#aglaonema red zircon
prayerplanthoarder · 11 months
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Aglaonema Red Zircon
First pic just after I bought it in November '21 and second pic just now October '23
I don't remember it had been so pale at first, and it didn't do much at all for the first 1,5 years besides losing all the teeny leaves at the bottom. It was sitting near a north facing window in a shelf, though, so that may have been... suboptimal. Now in the new apartment I only have south facing windows, which would probably kill the plant after a while, so I placed it in a shelf with a grow light and that's where it not only gained a lot of color, but also started to grow finally! I'm really happy to see it finally likes it's spot! 🩷
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prayerplanthoarder · 1 year
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Some kinda random plant update since the move! Most of the plants are doing spectacular with the higher humidity, I'll probably have an easier time with pests (thrips in particular, haven't had many problems with others). However, I just decided to throw away my spider plant because of exactly this problem 😩 it still harboured some and I'm not feeling like taking chances with that anymore. Will have to treat all the plants anyway just to make sure.
There are a few additions like a couple of really cheap Epipremnum pinnatum variegatas I found in a local hardware store, which I'm hoping to cultivate the few nicely variegated vines to make a plant with overall higher variegation than the originals. Also I found a baby Calathea zebrina, which of course had to come too, especially since all my calatheas died when I couldn't treat the last thrips problem in the old apartment (and I actually prefer the little baby ones anyway). Then I got gifted a Pilea peperomioides a while ago and I'm curious to see how that will do in my care (currently it's in thrips jail, although I think the ones I found on there were just wanderers from the spider plant directly above it). Yesterday I found a baby Philodendron White Princess for really cheap (not even 5€) and it was so pretty that I picked it up. Hopefully it'll do better than the other Philodendrons up until now 😅 but the higher humidity should help, so I think it does have a chance?
Other than that I'll probably sell a few cuttings here and there, especially since I had to/ wanted to snip a couple plants here and there either because they needed it or because I wanted to make them more bushy, so there should be a few extras some time down the road that I just don't have the space for long term. Hopefully they'll sell better than my art 🤣 which would be cool and so sad at the same time lol.
The Monstera albo finally has started to root nicely and also pushed out a new leaf already, which gives me hope it'll do well here. It did give me a good scare when the oldest leaves started getting yellow/ brown at the tips/ rims before the newest leaf came out. I still hope it's going to change it's mind about the too much white here and too much green there tendencies, though...
All in all, I'm pretty happy with how things are going currently! ❤️
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