#ahahah... that's fine.... 😬
blujayonthewing ¡ 2 years
..... not me realizing almost none of my characters have anyone they feel like they can talk to and confide in about their own problems.....
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somber-sapphic ¡ 1 year
Hi :) 🌸 I just wanted to reply to what you said- it’s totally fine, you have a life and things to do it’s completely okay! And pls what I said, that was about half of what I wanted to say I just didn’t want to overwhelm you and the page ahaha. So I’d like to express again of how grateful I am as a reader as I guarantee you majority of the others feel the same. And as a sicfic fanatic, people who like to make themselves unnecessarily known about disliking ur writing and being general dicks, can not so kindly fuck off🥴 seriously tho, I am so appreciative, whenever I’m feeling down or literally anything I turn to your stories because they just make me feel happy and sorry idk if I can express my gratitude but fucking thank you thank you thank you <3 don’t stop writing, I might be slightly biased but your writing is superb😭 but really as long your happy doing what you do and you don’t feel pressured or obligated to, keep doing it cuz ur good at what you do fr, like you ONLY write sicfics? Well thank fuck because we need it. And thanks ahahah I’m a bit obscene myself🤭 and on a side note I’m curious, is there anything you like to write specifically when it comes to sicfics or you’ll write whatever? And am I allowed to request multiple things cuz idk if I mentioned before but I love ur writing ahahah I just don’t want to be ‘this person again😬’ u know. Ohmygod sorry I’m rambling and this is really fucking long but thank you again, and take care of yourself <33🌸
🌸, if I could give you a hug I would be giving you a hug. Or, if you don't like hugging, a fist bump. I will say that the thing I posted wasn't said to me, but I have gotten similar messages and damn, its annoying.
As for what I'll write, I'll do just about anything but vomit. You want some stabbings? I'll do that too! Just no stomach stuff because mine gives me enough trouble as it is :,).
Of course you can request multiple things!! Request as much as you want, please, I love it! Just know that it might take me time to get to all of them, but I would honestly love that!
You will NEVER be 'this person' because I love hearing from you and from anyone who cares enough to send me things like this! I've had a not so great day but this made it so much better!
Please feel free to keep sending me stuff, as I said, it makes me super happy! Have a wonderful rest of your day and don't forget to hydrate!
(this goes for everyone, hydrate you fools. now.)
Love you!! <3
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riverstardis ¡ 2 years
“dylan you’re only doing a bit of locuming it’s not like you’re being sectioned” “okay okay i’ll do it for dervla” SKDKFKF
big mac’s first shift back in the ed
a woman setting a fire in an immigration removal centre
robyn being big mac’s mentor sjskdkfk
dixie calling iain jeff💔
a man asking dixie to help him die
LMAOO ethan trying to introduce himself to dylan and dylan interrupts him when he’s barely said anything and goes “i’m guessing you’re dr hardy” “assuming from what?” “just something zoe said” and ethan goes “oh” and smiles but then thinks about it like wait…
thinking about dylan saying he’d known ethan for 10 years lol ik he was either exaggerating for effect or just couldn’t be bothered to figure out the exact number of years but still sjskdkd
wait the person who started the fire is meant to be 18?? she looks older ngl
is max jealous of dylan sjskdkfk
AHAHAH THIS SCENE ethan: “this may be a bit sensitive but i need to ask about your periods, are they normal?” the girl nods. ethan: “are you sexually active?” girl: “what?! i’m like 14” her mum: “were you at that age?” ethan: “oh heavens no, i found girls utterly terrifying” rita: “think he still does”
can you believe this man now has a child. like, actual real life proof that he pulled😭😭
i think lily approves of dylan’s methods
ash getting angry at the girl for refusing surgery because she’s a jehovah’s witness
grace has been suspended from her new school lmao
“i thought you liked this kind of stuff, ethan, medical mystery”
LMAO dylan calling connie connie and her correcting him to mrs beauchamp and he looks surprised
she’s asked him to help ethan with his teenage patient
omg ethan suggesting coeliac disease as a possible diagnosis!!
i’m still waiting for the day casualty does some proper coeliac representation though
lmaoo ethan’s so confused because dylan didn’t tell him that connie had asked him to help he just walked up and started asking him questions skskdkf
ash: “i can’t just stand there and wait for her to die” rita: “who? oh jehovah’s witness lady” ash: “it goes against everything i believe in” dylan: “how exactly?” ash: “doctors are supposed to save lives” dylan: “by respecting patient’s wishes” ash: “it’s not as simple as that” dylan: “no it’s very simple. if she’s asked you not to give her blood then you don’t do it” rita: “are you always this cut and dry?” dylan: “yes always” SJSKDNF DYLAN MY BELOVED
ash trying to give her blood by force “a friend of mine didn’t get chance to decide whether he lived or died so you don’t get to throw your life away”😬
he throws the bag of blood across resus and it splatters everywhere
connie telling him she’ll suspend him if he doesn’t go to counselling
the parallels between this scene where dylan goes ahead treating the girl based on his suspected diagnosis before the actual test results have come back and ethan being like but you can’t be sure but dylan’s willing to risk it and last week’s ep where dylan wanted to go ahead with whatever procedure they needed to do on robyn without a scan and ethan being like we don’t even know how big the clot is. glad to see nothing’s changed skskdk
ben harding
connie seeing how important the girl is to her mum and going to pick grace up
dixie scattering jeff’s ashes😢😢😢
dervla ate all the other dogs’ treats at daycare sjskdk good for her
lmaoo ethan, max, and rita talking about dylan. ethan: “i feel like i’ve been run over by a bus. do you think he’s always like that?” rita: “probably” max: “ah you’ll be fine, you just need to man up, mate”
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oblivioustinygay ¡ 2 years
Yesss I'm excited for you getting a new adventure cuz I know how much you like to travel 😊 any places in mind that you wanna visit already?
Bad times never last forever and sometimes we need them to grow into our new selves a bit, so it's fine, I always knew it was just a matter of time for thing to get back to awesome again.
The band name is RondĂŠ, and I don't usually pay attention to genre tbh, I'm a bit simple-minded when it comes to music hahaha I listen to it and if I like it, I like it.
About starting a bonsai, well, I'm figuring it out as I go 😂 usually I'd do countless research and take copious amount of notes to try and make it perfect, but I thought it'd be nice to know the basics and just go for it! I'll get a cute plant anyway so 😬 Also I had a great start of my day, so lemme share some of the specialy good vibes I got today 🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀🍀
Awww thank you 🥰 yeah so I'm moving to a new city in March, and I'm hoping to go to Spain for a few weeks around my birthday :D
That is a very true and a very real statement. Definitely have felt the same way recently but I'm so glad you're coming out on the other side. I love the way you view the world ☺️
Ooo I shall look them up!! Ahahah I feel that about music. Though I'll admit to being a little unsure about death metal or hard rap. But that's just me and my preferences :)
Hell yeah for a cute plant!! Ooo please keep me updated. I absolutely love this half winging it vibe :D
Awwwwww thank you!! I hope you've continue to had such an excellent day 🍀🍀🍀🍀
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nextinline-if ¡ 2 years
Demo Version 1.1 Updates
Hey, y'all! 🤓 I'm feeling better after my food poisoning. I just updated the demo. Now, the changes are kind of minor plus I had a really busy week at my life-sucking corporate job lol...sorry. Also, the saves are broken so...sorry again. The stats screen is still incomplete, but I hope to update it soon to accurately reflect characters and relationships. Here's the updated demo.
Uncategorized Updates:
Added a quick build so you can customize your character, answer key questions, and then skip forward (if you want - sorry again about the saves!!) it's a lot of questions though so BE WARNED and don't come at me ahahah...;
Added some new variables in coding to properly track super simps 😬 AKA flirt all you want <3 but be prepared...
Made some edits so MC isn't as teasing (you can still tease/banter, but I tried to give additional options when it felt natural to do so.)
Updated Oracle Davina's pronouns to "they/them". The Oracle is NB and the game will reflect that moving forward. They will obviously be a part of MC's journey in their own way since they oversee the blessing of the gods, so I look forward to further highlighting them in the game. This is a decision that I've been thinking about for a while and based on what I know about them as a character, it feels right. If you see an error when interacting with the Oracle that refers to them as "she/her" or has the wrong tenses, please let me know so I can fix it.
Prologue Part II Updates:
After selecting MCs birth name, you'll confirm if that's the name to be used or you can enter a new one;
Can now choose the family motto choice during Constantine's introduction scene while simultaneously setting touch-averse;
Anna will no longer slap MC on the back of the head during her introduction scene;
Added additional choice for reacting to the Anna/James moment;
Added additional pet names. Might be some special flavor text in the future depending on your pet and name combo!
Prologue Part III Updates:
Added additional customization options when preparing for the ball, specifically: added laurel crown option, hair type, and (optional) facial features (like, freckles, scars...); For customization, if you see an option missing (for example, a specific hair type or eye color) that you want, simply ask and I'll be happy to include it. I'm not purposely trying to leave any out;
Added an additional choice for responding to James when preparing to enter the ball;
Added additional choice for reacting to Vivian when showing up late to the ball;
Added a couple additional choices for interacting and/or reacting with F.
Added additional choice for Constantine's last scene at the ball. (When MC is interacting with James, Vivian, etc.)
Revised after-ball scene with Anna and MC. Additional choice has been added.
If there are any typos/errors, or game-breaking errors (sorry), let me know and I'll fix them as soon as I can. This isn't necessarily the last update to the demo as I have a few more places I can add some additional choices, including Chapter I, but those need some consideration first.
Quick note: Thank you for all the feedback on the demo. Please know, that it's perfectly acceptable to send me feedback that doesn't include praise, etc. Seriously! The only reason I was previously a bit sensitive to feedback is a.) this is the largest amount of people to ever look at my writing which brings a lot of anxiety and b.) some of the scenes were reported as triggering and I never want to trigger another person so I really hated that any of you experienced that! Again, feedback is fine, and don't feel like you need to do a praise sandwich to offer it. Thank you!!
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undiariocheparladime ¡ 2 years
Hai pianto? 😬
Ma no ahahah
Alla fine è stato sopportabile, dai
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