#calathea zebrina
prayerplanthoarder · 1 year
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Some kinda random plant update since the move! Most of the plants are doing spectacular with the higher humidity, I'll probably have an easier time with pests (thrips in particular, haven't had many problems with others). However, I just decided to throw away my spider plant because of exactly this problem 😩 it still harboured some and I'm not feeling like taking chances with that anymore. Will have to treat all the plants anyway just to make sure.
There are a few additions like a couple of really cheap Epipremnum pinnatum variegatas I found in a local hardware store, which I'm hoping to cultivate the few nicely variegated vines to make a plant with overall higher variegation than the originals. Also I found a baby Calathea zebrina, which of course had to come too, especially since all my calatheas died when I couldn't treat the last thrips problem in the old apartment (and I actually prefer the little baby ones anyway). Then I got gifted a Pilea peperomioides a while ago and I'm curious to see how that will do in my care (currently it's in thrips jail, although I think the ones I found on there were just wanderers from the spider plant directly above it). Yesterday I found a baby Philodendron White Princess for really cheap (not even 5€) and it was so pretty that I picked it up. Hopefully it'll do better than the other Philodendrons up until now 😅 but the higher humidity should help, so I think it does have a chance?
Other than that I'll probably sell a few cuttings here and there, especially since I had to/ wanted to snip a couple plants here and there either because they needed it or because I wanted to make them more bushy, so there should be a few extras some time down the road that I just don't have the space for long term. Hopefully they'll sell better than my art 🤣 which would be cool and so sad at the same time lol.
The Monstera albo finally has started to root nicely and also pushed out a new leaf already, which gives me hope it'll do well here. It did give me a good scare when the oldest leaves started getting yellow/ brown at the tips/ rims before the newest leaf came out. I still hope it's going to change it's mind about the too much white here and too much green there tendencies, though...
All in all, I'm pretty happy with how things are going currently! ❤️
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plumbum-art · 10 months
Crowleys Plants
If you're like me and can't sleep until you know exactly which plants Crowley owns, then...this is your lucky day!
I did a little research and these are the results so far. Feel free to correct me or add anything I missed.
in short: these are all more or less typical houseplants, as one probably would find in any common garden center. Nothing extraordinary here.
Let's start with the plants in Crowleys flat:
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There are at least three big pots (two at the window, one at the door) with the same plants
1 - some kind of Musa (banana plant)
2 - Strelitzia reginae (bird-of-paradise flower 👀)
3 - this poor, scared to death fellow is a Alocasia zebrina (zebra plant) Anthurium andraeanum (Flamingo flower)
Now on to the plants in the Bentley:
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4 - Monstera deliciousa (grows edible fruits!)
5 - Aspidistra elatior (Bar-room plant, I see what you did there)
6 - Ficus elastica (Rubber plant)
7 - Ficus lyrata (Fiddle-leaf fig, not to be confused with the common fig which has edible fruits)
8 - Aglaonema (Chinese evergreen)
9 - Calathea lancifolia (Rattlesnake plant 🐍)
Needless to say, that a mostly dark flat or a narrow car interior aren't the best places for such plants. It probably would take a miracle for them to survive...
Edit: @dreaded-mika pointed out that plant #3 could be a Anthurium andreanum and you are absolutely correct (I asked a gardener to confirm)! Thank you!!
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etherrreal · 3 months
"good growing"
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Pairing: asahi x fem!reader Genre: fluff Summary: asahi walks into a plant shop and gets more than he bargained for. WC: 2,410 Warnings: reader's favorite color is pink A/N: I want everyone to send me guesses on how many plants you think I have 🥰 if anyone gets close enough (+/-5), I'll drop a picture of my plant set up 🌱 -Luna
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I think this Monstera adansonii cutting can be repotted, you think, wiggling it free from the propagation station it was growing in. The roots are well past two inches long, and it's already spitting out a new leaf. You plop it into one of the empty nursery pots you have lined up on the counter behind you, having it join the Neon Pothos and Red Maranta waiting to be potted into new homes.
Potting up cuttings is probably your favorite chore at the plant shop you work at. Something about tucking the little stems into some dirt and preparing them for new homes made your heart happy. That was after you learned that naming them wasn't the best idea and only ended in you mourning little Millie the Watermelon peperomia after you handed her to a very young child who no doubt watered it to death.
A hand slaps against the doorway to your right, making you nearly jump out of your skin, muttering expletives under your breath. Your coworker Eri's head soon pokes out, a grimace already on her face. "Heeey, so, I have good news and bad news."
"Oh no. Good news first?"
"Okay, the good news is that our order of Calathea zebrina came in two days early!"
"That's great! Did some of them get damaged from the cold?" She shakes her head. "Did they tip out of their pots and get smooshed?" She shakes it again. "Then what's the bad news?"
"…They're already infested with spider mites."
You close your eyes, gathering what little strength you still have after working 6 hours already and being 2 hours away from closing. You open them to see your coworker staring at you with hands clasped in front of her chest and eyebrows pinched with worry.
With a deep sigh, you raise your right fist over your left open palm, ready to play a game of rock-paper-scissors with your coworker to decide who's going to do the easy job of writing and sending the email to the parent company to complain and who's going to shove on some gloves and deal with the mites. You're halfway through 'paper' when the bell above the front door rings signaling a customer's arrival.
It's a race between the two of you to slide in behind the register, but you win it, shooting a smug look at your coworker knowing the manager will ask her to be on pest control while you're working up front. If she glares any harder as she stomps to the back, you're pretty sure you'd be dead.
"Hello, welcome to Plant Parenthood! How may I help you today?" you call out to the man who walked in. He is incredibly tall, dodging many of the hanging trailing pants from above like he was walking through a jungle. Once he gets a few steps in, he stops and looks around frantically, looking a mix of lost and overwhelmed.
His dark brown eyes finally land on you, wide and desperate. "Um, I was looking for a small plant for my office."
"Okay! Does your office have any windows for natural lighting?" You ask, already sifting through your mental catalog of plant species.
"Yes, actually, I face an entire wall full of windows."
"Do you know what direction they're facing? East, West?" You both stare at each other for a bit when you realize that was definitely too complex of a question for a beginner. "Can you see the sun rise or set from your windows?"
"Oh, yeah! I can see it rise in the morning, sometimes."
Alright, we're getting somewhere. "So, you probably have an east-facing window which gets really good morning light and indirect light all day."
He cautiously nods, agreeing with you but also not quite knowing how that's important. It didn't matter, you were already roaming the store for the potential match.
You continue spitting out questions for him as you hover around the Calatheas. "Do you think you'd be more likely to forget about a plant and under water it or obsess over it and over water?"
"A mix of both, actually," he says, embarrassed. "I'll obsess over giving it the right amount of care that I'll hover over it every single day and be afraid of watering it in case I water it too much."
You pat the pot of the Calathea ornata, mentally wishing it well on living to see another day. "So you probably need something that can take a bit of healthy neglect?"
"'Healthy neglect?' How can neglect be healthy?'
You chuckle, looking through some well-established Golden Pothos plants. "Some plants can't take the constant babying. They'll sense your fear and keel over just to spite you, like Calatheas. You need a plant that can go a bit without watering and can sit nicely on a table and just /be/."
He hums, and that's when you tense up, realizing he's standing right behind you, looking over your shoulder at the plants on the table in front of you. He smells absolutely delicious. "What are those? Are they easy?"
He's close enough that you can almost feel how his deep voice rumbles. "Yes, and normally I'd recommend these to beginner plant people, but I think I want to find something that'll stay more upright and looks nicer on a surface."
You spot a potential option on a high shelf and start setting up the step ladder to grab one. You only get to take one step up when you see him easily grab one off the shelf without even having to try.
"Something like a ZZ plant. We have two kinds in right now, the classic green that you're holding or the Raven. Which fits more with your decor?" Reaching towards the back of the shelf, you grab a full planter of the Raven foliage and offer it to him.
He psychically weighed the two plants in his hands before handing back the green one. "I think the black one will look better in my space."
"Just so you know, when new stalks come in, they'll appear to be a pretty bright green. That's completely normal. They'll slowly become black as overtime," you ramble on as you're setting the plant back and climbing back down the ladder.
"We also sell cover pots if you want to put him in something more aesthetically pleasing?" You gesture to the table of handmade ceramic pots and saucers sorted in pastel rainbow order.
"Which one do you like?"
"My favorite color is pink, so I'd usually go with that, but what—"
"I'll get that one then."
Is he attempting to flirt? Or have you been single for too long?
You have to catch yourself before you stumble too far down that road. He could simply be too overwhelmed by choice and wants to just go with whatever choice is easiest. Or he's just one of the rare, nice customers who truly trusts your judgment and doesn't mansplain your line of work to you.
"Can I interest you in anything else?" you ask, to which he shakes his head and says 'no thank you.' You type in the product names and begin the checkout process before pausing for the customer information. "Can I grab your name for our system, please?"
"Yes, uh, first name is Asahi, last is Azumane."
"Mmhm, and your phone number?"
He lists off the digits of his number and you can't help the nefarious thought of coming back to his profile to grab his number and shoot him a text. But you must remain professional, and also, you really need this job to pay your bills.
You fill out the rest of the profile and tell him his total, flipping over the payment pad to have him pay. You turn around and busy yourself with writing a care card, not liking the fact that your boss allowed the option for people to add a tip when you only just do your job. It's created some unsavory reactions from people as if you're the one who decides what your POS system is and all of its features.
When you hear the beep from the pad indicating he paid, you turn back around to finish the card as to not be rude. "So, I'm creating a care card so you can have just some basic facts about watering and light needs. A ZZ plant practically takes care of itself since it has rhizomes built into its root system so it doesn't need much besides good light in front of your windows."
"And if I need to come back and get more advice?" You pause to look up at him, eyebrows scrunched in mild confusion. "I can come back and ask you?"
His apprehensive smile is sweet, and his eyes are so gentle and warm as they look at you. It trips you up expeditiously. "Y-yeah," you answer, flipping over the care card to the back and scribbling your name and number onto it before handing it to him, along with the bag his plant was in. "Or you can call or text me directly? You'll get a quicker answer that way, in case of emergencies."
"E-Emergencies?" He stutters, eyes widening like he may have overstepped boundaries. "Y-Yeah, of course. Emergencies only."
Ah fuck. You didn't mean to make it so formal. "Or if you have any questions. Or if you need to know if I'm going to be at work before you swing by. Or just—" you check for anybody at the doorway behind you. "—want to talk, I guess. I wouldn't be opposed to that."
You shoot him a bright smile, hoping to let him know that you reciprocate his interest. His growing smile tells you that he does get the hint, his hand purposefully brushing against yours as he takes the bag from you with a gentle 'thank you.' He wishes you well and makes his way out of the shop, not without glancing over at you once more with a smile so wide it makes you flustered.
With a hand holding your warm cheek, you take a quick moment to look at his client profile, trying to familiarize yourself with his number just in case he decides to call later instead of text. Curiosity gets the better of you and you pull up his order, eyes nearly falling out of your head when you see that he tipped you $20.
There's suddenly snickering coming from behind you and you turn to see Eri standing there with her hand over her mouth as if that'll disguise it. "Oooh, I'm telling your boss you were flirting with a customer."
"What's he going to do? Fire me? I'd love to see him try. There are only three employees here." You turn back to the propagations, grabbing the bag of soil lying on the ground to start potting. "Not to mention, I'd just tell him you used the system to get that one girl's number last month."
"Whoa, hey, let's not get too serious here. I was obviously just joking and will be getting back on spider mite duty while singing your praises to our employer," Eri says, backing out the doorway with her hands held up.
Asahi's face stays stuck in your mind for the rest of the work day, and you find yourself in between tasks cracking a smile at your interaction from earlier. You try not to hover over your phone too much—mostly because you don't want to get scolded by your boss—but you're feeling antsy.
The text doesn't come until later that evening once you arrive home from work, chiming as you set down your backpack and have one shoe kicked off. You grab for it desperately, face ID quickly opening up your phone so you can click the message notification.
[XXX-XXX-XXXX]:: Hello, this is Asahi from earlier. Just wanted to say thank you for all your help today :)
Then a photo comes in and while it loads, you're having a mini heart attack, hoping it's nothing inappropriate. Your feelings are quelled when it finishes loading and reveals a picture of the ZZ plant he purchased today, nestled in its new pink pot on what looks like solid wood desk. The view in the background is stunning. What looks like it could be floor to ceiling windows overlooks the city, the lights of buildings and advertisements blurred in the background.
[000-000-0000]:: It's settling in well! Can't wait to see it in the morning. Got any name ideas?
The smile on your face is so wide it starts to hurt. You jog over to your Raven ZZ plant that's sitting on your living room console table, holding up the green planter in front of your plant covered shelves lining the wall to snap a picture to send to Asahi.
[you]:: I named mine Morticia after the goth queen herself 🖤
[000-000-0000]:: That's a great name! I could name mine Gomez?
It's a bit embarrassing how the implication of your plants being a married couple that makes you plop yourself down on your couch and squeal into your hands, but there's nothing more attractive than a man who can flirt using your interests.
Once you've gathered yourself, you type out a response that hopefully doesn't give away how frazzled you are, and you spend the next 15 minutes exchanging messages with Asahi. It consists mostly of him asking about the plants he saw in the background of your photo and how you got into your hobby. Metaphorically, you're laying on your stomach and kicking your feet, feeling like a teenage girl again.
Although you don't want to stop the conversation, you feel like there's a layer of literal dirt on you along with a sprinkling of spider mites. You keep the conversation going while you put some leftovers to warm up on the stove and into the bathroom while you start getting ready for a shower. It vibrates once more before hopping in, and you decide to check once more.
[Asahi 🌱]:: Maybe we can grab some coffee and you can show me your favorite plant store? I have a lot of empty space in this office to fill and I need an expert to help me choose :)
[you]:: I'm in love with you
[you]:: wanna move in and fill OUR space??
[you]:: I'm an expert in other things, too 😉
[you]:: I'd love to! When are you free 😊
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lichenaday · 2 years
I thought it might be nice to share a bit about what PhD student life is like since before I started it, I really had no idea what to expect.
I have an office that I share with 3 other PhD students at my institute. It is in an old, historical building at the Munich Botanical Garden.
Let's take a tour around my desk:
First, my homemade Darwin crossstitch (pattern compliments of @shitpostsampler) to remind me that all scientists have bad days.
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It sits behind my wonky dragon tree (Dracaena marginata) who I rescued from the trash outside my apartment. Who throws away a whole ass tree?
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He's recovering beautifully, considering how fucky and sad he was when I pulled him from the bin.
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Above my unnecessarily giant computer monitor I keep part of my expansive plant collection. Pink princess philodendron (Philodendron erubescens) w/handmade moss stick, my beloved jewel orchid (Macodes petola), zebra plant (Tradescantia zebrina) in owl pot (courtesy of my labmate, since I am the bird person) and poorly mounted staghorn fern (Platycerium bifurcatum).
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Little baby jewel orchid! He flowered recently and I am so proud of him.
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Then there's my Cladonia collection, and my bottle of Icelandic lichen (Cetraria islandica) booze.
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On the top shelf is my Calathea musaica 'Network', and jar of discarded lab lichens. I will figure out a use for them eventually. For now they are just aesthetic.
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Then there's my monstera Peru (Monstera karstenianum) in a pot I "salvaged" from a cemetery. Pretty sure it's cursed, but nothing I can do about that now. Also the baby succulents off my mystery flea market sedum. Behind my desk you can see my German sailing cookbook, Florentine bat notebook, Pikachu of encouragement, and turtle postcard. The turtle is one of many who live in the greenhouse that I visit when work gets stressful. Also a magnet of my favorite Minoan goddess--tits out, snakes in hands, cat on head.
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This is desk ant. She appears to have no colony and just hangs out with me all day. I have tried to track her and find where she comes from but she just runs around in circles on my desk for hours so I have given up. Sometimes I give her a little bit of my tea to drink. She is the backbone of this working group.
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Anyway, if you ever see a scientist's office that isn't cluttered and chaotic, they are doing it wrong.
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kalino-thesims · 2 years
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Calathea Zebrina
Plant | Base Game
Download SFS: https://simfileshare.net/download/3688131/
Download CurseForge: https://www.curseforge.com/sims4/build-buy/calathea-zebrina
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xwhitepolar · 1 year
💌 | Forget about sims, lets learn about YOU! Tell us one fact about yourself, and then send this to 5 other Simblrs to do the same 👽
Finally getting to reply to this ask!!! I had an intense exam session and after that I was away with family, so... here we are now!
One fact about me: since 2021, I'm a plant mom! Probably not really a fun and interesting fact though 😂
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these are the plants I own! Photos from the Vivai Le Georgiche online shop. I get my supplies from them!! Their soil is THE BEST. I plan on visiting their shop as well someday, but I don't live close by at all so I didn't have a chance thus far. The plants pictured are not necessarily the same variety as mine, but they are the most similar looking! Mine are:
Monstera Adansonii
Hoya Memoria
Asparagus Setaceus
Asparagus Sprengeri
Neon Pothos
Peace Lily
Maidenhair Fern's cousin, probably
Calathea Zebrina
Caladium (mixed varieties)
(not pictured) Avocado!
Whenever I need to unwind, I go outside and look after them. It makes me forget about all my responsibilities for a few minutes :)
The caladium (9) is the one plant I got JUST because it looked terrible. It was forgotten in a corner of my local shop (NOT the one I linked. they are amazing.) and the cashier looked at me like??? why are you buying this??? it's ugly?? But it has made a full recovery since! And the monstera (1) has been with me since the beginning of my plant journey. I'm hyper protective of her lmao
Thank you for asking!! Mwah mwah!!!! 🎀
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In response to your recent post regarding lighting on your gecko tanks:
I personally keep an Arcadia Jungle dawn LED bar on my Cresties tank. I've had it set up and planted for over a year and my plants are doing very well (I'm keeping plants such as Calatheas, Pothos, Neoregalia Beomeliads, Tradescantia zebrina and Rhaphidophora tetrasperma). The LED bar does get rather warm when it's running for long but it barely affects the temperature in the tank. Unless your house is already very hot it shouldn't pose any problems for your geckos.
Ah okay! I’m okay with the heat as long as it’s not crazy, I don’t have central AC but for summer I have a portable AC running 24/7 that keeps the tank at about 78 max with frequent misting. Would the light push the temperature to the 80s?
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emroarillustration · 2 years
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Little study of our friend the Calathea zebrina. 🌿
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tooplantnet · 2 years
How to Care for Calathea Zebra Plant?
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Undoubtedly, Calathea Zebra Plant (Calathea Zebrina) is one of the most beautiful plants of the Calathea family. Calathea Zebra Plant with its beautiful and large leaves, lives happily in tropical rainforests.
Following the introduction of Calathea Zebra Plant, the interesting point is that this plant opens its leaves during the day to absorb more sunlight and gathers them again at night before going to sleep. It is a little sensitive to the situation, but if you take care of it with interest, it will live with you with joy and freshness.
Essential Tips to Care for Calathea Zebra Plant
The best methods of how to care for Calathea Zebra Plant include as follows:
What light is best for Calathea Zebrina?
Even if Calathea is in its original habitat, it prefers a place with relative shade. If you keep a Calathea Zebra Plant at home as a houseplant, you should provide indirect, low to medium light. Do not let the sun shine directly on it, especially in the afternoon, when it is the hottest part of the day. Otherwise, the leaves lose their color, brown spots of color appear on their surface or burn severely. So, make sure you sufficiently provide the Calathea lighting requirements.
Although it grows better in low light, if it is placed in a completely dark environment, it will lose its growth rate and produce withered stems. If this happens, move it to brighter places over time.
How often should you water a Calathea Zebra Plant?
In the rest, concerning the tips of caring for a Calathea Zebra Plant, it is better to know that one of the most challenging parts of maintaining a Calathea Zebrina is that you can keep the soil moist without flooding. Therefore, watering is another important aspect in order to care for Calathea Zebra Plant. Calathea does not like to live in completely wet soil, but at the same time should not experience dryness. If the soil is completely dry, the plant will wither and the leaves will become tubular.
Try not to create such conditions for the plant, as this type of stress can cause serious damage to the Calathea.
What is the best soil for a Calathea Zebrina?
It is better to use fertile soil with coal composition and proper drainage for this plant. Do not use heavy soil, as this type of soil retains too much moisture and can make the plant sick. On the other hand, soil with a high amount of sand is not suitable for Calathea Zebra Plant, because it passes water very quickly and the plant does not have a chance to absorb it. The best soil composition for Calathea Zebrina is one part potting soil, two parts coal, and two parts perlite.
What is the best fertilizer for a Calathea Zebra Plant?
In what follows, we will address how to fertilize this plant:
During the growing season, fertilize it with liquid water every month. Use this fertilizer at quarter strength. Avoid over-fertilizing and wash the soil well several times a year to prevent mineral elements from accumulating in the soil.
As a result, we could say that fertilizer is regarded as one of the fundamental issues when someone wants to care for Calathea Zebra Plant.
Can Calathea Zebra Plant Grow in Water?
Unfortunately, it is not possible to propagate this plant by leaf cuttings or stems. Cuttings from this plant can not retain the characteristics of the original plant and become a new plant by rooting, so the Calathea Zebra Plant can not be propagated by cuttings in water.
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strange-calathea · 2 months
Plant list!!!
Every plant I own, how theyre doing(if anythings worth mentioning), my dream plant list, and the ones Im thinking about getting rid of
And the first ones ALPHABETIZED :3
My plants
Aloe vera ×2 (planted together, one is a pup)
Aloe 'pink blush' ×1 (very happy and pretty!!)
Aloe Tiger Tooth ×1
Anthurium ×1 (flowering, pink flowers)
Aeonium kiwi ×4 (rooted cuttings, no noticeable growth yet)
African violet ×1
Butterwort ×1 (+ some leaves propagating)
Christmas cactus ×1 (rooted cutting, no noticeable growth)
Bears paw succulent ×1
Calathea rattlesnake ×2 (both doing well)
Calathea orbifolia ×1 (doing well, growing)
Calathea beauty star ×1 (baby, doing well?)
Easter cactus ×2 (pink flowers, has bloomed, thriving)
Echeveria topsy turvy ×1 (doing fine?)
Echeveria cubic frost ×2 (very happy! Flowered)
Elephant bush *variegated* ×1 (happy, potted with other jade varieties)
Fairy castle cactus ×1 (3 towers(baby))
Ghost plant succulent ×1?
Hen & chicks ×1 (struggling I think?)
Hoya Krimson Queen ×1 (needs a trellis)
Hyacinth ×1 (struggling, flowered in spring then died? But trying to produce new growth, outside)
Ivy ×1 (thriving<3 gotta propagate her soon)
Jade ×2 (lots of propagations of her)
Kalanchoe Snow White ×2? (I have one kalanchoe prop but I can't remember which type it is, the main pot is doing good tho)
Moonstone succulent ×1
Mini monstera ×1 (doing great! Currently climbing my greenhouse<3)
Monstera ×1 (no perforations yet)
Maranta red ×1
Maranta lemon lime ×1
Maranta Silver Band ×1
Neanthe bella / parlour palm ×1 (still not very tall?)
Ogres ear succulent ×1
Pilea peperomioides ×1
Peperomia watermelon ×1
Peperomia ginny ×1
Pink polka dot plant ×1
Red/rose polka dot plant ×1
White polka dot plant ×1
Philodendron Brasil ×1
Philodendron pink princess ×1 (still a baby)
Pothos Neon ×1
Pothos Njoy ×1
Pothos marble Queen ×1
Pothos Cebu blue ×1
Purple passion plant ×1
Ripple jade ×1 (big pot of rooted cuttings)
Snake plant ×2 (nonvariegated)
Snake plant *variegated* ×1
Spider plant *variegated* ×1 (flowered, growing pups)
Spider plant *reverse variegated* ×1 (hasn't flowered)
Spider plant *Bonnie* ×1 (hasn't flowered)
Spider plant *Hawaiian* ×1 (hasn't flowered)
String of hearts ×3
String of hearts *variegated* ×1
String of bananas ×1
String of pearls ×3
String of turtles ×1
Sedum major ×2
Sedum burros tail ×2
Sedum lemon ball ×2?
Stromanthe Triostar ×2
Schleffera dwarf umbrella plant *variegated* ×2
Thanksgiving cactus ×1
Tradescantia Moses in the cradle ×2
Tradescantia zebrina (silver) ×1
Tradescantia zebrina (purple) ×1
Tradescantia bubblegum ×1
Tradescantia small leaf ×1
Tradescantia purple heart ×1
Dream plants / wishlist
More prayer plant varieties!!!
Satin pothos
Tradescantia teddy bear vine
More philodendrons
more butterworts/ carnivorous plants
Haworthia alien egg succulent
More string of / trailing plants
More hoyas & African violets
Currently considering getting rid of
Tradescantia Moses in the cradle baby, $5
Sedum lemon ball , $4?
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onlineplantsnz1 · 5 months
Bringing Nature Indoors: Exploring Calathea Indoor Plants Online in NZ
In the bustling cities and serene suburbs of New Zealand, the allure of indoor plants continues to captivate homeowners and plant enthusiasts alike. Among the myriad of plant species adorning indoor spaces, Calathea plants stand out for their striking foliage and air-purifying qualities. With the convenience of online shopping, enthusiasts across New Zealand can now explore and purchase Calathea indoor plants from the comfort of their homes. Let's embark on a journey to discover the beauty and benefits of Calathea indoor plants online in NZ.
The Allure of Calathea Indoor Plants
Calathea plants, known for their vibrant and intricately patterned leaves, add a touch of tropical elegance to any indoor setting. With varieties like Calathea Orbifolia, Calathea Medallion, and Calathea Zebrina, these plants boast foliage that resembles intricate works of art, featuring bold stripes, delicate veining, and contrasting colors. Beyond their visual appeal, Calathea plants are renowned for their air-purifying properties, helping to improve indoor air quality by removing toxins and pollutants.
Convenience of Online Shopping
Gone are the days of scouring local nurseries or garden centers in search of the perfect indoor plants. With the rise of online shopping platforms in New Zealand, plant enthusiasts can now explore a wide selection of Calathea indoor plants from the comfort of their homes. Online plant stores offer a convenient and hassle-free shopping experience, allowing customers to browse through various Calathea varieties, compare prices, and read reviews before making a purchase.
Care Tips and Guidance
While Calathea plants are prized for their beauty, they require specific care to thrive indoors. Online plant stores in NZ often provide valuable care tips and guidance to help customers nurture their Calathea plants successfully. From lighting and watering requirements to humidity preferences and pest control measures, these resources empower customers to create optimal growing conditions for their Calathea plants and ensure long-term health and vitality.
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houseplantsplus · 2 years
Explore our online nursery to buy the best indoor and orchid plants. Here at Houseplants Plus, the finest potted and indoor plants for those who prefer fast and safe delivery. Browse our plants online, including calathea zebrina, and calathea orbifolia in Werribee.
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jardineriaon · 5 months
Calathea zebrina. Cómo aportarle los mejores cuidados
La calathea es una de las plantas más hermosas que existen. La característica de que sea una planta en movimiento,... http://dlvr.it/T5nnsR
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giardinoweb · 7 months
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ganonscastle · 9 months
plant rambling...........
just learned triostar stromanthe plants are prayer plants waaughhh that makes me feel so much better about killing mine.......I took a shot at a zebrina calathea a little while ago cause it was just so pretty even tho I knew they're kind of temperamental.......and then that one died and I was like ok that's okay because that was like a 50% chance it would die or live. and then I got my triostar and it started dying too and I was?????? Am I just killing all my plants now???? cause I already kinda felt a little overwhelmed with all the plants I have to repot and cutting I have to put in soil and I was like ok well I guess all my plants are just gonna die a slow death. but now that I know my triostar is a calathea too I feel soooo much better about my plant parenting skills......I guess calatheas are just not for me LOL but I will still thrive in my pothos and alocasia world :)
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meuverdejardim · 2 years
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