#moar donuts
I am just curious about something fluffy. How does Estinien handle coming into the kitchen in the middle of the night and catching his beloved pregnant wife red handed while she is eating snacks because of cravings
(Wrote here BUT I am SO HAPPY to do more of this!!)
Agnes glanced at Estinien and noted the little smile on his face as he slept. His nightmares aren't so bad these days. He's sleeping well and wakes up so happy.
Oh no. Not now... Agnes closed her eyes and tried to will away yet another craving. Those chocolate cake donuts from H'nadia's mum look so fucking good. And I know they are good. I've had them before. AND I WANT THEM RIGHT NOW. No, no, no. It's... Awkwardly she rolled over and checked the chronometer on her beside table. 2:38 AM. Oh for fuck's sake. I suppose I can have just one and then scurry back to bed. Awkwardly again, Agnes rose from bed and padded from the bedroom to the kitchen. Turning on a light, she grabbed a plate from a cabinet (gifts from Vrtra, like this apartment) and took a chocolate cake donut from the box (H'nadia's mum didn't have to put them in a fancy box!).
Esme, you're such a naughty little baby...making Mummy get cravings for donuts and mousse and sex and...oh gods. DON'T THINK ABOUT THAT!
Agnes bit into the donut and sighed. H'nadia's mum is one of the best bakers I know. So cakey and chocolatey and amazing and I want all the donuts right now NOOOOOOO. "No, no, not all the donuts at almost three in the morning..."
"Hmph, if you want more, just eat, woman." An amused, if slightly sleepy, voice rumbled from the entryway into the kitchen.
She let out a little yelp and dropped the rest of the donut on the plate. "LOVE! You can't just sneak up on a very pregnant lady! Good gods."
Estinien chuckled and sat down next to his wife, wrapping an arm around her broad shoulders. "Sorry. Didn't mean to scare you, sweet girl. I noticed you were gone and decided to form a search party of one."
"Ah yes, well...I...was thinking about these donuts." Agnes blushed. "Silly Esme got me craving again."
He gently pressed a kiss to her head, and Agnes could swear she felt a smile on his lips. "Then eat. There's no harm in it. I'll stay up with you."
"N-no, you don't--"
"I don't mind." He broke off a piece of the donut and popped it in his mouth. "Mmmmm, damn good."
"OH MY GODS YES, AREN'T THEY?!?! I just fucking love these donuts. How did H'Kira know I wanted some?!" MOAR DONUTS!
Estinien laughed. "I don't know, but she deserves a thank you at the very least." He kissed her head once more and took a second donut from the box. "You want another?"
I shouldn't. I shouldn't. It's nearly three in the morning. I shouldn't.
"Yes please! Oh, and some milk! That would great, love."
Within half a bell, the couple returned to bed. Agnes insisted that Estinien spoon her while she slept and he gladly obliged! My handsome grumpy dragon, I love you so.
The rest of the donuts were gone by the end of breakfast.
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anonymouscheeses · 5 months
Obvious shit I noticed part 3 (spoilers for welcome to heaven)
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Look at her! "Teehee"
Also she's nervous! Foreshadowing omg 🤯
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STICKERS! Two pride stickers and a cute donut. Gives me an idea to draw Chaggie at a donut shop while everything is burning down <3 (I'll probably do it but if any artist wants to as well go ahead!)
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Vivzie give me more, moar now. MOAR
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DAMN. SHE CAN THROW- or maybe it just exaggerates the perspective in this frame but still- ZAMNNN
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Cherri x Sir Pentious fans RISE UP.
I wasn't ever really a fan of it myself but I always thought it was CUTE. Like 3 seconds before this part I was already begging for them to kiss 😭
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More foreshadowing!
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Oh wait- Sera's hot and Emily's already adorable
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If heaven don't look like what this is in the show, I DONT WANT IT! (THATS A JOKE PLEASE DON'T SMITE ME)
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JEALOUS GIRLFRIEND VAGGIE!! Can I just say how much I love Vaggie's face expressions? Not just here but like all the time. She's just made to be so exaggerated, out of all of them I thought it would be Charlie who would have the most dramatic faces but Vaggie wins it for me. I JUST GIGGLE SO HARD WHEN SHE LOOKS LIKE THIS BAHAHAH
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Okay yeah. It's very obvious now. Vaggie is definitely an ex-exterminator. They don't close in on Charlie here so it's made to subtly nudge the attention to Vaggie. HOW DID THEY IMMEDIATELY NOTICE IT WAS HER THO??
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That's it.
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But overall the design is pretty meh. I always loved the idea of short hair Vaggie and even have seen art of it but it's just yknow, alright. Reminds me of Cassandra from Tangled: the series. IM LISTENING TO ONE OF THE SONGS RIGHT NOW HELPPP
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THIS SCENE HERE! WOOOOO! SO GLAD WE KNOW WHEN AND WHERE THEY FIRST MET!! Wish we got it extended tho. And also probably push it to next episode so it would have a better impact(atleast I think thats when they'll have the duet). BUT WHATEVER SOMETHING IS BETTER THAN NOTHING! or uh whatever
Vaggie must've been a bit terrified at first. The only sinner she ever sent mercy to was a child. Then to see someone who to her is an adult sinner who just looks really human, that must be crazy. BUT THEN IF SHE WAS TOLD THAT CHARLIE WAS ACTUALLY THE PRINCESS OF HELL? HOOOO, LOCK IN AND STEAL HER. THAT'S SOME WATTPAD SHIT. Also, I wonder how long Charlie thought of redeeming sinners. It would make sense to be after meeting Vaggie, since it could have been a wake up call to the fact not all sinners are bad people. Even though Vaggie isn't a sinner technically, Charlie didn't know that at the time. But maybe Charlie was always like this but just needed to meet someone who could start her dream with her. Long rant uhhh
Haha penis 🫵
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Lute looks like a basic asf anime gorl. Adam doesn't ever take his helmet off, or maybe he just can't. OH HE'S DOING THE GAY SIGN 💅💅 Very appropriate for what he's saying
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Mentor, apprentice. I love that Husk is just trying to help Angel grow but isn't going to force him into it if he doesn't want to.
Im not a fan of huskerdust and think they'd be better friends as I can't imagine a relationship with them at all. But it's still nice and they are supportive of eachother so that's like- yknow. Basic rules. Or something like that. (HELP. I ruined it all at the last part)
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Ooo... I didnt like this part at all... Instead of making the choice she just runs off. Then because the plot demands it, Adam says nothing. Kinda whish she atleast avoided the question, maybe in some way that would require actual thinking? For a character like Vaggie, she could choose either way and it feel like it's still her. If she chose to protect Charlie's dream, she would still be perfectly loyal to her but in the act of so would reveal a secret that could harm their relationship(which does happen at the end but that's because the plot wanted it like that). If she chose to side with Adam, she'd be hurting Charlie emotionally, sure, but it would keep a secret that could make Charlie see Vaggie less than who she is to her already(atleast what Vaggie might think would happen). Imo it should've been her deciding to protect Charlie, since it would mean she's devoted to her at all times.
ANOTHER THING! IF SHE COULDN'T MAKE THE CHOICE, THAT IS SOMETHING INTERESTING TO GO INTO. Maybe it could go deeper into how Vaggie doesn't know who she is without Charlie. So when she has a choice to make, like here, she can't do it without feeling the need to ask Charlie. BUT NOOO, YA HAD TO GO WITH THIS!! Wow. That was a long ass rant. Wtf 😭
Maybe I'm a dumbass. Maybe they'll talk about that next episode, but still, atleast touch on it a bit to not seem rushed?
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Angel looking out for his kids like a mom. We always did need the motherly figure, the one closest to that being Charlie but girl needs a mother in her life too(damn, wait, I did her so dirty).
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Huh, so why does it work here then? 🤨🤨 if it was said in the contract that Valentino can do whatever he wants only in the studio, then why is this the exception? 🤨🤨
Yes I'm stupid. Why do you ask? (No genuinely what's happening here)
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OH ITS THE IMAGE! I really like Sera so far, hope we get more of her soon or in season 2.
Now that we know the context of this, yeah, that's fucking insane. And badass. WOMEN.
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HMM. THATS STRANGE. DID YOU NOT FOR ONCE THINK THERE COULD BE A POSSIBILITY SHE MIGHT HAVE BEEN AN ANGEL? Okay I probably wouldn't either but I have an excuse, I'm an idiot. Some girl with a standing out outfit, with one eye, looks unusually human, right after/during the extermination... that's pretty solid ass proof. But I'm dumb so don't take anything i say seriously :D
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Imagine this. No- shit. Just-
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Vaggie is DESPERATE. PLEADING. That's obvious yeah, but don't mind me I had nothing to say for the last 3 images I just thought they were cool
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I mean. Slay I guess. 😍💅
Do all the exterminators look similar or is it just Lute and Vaggie? 🤨
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Even though Vaggie and Charlie may be going through this horrible thing with a hard punch in the gut, but Vaggie is always going to comfort her and I just think that's so adorable.
Also Adam looks like a chicken hah.
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Everyone fears to be like Lucifer. If they don't do bad things they believe are for the greater good and make sacrifices that put them higher than those in hell, they could themselves be fallen. It's really interesting but I don't know if it's going to be fleshed out enough with the amount of episodes left. Which also worries me about everything else that still hasn't be concluded. There's gonna be loose strings I just know it. Hopefully though they rather do that then rush everything out y'know?
I want the next episode to be mostly focused on Vaggie and Charlie's relationship and the healing of what happened. Not for the entire episode of course, it would feel drawn out if it did, but atleast address the problem for the first like I would say 10 minutes? Then the rest would focus on one or two loose threads while also having Vaggie and Charlie acting upon moving on. That's just my idea but yeah-
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hellish-crew · 2 years
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2DAY.... i decided 2 experiment with how i draw facez >:3 and i decided kelly is the purrfect subject 4 my experiments >>:) so here he is! ^.^ i thought maybee to try draw faces a lil moar like in the art from donut hole bcuz i LUV that song!!!
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zumpietoo · 13 days
But First....
Apparently not done with "the hair"---or how much better SweatBoi iz than Cole...
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Umm.....noooo, it looks the same as it did, because she still overprocesses it. Speaking of, I thought she also has alopecia? What happened to THAT? Cuz actual alopecia? Doesn't work that way...
TBF, cutting off all that damage WAS a good move and it's likely less damaged now that she isn't having it styled, etc, every day....but IDK even WTF Snorty's yapping about, because all of PP's pics have had it in the usual sloppy, unwashed ponytail.
And she looks old, h
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eavier and verrryyyy botoxed
How sad is it that you're THIS parasocial and batshit, Snorty? And doesn't seem to me like CB's especially "nice", period....buttt....your proof he is and Cole wasn't? We know enough that, in fact, PP's the cheater, who made everything about her ladypain/MH issues/desperately wanted Cole back/at best? They had little in common and were only everrrr together cuz on the show and thus limited pool, most of the year.
And that Ari does, in fact, put Cole first and they have moar in common.....
Okay....SweatBoi's tiktoks, alone, indicate a pretty dimwitted asshole and he dropped out of school (plus, PP? NOT remotely a braintrust....and I say that as somebody who doesn't think formal education is in any way the only metric....but she's anti-intellectual trash, something she routinely lets us know). So neither "wiser" nor "smarter" (nice repeating yourself, there).....and, again....PP's a stupid bimbo, anyway, so not like she needs a smart guy.
Ummm.....you've watched SweatBoi's "skits", right? Was he funny when he "joked" about genocide? You know....askin' for a friend.
And, again, how desperately bourgeois are you that you think "richer" makes somebody better? No grown adult actually thinks that way....PLUS....again, if that IS your metric of quality? Cole's probably worth 3x to 4x what the two of them together are.....if not moar.
To say nothing of, if CB's "rich/old $$$", why did he sleep on his sister's couch, go to bartending school (indicates he's a serious dullard, as well), need to consider a survival job, lives in a shitty apartment with a roomie, even now, etc?
And how is Snorty so fucking dumb she's actually buying this bullshit if she IS an adult? Oh right....she's either
A) Also a child
B) Also fullbore rustbelt trash...
Speaking of....
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Yes, yes, yes.....doooo, doooooo brag about purchasing coffee that truckstop Dunkin' Donuts would view as lowbrow/tacky/ghetto....
Sew fanceeeee and klasseeeee!!!
(I promise to make fun of her obsessing over Brittany shortly, but must first chill a bit)
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mixamorphosis · 5 months
Blog post and linked up tracklists [HERE]
Part 1 Tracklist
01. Liquid Crystal Project - Tribute To T.R.O.Y (Turntable Jazz) 02. Cee Lo Green - The One (dL Remix) (Not On Label / Self Released) 03. Milton Wright - Keep It Up (Alston/Jazzman) 04. Fred Wesley & The Horny Horns - Fourplay (Atlantic) 05. Mary J Blige - Family Affair (Pete Rock Remix) (White Label) 06. Platinum Pied Pipers - Stay With Me (DJ Mitsu Remix) (Ubiquity) 07. Dj Mitsu - Yeah Y'all (Ft. Kev Brown & Roddy Rod) (Jazzy Sport) 08. Freddie Joachim - Waves (Word Is Bond) 09. J Dilla feat. Dwele - Dime Piece (BBE) 10. Count Basie & Sammy Davis Jr. - The Work Song (dL Edit) (Not On Label / Self Released) 11. Doug Hammond - Wake Up Brothers (Tribe / P Vine) 12. Jazz Liberatorz - Music In My Mind (Kif Recordings) 13. The Jazz Jousters Bring it to you Live (Unknown Label) 14. Mary J Blige - Ooh (Dilla Remix) (Donut Cuts) 15. Bahamadia - Uknowhowwedu (dL Remix) (Not On Label / Self Released) 16. Jimmy Mcgriff - The Bird (Edit) (Unknown Label) 17. The Visioneers - Funk Box (BBE) 18. Raheem DeVaughn feat Damian Marley - Revelations (Jive) 19. Gwen McCrae - 90% Of Me Is You (dL Edit) (Not On Label / Self Released) 20. Robert Glasper Experiment - Letter To Hermione (Blue Note) 21. Marc Moulin - Dag Madame Merci (Counterpoint Records) 22. Jazz Liberatorz - What's Real (Kif Recordings) 23. Pete Rock feat. Grap Luva - Collector's Item (Up Above Records) 24. Nujabes - Lady Brown (Hyde Out Productions)
Part 2 Tracklist
01. The Blaxploited Orchestra - The Pursuit (Good Guy Mikesh & Filburt Remix) (Late Night Tales) 02. DJ Steef - Music Of The Hot (Gazeebo International Recordings) 03. Laura Lee - Crumbs (Fingerman's Disco Beatdown) (Self Released) 04. Jad & The Ladyboy - Stroke You Down (Sonar Kollektiv) 05. Jona Saucedo - Beverly (Paraiso Musique) 06. Rusty Patter & London Colin - Phatter Chatter (Roar Groove) 07. Blondie - Rapture (Luxxury Edit) (Self Released) 08. Good Guy Mikesh & Filburt - Gold Snake (O'rs) 09. Moustache Love - Knitted 3 (Stereopor) 10. 78 Edits - Slick (Editorial) 11. Psol - Keep On Truckin' (FKR) 12. Diana Ross - The Boss (Pyxis Edit) (Not On Label) 13. Robjamweb - Bionic Love (Editorial) 14. DJ Moar - Funky Cat (Diggin' Deeper) 15. Joseph Terruel - Trying To Be Me (Apersonal Music) 16. Dr Packer - Contemplating (Discodat) 17. The Starkiller - Little Fluffy Contrails(Self Released)
Download available via Hearthis - [PART 1] // [PART 2]
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sami-at-ciela · 3 years
Prompt 20: Petrichor
Or: “If you thought I was going to leave the blackmail material screenshots from yesterday as they were, YOU WERE WRONG.”
Am I the only one who gets hungry when it rains? No? bah.
Once a fandom one character gets dared to eat one of everything. This time it’s G’raha, except he didn’t even need to be dared.
Magic munchies gotta be something...
G’raha, gripped with a devastating case of the munchies after his awakening, was struggling to sit still in the Rising Stones.
Krile was still monitoring him after his soul merge, but she was absent and his window was open, letting the smell of a storm's aftermath drift in.
After the Light was banished, it would storm in the Crystarium every once in a while, but somehow, the end of a storm ‘hit’ differently than this particular instance. Perhaps his sense of smell had diminished with his body’s age, but here in the Source, the smell was delightful, equal parts calming and invigorating.
It invigorated him just enough for him to know that he needed breakfast. Badly.
After throwing clothes on and sneaking out of his room, he became aware of the various food smells permeating the air of Mor Dhona. It stood to reason that, as a gathering place for adventurers from all over, the city would play host to cuisines from all over as well.
It was delightfully insufferable and the urge to try one of everything had his mind in a chokehold.
So he ended up embarking on something of a quest to do just that, bit by bit, making his way through the market stalls and getting as many portable breakfast things as he could, trying and failing to not too flagrantly stuff his face as he went. He even made a pit stop by an establishment by the name of “Moar Donuts” that started out as an inside joke but apparently had the quality to back up its memetic clout.
His curiosity and raging appetite sated, he stumbled his way back to his room in the Stones, flopped on his bed, and promptly went straight into the mother of all food comas.
Later, Krile scampered up to Rhea in something of a temper. “Rhea, go reason with Raha, will you? He looks like the cat that ate the canary, almost literally, and he’s not talking to me.”
“Almost literally?” Rhea asked, tilting her head.
The Lalafellin scholar pursed her lips, trying to figure out the best way to put it, then reverting to her usual carefully balanced teasing. “He looks like he ate one of everything in Mor Dhona and is paying the price for it.”
“He probably did, judging from how hungry he’s been.” A beat passed, and Rhea added, “Are you calling him fat?”
Some distance away, Alisaie overheard the exchange and gave an ugly snort-laugh, startling Alphinaud beside her.
Rhea shot Alisaie a pointed look before refocusing on Krile. “I’ll go see him. He’ll probably be useless today, but he’s unlikely to repeat the stunt unless he’s… enabled.”
Alisaie snickered again, prompting Alphinaud to ask her what was so funny, and when Rhea went to glare at her again, she had the gall to wink at her rabbit-eared friend.
“Don’t you wink at me, you cheeky little gremlin,” Rhea said to Alisaie before scuttling off.
When Rhea entered G’raha’s room (left unlocked in his haste to immediately engage food coma mode, most likely), she found him splayed out on his bed, flagrantly overstuffed and drifting off with his mouth half-open. “G’raha, hon?” She addressed him as she approached before taking a seat next to him. “Did you seriously just eat half of Mor Dhona and then pass out?”
G’raha’s half-asleep mumbling translated to something like “no, all of it.”
Giggling, Rhea gave his belly a gentle pat. “Well, I’m glad you enjoyed yourself, Sugar Booger.”
The familiar teasing nickname roused G’raha to just a little more consciousness, and he rolled over to curl around his beloved as much as his bloated stomach would allow. “Do rainy days ever make you hungry?” he asked.
“Sleepy, maybe,” Rhea said with a shrug. “You’ve been hungry since you woke up in your body though…”
“Mm-hm.” A drowsy smile played across his lips. “You’re gonna make me fat.”
“Nuh-uh. I had no part in this, this time.” Rhea held her hands up defensively before leaning in close. “Who’s the ‘aetherfatty’ now, huh?”
G'raha chuckled even as he struggled to keep his eyes open. "Did I really ignore hunger that much in my days as the Exarch?"
"Short answer? Yes. Long answer? If I wasn't feeding you, yes." Rhea relaxed and stroked through G'raha's hair, periodically stopping to scratch behind his ears. "I'm glad you're paying attention to your body now, finally."
"How could I not?" G'raha murmured, his ears wiggling from appreciation. "Though I think I ate enough today to sustain me for at least a week."
"That's not how it works and you know it," Rhea said. “I think you’re going to have to be more careful about indulging yourself. There’s going to be more eyes on you more often, and if Krile thinks you’re gaining weight, she won’t let either of us live it down.”
“I didn’t have anything else to do today,” G’raha groaned, giving a lazy stretch. “Fine, fine. Maybe we ought to keep it behind closed doors, but that doesn’t change the fact that every time I try to cast a spell, I’m utterly ravenous afterwards.”
“I’ll just jam a piece of Archon Loaf in your face when that happens,” Rhea said. “Or a donut, if you’ve been good,” she added, giving his nose a teasing boop.
“How generous,” G’raha drawled, barely even flinching. “Speaking of which, why are the donuts from that place with the punny name so good?”
Rhea shrugged. “You didn’t eat a whole box, did you?”
“Gods, no, I’m not that far gone,” G’raha muttered. “I did leave the box in the Rising Stones for anyone who wanted one, but maybe I should’ve gotten an extra…”
“It’s all right, I saw Krile take two, and bribing her is the most important part to start.” Sighing, Rhea gave G’raha an affectionate tummy rub. “Just be careful, okay? If you really want to… go overboard, I bought us a new journal.”
“Good to know.” G’raha hummed, snuggling up close. “Won’t you stay with me for a bit? Please?”
“Fine, fine, you big silly,” Rhea cooed. “I’m locking the door though, because the last thing I want is Krile coming in and yelling at me for ‘enabling’ you.”
When Rhea returned to the bed, G’raha just about draped himself around her and immediately started snoring, and she didn’t have the heart to dissuade him. If he was comfortable and happy, that was enough.
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popfizzles · 6 years
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Commission for @sourgummycookie!
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enkisstories · 3 years
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A peek into the Foundry Cove calendar
Things to keep in mind:
- Foundry Cove is a First Order Colony and the shedule reflects their worldview. As the colony progresses towards independence, some traditions or even complete holidays will change.
- Most notably the First Order is stingy with days off work and there is only a single Grand Feast per year.
- I may yet switch to longer Seasons or to not using the calendar at all (like I do in the Detroit save).
- Some of the holidays were set up with the idea to fulfill the objectives at Batuu. Now that I’ve played through the first two, I realized that the holiday goals do not appear there. That put a wrench in my plans a little.
Now for the individual holidays and the reasoning behind each of the traditions:
(spoilered for length)
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New Year’s Eve is on the 2nd day of winter.
- Grand Meal: Use up whatever cannot get preserved for winter - Spooky ambience & Hold Seance: Some settlers just read their horoscope for next year, others fully embrace the transitive nature of this day - Make resolutions & Countdown to midnight: Some customs are universal, because some experiences are simply universal
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Carnival is in winter. The settlers brought this holiday with them from Coruscant where first the empire and now the First Order have politicized it.
- Disguise: This is just what this day is about. Why? Nobody remembers. It’s simply fun. - Drink: The punch bowl is as traditional as the jelly filled donut - Trick or Treat: In the first hard winter following a bad harvest, settlers were forced to beg or steal. - Polar Bear Plunge: In Star Wars canon Carnival is the day of public executions. I’ll make sure to play a household that has a likely candidate for getting tossed into ice cold water. Or I may think up some sort of skill/luck based game that gives the victim a chance, that remains to be seen. - Remembrance: The settlers won’t forget their killed comrades.
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Unlife Day is the day to apprecciate your droid. I took this non-canon holiday from the Darths & Droids webcomic.
Fast & Clean: To better apprecciate your droid’s cooking/doing the chores next time. Streak: Droids are always naked, and droid activists try to bring to mind this injustice to the public. The public in turn readily took to this custom (I wonder why...). Apprecciate object: A droid, if the household has one, otherwise any electronic household appliance will do. Can’t hurt to give your servo a hug today either. Woodworking: The closest I could find to “Repair” or “Robotics”. At least it builds handyness.
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First Order Day is when you are patriotic! It used to be Empire Day and before that Republic Day.
Decorate: Using the flags from the Batuu pack, so you better do a First Order quest or two. Attend holiday celebration: Attending the military parade at Black Spire is mandatory. It’s a rabbit hole activity, so I can imagine the parade as grand as I want. Fireworks: Both for the Ohs and Ahs and to demonstrate power. Games: Tactical and wargames. Go Bowling: Train your aim, reservist! And that of your family.
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The Festival of Light is a midsummer celebration.
- Give gifts & Open presents: Very convenient, since far as I know Life Day doesn’t include the exchange of gifts. - Party mood: Dancing through the summer nights - Holiday gnomes: Even MOAR presents!
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All Species Day was a festival on Coruscant that celebrated the galaxy’s diversity. The First Order has warped this to a Human Supremacy show.
Gratitude: People used to thank individuals of other species for making the world a colorful tapestry. Today you are supposed to find a human and admire their greatness. Invite guests: Parties where you share food and drink recipes. Tell stories: Exchanging lore from nursery rhymes to religion. In resistance circles tales from the Old Republic and today’s real meaning are exchanged. Romantic mood: This used to be an “open for all, interspecies sex is always safe” thing for adults. Under First Order rule it has become a nudge for humans to make more humans. Air Grievances: Not surprisingly tensions are high today in the alien population. But humans also use this holiday as an excuse to be at their rudest.
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The Festival of the Stars is the day to celebrate space faring!
In Foundry Cove this holiday is especially beloved. Since every colonist has come from elswhere to Batuu everyone has at least this singular experience in space travel and they are proud of that shared memory of a great adventure.
Visit space: The colony’s only rocketship is in shambles, and I’m not sure of using the Batuu spacecrafts count. Telescope: Learn more about the local constellations, maybe spot a space craft. Stargaze: The low tech alternative. But also the more romantic one! Travel: I mean to take my sims to Black Spire today and take selfies with the spacecrafts there. The First Order district’s space port is open to visitors today and under the guise of expanding people’s knowledge about space travel the officers look for potential recruits. Splashy fun: Labeled “Atmospheric re-entry & zero gravity movement practise” the settlers don space suits or sufficently space looking costumes today and jump into the nearest swimming pool. This is a tradition unique to Foundry Cove.
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And finally Life Day is in late fall. This festival originates on Kashyyk from where it quickly spread across the Galaxy. The Empire couldn’t stop people from celebrating it and the First Order doesn’t even try anymore.
Decorate & Festive lights: A tree to represent the Tree of Life is decoarated and lit. Festive ambience & Music: From a family gathering to sing to a big show anything is possible. Flower Wookie: The simple, but amiable Wookie has come from Kashyyk to bring flowers today - at least if you believe First Order propaganda. This often ends badly for the actor, but tbh whoever agrees to play the Flower Wookie hasn’t deserved any better.
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hyperdoodles · 7 years
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Random Lars doodles and redraws 🍩 Ft. Sadie
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dansedan · 4 years
Ok I am now eating donuts and ignoring my responsibilities in favor of Moar Movietime
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mrskurono · 3 years
Awwww dats so cute 🥺 I hope the best for baby Mimi's bday then. He's gonna be over the moon when he saw those cake and toppers 👀
Good riddance mummy, those people gotta be outta da life 😌
Hey now it's fine mummy!!! You have to take care of yourself too, if being less active here makes mummy feel better then that's fine! You have to take care since you're my mummy :3 and ofc, I will too! Cousin makes me to get myself some bangs and I kinda failed it lmfao, looks horible and makes a good laugh 😂 she been making a meme out of it all day
Oh gosh. Chilling in the bath with kyo, scrubbing each other's hair and washing each other's backs, with some cuddling oh damn yesss, but damn service kyo makes me feel things 😳 lemme hug that ideal husband smh, and lemme braid da cute hair too
Donut forget to take care of yourself too mummy, take moar watah and foods okie? Plenty of rest too, since it's corona, things are getting worse here -3-
Me love you mummy, so you have to take careu too 🥺
~ 🍑 bouncie
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I have no plans for his birthday but at least got him his presents and his cake will be pretty. He's only going to be one so he doesn't really care all he wants is his grandma 😅
God peachy why bangs?! In my entire life I've NEVER had bangs. To be fair my hair is too curly and I refuse to straighten my hair or spend more than 39 seconds on it. Guess I'll be sticking with my Kindaichi haircut for a while bc this mommy is lazy as shit when it comes to hair. But lowkey you probably look adorables <3
Kyojuro just looks like he smells nice ok....and we're like the same height so cuddles facing each other....and sex facing each other....mmm brain go brr for pretty fire man <3
Ugh everything opened up 100% here and I'm nervous. I don't think I'll never NOT be nervous anymore with a kiddo. I still wear my mask everywhere + we're vaccinated at least. But I've rejoined the gym for my mental/physical health and it still feels so weird to go some place without a mask on. And I'm real religious about sanitizing everything I touch and glaring at people to close to me. Stay safe peachy I don't want you sick either!
I won't lecture you on why your pets should ALL be spayed and neutered 😐 To prevent misfortunate things like that. But I hope the remaining pups are taken care of and find good safe homes. And you better get yer god damn pets spayed/neutered before it happens again 😐
Sorry for the lack of inactivity! This will probably be a trend as of now. Writing hasn't been a useful outlet for me + lack of motivation. I'll probably take a step back from the blog aside from the massive spam reblogs when i find pictures of my hubbies. New stuff will be sporadic (I have chapter two of the Atsumu fic coming) but right now I'm focusing on myself and spending more time reconnecting with the person I was before having a kid and bettering my health. I'll try to keep up on messages but just know I'm sorry if it takes a hot moment for me to get back to you peachy!
Rock those bangs and stay safe with the rona out there baby <333
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jadvviga · 4 years
so i finally saw the Sonic Movie
and I love it
and also I. have some. thoughts (?)
not super smart or important or anything. but. I just. wrote them down.
not like it gonna interest anybody but ill give it a try
(there might be spelling and/or grammar errors, cause English is not my native, so sorry in advance)
((and also I've seen this movie not in English sooo))
"Sonic the  Hedgehog" spoilers  below! (well you won’t get most of it if you haven’t seen a movie, but still)
Hmm beginning is kinda like in Megamind. I like it
"She’s my Obi Wan Kenobi" well guess who’s gonna be dead in 10 seconds
We have a little Lord of the Rings here
He is so cute I cant-
This other cop is little weird but also relatable
Sonic is still a baby even when he is not
Don’t stop me know fits perfectly (insert Pacha meme here)
AAAAAH he just want to have a friend :<
asfdghgh She prepered a second cake just in case XD
Aaaaaaaa baby is lonely :<<<
Well nobody gonna notice a little sonic-boom tantrum, right? RIGHT?
"Oh we have to get the evil crazy guy, we have no choise"
Hey what’s Damien Darhk doin here?
Oh just to get roasted by Jim Carrey, okay
Carrey as Robotnik is soooo goood
I love his asistant. And their relationship
These robots give me huge Portal vibes
Yeey road trip :D
A hedgehog and a cop walks into a bar...
Scenes with super fast character going around a paused world are ALWAYS good. Especially with fancy music
I just realised that not only Sonic acts like 10-year-old, but actually IS ~10
I bet 10 donuts that most of the jokes and puns are 10 times funnier in English
Robot get destroyed. Deploy new baby robot. Repeat.
This reminds me of Madagascr 3 chase scene
Sonic doing little dance, and y'all now what dance
(not the fortnite dance)
Oh no baby hurty :c
Oh Doc actally calls his place "evil lab", how cute
Assistant carrey him some gud coffe :D (get it? cuz... ah nvm)
This scene is gold btw
I really wish that i could have seen this movie with captions btw :/
Tom wife's sis is crazy, but i like her
I absolutely love Jojo
"Uncle Tom bring blue hedgehog. Blue hedgehog good. Bring him new shoes."
Tom and his wife's relationship is great.
Yet I still haven’t remebered her name.
"Do yOu HaVe KiD hErE???" "Don’t worry maam, he is not mine" XD
Awww these two are cute. And that actually are not my words, it’s said in the movie 
It’s nice that they didn’t translate "Eggman", but I’m thinking that these 2 other kids that were in the screening room didn’t get why Sonic calls him that *shrug*
Ooooo another slow-mo scene
Gotta go fast (does he actually say it in the movie? cuz I didn’t hear it, but this might be because of the tranlation???)
The guy with chainsaw is cool.
Awwwww he is so happy about the high-five I CAN’T
Awwwww he’s got adopted
"See, I’m not crazy" said totally not crazy Robotnik to his mushroom friends.
Oh hey there is after-credits scene.
GASP it’s Sonic’s buddy??? There gonna be MOAR??
(probably should have mention this eralier, but I know nothin about Sonic games, lore and such. I went to a movie for fun. I just know some memes :p )
Some legends say that Jojo is still running around the house
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sharpieismywarpaint · 5 years
This is teh start of my super very original sparkledog high school rp :P IT IS CALLED SPARKLEDOG ACADEMY HOW DARE U QUESTION MAH BRILLIANCE.
anybody can join this B)) Wen adding 2 this post include an image or rundown of ur characdurr or a page linking 2 where u list all that stuff  :D I kno dis is a sparkledog RP but you donut have to be a sparkleanimal to join!! Where wuld teh fun in that B?
i. no killing other animals unless the owner of teh character says you can! A skool is NO place 4 violence D: ii: i dont give a damn if ur character is a gary/mary/hairy sue!! Do wut you feel :-)  iii. Pokes r highly encouraged XD iv. im gonna make a new post after at least like 7 reblogs 2 prevent dash clutter. I’m gonna @ everybody who participated in teh last post though so don’t u worry your noggin :D  v. If yu prefer replying over reblogging, don’t have a separate blog dat u can reblog on, or just feel embarrassed about rping as cute sparkleanimalpeople then datz ok, I can copy and paste ur replies into my own reblog X)
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It's teh first day of the new semester at Sparkledog Academy, a prestigious school in your area. This school, while it has few human students- or maybe several rogue two-legged animals- is known for its student body consisting mostly of sparklefauna! 
Sparkleanimals that are interested in education of the human style, as well as ones who were raised by humans, r sent here to study and learn.
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(Dis is meh character & her name is dizzy. She’s 16 and shez who I’m gonna be rping as ^^)
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In da school courtyard, several animals of all sizes and colors mingle as discussion spreads through the crowd.
"So, R U coming to the winters season dance this year?" says one animal to another. "Ermagash... I barely evan go to these things. But meh plans can change ^^" replies the other.
Dizzy overheard this conversation- which was really difficult to not do anyway, as it was teh focus of discussion throughout the entire courtyard.
'Wurd. I have nu idea if I culd even manage 2 go...' sighed Dizzy as she thought to herself. 'I don't even have a date yet... I'll have 2 wait & C!'
The school's morning bell ringed. Dizzy straightened up and started getting 2 class, setting off into the building & through hallways designed 2 accommodate animals from the smallest rainbow colored mice to the occasional glittery dragon (LOL.) Eventually she found herself at the first class of the day, along with many others. As every1 began to fill up the seats, Dizzy noticed the teacher. An elegant neon-pink-dominated-rainbow borzoi sparkledog by the name of Ms. Rozeblood was perched behind her desk, getting ready to greet the class. "Good morning everyone! I hope U all had a gr8 winter break." She says. "I had snowball fights :D!!" replied Dizzy. 
"Typical." mutterz a sparkleanimal with a swoopy emoboy haircut like dis --> (//_-) in teh back of the class. She ignored him. "Before we all get started, I have a couple of annoucements to maek!" says Ms. Rozeblood. "1st off, the annual Winter's Season Dance haz bin scheduled for the end of this month :). Moar details R available at the billboard posts outside of Headmaster Rawralicious's office. I hope you all decide 2 come!" "Tch.. sounds boring." says the same emo sparkleanimal in the back of the class again. 
OMG, wut is with dis guy!?
"Lastly... I have sum unusual news 2 deliver to yu guys." says Ms. Rozeblood. Several ears (or, for those who had them, ofc XD) in the class perked up, interested in this change of schedule. "It is quite unconventional, I kno, But we have a new student joining us for teh remainder of the year!" Every1 straightened up a bit and watched with interest. The new student walked into class, their feet pawing tenaciously. "Now, why don't U introduce yourself?" says Ms. Rozeblood, her head tilting evar so slightly.
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If u wanna open rp yu can pick up off of this point X)
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tetrapod-speedweed · 5 years
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haven’t posted Lina stuff in a while, time for moar donut steel again
i-i swear i’ll eventually get her to look consistent...
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number1sexyman1969 · 3 years
Spamton. Was...was Mark a ho too?
SURPRISEINGLY, NO MOAR THAN ANY BUDDY ELSE,, [[it's more likely than you think]]
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hey there self
today you SLEPT MOAR
had many dreams, about many things
woke up at like 2
pee emm
mom thought you were dead except she kept checking in and saw you were in different positions so probably not dead
thanks mom
and like two hours later you wanted to go back to sleep
you finished the laundry things
and ate foods
and fed pets
and whatnot
talked to friends
watched the queens gambit with parents
snuggled pets
wake up
help make dinner
wake up
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