#ahh i love my precious moots 😌💞
not-your-damsel · 3 years
Upstairs Neighbor Wakes Me Up While She Gets ✨〜Reamed〜✨ Update
Bruh, lowkey why did that title start of sounding like a sleazy porno? I’m fucking dying of laughter omg 😭
So, as some of you may know, I was struggling with a sinus and ear infection, (I’m at the tail end of the ear one now, and my sinuses are so much better) and I happened to be woken up by my upstairs neighbor - cause someone was layin’ the pipe for her at like… something o’clock at night (can’t remember the exact time at this point) and I was like, 😵‍💫 “omg what the hell’s happening up there?!” My lovely friends @deleteddewewted, @literotica, and @blossominglark gave me advice and pepped me up on what to do so I cranked my music up on my Amazon echo dot since I couldn’t put earbuds in cause of my ear infection! 😭 Cause it’s like, bitch, if you’re gonna interrupt the more precious type of sleep I needed that night, the type that helps people start feeling better, you need to suffer too with the music I was recommended and know that I can hear you and whatever the hell that sound you’re making that’s trying to pass for a “moan”! 🤣 And just as I had predicted in one of those previous posts above, round 2 took place a bit before 3am, fml 🤦🏽‍♀️
why couldn’t I predict the lottery so I could finally buy the tiny house of my dreams and not have to ever worry about paying someone rent or a mortgage to anyone, just me and my Black Lab, Raven in our mini cottage 😮‍💨
Well, the next day she, called me and she was like, “Mar*… um, I’m so sorry if you heard what happened last night.” *another nickname for me btw. I was like, “Yeah, yeah I did and honestly, you gotta do what you gotta do but PLEASE try to remember next time. I wasn’t lying about me being able to hear everything once it’s at a certain level of volume!” We both had a good laugh about it and I explained to her that I’m in the process of trying to get better from my dual infection which made her apologize even more. All in all, we had a laugh and she understood and was truly, genuinely sorry about it. Also, I won’t lie, despite us laughing about it, that didn’t mean it was any less awkward to have the conversation.
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