#epipremnum glacier
prayerplanthoarder · 1 year
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Some kinda random plant update since the move! Most of the plants are doing spectacular with the higher humidity, I'll probably have an easier time with pests (thrips in particular, haven't had many problems with others). However, I just decided to throw away my spider plant because of exactly this problem 😩 it still harboured some and I'm not feeling like taking chances with that anymore. Will have to treat all the plants anyway just to make sure.
There are a few additions like a couple of really cheap Epipremnum pinnatum variegatas I found in a local hardware store, which I'm hoping to cultivate the few nicely variegated vines to make a plant with overall higher variegation than the originals. Also I found a baby Calathea zebrina, which of course had to come too, especially since all my calatheas died when I couldn't treat the last thrips problem in the old apartment (and I actually prefer the little baby ones anyway). Then I got gifted a Pilea peperomioides a while ago and I'm curious to see how that will do in my care (currently it's in thrips jail, although I think the ones I found on there were just wanderers from the spider plant directly above it). Yesterday I found a baby Philodendron White Princess for really cheap (not even 5€) and it was so pretty that I picked it up. Hopefully it'll do better than the other Philodendrons up until now 😅 but the higher humidity should help, so I think it does have a chance?
Other than that I'll probably sell a few cuttings here and there, especially since I had to/ wanted to snip a couple plants here and there either because they needed it or because I wanted to make them more bushy, so there should be a few extras some time down the road that I just don't have the space for long term. Hopefully they'll sell better than my art 🤣 which would be cool and so sad at the same time lol.
The Monstera albo finally has started to root nicely and also pushed out a new leaf already, which gives me hope it'll do well here. It did give me a good scare when the oldest leaves started getting yellow/ brown at the tips/ rims before the newest leaf came out. I still hope it's going to change it's mind about the too much white here and too much green there tendencies, though...
All in all, I'm pretty happy with how things are going currently! ❤️
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megansplants · 7 years
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Glacier Pothos (Epipremnum aureum)
I started this variety from a clipping I took from a hotel in Minneapolis during my summer road trip in May. Such a lovely color addition to my collection!
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houseplantjournal · 7 years
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Let's look at some Epipremnum varieties (commonly called Pothos; clockwise from the top): neon, glacier (observe the dots on the white spaces), n'joy (no dots on white spaces), marble queen, golden, and in the middle is a pure green sport that reverted from the marble queen - I made cuttings and put them together #pothos #variety #epipremnum
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aaronapsley · 8 years
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It may be cheating to post these for #monsteramonday but since they are close botanical relatives I was inspired to do some Pothos watercolor leaf studies. (No room for a Monstera plant in my tiny apartment!) 'Pothos' is not the true scientific name of these common houseplants - from left to right: Epipremnum aureum 'Glacier', Epipremnum aureum, and Scindapsus pictus. #pothos #watercolor
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prayerplanthoarder · 1 year
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Idk, but I'm seriously beginning to get convinced that the Glacier pothos may actually exist? And that what I've always thought to be an N'Joy may actually be a Glacier? 🤔 What mostly strikes me as different is the pattern of the variegation when I compare it to my Pearls & Jade (since it seems that this is almost identical to the N'Joy pattern-wise from what I understand, except for the speckling in the green parts).
First of all, the P&J has overall much more white, and the white does seem to have a lot more tendency to reach the edge of the leaf. Whereas the Glacier seems to have more tendency to have the white in a more narrow, stripey pattern, and most of the leaves that seem to have the white reach the edge doesn't actually reach the edge, because there's a very thin border of green there in about 95% of the leaves where the white reaches the edge (of course each plant can have each type of pattern in individual leaves, but generally speaking this seems to be true). Glacier is said to sometimes produce marbling in the white (and mine very much does in some places), but when the N'Joy originated from the Marble Queen I don't see a reason why the N'Joy couldn't have marbling too tbh.
Edit: swapped the picture below for a better example. Also apparently the variegation in the Glacier has more differently spread layers, which creates many areas of several different shades between the white and darkest green, whereas the variegation of the N'Joy has less of that and more evenly spread layers, so that it's more of just white and green with less of the many different shades.
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I can't really talk about the other features that are supposed to distinguish both versions like leaf size, texture, speed of growth and growth pattern, but just from the variegation pattern alone I'm beginning to think the Glacier actually is distinct from the N'Joy. I always kind of thought it was just a naming thing, but idk 🤔 It's interesting either way!
Of course, this could potentially be a lighting thing, too, so maybe I'll to do an experiment...
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prayerplanthoarder · 2 months
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One of my baby Manjulas has made a really funky leaf 😂 It's like a second leaf merged with the first one?? Couldn't bring myself to give it away after this so I took it off the sales list asap to keep it.
Also the 3 bbs below are moving to a new home tomorrow and this makes me so happy 🥰✨ More space means making more plant bbs!! 💚💚💕 Also I love these, they're so beautiful and I hope everyone can have such beautiful plant kiddos in their lives too 😍❤️
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prayerplanthoarder · 3 months
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Do I have a pothos problem or
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prayerplanthoarder · 1 year
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N'Joy and Glacier pothos, respectively.
Or: still trying to figure out if Glacier is actually a thing or not 😂 I'm still waiting for the N'Joy to grow out much more in my conditions, but once in a while I'm comparing the leaf patterns of both.
For reference, I put the Glacier into the shadiest spot at a shaded south facing window, and because the N'Joy went very green when I had it at my desk very near the Glacier I then put it at the periphery of a 20-25W or something grow light. Both seem to like their lighting conditions, but I think the grow light provides more light than the window. I'd thought it would be the other way around but at least my luxmeter app says otherwise 😅 Maybe I'll put cuttings of both in one single pot for a more accurate comparison at some point, but right now I'm happy to just let them do their thing.
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prayerplanthoarder · 11 months
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Some random updates:
a while ago I removed one of my rhaphi.tetra.s from their pole and pot because it had some root issues and was basically dying (and the moss was molding when I kept it wet so I mostly stopped watering the pole). It's now rooting beautifully in the exact same moss in a prop box and weirdly enough there's no issues with mold?? Not sure what I'm going to do with it once it has enough roots, but it kinda would be a waste to not put it on a pole again.
Monstera albo's newest leaf turned out so beautiful and perfect 😭💕 Possibly a tad bit smaller than the previous one, but who cares. Please make more such leaves, I'm so much in love! Also no splits again, but I don't care as long as the leaves have beautiful patterns.
Had this new Philo. Silver Sword in a prop box for 3 weeks and it went crazy with the aerial roots. Like the Rhaphis above I thought it was a waste not to utilize them, so I put moss around them so they wouldn't die back in normal room humidity. Also not sure where this is supposed to be going but... XD
Just some random pics of the most recent Global Green growth because it's so beautiful and perfect ❤️❤️❤️ Maybe it really does better in a less sunny space. Also those leaves have sized up a bit, which is awesome.
N'Joy pothos so far seems to want to turn into a Glacier and it's kinda disappointing? 😂 I would've loved to have a proper N'Joy. Maybe I need to find a spot with different lighting for it. May have to experiment... I should take cuttings to do that more efficiently. Maybe put labeled Glacier cuttings together with N'Joy ones for maximum efficiency.
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prayerplanthoarder · 2 months
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I may have gotten my hands at some more pothos varieties...
Jessenia, Marble Green/ Victory/ Jungle Star/ Camouflage/ Camo (probably going with Victory... this cultivar has WAY too many names lol), Emerald (at least I hope it's actually an Emerald, it's a little hard to see and currently it looks a lot like Global Green, but it could have been just the lighting it was in), a very high variegated Golden, and something declared as 'genuine Glacier'. The last one I just got because I wanted to see if it was any different compared to my Glacier/N'Joy once it grows out a little, so I'm very curious about that. So happy about them, though! Even though the Emerald came with a live thrip and thrip poop on one leaf, but I immediately sprayed it with alcohol and they're sitting in quarantine for the next 2 weeks anyway. Can't wait for all of them to grow out!! 🌱🌿✨
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prayerplanthoarder · 3 years
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Everyone grows so beautifully 💚💚💚
I'm really impressed with the marantas, I didn't expect them to take off so much right from the start. Especially the lemon lime, it arrived with 7,5 leaves 3 weeks ago and is at 10,5 leaves right now, which is just crazy. The variegated and regular kerchoveanas are really putting in some hard work too! The rhaphi cuttings are busy rooting in water now, as there were things growing in the moss that I didn't like and some cuttings were starting to rot in leca. Water so far works beautifully, though. The ZZ Raven hasn't been growing yet for me, so I decided to move it to a slightly brighter location. We'll see if that changes anything.
Not pictured here, but still updates:
Next week I'm going to plant the pothos cuttings into soil (if I get to it, but it should be quick work). Then I changed my maiden hair fern from inside the shelf to the outside in a makramee hanger, because it started to look funny and obviously wanted a little bit more light than what reached into the shelf from the north facing window. Not sure if it won't block too much light for the plants still inside the shelf (it has LARGE beautiful fronds!), maybe I'll have to figure something out for them later if it doesn't work for them. I'd put a grow light there, but there's no electricity anywhere near, so that'd be a real challenge. 😅 Anyway, the N'Joy pothos that had been in that makramee hanger now lives on the stand with the other pothos. There should be enough light for it, hopefully not too much (it's near a south facing window), but we'll see how it likes that place.
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prayerplanthoarder · 5 years
Plant list
A list of all the different plants I currently own or have owned in the past couple of years.
Current count (Oct ‘23): 45 different species/ cultivars
Adiantum raddianum https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/adiantum
Aloe aristata ‘Cosmo’
Calathea bicajoux 'Gecko' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20bicajoux%20gecko Calathea 'Freddie' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20freddie Calathea lancifolia Calathea leopardina https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20leopardina Calathea lietzei https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20lietzei Calathea lietzei 'Fusion White' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20fusion%20white Calathea louisae 'Maui Queen' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20maui%20queen Calathea louisae ‘Misto’ Calathea louisae ‘Thai Beauty’ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20thai%20beauty Calathea makoyana https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20makoyana Calathea musaica 'Network' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20musaica%20network Calathea picturata https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20picturata Calathea picturata crimson OR roseopicta rosy https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/calathea%20picturata%20crimson Calathea rufibarba Calathea warscewiczii Calathe White Star Calathea zebrina
Callisia repens ‘Bianca‘
Carmona microphylla
Ceropegia woodii https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ceropegia%20woodii
Chlorophytum comosum 'vittatum' Chlorophytum comosum 'Ocean'
Cordyline terminalis 'Firebrand'? Cordyline terminalis 'Kiwi'?
Codiaeum variegatum 'Curley Boy'
Coffea arabica
Crassula ovata
Ctenanthe burle-marxii https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ctenanthe%20burle%20marxii Ctenanthe burle-marxii 'Amagris' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ctenanthe%20burle%20marxii%20amagris Ctenanthe lubbersiana/ pilosa 'Golden Mosaic' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ctenanthe%20golden%20mosaic
Dendrobium ‘Berry Oda‘
Disocactus ackermannii
Dracaena fragrans 'compacta' Dracaena fragrans 'Golden Coast' Dracaena fragrans 'Jade Jewel' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/dracaena-fragrans%20jade%20jewel Dracaena fragrans 'Lemon lime' Dracaena fragrans 'Malaika’
Dracaena sanderiana ‘??’ (a variegated one)
Epipremnum aureum 'Golden' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/golden%20pothos Epipremnum aureum ‘Pearls & Jade’ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/pearls%20and%20jade%20pothos Epipremnum aureum ‘Manjula’ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/epipremnum%20manjula Epipremnum aureum 'Marble Queen' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/epipremnum%20marble%20queen Epipremnum aureum 'Neon' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/neon%20pothos Epipremnum aureum 'N'Joy' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/epipremnum%20n%27-joy Epipremnum aureum 'Global Green' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/global%20green%20pothos Epipremnum aureum 'Glacier' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/glacier%20pothos Epipremnum aureum 'Jade' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/jade%20pothos
Epipremnum pinnatum ‘variegata‘ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/epipremnum%20pinnatum%20variegata
Fatshedera lizei 'Annemieke' ('aurea maculata')
Ficus benjamina (the regular green one - only kept the one with a white sport) https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ficus%20benjamina Ficus benjamina 'Anastasia' Ficus benjamina 'Danielle' Ficus benjamina 'Natasja' Ficus benjamina 'Kinky' Ficus benjamina ‘Twilight‘ or ‘Starlight‘ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/ficus%20benjamina%20twilight
Ficus elastica 'Tineke' Ficus elastica 'Burgundy'
Hedera helix 'Variegata'
Hibiscus rosa sinensis Hibiscus rosa sinensis 'variegata'
Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoveana https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/maranta%20leuconeura%20var%20kerchoveana Maranta leuconeura var. kerchoveana variegata https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/maranta%20leuconeura%20var%20kerchoveana%20variegata Maranta leuconeura 'Lemon Lime' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/maranta%20leuconeura%20lemon%20lime
Monstera adansonii Monstera deliciosa Monstera deliciosa ‘Albo variegata’ https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/monstera%20albo
Peperomia caperata 'Rosso' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/peperomia%20caperata%20rosso Peperomia caperata 'Napoli Nights'
Phalaenopsis (a mini one)
Philodendron erubescens 'Pink Princess' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/philodendron%20pink%20princess Philodendron erubescens 'White Princess' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/philodendron%20white%20princess
Philodendron hastatum https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/philodendron%20hastatum
Philodendron hederaceum 'Micans' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/philodedendron%20micans
Phlebodium aureum
Pilea cadierei 'minima' Pilea peperomioides
Polystichum sus-simense
Rhaphidophora tetrasperma https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/rhaphidophora%20tetrasperma
Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Black Prince' Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Campfire' ?? Solenostemon scutellarioides 'FlameThrower™ Chili Pepper' ? Solenostemon scutellarioides ‘5th Avenue’/ 'Chocolate Covered Cherry'/ ... ?? Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Wizard Mosaic' Solenostemon scutellarioides 'Electric Lime'
Stromanthe thalia https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/stromanthe%20thalia Stromanthe thalia 'Triostar' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/stromanthe%20sanguinea%20triostar
Syngonium erythrophyllum https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/syngonium%20erythrophyllum
Syngonium podophyllum 'Albo variegata' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/syngonium-albo
Tradescantia zebrina Tradescantia zebrina 'purpusii'
Zamioculcas zamiifolia https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/zz%20plant Zamioculcas zamiifolia 'Raven' https://prayerplanthoarder.tumblr.com/tagged/zz%20plant%20raven
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