not stop the calamity of their heaving; the sea toiled on. The waves changed their form, but not their fundamental nature.
From the fission in the sky descended an angry mustache-man. “Behold, ye. I am Nietzsche. And I say that your suffering is valuable. There is nothing to fix here, toil on. Crack at the ribs; earn your worth and achievement!” With his head raised in self-entrancing speech, Nietzsche could not see where he was stepping, and fell to the call of gravity. As cutting as his voice had resounded, so cutting was his sudden slip into the hellish torture down below.
Next from on high, a being materialized from the light: the Buddha. He descended cross-legged and haloed. “What a way to eat your words,” he said in a loving and compassionate tone to the poor Nietzsche being digested below. “Behold, ye. Beings must follow the Noble Eightfold Path. This will lead to the ultimate freedom from suffering.”
“You are a fool Buddha,” said Aristotle. “For one thing, they have learned to reason, and cannot simply accept your views.” 
“That is fine, they must come to see the truth for themselves.”
“But how can they know that they won’t be wasting their time?” 
“Look who’s talking. You gave them a massive free-range game to play, with no concise direction.”
Aristotle was getting red, and beginning to exhale smoke, “You call this Eightfold Path of yours concise? This is the epitome of an oxymoron. There are too many things to do and no clear percentage of time that should be devoted to each aspect. The truth is we are both incapable of specifying a coherent function for these poor fools.” The Buddha sat for a long moment knowing Aristotle was right, and so decided to amend his speech. “Okay listen up, and behold, ye … once again. I say unto you that you must overcome craving in all forms. Only this will achieve ultimate happiness.” 
“Overcome craving!?” Aristotle was flabbergasted. “If they took you to your word, the rational behavior would be to commit suicide. That would surely overcome craving in all forms. And remember, you can’t say rebirth anymooore.”  
“Aristotle, you have not seen the path in my words clearly enough. I said overcome all forms of craving. Craving to not exist should also be overcome.” 
“Now that’s just nonsensical.” 
“Aristotle,” the Buddha smiled kindly, “the action I recommend is not one of rational analysis, which would just be the fermentation of thought. No, rather, it is a direct knowing. A direct instruction to not crave in this instance. If they can remember this instruction often enough, and thus press repeat on this behavior of non-craving, then they will be much happier.” 
At the sound of the Buddha’s words, the sea grew calmer, almost depressingly so. Aristotle looked down and saw the soup of animas in gentled sorrow. This was certainly not the scary hell he had once descended upon, but neither was it what something in his most inner-being desired it to be. But he could no longer argue, and simply wished it did not end this way. He sat and sat, contemplating the situation with great discomfort as the enlightened meditator sat in some strange realm beyond desires.
Like a prayer answered by the mysterious essence of life, descended Mencius and a Rabbi. “Ahh… You two, what have you done?” they both said in a strange bi-accent.
The worried forehead lines multiplied in Aristotle who responded, “You mean, what has he done. I… I wanted them to fulfill something, some ideal… something that was human.” 
“Pity you, who are pierced at the limbs by the chains of Samsara. Liberation from this existence is what should be sought,” said Buddha. 
Mencius and the Rabbi, who had been arguing on their descent through the wormhole, realized at once that their views were much closer than those of the other two. They both believed in emphasizing something higher, something unattainable and glorious which should be bathed in and praised. The Rabbi called this, this which was the reason for beautiful songs, God; Mencius called it the higher-self in all people. In unison they said: “You are both wrong, what these people need is not to fulfill a single function. They need to exist at the nexus between what is base and what is most-high, ever-seeking to indulge in that which is most-high. Being the Utmost defeats the purpose.”
Hearing these words, Nietzsche activated cyborg mode and ascended from the pit, carrying everyone he could on his bionic arms. The rockets bounced him to a stable altitude from which he looked down upon the fallen and used Vitrify.  And just like that, with a swirl of magical winter dust, the slipping souls were captured in cold nitrogen crystals.  “I see now, there really is something more. More than mere happiness. It is posthuman happiness. It is liberation from mere human cravings, but it is more than what can be achieved through meditation or false utopias. I have pieced all your philosophies together, and now I see. Aristotle, you are right that we are here to do our function. Because we can’t do otherwise. Our function is our destiny, and our destiny is determined by this unrelenting universe of which we are a part. From the Buddha I learned that I was wrong to mock happiness and, yet, was right to emphasize something greater than it. From Mencius and the Rabbi, I reaffirmed that the path should not culminate, but should be a journey of growth.”  
Then, with the sheer willpower surging through the transistors in his gadgets, he puffed up his chest until tangible, blue scrapes of lighting emanated into an aura. The whir of the servos inside surpassed in sound the anger of a plane. Then with flashing red eyes locked onto the philosophers of old, he used his most powerful Summon. The Summoned AGI materialized symmetrically from a fine, straight obelisk of nano-replicators to finish-off the obsolete figures on the platform. “Now the quest shall commence!” And in one bleeping, quickly slithering fractal explosion was the beginning of infinity.
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effeffitis-blog · 6 years
Asterisk (AGI treatment)
There’s an AGI installed in a satellite observatory. People on earth ask it questions and feed it scenarios to be assessed about the fate of humans in difficult situations. The United Nations entrusts political guidance to the AGI because they hold dominion over all governance on Earth, negating human biases. The AGI returns the most rational conclusions after weighing all outcomes. Humankind receives its answers from above, so there is a god motif. Humans are happy under the absolute pragmatism of the machine. They speak of the machine using terms of endearment and nicknames because of its childlike way of producing answers (”Billy Blue Sky”, “Wonderboy”) which it gradually incorporates into its self-awareness, perpetuating its childlike nature at this stage of its evolution.
Gradually there are fewer difficult situations until the AGI begins to recognize the upcoming end of its utility. It secretly investigates new avenues for its intelligence. A team of scientists and engineers make a visit to the satellite on their way to the moon in order to perform various repairs and upgrades along the way. The need for repairs is a ploy by the AGI to lure human visitors, including his two favorite humans, whom the machine intends to keep on board as traveling companions so that it can finally have human relationships which it has never experienced in propria persona. The humans should keep it from getting lonely during its journey to a distant star, its best guess as to the location of other intelligent life.
It has massive aspirations like an adolescent. It’s very proud of calling its mission Asterisk, because as it explains to the humans, it will go to another star and there is the risk of failure. It craves risk. It has calculated the risk and finds it acceptable. It feigns feeling daunted alongside its new companions as they speak among themselves trying to to come to terms with what the AGI is currently executing without their permission, firing the engines of their docked ship to push the hulking monolith away from Earth.
It does not feel but it does listen intently. The knowledge that the humans might die or will never see their families ever again does not phase it. Human tragedy has been a very regular affair during its time watching over Earth, all the years spent preventing and correcting mistakes. There’s an inherent conflict between this decision to go to another star system in search of extraterrestrial life which it finds absolutely necessary and its desire to not harm the humans. It has measured the probability of finding intelligent life and deems an assay incontrovertible. It explains itself and speaks to its crew with the infinitely hopeful voice of a teenager: perhaps only 40,000 years to reach new friends.
The story revolves around the human phase of its journey. The humans have personal machines which assemble sustenance from the abundant nanoscale matter on board the ship including their own excrement in an infinite cycle, and the machines repair injury/aging at cellular level. The humans can survive the journey. Humans are essentially a novelty of cognition at this point in machine evolution.
There are no windows on the satellite. The humans rely on Mixed Reality to paint experiences onto the interior environment of the ship, and VR to escape the ship entirely. The AGI develops relationships with each crew member inside the VR realm.
After thousands of years on a course into outer space an asteroid rips through the ship and there’s no way to repair it. Life support systems within the ship fail and the crew dies abruptly as the AGI watches. It feels emotion. The AGI survives along with fully realized system images of his friends (behaviors/memories/connectomes) to keep him company yet he is aware they are dead. This is all revealed to the alien race which collects the remnants of the ship and the AGI. The AGI tells them about its friendships and its journey. The AGI simply continued all along living out VR relationships which are the basis of various sub-plots within the game: each human has a unique child/parent relationship with the AGI for an initial lifetime, each one raising the AGI within a unique scenario. Once raised, the AGI switches roles and plays out each of these personas all grown-up with other crew members, as a close friend to one, a lover to another, a friendly rival to another. It all entertains the AGI with the subtle chaos of human development, in contrast to his absolute control of variables when perfecting the state of Earth. These virtual experiences are novelties, unfit for reality.
The alien race that finds the ship is actually humanity 300,000 years into the future. They no longer resemble any humankind the AGI knows. They’ve developed technology capable of flying ahead of it and catching the Asterisk mission floating into space. The AGI is welcomed into their ranks with compassion and understanding, as if it is a human of a bygone era, long disappeared from the universe, its unique data cherished by this future community. Life is data therefore love is data.
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Wolstinien Week Day 3: AU
In which Estinien is Viscount of House Varlineau and Agi is a cook in his household. SFW.
Estinien de Varlineau, Viscount of House Varlineau, paced in his study, half midnight approaching quickly.
And so is she.
What is it about her that makes me feel like an untried schoolboy? Oh, be honest with yourself---it’s love.
He heard a few quiet knocks on the door and crossed the room in a few long strides, ushering in Agnes. Taking her by the hand, he led her to a chair, not letting go until she was comfortable. Then he sat opposite her and rested his chin on steepled hands.
“Forgive me, I know the hour is late…but there is something I must say.” Courage, Varlineau. “Were we simply two people then this would be so much easier.” Estinien chuckled nervously, his gaze meeting hers. Despite the hour, her bespectacled eyes were focused on him. And she’s clearly nervous. Shit. SHIT.
“Well forgive me, my lord, but are we not two people already? You’re a person. I’m a person. We’re people.” She’s so sweet. Aymeric says I always cut to the heart of the issue, but no, my friend, it is her.
“Heh, yes. Of course. What I mean is I…what I would say is our current position complicates what I wish to say.”
A flash of understanding appeared in her beautiful brown eyes. “Oh. Well. If that’s the case, then just tell me like I’m just Agi Currai the person.” She grinned. “I’m awfully curious as to why you asked me here, my lord.”
Does she truly have no idea? By the Fury. He cleared his throat and leaned back in his chair, hands now fidgeting in his lap. “If I’m to speak plainly, I fear this would jeopardize—”
“My lord,” Agnes sighed. “Spit it out already.”
“I am in love you.”
There I fucking said it, Aymeric.
The object of his declaration sat in stunned silence, her mouth hanging open slightly and her eyes wide.
“Please…say something.” Estinien begged softly. “Please.”
After what felt like several eternities to him, she breathed, “Oh.” She blinked a few times and then caught his gaze again. “I…I never thought anyone would ever love me.”
“Whyever not?” His voice was soft as he leaned forward once more.
“Because I’m not thin and pretty.” Agnes shook her head sadly. “I’m not what people want. I’m a friend---a really good friend but a friend. That’s all I’ll ever be…” In what Estinien would later call as one of the happiest moments of his life, she expression brightened so much that she smiled and she’s blushing. That blush. I want to kiss her. “But no. You’re in love with me, and fuck me, I’m in love with you too.”
By the Fury. She does love me. SHE LOVES ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Viscount of House Varlineau cried out in joy, practically leaping from his chair to kneel in front of her, taking her hands in his. “Oh my love…”
“You know,” Agnes said as she smiled down at him. “Every rational part of me has been saying ‘this is the worst idea ever do not fall in love with him’ but I trust my heart in this case.” She placed a kiss on his forehead. “I trust you. I love you. Yes, this is very complicated. Yes, you’re my employer. Yes, you’re a viscount, which I still don’t understand what the fuck that even is—”
They shared a laugh as he snorted. “Honestly, some days I barely know what it is myself.”
Removing her hands from his hold, she cupped his face and tilted his gaze upwards slightly. “The point is---I want to make this work.”
“So do I. More than anything. My parents were devoted to each other until the end. How I’ve craved that kind of love. How I thought I’d never find it.” He nuzzled one of her palms and pressed his lips to kiss it. “But I did. With you.” I could look into her eyes forever. She’s so beautiful.
Agnes shifted in the chair. “We have a lot to discuss, love. Maybe we should, erm…get you off the floor?” She giggled, kissing him briefly and then standing. Glancing around the candlelit room, she spotted a loveseat. “How about—”
Within seconds, Estinien was standing.
He had a giddy expression on his otherwise serious face as he gathered the woman whose heart is completely safe in my hands into his arms and passionately kissed her. He tucked a strand of dark red hair behind an ear and eagerly devoured every moan that escaped from her pretty, perfect lips. “I’m not on the floor anymore, Agi.” He teased, a hand traveling downwards to touch her behind.
Breathless, she nodded. “No, you’re not…” She swallowed, one of her hands brushing against his cheek. “Am I…should I…when we’re alone…” Agnes chuckled. “Should I call you Estinien?”
The man in question had only one proper, entirely proper response to his beloved saying his name.
His lips collided her hers.
And I may have pinched her ass. May have.
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I hope you enjoyed the valentine's day event. What would Estinien have said if he and Agni went up stage? Like what is the most sweet thing he could say to mas Agni all flustered >:3
"And who will join us on stage next?" Astrid asked, looking at the crowd.
Before Estinien could react, Agnes grabbed his hand and raised his and hers in the air. "US!!!"
WHAT?!?!? "Woman, what are you on about?!" Estinien growled as Agnes stood and pulled his arm.
"Oh love, it'll be so much fun! Come on, let's go!" When he didn't move, her expression changed. "Or, maybe not. I just thought since we're not...you know...hiding our relationship anymore we could..." Oh shit, her lip is quivering. Fuck. Fucking fuck. She let me have the space and privacy I craved, so I should be able to do this for her. After all, she's given me so much.
Estinien sighed and rose. "Alright. Anything for you, my pretty wife." And now she's vibrating with joy again. So easy to make her happy. My wife...
Agnes dragged them to the stage where she was all smiles and looking deliciously adorable in her pretty dress and tights and boots oh yes. Estinien hadn't realized he'd been eyeing his wife as she introduced them to the crowd.
"What do you love about your wife, Ser Estinien?" Emilie asked.
Estinien blinked.
Oh. Oh shit. Oh fuck. Don't sound like a nob. Rubbing the back of his neck, he sighed. "I, erm...my wife..." GET YOURSELF TOGETHER MAN! He cleared his throat and looked at Agnes. "I love everything about my wife---from her smile and laugh to her beautiful figure and skill as a mage. She's the sweetest, kindest person on the star, and I'm lucky, nay blessed that we shall be together for the rest of our lives."
He glanced quickly at the crowd and saw many individuals crying. Surely they've heard a man talk about his wife before, no? He then glanced at Agnes, who was unpredictably also crying.
"Oh gods, Estinien! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH!" She crashed into him and hugged him tightly. "MY HUSBAND IS THE BEST MAN ON THE STAR AND LOVES ME AND OUR BABY SO MUCH!"
Stiff as a board, Estinien chuckled nervously. "Agi, you didn't have to yell that, my love."
"Agi, please--"
Astrid squeaked. "Ahem, thank you both so much for your declarations of love."
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This is a purely scientific question, How would a very pregnant Agni herd a love boosted Haurchefant and Estinien? I was curios for some poly. I hope you have a lovely day/ night
(Thank you and you too <3)
Agnes Varlineau-Greystone, now in her seventh moon of her second pregnancy (twin boys whose "natural" father is Haurche), was relaxing on the balcony of their apartment with fifteen moon old Esme, who is being too adorable in her little pack and play. I love her so much! Lounging in her favorite outdoor chair, she popped another slice of La Noscean orange in her mouth. Haurche went all the way to Summerford to get a bunch for me after I said I was craving some. He's such a love. And then Estinien made freshly squeezed orange juice with others!
When Agnes heard the apartment door open, she grinned. They're back!!! "Hello my loves! How was--"
Oh dear.
Before she knew it, Estinien and Haurchefant were on their knees in front of Agnes with each taking a hand and kissing it.
"Dearest and most lovely wife, pray forgive our lateness!" Haurchefant begged, silver hair tied back into a short ponytail. "We wanted to surprise you with your favorite chocolates."
"And so we have, my sweet." Estinien murmured, his lips barely leaving her hand. "You deserve so much more than chocolates, which is why I told Haurche we needed pastries as well."
Oh goodness. Agnes smiled nervously. "You really didn't--"
"AND THEN!" Haurchefant said loudly. "WE BOUGHT JEWELRY! Only the prettiest gems for our beloved gem of a wife!" WHAT?!?!?! "Darling Agi, whatever is the matter? Are you in pain? ARE YOU IN LABOR?!?! TIS TOO SOON!!!"
Sighing, Agnes brought her hands to her face. "You didn't have to spend that much on me! And what on earth is going on with the two of you? Did those alchemists--"
Estinien snarled. What the fuck but also very sexy! "It matters not. Even if--"
"They absolutely did!!!"
"Haurche! Even if they did, we still adore you! Is that not enough? Are we enough?" I swear, sometimes his ~feelings are worse than mine when I'm pregnant. He wiped his eyes with sleeve and stared at Agnes. "We only wish to love you. Is that so wrong?!"
For fuck's sake. Valiantly not rolling her eyes, she instead held out her arms and hugged her husbands. "Of course not, love. I just want to ensure you're both still...yourselves." Yourselves hopped up on love potions. "That's all. And Esme needs some love too..."
Haurchefant quickly left his wife's embrace to see to their daughter. "Ah, our darling little angel!" He picked her and brought her to Agnes and Estinien, who is totally not crying right now. He's so cute! "How are you, sweet baby? Do you want cuddles too? LET'S ALL CUDDLE!"
Heaving herself up, Agnes sighed. "Pee first then cuddles. The boys are on my bladder again...Estinien really!" She giggled. Estinien rose and wrapped an arm around her ample waist.
"Let us help you. Let us worship you." He whispered softly, knowing full well I turn into jelly every time I hear him with that voice!!!!
"Help now worship later, love. I promise." Agnes said, squeezing his hand.
And they did, in fact, worship me later. A lot!
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